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File: 270 KB, 873x1024, E09E6B05-66C0-43A8-BFB9-22C35FE58C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15601042 No.15601042 [Reply] [Original]

What explains excess deaths in UK. The most obvious reason would be the vax, but I am open to other explanations as well.

>> No.15601047

Tories privatised the NHS

>> No.15601082

Or perhaps it really is just the vax? Why are young people dying more than old?

>> No.15601085

Long Winter Vagina finally caught up to "female" (yikes) zoomies and alphies in summer 2022 and 2023
It's possible for "males" (yikes) to have vaginas too so my hypothesis is sound, but this chart really needs a breakdown based on gender, orientation and pronouns, and remove the dehumanizing terms "males" and "females" otherwise this is bigoted hate speech.

>> No.15601144

Is it even statistically significant? I see numbers like -24 or +16 in the past. Seems like the normal fluctuation. Do we know anything about the cause of death?

>> No.15601188

It is significant

>> No.15601244

... that's not how it works. Not even on 4channel.

>> No.15601248

you can get the data and run chi-squared and whatever else on it yourself
why aren't you doing that, you shit?

>> No.15601263

If you did already, you could just share the result. If you didn't, don't claim that you did.

>> No.15601281

I made no claims
I have a large neural network crunching the numbers as we speak
feeling cute, might publish later idk

>> No.15601285

Well, some faggot did. >>15601188
But it's not new that vaxx alarmists just lie to spread their narrative.

>> No.15601290
File: 402 KB, 734x1078, PRRA motif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaxx alarmists just lie to spread their narrative
are these vaxx alarmists in the room here with us?
because I personally am concerned with the FUCKING BIOWEAPON

>> No.15601300

>doesn't consider herself an alarmist

>> No.15601353
File: 128 KB, 1191x821, corona hiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LANL published a paper on it, saying the probability of it being a result of natural evolution/selection is under 10e-6, go read
my own finding points in the same direction, but even higher confidence (pic related)

>> No.15601362

>being a result of natural evolution/selection is under 10e-6
Who the fuck was taking about the vaccine being a result of natural evolution?

>> No.15601365

Did you just start a new thread after we deemed your ass?

>> No.15601372

"vaccine" is made with "wild-type" SARS-2 spike RNA

>> No.15601374


>> No.15601380

anecdote is not the singular of data
being built as we speak, per OP's image

>> No.15601383

Why doesn’t that say why they died? Why do you hide the cause of deaths from us?

>> No.15601386

brit gov't is refusing to investigate, not me
I did my research years ago, came to a conclusion, made it public

>> No.15601387

Care to explain the huge decrease in deaths in the preceding years? Almost the same as the increase later on. It's almost as if they average out over the long-term to zero ...

>> No.15601388

Why indeed

>> No.15601390

So you don’t actually know what’s causing those deaths? It’s all conjecture and could be fucking toxoplasmosis?

>> No.15601393

>huge decrease in deaths in the preceding years?
there wasn't one, deaths stayed within expectations up until the "vaccine" was introduced

>> No.15601397

I absolutely do know, and it can't be toxo because toxo existed before 2020

>> No.15601403

But you don’t have anything to link the two, correct? It could be literally any other major toxin being produced, and finally killing people, and why only a chart for the British? If you wanted to show mass die off why not a chart for multiple major countries?

>> No.15601419
File: 108 KB, 1057x514, germany birth rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> correct?
> It could be literally any other major toxin being produced
except you can't name another toxin that was introduced in the relevant timeframe, because there wasn't one
>why only a chart for the British
other gov's are more data-shy, such charts are harder to produce for other countries, but not impossible

>> No.15601423
File: 29 KB, 600x491, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> net zero change over multiple years

>> No.15601427

Is this a joke?
So what your telling me is you have no actual proof it’s dangerous, no data to correlate the deaths to vaccine use, and your excuse it you havnt been given the data, from the people who for some reason you now trust even though they’er in on it?

>> No.15601434

yes it's a very good joke actually
and the joke is the German government is cooking the books

>> No.15601442

So now they’er all lying too? So not only do you have nothing, but any data out there is a lie , and there’s no way to prove anything? And yet you think the vaccine is dangerous because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh /pol/ said so??

>> No.15601446
File: 125 KB, 1201x515, Screenshot from 2023-07-13 09-26-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eurostat/euromomo says it's ogre
you are very shrill, and I think I know why that is

>> No.15601450
File: 40 KB, 986x314, Screenshot from 2023-07-13 08-41-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, wrong screenshot

>> No.15601452

Why are you suddenly talking about birth rates? It’s supposed to be myocarditis and strokes nigger, get your act together and answer my questions, not this mysterious “we’er dooooomed” shit. Why are you trusting their numbers now? It’s all lies nigga, you said it.

>> No.15601457

Again why are you trusting THESE numbers?

>> No.15601461

>you said it
no I didn't
>It’s supposed to be myocarditis and strokes
supposed by whom? certainly not me. do you know what neuropilin-1 is?

>> No.15601467

I trust them somewhat, because they are aggregate numbers (meaning any systematic errors would likely wash out) and because they are absolutely damning for the EU leadership, the fact that they were published at all means the political leadership and the censors are innumerate

>> No.15601468

>no I didn't
Did you literally just memory hole the entire conversation up to now?
Look if you’re going to expect me to continue responding you’re going to have to act rationally or I’ll just stop feeding you (you)s ok?

>> No.15601474

you are here for anons' amusement, so you will keep dancing like the clown you are

>> No.15601475

Wait so they can cook the books with full knowledge that they know what they’re doing but you expect them to have just...missed that? How can you not see the holes in this fucking narrative

>> No.15601480

>he says as he lives in fear of rna
Lmao at least you ironically admitted to this just being shitposting

>> No.15601484

parts of the german government are smart enough to want to hide parts of the truth
death rate is not really hide-able, even sampling of public obits would be enough to give the game away
failed pregnancies are somewhat less public

>> No.15601489

no I didn't
you're just trying to put words in my mouth
I know this style of "argumentation" very well

>> No.15601490

>the death rates aren’t that hideable
Except they clearly are given there aren’t riots and people calling for blood, or...well maybe...hear me out..there isn’t that many or not a statistically higher number of deaths
Yeah it’s called basic logic retard

>> No.15601494

>Neuropilin-1-Mediated SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Inhibits Osteoclast Differentiation
enjoy your bone-itis, jabbies

>> No.15601495

I see we’er reduced to posting random shit now, gonna start throwing trannies at me soon?

>> No.15601496

> they clearly are given there aren’t riots and people calling for blood
data such as OP posted should indeed be cause for serious alarm, but it isn't because people are mostly innumerate, and kept so.

>> No.15601499

not random at all
you said it was "supposed to be" just myocarditis
I am showing you that it's way more
you're gish galloping all over the place

>> No.15601508

Ah and there’s the crux of it all in the end your SPECIAL and can see through it all right? Even though there’s no correlation between the deaths and vaccine administration, the books are all apparently cooked an unreliable but apparently you can see through the lies with little to no information you’ve deduced it and beaten those pesky governments wanting to kill everyone because uhhhh...

>> No.15601517

> the books are all apparently cooked
> your SPECIAL and can see through it all right?
these are claims I did not make

>there’s no correlation between the deaths and vaccine administratio
there is in fact very good time-wise correlation

you have now devolved all the way down to argument from disbelief, I think we're done

>> No.15601521
File: 1.37 MB, 2500x1875, jonna mazet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a huge thanks to all anons who will ever bother to read the thread all the way down to here
your patience is appreciated
remember what you saw here

>> No.15601524

>good time-wise correlation
That literally means nothing, that’s means less than nothing, that’s monkey brain pattern recognition not hard science,you’ve admitted that all you have is “it happened around the same time” and a list of scary disorders with no links to the vaccine, while saying data that’s out there is inherently untrustworthy, except when it’s convenient. But yes leave, what the fuck were you even expecting, this isn’t /pol/

>> No.15601532

OP has been absolutely ripped to pieces by calm logical anon. Quite amusing how pathetic antivaxxies are when you actually engage with them.

>> No.15601536

OP has abandoned the thread long ago

>> No.15601537

This is the second he’s made in a few hours too

>> No.15601540

it's quite important information, he's right to be spamming it

>> No.15601544

How many times to I need to teach you this lesson?

>> No.15601587

>it's quite important information
The information is zero. OP cant even explain why it should be more than a statistical fluke.

>> No.15601593

It's meaningless and tells you nothing. There's nothing informative about it except for revealing who spends too much time on /pol/

>> No.15601595

a statistical fluke that repeats every year?

>> No.15601599

You have no data that correlates dick retard, your monkey brain is seeing patterns where there are none

>> No.15601600

Point at the number that repeats every year.

>> No.15601601

null hypothesis thoroughly disproved, something IS going on
what exactly remains to be proven

>> No.15601603

you failed math at school didn't you

>> No.15601604

>null hypothesis thoroughly disproved
>b-because I say so, okay?

>> No.15601608
File: 320 KB, 220x289, 1C330267-F4F9-4F6C-831E-0FAD0AC6A898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s been three years and I have no evidence, and infact I’ve admitted that all data is untrustworthy

>> No.15601609

because there are recurring spikes in the death rate
null hypothesis is "nothing unusual is going on"
something IS going on

>> No.15601611

And you have no evidence that it’s the vaccine, so why have you hyper fixated on it?

>> No.15601613

you're right, something is going on. your insane ravings.

>> No.15601622

so you do admit something's fucky

>> No.15601627

yeah, I fucky your mom

>> No.15601630

>because there are recurring spikes
There are also recurrent spikes downward. They're called statistical fluctuations. Now, if you want to thoroughly disprove the null hypothesis, do a hypothesis test and die use the result.

>> No.15601631

No nigger, you just keep screaming there is and refuse to even respond to anyone who doesn’t play along, you point at random graphs and post random scary disease that have literally no correlation and freak out because you’ve convinced yourself or were convinced by some utter retard on /pol/ that the government wants to kill us...FOR SOME REASON, even though their power is predicated on having us alive and well enough to produce goods and services. You have completely lost touch with reality and need to fucking get a grip

>> No.15601633

>die use
Tell us. Fucking phone.

>> No.15601634

Alright, let's approach this sensibly, anon.

First up, let me clarify that vaccines have been proven to significantly reduce the severity of illness, hospitalization, and death from diseases like COVID-19. A vast majority of excess deaths during the pandemic have been among unvaccinated individuals, not the vaccinated ones. So right off the bat, blaming vaccines for excess deaths doesn't hold up scientifically.

As for excess deaths, there are a lot of factors that could contribute. Obviously, COVID-19 is a big one. Even with vaccines widely available, not everyone is vaccinated, and there are still vulnerable people who can get seriously ill. And it's not just the virus itself - the strain on the healthcare system can lead to other problems. People might delay seeking help for other health issues, either because they're afraid of catching the virus at the hospital, or because the system is too overloaded to treat them promptly.

There can also be indirect effects of the pandemic. Mental health has taken a big hit, with increases in depression, anxiety, and suicides. People have lost jobs and been under financial stress. Alcohol and drug use have reportedly gone up. All of these things can contribute to increased mortality.

Lastly, it's also important to consider demographics. The UK, like many developed countries, has an aging population. As the population gets older, the number of deaths naturally increases. That's a trend that's been happening for years, it's not something new or caused by the vaccines.

So, in summary, there's a lot of potential reasons for excess deaths, and it's usually a combination of factors. The key is to look at the evidence and listen to the experts, rather than jumping to conclusions based on misinformation or speculation.

>> No.15601636

>listen to the experts
Hes gonna stroke out after hearing that, that was on purpose wasn’t it?

>> No.15601638

No I think he was just telling you to kys

>> No.15601640

>nu-uh I can't see your evidence, death is a social construct
dance, monkey, dance

>> No.15601641

tl;dr correlation is not causation.

>> No.15601647

So you can’t even explain your stance or present anything to anyone?

>> No.15601648

check your eyes bub

>> No.15601651

>I can't read what you posted so far lalalalala Bourla loves me and wants the best for me lalalalala

>> No.15601664

You’ve been reduced to this, how can you not even consider that something might be wrong with your hypothesis?

>> No.15601681

get the fucking vaccine chud youre killing grandma

>> No.15601683

That would mean them admitting they were wrong. That will never happen. They would rather shout and scream and blame others.

>> No.15601684

Yes imagine that, your actions have consequences

>> No.15601688

extremely based and sciencepilled

>> No.15601713

> resorting to "social proof" on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.15601717

The rack are you even babbling about now? Another /pol/ buzzword to ignore all criticism?

>> No.15603328

If the science has been proven, then why are they still doing long term studies?

>> No.15603348
File: 46 KB, 622x504, twain sez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WEF refers to inducing long term deaths using the vaxxxx as a "soft kill" or a "soft cull". Its a means of thinning the heard without spooking the herd and causing potentually violent blowback.
They know that vaxxxies will never accept the fact that they were tricked into taking a deadly poison because that would be admitting they were wrong about something and the egotistical vaxxxies would sooner die than admit fault.

>> No.15603387

>The WEF refers to inducing long term deaths using the vaxxxx as a "soft kill"
where do they do that?
give me but one example of them doing that; show me them actually, unironically using the term "soft kill"

>> No.15603441

You can’t even rove this, I doubt you even actually believe it

>> No.15604364

>You can’t even rove this
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>> No.15604798

Its been extremely cold and rainy this summer

>> No.15605052

>95 replies
>OP hasn't posted the statistical significance
I assume it's completely insignificant then

>> No.15605278

... wait
you're arguing that this is a fluke?
a recurring, three year fluke?

>> No.15605296
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, url(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increased female mortality in age ranges 0-49 in year 2023
Die roasties, fucking die!

>> No.15605302

>three year fluke
Where do you see anything that lasts three years in the data shown by OP?

>> No.15605379

If your expecting logic or rational thought out of people like
Your be sorely disappointed

>> No.15605795

Uk nurse here.

Possibly not the entire reason, but anecdotal experience would tell me that the increase in mortality is because the NHS is dead. News reports would have you believe collapse is imminent but I see a system that collapsed years ago, but people only see this when it affects them first hand.

The lack of bed movement and ambulance delays are undoubtedly causing increase in deaths. Heart attacks and strokes are extremely time sensitive for example - if you have a stroke you have four hours from onset to get to hospital, get scanned and get the treatment. Fail to reach that window and they likely won't even administer the meds and survival rates plummet.

We used to only see people miss this window because of being found in the morning after having a stroke overnight. Now we are getting patients who are calling 999 within 5 minutes of onset who are failing to get treatment because of systemic delays. This is just one example of many time or resource sensitive illnesses that will.cause an increase in mortality.

But of course I'm a collaborator in the vax holocaust so am likely just spreading misinformation

>> No.15605807
File: 69 KB, 900x672, apu_research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: you can get links to all the papers on vax damage here

pharma trolls have no answer when faced against evidence

>> No.15605898

Weird that the collapse happen exactly when the pandemic response started.

>> No.15605903

We're seeing the same happening in Portugal but then that begs the question... What makes you sure (assuming you consider Covid-19 a dangerous disease) that the same wasn't happening in 2020/21 and a significant part of the excessive death wasn't just in part due to NHS's neglection/collapse? We had high vaccination rates over here and mortality numbers for 2022 were a fucking disaster. Plus I know for a fact the SNS was so focused on Covid-19 at the time that a lot of other medical issues were completely postponed and sidetracked.

>> No.15605957

>don't think for yourselves, be a good drone and use this copypasta

>> No.15606561

tits or gtfo

>> No.15606602

two more weeks pol brethren

>> No.15606608

kekw this

>> No.15606838
File: 850 KB, 2448x3264, Lena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please read it and if you find any error or any point you want to discuss, please do

I'll be happy to address any issue

>> No.15606850

>please read the copypasta, I'm too lazy to bring in my own ideas

>> No.15606888

Knowing how lazy, malicious, and inept 99.9% of people who work in government are, could the increase in recorded deaths not just be a result of their overlords breathing down their necks to do their jobs properly and actually record deaths? You hear stories now and then of how some bloke who's been dead 2 years was still on the electoral register or how the TV loisence orcs have been hunting a dead man for 3 years to get their BBC tax. When there isnt pressure from an international incident going on I seriously doubt the civil service give enough of a shit to accurately record anything.

>> No.15606934

>notes on SARS-CoV-2, 495KB
Is that the size of a text file? 495kB? Most characters are ordinary ascii, so I assume that this is half a million characters long.
>pharma trolls have no answer when faced against evidence
No one, troll or not, will ever read this. At ~1300 characters per minute, you're expecting people to spend 40 minutes of reading plus days worth of papers. No one will even spend the 40 minutes reading what's posted there, let alone a single paper linked there. Not with the level of engagement you show. If you seemed like an interesting discussion partner, I would honestly read a paper or maybe 2-3 abstracts between comments. Like, you make a point, support it with literature, I read it to reply to you. But out of the blue? So much? Forget it.

>> No.15606944
File: 92 KB, 750x810, I_guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was the opposite of laziness, but ok
it's just a collection of links, not a political manifesto

changing gears: do you know about bacterial DNA contamination in the vaccine? crazy stuff

>> No.15606961

the point is having a quick resource about several issues created by the vax, so if somebody starts talking about amyloidosis everybody can have a starting point to talk about statistics, possible mechanisms, possible treatments, etc..

the discussion is done here, not in the text

>> No.15607102

do pastebins for various topics
I ain't clicking that shit

>> No.15607117

kek I tried pastebin for the first versions
they deleted it after a week

>> No.15607257

here is my own humble collection
it is somewhat dated, but perhaps you will find things of use in it
or not

>> No.15607522

>be a good drone and use this copypasta
>be a good drone and read
too easy, apply yourself

>> No.15608151

dead vaxxxies is good, globohomo is culling the low iqs who "trust the soience" and they're tricking the faggots into cutting their dicks off too, they're making everyone stupid enough to be tricked by tv news suffer and die without breeding, its epic

>> No.15608666


The mortality was definitely increased by covid, largely in elderly populations, especially with the catastrophe or protecting care homes. Colleagues working in homes that saw covid pre-vaxine saw a third of their residents dead in weeks when it took hold. Normal winter deaths would be about 5-10% over the season.

The problem is the covid response definitely started the cascade of problems that got us where we are today with excess deaths. It shouldn't really be a surprise that if you stop routine ops and appointments for the best part of two years you end up with a much more unhealthy population.

It's a multiplicative issue as well - for example the example I gave on strokes means we now have more patients who have long term disability from missing the window of treatment, putting more strain on the system and round and round we go.

That's all without even touching on the staffing issues which have gotten an order of magnitude worse since covid.

>> No.15609368

bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in a pandemic? who could have guessed!?

Predominant role of bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in pandemic influenza: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness
David M Morens, Jeffery K Taubenberger, Anthony S Fauci

SARS-CoV-2, bacterial co-infections, and AMR: the deadly trio in COVID-19?
Bengoechea et al

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections
Konstantin S Sharov
>SARS-CoV-2, a low-pathogenic virus itself, becomes exceptionally dangerous if secondary bacterial pneumonia attacks a COVID-19 patient as a complication. An essential part of the severest complications and mortality associated with COVID-19 in Russia in March-May 2020, may be attributed to secondary bacterial pneumonia and to a much less extent viral co-infections.

>> No.15609376
File: 123 KB, 748x620, 7AB943C0-4832-47BC-8D0D-AAD9BFDDE841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609377
File: 40 KB, 1170x1145, 8F2A5B0E-BC0E-40C5-8775-774704948AF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609379
File: 142 KB, 410x410, 3680B331-0261-4130-A247-967C760B2052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being to weak willed and powerless you need to create vast conspiracies to explain away all your problems and to turn everyone who disagrees with you into mindless sheep you can ignore and you have to hide behind not bumping the thread or you know you’ll need mocked!

>> No.15609404

most of u sci r such a comfy s oi hnews like limp dick faggots
i occasionally come here to get info and get disappoint
wat a pure garbage of a thread u got it
read a book
im out

>> No.15609471


>> No.15610876 [DELETED] 

>excess deaths
theres nothing excessive about dead vaxxies

>> No.15610909


>> No.15611471

>180 billion pound/year

>> No.15612188

People are dying from the lack of heavy metals as arthropods and birds already have.

>> No.15612668
File: 128 KB, 1523x880, 94 low iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15612679

ESL or stupid?

>> No.15613068

>132 posts 35 posters
>da coooooooooord logged on and is repling to xerself again
i love science

>> No.15613161

>NON-COVID excess deaths
Show the actual excess deaths or even the covid excess deaths for comparison, coward

>> No.15613291

hottest June on record

>> No.15613404
File: 151 KB, 1274x1280, 1682163012605865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, these schizos are so dumb

>> No.15613518

I haven't followed any vaccine news lately - got sick of arguing with misinformation warriors. They are relentless in their stupidity.

I encourage any thinking person to read and truly understand the supplementary appendix from the Pfizer vaccine trial. Read it multiple times if that's what it takes. It is the only solid scientific evidence(large scale, double blinded, placebo controlled trial) we have and it unequivocally proves that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine has no benefit, in fact, it hints at it doing harm.

Pfizer trial supplementary material: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf
Link to paper: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2110345

>> No.15613803

>Why are young people dying more than old?
Old people have already been purged, euthanized, in april 2020.

>> No.15613826

>First up, let me clarify that vaccines have been proven to significantly reduce the severity of illness, hospitalization, and death from diseases like COVID-19.
Straight up lie.
>A vast majority of excess deaths during the pandemic have been among unvaccinated individuals, not the vaccinated ones
That's because the statistics are falsified. The unvaxxed were obliged to be tested more. On the contrary, all people dead from supposed corona who were vaxxed, were all tested to "confirm", it was really corona. When unvaxxed people were not even tested after dead from a flu, they were supposed to have died from corona, and put into the statistics as dead from corona, without any tests.
>As for excess deaths, there are a lot of factors that could contribute. Obviously, COVID-19 is a big one.
Total bullshit. 2020 is record low mortality, on most european country. There as never been a plandemic in 2020. There was an excess death in 2021 and 2022, and a huge increase in disease like cancer, cardiac disease like thrombosis, aborted children, AFTER the vax.
>Lastly, it's also important to consider demographics. The UK, like many developed countries, has an aging population. As the population gets older, the number of deaths naturally increases. That's a trend that's been happening for years, it's not something new or caused by the vaccines.
Aging population increase the mortality in aged people. Not in young ones. However, since the vax in 2021, there has been a huge increase in mortality in the young people categories.

You are full of shit. You are either a paid shill, a bot. In the case you are not one of those, you are brainwashed cattle, whatever diploma you may have. You are a lackey.
Oh by the way, last but not lease, germ theory of disease is wrong. Contagion have never been proven, virus never been properly isolated, every experiment claiming otherwise is a fraud without control experiment.
Virology is one gigantic fraud, and you are part of it.

>> No.15613836
File: 287 KB, 768x588, Efficacité vaccin covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15613847
File: 369 KB, 1098x681, Statistiques vacciné - non vacciné.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the idiot who took his three shots of poison.

>> No.15613853

Remember when the supposed "austerity death toll" was floating around social media with numbers in the hundreds of thousands or possibly millions? I'd love to see the same workings they needed to arrive at those numbers applied to the lockdowns

>> No.15613856

>effectiveness for those in their 70s starts at -38%, goes down to -84%, goes up to 27%, goes back down to -56% in the span of 4 months or so
what the fuck are they even measuring exactly?

>> No.15613857
File: 149 KB, 639x495, Statistics-vaccinated-not-vaccinated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15613866

Comparision between people vaxxed, and unvaxxed. That is "effectivness". In clear, people vaxxed got the Corona disease more than unvaxxed people.
What the fuck have you been doing these last three years, for not knowing about these figures?

>> No.15613871

>only clear outlier is the one-dose population, 2-doses and 3-dose populations have similar or sometimes lower mortality rates than the unvaccinated

>for non-covid deaths

>> No.15613881

>In clear, people vaxxed got the Corona disease more than unvaxxed people.
So, what does it mean that the effectiveness for those in their 70s was -84% in October but 27% in November, exactly?

>> No.15613936
File: 907 KB, 1600x900, Statistiques vaccine non vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously idiot, since the weak die after the first shot. So after the weak have died after the first shot, mortality is equivalent again between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
>Lackey wants statistics comparing covid and non covid
It has already been demonstrated that vaxxed people get the "covid" more frequently than unvaxxed people.

>> No.15613956

How to it feel to have been poisoned, to be so idiotic that you deliberately took a poison, being more naive as a children, thinking it would do you good?
People like you are really the scum of society. It's because NPC cattle like you that we cannot have a better world.

>> No.15614031

Surely if your theory is correct then you should be able to pull statistics from countries with 90% vax rates like Belgium, Portugal, and Malta and show even more dramatic increases in excess deaths. Bonus points if you can also point it out in younger age cohorts.

>> No.15614202

How does it feel to live in an alternate reality built out of infographics and youtube videos? Do you sometimes get cognitive dissonance when you take your meds or go outside?

>> No.15615321
File: 136 KB, 1080x1013, 1690861902493437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to live in an alternate reality built out of washington post infographics and CNN videos? Do you sometimes get cognitive dissonance when you take your meds or go outside?

>> No.15617290

yes, that happens to me quite frequently, how did you know?

>> No.15618144

>2020: covid is supposedly running amok with no vaccine to stop it, but few excess deaths are recorded
>2021: the vax becomes available, excess deaths become more common
>2022: excess dead galore as the long term effects of the vax start to kick in
the vax was a "soft kill" drug, it take long enough to eventually kill it's subjects that the deaths can't conclusively be blamed on the vax.
prediction: a new fake viral epidemic will soon be announced to in order to further deflect blame from the vax and to justify another round of soft kill injections

>> No.15618202

It's lead deficoency, which among other things affects the immune system. The virus probably killed those with full blown "AIDS", which caused the seeming gap in "non-covid deaths" as those doed of covid, rather than something else.

>> No.15618495

>It's lead deficoency
Go huff some avgas if you're worried about lead deficiency.

>> No.15618531 [DELETED] 

I settled on lead acetate. When you dissolve lead acetate in balsamico vinegar, ot gets sweetish, so ysaucy taste.

>> No.15618551

I settled on lead acetate. When you dissolve lead oxide in balsamico vinegar, it gets sweetish, so ysaucy taste.

>> No.15620241

You're willing to be a passenger on an airplane piloted by people who do that, but you would never fly in a plane that was piloted by yourself.

>> No.15622522

my preference is acetone stabilized 100ll, stuff smells great, reminds me of making model airplanes as a kid

>> No.15622550
File: 1.49 MB, 640x358, 1689853879410791.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake koopa news, vaccines saves lives therefore we are having excess Lives!

>> No.15622946

>I have a large neural network crunching the numbers as we speak
>feeling cute, might publish later idk
/pol/ redneck cringe

>> No.15623626

Its common amongst your ilk, maybe next time instead of taking your meds you should takes some redpills

>> No.15623894

covid explains them, vax doesnt work

>> No.15624197

have you ever considered that they're dying from COVID and Flu again, people stopped getting administered jags and started treating illness like it doesn't exist anymore. All the people who should've died from COVID and other Flu shit are finally starting to catch up with the reaper.

>> No.15624414

>Watch Utopia S01 (2013)
>Look at OP graph
>[Jazz music stops]

>> No.15625562

>racism outside of /b/

>> No.15625599
File: 100 KB, 1379x1392, england.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, never trust any data someone on 4chan posts because it'll either be outright faked or misinterpreted.

>The months with the most excess deaths continue to be April 2020 (43,796 excess deaths) and January 2021 (16,546 excess deaths); these were also the months which had the most deaths due to COVID-19.
>Between March 2020 and December 2022, the leading causes of death with the highest numbers of excess deaths in England and Wales were Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions, associated with old age and frailty (12,170 excess deaths), Cirrhosis and other diseases of liver (4,846 excess deaths), and Cardiac arrhythmias (4,375 excess deaths).
>The age group with the most excess deaths that were not due to COVID-19 was those aged 75 to 79 years for both males (7,870 excess deaths, 7.8% above average) and females (6,187 excess deaths, 7.6% above average).
>The place of occurrence with the most excess deaths due to causes other than COVID-19 was private homes, with a 105,211 excess (29.1% above average).

>> No.15628085

>First of all, never trust any data someone on 4chan posts because it'll either be outright faked or misinterpreted.
>continues to shill

kinda sloppy. is this shit aimed at zoomers? or r the propoganda shill bots just circled back upon themselvs? wtf? if u human nigger, please boost and kys.

>> No.15628133

>the months when they were murdering people with vents show more excess deaths than the months where they were murdering people with the "vaccines"
>so just ignore all the "vaccine" murders
lmao ok shill good job

>> No.15628679

>First of all, never trust any data someone on 4chan posts because it'll either be outright faked or misinterpreted.
>now pay attention to this data i'm posting
you actually have to be well under 100 iq to be that lacking in self awareness

>> No.15628711

But he posts the actual source, unlike OP who just linked a tabloid article that neither contains the data, nor the image posted.

>> No.15628755
File: 54 KB, 680x544, 8ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon posts source and step by step analysis as to why /pol/tard brain dookie no. 58362929628 is hokum
>"lol shill jidf vaxxed soi kys"
/sci/ moment

>> No.15631740

>excess deaths
vaxxxxie death rate is unsatisfactory, the whole soft kill concept is gay, killing them with MP40 is way better than SV40

>> No.15631776
File: 40 KB, 1053x605, Waiting List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting lists are sky-rocketing. Excess deaths are up because huge chunks of the population have various ailments from spending two years sitting indoors and there's nobody left in the NHS to cure them.

>> No.15632475
File: 393 KB, 2560x1314, Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related combined with mismanagement and budget cuts for 09-19.
Then a controlled demolition to make sure NHS fails and some plan can be rolled out to "transform" the aging NHS system.
Some politicians score, a bunch of companies make a lot of money.

>> No.15633110


>> No.15633680
File: 149 KB, 1078x910, reddit soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634319
File: 271 KB, 398x1024, 1691193254356901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I can appreciate a healthy skepticism towards Pharma, 95% of anti vaxxers are just desperate revenge fantasists who never go outside and despise society at large

>> No.15634531

we are simply too powerful for antivaxxers to comprehend. many such cases

>> No.15637169

The vax was a collection of "soft kill" concoctions, some more deadly than others. The idea is to thin the herd slowly over time without spooking it. If the vax was producing mountains of bodies then nobody would've submitted to it after the mass deaths started occurring. Using the soft kill method allows the culprits to commit their mass murder without being held accountable. Its similar to how they steal slowly via inflation instead of robbing you of everything all in one go

>> No.15637197

I'm convinced the powers that be deliberately spread anti-vax conspiracies to cull people who oppose them, because that would be the funniest result.

>> No.15638305

Vaccinating 2 years old with vaccines that, a decade ago, were only given when traveling to certain countries in somehow fine?
What? Your toddler is going to have an accident in Vietnam, and _might_ come into contact with contaminated surgical equipment so we'll just give him this hepatitis B shot.

The most precious thing is your health, so it's also the best thing to make money from.
Vaccines increasing ailments long term is guaranteed revenue.
You can't make money from healthy people, and you can't make money from dead people.

>> No.15638337 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 680x473, covid_notover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows what it could be

>> No.15638374

except that covid19 causes way more health issues and disabilities than the vaccine does with at least 10% of people who have covid experiencing long term health issues

>> No.15638407

>Vaccinating 2 years old with vaccines that, a decade ago, were only given
By induction you could use this logic to deny 2 year olds any medical care.

>> No.15638437

Like fluoride and iron and mercury and radium and many other toxins before

>> No.15638461

Yeah, iron is bad, that's why I don't eat meat or spinach. Also, my teeth are rotting.

>> No.15638471

it's covid, but people aren't getting tested and diagnosed with it so it's not on their death certificate

>> No.15638473

it doesn't help when a lot of NHS staff are now poojeets that barely even speak english

>> No.15638837

why do you care about the vaxcattle? just let it go. even if you showed them irrefutable proof (which doesn't exist btw) that it was the vax, they would laugh in your face and take another the next time the tv tells them to. just let it go.

>> No.15639005

>By induction you could use this logic to deny 2 year olds any medical care.
Ok, please use induction as to why you wouldn't fix a toddlers broken leg.

>> No.15639291

Decades before they started fixing toddlers' broken legs they didn't.

>> No.15640010

Who the fuck cares this board is not about your schizo hoax vaxtard

>> No.15640803

you seem upset and its the fact that you willfully took a poisonous injection for no good reason at all that is bothering you

>> No.15640816

>you seem upset
Yeah no shit, keep spamming a board with schizo shit for 3 years and every sane person will be upset.
>a poisonous injection
See what I mean?

>> No.15640970

read a book nigger

u blaming the plebs for spamming just shows how blind you are to whats happening around you goy.
this schizo spam is done by your overloads and its called control of counter narative via psyops
they told u, watever we say is true, everything else schizo. u have no agency, npc - look in the mirror, and u see a tv.

>> No.15640971

>Something too dumb to repeat here
Seems like you missed to point of the original post, so I'll explain it better.
Certain vaccines were only given to adults when there was a reason to give them. That this was one or two decades ago doesn't really matter, it's about the medical need.
In case of hepatitis B that reason was travel to countries like Vietnam, with the reason given in the original post, contaminated surgical equipment.
If you didn't travel, you didn't need the vaccine, so lots of people never got them because there was no reason.

Assuming injecting a foreign substance into the body has some risk of injury, there is zero reason to give anybody this vaccine if there is no chance to get this disease in the first place.

We don't give adults in the west antimalarial medication when they do not visit regions with malaria.
I certainly hope a decade from now, we aren't giving toddlers Lariam.

>> No.15640979

>next you'll shit your pants
/pol/ truly is the home of intellectual titans

>> No.15640989

Alcohol is also toxic. Are you sperging off this much whenever someone drinks a beer?

>> No.15641001

I mean, what even is your point? Yes, the hep b vaccine wasn't generally recommended and now it is. I wasn't vaccinated as a kid and I got the vaccine a few years ago. Hepatitis is a low risk, high damage disease. And it's preventable. Why would you risk getting it from stepping in a needle at the beach when you could just get vaccinated?

>> No.15641015

>vaccines that are injected into the muscle will not produce secratory IgA
that's flat out wrong. mucosal adjuvants have been used in vaccines long before the coof was thing. did you think this was legit because 1/2 of the document was copy pasted from immunology 101 and it has a lot of fancy words?
kill yourself, brainlet.

>> No.15641186

cute, go kys

>mucosal adjuvants
>injected into the muscle
are you a 360 walk away retard? wat sorcery is this? teach me your ways, enlightend one.

*ka ching* here is your (yous), have some bread, shillers

>> No.15641272

retarded sack of this look at the red distribution since the half of 2022 this is not only significant it is fucking alarming

>> No.15641282

>this is not only significant it is fucking alarming
Calculated with the formula
>if fits_narrative():
> significant = True
> alarm()
For real though, what's your take here? The vaccine slumbered 1.5 years and then started killing off people?

>> No.15641293

who would believe.
>The vaccine slumbered
shitbrain no one had any idea of the long term consequences and it was one of the things they avoided talking about.
truly the arrogance of the scientific community and the fanatics that worship them is out of control,
you have no idea what biological processes this may cause the intervention and biological modification procedure is never predictable.

>> No.15641345

>Hepatitis is preventable
Not really, there are many other causes, bacterial, parasitical, chemical and auto immune.
Getting hepatitis B from needle stepping is low risk, but that doesn't stop us from giving the vaccine to newborns, which seems to be the current advice.

My point is simple. We obviously do not have perfect knowledge about the way our immune system, body, and vaccines work and medicines work, especially long term.
Therefore, vaccine and medicine usage should be limited as much as possible, and any procedure should take into account actual risks and risk reduction.
For all we know we are just playing whack-a-mole with disease subcategories.
>nobody get viral hepititis anymore
>Amount if liver related death stays the same or increases.
>Liver cirrhosis doubles
>Liver cancer triples
Yay science.

>> No.15641681

>medicine usage should be limited as much as possible
it should be legal to blacklist you retards from hospitals

>> No.15641882

No one is forced to get vaccinated or to vaccinate their kids. The risk-benefit assessment for the Hep B vaccine is beneficial though. Therefore, the recommendations were adjusted. Why are you so mad about that?

>> No.15641985

sure, because telling someone that he must get vaccinated otherwise he can't be in the work environment because he "endangers people" is definitely not coercion.
besides, where i live, children were injected with this substandard garbage in schools without the parents knowledge or consent.
the pressures/measurements put on people to get vaccinated did not embarrass the early years of nazi germany, the exclusion and incitement backed by the institutions of government and the media resonate to the shriveled brain of degenerates like you.
now you even dare to ask what's wrong with that
fucking kill yourself

>> No.15642008

>compares nazi country wide propoganda to, top of the notch, century in the making global poison spike psy op
ngmi ser, needs more honk we are over 9000 clowns

>> No.15642015

Wasn't that when the heat wave hit europe really bad? Old people without AC got cooked alive probably

>> No.15642023

look at the fucking pic lol. its sorted by age you chud

>> No.15642086

Even if it was correlated to the vaccine, the vaccine still saved untold billions of lives

>> No.15642435

>the vaccine still saved untold billions of lives
wat kind of twilight shill zone is that? is that a counter counter narative psy op? a bad joke? really stinky bait? wat ya mean untold? would u say 10 or 20 billon? wats going on? the honks arriving early?

>> No.15642457

>chuddie is close to mental breakdown

>> No.15642505

UK has anti vax policies where only over 50s are vaxed. There is a new covid strain in UK called Eris which has appeared because so few of the population are vaccinated. It also has a strict right wing government.

>> No.15642581

please help, wtf is this >>15642505
uk anti vax policy? wat?
i check the eris shit, its real, holy kek
anyhow, i sense much more shilling activity. about a month ago
, there was calm, nice talks with anons. now too much shill. dont know if it indicates something big is in the pipes. meds been taken, just incase. HHHONk and bump.

>> No.15642693

>uk anti vax policy? wat?

As said only over 50s are vaxed in UK

There are political reasons for this which are easy enough to figure out. I am not shilling anything just giving a description of what is happening. If enough of a population isn't vaccinated new strains begin to occur. In this case Eris. Eris is unique to the UK. Covid vaccines last only 6 months. The majority of over 50s haven't been vaxed since 2021.

>> No.15642705

>The majority of over 50s haven't been vaxed since 2021.

* I meant under 50s. Still I don't know how many over 50 get the vax despite the fact is benefits them the right wing media (GBNews) is telling them not to get it.

>> No.15642748

I'm trolling. Anyone with a brain can see what's happening. Not sure why you're still trying to convince shills in 2023 though

>> No.15642849

216 replies later and not a single proof of statistical significance was brought forward.

This thread will reach its bump limit before anyone will show solid maths. Are antivaxxers too dumb to do maths or do the facts disagree with their narrative?

>> No.15642901

>statistical significance
>solid math
what is "statistical significance" by your standards and what kind of "solid math" you need to read a simple table retard?

>> No.15642984

quarantine was ended way too soon for purely economic reasons, and in total disregard for human life, the pandemic is still there and is killing people but the news are not allowed to talk about it, and the people don't want to hear or believe it

>> No.15642995

the vaccines work fine but it has been 18 months since the last vaccine.

>> No.15643068

Any hypothesis test would be better than "read the table", really. You could do anything. Even the most basic, frequentist shit.

>> No.15644326
File: 148 KB, 516x1280, vax cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15646281


>> No.15647651

yep, the vaccines are killing the npcs just as planned

>> No.15647850
File: 20 KB, 265x378, QJYvt9JiMr8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vaxxx has killed again

>> No.15647912

oh no! not
oh yeah, I don't recognize a single one of these people because my brain hasn't been fried by youtube

>> No.15647924

No one ever had cancer before Covid.

>> No.15647986
File: 22 KB, 600x600, julius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 year ago
>1 month ago
>2 years ago
are we really at the stage where /pol/ has to rediscover object permanence

>> No.15649470

Nixon declared the war on cancer in 1971 and since the trillions of dollars have been spent on cancer research and it was all wasted. Still no cure. Why are the scientists so untalented and useless?

>> No.15650016
File: 172 KB, 1080x1266, F3CVvSTaAAAjC6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650549

thank you based fauci

>> No.15651085

>Science and Math

>> No.15651095

You realize that the German government lies about everything all the time, don't you? Why would they suddenly quit at the vaccine after telling us that we are inviting rocket scientists and engineers and that the world is ending because of cow farts?

>> No.15651172

>after telling us that we are inviting rocket scientists and engineers and that the world is ending because of cow farts?
Did they really or are you lying to us?

>> No.15651191

>after telling us that we are inviting rocket scientists and engineers
unironically yes, "our gold nuggets" was another famous euphemism
>and that the world is ending because of cow farts
i don't know if any politican publicly stated it but there was a time where every print media had articles talking about them

so no, he isn't lying to you

>> No.15651232

Nigga out president recently called refugees "our golden boys".
When I was a kid our school invited a green politician to tell us that all refugees are rich doctors. These people are part of the government now.

>> No.15651263

>unironically yes
Post proof.
>i don't know if any politican publicly stated it
I see.
>our president
Not part of the government, retard. Are you even German? I don't know what would be worse, you larping as a German, or you being born in Germany, not even knowing the slightest bit about our state. Would you pass the naturalisation test?
>a green politician to tell us that all refugees are rich doctors
I'm very sure this happened.

>> No.15651325
File: 865 KB, 1125x1052, 1648497098015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Tories instead corrupted individuals accross the board
they have friends in the Trusts managing the nhs and are communicating through the tabloids they tell each other what shares to buy and when to sell

>> No.15651386

You are a retarded monkey nigger. The president does not make any executive decisions, yes, but ge represents the government. You dishonest faggot.

>> No.15651393
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>> No.15651396
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>> No.15651401
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>> No.15651403

I could ask you a similar question. Do you have solid math showing that it ISN'T statistically significant?

>> No.15651411

The fluctuations seem to be happening on a seasonal basis. Old people seem to have lower excess deaths from around December to April every year, and young people have an increase in deaths around July-December.

>> No.15651495
File: 168 KB, 1358x1498, 324015262_5945020212203947_2706680236957187394_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15651525


>> No.15651695

That's not really how the burden of proof works. but you already know that.
Just merely stating something and then providing no proof for the claims and then when asked for proof saying "do it yourself" isn't how its supposed to work.
Even then cant prove their numbers wrong if we have no idea what they are.

>> No.15651701
File: 29 KB, 500x333, da0e6157bd6eb7525ae7d49de40cfea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Brits are ugly and need a loicense from the Queen to own a TV or bread knife

>> No.15651714

250 replies and the best you've got is a literal church reply "well, do you have proof that GOD DOESN'T EXIST?????"

>> No.15651841

holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.15651849

>i-its significant because ur retarded

>> No.15651867

You don't even know which form of the word to use. Why are you even here you, fucking smooth brained idiot?

>> No.15651918

>0-44 year olds dying faster than older people is not "significant".
Again, you're retarded.

>> No.15652300

almost 2 weeks of thread
very nice

>> No.15652364

just hide the thread if seeing discussion of this topic triggers you emotionally, then you won't have to be so upset
its that easy

>> No.15652386

>dying faster
What does that even mean? Younger? Sure. The others are older.

>> No.15652425

>What explains excess deaths in UK.
People are going outside again.
Why do you think these fearmonger threads never show data from before 2020?

>> No.15652567

Are you one of those retards that takes an ibuprofen when they have a slight fever?
>Have headache
>take ibuprofen
>Gets rash
>Doctor prescribes some creme
>creme causes skin irritation and depression
>take something against depression
>causes bowel issues
>take pill against bowel issues
>pill reduces mineral absorption in the intestines
>take suppository as a fix
>get headaches as a side effect

>have fever
>give in to desire to lie down under a thick blanket
>fever gone next day

>> No.15652640

Must suck to have inferior genes.
For normal people it goes like this
>have headache
>take ibuprofen
>headache goes away
>get on with the day

>> No.15652713

at this point in time if you honestly think political parties are real at all you're such blind loser i don't know what else to tell you. look at the data. people are dying. and you claim it's because of political shit? lol it's the vax+crime+despair+poverty+all the other fucking things that they are shoveling into us in the air and water and food. god you're insufferable. but if you get the right folks in they will save you right? lol

>> No.15653898

you are both so extremely retarded. why can people not be sensible and take points from both ideologies to construct a proper model of what's happening. but nooo, things always have to be binary and always be politicized

>> No.15653901

Applying your logic here
>have fever
>give in to desire to lie down under a thick blanket
>thick blanket causes difficulty to breathe
>open window
>wasp flies in and stings you
>remember grandma's cure and rub an onion on the sting
>have systemic reaction to onion juice in a fresh wound
>anaphylactic shock
>as you suffocate you wish you'd just taken an ibuprofen

>> No.15653937

>this thread will autosage before anyone does a hypothesis test
>/sci/ is dead

>> No.15654372

Funny, but remember, the existence of side effects proves that we have absolutely no idea what we are doing with regards to medicine.

>> No.15654380

china knew exactly what was happening

their immediate instructions for all patients were to eat 4 eggs a day, since the virus was attacking their acetyl cholinergic system.

people are dying because pfizer KNEW that DNA and RNA are entering the fucking NUCLEUS via sv40, which is oncogenic, and destroys histones. they knew this from the fucking beginning because it is in the DESIGN of the virus.

doctors have no clue what to do because the ones who mention ANY of this get stripped of their license and sometimes fucking arrested

medicine is easy. its for baby retards. the government is clearly trying to kill people

>> No.15654384

Funny, but remember, the existence of measurement uncertainty proves that we have absolutely no idea what we are doing with regards to yardsticks.

>> No.15654443
File: 1.35 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2023-07-26 11.42.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15654460

You're doing a satire. Don't think I can't tell.
This is some of the highest quality shitposting I've ever seen. Good job anon.

>> No.15654472

Well, a yardstick has a scale on it for starters so you already have some idea of the accuracy you can achieve.
Then, if more precision is needed, you have a choice of various calipers.
If you need more distance there are laser measurement systems. And there are institutes that can calibrate measurement devices of all sorts.
Furthermore, the required accuracy is known, and effects of a measurement uncertainty itself can be determined.

Lets try a car analogy instead.
If is as if a side effect of the procedure for changing the windscreen wiper fluid is a flat tire, or in more rare cases rear suspension failure.
Yeah this sounds retarded, but we are living it.

>> No.15654555

>Hope this helps
It doesn't. At all.

>> No.15654562

>Well, a yardstick has a scale on it for starters so you already have some idea of the accuracy you can achieve.
In school I had two rulers that didn't line up properly. One had ~1% shorter distances between the millimetre ticks than the other. At least one, if not both, were wrong. So, just by looking at this thing you couldn't tell how wrong the readings were.
>And there are institutes that can calibrate measurement devices of all sorts.
Did you know that there are institutes that assess the safety and efficacy of vaccines as well?

>> No.15654564

> -5.0 is yellow
> +5.0 is red
This is worse than the "30°C is red" weather forecasts.

>> No.15654569

Does anyone have the data? I'll do a hypothesis test, but the retarded faggot who made that figure didn't include a proper source. I'm not going through everything published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to find what exactly he's using (the data I initially found was England and Wales, so I suppose he cherry-picked some data).

>> No.15654579


As someone who got heart inflammation from Pfizer (started 5 days after first vax) , I think the severe side effects happen when the nurse fucks up and injects you directly in the vein. Everyone I know has been fine after their vax. I got severe complications (chest pain, sharp pain in my neck and right arm, bruises not healing, arrythmia, sudden swings in heart rate 45 some days 130 other days, blood pressure spikes, pins and needles in left hand, joint pain, spleen pain, lymph node swelling, dehydration/needing to pee constantly, metallic smell in my nose, sudden breathlessness/dizziness spells followed by sudden chest pain and neck pain and then suddenly I could breath normally again and felt normal). This went on for 8 months and improved once the doctor finally gave me cortisone. I did MRI and labs and everything was perfectly fine. Only thing that showed up was fluid in my heart sack, tachycardia spells in 24h ECG, abnormal Ace2, and high blood pressure. I was 30 years old and highly athletic when it happened. Rarely drank alcohol never smoked or did drugs, 23BMI, no chronic illnesses, male, normal diet, zero stress, normal sleep etc. Symptoms were worsened by cold weather, anger/stress, laying on my left side, high dose omega 3, colds, green tea, walking too much, alcohol. Symptoms improved from eating greens, fasting, aspirin, sleep deprivation, keeping warm, massaging around clavicle, coq10 supplement.

It was never logged anywhere and doctors gaslighted me the entire time and tried me to take further doses.

Just my anecdotal experience.

>> No.15654597
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Browsing their data trying to understand if it's significant or not. Wasn't the vaccine supposed to kill everyone with blood clots? I see literally zero increase in blood clots.
>/pol/ lied, no one died.

>> No.15654676

>In school rulers have obvious errors
Yes, quite possible. Not the rulers you want to use for engineering, but perfect for the whiteboard.
>Did you know that there are institutes that assess the safety and efficacy of vaccines as well?
If they would do their job we wouldn't be having this conversation.
>But you don't know the measurement institute does their job right
They don't run around injecting people with whatever.
All engineering disciplines where safety is an issue are laced with well thought out norms, laws, guidelines, commitees etc.
And more importantly, bad engineering can't be hidden for long, think plane crashes.

The medical field in extremely obfuscated by comparison because system we are studying is one we don't understand.

If only there was a way to determine if you hit an artery with the needle.
But whatever, sometimes the intra muscular vaccine will just go straight into an artery. No sweat.

>> No.15654697

>They don't run around injecting people with whatever.
Neither do the institutes that assess the safety of vaccines. In fact, no one does that.

>> No.15654707

nigger wat? u need to climb out of your own asshole
i said very nice, i like the thread, been following it all along
>stated fact
>said very nice
and u some how got it in a negative? u played urself khaled.jpg

>> No.15654734

not going to read teh whole thread. did anyone talk about the huge green area in first half of 2021 among old people, where they died 15% to 30% less than expected? it looks like a bigger statistical weird thing than the red in 2023

>> No.15654780
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>> No.15654874

Why should /pol/tards care about something positive? You can't blame that on the Jews

>> No.15655395
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>> No.15655401

No. >>15654597

>> No.15656679

its a rolling average, so the big red area creates artificial green areas. the green area is really the baseline average, but because of the red part, the rolling average system makes the green part look below average

>> No.15656694

you still havent finished being psyopped

it doesn't NEED to be injected into the vein to cause a heart attack. the reason being that the LNP crosses the blood brain barrier, and is in fact preferentially taken up by lymphocytes, the liver, and the heart, and is preferrentially NOT absorbed by muscle.

then, because of the type of mrna that it's creating and sv40, it doesn't NEED the lipid nanoparticle anymore in order to cross into the nucleus. so no matter where you get injected, it WILL find itself into the nucleus to be reproduced, and from there will find itself to the heart and brain no matter what

oh and additionally it demethylates and de-acetylizes your histones. fantastic.

check out jikkyleaks. you guys are fucked

>> No.15656763
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As sad as these deaths are at least NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. So these people are literally in paradise now.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

>> No.15656803
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I hope it keeps going up tbqh

>> No.15656971

No, the explanation for the green area is even simpler.
The graph shows % _Non-Covid_ Excess Deaths. If you label "regular deaths" as non-covid, then the excess death, excluding covid becomes lower. The more cases you Label as covid, the lower the percentage score would be.
If labeling cases as covid becomes less and less common, (may/june 2022?) you get the real picture.

>> No.15656979

Crazy chart. Praise corona chan

>> No.15656995


One simple trick.

Just check vaxed ratio in dead group.
They have the data :)

>> No.15657197

Says the guy who would post a side-by-side of old weather maps saying green meant 79F and new ones saying it's deep orange and scary hot

>> No.15657229

>Heart attacks and strokes are extremely time sensitive for example

Yeah and why have heart attacks and strokes increased so much that the system can't handle it anymore?

>> No.15657248

What prevented old people deaths from 11-2020 to 06-2021? Must be the vaxx

>> No.15657492
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>> No.15658314

Praise pfizer for holocausting the soigoys

>> No.15658388
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>An extremely unusual spike in a very specific data point occurs
>Immediately after an extremely unusual event occurs
Boy, I sure hope the brightest minds of our generation can figure out this head scratcher!

>> No.15658390


>> No.15658520

>why have heart attacks and strokes increased so much that the system can't handle it anymore?
They haven't, schizo. See >>15654597

>> No.15658722
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>> No.15658730
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>> No.15659750
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>> No.15659949

Missed as adverse reactions or missed in the sense that they are never noticed? The post earlier doesn't show adverse reactions, it shows that the total number of this kind of events didn't increase. The population had the same number of blood clots when no one was vaccinated and after however much got vaccinated (is it 60-70% in England? No idea).

Also, we're at 304 replies now. I'm bumping this thread hoping that some antivaxxer uses the last 5 replies not to post screenshots from YouTube videos but to mathematically show the significance of the numbers in OP's image. Assuming that not all antivaxxers are high school dropouts, I can only assume that it's impossible because the numbers aren't significant.

>> No.15660018

i dont have any good numbers but would like to hear explanations to the uber pump "Thrombosis" makes on google trends on march 21.

also, cant be same caus j&j was stopped due to blood clots i believe.

>> No.15660031

USA Today, the most normie of normie news, is now reporting on the excess deaths and even admitting its not due to COVID, though they stay clear of suggesting the injections are in any way responsible. It's a pretty big first step away from the "we responded splendidly and everything is great" narrative that's been pushed until now.

>> No.15660703


It's happening in other countries too, though.

>> No.15661336

dead vaxxxies means more planet earth for me
thank you donald trump for the epic vaxxxxxx

>> No.15661629
File: 109 KB, 1392x788, Idiot I Mean Biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK! Sounds government approved and legit!

>> No.15661983
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>> No.15661989
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Everything is fine

>> No.15661995


>> No.15662433
File: 38 KB, 768x432, trump makes a good point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no problem, kid
>you're welcome