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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.15642607

Digits for total nigger death and rtsc

>> No.15642611
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>> No.15642613

So are we back? Is it over again? Someone post the needle please, it's the only way I can understand where we're at right now.

>> No.15642617

Emm uhmmm qrd??

>> No.15642618

If you roll 99 it’s real. Anything else and it’s over.

>> No.15642620

the current theory is LK99 is a diamagnetic material who's conductivity passes through copper channels in the material
due to lead, the conductivity is not as good as regular copper

>> No.15642627
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Total gook death for wasting everyone's time.

>> No.15642632
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Grandpa disagrees

>> No.15642641

>the current theory
According to?

>> No.15642652

it's over
give up on superconductivity
all R&D monies should be used for parallel processing, natural gas plants, and electric cars where 2/3rds of the weight is the battery

>> No.15642660

That sounds even more schizo than a RTSC

>> No.15642676
File: 532 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20230808-034808-154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostan for answers
This Andrew Cole guy has now switched to it all being a diamagnetic particle.
He seems convinced that there's something called
Brauenbecker extension to Earnshaw's theorem which allows for single magnet floating of a diamagnet, provided the diamagnet is very small.
But I read the paper he linked and it didn't seem to have that conclusion at all
So is this true?

>> No.15642683

there's betting on the outcome, plus like a shitload of possible investments. /biz/tards trying to get a scoop, or manipulate the overall sentiment to play the odds or some shit like that.
no matter how much they tweak their responses you can still see they're all just midwits.

>> No.15642689
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Just go fucking ask him on twitter since you're both craving attention

>> No.15642713

grandpa is wrong

>> No.15642717

I domt trust Twitter, I think it's a scam
I only trust my 4chan bros

>> No.15642734

B-but ricecels told me it was the Asian age!!

>> No.15642739

>reddit meme
>LK-99 denier
why not just kys

>> No.15642754

It doesn't make any sense.
The strong diamagnetic properties are undeniable, but some people find it more rational to claim that the diamagnetism is due to some unknown physics and not the result of room temperature superconductivity?
That kind of claim shows a bias; they are saying that RTSC, despite standing theoretical mechanisms for its existence, is less likely than an unfounded discovery of extremely unique magnetism.
It's absurd. Rational review would suggest that LK-99 is indeed a RTSC. Anything less is disingenuous.

>> No.15642758

Then why can nobody make a real sample that isn't more than a 20 nanometer flake that a butterfly fart from 40 miles away can lift?

>> No.15642759
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Grandpa has an h-index of 41 and is literally a superconductivity expert
More likely that Grandpa and the Korean team that hired him as the expert got caught with their pants down at the wrong time, and you're missing the secret twist. If LK-99 (R) (Patent Pending) weren't enough of an indicator, they're there to make money, not to give you the steps to create shit that enables the US government to leapfrog their drone tech even beyond what china can hope of in your garage.

>> No.15642767

>The strong diamagnetic properties are undeniable
Proof? Andrew McCalip's piece might be nothing more than ferromagnetic nickel contamination.

>> No.15642772

Well we still don't know for sure, there is still a chance that this is a superconductor, we just need to have a little bit of faith.

>> No.15642776

RTSC is impossible, there's a very obvious logarithmic plateau around 180K where then only higher temp Superconductors required being squeezed to extreme pressures in the GPa range

RTSC is just as absurd as a high temp superfluid lol

>> No.15642779

It's so fucking over...

>> No.15642790
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imma nuke sk

>> No.15642795


>> No.15642800


>> No.15642807

LK99 is black project secret tech that was leaked out of spite, we don't have the entire recipe to make it work. China is obsessing over it and the US is downplaying it because of their international political positions regarding the leak

>> No.15642808
File: 1.19 MB, 2446x1858, Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 3.40.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RTSC is impossible

>> No.15642810
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What we need to do now:
1. Find a way to prove the tiny superconductive channels indeed exist in LK99
2: Once it's proven and the world works on it together, extract these channels and integrate them to make real 3D NTP superconductor
3. Literally colonize Mars the next year

>> No.15642811

There is the theory work about how to have RTSC that came well before July 23rd. You fucking holier-than-thou faux-intellectual shitheads need to just *read* the published papers of the last 20 years instead of proclaiming it is be impossible because it doesn't match your personal amateur understanding.
>RTSC is impossible
disgusting frauds

>> No.15642814
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4chon stripped the exif rotation

>> No.15642827

That is a separate question. How big of a sample could we get with the current method if we could scale it up to a half-ton mix?
Sounds like a worthwhile experiment to me.

>> No.15642846

Hi frens, sorry to bother as I realize you must all be very busy researching and discussing. If anyone could find the time, could you please provide latest status, needle orientation and sentiment?
Best retards

>> No.15642850

There are currently 5 samples from 5 replication attempts from 5 groups with high levels of reliability, not including what the original team has shown, displaying strong diamagnetism. There have been 3 additional amateur attempts at replication of lower reliability in their claim also reporting displays of strong diamagnetism.

You are proposing that either all 8 of these replications (plus the original team) have had some kind of ferromagnetic contamination and mistook this ferromagnetic contamination for diamagnetism
it's diamagnetism.

>> No.15642851


status: Over since friday

>> No.15642871

Would I still have to solve the captcha if RTSC turn out to be reality? Or would such material render this process obsolete?

>> No.15642896

You'll have to wait for quantum computing for perfect security and captcha obsolescence. Which RTSC may or may not enable, too early to say.

>> No.15642904
File: 65 KB, 1242x1181, 5081AE76-8CEA-490B-9023-1330F52BF07B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could I made a 5-10 Tesla desktop torus magnet with a RTSC?
for putting stuff inside of

>> No.15642916

You can already solve 4chan's captcha with machine learning. They changed it at the beginning of this month, so it broke some models that were overfit, but the solving still works on some mobile apps versus the most popular web extension.

>> No.15642926

Will RTSC give me a cute & funny gamer gf

>> No.15642945

you'll have to go groom someone on discord for that

>> No.15642990

I would have thought that /biz/raelis would be betting against it being real since historically that has always been the case, but the over-troons seem more like the shills since they generally don't have any valid points and just parrot "it's over" a bunch of times.
If I was betting on it being real, I would try to convince people it was not real to drive my payouts up. Is /biz/ just too moronic to understand this?

>> No.15643021

Using YBCO tape as a starting estimate (up to 900A, 10mm width, 0.25mm thick):
A 10T coil with 900A running through it would be 88 layers, and have coils 2.2cm thick.
Assuming "desktop" is about 30cm diameter, that's 83 meters of tape you'd need.

Anyone know what this YBCO stuff costs yet? Fuck RT, you could do some crazy stuff already with just your local welding supply

>> No.15643063

demand for it exceeds supply greatly is what I've heard so probably a fuckton

>> No.15643065
File: 27 KB, 512x512, DE75CC45-0B71-4DE2-8856-79D32FF97B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 10 Tesla Fleshlight

>> No.15643092

but out of stock. curious about price

>> No.15643097

>>15643092 me
>14 offers from $56.99 Product Description YBCO HTS Superconductor 600 Amp YBCO Tape (wire)

>> No.15643141
File: 147 KB, 460x590, 1640291108257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will this give me cyber pussy?

>> No.15643158

>grab followers by posting sensational claims
>back up to retain some decency

Basic grifting ladies and gents

>> No.15643180

>robots need big batteries
>rtsc renders batteries obsolete
>slender sexbots

>> No.15643183

>>rtsc renders batteries obsolete
the fuck

>> No.15643186

But he could just use an RTSC enabled super AI for that

>> No.15643230

Assuming this will turn out real, what would be the best stocks to buy right now?

>> No.15643232

>3. Literally colonize Mars the next year
A RTSC wouldn't be a panacea , even with one it still won't make any economic sense to colonize mars.

>> No.15643233

we're about to witness blockchain stupidity all over again

>> No.15643240
File: 151 KB, 675x1200, 343172344172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know RTSC will allow MRI to see each of your neuron individually, right? Real full immersion VR will be developed in no time and "sexbots" would be a fucking joke when you can literally relive every doujin you've read.

>> No.15643241

Short fan producers

>> No.15643248

Wait for wires.

>> No.15643253

>No cooper pairs, no superconductor
Don't care fag.

>> No.15643255

At last, an effective treatment for pedophilia.

>> No.15643265

>read every non peer reviewed garbage paper over the last 40 years written by every literally who fraudster about a miracle material that despite all those papers, has never been made or confirmed work
they can make it first, then people can care about their samples, given the Korean teams reluctance to release how they made their sample or send samples to verify their findings, this paper is obviously moot

>> No.15643266
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>I don't care that superconductor needs to be a superconductor

>> No.15643272

>is retarded
checks out

>> No.15643282

>RTSC will allow MRI to see each of your neuron individually,
brother that means something else even more important, backups/immortality/teleportation/time travel.
keep your eyes on the prize, death-proofing humanity. that's what all of this is for

>> No.15643286

I have to go to bed. How are we closing the day? Over or back?

>> No.15643290



>> No.15643294



>> No.15643295
File: 162 KB, 1080x1772, anime hater CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime hater is accusing someone else of being a pedo
Where have I seen this before

>schzio twitter account
It's like you're trying to set yourself up for disappointment

>> No.15643296

What applications a diamagnetic semiconductor have?

>> No.15643297

>it's another short, shit quality video that doesn't film the entire scene

>> No.15643312

Not shit much has happened except for theoretical schlop. Ayylium fags cooked up something in their garage. Waiting for Argonne and Wollongong. Bongs are still sucking dick and shitting up twitter with "oopsie~~~ we fucked up our ratios and quenched the shit in cold water right out of the oven but that's just science tee hee~~~~"

>> No.15643320
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Everybody is getting a nanometer sample size at best while the fucking gooknigs are getting sizes closer to a pinky nail. These stupid fuckers are hiding something and wasting everybody's time.

>> No.15643323

>schzio twitter account
they're the dudes in the youtube live. they are in a lab, and they have an oven. watch the youtube video

>> No.15643349


>> No.15643359

they probably make a fuckload of material, filtered the diamagnetic/magnetic pieces, then pressed them together into a loose ceramic puck

>> No.15643379


>> No.15643382

No that's not it. If it worked and LK-99 really was a superconductor then you would see actual full floating.

>> No.15643386

filtered. you suppose everyone makes it perfectly every single attempt, which is quite retarded.

>> No.15643393


>> No.15643395

It's never been more over than right now

>> No.15643396

Q: Why did LK-99 in the released video partially float?
HTK: [The Meissner effect is supposed to be] completely floating, not partially. Let’s talk about one dimension; you can draw a single line to a plane, likewise if we have one-dimensional metal, then neighboring [materials] would be non-metal. The measurement would measure both and we were yet to produce a very homogeneous sample, which is a reason for the slanted look I believe. The further technological development would allow an increased angle of slant, but it would never float perfectly like today’s two-dimensional and three-dimensional superconductors. We are still able to cut and take the one dimensional section and make [things] out of it, which needs a further technological development. This is only the starting point, isn’t it?
Q: How did you join this effort?
HTK: My theoretical paper was published in 2021, and Q-Centre told me that they seem to have produced superconductivity. Professor Keun Ho Auh saw my paper and, as they thought they were lacking in the theoretical manner and as the author in question was Korean, called ETRI [Ed: HTK’s then-employer] to contact me

>> No.15643399
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Show string and pixels.

>> No.15643407

I said diamagnetic not superconducting lmao

>> No.15643411

it's some of the most advanced copium known to man, and it's being deployed to save the green new deal, which is now pointless

>> No.15643419

>5 samples from 5 replication attempts from 5 groups with high levels of reliability, not including what the original team has shown, displaying strong diamagnetism
Lmao no there aren't. There's that Andrew fag who had gone silent, and those Chinese randoms on chinktube. What 5 reliable groups are you talking about.

>> No.15643420

we're so fucking back

>> No.15643421

Did Andrew get vanned? Where tf is he?

>> No.15643426

yeah they seem to have tested both some ferromagnetic shit along with LK99 and LK99 behaved differently than the regular ferromagnetic shit
anyway you look at it, there is something about LK99, that is for sure at this point. we don't know for sure exactly what, but random evidence points to it being RTSC.

>> No.15643428

>AlienScientist - X-File Physics Researcher
>Deep Politics & Physics Historian Documenting the Pre-Warp Scientific Dark Age.

It seems you made an error and posted a source that shouldn't be used outside /x/.

>> No.15643430

>We are aware of solvents which should be able to grow these crystals near room temperature like rock candy
catgirls ftw

>> No.15643431


>> No.15643439

White people are saying it is real. We're Back.

>> No.15643448

they are gonna test that i think first

>> No.15643452

it really pisses me off that they're trying to leapfrog instead of straight replicating, but I understand the temptation
if I had a kiln I'd fucking try it myself...

>> No.15643461
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red phosphorus is illegal, so technically any of these guys could get vanned

>> No.15643470

Had to return some video tapes

>> No.15643469
File: 40 KB, 768x768, 1685389649244722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the nerd brought the janitor to run the stream
Truly inclusive

>> No.15643474

Despite being an ayylamao channel, the chemistry guy seems very knowledgeable.

>> No.15643478
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>> No.15643485
File: 55 KB, 660x574, D1C4EB97-AA22-46EF-9CEE-D889EB9288CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a video tape?

>> No.15643489

They're leapfrogging because they have to. The gooks gave fucking worthless instructions that isn't giving them shit.

>> No.15643501

he's thinking way ahead of replication
it's sort of annoying

>> No.15643506

they want to
he's talking about trying nickel and tin instead of lead

>> No.15643509

Ferromagnetic stick "levitates" in the same direction regardless of magnet polarity.

Backbros, it is so over, now that even muh diamagnetism has been debunked.

>> No.15643513

how stupid are you, really

>> No.15643515
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Doesn't matter. ChatGPT says it's sc, so it's sc

>> No.15643516

im an undergrad working in a lab. they're doing polymer shit but we have cool equipment. spoke to the professor in charge about the superconductor like, friday. considering asking him if we have the shit to attempt making it. i think that would be kind of cool.

>> No.15643519

>polymer shit
try doing it in solution, grow nice big crystals

>> No.15643520

Rotates independent of magnet, and doesn't stay in one position relative to magnet.

>> No.15643526


>> No.15643529
File: 14 KB, 370x320, 1645555841861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, anon. And remember to make a thread!
This board really needs something other than keyboard theorists

>> No.15643530
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That is why we are always getting partial "levitation". People always select the most "diamagnetic" parts, which are in reality always just a mix of one end ferro/-paramagnetic and the other non-magnetic impurities.

>> No.15643531
File: 49 KB, 496x426, F2uQ0nLX0AEClrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you make some, measure all the physical properties of LK99 and you'll get a quick PhD.

>> No.15643534
File: 83 KB, 720x575, 1686722233769684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got DAM it feels good to be back

>> No.15643541

It seems like bismuth would be the obvious choice since it is already a strong diamagnetic

>> No.15643556

Ok, but what is the differebce between ferromagnetic and supercond? I still don't get it.

>> No.15643561

sort of the right atomic radius too I guess

>> No.15643562

That's obviously CGI

>> No.15643568

yes there is just follow the link in OP

>> No.15643573

any reports of alternative syntheses? or just the solid state one in the original paper?

>> No.15643578

they are gonna try lots of good ideas. watch the replay of the livestream that ended a few minutes ago.

>> No.15643583

there's a russian catgirl who did wet chemistry apparently, I don't have a link

>> No.15643586

Yeah these alien guys are without a doubt a bunch of quacks
this stuff must have fed their schizo dreams when they actually turned up a couple floating rocks in their lab

>> No.15643587
File: 15 KB, 320x307, 1564008655176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post YFW it's real but then corporations successfully lobby to ban it.

>> No.15643588

was it a femboy or a tranny?

>> No.15643591


>> No.15643592

>Six of one, half dozen of the other

>> No.15643595

>this stuff must have fed their schizo dreams when they actually turned up a couple floating rocks in their lab
How is this a bad thing?

>> No.15643596
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>> No.15643598

I'm really hoping someone can make a non-toxic substitute for this stuff because I do not want to see another generation of mass lead poisoning.

>> No.15643600
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>> No.15643602
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>> No.15643604

unless you're aerosolizing the LK-99 AND deciding to breath it, its harmless

>> No.15643606
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>> No.15643608

It's so fucking over, this gay shit was a waste of everyone's time. Time to abandon thread

>> No.15643611
File: 61 KB, 600x663, 1634043631117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lead in a crystal structure at room temp is the same as burning lead in a combustion engine

>> No.15643613

actual girl
and a lesbian, to boot

>> No.15643618

>actual girl
anon giveth
>and a lesbian, to boot
anon taketh away

>> No.15643622

its a troon

>> No.15643623

>authority man says no

>> No.15643627

I have licked plenty of lead in my day and I turned out fine

>> No.15643631

He's completely misunderstanding that paper. The Brauenbecker result is simply the well known corollary to Earnshaw's theorem which permits diamagnetic levitation under controlled conditions. Adding to this, the authors of the paper make an offhand remark about very small diamagnets being stable, but they don't go into this and focus rather on the usual stabilisation apparatus. I'm going to check the paper's results myself.

>> No.15643634
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>> No.15643636
File: 528 KB, 1500x2000, 1688246396468482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backbroken sissies, where are you faggots? Come on out don't be shy, we promise we won't laugh at you. Having your hope and faith shattered is always difficult. We're here to guide you through these hard times as you cope.

>> No.15643648

actually giving them a watch, once the "slightly less weird" one in a white t-shirt and pants starts talking about the actual chemistry of the process he's actually making a ton of sense. in fact it's just about the cleanest off the top of their head discussion dialogue of someone talking about the chemistry out there. I'm not sure why we have to go to "alienscientist.com" to find that

>> No.15643668

I think he just felt the need to drum up a take for engagement. These twitter bozos have a distinctive style when they're attention-seeking.

>> No.15643673

>I'm not sure why we have to go to "alienscientist.com" to find that
I dunno, man. Seems to fit the current theme

>> No.15643674

>it costs only about $1000 to be able to manufacture your own LK-99 at home

>> No.15643680
File: 215 KB, 1245x672, 1682649700449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're so back baby :(

>> No.15643684

You'd think that someone at a "respectable" standard lab would readily be able to dialogue about the chemistry of the LK99 recipe, how CuSO4 is very important to the process, and how if the mechanism outlined in the 6 author paper is actually important to creating the superconducting crystal lattice structure that Au doping would most likely not actually work.

>> No.15643688

takes time to grow large crystals. you morons want it guaranteed real in 2 days if possible.
what is it with overlings being willing to accept the material forming a fucking singularity by itself by surely can't be RTSC. why? why are they so intent on completely refusing this option? it's not like they can do anything about it. it is what it is.

>> No.15643692

we are currently in a quantum superposition of it's back and it's over

>> No.15643693

They'd probably feel like they're throwing their eggs in the basket. If it's a fluke, like so many times before, they'll feel dirtied. It's a gamble to them.
Established scientists are cowards atm. Which is why this cowboy science is gaining traction and joy

>> No.15643696

Why would they? They only work on shit they have a grant for. You want meme conductors, pay up

>> No.15643697

Sure loves vanadium oxide.

>> No.15643699

Andrew Cole is a journalist pretending to be a scientist.

>> No.15643700

>and is literally a superconductivity expert
Which makes me see why science has stagnated for years now if quacks like this are running the show.

>> No.15643702
File: 224 KB, 487x560, 1494003156827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If superconductors can give us infinite fusion energy, why is the operating temperature such a big deal?
Wouldn't you have all the energy you could possibly need to cool them down?

>> No.15643705

the original paper literally says it only takes less than 3 days to make you absolute ape. how many times are you going to move the goalpost in order to keep coping?

>> No.15643706

everybody loves vanadium oxide
got some obscure reaction cribbed from a turn of the century German cookbook that just won't start? why don't you try some vanadium oxide?
need to measure heat very accurately? vanadium oxide!
TAs getting uppitty, questioning your undeniable genius? vanadium oxide in their tea and bob's your uncle!

>> No.15643707

STupid question. Go -> the fuck over there where you can talk dumb fusion talk with the other plebs. this is the LK99 thread

>> No.15643710

It's not a big deal if the chemical compound is a ceramic material that is hard to reproduce efficiently.

>> No.15643712

guy says
"I think it's really cool but not our cup of tea. The real thing is a tiny fraction of the product and is difficult to characterize. The moment it says Pb, I immediately lost interest. Pb should never make its way into the consumer market.

but, if you become a serious researcher and find an angle to connect this with polymers, I'm all ears."

>> No.15643713

Not enough gravity

>> No.15643714

>vanadium oxide in their tea
Don't joke about this shit after covid. I bet there are human experiments that try worse than this and then batch it with a vaccine.

>> No.15643721

and you didn't respond
"Well that's about the lamest most chickenshit response I ever heard."

>> No.15643722

>+5.0 energy units - fusion
>-4.9 energy units - creating fusion
>-0.1 energy units - cooling to enable superconductivity
the math just doesn't add up

>> No.15643726

Scale issue.

>> No.15643727

I see

>> No.15643729

>2 more weeks
I will fucking chop my dick off if after 1 month we are still not on the point of "more samples and tests needed"

>> No.15643731

>+10.0 energy units - fusion
>-9.8 energy units - creating fusion
>-0.2 energy units - cooling to enable superconductivity
sorry pal I just checked the numbers

>> No.15643734

because they cant, superconductors are the most overhyped meme in existence. useful for creating magnetic fields thats about it.

>> No.15643736

you act as if the paper would say the correct method to make their patented product. and that's only one of the quite few arguments for why you're a chimp.

>> No.15643748
File: 2.77 MB, 1x1, s41598-021-81559-z.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Development and large volume production of extremely high current density YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting wires for fusion"(Nature, 2021)

If RTSC's are the future, this might be an important read

>> No.15643757

Keep trying

>> No.15643762

Chinksect lies shining through once again. I love bug mods so much it is unreal.

>> No.15643798

tell him he's a faggot, try bismuth

>> No.15643801

they have an obligation to, you orangutard

>> No.15643808

that's not how patents work, anon
if you keep the method a secret, it's considered a trade secret
you wouldn't file a fake patent to hide your trade secret, that would be retarded

>> No.15643809

>LOL you actually expect me to actually READ?

>> No.15643812

not how science works /pol/ nigger

>> No.15643816
File: 36 KB, 300x300, pepelaugh-emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually bet money on lk99 being a superconductor

>> No.15643828

excuse me, /pol/tard? I'm the expert in science, YOU need go back to your containment board.

>> No.15643830
File: 44 KB, 417x584, 4T4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won

>> No.15643850

>Tards burning their money
Holy tardation...

>> No.15643861

That video specifically admitted he was faking it and deleted everything, lol


>> No.15643864

its over...https://twitter.com/nonemptystring/status/1688710413284782080

>> No.15643866

You actually retarded if you take twitterpost as evidence for anything, to be fucking frank.

>> No.15643868
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>rock floats
>what is a woman
>aliens are real trust me bruh
we are devolving

>> No.15643869
File: 1.98 MB, 4080x3072, F2-BxJQaAAA51Hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew sent the samples to be tested...

>> No.15643874

So now that LK99 is a proven scam...
Why don't LK99 threads die?

>> No.15643876
File: 505 KB, 1024x1024, 1675724346997935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superconductors are cool and all but lead gives me the ick

>> No.15643889

poorfag seething at richfags throwing away literally .0000000001% of their wealth for a gag

>> No.15643890

What a fag
Is he sending it to the retards who did a fucky-wucky with their attempt to make the stuff?

>> No.15643897

BackSCHOLARS........what will you do first in this brave new world? I'm getting a jetpack and railguns

>> No.15643900

It's become impossible for it to be a scam.
It's over for you. Give it up.

>> No.15643903
File: 158 KB, 1000x667, Qcentre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true this is the registered address of the lab LK-99 was found?

>> No.15643905
File: 1.24 MB, 854x480, yang.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will quit my dream and wait for UBI

>> No.15643917
File: 18 KB, 321x321, lAn6SFF-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gibsmedat subhuman

>> No.15643931

Post bobbs

>> No.15643932

Just better electric motors, generators, power transmission, and commonplace magnetic bearings, magnetic springs, etc. I would love to see the USA get a transcontinental maglev rail system for mostly freight, but also persons. A huge portion of our economy is tied up in getting stuff from A to B and a technology inspired overhaul would mean I would be bringing my children up in a world prosperous enough to be worth living in.

>> No.15643933

Nevermind, I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.15643963

one thing i agree with yang on is that the path is not left or right

it is the third way

>> No.15643971
File: 23 KB, 500x500, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superconductors are cool
Actually they're supercool.

>> No.15643979

Not if the gooks have any to say about it

>> No.15643982

No the path is "stop following paths, they do not explore or innovate anything."

>> No.15643990
File: 627 KB, 1600x1035, Screenshot_2023-08-08-03-43-58-555_com.android.chrome-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are hitting over levels which shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.15643997

>people faking replication of possible revolutionary discovery for attention
lmao the absolute state of modern society

>> No.15644001


>> No.15644004

Right? People really think zoomers are the only ones who do retarded shit for attention for some reason.

>> No.15644009

You make it sound like you think that's a bad thing

>> No.15644016


>> No.15644021

>while chinese are the ones replicating this, chinese are also the ones denying this even works
It's very obvious the CCP wants to stop this shit from going global.

>> No.15644022
File: 409 KB, 550x835, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 09-59-32 Beijing Superconductor Levitation Video Author Admits Fraud Takes it Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda glad most anons called bullshit early.
But fuck the shill problem here is incredible.

Also Hyun-Tak Kim might need to flee to North Korea.

>> No.15644026
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Overfags BTFO again lmao

>> No.15644031

Ok, I will accept this straw clutching

>> No.15644035

How? It's literally been called a hoax by the perpetrator now.
It's just finished now.

I'm just concerned the whole thing was just to fuck with people from the start though.

>> No.15644036 [DELETED] 

>neodymium magnet
Wow it's literally nothing.

>> No.15644039

It's called 4D chess, you wouldn't understand

>> No.15644045
File: 48 KB, 213x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck its really over isnt it... well the fast threads were fun for like the first 3 days...

>> No.15644059

overbros... we are so fucking back

>> No.15644062

its over over

>> No.15644064

backbros... it's so fucking over

>> No.15644068

>the results come back
>it's just iron contamination
Screencap this

>> No.15644069

It certainly called a psyop, yes.

>> No.15644075


This doesn't really line up with what these guys got, >>15643290 because the ferromagnetic fragment behaves differently by scooting around with the magnet.
What's more likely is that these Chinks just failed to get anything and ragequit after first try.
Who knows if this is a superconductor, but it's magnetic properties are interesting and may very well turn out to be something entirely unique.
Just got to wait two more weeks™ and see what the deal really is with the parts that showed leviation.

>> No.15644078
File: 57 KB, 480x612, gettyimages-563941495-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ nothing ever happens

financial markets are dead
climate is dead
ai is dead
superelectricity is dead

whatever the FUCK comes next is already dead also

>> No.15644079

You don't understand how chinese apologizes. They don't apologize like that unless under threat. CCP is shutting him down. You don't believe me? In a few years, suddenly all of china's tech will magically becomes more than 2 times more efficient.

>> No.15644086

HUST literally disproved in their replication ferromagnetism you fucking retarded faggots.

>> No.15644088

disproved that it was the result of ferromagnetism*
goddamn, read the paper. I might as well shit out a paper like that kvetching metallic hydrogen rocket fuel shill that I was able to make floaty with dried powder of dogshit and neodymium flakes. as for why it's not locked to the poles? fuck you, don't ask questions.
quit being retards and taking every excretion off of arXiv seriously.

>> No.15644089

They did it wrong obviously

>> No.15644091
File: 34 KB, 600x524, 19378749269102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all a joke to them. I wouldn't humor them. They'll just keep spamming ''back'' and ''over'' until there's an actual consensus to this as if the joke didn't already wear off a week ago.

>> No.15644093

resistivity of copper is 0.0000017 ohm-cm
1. how can you possibly see what graph a is showing at that scale? it's 1000x too large
2. graph 2's scale isn't much better at 100x too large

>> No.15644096
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690586947815539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644098

Is that why all the "confirming" sources were just chinese shills from other chinese universities?
I'm stunned at the SK professor going along with it though.

But then you look at what he's "pushed" and he's clearly just pushing any old shit he gets enough money for.

>> No.15644100

It's literally 90% fucking chinese shills.
It's a psychological operation because clearly there is a war going on, unofficially though.

>> No.15644112

what is the theoretical basis for a chip of lead apatite being ferromagnetic?

>> No.15644116

Two papers on that from today:
>Metallization and Spin Fluctuations in Cu-doped Lead Apatite
>Possible ferroic properties of copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite

>> No.15644117

My beautiful mind.

>> No.15644125

right that's absolute resistance, not resistivity.
sample looks small af. so you'd expect the resistance to be very very low.

you need to normalise it with a size measurement - which I can't seem to find.

I've got the original paper but its in gook - where did you get the translated one from?

>> No.15644126
File: 116 KB, 812x800, 1646890371755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psyops to control the narrative. everybody is in denial so they get a head start in private. they are literally trying to shut it down lmao, for the public
>nothing to see here move along. whatever you saw is not real and easily explained with theoretical fringe effects and contorted mental gymnastics.

>> No.15644128
File: 145 KB, 268x346, 1675686303135194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks nothing like the levitating of the other samples.

>> No.15644130

REMINDER it takes only ~$1000 to start making LK99 at home

>> No.15644134
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1632721877362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard. The paper is already out. If it was true and confirmed, the CCP trying to suppress it would do absolutely no good because all the other countries would figure it out in days and then race ahead of them anyways. The CCP shut it down because it was causing wild stock swings and destabilizing the market, and the guy who posted it himself might have done it to make quick money through market manipulation. That's why the CCP shut him down, if they even did at all.

>> No.15644140

it's so over

>> No.15644142

When DFT gives ferromagnetic results, it's reliable
When DFT gives superconductivity, it's unreliable

>> No.15644150

You are a retard, if it were just ferromagnetic you'd be able to drag it with the magnet, which mccalip says doesn't happen

>> No.15644151


>> No.15644154

Just got home. It's over?

>> No.15644155

It's only a little bit ferromagnetic

>> No.15644157

Pb and copper is suddenly ferromagnetic exactly enough to somehow look exactly like diamagnetism

>> No.15644159

Doesn't that just raise further questions?

>> No.15644162


We're in a superposition of over and back again, until some white man finally gets a larger sample out of the oven.
Chinks are getting too chinky to be trusted with anything anymore.

>> No.15644163

Possibly, but we must preclude the possibility of a room temperature superconductor at every turn or we aren't exercising appropriate scientific skepticism

>> No.15644174

>white man

>> No.15644182

to me it seems that overs will settle for it being anything you want BUT superconductive. it's like they are literally not allowing the material to be superconductive

>> No.15644191
File: 74 KB, 528x712, 1676645292418762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ferromagnetic enough to lift the mass but not ferromagnetic to drag the mass
The absolute state of oversisies

>> No.15644198

They dragged it on wax paper so the friction was low enough, has anyone done a similarly sensitive test for ferromagnetism on a partially-levitating sample?
>Ferromagnetic half levitation of LK-99-like synthetic samples
>Finally, we remark that the strength of the ferromagnetism in our sample appears to be strong enough to half-levitate the sample, but not strong enough for the sample to be picked up against its own weight by the same magnet from above. The net attraction between the sample S3 and the magnet could be demonstrated in our dragging experiment only because the friction between the sample and the waxed weighing paper is small.

Incidentally the ferromagnetism paper found diamagnetism too.
>After subtracting the diamagnetic background, the remainder exhibits a typical saturation above 20 kOe. Let’s compare some diamagnetic materials with our sample S1. The subtracted diamagnetic susceptibility (∼ −2 × 10−6 emu/g) is larger than that of Bismuth (∼ −1.6 × 10−6 emu/g) and water (∼ −10−7 emu/g) but smaller than that of Pyrolytic carbon (∼ −4 × 10−6 emu/g), indicating that this part is not from the superconductivity.
And paramagnetism.
>We think that in addition to the ferromagnetic components, there are some paramagnetic components in sample S3.

>> No.15644201
File: 32 KB, 708x1500, 8CD10339-85E7-45CE-88F2-C9DDA488FAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? this is something with real-world consequences

>> No.15644205

RT superconductors would be disruptive to the global status quo

>> No.15644212
File: 65 KB, 852x501, Over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so fucking over

>> No.15644216

I'm too lazy to read these threads and they're just shitpostan anyway
is there any news on replication by a non-meme US/EU lab?

>> No.15644217

So according to this the flat band idea wasn't complete nonsense? Those bands exist and actually have effects? Interesting

>> No.15644220

Backbaggies on suicide watch

>> No.15644221

They will wait until they can find a way to monopolize control first, then proceed with their strategy.

>> No.15644226
File: 36 KB, 860x589, 3-37064_pepe-noose-transparent-background-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished reading the paper
>No floaty rock
>Shit resistivity
>My Backcoins value are now reduced to near zero
>Should've bought Overcoins last Saturday when it was low

>> No.15644232

The papers reads like rot. Literally goal-seeking an outcome of claiming LK99 is not superconductive, and with nothing to validate the conjecture other than their own unpresented and thus uncheckable fitted calculations.

>> No.15644239
File: 1.61 MB, 1692x1167, d62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At 11 now

>> No.15644241

One of the authors comes straight out of the same group that the one coping twitter account comes from too, there in Czech Republic

>> No.15644242

You people are no better than flatesethers.

>> No.15644247

Fine, more cheapies for me to slurp

>> No.15644253
File: 99 KB, 703x830, Screenshot_20230808_065150_Samsung Internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644259

yeah im thinkin' we are back

>> No.15644262
File: 87 KB, 581x466, 123107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying the dip.

>> No.15644263

>he fell for the FUD

>> No.15644268
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 12761716165715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they dumped
>buy eeet

>> No.15644297

yeah we're back... to being OVER

>> No.15644303

Over being over.

>> No.15644316
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1687559431115308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it stays in place! it HAS to be ferromagnetic!
>no, it also gets repelled! it HAS to be diamagnetic!

>it's diaferromagnetic

>> No.15644369
File: 53 KB, 585x464, 1686871916911992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644381

Iris could not be a psyop of FSB to discredit trannies!

>> No.15644383

i'll start screaming BACK once we see promising experimental results

>> No.15644384

if true it would shave the equipment cost of the process to make your own sample of LK99 down to ~$500.

>> No.15644386

Is this real

>> No.15644388

Iris turned out to be an actual pro-USSR lesbian

>> No.15644392
File: 235 KB, 828x1389, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 01.35.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all returns to nothing...
tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

>> No.15644395

so make it like YBCO instead?

>> No.15644404

what the fuck? nigga I gotta take off work tomorrow

>> No.15644407

I am positive watching this video will get you on a list.

>> No.15644411

This guy has been shitting on it since day 1 lol
Clearly has some kind of axe to grind

>> No.15644416

those lists would be pretty useless if every chump who comes across that youtube vid gets put on one

>> No.15644425

how do i stop the wave function collapsing into the "its over" universe? i want to be in the "were back" universe. I cant think of a spell to cast, can you help me find my way home, traveller?

>> No.15644433
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, 1691094433694293.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, fair traveler.
Believe in the bounces and find your way.

>> No.15644437

How do people watch this and their conclusion is "Yeah that's just a normal magnet"

>> No.15644444
File: 189 KB, 1125x596, 49ykr1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls bro
cooper pairs and shit bro
we tried EVERYTHING bro

>> No.15644447

we're in a quantum superposition

>> No.15644449

>weebles wooble
That actually does look a little too 'bouncy', flux pinned SCs are pretty stiff, and it's not moving relative to the magnet, like you'd expect if it was diamagnetic

Shit, it might actually be over

>> No.15644451

>flux pinned SCs are pretty stiff

>> No.15644452

it snaps back to a field
watch it again a few times

>> No.15644456

It's not a normal magnet, it's a ferromagnet. Totally different thing

>> No.15644459

Check'd that quint
I have a hard time buying the "it's a ferromagnet at a weird angle". I don't think the original team would come out with a bold claim based solely on how it leans a magnet

>> No.15644462
File: 200 KB, 633x819, 1691469679877936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is anyone stupid enough to STILL believe in this chink superconductor bullshit?

>> No.15644467
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 23hIYeye_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime taught me that the power of belief and friendship can achieve anything

>> No.15644472

Chinks would never admit to fraud unless someone put a gun to their head.

>> No.15644473

that one was up for like less than a day
it was almost barely noticed
there've been plenty of retards doing heckin frauds, especially faggots who want to prove it wrong
people are only worried about the actual replications, not some social media video

>> No.15644474

>asian generated content farms is a new phenomena that means all evidence gathered is moot

>> No.15644477

Yes, like I said, stiff, like it's connected by a stiff spring. Now look at: >>15644433 it's bouncy around by just nudging the magnet, it's particularly noticable at the points when he flicks the magnet but the magnet doesn't move yet the lk99 still bounces, which wouldn't happen with a SC as the magnetic field wouldn't move

>> No.15644483

1 that's not how flux pinning works
2 not all superconductors have flux pinning

>> No.15644486

the CCP pays a gaggle of retards to come on here and say that viruses aren't real

>> No.15644489

if the material is inconsistent wouldn't it be normal for it to behave somewhat differently? It really just looks like a superconductor with a bunch of weight on it.

>> No.15644492

This one can move quite a lot just by moving the magnet

>> No.15644494

if grandpa says it's not homogenous as a 1d superconductor along a field/flux and they took a section of it to make shit out of and it was zero resistance, it's what they say it is

>> No.15644502

Nah, that's just newfags, they flooded in here during the mEMe drive shit as well.

>> No.15644503
File: 627 KB, 697x817, Screenshot at 2023-05-03 22-12-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's over
Imagine saying this without irony on https://boards.4channel.org slash sci slash

>> No.15644510

no it's not
anyway, the chink paper about sintering is stupid, you can't get crystals from sintering

>> No.15644520

Where did I give an explanation for how flux pinning works? I gave a description of how SCs look when "flux pinned" or levitated or whatever the correct terminology is, and it doesn't look like that (discounting the lack of full levitated, obviously), it either looks stuck to the magnet by an invisible stiff spring or freely floating over it like an air hockey table

>> No.15644527

the CCP also pays a gaggle of retards to come on here and say that LK-99 is a real superconductor.

>> No.15644549

>he actually thinks rocks can become little micromachines that can hurt you (don't ask where they are because you CANT SEE THEM!)

>> No.15644555

Only when the magnet moves, and it moves like it's connected by a spring, now look at the lk99 above, at the 7s mark and again at 12s mark he flicks the magnet and it doesn't move, yet the lk99 bounces around

>> No.15644562
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1468730378022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like now it really is over. I just wanted it to be real.

>> No.15644572

But the magnet does move at 7s and 12s

>> No.15644592

are u trolling me cause I just checked again and he totally flicks them at those time stamps

>> No.15644604

>muh invisible spring
We should write a paper on invisible suspension devices. A lot of discoveries on them the last couple of days.

>> No.15644607

yeah we could call them something fancy
how about "superconductors"

>> No.15644613

Gook believers must end their miserable lives

>> No.15644637

^ kike

>> No.15644650

Would it be possible to heat it to the required temps in a vial of 100% 02 without it turning into a fireball?

>> No.15644683

how much excess air or oxygen is needed? would ozone work? would it be like synthesizing YBCO just like how nilered did in his YBCO synthesis? is there anyone trying to do this now?

>> No.15644687

you need to stop coping and recognize that these korean grifters have done it before and is doing it again

>> No.15644695
File: 558 KB, 1079x1383, Screenshot_2023-08-08-01-00-38-923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but maybe?

>> No.15644767

theres no way the gooks were stupid enough to miss this... but then again, they are gooks

>> No.15644774

Are you fucking retarded? They look near exactly like being attached to springs, you even get extra "stretch" when the SC is hanging under versus resting on top
Yes, flicks it but not every flick moves the magnet, but every flick causes the lk99 to bounce, which clearly shows the mass of the lk99 is resting ON the magnet and not on the fucking magnetic field, SCs don't fucking move like that

>> No.15644780

It's over hahahahahahah! It's over!

>> No.15644795

i reject your reality and subsitute my own.

>> No.15644815

The Korean idiots mention somewhere that on one of their successful attempts, they accidentally bonked the quartz tube and cracked it, leaking in air. Then they go right back to making it with a vacuum. So yeah, they could be that stupid.

>> No.15644820


>> No.15644830

An ozone just flew over my house!

>> No.15644841

Kill gooks. Behead gooks. Roundhouse kick a gook into the concrete. Slam dunk a gook baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy gooks. Defecate in a gooks food. Launch gooks into the sun. Stir fry gooks in a wok. Toss gooks into active volcanoes. Urinate into a gooks gas tank. Judo throw gooks into a wood chipper. Twist gooks heads off. Report gooks to the IRS. Karate chop gooks in half. Curb stomp pregnant yellow gooks. Trap gooks in quicksand. Crush gooks in the trash compactor. Liquefy gooks in a vat of acid. Eat gooks. Dissect gooks. Exterminate gooks in the gas chamber. Stomp gooks skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate gooks in the oven. Lobotomize gooks. Mandatory abortions for gooks. Grind gook fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown gooks in fried chicken grease. Vaporize gooks with a ray gun. Kick old gooks down the stairs. Feed gooks to alligators. Slice gooks with a katana.

>> No.15644844
File: 172 KB, 770x823, 1596383701118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644854

It would seem that it is over now

>> No.15644947
File: 341 KB, 869x997, 1682303852327808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why every lab monkey should wear a body cam and a 24/7 surveillance camera in every laboratory looking at the actual work spaces

>> No.15644990

Dear all,
After careful observation, I can no longer remain standing idly by. I dispose of everything necessary to synthesize this material. I will initiate the process today. I will be posting here and only here every step I go through. I will not stop till I find the correct methodology. My instincts have never failed me, and something is telling me there is truth to be found.
Will start setting up now and keep you all updated as I move on. Best of luck and fortune to you all.

>> No.15645050

I don't see it. You're retarded.

>> No.15645073

i have a background in chemistry (and a bit of introductory material science) and i want to profit off scientifically illiterate retards who trusts preprints and questionable videos way too much. how can i profit off them?

>> No.15645080

can someone explain why there still isn't anyone who fabricated the material via febid+adl? The stuff seems easy enough to use as a precursor I have done some annealing stuff in febid though we did use a ion beam for that.

>> No.15645138

CCP wants this for themselves and are telling their researchers to debunk it.

>> No.15645151

holy shit the backtards are going full schizo now

its not a superconductor. get over it

>> No.15645691
File: 100 KB, 600x454, pissonchina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinkoids got everyone riled up for political clout.
fuck chinks, never took their data seriously.

>> No.15645785

First paper tried 3 different states of the "same" structure. They left the door open for the many other states to have different properties.

>. Non-magnetic calculations reveal that metallization appears in all Cu-substituted structures, characterized by highly localized states with a narrow bandwidth of ~ 0.15 eV. Forming such VHS at the Fermi level can lead to numerous instabilities of a different nature in the electronic, lattice, or magnetic subsystems.
>While it is impossible to identify which
instability would be the strongest, we analyze the magnetic instabilities in this work. With the
introduction of magnetism, Cu substitution at the Pb1 site results in metallization, while Cu
substitution at the Pb2 site generates a semiconductor with a band gap of ~ 0.4 eV.
>The local
moment on Cu predominantly couples with its nearest oxygen neighbor atoms, forming rigid CuO3 spin clusters. Cu also weakly interacts with the bridge-O atom, creating a spin-glass-like interaction between CuO3 clusters.

>> No.15646073
File: 382 KB, 1708x2048, F2Wn8pMXMAEmUoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"catgirl" hand. Nice cope.