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15644465 No.15644465 [Reply] [Original]

pedophiles from our species? No other mammals have pedophiles in any sizable numbers due to natural selection doing it's job.

>> No.15644512

Pedophilia is just a fetish for assholes. You can't be predisposed to sexual things from genes. You could argue k selected people are naturally more loyal though but overall it's just assholes that think it's funny.

>> No.15644539

>Why has natural selection failed at removing pedophiles
It's mostly a modern resurgence, and entirely our fault:
When pedophilia is first exhibited, treating the patient with a cranial plumbum injection can stop the pedophilia in its tracks.

>> No.15644559

bonobos welcome toddlers to their orgies, my guess is other species don't mind fucking with minors either, I saw the other day a foal trying to have an intercourse with a mare and failing miserably for being a runt.

>> No.15644586

How so? Quite the contrary, having an affinity for both prepubescent and developed girls increases the probability for gene propagation. Altho not considered pedophilia, hebephilia has been prevalent across all societies throughout history due to its evolutionary advantage. Why do u think ol' whitey luvs azn midgets? They barely have any tits or ass, and look like lolis for most of their lives.

>> No.15644591

> doesn't know about bonobos

>> No.15644601

>No other mammals have pedophiles in any sizable numbers due to natural selection doing it's job.
[citation needed]

>> No.15644619

Because pedophilia is not maladaptive and evolution is not obligated to remove traits that you don't like.

>> No.15644666

First off that's bullshit, dolphins fuck literally everything. Secondly other mammals start fucking their youth as soon as they are reproductive, we are the ONE fucking species that adds some "mental age" restriction. People hit puberty and we keep restricting whether they should fuck or not, it's not natural.

>> No.15644688

Other mammals (and humans) often begin having sex even before they reach full sexual maturity. The fact that there's a point below which pregnancy isn't a concern is an argument in favor of underage sex. Just fuck anything that's cute and let nature sort it out; they won't get pregnant until they're ready. Although I'll admit that this kind of falls apart in modern human societies where the age of menarche has fallen to 10-12 from the traditional 15-17.

>> No.15644702
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we're working on it you silly cunt

>> No.15644713

>the age of menarche has fallen to 10-12 from the traditional 15-17.
"Traditional" 15-17 was for malnutritioned poorfags in the 19th century (when Marx got his impression that capitalism=horror movie).
Industrialisation and it's consequences was disaster for human race.

>> No.15644718
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Actually other mammal species don't have code of laws and therefore don't have age of consent concept. They operate lawless within barbaric tradition "if she bleeds she is ready" . according to human laws this is rampant pedophilia. So you are wrong . Other mammals are all pedophiles.

>> No.15644850

pedos are everywhere in the animal world. once the female hits puberty, the males will fuck her and won't wait until the female is the equivalent of 18 years old. e.g. a male dog will not ask if the female dog is at least 2.5 years old.

>> No.15644886

>having an affinity for both prepubescent and developed girls increases the probability for gene propagation
The caveat is that a lot of pedos are not interested in developed girls at all. Most likely their wires got crossed during psychosexual development.

>> No.15644894

>Why has natural selection failed at removing *homosexual* pedophiles from our species?
This is the real mystery.

>> No.15644900
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Pedophilia is natural and normal and occurs in other primate species:


De Waal, F. (1990). "Sociosexual behavior used for tension regulation in all age and sex combinations among Bonobos."
>"Observations concern a near relative of Man, the bonobo, where these “pigmy chimps” are allowed free access to any other bonobo for sexual contact at the San Diego Zoo. Nonfertile combinations (same-sex or juvenile–adult combinations) were as frequent as potentially fertile, adult male–female combinations. Further, one third of sociosexual contacts by an adult with an infant were initiated by the infant (De Waal, 1990)."

>"Ford and Beach (1951), in their seminal review of cross-cultural and cross-species data, observed that "[a]s long as the adult members of a society permit them to do so, immature males and females engage in practically every type of sexual behavior found in grown men and women" (p, 197) They also observed that juvenile sexual activity in monkeys and apes is "no less natural for the young primate than are the chasing, wrestling, and mock fighting that consume so much of his waking life" (p. 255). Psychologists have all but ignored these perspectives in favor of fitting their descriptions and explanations of juvenile sexuality to current Western values."

>In Sex Offenders Paul H. Gebhard et al. claimed that "sexual activity between adult and immature animals is common and appears to be biologically normal." Indeed, it "is precisely what we see in various animals, particularly monkeys."

>> No.15644904

homosexual pedophiles create serial killers which are needed for the plot. evil heterosexual twinks call me plz

>> No.15644906

groomer alert

>> No.15644912
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Langur and Nilgiri Langur (Presbytis entellus and Presbytis johnii): "Females also occasionally mount males, while adult-juvenile heterosexual interactions also occur." (Biological Exuberance - 296)

Japanese Macaque: "Females in some troops frequently form consortships with sexually immature (preadolescent) males;..." [...] "In some troops, a unique form of "baby-sitting" has developed. Although males in this species do not typically participate in parenting, high-ranking males in some populations take care of infants that are not their own for short periods. They groom, carry, embrace, and protect the infants, usually with the consent of their mothers. [...] ,a few male caretakers interact sexually with infants (usually females), masturbating themselves while carrying them or even thrusting against them. (Biological Exuberance - 305)

Rhesus Macaque: "In some cases, though, "aunts" engage in aggressive or sexual interactions with the infants as well and may even try to "kidnap" another female's baby." (Biological Exuberance - 310)

Crested-Black Macaque (Macaca Nigra): "Infant and very young male Crested Blacks often mount adult females, performing pelvic thrusts and even achieving penetration. " (Biological Exuberance - 322)

Dolphin: "Young dolphins are sexually precocious, and incestuous copulation have been observed between males a few months and their mothers." (p. 346) [...] "In captivity, "baby-sitting" males have been observed harassing mothers, trying to "kidnap" their calves, and even behaving sexually towards the infants "including trying to mate with them). (Biological Exuberance - 347)

Orca: "[...] while heterosexual interactions also occur between adults and adolescents (of both sexes) and youngsters (juveniles as well as calves)." (Biological Exuberance - 351)

>> No.15644918

Technically, pedophilia is a mental disorder in which a person is sexually attracted to prepubescents. This is atypical for mammals.

>> No.15644933
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Adult-juvenile sexual behaviour and pederasty is ubiquitous among primates because it is adaptive.

>Bonobo: "GG-rubbing occurs among females of all ages, from adolescent to very old, but if an older and a younger female are interacting, often the younger female will be on top. (p. 271) [...] In addition, when new females (usually adolescents) join a troop, they often pair up with an older female with whom they have most of their sexual and affectionate interactions. These bond need not be exclusive - either party may have sex with other females or males - but such mentorlike pairings can last for a year or more until the newcomer is fully integrated into the troop. [...] Manual stimulation of the genitals by a partner also occurs: typically an adolescent male spreads his legs and presents his erect penis to an adult male, who takes the shaft in his hand and caresses it with up-and-down movements." (Biological Exuberance - 273)

>Gorilla: "There is often intense competition among the males for "preferred" partners - often the younger males - and older, higher ranking males frequently "guard" their favorite males and fight to protect them from the advances of other males." (Biological Exuberance - 281)

More here:


>> No.15644979

Some people already said it in sciency terms, but here it is in simple terms.
If you get to them young, you can keep them forever. This applies to both boys and girls. Boys will grow up into loyal twinky teens. Girls will become your teen wife and carry your babies when they start bleeding at ~11. Both will be dependent on your resources because you are everything to them
That's why any pre-industrial society didn't bat an eye at a 50yo dude asking for their 6yo daughter for marriage. It just made sense. It created stronger families. It gave him time to have more children. It made the tribe bigger

>> No.15645352

Maybe because evolution doesn't work like people want and 12 years old girls can breed and give birth?
Yep, it's that simple. (Verification not required.)

>> No.15645394

Technically, pedophilic disorder is a mental disorder in which a person is sexually attracted to prepubescents *and* it causes distress or impairment to that person. Pedophilia on its own is not recognized as a disorder in either the DSM or the ICD. It's also not uncommon for many mammals, including primates.

>> No.15645642

To be fair, 12 year old girls being fertile was not normal until the twentieth century.

>> No.15645762

Spbp. And we've allowed faggotry spread unabated.

>> No.15645772
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Actually pedophilia is very rare and connected to homosexuality (mental illness).
Most of what is getting branded as "pedophilia" these days is attraction to 14-18 women which was historically normal since this is when they are most fertile.
The real question you should be asking is why hasnt natural selection removed attraction to 30+ year old women (though in large part it did)

>> No.15645787

why did women evolve limited egg supply?

>> No.15645790

Its not even an issue of limited egg supply but of deteriorating quality of both eggs and reproductive organs due to aging.
So the question you might wanted to ask was why isnt there more evolutionary pressure for longevity?

>> No.15645818

Because lifespans were shorter back then, in no small part due to how much more dangerous childbirth was.

>> No.15645819

I dont think you understand how natural selection works. Also, anyone randomly hating pedos might as well be a pedo, just like people that absolutely hatw faggots its a closet one

>> No.15645820

there is, human is one of the longest living specie on earth

>> No.15645824

>I was born this way!
No you're not, you are a very insecure, probaly small dick, morbid person and you might have been abused as a kid as well. Therefore you get horny with kids. The "muh genes" bullshit doesnt work here

>> No.15645834

Actually its nothing special if you take human in state of nature without modern medicine and social support. Its pretty much what is expected from mammal our size

>> No.15645896

>homosexuality (mental illness).

>> No.15646547

My dog tries to hump our new puppy all of the time.

>> No.15646579

Just like because you're a stuck up cunt, you like the taste of strawberries

>> No.15647947

that's a dom thing with dogs

>> No.15647956

>homosexuality (mental illness)
>The real question you should be asking is why hasnt natural selection removed attraction to 30+ year old women
/pol/ moment

>> No.15647989

>/pol/ is when you recognize one thing is selected for and other is selected against
Yes, everything that brings your fitness to near zero is either physical or mental affliction

>> No.15648352
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The real question is why most human females can get impregnated at 11 and some even at 9. If such a thing was in any way negative then natural selection should have removed them. The truth is that there is nothing wrong breeding females at that age.

>> No.15649589

Why is this shit all homo? What's with women of all species in general?
Also strange is on >>15644900, there's not a single male/juv. female pairing. Only juv. male/juv. female

>> No.15649599

Do you examples of this occurring in history? Or did you just write your violent fantasy?

>> No.15649988

>Pedophilia is just a fetish for assholes.
feel ya. pay attention to how simple other people are. cowards and criminals hate their own identity and constantly try to latch onto other things that give them a purpose so they don't feel worthless.

here's a better question. how has evolution not ridded us of cowards and criminals. probably because it's nurture not nature.

>> No.15649991

>just like people that absolutely hatw faggots its a closet one
I just watched american beauty last night actually.

what did mike tyson say? you become what you hate?

>> No.15650003 [DELETED] 

>Therefore you get horny with kids.
basically you pay attention to the blood flowing through your body when around attractive women. it's focus. you can focus on the blood flow.

i said it before it's always cowards and criminals that have no morals.

trust.respect.loyalty. all of these things stem from morals.

the thing you learn around cowards and criminals is they don't have morals. they think they're smarter then everyone else

kinda like kanye west coffee table analogy. there trying to find their way out of the maze of coffee tables that thinking men placed around them

does o

>> No.15650004

It was normal just 100 years ago

>> No.15650290
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>> No.15650302
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>> No.15651049

Also note that broken families and absence of fathers will trigger earlier menarche

>> No.15651633

what exactly is natural about civilization?

>> No.15651638

impressive. very nice. Let's see the name of the writer. maybe an early life section.

>> No.15651641

nothing which is why it's based

>> No.15651668

Exclusive pedophiles are rare. Like 95% of normal males would fuck females who are >= 12yo.

>> No.15652593

Selection against criminals also leads to a selection of cowards. Select for loyalty instead and you select against both criminal behavior and against cowardice. Select against loyalty and you will end up with a big problem.

>> No.15652835

>You can't be predisposed to sexual things from genes.
leftist blank slate propaganda

>> No.15654563

Sure? I hear stories about the ancient Greek not fit for a blue board.

>> No.15655102

Fucking kids younger than 12 has never been normal or healthy for anyone

>> No.15655219

most humans live by exploiting one another, it's almost inevitable among the worst people.

>> No.15655466

They weren't considered kids @ 12 because the child mortality and human mortality prior to 100 years ago meant you maybe lived to 50 and become elder, but most become young adult @ 12 or so marriage by 12-15 was extremely common

>> No.15655487

It's because sexual preference is just an acquired taste like any other. The idea that it's somehow an ingrained part of your fundamental being is baseless liberal nonsense designed to try to couple faggotry and race as though what you are and what you choose to do are somehow the same thing. There is no pedophile gene to be selected against just like there's no homosexual gene to be selected against. It's all just adopted behaviors.

>> No.15655489
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>> No.15656032

There's actually a sort of lolicon/lolibaba evolutionary arms race. Males prefer younger females because they have more years of peak fertility. In turn, females evolve neotenic features to appear younger and more attractive to males (e.g., no beards), and males preferences evolve toward even younger looking females and so on.