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15638544 No.15638544 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking, what causes pedophila?

>> No.15638574

there's no such thing. it's called normal sexual attraction to females.

rape and physical abuse are completely different topics, although "pedophilia" is used like a synonym for those things by the retards who utter that word.

>> No.15638636


>> No.15638737

Here's a hypothesis:
purity spiraling, in a way.
The human brain is an association machine.
look at fetishes in general:
people take something tangentially or coincidentally related to the act of actual reproductive sex, and develop a psychological attraction to that. The more "normal" ones involve actual sex organ stimulation, and you can place them on a scale using that.
e.g. actual sex - oral - ... - homosexuals feet - ... - purely psychological ones like findom.
on top of this you have the people who get off on doing things simply because they're taboo, e.g. masochists, serial cheaters, etc., which may be in rough terms a category closer towards the psychological end of the line.
I hypothesize that pedophilia is the same principle yet directed towards "purity" or "age".
the sane individual wants a young virgin, the insane one wants a child.
the even more insane one is a sadist pedophile.
In other words, the answer is in the question as usual.
a perversion of the natural order.

>> No.15638740

Being a worthless piece of shit, usually.

>> No.15638760

Traditional trauma based psychology thinks is caused by sexual abuse at a young age, sociology thinks is poer ralations like this anon>>15638737

And well honest people just know some people can't deal with equal sexuality

>> No.15638763

abuse at a young age, usually by literal satanists or other people who were also abused at a young age
it's also the primary cause of homosexuality
if you mean "natural" causes, it's a perversion of the normal parental instinct, which is the result of societal decay and/or environmental factors such as toxins in food and water or poor physical fitness
same principle as "cute aggression"

>> No.15638779

Sexy children

>> No.15638832


>> No.15639688

>usually by literal satanists

>> No.15639690

It's a social construct, like gender and concentration camps.

>> No.15639691

>usually by literal satanists
You're such a clown, go back

>> No.15639694

it can be either of these, depending on the case
there are also some that are just innately born pedophiles, like a mental illness

>> No.15639700

>the sane individual wants a young virgin, the insane one wants a child.
No, pedophiles are just attracted to the looks of a child. This is just dumb psychoanalysis.

claim is comes from sexual abuse at a young age is convenient for you but far from the truth

>> No.15639702

Why is it mental illness?

>> No.15639703

Anti pedophilia is a mental illness.

>> No.15639705

1. Fetish that gets out of control (usually porn mediated)
2. Same as #1 but it starts out as being a former victim of abuse who, out of a desire to be the one in control, turns to recreation of the abuse
3. Psychopathy/sexual sadism disorder

>> No.15639708

Why is it so difficult for you to accept that a large amount of men are born attracted to children?

>> No.15639711

>why is it mental illness to prefer girls who are too young to get pregnant?
clearly unnatural

>> No.15639714


>> No.15639726

Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubscent children which is definitely unnatural

>> No.15639732

Few pedophiles are only attracted to prepubscent children excluding teenagers, pedophiles have high chance of taking in orphans while non-pedophiles would often leave them. This is useful for reproduction and the evolutionary reason for it.

>> No.15639739
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>evolution totally wanted pedophiles to adopt abandoned kids so that they can fuck them
would it really be so hard for you to just accept that you're not normal?

>> No.15639750

Sexual age preference falls on a bell curve. Some men fall on the extreme ends.

>> No.15639766

>This is useful for reproduction
How are child predators sexually abusing and almost permanently traumatizing their victims "useful for reproduction"?

>> No.15639811

constantly calling others pedos. Gladly bitch. No one is gonna catch me either. I don't even like kids that much, they're weird

>> No.15639821


>> No.15639825

>No, pedophiles are just attracted to the looks of a child.
Do you mean as opposed to what, the mind?
Whatever objection you are trying to make, they are attracted to children are they not?
Elaborate your stupid point.

>> No.15639841
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Don't touch kids. They can't consent. It's rape. :)

>> No.15640294

Physical domination, corruption, cute aggression.

>> No.15640323

I'm no scientist but I'd guess it's probably a left over from ancient times when people's life expediencies were shorter.
There was probably an advantage to being attracted to people of wider age ranges so you could form pair bonds earlier and maximize the amount of time you had to have children once they became fertile.

>> No.15640337

You'd fuck a dead body if you were deserted on an island for 10 years with no other human contact. I'm not calling you a necrophile or whathaveyou, just making an unnecessary point in an unnecessary way.

>> No.15640349


>> No.15640369
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Pedophilia is natural and normal and occurs in other primate species:


De Waal, F. (1990). "Sociosexual behavior used for tension regulation in all age and sex combinations among Bonobos."
>"Observations concern a near relative of Man, the bonobo, where these “pigmy chimps” are allowed free access to any other bonobo for sexual contact at the San Diego Zoo. Nonfertile combinations (same-sex or juvenile–adult combinations) were as frequent as potentially fertile, adult male–female combinations. Further, one third of sociosexual contacts by an adult with an infant were initiated by the infant (De Waal, 1990)."

>"Ford and Beach (1951), in their seminal review of cross-cultural and cross-species data, observed that "[a]s long as the adult members of a society permit them to do so, immature males and females engage in practically every type of sexual behavior found in grown men and women" (p, 197) They also observed that juvenile sexual activity in monkeys and apes is "no less natural for the young primate than are the chasing, wrestling, and mock fighting that consume so much of his waking life" (p. 255). Psychologists have all but ignored these perspectives in favor of fitting their descriptions and explanations of juvenile sexuality to current Western values."

>In Sex Offenders Paul H. Gebhard et al. claimed that "sexual activity between adult and immature animals is common and appears to be biologically normal." Indeed, it "is precisely what we see in various animals, particularly monkeys."

>> No.15640373
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There's no link between consensual child-adult sex and psychological harm. Child sexual abuse theory is a pseudoscience which is controverted by all good science. Studies which purport to show a causal link between child-adult sex and psychological harm use clinical samples and don't control for confounding factors, such as family environment and whether or not simple consent was present. The belief that child-adult sex always results in mental trauma comes from combining all outcomes of adult-child sex and averaging them, refusing to examine separately outcomes where child-adult sex was not forcible or coerced, for ideological reasons.

Most psychologists know that adult-child sex does not really cause minors psychological harm:

James Cantor PhD:
>The research is much more consistent with the conclusion that harm is caused instead by coercion, manipulation, secrecy, and by courting kids who already have problems, not the sexual interactions per se.

Michael Bailey PhD:
>Indeed, the best scientific evidence suggests that the most typical experiences considered childhood sexual abuse may not be as harmful as most people think. Specifically, sexual activity that children engage in voluntarily (albeit illegally) with adults is nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes

People are caused psychological harm by violence and coercion, not by having an enjoyable sexual experience with an adult partner.

Studies here:

Arreola et al, 2008; Arreola et al, 2009; Bauserman & Rind, 1997; Carballo-Dieguez et al, 2011; Condy et al, 1987; Dolezal et al, 2014; Kilpatrick, 1987; Lahtinen et al, 2018; Leahy, 1996; Mulya, 2018; Rind, 2001; Rind, 2016; Rind & Tromovitch, 1997; Rind & Welter, 2013; Rind & Welter, 2016; Rind et al, 1998; Sandfort, 1984; Sandfort, 1987; Tindall, 1978; Ulrich et al, 2005-2006; Wet et al, 2018.

More studies on NewgonWiki

Ethnographic atlas of child sexual behaviours:

>> No.15640380
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Adult-child sex is found in more cultures than homosex is, and pederasty is the most common form of homosex
>In other societies sexual relations between adults and children are fully accepted. In several societies adult men marry prepubescent girls and sexual relations with their young wives are considered normal and proper. Amongs the Mongo of Zaire men may legally have whatever sex they wish with their girl-brides, although most men attempt not to damage their bodies. The Katab of Nigeria also permit adult males to have sex with their prepubescent wives
>Prepubescent wives among the Ngonde of Tanzania like sleeping with their much older husbands and having sex with them. The men say this is good, because it accustoms the girl to her husband. The Bororo Indians of Brazil consider a marriage between an adult male and a small girl to be ideal
>Among the Xokleng of southern Brazil, little children are at the back and call of the adults who often sleep with them and culminate their intimate relationships with sexual activities. In general these sexual relations are considered playful and amusing
>In the Marquesan Islands of French Polynesia girls as young as 10 used to greet the boats of the first European explorers to visit their islands with lewd expressions and gestures as an invitation to sexual intercourse
>Among the Trukese older men not infrequently perform cunnilingus on preadolescent girls; both are said to enjoy this, the men because it is their only sexual outlet and the girls because it is so gentle
>As an indication of just how extensive childhood sexual activities can be, in some groups prepubescent sex is considered so normal, that people actually believe puberty comes about because of the earlier sexual activities, especially sexual activities with adults. The Bororo Indians of Brazil think that the growth of breasts is the result of the mature husband's handling of his young wife's sexual organs
Dennis WERNER Human sexuality around the world

>> No.15640384

>it's called normal sexual attraction to females
>by the retards who utter that word.
talking about retards, you really are one since you assume pedophilia is limited to females when that's not the case so right off the bat your rejection of the word pedophilia is wrong, retard

>> No.15640387

All of the garbage you just posted was already debunked

>Numerous studies and professional clinical experience in the field of psychology, both before and after Rind et al.'s publications, have long borne out that children cannot consent to sexual activity and that child and adolescent sexual abuse cause harm.[7][8][9] Psychologist Anna Salter comments that Rind et al.'s results are "truly an outlier" compared to other meta-analyses.[9]

>> No.15640389

More examples of harmless, socially accepted adult-child sex.
>Relations between men and women and boys and girls, whether married or not, are always cordial and often marked by light to heavy flirting. Sexually it is the same. So long as children are not forced or hurt, there is no prohibition against their participating in sex with adults. I remember once talking to Xisaoxoi, a Piraha man in his late thirties, when a nine or ten year old girl was standing beside him. As we talked, she rubbed her hands sensually over his chest and back and rubbed his crotch area through his thin, worn nylon shorts. Both were enjoying themselves. "What's she doing?" I asked superfluously. "Oh, she's just playing. We play together. When she's big she will be my wife" was his nonchalant reply - and, indeed, after the girl went though puberty, they were married."
Don't Sleep, There are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle, by Daniel L. Everett
>Suggs cited many cases of full heterosexual intercourse in public between adults and prepubertal individuals in Polynesia. The crews of the visiting ships showed no compunction against the activities, and the natives assisted in the efforts. Cunnilingus with young females was recorded without accompanying remarks that this kind of behavior was unusual or disapproved of for the participants. Occasions were recorded of elders assisting youngsters in having sex with other elders. Among the Marquesas Islanders in particular, Suggs reported, extramarital relations were frequent and often involved older males with young virginal females and older females with young virginal males.

Pedophilia can not be properly understood without first refuting the pseudo-scientific myths of pre-pubescent asexuality and the 20th century myth that adult-child sex harms children.

>> No.15640390

>Pedophilia is natural
So is cancer and?

>> No.15640395

Those observatios on native populations are just an example of survivorship bias, observations on people living on tribes are worthless

>> No.15640446
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, Juvenile Chimp Demands Sex From Mature Female.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you did was quote Wikipedia.
>Numerous studies and professional clinical experience in the field of psychology, both before and after Rind et al.'s publications, have long borne out that children cannot consent to sexual activity
This is an irrelevant moral statement.
>and that child and adolescent sexual abuse cause harm.
Studies such the one conducted by the Rind team conclusively show that consensual adult-child relationships do not cause any harm whatsoever, only non-consensual relationships.
>Psychologist Anna Salter comments that Rind et al.'s results are "truly an outlier" compared to other meta-analyses.
For the reasons identified by the Rind team which invalidate the entirety of the literature on "child sexual abuse".

Curious people can review the literature themselves and easily identify the methodological flaws which invalidate the research on "child sexual abuse", since the issues are very obvious.

(1) Reliance on clinical and criminal samples
(2) No proper controlling for confounding factors (such as home environment, which was found to be over 6 times more predictive of negative outcomes than even non-consensual sexual experiences in the Rind study)
(3) Improper definitions of "sexual abuse" (i.e. comparing outcomes of consensual sexual experiences with rape)

The same methodology applied to heterosexual sexual relationships would conclude that "heterosexual sexual abuse" is a real phenomenon.

Here is the only study to date conducted on active pedophile relationships, which found the relationships to be beneficial to the boys involved:
Cancer is natural and harmful, primates don't purposefully try to get cancer. Pedophilia is natural and harmless.
Not what survivorship bias means.

>> No.15640495

Neoteny in recent evolutionary history. Generally neoteny occurs when social dynamics develop, and we see pedophilia in those species too, so it checks out.

>> No.15640566
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sexy children

>> No.15640672

Either OCD or having no childhood gf

>> No.15640675
File: 67 KB, 683x1024, 386B81DF-91F6-49F6-A70F-C92D7514F7FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope alert ding ding ding ding

>> No.15640807

>retarded human brain enjoys having sex all the time
>the reason we have sex is for breeding
>the younger a female, the better material she is for getting pregnant
People used to fucking die all the time from basically everything. They didn't live long so they couldn't afford to have fertile women and then not use them
>but muh rape
It's not the same you fucking retard

>> No.15640838

still makes no sense to fuck girls so young that pregnancy is essentially impossible

>> No.15641160

You're not quoting anyone. Orphanages exist in modern times due to wealth, what do you think happened during the middle ages? Took in by nuns at best.

Why are you so reddit?

>> No.15641174

>the mind?
Yes, you claimed they're attracted to the mind by claiming it has something to do with innocence and virginity.

Plenty of men are attracted to milfs too and you'd never call them mentally ill, except maybe now when it exposes your argument as wrong. See >>15639732

>cute aggression
People with cute aggression hate children and are aggressive towards anything to do with pedophilia.

>> No.15641251

seriously? MILFs are fertile, prepubescent children are not
a much more accurate comparison would be grannies, which is indeed gross, but at least they're mature and there's no innocence to violate/potential trauma

>> No.15641449

>Yes, you claimed they're attracted to the mind by claiming it has something to do with innocence and virginity.
No, I said I hypothesize it to be a purity and age fetish, both of which have body associations beyond the "mind" of the child.
Now go kill yourself.
you speak for yourself, and have no claim on me.

>> No.15641521

missing out on teenage love.

>> No.15641843

>consensual child-adult sex
right off the bat, you fucked up by assuming children can consent. however they have no idea what they're consent to. moreover, sex can be outright damaging to prepubescent children since their parts aren't fully developed.

regardless, i can't help but wonder WHY you're pressed to convince us that pedophilia is fine. you even have a webm of monkeys fucking which is already strange by itself. why do you want us to accept pedophilia?

>> No.15641871

>right off the bat, you fucked up by assuming children can consent
Why do you believe a child can't consent to sex? Do you believe it is meaningless to distinguish between rape and a sexual relationship that a child participated in voluntarily?
>moreover, sex can be outright damaging to prepubescent children since their parts aren't fully developed.
The overwhelming majority of adult-child sex is non-penetrative:
>Prof. van der Kwast, a Dutch psychiatrist, said it was wrong to reproack a child-lover with confronting a child prematurely with adult sexuality, for it is the adult who comes down to the level of the child rather than vice versa. He believed psychistrists should better be concerned about the infantilism of a man satisfying himself with such incomplete activities.
Kwast 1968,p.55
>Wrote about boy-lovers: "The emphasis is upon giving pleasure to the boy, perhaps to the exclusion of the tutor's own sexual satisfaction."
Geiser 1979,p.83
>Even in contacts which have resulted in criminal prosecution, where one would expect a higher incidence, "advanced" techniques are still relatively rare. In statistics from the German Federal Republic, vaginal and anal intercourse occured in only 4 % of all "indecent assaults" on children.
>Reported that in 71 criminal cases involving boys, there was only one instance of anal intercourse.
Wegner 1963,p.23,53
>Summarising 169 criminal trials, reported that in only 3.6 % did the boy suck the man's penis, in 0.6 % was anal intercourse attemted on the boy and in 3 % performed.
Gerbener 1966,p.32
>"handling the child's genitals plays the chief part, frequently because the offender can himself obtain sexual gratification only through inducing sexual excitement in the child and watching this excitement."
Albert Moll

>why do you want us to accept pedophilia?
Because I am a pedophile. Why is that important?

>> No.15641895

What is consent? What does that mean? Why aren't children allowed to do it?

>why do you want us to accept pedophilia?
He isn't, he's trying to win an internet argument.

>> No.15641904

go kill yourself you fucking loser.

>> No.15641908

The older women are the more likely they are to have unhealthy children, or retarded children. A 13 year old does not have that risk, and a pedophile can wait for a better age if the child is too young.

>> No.15641909

>Because i am a pedophile
he is retareded

>> No.15641910

He's retarded if he thinks anyone ever changes their mind when they lose internet arguments.

>> No.15641929

>Because I am a pedophile. Why is that important?
It shows. Your strong bias blinds your sense. This isn't really a subject you can address rationally because you're motivated by pervasion to appeal to any rational person's sensibilities.

Dumping studies doesn't negate the massive amount of harm that is introduced to children through these unhealthy relationships.

>> No.15641946

>Posting studies that disprove that massive harm is caused doesn't disprove that massive harm is caused
You're wrong. Plus, anti pedophiles are just as emotionally motivated, in many cases even more since many pedophiles retain self-hatred from being antagonized and scapegoated their entire lives.

>> No.15641991

>This isn't really a subject you can address rationally because you're motivated by pervasion to appeal to any rational person's sensibilities.
A position's validity doesn't depend on the person holding the position. If you believe it does, you are not being rational, you are being emotional. There are many non-pedophiles who agree with my position, such as the two psychologists I quoted in my original post.
>Dumping studies doesn't negate the massive amount of harm that is introduced to children through these unhealthy relationships.
I haven't just dumped studies, I've provided sound reasoning which explains why studies on "child sexual abuse" are flawed. When these flaws are accounted for, the supposed link between adult-child sex and harm evaporates. Any person reading can independently check these studies themselves and identify the flaws I've pointed out, and hopefully recognize that child sexual abuse theory is a pseudoscience comparable to past theories linking onanism with harm.

If you disagree with me, can you provide empirical evidence which causally links adult-child sex with harm? Can you also explain why you believe that a consensual and enjoyed sexual experience can bring harm to a child in the absence of sociogenic factors or third party intervention?

Claiming that adult-child relationships are harmful and refusing to engage with evidence to the contrary does not prove that adult-child relationships are harmful.

>> No.15642002

>Pedophilia is natural and normal and occurs in other primate species:
saving this post for the next time some brainlet pedo leftist tells me "nobody's trying to normalize kiddy diddling"

>> No.15642036
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>This is an irrelevant moral statement.
Is morality irrelevant? Is it irrelevant if i kill you and rape your family to dead
>Studies such the one conducted by the Rind team conclusively show that consensual adult-child relationships do not cause any harm whatsoever, only non-consensual relationships
Rind study is an outlier, their conclusion is irrelevant as all other meta analysis say the opposite, outliers are expected in research but they do not change what the literature on the aggregate says
>For the reasons identified by the Rind team which invalidate the entirety of the literature on "child sexual abuse"
>No proper controlling for confounding factors (such as home environment
The rind team is a bunch of retards, their study has many errors among them statistical errors
Critics also argued that Rind et statistical approach for controlling for family environment as a cause of maladjustment was conceptually and methodologically invalid. Spiegel stated that inferring the source of maladjustment from analyzing the shared variance between CSA and family environment does not answer the question of which variable explains maladjustment better[34][37]
Dallam, however, addressed the topic of several prior studies having found statistically significant relations between CSA and maladjustment even after controlling for family environment[8]
>Here is the only study to date conducted on active pedophile relationships
Survivorship bias, it's garbage evidence
>Cancer is natural and harmful, primates don't purposefully try to get cancer. Pedophilia is natural and harmless
Pedophilia is natural in the sense that animals do it and it's harmful, all the litetarature says on the topic says it is harmful
>Not what survivorship bias means.
All studies done on native tribes are confounded by survivorship bias, they are worthless as you are always looking at a tiny subset of a population by default, you are overlooking every one who did not pass your biased observation

>> No.15642043

You have no evidence nor reasoning, all you have is sophistry and low quality research that are just outliers

>> No.15642058

ask /a/ and /leftypol/

>> No.15642093
File: 3.28 MB, 1x1, rind2000.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rind study is an outlier, their conclusion is irrelevant as all other meta analysis say the opposite, outliers are expected in research but they do not change what the literature on the aggregate says
The literature in the aggregate can be disregarded precisely because of the flaws identified in the Rind study, which is the point of the Rind study. If you agree with the rationale behind the Rind study, you would agree that much of the literature is massively flawed.

People can independently review the literature themselves while keeping in mind the methodological flaws pointed out by the Rind team. There are various other studies which have come to the same conclusion as the Rind study going back decades, and the results are continually reaffirmed. Voluntary adult-child sexual relations are not assocaited with any harm whatsoever.
>The rind team is a bunch of retards, their study has many errors among them statistical errors
You're just quoting from the Wikipedia page again. The Rind team responded to all those criticisms (which is on the Wikipedia page itself) and none of them were valid. I have included one paper where he deals directly with these criticisms, but more can be found on sci-hub.
>Survivorship bias, it's garbage evidence
It's a study on active pedophile relationships which precludes survivorship bias.
>All studies done on native tribes are confounded by survivorship bias, they are worthless as you are always looking at a tiny subset of a population by default, you are overlooking every one who did not pass your biased observation
You don't understand what survivorship bias means.
>he says without providing a counterargument

>> No.15642095

We already know it's a neurological disorder where the brain replaces the paternal response with a sexual response to children.

>> No.15642097

>*A pedophile on the internet defends pedophilia*
>Le leftists are going to normalize pedophilia!! For real!
Kill yourself retard

>> No.15642100

Anti-pedos are emotionally motivated because it's well understood that pedophiles are known to prey on kids. It's a response to a threat unlike in your case where you're emotionally motivated by lust and self-interest.

>A position's validity doesn't depend on the person holding the position.
However, your position is the reason why you're desperately searching for evidence to justify a belief you wish were true. You've given no reason as to why pedophilia should be accepted, rather suggesting that it may not be that bad, and for that reason we should be more accepting of pedophilia.
The thing is non-pedophiles see zero reason to lower the age of consent since it would only give leeway to child predators.

>> No.15642117

So you admit that you're emotionally motivated, that you previously lied wasn't true. Thank you.

>It's a response to a threat unlike in your case where you're emotionally motivated by lust and self-interest.
You're emotionally motived by the self-righteous pride you feel after you attack us and threaten human nature by trying to denormalize normal human attraction to teenagers on baseless grounds of "immorality".

>> No.15642126

>You've given no reason as to why pedophilia should be accepted,
Because it's natural and children can enjoy it.

>> No.15642140

Well, since we're trying to be all scientific here... Pedophilia is due to not enough lead. It's an essential micro-nutrient.
The cure is at least 10g injected directly into the brain.

>> No.15642151

Whether it's immoral or not is irrelevant. There's no point touching on that since we both know where we stand on it.
There's just zero reason to lower the age of consent. It's wholly unnecessary. Considering you only want it so you can have sex with kids, you give people more reason to not have it lowered.

>> No.15642177

I haven't argued for lowering the age of consent, I don't really care, I don't know where you got that from. I'm just opposed to the stigma pedophiles receive, dogmatic idea that sex with children is bad in all cases, and the ridiculous arguments given to explain the cause of pedophilia as anything but a natural attraction.

>> No.15642179
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>You've given no reason as to why pedophilia should be accepted
Because pedophilia is harmless and intimate relationships are intriniscally beneficial.

Prohibiting behaviours which are harmless or positive is itself harmful and brings upon needless consequences. Stigmatizing and criminalizing positive consensual relationships is a major cause of harm.

Berliner, L., & Conte, J. R. (1995). "The effects of disclosure and intervention on sexually abused children," Child Abuse and Neglect, 19(3), 371-384.
>"Having contact with a greater number of professionals following disclosure was related to greater negative impact of the abuse."

Sandfort, T. (1987). Boys on their contacts with men: A study of sexually expressed friendships, New York: Global Academic Publishers, 1987.
>"Great stress is placed in the literature upon the reaction of the child's environment if it comes to light that he has had sex with an adult. According to Weeks (1976) parental response is the single most important factor in determining what effect this will all have upon the child (See also Zeegers 1968, Van der Kwast 1975). Also if the discovery results in a court case this can turn the sexual contact into a negative experience." (Chapter 3)

>The thing is non-pedophiles see zero reason to lower the age of consent since it would only give leeway to child predators.
The Netherlands lowered their effective age of consent to 12 during 1989-2001 and had no issues with this system before reverting it due to media hysteria and pressure from the US. Age of consent laws are not required to protect children from abuse.
>There's just zero reason to lower the age of consent. It's wholly unnecessary
Age of consent laws are wholly unnecessary.

>> No.15642187

>Age of consent laws are wholly unnecessary.
So are you okay with marrying a woman who's been fucked by several guys since she was a child? Or is your idea that you'll get to choose your child wife and then have a forced marriage?

>> No.15642191

I am a homosexual.

>> No.15642193

>The literature in the aggregate can be disregarded
Stopped reading there, you are just a sophist hiding behind outliers and dumb arguments, all your garbage was debunked even on the wikipedia article

>> No.15642201

>Age of consent laws are wholly unnecessary.
They cockblock pedos and makes them seethe so its doing its job.

>> No.15642205

But I get both

>> No.15642212

Any interested persons should actually read the Wikipedia page on the Rind et al. controversy, including their responses to the criticisms, and also read the article dealing with those criticisms here >>15642093

Here's another link for those who missed it:

>> No.15644432

being based

>> No.15644445

Most of the time it is just loser men who are older and never got a girlfriend. Something in their wiring must get crossed with the desire to have children and lonliness and desperation. In their mind, they might think they have an easier chance with them as women their age reject them. Also online porn and message boards make them go deeper into that perversion if they are in an echo chamber with others like that.

Why do some normal males who are married with children do it? Probably they were molested growing up as well.

>> No.15644838

And pre pubescent girls don't have developed hips and pelvis that would allowe them to give birth, what is your point?

>> No.15644842
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you sound like somebody who is very quick to bring up the pedophilia-ephebophilia distinction. am i warm or cold?

anon, do you have a dead man's switch? or a false drawer bottom? c'mon now

>> No.15645392

Various reasons or their combination can lead a grown person to seek intercourse with prepubescent children. One of them is relevant to neoteny, meaning the measure of childlike appearance in a creature. Men are generally attracted to neotenous features, likely because younger women means a healthier offspring. Now what is the most neotenous human creature in existence? Thats right, a child. Another reason that I know of is the power dynamic. There were more but I don't remember. Interesting thing about pedos is that they generally don't consider themselves bad people, instead consider the society being the evil side here for forcing its unnatural standards upon them. They genuinely "love" children, in every sense of the word.

>> No.15645398

This pretty much. Not everything comes from genes.

>> No.15645408

Why do people with no knowledge of a topic feel the need to state their beliefs based solely on hearing some other retard's stated beliefs, without ever bothering to read any of the literature on the topic? What do you think you're adding to the conversation?

>> No.15645410

Problem in belief that you're the parent of everyone's child. Or that parenthood gives you a right to outcast all maleficence. The world is a big power play, why is parenthood not at risk. Why must children be safe?

>> No.15645413

three pedophilia threads?
whats the reason

>> No.15645421

Don't get me wrong. Im just making a point. To protect a child is the parents job. Your job is additional. Thus philosophically you count it as additional and not pure nature. Simple as. If we take away the additional, it's a parents power to protect. This is just basics, reducing it to animal nature. Humans are more rational, they can keep children safe and risk them.

>> No.15645423

did you by chance use to post this shit on lookism back in 2015?

>> No.15645428

The wolf touches the monkeys kid.

>> No.15645431

because pretending there is a gene for it is ridiculous dummy. Cunny they call it, they think the littles girls coochie is tighter, they think its funny. As for the boy they think prepubescent boys have the body of women. Its just assholes they think they're entitled to children catering to their sexual wants. They don't care about who gets hurt.

>> No.15645434

> Human's closest genetic relative is a species were kids and adults fuck each other incessantly
That settles it. We should all be having sex with children.

>> No.15645442

However, of course we owe greater protection to the child. It should be a human right to fall asleep safely, however this is completely unnatural. It's just a rationality. In such a big world, sacrifices can be made.

>> No.15645448

There's another rationality for you. And that's my thoughts on this hard problem.

>> No.15645471

More focus should be brought to children outright. Focus on their genetics. the best of the best ought be given free route passed the system and intensely bred for to pass their genetics on. Why we don't do this - I do not know.

>> No.15645483

You'd have some respect for the best of the best. But the average would have less respect.

>> No.15646321

That's an awful lot of assumptions you're making there. Care to justify any of them?

>> No.15646396


mrz? It's fucking over for you buddy boyo

>> No.15646410

It is normal for adult men to be attracted to fertile teenagers, and this must be distinguished from attraction to non-fertile pubescent children. Why does this fact upset you so much? And why do you try so hard to make the distinction seem silly?

>> No.15646669
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man, time sure flies

>> No.15646679

In certain studies they found men are unequivocally attracted to early pubescent females. There is no bell curve, there is definite skew toward ages 11-21

>> No.15646787

There's no reason for men not to be attracted to prepubescent girls because they grow up. Biologically speaking, if you start young, then at some point they will become fertile and you have reproductive success. Meanwhile, attraction to women over 40 is dysgenic because it results in higher rates of birth defects, down syndrome, etc.

>> No.15646983

its hard wired in the deepest part of human brain to create life.

not being able to ejaculate your cum into virgin vagina causes pedophilia.

>> No.15646992

the ones that weren't pedophilia enough in the past died with 0 children.

the most pedophilia people are alive right now btw because are granpas knew that tight young virgin pussy was meant to be ejaculated into.

very simple.

>> No.15647006

it would be awesome if you committed suicide immediately

>> No.15647494

>the insane one wants a child.
>the even more insane one is a sadist pedophile.
basically psychopaths don't have morals the way we do. they really don't know right from wrong.

they lord henry quote in dorian gray is key

what art is to us crime is to them

>> No.15647503

>it's well understood that pedophiles are known to prey on kids.
they see women as something they can manipulate and control. thinking women reject them because they're criminal. they prey on someone that doesn't know they're coward and criminal

kind of like in lovely bones where he talks about the art of concealment. it's all a childish game to them. they think they're smarter then everyone else.

the last thing a coward and a criminal want you to know is that they're coward and criminal they hate their own identity and are lacking in self awareness/

>> No.15647844

good post. you should put on a trip.

>> No.15647853
File: 38 KB, 554x554, 1F76D6B1-ED7B-46D5-8332-7B3BC178E232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what causes x behaviour
Your brain which is shaped by natural selection/randomness. Any analysis beyond this is philosophy and not science.

>> No.15647871

philosophy fuels science. that's why we can now observe adhd in the brain.

>> No.15647929
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