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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 400x400, each human has different dna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1562669 No.1562669 [Reply] [Original]

How many parts out of seven can you last?

(I'm just starting number 6 right now, but I'm only holding on by a small amount hope that she might just shut up)

>> No.1562673
File: 42 KB, 400x300, 1276381227571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But it is indeed a rage machine.

>> No.1562688

Couldn't even make it past the first one.

I rage too easily.

>> No.1562692

That bint made me realise something.

I have a gland somewhere in my body that secretes massive amounts of rage inducing chemicals.

>> No.1562694

Not ever human has different DNA

case A) twins
case B) at least one pair of non blood related humans on planet earth has the same DNA.

>> No.1562698

Why does he bother interviewing her? Honestly? I mean like, he must have known nothing really productive was coming out of this discussion, why continue or why discuss in the first place? If I would be one of the people that say Dawkins is only preaching to the choir, I would definately use this interview to prove my point.
Any ideas?

>> No.1562703

Right. Your brain releases hormones

>> No.1562707


He's an expert troll who knew millions would rage.

>> No.1562710

I wanted to punch her. Especially when she would interrupt him WHILE HE'S ANSWERING HER QUESTION.

>> No.1562713

There are religious folk in the world who are pretty intelligent, I gues he assumed since she was a fairly high up person in her group she would have been fairly well educated.

But she's a yank so not a chance of that.

>> No.1562722

LOL dawkins seriously, its like going to fucking HIllywillybilly Alabama, and expect niggers will hold a rational conversation.

Theres one doc of dawkins, dont remember the name of it. where dawkins interview a theology professor from cambridge university, and he got royally owned.

>> No.1562726

On his death bed, he will probably say "I believed in God all the way, fuckwits" and cause quadrillions of atheist nerds on the internet to instantly explode
Is this video filmed by his own organisation? I imagine this to be a very perfidious plan to idolise himself by bashing obvious halfwits. Why does he bother? Just to "LOL LUK AT DAT YANK SHE SO DUMB, ROFL !" ?

>> No.1562727

btw that interview was not added to the doc, or at least not the parts were Dawkins looked like an idiot.

>> No.1562730
File: 16 KB, 381x400, 1257584717657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL OF MY FUCKING RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She must be trolling, oh god please, this is why I hate america

>> No.1562731

I would appreciate that video greatly.
>going to fucking HIllywillybilly Alabama, and expect niggers will hold a rational conversation.


>> No.1562734

ill look it up just for you

>> No.1562735

Obviously not. I think "Richard Dawkins" has become more of a business for atheist nerds than a "rational oasis" as his website promises. It's advertising a person.

>> No.1562739


Well not all twins, or even most, have identical DNA; but I assume you just stating that that is where it is most likely to happen.

Here is the meme generator: http://m3m3g3n3r4t0r (DOT) net/Ignorant-know-nothing-brat?templateID=115388
[Replace the numbers with the correct letters]

Fun fact: Richard Dawkins coined the term 'meme'.

>> No.1562740

Why did he interview her? I thought Dawkins didn't want to debate creationists because it would make their bullshit respectable.

>> No.1562742
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>> No.1562743


>> No.1562747

>However, Alister McGrath, a Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford University, was interviewed for the program, but was not included in the documentary.[12] McGrath claimed to have made Dawkins "appear uncomfortable" with his explanations of religious belief and the implication, made by McGrath, was that Dawkins's program showed journalistic dishonesty. In a lecture at City Church of San Francisco McGrath said that his interview was cut because he said things that did not promote the message that Dawkins and the producers wanted to get across.[13] The McGrath interview, together with other interviews not shown in the program "The Root of All Evil?", was released in the DVD "Root of All Evil? The Uncut Inverviews"

>> No.1562748
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pic related

>> No.1562749


>> No.1562750

I was a great Dawkins fan a few years ago after I read his "God Delusion" and, while I agree with many things he says, I cannot understand the way he argues with people. He must have known, if he's as intelligent as everyone says, that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING productive to the benefit of both discussing people may come out of this instead of another creationist halfwit the internet is making fun of while idolising Dawkins to be the ultimate atheist hero.

>> No.1562752

Great. Thanks.

>> No.1562753
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people like that still exist?

>> No.1562755
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Jesus fucking Christ.
>Dawkins tells her about bones of Homo Erectus, Neolythicus, etc.
>"You're still lacking the evidence"

>> No.1562758


>> No.1562761

Americans are pretty cool.

>> No.1562765
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>> No.1562767


>> No.1562770
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I'd fuck her when she was 16-30
she must have been hot as fuck.

>> No.1562776
File: 46 KB, 491x324, You dense motherfucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw implying anyone in alabama can hold a rational conversation.

>> No.1562789

>creationist talks about evolution not having any physical evidence but drawings

>> No.1562791

Do you have pics?

>> No.1562793

>she must have been hot as fuck.
>any pics?

Fuck me son you just went full retard.

never go full retard.

>> No.1562796

If you really want to rage, look around here


>> No.1562810

This is so funny.

I want to overlay a laugh track onto this. It would fit.

>> No.1562817
File: 47 KB, 419x333, 1280862944302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawkins Problem is that he in fact is not able to teach anything. He is just "HURR IM SO SMART UR SO DUMB" and she is like "UR SO EVOLUTION IM SO GAWD"

When she talked about how every human has distinct DNA and that this refutes the common DNA thing, he should instead of just talking stuff about Australophiteci talked to her about how big a human genome is and what is meant by "similar" and "distinct" in this two cases of "similar to chimpanzee genome" and "distinguish two humans."

>> No.1562819

I'd fuck her now.

>> No.1562821

I kind of understand religious people who believe in whatever god or gods they believe in, but I cannot for the life of me understand how people such as creationists have the ability to completely ignore proven facts and believe their no proof bullshit.

I made it to 3:30ish before I stopped myself from yelling at my monitor.

>> No.1562824

>When she talked about how every human has distinct DNA and that this refutes the common DNA thing, he should instead of just talking stuff about Australophiteci talked to her about how big a human genome is and what is meant by "similar" and "distinct" in this two cases of "similar to chimpanzee genome" and "distinguish two humans."

>> No.1562833

"I want to stab her in the face with a Fossil."

>> No.1562834

I agree, I often find Dawkins' often misses the best possible rebuttals when he puts himself in these situations.

Hitchens often does hit the nail on the head in his debates, though, and I think hes just about the best out there.

>> No.1562835

Couldn't get through the first video.
Shit. How does Dawkins put up with her for that long?

>> No.1562850

>>1562817 continued

Btw. she is asking about missing evidence and that we should present her something in a museum and Dawkins only talks about ancestral humans and "beautiful hierarchies"

Instead he could have talked about something different, like closely related plants like Ononis spinosa and Ononis repens, since these plants often interbred and are very very similar to each other yet are distinguishable as different species.
If now all species are created completely distinct from each ofter, interbreeding between species would not happen.

This is just ONE example how outtaking her arguments about missing evidence, actually he could have explained to her what a species is and what the term "species" means.


tl;dr: Dawkins is an idiot who is only interested in enlarging his atheist cojones

>> No.1562852

>and I think hes just about the best out there.

hopefully he will be for alot longer

>> No.1562856

I wonder if she has a hot daughter. I was quite taken by her over-sized, slightly cross eyes and blond hair.

>> No.1562858

I watched this entire video a while back. It completely removed any thought of Dawkins being strident etc. as he is far, FAR more patient than I would have been.

>> No.1562859
File: 21 KB, 494x400, 1274990858047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems to me that he has no intention in correcting or teaching her (which is the better approach imo) but only wants to bash the shit out of her

>> No.1562860


I will try and give an example using numbers 1-4 as DNA sequences (which is obviously not to scale or precise)

Human #1 DNA: 11122233344411122233344[4]
Human #2 DNA: 11122233344411122233344[1]
[They are similar, yet distinguishable]

Chimpanzee DNA: 111222333444111222[222111]
[The chimpanzee and the human DNA are still similar]

Correct me if I'm wrong, >>1562817

>> No.1562863

Is this her? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Wright
>Wendy Alane Wright (born Sept 6, 1966 in Buffalo, New York) is a multi-racial singer; and daughter of author W.D. Wright (Crisis of the Black Intellectual, Racism Matters, Black Intellectuals, Black Cognition and a Black Aesthetic).

>> No.1562865

these are great. pure greatness.

>> No.1562866
File: 88 KB, 679x427, justreölx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats what I meant.
My english is terrible, forgive me.

>> No.1562868

No, no, I meant that his grammar didn't make sense.

>> No.1562870

Thanks for the explanation anyway, though. It was nonetheless useful.

>> No.1562881


I do love though how she completely ignores what he is saying and just picks up some words and uses them to argue his opinion.

>> No.1562883
File: 24 KB, 425x315, defensive man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with you, but not on the "idiot" part.
One cannot know it all and be expected to be able to argue a specific detail in a manner that is easily comprehended without prior thought, which he didn't have.

>> No.1562893
File: 9 KB, 126x79, best comeback on k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EDIT: I didn't mean to imply that Dawkins knows it all, but he knows a lot; and I was just making an analogy (correct diction?)

>> No.1562894

That's why arguing on the Internet is so much better. You have time to actually think your arguments through.

Also you can troll youtube which is always fun.

>> No.1562904
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1274991014377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He has a PhD in Biology if I'm correct and also worked as a docent for zoology, so he should be able and willing to teach her the basics to understand the topic, because it is necessary for a discussion to be at least be generally informed about the topic. Yet he only talks about "fact is fact and its a beautiful hierarchy and you just dont understand." Of course she does not understand, but he makes no attempt in changing that situation.

>> No.1562919

Raging hard here, boys. Raging hard.

>> No.1562927

why does this woman emphasize the last syllable of every word she uses?

>> No.1562930
File: 218 KB, 842x451, 1272788203530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ... How can anyone be THIS stupid?

>> No.1562931

Why should he spend his time educating a woman who simply doesn't listen? If you watch all of the videos it becomes clear that despite his relatively reasoned argument, she simply doesn't want to know. She's not looking for answers or truth, she's looking for reaffirmation of her beliefs.

Have you ever argued with someone who strongly believed in an irrational yet irrefutable belief? Despite how stupid their belief is, they aren't looking for you to show them the truth. They're looking for you to make a mistake so that they can focus on that one weak argument to avoid arguing your stronger points (attacking the metaphorical "straw man").

>> No.1562933

Raged hardcore.

>> No.1562937
File: 86 KB, 748x400, derps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah a classic, op

Love the part where she calls him close minded hahaha.

ah I want to punch this bitch square in her elephant seal face

pic related, her transitional proto form

>> No.1562949

"lol no evidence of a mammal evolving into a bird!"

an heroed

>> No.1562959


>> No.1562960

wait each one of these is 10 minutes? Shit. I don't have that kind of time.

>> No.1562962

did she seriously just say that evolutionists kill babies?

>> No.1562963
File: 299 KB, 626x340, loltrollan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this bitch is the ultimate troll, or she is the stupidest fuckwit on the face of the planet.

>> No.1562966
File: 20 KB, 522x399, 1274991384664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I fortunately hardly have to argue with such persons, but If I were to talk to her, I would propably start with asking her if she is informed about what she wants to talk about. If she is not, I am going to ask her If she wants to be corrected, if she starts butthurting I would propably leave.

Of course she has no intention to argue on a high level, instead she talks about spirits and mentally disabled children and wants him to look like a infanticide-favouring person, but his intentions are pretty similar.

But if I'm honest, the farther I watch this interview the more I want to punch her.

>> No.1562967

I'm an atheist, and I've heard plenty of atheists and theists alike who suck cock at debate. She doesn't represent Christianity as much as poor education. (inb4 'same thing')

>> No.1562961 [DELETED] 

This is why people hate atheists. Arrange an interview and then use the opportunity to just argue.

>> No.1562969

A better question, actually, might be "why the fuck isn't she in the kitchen?"

>> No.1562981

there's no evidence, there's no evidence lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

>> No.1562984
File: 9 KB, 252x159, 1274991913721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf man, she is pulling that story of her going to jail for praying right out of her ass and lies without making a face.

>> No.1562994
File: 10 KB, 249x202, stupidshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me now.

>> No.1563015

He does ask her at some point if she actually knows the evolution theory. Her reply is that she "knows enough".

By saying she "knows enough" she projects herself as having adequate knowledge of the subject at hand to argue about it, but she gives herself an escape route should he find something she doesn't know -- had she said "yes, I understand the theory completely" he could have come up with some question about it that she obviously doesn't know. With her response she can shrug it off saying "well I don't know about that, but..." whereas had she claimed that she understands evolution completely, then after asking a simple question that she gets wrong he could have simply said "Well, you clearly don't have a clue what you're arguing about".

I think it's pretty obvious, though, that she hasn't studied evolution outside of school if at all.

>> No.1563045

richard dawkins isn't the best at arguing his point
he allows people to say something then never refutes or shows the flaw in their logic

lol at how she dismisses evidence for evolution because she only saw drawings at the smithsonian

>> No.1563056

That's not lack of arguing skill, that's politeness. I think he also knows that regardless of how much and how well he refutes her fallacious arguments, she won't drop them.

Besides, if he used a bunch of underhand techniques like quote mining (which, ironically, is something creationists often use (case in point, jewtubes user "shockofgod"'s "Santa Syndrome case #43" video)) then she could just say "Look at this asshole! He clearly puts more effort into insults and underhand tactics than he puts into arguing properly!"

>> No.1563062

>implying anyone would want that wildabeast as a wife

>> No.1563085

This same woman was on Chris Matthews MSNBC program the other day talking about why homosexuals shouldn't get married.

Her argument was that "it will teach our children that it is okay" and therefore it is not okay. Lol.

>> No.1563126
File: 48 KB, 439x322, skeleton[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made it halfway through the second vid

i lost right after she dismissed his explanation of human evolution through various stages because there was "no evidence in the museums"

pic related, it's skeletal evidence that "doesn't exist" in museums

>> No.1563131
File: 77 KB, 620x520, rage face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1563149

I only made it to 20 secs.

Dawkins - Hello, where shall we sit?
Lady (looks at table next to dawkins) - how about here?
Dawkins - ok.

Dawkins is such a dick.

>> No.1563163

i don't get the hole gay marriage thing. what does the government have to do with marriage? All it does is civil unions. Isn't marriage a religious thing?

>> No.1563166

54 seconds.

"A loving creator"...

For the love of Darwin, someone end this woman.

>> No.1563188


OH SHI--, I'm gonna do this.

>> No.1563200

i give up. i made it halfway through part 3.

>her condescending laugh
>her unbelievable ignorance of any idea of science

anyone who made it past part 3 you an unimaginable amount of willpower.

>> No.1563204

I hate that woman. Not knowing is one thing, but willful ignorance is another.

Its times like these I respect Dawkins for not flipping a switch and just saying how dumb her arguments sound, and respond in a calm rational logical manner.

I also kinda agree with this policy of debate and argument. just because its someone's belief doesn't mean its automatically irrefutable for argument. If someone beleived that a giant turtle god created the world and the moon is its shell, that guy needs to be smacked

>> No.1563215

>If someone beleived that a giant turtle god created the world and the moon is its shell, that guy needs to be smacked

Actually, the earth IS the turtles shell. lrn2metaphor

>> No.1563218

I watched the whole thing while high some time ago.

The RAGE was there but I managed to tame it.

>> No.1563232

Why do people always say "needs to be"? For example, when dealing with moralfags after posting shoveldog.gif on some unrelated forums, why do they always respond with "you need to die" or some variation thereof?

>> No.1563235

Expressing disgust through verbs is a much more active action than a passive insult.

>> No.1563243
File: 142 KB, 800x600, house religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys ever get the chance, read "The Language of God" by Francis Collins. He worked on the human genome project and claims god exists because "lol we r 2 complicated its so hard 2 make a human."

>> No.1563251

Ah, Wendy Wright.

/sci/ has finally found her. I was afraid of what would happen when they day came...

ITT: Billions of /sci/borgs world-wide become point sources of rage radiation, causing spontaneous pair production.

>> No.1563253


a very famous case of cognitive dissonance

>> No.1563256

The bitch couldn't even find a decent place to debate.. she fucking took him to her lame as desk instead of of forum w/spectators or in a public park.

Dawkings is then punching bellow his weight.

>> No.1563262

I watched it all a while back.
To me, they're both annoying. One can't stop pointing towards museums and the other can't stop SMILING and saying HURR DURR JESUS DID IT.

>> No.1563264

Regardless, there's a difference between "I want to cause you physical harm because you have caused undue physical harm to some[one,thing]" and "you need to die". The former implies that it is the poster who wants to cause harm, that they are so angered by your having posted the .gif image that they are moved to attack you. The latter is rather lazy: "You need to die" doesn't mean "I am going to kill you", it means "you must no longer live". It's almost as if they expect someone else to do it.

That's not to say that the former is any less hilarious to read when some dumbfag spouts it at you after you post a .gif that's been around for months, possibly longer, and assumes that you made it yourself.

>> No.1563267
File: 22 KB, 400x427, stupid-ugly-hippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are right-wong women so much more attractive than their liberal counterparts?

>> No.1563270

I made it about 3 minutes into the first video before I felt my brain starting to boil from the stupidity.

>> No.1563274

this woman is such a fucking dumb bitch! She thinks she knows everything. "DNA IS NOT EVIDENCE! ALL SCIENTISTS ARE WRONG!" Prove it bitch

>> No.1563279

I FUCKING hate how she says creator

>> No.1563283

Isn't that the entire basis of her argument: "You can't prove it it's not true. No I can't prove god and jesus exist[ed] but that doesn't matter because I will herp with them in heaven"?

>> No.1563286

This is like Einstein discussing special relativity with snoop dog.

>> No.1563293

>Implying Snoop Dogg isn't a quantum physicist

>> No.1563302

I like how Dawking tries to keep it civil, yet the, erm, woman, is cynical all the way.

>> No.1563312

That laugh is so FUCKING annoying.

She should apply for a Darwin award.

>> No.1563322

Going through the second video, finally Dawkins man'd up and told the bitch she kept repeating bull.


>> No.1563333

In related news, Christopher Hitchens has cancer. Fuck.


>> No.1563343

My biggest problem with this from what I remember is that she uses the argument that telling people they evolved made them become immoral and do bad things which is irrelevant as to whether we evolved or not

>> No.1563357

the end will make you rage


>> No.1563369

Anyone else here embarrassed to be in a Republican state? I'm in Texas and I fucking hate the political representation here.

>> No.1563378


I love that brown haired girl. Such a sexy accent.

>> No.1563387

oh god. i lol'd so hard.

>> No.1563395


thats god punishing him for being evil

>> No.1563405

>How can an African american person evolve from a white person, they have different skin
I can't stop laughing. All are rednecks this stupid?

>> No.1563428

yes, all americans are stupid.

>> No.1563432
File: 12 KB, 707x228, computersmack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1563440
File: 109 KB, 476x600, 1280862742613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I broke my hand when I punched the wall.

If there ever was a reason to support euthanization or sterilization, this women is it.

>> No.1563446

Who is she?

>> No.1563454


This was from Enemies of Reason

thats why hes interviewing particulary dumb people who cant reason

>> No.1563467

watched the whole thing a while back

shes dumb as fuck...

>> No.1563478

wow thats a pretty face no?

>> No.1563479


But it has a penis.

>> No.1563481

really now? THATS EVEN BETTER :D

you're going to have to prove this though..

>> No.1563484

I thought she made some valid points. Like where is the evidence?

>> No.1563523

I watched three, and then I said fuck it...

>> No.1563580

It's depressing OP.

>> No.1563723 [DELETED] 

I wish that bitch would go against Hitchens, I liked God is not Great more than The God Delusion anyways.

>> No.1563759

I would fuck her, bad.

>> No.1563790

I love the cameraman

>> No.1563837
File: 65 KB, 400x400, LargeThumbnail[1].jpg_instanceText=EVOLUTION-There-is-no-evid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp

>> No.1563867
File: 7 KB, 200x196, 1267411621259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wait, what? Do you realise you just said you believe in evolution without using the word evolution?" AND SHE'S ALL LIKE "LOL EVOLUTION IS EVIL SO IT CAN'T EXIST."
God damn it.

God damn it /sci/ I want those last 70 minutes of my life back, so I could waste it on anime.

>> No.1563872

This is heart breaking

>> No.1563874

The evidence is too overwhelming for dawkins to bring with him.
It would have taken several thousand trucks, and astronomical shipping charges to bring the evidence with him, and even if he did, she would have focussed on a few diagrams, and said "lol diagrams aren't real evidence!" while ignoring the rest of it.

>> No.1563885
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>> No.1563888

made it to part 3.

>> No.1563896
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>> No.1563905

captcha: his denial

>> No.1563913

lol I saw this dumbfuck on Chris Matthews. I will attempt to watch this later.

>> No.1563915

richard dawkins is the man, but sadly this cult of stupid people shall eventually be the end of the world.

>> No.1563918

>'They censor out the evidence against evolution. Like the famous pig's tooth, that was claimed to be a human fossil but was actually just a pig's tooth.'


>> No.1563952


Fuckin' A... I was wondering where I saw this bitch so recently. Thank you.

>> No.1563968

give me the template for this

>> No.1563977

I bet I lost harder than any of you: I rage'd the instant I clicked the link and realized it'd be an 'interview,' then I closed it.

>> No.1563996





>> No.1563998

Why does Dawkins never ask her to define soul/spirit? Her entire "argument" is based on the fact that some disabled girl should still have a spirit even if she can't make her own decisions, and that excuse for an argument is based on spirit being so ill-defined that you can't possibly argue against it.

Also, I would love to see the 20 seconds of video after:
- Dawkins punches her in the face for laughing when he makes a good point

- Her ancestor in a primate is found, and she is shown a picture of that ancestor's child, its child's child, and so on until it shows a picture of her

- Dawkins says that the retarded girl she brought up should be euthanized

>> No.1564013

Dawkins could have easily asked her for proof of microevolution. She repeatedly says "macroevolution is a bunch of BS, but shit happens at a cellular level."
Which he could have replied with "How do you know? Do they have evidence in museums?"

>> No.1564017

Subtitles said "shove it up your ****"

What the hell? Four letters?
>shove it up your fuck

>> No.1564030


>shove it up your arse


ReCAPTCHA: Salomé, befithap

You know the other day I found out Salomé was the name of a biblical seductress or something, dunno where. I think it was during an episode of NCIS, that show is the shit.

>> No.1564059

I'd go with shove it up your cunt considering the participants.

>> No.1564064

A twat is fine too.

>> No.1564074

3/7 ending, stopped listening to her argumentation. I don't agree with darwin's approach on the discussion here, every perspective even if its fundation is based on evidence of 2000+ years ago should be respected. But she just keeps on blantantly repeating herself in an utopian view that is too narrowminded for this century.

tldr; too narrowminded, gave up after the 10th record spin

>> No.1564091


>> No.1564103

Raged. Like fuck.

>> No.1564147
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>> No.1564165

I think its ironic that my first reaction to Crazy Christians talking insane shit is, "Jesus Fucking Christ"

>> No.1564166
File: 47 KB, 460x276, hulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i watched all of it...so much rage, RAGE!!!!!!!

>> No.1564253


>> No.1564281

Holy shit this bitch is fucking annoying

>> No.1564295
File: 2.00 MB, 343x261, 47af5a6d_d99d_1fdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any1 hosting tonight??

>> No.1564296

she's kidding right?

>> No.1564300


It's funny imagining her having said any of these things, and the guy she says it to is just standing there so confused

>You can shove it up your cunt
>...wait, what?

>> No.1564310


Sounds like total shit, I just watched the uncut interviews that were linked, McGrath I admit is very sharp, but he did have inconsistencies in his arguments that Dawkins demanded be addressed - he couldn't do so and complained to the camera men that they were going in circles.

>> No.1564358

Dawkins - "Yes, I know you're going to talk about embryos."

Wendy - "No, actually I was going to talk about the evolution of the fetus in the womb - "

Dawkins - "---yes, those are embryos"

This is painful.

>> No.1564378

I stopped as soon as she starting talking about 'Humans created by a loving, caring God...

>> No.1564379

I couldn't take it after about halfway through part 4. The lady was arguing about her disabled relative, spirits, and other random crap. Dawkins on the other hand, did not teach her anything. The solution is to help them understand why believers in evolution do so, by having pictures of various species, giving their operational definitions for each word they choose, and then making the creationist decide. It should not be an argument that ends with both parties not learning anything.

tl;dr dawkins didn't teach, lady needs euthanasia

>> No.1564391

... I'm a Christian and this woman makes me rage. Smug motherfucker...

That said, Dawkins IS a professional troll.

>> No.1564474

You can thank feminists for this video.

>> No.1564546

I .... Couldnt even watch the videos, the ops picture... her face, and that caption, im ALREADY RAGING FUCK YOU CAN TELL HOW MUCH OF A STUPID CUNT SHE IS, ITS WRITTEN ON HER FACE!

>> No.1564548

"your closed mindnessness"


>> No.1564563

What a dumb bitch.

No, not just dumb - ignorant. Wilfully ignorant.

And those fucking crazy eyes.

Seriously - I don't believe in Dawkins much, but who would you rather have teaching your children?

>> No.1564566

Fuck you faggot OP

now I have Aids

>> No.1564634
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>> No.1564645

6th Grade Teacher and Christian here. I tell my students that Evolution is just a theory, and educated guess.

>> No.1564694



>> No.1564710


troll detected

>> No.1564724
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> my face when they both stand throughout the entire interview

>> No.1564767
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>> No.1565019

Where can I find the rest of the numbers, 1/10, 4/10 etc? Post them? :D

captcha: Internet betwee

>> No.1565030

Don't identical twins have the same DNA (+/- slight mutations developed in life)?

>> No.1565045

I am working for my PhD in evolutionary biology.

I won't even talk with non-scientists about what I do. Rarely do I even have a conversation with the "average person".

I find the average human being to be idiotic, myopic and illogical. I am the paragon of being a misanthrope.

People are stupid; the last thing I would want to do is try to explain biology to them. Explaining it to undergraduates is painful enough, as most of them are stupid as shit too.

>> No.1565109

you are a fool. biology is not the ultimate science of life.

>> No.1565124

Not the ultimate science of HUMAN life, I mean. It IS technically the ultimate science of organic life (the only kind that exists at present), but humans are about more than their constituent parts. You just sound narcissistic and myopic.

>> No.1565151 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1565170

"close mindedness"

fuckin' lold



>> No.1565167 [DELETED] 


You play me pretty well. Except I wouldn't respond to that troll post. Your post is a troll post, but is an epigone of my post.

>> No.1565175

I wasn't trying to imitate anyone, i was trying to clarify and correct my own post. once again you come off very narcissistic

>> No.1565239


>> No.1565255 [DELETED] 

I watched them all seven some time ago. It burned.

>> No.1565279


I can't take this any more. I'm starting to boil inside. Fuck!
I need to have breaks to give my heart a chance to lower my blood pressure.

I feel so sorry for Richard. Being accused of ad hominem attacks, when she use anything but.

What do they want? A bone that keeps on evolving back and forth between the two species?

The irony here, is that she is a perfect example of evolution. We have "us", the smart, evolved people, and you have "them", the creationists, the stoneage people.

>> No.1565284

I couldn't make it 3 minutes

>> No.1565311

i'm still watching it
ive watched it for 60 minutes so far.
It's funny plus im learning so y'know. =]

>> No.1565320

god damnit is anyone streaming this shit

i want to rage with you

>> No.1565341

HAHA! Don't you get it? Can't you see how see almost start to laugh all the time? She's trolling! That bitch!

>> No.1565348

I just watched all of that interveiw. That women just made excuses.. Evolution now is clearly the smarter choice when it comes down to it due to the evdence diffrence.

>> No.1565353

*gives evidence*

>> No.1565510

oh wow.
it's like arguing with a brick wall.

>> No.1565528

agreed. shes pulling shit outta her ass. its like talking to a brick wall with that women.

>> No.1565531
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>> No.1565607
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>> No.1565610 [DELETED] 

DNA, proteins, fossils, genetics
Fucking evolution how does it work?

>> No.1565623 [DELETED] 

Not sure if rage,

only lol so far, most of it at the DNA argument.

But only 5 minutes into it.

>> No.1565628

you don't need any of this though, though not true evidence for evolution, just look at the clusterfuck that is wolves/dogs/dingos/coyotes/foxes. some can breed, some can't.

>> No.1565639

someone should autotune this.

>> No.1565641 [DELETED] 

True, there is so much evidence for evolution you can ignore most of it and still have enough to be certain.

>> No.1565645
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>> No.1565658 [DELETED] 

20 minutes into it now, no rage yet.

>> No.1565661
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>> No.1565667

Because you're a fucktarded niggering christfaggot, you kike.

jk bro I just wanted to vent some aggression. Ever get that agressive feeling where you bite your teeth together really really hard? Yeah, i've been getting that a bit lately :/

>> No.1565665 [DELETED] 

"Both can be based on evidence. Even the same evidence."

>> No.1565671
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>> No.1565672
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She looks like Sean Penn from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

>> No.1565674
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>> No.1565675 [DELETED] 

No because I tend to lol more at stupidity than rage.

Why people laugh at creationists and so on.

>> No.1565676

>No evidence for evolution
>Evidence for micro evolution
>No evidence though
>But still some evidence
>Really, No evidence though
>Ok, Maybe some evidence.

Want to know why the fuck we are not in space yet? Bitches like this and the fucking retards that follow.

>> No.1565680

Read the last part of the message, niggerfaggot.
esp the part where i say JAY KAY

>> No.1565684

She is just mad because she got the genetic shaft.


>> No.1565686
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>> No.1565689

its a shame. she sounds like a very intelligent woman.

>> No.1565690


>> No.1565693
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>> No.1565697

Dawkins is answering way too fast, he should more carefully think over his answers. He's arguing with an idiot after all.

>> No.1565705

you can't even hold DNA

>> No.1565719
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>> No.1565731
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>> No.1565738
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I fucking hate the fact that they simply lack the ability to distinguish between a philosophical argument and a scientific one.
Fuck, even if it was scientifically certified that understanding evolution transformed you in a child molesting serial killer it still would have NOTHING to do with weather it is correct or not.

>> No.1565754

i look around, especially when i'm high, and see a world of god, not just by god, but as god in itself.

i think its pantheism, but i was never really was one for "isms"

>> No.1565761

Oh /sci/ what has happened to you?
>225 posts and 47 image replies omitted

>> No.1565764


RAGE is addictive.

I'm also surprised this is still here, I saw this thread yesterday.

>> No.1565769
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>> No.1565777
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Oh GAWD this is never going to end

>> No.1565783


>> No.1565786

>6 minutes in

>> No.1565791
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>> No.1565796

Fuckin' lol'd at your guys' replies

>> No.1565805
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>evolution is a religion.

>> No.1565802 [DELETED] 

>Brown-eyed parents have blue-eyed children because of GENES
Dawkins: And that's evidence against evolution?
>I think that shows the... individual nature of each person, that God created us.

What the fuck?

>> No.1565810

People like this woman make me want to favor eugenics :3

>> No.1565812
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FUCK when she calls out his ad hominem after she doesn't stop fucking attacking scientists

>> No.1565821 [DELETED] 

>Disabled individuals are evidence against evolution
I can't laugh at this. It's just TOO stupid.

>> No.1565820 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1565822

is that a rageguy jack-o-lantern? lmao

>> No.1565823
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still waiting for that video

>> No.1565826
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>where is the evidence?
>it's in the dna
>but where is the evidence?

>> No.1565825 [DELETED] 

>And yet a she has a spirit, she's just not a material being.

>> No.1565827

yeah i didn't make it, i just added the FFFFFFUUU-

>> No.1565828


This, I saw his post yesterday and since that moment I've been waiting for the improved version of that 'interview'.

Still waiting...

>> No.1565840
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I feel like he wont deliver ;_;

>> No.1565836 [DELETED] 

Something like this

>> No.1565871

I actually watched all the seven parts. That's another 70 minutes I won't be getting back. This debate is hardly a debate, since Dawkins' opponent is so obviously stupid.

>> No.1565875
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That cunt has to be a tranny

>> No.1565881

Maybe not being born a girl is where her vendetta against genetics comes from.

>> No.1565885


That's what I was thinking.

>> No.1565887
File: 1.21 MB, 1966x1229, 1281092315764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debating irrational people with rational arguments and hoping to convince them just

After she told him that she believes in creationism because it makes people more moral he should have answered:
"I believe in evolution because it's way cooler!
we are here because our ancestors were the baddest motherfuckersaround and we are made of the same matter as the stars!"
at her attempt to answer, he should have then falcon punched her full force, only to run away screaming victory at the top of his lungs.

>> No.1565890



>> No.1565896

As soon as a creationist asks for proof, yell:
"you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

>> No.1565977

Dawkins: O RLY?


>> No.1566145
File: 43 KB, 175x204, holycookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, have a cookie

>> No.1566302


>> No.1566317
File: 180 KB, 476x301, you dense motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Evil Step-dancing Zombie Jesus

Her Troll-Fu is strong.

>> No.1566333
File: 139 KB, 424x470, the rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feared the day /sci/ finds that interview.

Rightfully so.

>> No.1567762

I wish he would simply point out that almost everything she said has nothing to do with what they were debating about.

>> No.1568534
File: 25 KB, 1024x807, Start fires then run, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1569268

Bumb for RAGE

>> No.1569278


I posted this like a year ago and people still rage about it. Ages like a fine wine, PERFECT rage material.

>> No.1569291
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>> No.1569293

I think the crazy bitch was a plant... a ficus or something.

Like... a social expirement to get athiests angry, so they'd actually start fighting back against the oppressive forces that is religion.

I fuck dead animals by the way. I'm an expert AND I'm white... very respectable.

>> No.1569325


>> No.1569356
File: 72 KB, 400x450, 1277672194562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this before. The first part anyway. At first I was like "I think I'll barely be able to sit through this". Then I saw "part 1 of 6" and ragequit.

Anyway, since Wendy is the president of Concerned Women for America who state that they believe "the bible is the inerrant word of God" Dawkins should have just debated her in a church. There he would have whipped out a bible and turned to 1 Corinthians 14:34 which states
>women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.

>> No.1569360

Dear people;
I just watched 17 minutes of the video. My eyes are twitching, my blood is drained, I can hear my pulse. I ate all of my nails and hit my head to the walls a few times. I don't know how long I can survive. Please help me. Save me.

>> No.1569410
File: 72 KB, 428x377, 1274218990567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wfm<

>> No.1569412



>> No.1569431

ragequit LOL cant take any of this shit. I lost :3

>> No.1569441

"Do you belief the world is less then 10,000 years old?"

"I belief in God"

What kind of answer is that?

>> No.1569468

>>I belief in God

What kind of grammar is that?

>> No.1569502

You guys are all just saying that she doesn't know what she is talking about because you are all evil atheist teenagers rebelling against god and listening to linkin park while plotting to steal Americas freedom and make everyone gay.

I know this is true because the kids in my church youth group told me so. Every atheist we come across is like this! Of course, I never met an atheist like that in real life but I made up a story to share with my church friends anyways because clearly it must be true, right?


>> No.1569553

she keeps asking for physical evidence, try asking her the same question about her religion

>> No.1569588

Translation of her entire argument:

>> No.1569645

I watched the whole fucking thing a few months ago. I had to choose between watching this or masturbating raw for the fifth time in the same day.


>> No.1569754

One big problem is the who 'microevolution vs macroevolution' business that the anti-evolution (religious extremists) crowd makes up. But I guess it serves as proof they don't understand the theory.

>> No.1569992

Hey there, /sci/entists, mathfag here. I have two weeks left at the University of Washington (it's an okay school, neither too prestigious nor too expensive) and then I get my Bachelors of Science and begin handing out resumes.

I will not be getting my PhD, nor will I be making $300k starting. Feels bad, man.

So. I just watched them. All 7. It took just over 67 minutes. I used to think Richard Dawkins was kind of a raging douche, but he never once lost his temper. That was admirable; I wish I could have done that.

I'm not sure if that woman was an incredibly clever troll or more inbred than King Charles the Second of Spain (whose genome was, wikipedia claims, more homozygous than an average brother-sister offspring).


She more than once misuses terms. In fact, she even mispronounces the terms she misuses. (Listen closely, she calls any critique of Intelligent Design an "Ad Hominen" attack.) Whenever Dawkins brings up a point of debate, she stops for a second to collect her thoughts, such as they are, and goes on to repeat her inane point about diversity of genome being proof against evolution.

>> No.1569999

Continued from
I regret never taking any serious science classes in college (I did take Sociology, Psychology and Geology for distribution requirements, but they don't count). I did take science in high school, but it wasn't taught very well. My 10th grade Biology teacher gave our class the caveat that "even though you might not believe in evolution, this is what's being taught." It was a step in the right direction, but the fact that she even had to say it might give you a clue about the quality of the material.

Anyway. The point here is that even though my /sci/entific acumen is lacking, I'm familiar with the concepts that Dawkins was bringing up. They're fairly elementary. I mean, there were no real surprises coming from him. What astounds me is how that woman either intentionally misinterprets them or simply doesn't understand what he's saying.

She also flat out denies evidence in favor of evolution, simply saying, "Well, where's all the OTHER evidence?" I suspect that no matter how much evidence is presented to her, her response will always be, "Well, where's all the OTHER evidence?" Her organization's goal is to push her point of view out to schools across the US, and someday, the world. I wept when I realized this.

tl;dr. I hope an Intelligent Designer afflicts Wendy Wright with (a) throat cancer and/or (b) violent rape and, since I watched this all the way through, I'm pretty sure I'm a god among men.

>> No.1570619

bump for rage

>> No.1570682
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>> No.1570706


lol, if a teacher tried to pull that shit in my country the class would shit themselves laughing and never listen to a word they said.

australia btw
i suppose in non-religious schools

>> No.1570722

in mine some people may notice it's bullshit but wouldn't dare to have an opinion about it. Others wouldn't give a fuck to have an opinion about anything that isn't abortion and shit.
Viva México!

>> No.1570756 [DELETED] 
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dammit, this thread is still alive!

>> No.1570761

I've never wanted to strangle someone so much in my entire life.
"Where's the physical evidence?"
"In the museums. There's Homo sapiens, erectus and all sorts of other fossils."
"But, I ask again, Where is the physical Evidence?"


>> No.1570765

Well, yeah. I watched that shit, and now I want to brag about it.

(brag about watching it, not brag about its merits)

>> No.1570813


I don't see Dawkins getting owned at all. Jesus Christ, Alister is dodging every point.

Don't tell me you're judging by this guy's pretentious facade.

>> No.1570874
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1:40 into the second video then i just couldn't take it

>> No.1570909

Honestly why can't people believe that yes evolution has occurred, but maybe the first bacterial cell was created by a god and he just left it to see what happened.

>> No.1570935

Most religious people do, or even take it further back to whatever we think is the beginning of the universe. YEC people are heretics by the standards of practically all major churches.

I miss the times when the Catholics BURNED the heretics. Would rid us of these people too.

>> No.1570942 [DELETED] 

In those times all current scientists and general public would be burned. XD

>> No.1570955

Some would survive, and for them, it would be so worth it. :)

>> No.1570958
File: 125 KB, 500x400, sonofanimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this Thread STILL LIVES on?

>> No.1570967
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I want to kill you for your use of emoticons...

>> No.1570977 [DELETED] 

Oh, no!!! :O :O :O !!!

>> No.1570995
File: 116 KB, 500x497, Cry 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, shit! can't believe this shit.

>> No.1570997
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>> No.1571005

I suddenly have a huge urge to destroy mankind.

>> No.1571008
File: 32 KB, 487x465, seriousrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... did she just said "Communism is based on evolutionary beliefs" ...

oh god...

>> No.1571158

I don't get why he doesn't show up there with evidence.

She always says there isn't any evidence of, for example, human ancestral forms. Why not go in there with a book or some pictures to show her?

>> No.1571178 [DELETED] 

1) She is an adult. She knows how to go to a museum.
2) It doesn't take an hour to convince such a person. It takes way longer.
3) People like her clearly do not care about honesty or evidence.
4) They move the goalpost or change the topic with straw man arguments.
5) A book is not enough for them, not even a fossil. They expect crocoduck.

>> No.1571345

This fucking bitch I swear. If she wants evidence, someone find that two-headed cat for her. Or deformed children. Then punch her in the face.

>> No.1571441

Watched the entire thing.
I am baffled.
How the hell is someone so ignorant?

Dawkins, closed minded? Excuse me, didn't he play your fantasy card of there even being a god?
and that condescending LAUGH. dakfjlad;fj

I'm enraged.

captcha; litidle but

>> No.1571544

On the contrary, I would love to see proof of no evolution. A fossil of the two-headed beast in the ocean, with 7 horns would do just fine. After all, the bible describes it, and since it can't be more then 6000 years old, it should still be in good shape.

>> No.1571621

fuck that around 42 sec

>> No.1571705

well i watched all 7 vids.....I think i have cancer now so I'm going to go kill my self and maybe take a few others out with me, anyone else want to join in?

>> No.1572610
File: 155 KB, 375x500, fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread is STILL going?

>> No.1572644

watched all seven videos.
No rage. Not a single bit. Only disappoint and depression.

>> No.1573388

watched 7 out of 7. then punched my wife

>> No.1573393

Watched them all. Made me seriously question my hitherto held scientific worldview.

>> No.1573413

Notice how the views fall from 91,000 to 31,000 from 1st to 2nd part, and then down to 20,500 on the last one.

>> No.1573414

I keep trying to watch past the first 5 minutes of the first video. I always have to stop and take a break. I'll open up the video again and still come to the same impasse.

>> No.1573532
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For some unknown reason i want to have consensual intercourse in the missionary position with this woman.

>> No.1573547
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>> No.1573579

>Genetic variation suggests genes don't change.

>> No.1575481

Just looking at her face makes her look unintelligent

>> No.1575499

>Have you gone to museums and seen various evolved human skeletons?

>Evolution is harmful