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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 540x543, 20181030230526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15640193 No.15640193 [Reply] [Original]

NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


>LK-99 paper and patent

>Simulations summary

>Replications summary

Previous thread: >>15637303

>> No.15640200

can someone give me the tl;dr

>> No.15640201

It's over

>> No.15640202

50/50 it's either over or it's not

>> No.15640203

Zero valid replications so far.

It's over

>> No.15640204

It's so fucking over

>> No.15640207


>> No.15640209


Please It never even began.

>> No.15640214
File: 79 KB, 1138x712, needo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The samples people are making behave in very strange ways that can only be explained by superconductivity. Though, a novel form of Koreamagnetism is possible, since it hasn't been proven the grains of LK-99 sand are actually superconductive.

>>15632685 Still applies.
>>15637659 Could apply.
>>15632845 Maybe applies.

>> No.15640224
File: 333 KB, 2026x1680, 1691315471531519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backsissies we just couldn't come back from this could we...

>> No.15640225

LKG and other grift threads should be a permabanned

>> No.15640226
File: 324 KB, 699x518, 1652801598784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead all flatearthers.

>> No.15640232
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>nearly 3 days of no real updates

>> No.15640236

>go back into the wage cage for the next 70 years and spend money researching ways to fix other peoples' problems
Fuck reddit. I hope LK-99+Cu2S is the best room temperature superconductor in the world and that people make a trillion of them and the oil companies fucking drown in their own semen

>> No.15640240

Mr. Anon, I'm sorry to say but.... it's over

>> No.15640242

that needle? drowning in blue
(you)? a coping faggot

>> No.15640243
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, 1515888093243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know arxiv doesnt update on weekends right

>> No.15640248

a lot of uni labs are closed on the weekend

>> No.15640250

theres already two other generals in the catalog

>> No.15640255
File: 112 KB, 941x962, IMG_3292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backbros, we hibernate until new arxiv papers tomorrow. If no new relevant arxiv papers it’s truly over and I switch teams to the overcucks

>> No.15640257

lk99 borad

>> No.15640258
File: 383 KB, 181x292, 1690233157456410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brings the question, when humanity finally moves to other planets to colonize, what happens to Earth? Does the UN take over as a neutral zone?

>> No.15640261

Who made this bullshit go viral anyway? There were tons of other superconductivity claims and somehow only this one drew attention?

>> No.15640262

>we are so fine! we have hordes of hobbyists making it
well? where are they?

>> No.15640265

is this real

>> No.15640269

nobody said that you autistic fuck lel
this material probably won't be replicated, but the only valid group working on it don't work 24/7 for some retards on a Mongolian basket weaving forum (except for the Varda people who have been making regular updates)

>> No.15640277

The needle listens to arguments and evidence, not insults.

>> No.15640280

yes they did you sperg

>> No.15640292

It has a video

>> No.15640298


>It's the weekend! They're closed!

I'm a big believer in time off and weekends, but I figure the one time labs would do overtime and stay open over the weekend would be in the case of confirming potentially world/life/economic changing technological advancement. Especially when the process is straight forward and simple enough.

>> No.15640304

Why would they rush?

>> No.15640305
File: 27 KB, 600x406, 494837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont need arguments and evidence, the mere fabric of reality adjusts to my whims. this shit is fake and gay and in time i'll be proven right.

>> No.15640306

why would anybody stay late for something the overwhelming majority of people who have access to quality labs think is a BS/very unlikely to be reproduced?

>> No.15640308

>science doesn't work on weekends

>> No.15640309
File: 1.68 MB, 1227x1037, hey hey jello baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have the entire catalog be lk-99 threads than the usual repertoire of schzio ramblings and /pol/ bait
>he thinks humans will survive on other planets
>he thinks martians wouldn't be anything other than moribund jello babies
Of course, this is what happens when drop a mixtape
This. If you were a researcher that really thought the initial result was real, you'd want to be in the lab just out your own intellectual curiosity
That's his point.

>> No.15640312

>the overwhelming majority
Argumentum ad populum

>> No.15640317

Experience, for start (not that guy)

>> No.15640318


It's not about rushing. It's just working to confirm that either the next milestone in human technological advancement is real or not.


There's literally still nothing but speculation by retard hobbyists and wanna-be eggheads on both sides of the issue.

If it took one OT weekend, just one, to blow everyone the fuck out and put the issue to rest for good that this is real or not, then why not do it? Again, especially since the process is so straightforward.

>> No.15640320

even if it's real you are still a worthless 4channer

>> No.15640321

>argumentum ad logicam

>> No.15640325

>next milestone in human technological advancement
Real scientists don't care about Reddit shit like that. Weekend is for drinking and smashing grad student thots

>> No.15640327

What is the standard for replication? What criteria must be met?

>> No.15640329

there's a lot of people DIY-ing it. some student posted the last video with the SC hanging from a magnet. there surely are a lot of people/entities that have good results and are not spamming twitter with it

>> No.15640330

Ok, one of the biggest misconceptions I’m seeing is that most normies seems to think that simply showing a photo of “magnetic levitation” is proof of the Meissner effect and therefore superconductivity. It’s not. To help non-professionals better understand, here are at least five things that must be shown to prove superconductivity, off the top of my head:
1. Resistive transition to an R = 0 state below Tc. It needs to be actually R = 0, not R = 10-5 or some other “low” value. Also, the width of the transition cannot be extremely narrow. For fundamental reasons, the width of the transition is proportional to Tc, so for a room temperature superconductor we would expect a very wide, gradual transition in R(T). This is doubly true for a material that depends on dopants (disorder) to generate superconductivity.
2. Magnetic field expulsion, ie the Meissner effect. This needs to be shown in both zero-field cooled and field cooled data. If it’s only shown in zero-field cooled measurements then that could indicate a “perfect metal” state or a magnetic state, but not superconductivity. Also, the Tc needs to agree with the Tc from resistivity measurements.This sounds silly to say but there have been claims of room temperature superconductivity where the values of Tc are contradictory!
3. A jump in the heat capacity at Tc, which is connected to the condensation energy (or energy saved) by the electrons when they form Copper pairs.
4. Quantum measurements. Superconductivity is a fundamentally quantum effect. This means you need to show quantum measurements of the superconducting gap opening at Tc, quantized charge number 2e, and preferably also the phase coherence and symmetry of the wavefunction. This can be done with tunneling experiments and optical absorption or spectroscopy.
5. Persistent current. If there is truly a superconducting state, then current will flow forever. If there’s any decay at all, even if it takes days or weeks, you don’t have a SC.

>> No.15640331

Overcel’s Wager -

There is actually no justifying being a backsissy other than lack of intelligence or more likely mental illness.
Even if we were back (we are demonstrably not), at some point it would be the final time we were back. At that point it’s necessarily over.

It will always be over, there’s no other logical choice. No reason for you all to gamble with how dumb you look in the archives later. It’s iron shavings in the samples anyways.

>> No.15640340
File: 89 KB, 796x817, 2023-08-06 22_12_37-LK-99 Megathread _ r_Physics - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit post

>> No.15640341
File: 349 KB, 612x772, Screenshot 2023-08-06 231038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, especially since the process is so straightforward.
It takes 72 hours of cooking and you can ruin the sample by farting too loud.
We're still solidly in the "we're not entirely sure the exact process to reliably make this substance >50% of the of the time".

>> No.15640342


Oh, and i'm trans btw. Dont know if that matters.

>> No.15640344

it's over means it didn't pan out. you're conflating it with the over from "we've done it bois, it works, it's over" which has a completely different meaning

>> No.15640364

2 more weeks!

>> No.15640365
File: 85 KB, 1000x963, 1677697083324647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so basically it looks like so far all the papers on it demonstrate none of the 5 things.

>> No.15640366

back status?

>> No.15640370

never left

>> No.15640371

over until further notice (we'll probably have a solidified over status later this week)

>> No.15640372

Fallacy of induction

>> No.15640386

back until 100% proven over

>> No.15640432
File: 859 KB, 1500x844, 77953291_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New papers are out!

>> No.15640444

>If LK99 is really a high Tc superconductor, ingredients beyond the current model are needed.

>> No.15640449
File: 173 KB, 441x421, what am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investigation on Machine Learning Based Approaches
stopped right there

>> No.15640450

that's about as over as it could be

>> No.15640451

Its over

>> No.15640456
File: 23 KB, 100x100, 1670610949337578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck its over

>> No.15640458

qrd: it's over

>> No.15640459
File: 25 KB, 525x384, 1689104250319056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing even happened, they just linked an arxiv search result for "superconductor" sorted by new.

>> No.15640461
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 目前观测效果来看,至少抗磁性十分优异。#室温超导#LK-99 #新材料科技 [7262676385154583860].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the SSMRL-SEU results from last week are very interesting
https://twitter.com/elsa17z/status/1685991164028104704 https://twitter.com/altryne/status/1686026579170787333 https://twitter.com/altryne/status/1686796796859908096 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01192

>> No.15640462

>ruining the joke

>> No.15640464

>overfags CANNOT read
they're saying the material probably has superconductive areas but is only from circumstance as they believe something other than copper atoms are needed for consistency.

>> No.15640465

Overposters are a joke, yes.

>> No.15640467
File: 708 KB, 1920x1080, #lk99复现进展 #lk99 #lk99室温超导疑团 #lk99晶体 [7263715495256378659].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640469
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>> No.15640474
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>> No.15640477
File: 38 KB, 657x527, cdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit it

>> No.15640482
File: 40 KB, 497x500, 1680749570089827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant handle the truth?

>> No.15640498

What truth? Literally every forensic expert who has seen the video says it's real.

>> No.15640501

Are there chinks here? Does anyone know if the Huazhong team said anything about performing resistance tests? I know that it's hard on these small samples especially with the size of them for like a four-point test.
I'm so fucking hyped bros.

>> No.15640514
File: 92 KB, 709x607, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640519

Did Berkeley replicate it or not?

>> No.15640527

just tell the chinks that da wei is hiding in one of the labs and that he's not including superconducting bunny girl outfits in the next honkai and genshit impact updates. this will work 100%, some stabbing might occur

on an unrelated note, /lkg/ please fill in the blanks:
>60 nigger cocks in ________

>> No.15640528

man these lines burned into my retina and I can see the afterimage everywhere

>> No.15640533

this is one of those grey situations. on the one hand yeah, kinda sux to have your work leaked by some retarded colleague.
on the other hand, we might have never seen this material if he didn't spill the beans. or maybe we would have gotten it way later. so in a sense he could very well be a fucking hero. imagine the extra people that will live instead of die just because the tech came that many days/weeks/months/years earlier than it would if he didn't say anything.
I'm so fucking tired of having this fucking retarded way of looking at things. shit politics for shit humans. things are never black or white, yet politics and religious retards insist on keeping it this way.

>> No.15640534
File: 95 KB, 378x364, 1682298611453121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post source

>> No.15640537
File: 98 KB, 911x736, 411206412206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of this shit matters if the thing itself is a scam

>> No.15640538

>For reference, the recipe necessary for synthesis was leaked, but the know-how of copper thin film thermal deposition (coating) technology, which is the most important for LK99, was not leaked.

>> No.15640542

if we would have never seen this material then it means after more research it was determined not to be RTAPS in which case who cares if it wasnt released? if its real they would have released it in due time and it would actually have proper data and probably a better synthesis recipe that isnt wasting everybodys fucking time like now

>> No.15640543

This. I don't know why they would be upset as long as they still get credit and possibly money for it.

>> No.15640546
File: 40 KB, 117x164, d239jd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOO you cant just leak it
patentfags btfo

>> No.15640550

mein fuhrer, steiner...

>> No.15640552
File: 321 KB, 331x498, its-over-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640554

nobody knows wtf is going on
over/back status is ambiguous at best

>> No.15640565
File: 1.71 MB, 327x251, hitlerglasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15640600

It’s so over, it’s inconceivable.

>> No.15640603

We're so back, it's incredible.

>> No.15640605

That's just ferromagnetism it's so obvious!

>> No.15640608

1. fake experts on twitter hype up random preprint with zero credibility
2. retardation
3. ???

>> No.15640613

Kwon Young-wan!
He may have literally shifted timelines by leaking roomtemp superconductors.

>> No.15640615

I need the original korean source for the copper thin film. Anyone have it? The linked picture I translated does not mention it, it's just in the feet.

>> No.15640619

Fuck the politics, room temp superconductors now!

>> No.15640643

if nothing giga amazing happens tomorrow its officially over

>> No.15640647

I've declared things to be over. There is no debate.

>> No.15640648

thinking it's not already tomorrow somewhere else. why are westoids like this?

>> No.15640655
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>> No.15640659
File: 68 KB, 720x720, 1596491879067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you arent important
get used to it

>> No.15640664

>wasting everybody's time
>implying anyone who has time to waste isn't wasting it anyway
>implying results-oriented science is the only valid science

imagine showing your non-scientific ass so blatantly, idiot-sama

>> No.15640665

It looks weird so unless a large university says it's theirs and it's real, I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.15640673

be an actual, written down paper. Ebin videos on twatter do not count.

>> No.15640680

if it wobbles, it's not a sc
it must stay fixed

>> No.15640684

entities trying to set narratives are having a hard time with this because it's quite technical and they get btfo'd constantly. their staff is not up to par, scientifically speaking. you can spot them from a mile away

>> No.15640686
File: 188 KB, 1080x810, F25xrqLbsAE4__7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking over

>> No.15640687

I don't think it's real but you shouldn't just say shit like that if you don't actually know.

>> No.15640688

Literally, unironically, and in all other ways untrue
Single magnet overhead suspension is entirely impossible except with a superconductor

>> No.15640690

>if it wobbles, it's not a sc
show me anything that is trapped in a magnetic field like that, anything other than a superconductor. single magnet, no array bullshit. go

>> No.15640693

>suicides twice in the back of the head

>> No.15640695

bruh this dude panicked for sure. who tf knows what calls he received. he's not from some yurop uni or smth

>> No.15640701

>I lost the sample in a boating accident

>> No.15640710

>I will endeavour to be more cautious with my actions and words in future
Someone got to him
That's the classic way commies talk, they love making you humiliate yourself with self-criticism

>> No.15640714
File: 420 KB, 564x461, 21614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should correct the misunderstanding you may have caused.

>> No.15640721

Fucking CCP confirmed it's real holy shit. Wars with railguns will start anytime soon

>> No.15640724

that's billi billi right? that's not the original uploader, he reposted from Chinese TikTok, and then got a visit from the CCP, lmao
meanwhile the original uploader stresses not to bet on prediction markets and they've only demonstrated magnetic properties, not superconductivity
this is actually incredibly fucking bullish

>> No.15640728

also apparently the original video, which is a team, is having issues measuring to confirm resistance in the poop video he just posted

>> No.15640729

looks like he found the way then CCP seized it

>> No.15640735

This leddit post is dogshit anyway. The author completely ignores the theory and makes up some wordcel shit about the temperature band being as wide as Tc.

Trumpets are sensitive to air pressure, but that doesn't mean they only work below a certain temperature. It means they work in a range of pressures around ambient, and different things fail if you go above or below.

Until we know the actual mechanism behind this (and we barely pretend to know the mechanism behind superconductivity in general) we can't be making arbitrary declarations that all rules need to be followed.

In other words redditor be silent

>> No.15640737

that's not the original poster
here's the original videos:

looks like they both got a call

>> No.15640739

what the fuck is this even referring to, i can't recognize two sets of chinese characters across different posts as the same let alone read them

>> No.15640741
File: 155 KB, 406x379, Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 23-28-44 验证码中间页.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i solve this fucking chinese captcha

>> No.15640743

Click them in alphabetical order

>> No.15640747

backbros, I think it might be over

>> No.15640749

maybe they want you to click the characters in the order shown at the top

>> No.15640748

click the characters in the order they appear
just zoom in and match them, it's not hard

>> No.15640752

that's not the original poster of the videos
the original poster is on Chinese tiktok
the CCP got to them both, but with the original poster he has not taken them down, just posted some bullshit about how you shouldn't bet on prediction markets and it's "only" a demonstration of diamagnetism so far

>> No.15640754

damn, turns out i am a retard

>> No.15640761

establishment came down hard on their asses for sure
can't let it slip that the CCP has been pouring billions in research that could not ever have produced anything worthwhile

>> No.15640777

So what was the substance then? How did it float

>> No.15640793

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.15640795

WW3 will start with energy weapons.
CCP is probably working 24/7 on replications. DOD is assessing the situation. It’s happening.

>> No.15640802

Kwon is a traitor to America (yes, SK is part of our empire). LK-99 should have been transferred to Lockheed to bolster American national security. Now China and Russia will be able to build powerful new weapons and advanced radar that can detect our stealth drones. Kwon should be extradited along with that other traitor Assange.

>> No.15640810

>this is definitely not a superconductor. i wouldn't worry about it. nothing is real please stop pointing that gun at me
so this is how ww3 starts
spies are having a lot of fun right now

>> No.15640819

So now that part of the LK-99 recipe is leaked, can they still patent it? Suppose a commercial start-up group that uses LK-99 is created, are they liable to be sued?

>> No.15640822

can't be sued if you immediately make weapons with it and point it at them
biribiri will become real

>> No.15640836

>Russia will be able to build powerful new weapons
Armata-2. For real this time

>> No.15640837

Chang was found dead with 8 bullet in his skull. The CCP authority believed it to be suicide.

>> No.15640842


>> No.15640871

It’s the holidays, grad students are home.

>> No.15640878


>> No.15640893

Kek it's actually real. The amount of CCP shills trying to push that it's over itt confirms it

>> No.15640902
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1090, 1_58lXBlwTa3ld48thTl1a9Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15640911

This isn't the float guy, its the reverse hold guy.

>> No.15640916

bros... it's not even a powerfull diamagnetic

>> No.15640922


>> No.15640923
File: 4 KB, 250x223, 1669594957672009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did gook grandpa lie to us? bros...

>> No.15640928

Please tell me both of you are trolling.

>> No.15640933

damage control mode?

>> No.15640937

maybe he wanted us to find the real room temperature super conductor....

our friendship :)

>> No.15640941

backsissies will win

>> No.15640944 [DELETED] 


>> No.15640952
File: 8 KB, 188x224, 1675916941733999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just think, if that chinese guy was faking it, the chances of being able to trust any of the other chinese vids has absolutely tanked massively

>> No.15640954

>overcucks always thinking about black cock
Checks out.

>> No.15640955


>> No.15640960

ok gooksissy

>> No.15640981

Over status?

>> No.15640986

Always has been

>> No.15640996

the CPC got him, meaning we are back frfr

>> No.15641005

So Andrew McCalip has been suicided, right? He said he'd upload a video tomorrow night, well it's tomorrow night already

>> No.15641009

yes, all glowie agencies r cooperating to memoryhole it

>> No.15641050
File: 63 KB, 770x600, 1678743328020316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who is it? the energy companies? oil guys? cold superconductor guys? who is responsible for the vanning?

>> No.15641051

Honestly, this seems based. Releasing confidential technology is cool.

>> No.15641057

Kwon Young Wan more like kwab, young one

>> No.15641075

I'm sure we'll never know. Anyway fellas I'm getting sleepy, I think I'll hit the hay.

>> No.15641081
File: 35 KB, 459x535, 1676336948005153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641124

What is the benefit of Kwon leaking the research, other than social media hype?

>> No.15641126

It's hilarious how so many people now believes this was a forced statement at gun point instead of just accepting it was a fucking magic trick.

>> No.15641129

>we're back: to leak RTSC to the world so it can't be kept hidden from the world by the korean government
>it's over: just to spite them or some shit

>> No.15641133

The biggest difference between Chinese scientists and Taiwanese scientists is that the Taiwanese were willing to live stream on YouTube in real time and show every body what they were doing and the Taiwanese had a proper lab

>> No.15641140

LOL cult of soience.
>oh my heckin heck i cant wait wormholes and infinite energy im going to uploaded to the cyberspace theres no way this is fake did you hear about the fusion reactor tooo??
redditmind soience worshippers read a headline and instantly start jumping to hollywood depctions of future tech lmao.

>> No.15641144
File: 580 KB, 1600x1032, France_in_XXI_Century._Air_police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, 1899:

>> No.15641147
File: 630 KB, 654x442, Screenshot 2023-08-07 054300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love shit like this

>> No.15641151

bros why didnt we get portable flying machines????

>> No.15641154

If it was a trick, particularly the very last one floating upside down, how was it done?

>> No.15641155

just another in a long line of disappointments in the SC field

>> No.15641157
File: 464 KB, 683x671, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641158

Those would all literally work but you're too scared to try them

>> No.15641164
File: 530 KB, 1024x657, usborne book of the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the 1970s version.

>> No.15641167

1) Does it matter?
2) Stop asking.
3) This matter is closed.

>> No.15641168
File: 1.02 MB, 782x494, Screenshot 2023-08-07 055049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whale bus could never work!

>> No.15641169

Why do you fags always use opinions of literaly-whos from twitter as evidence?

>> No.15641170

>no magnet flipping
fake and gay

>> No.15641171

The elites hoard the boat shoes to themselves.

>> No.15641175

Whales are uncooperative and work-shy.

>> No.15641180

omg literally me

>> No.15641181

Whip them with a crop. They'll steer the course.

>> No.15641183

bratty cetacean...

>> No.15641196

I do not care about LK99 unless it furthers my goal of having pussy and anal sex with a wolfgirl. I am a man of science and I will debate you why it doesn't matter if it doesn't further this goal.

>> No.15641199

By the way it's moving I would say probably an invisible thread, same kind magicians use to levitate dollar bills irl

>> No.15641207
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>> No.15641213
File: 235 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_53341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck your dog
>escape the police in a comical pursuit using this (powered by LK99)

>> No.15641220
File: 60 KB, 699x987, 1285979157189616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said wolfgirl, bitch!

>> No.15641227

Get those bowling balls out of my face.
Imagine desecrating the goddess Holo like that.

>> No.15641228

U hekka mad lol

>> No.15641235

I talked to chud and he confirmed your theory. Anal with wolfgirls is imminent

>> No.15641249
File: 766 KB, 1170x1942, 810C05AB-CC9D-4A00-A4A4-A2A4D5D13C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



“We will have a place to publicly announce the comprehensive verification results and theory system from late August to early September .”

The Koreans are blue balling us

>> No.15641256

I'm doing nofap until this is confirmed a super conductor. Last time I went without a fap for a long time covid happened so my balls dictate happenings

>> No.15641259
File: 901 KB, 948x720, maybeconductor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its weird how he said "the sample is not superconducting and not lk-99 and profusely apologises is a weird way to word it
here is the video slowed down and super contrasted, the only visual distortion I could find was near the red dot

the way it rapidly rotates with little movement doesn't make it look like what a string would do

>> No.15641263

If you nofap long enough you'll get to nut in a wolfgirl's ass. As in anal in the ass.

>> No.15641266

(i added the red dot, it wasn't there, and its probably just the reflection / shadow of the magnet spinning)

>> No.15641269

Too late, I am already praying to the red dot and am inquiring as to its meaning on a Q forum.

>> No.15641271

But what if it fully levitates over a single circular or square magnet, i.e. one that doesn't have a dimple in the field? What if it levitates UNDER a magnet? I can't think of any ways to explain these without superconductivity or hoaxing.
You don't have to have a SQUID, a super sensitive ohm meter, etc.
Just show that it levitates in the right way.
Anons can do this. Anons WILL do this.

>> No.15641273

Right, if it's a string, to which point is the string attached? It's swivelling all over the place.
I'm waiting to see if Andrew Macalip continues to deliver or if he mysteriously vanishes too.

>> No.15641276

>What if it levitates UNDER a magnet? I can't think of any ways to explain these without superconductivity or hoaxing.
Correct, levitating under a magnet with no other magnets below is impossible without flux pinning

>> No.15641296

reddit is firmly in the "it's fake" camp
can't justify commie-eco-tyranny if the clean energy problem gets solved from under you

>> No.15641309

>Few weeks in and only has been "replicated" by chink scammers, troons and cryptogrifters
Really speaks volumes

>> No.15641314
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>> No.15641315

It's so over

>> No.15641318

He already said troons

>> No.15641321

>but muh Varda space
Space is fake

>> No.15641325

>Guy somehow fits in all categories except the chink part
Impressive really

>> No.15641336
File: 148 KB, 1542x2048, media_F2rrIa3bAAAspqT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the savior of the white race

>> No.15641339

Haven't seen him without his glasses. I bet you he's hiding slants under there

>> No.15641346

He is a pseud, guy didn't know shit about condensed matter chemistry: do you know how many things you can bake that can produce diamagnetic crystals of that size? I'm not an expert in enantioselective synthesis but I can tell you that he, and anyone who believes this is a RTS, is jumping into very wild conclusions from something that is in fact quite common. This is why science should only be done by people with proper credentials, and preliminary results should never be shown to the general public because most people don't understand the scientific method at all.

>> No.15641351

>something that is in fact quite common
Is that so
>do you know how many things you can bake that can produce diamagnetic crystals of that size
Not at all. Do you? Why don't you bake us some. I haven't heard of powerful diamagnetic crystals being so easy to create.

>> No.15641373

If this falls into irrelevancy w/o big refutation I will believe it's jews' work

>> No.15641379


>> No.15641380
File: 929 KB, 720x1100, 1530898737381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia and China constantly lie about their military capabilities as a result of their fucked up internal politics and breathtaking levels of corruption. They can't even match 90s western capabilities at scale, let alone future ones. Especially if the material requires as much precision manufacturing as it appears. Its a long step from a couple grains to kilometers of cables and viable lithography deposition.
Quit your hyperventilating, in other words.

>> No.15641383

That's on a spiderweb. So obvious.

>> No.15641418

big oil is moving their resources to stop this

>> No.15641425

Been out for a day. Urgently need status update, needle position and sentiment.

>> No.15641428
File: 279 KB, 1045x712, 1670291432409022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the classified, gigaadvanced US weaponry such as uhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.15641429

Have to say it does seem like it could be a spiderweb, I wonder if it would still that way if I flip the video on my screen.

>> No.15641442

Kinzhal is still losing 7-0 against the Patriot btw

>> No.15641445

that must be the dumbest post of the day

>> No.15641447
File: 3.72 MB, 4000x2250, 1679893984185361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon, it's telekinesis. it's that obvious. therefore it's not superconductivity and its fake.

>> No.15641452

I don't see anything in his video that would indicate a strong diamagnetic material, remember this is a very tiny object, half millimeter long at most. You can smash a pencil in your desk and the lead will exhibit the same behaviour even exposed to a magnetic field.

>> No.15641453

>tfw no nijika gf

>> No.15641455

>You can smash a pencil in your desk and the lead will exhibit the same behaviour even exposed to a magnetic field.
Could you demonstrate that?

>> No.15641464
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x3000, 1671373015489266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want the superconductor to be real and finally meet her

video unrelated but /lkg/ should sing once lk99 is proved real like how /a/ sings seishun complex
what should be the general theme song?

>> No.15641471

Are you weebs glowniggers? Your vibes are off somehow.

>> No.15641477
File: 85 KB, 306x306, 591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The koreans just dropped a new paper. I think we are back

>> No.15641481


>> No.15641486

In English, four eyes.

>> No.15641489


>> No.15641491

>pole agnostic
>raise up to 90 degrees when magnet placed under it
>rotate with magnet, following its field
>stay fixed to a point above the magnet as the magnet moves
>be blown away from magnet if magnet moves off-center
>stay attached to magnetic field when jar is turned upside down
I'd love to see a video of any non-superconducting material exhibiting these same behaviors.

>> No.15641497

Sorry I meant "when exposed" not "even exposed".

Here is a video, although it's not exactly the same because this is probably pyrolytic graphite (the ones used in retractable pencils) so the effect is stronger and you can actually fully levitate the entire lead:

I'm honestly surprised that this is not common knowledge... Please tell me you at least know that water is diamagnetic too

>> No.15641499

Literally pencil lead will do this
Try it and see

>> No.15641501

Over a dipole magnet? Really?

>> No.15641502

Recently room temperature superconductor was claimed in Pb10−xCux(PO4)6O (also known as LK-99) with x ∈ (0.9,1.1). Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that the conduction electrons are from the doped Cu atoms with valence close to d9. Motivated by this picture, we build a two-orbital Hubbard model on triangular lattice formed by the dxz and dyz orbitals with total hole density (summed over spin and orbital) n = 1 − p. When p = 0, the system is in a Mott insulator within this model. When p > 0, we derive a t−J model and perform a self-consistent slave boson mean field calculation. Interestingly we find a s wave pairing in contrast to one-orbital t-J model which favors d + id pairing. S wave pairing should be more robust to disorder and may lead to high Tc superconductor with sufficiently large value of t and J. However, the DFT calculations predict a very small value of t and then the Tc is expected to be small. If LK99 is really a high Tc superconductor, ingredients beyond the current model is needed. We conjecture that the doped Cu atoms may distort the original lattice and form local clusters with smaller Cu-Cu distance and thus larger value of t and J. Within these clusters we may locally apply our t-J model calculation and expect high Tc s-wave superconductor. Then the superconducting islands couple together, which may eventually become a global superconductor, an insulator or even an anomalous metal depending on sample details.

>> No.15641507
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 1689802252788106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prototype with a couple examples on a single frigate. Publicly released "test footage" was instead a P-800 missile. As far as anyone can tell, it isn't a functional weapons system. This may change in the future. Even the Russian admiralty admits it has "teething issues", which is a rare god damn statement for the Russians to make.
Every magic Russian wunderwaffe is like this. From the tsunami nuke, Kinzhal, supercavitating torpedo, nuclear powered cruise missile, to even manned vehicles like the Su-57, Su-75, and T-14. Russia hides the massive gaping flaws and never fixes them. Retards don't understand when it comes to the military, no news is bad fuckin news. Product problems are a universal thing in any industry. Public acknowledgement means they're being fixed. Sweeping it under the rug means they aren't.
Just remember, the USSR knew about the AZ-5, Xenon hole, and positive void coefficient issues with the RBMK. They knew it over six years prior to Chernobyl. It was chosen to hide the problem and not fix it, instead of doing the right thing. That is how Russia operates in all fields.

>> No.15641511
File: 311 KB, 1080x2112, F2zXmsCbsAAH0uO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over sirs

>> No.15641512

That's very different

>> No.15641514
File: 2.90 MB, 600x480, 1659904976341.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West will understand Russia's power when they finally sink Ireland under 500 meters of nuclear water.

>> No.15641515


>> No.15641518

Russia has had a bug up its ass about Britain ever since the days of the Great Game

>> No.15641522

>2 magnets
what is with the pessimists saying retarded things because something completely different thing works in a completely different way in a completely different set up of magnets?
Show it working regardless of polarity with a single magnet or shut the fuck up.
>people from all over the world decided to "replicate" what would obviously be a scam when they tried to because...they just wanted giggles ok!?
There is no reason to believe they lied about the original RTSC and it's more likely they got a fluke sample no one else has gotten.

>> No.15641523

what is up with 2023, fellow /sci/entists?
> ChatGPT
> Apple Vision Pro announced
> Aliens
> LK-99
is this the singularity year? are we all going to become immortal machines?

>> No.15641525

>having pussy and anal sex
be careful what you wish for

>> No.15641526

>slave boson
Uh, problematic much?

>> No.15641529

>be blown away from magnet if magnet moves off-center
Did not see this happening, but everything else happens also with graphite.

Note though that pencil lead is not pure, so you will observe some ferromagnetic behaviour as well.

>> No.15641531

it's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.15641532


>> No.15641535

Imagine if there was an official government news channel called WhiteHouse1, and they aired an hour long special about how they've invented a device to atomically annihilate Yemen using antimatter.
The whole time, Born in the USA is playing in the background, and when they announce that the device is called The Cowboy you hear cheers from your neighbors.

>> No.15641536
File: 744 KB, 875x978, 1671951996628224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well keep pressing F5 in arxiv

>> No.15641541

>Global scientists will be able to replicate South Korean researchers’ recent findings of room-temperature superconductor in around a month, despite ongoing controversy over the reliability of the claim, said Lee Suk-bae who co-authored two papers on the research.
Tic toc chuds

>> No.15641548
File: 187 KB, 493x276, sirs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of sirs

>> No.15641552

The video just demonstrates diamagnetism, if you want to try to replicate the partial levitation you saw in the supposed LK99 specimen then just smash a pencil on a paper and put a magnet below and perpendicular to the paper.

You may need a magnifier if your eyes are shit, but seriously, you can't ask for an easier experiment for fuck sakes.

>> No.15641554

You can see it from the original Korean video, and Andrew claims that's what his sample did.
If the graphite is repelled upwards by a magnetic field beneath it, I don't think it's possible to make it stay in place as the whole thing is turned upside down.

>> No.15641556

How are indians real

>> No.15641558

We're already immortal.

>> No.15641560

You forgot
>pill that kills most cancers starting phase 1 human trials

>> No.15641562
File: 125 KB, 1080x1059, Screenshot_20230718_111636_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US studied the concept a few decades back. It don't work. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA304244.pdf
>This problem was resolved when it was demonstrated that the analogy between tsunami waves and EGWW does not hold: EGWW dissipate most of the energy on the continental shelf, first by wave-seafloor interactions, second in a nonsaturated breaker as previously explained (Le Mehaute, 1963). Therefore, the damages would be limited to coastal installations much the same as would result from large storm waves. For example, on the East Coast, the sand dunes may be overtopped.
>In this operation, however, it is realized that the amplitude of EGWW is depth controlled, and that it is not possible to generate a large EGWW in shallow water, regardless of yield.
>Typically, at most only 4% of the explosion energy is transmitted in the form of water waves.
>Underwater explosions are poor wave generators.
Overtop the sand dunes means about a 5m wave from a 50mt warhead, and it doesn't scale linearly with yield.
In summary its shit and retards lap it up.

Gob Bless Ameriga

>> No.15641565

>n-no it's up to you can't just say it's a duck because it looks, quacks, and walks like a duck!
>me? I can just say it's (not a ) duck with no basis ;)
go back to sucking dicks, faggot

>> No.15641567

I fucking hope

>> No.15641574

western academia have different priorities

>> No.15641577

Yeah, nah, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.15641578

Russia has the coolest ideas.

>> No.15641588

2nd ignition with positive fusion energy output achieved at the national ignition facility

>> No.15641589

How about you do it and prove yourself?

>> No.15641594

>positive fusion energy output
thunderf00t would beat the shit out of you

>> No.15641596

One more month

>> No.15641602

two two-more-weeks

>> No.15641604
File: 327 KB, 509x491, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To obtain a superconductor with Tc=100K, we need the value of t to be at least one magnitude larger than the predicted values from DFT calculations.
>The exact mechanism to generate such a large hopping is not clear now


>> No.15641606

just search 'lk-99' on arxiv instead

>> No.15641620

Idea goes back to the 50s; frankly my favorite nuke design was the proposed "backyard" delivery system, where a massive multi stage GT scale cobalt bomb is constructed upwind of the target.

>> No.15641621
File: 45 KB, 1031x305, IMG_20230807_153132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becomes superconducting at 7.19K

>> No.15641627
File: 357 KB, 1080x2513, Screenshot_20230805_165437_Discord~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder; every time you try to replicate a paper at home, a "physicist" has a grand mal seizure
Think of the physicists

>> No.15641638

Now do it with one magnet. Upside down.
Fucking liar filth

>> No.15641649
File: 20 KB, 1128x182, overbros bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overbros post your bags.

>> No.15641665

so is it over or not? i lost interest a number of days ago

>> No.15641668

>are we all going to become immortal
Oh great an eternity of servitude to Israel.

>> No.15641670

its fucking over

>> No.15641672


>> No.15641696

Has anyone been compiling shitty takes from SOIENCE fags? I'm making the compilation already so humanity can laugh at "the science is settled" forever. So far I've got sabine, thunderf00t, some retard whining about lead, EEvblog, the kvetching physicist from Harvard creating an elaborate ferromagnetic contraption, the institute of faggotry, some random dipshit condensed matter physicists from reddit. Please help me with the compilation, anons.

>> No.15641711
File: 51 KB, 399x464, 1680300663670162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are Anons like this for?

>> No.15641712

I've contrarily been taking screenshots of Pseuds who don't understand even the basics of SC physics for when the Korean team denounces their paper (like yours for instance)

>> No.15641714

R/physics mod spotted

>> No.15641716
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690586947815539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, you're going front and center. Do tell me about how the noise floor of their instruments means it's not zero resistance, though.

>> No.15641726

I have been out of this general for 2 days, are we back or is it over?

>> No.15641729

"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer" MrGlowie incendiary polítics san

>> No.15641730

Thanks for your service anon

>> No.15641737
File: 21 KB, 920x859, D65D4A5F-6384-488D-9005-2108E8B2B5B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that resistance is measurable at all (all the figures were greater than copper LOL) Means it's not super conducting, it's more insulating than regular copper (also noise floor and extremely inconsistent measurements of something more insulating than copper means their rig is either dogshit, or the material is so low quality the probes can't measure it)

it's a low quality semiconductor at best

>> No.15641750

I, for one, welcome our new red dot overlord.

>> No.15641754
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 1688659294167580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a low quality semiconductor
>anon reveals himself to be retarded

>> No.15641755

it's literally right in front of you, retard
you're talking about noise floor of the Chinese paper at best, or the arXiv pre-print, which are both zero resistance measurements

>> No.15641759
File: 40 KB, 1024x507, 1665530964054523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this final redpill.
Right now there are many forces fighting for who gets credits getting humanity permantally into space.

>> No.15641762

>LK-99 thin film
Since when did we have a LK-99 thin film?

>> No.15641765

had* russia will cease to exist as we knew it over the next decade and become a desolate hell hole

>> No.15641769

Sounds like alot of countries.

>> No.15641770

That video is fake, just look at the pixels

>> No.15641771

r u serious
that is from the original korean paper

this alleges that the thin film is a secret

>> No.15641776

>from the original korean paper
i thought they only had the stupid tiny half floating piece. Why the fuck can't they give us the thin film instead for testing?

>> No.15641784

It's a secret to everyone.

>> No.15641796

probably because they're a lab of like eight bugmen and thrust into the media spotlight unprepared like two weeks ago with their shit being leaked. can you point to the interview where they said no one will ever be able to get a sample from them?

>> No.15641818
File: 48 KB, 197x189, MOOODS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone tries to challenge the undeniable Science™

>> No.15641823
File: 58 KB, 713x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys and feminine boys, why did we drop to 30%

>> No.15641825


The Overchads are right

This might be a scam after all...

>> No.15641837

because its not a RTSC

>> No.15641840

Everyone needs to be trying to make this stuff in your garages.
They can't get to us all.

>> No.15641844

where can I gamble on those odds?

>> No.15641862

And I know it's over, still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
Over and over and over and over
Over and over...
I know it's over, and it never really began
But in my heart it was so real

>> No.15641875



>> No.15641883

Over spammers and misinfo spreaders tripling their efforts
what is there to hide?

>> No.15641887


Gay music video

>> No.15641889

You will also be gambling that the dollar will be worth something in 2025.

>> No.15641901

changs now going to sleep
its over
..for them

>> No.15641903

That prediction market runs on free fake money. This one uses crypto and has similar odds but a tighter schedule.

>> No.15641905

the "green" grift evaporates if room-temp superconductors catapult us into a full electric economy

>> No.15641916


>> No.15641918

worst Korea wanted to keep it a secret, be the only ones who can make superconducting chips
Kwon deserves a Nobel prize for spilling the beanz

>> No.15641933

>it's asking to replicate the three author paper
>not the second paper or the korean preprint from April
I might throw $1k USD at it anyways for shits

>> No.15641979
File: 12 KB, 201x199, 128769840482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it back or is it over

i'm so fucking confused

>> No.15641995
File: 575 KB, 1280x720, itsover.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so over.

>> No.15642003

we're so back

>> No.15642007

> this is how LK-99 could still be fake!

>> No.15642029


>> No.15642035

any video discussing dft stuff about its structure?

>> No.15642133

I only trust anonymous Chinese videos posted on social media sites.

>> No.15642142

Strange, yesterday every one of you was saying it was definitively CGI

>> No.15642148

It is CGI, the moon landing was also CGI btw

>> No.15642239

are you retarded?
the sample is pushed past the point where a wire would be revealed
and then is also *rotated*
and then is pushed from the other side

>> No.15642331
File: 84 KB, 800x460, 12471589715215715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to me in a scientific manner why I should not kill you.

>> No.15642486
File: 532 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20230808-034808-154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Andrew Cole guy has now switched to it all being a diamagnetic particle.
He seems convinced that there's something called
Brauenbecker extension to Earnshaw's theorem which allows for single magnet floating of a diamagnet, provided the diamagnet is very small.
But I read the paper he linked and it didn't seem to have that conclusion at all
So is this true?

>> No.15642556

He might be right, but I might still take grandpa's words about LK-99 and any sample that has a zero resistance measurement.

>> No.15642595


>> No.15642598


>> No.15642603
File: 29 KB, 331x481, 1676497649142567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they were the ones that had a big failure and the mainland Chinese ones are supposedly the only ones that have even partial confirmation. Funny coincidence, innit?

>> No.15642608

no u

>> No.15642614

no u kys
fucking tourst

>> No.15642785
File: 669 KB, 1179x1955, IMG_2314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder. Also its over.

>> No.15643121

based profiter

>> No.15643149
File: 409 KB, 1179x883, IMG_2315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]