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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.66 MB, 983x1720, 1691098609269443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15637303 No.15637303 [Reply] [Original]

>“Within a week or two, we’re going to have 20, 30, 40, 50, or 100 labs that will have done various syntheses. So it’s going to be clear pretty quickly,” says Larbalestier.

NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


>LK-99 paper and patent

>Simulations summary

>Replications summary

Previous thread: >>15636224

>> No.15637307
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>> No.15637312
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Not at current densities this low

>> No.15637315
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x1740, 1611515581504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting for the uninitiated tourists:

LK-99 is a one dimensional superconductor, meaning that only a small portion of it is superconductive unlike its 3D, low temperature high pressure relatives. It's therefore more reliable to prove its superconductivity by its diamagnetism, which is already thousands of times stronger than any non-superconductive material.

This is all the theoretical stuff you need to know for now.

>> No.15637324
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Sorry chang, no nobel price for you.

>> No.15637332
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>> No.15637338

Shoo shoo /biz/rael

>> No.15637342

Reminder that OP is the worst poster on this board by far.

>> No.15637343
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>> No.15637345

I already told you to fuck off with your ledditnigger memes. GO. BACK.

>> No.15637349
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>> No.15637352

give me the final redpill. i don't want to mention it to my 174 IQ boomer dad until i know that it is real

>> No.15637355


>> No.15637358

Ferromagnetism has been ruled out

>> No.15637359

there's still nothing for 100% certain
just tell him about the hype about a "potential" RTSC

>> No.15637360
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>> No.15637361
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Performed by:

>Formerly at @HarvardPhysics

It's over.

Congrats on achieving absolutely nothing but a few twitter followers, kPOOPers.

>> No.15637364

LK-99 snaps to the poles in both videos when tilted. This one does not. And you have to superglue a powder and then add iron fillings to a face, when you should just have to do the iron fillings in this case and weight it.
It's just more elaborate OVERcope.

>> No.15637365

Even if its 1D, a previous anon stated that it also opens a bunch of combinations and testing of other alloys and expirements that were previously discarded because a 1D superconductor seemed impossible. I imagine that a year from now, we'll see some similar rocks/ceramics that might be more useful or efficient than LK-99.

>> No.15637370

>calls lk99 fake not even a day after its posted before people move into replicate it
>goes out of his way to elaborately make a fake version of an lk99 experiment
>the same experiment already replicated by others following the same instructions
>look guys it must be fake.

yeah im thinking this guy is seething

>> No.15637373

60 years old Superconductor theories from URSS rebirth is the most important thing.

>"Before discussing the differences, I'd like to explain why existing superconductivity research has hit a wall. As you may know, the basic theory that explains superconductivity is BCS theory. Specifically, Cooper's theory that electrons must pair to induce superconductivity has dominated researchers, and I would like to point out that this is incorrect."
>"Didn't Cooper win a Nobel Prize in '72 for this theory?"
>"Yes, he did. But if electrons pair, the magnetic susceptibility should be zero. However, in the situation that induces superconductivity, it is not zero. Also, electrons do not actually pair in real space. They only have the same momentum and energy values in momentum space."
>50 years after the emergence of BCS theory, a theory that more broadly explained superconductivity appeared in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. However, after BCS won the Nobel Prize in 1972, other theories lost momentum. Professor Chair explains that the Cold War atmosphere may have distorted the direction of scholarship.

>> No.15637375

We've already seen samples proven to be diamagnetic by flipping the magnet, and the Korean sample clearly aligns itself with the magnetic field, while this one freely moves and rotates.

>> No.15637376
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This is military grade cope trying to call proof its fake cope.

>> No.15637378
File: 159 KB, 434x331, Captura de pantalla 2023-08-06 015449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your credentials aren't up to snuff, but hey, what do I know.

>> No.15637380

he was already calling it fake before people moved into replicate their results.
>This is military grade cope trying to call proof its fake cope.
>if I go out of my way to semi-mimic its behavior using an elaborate setup it must be fake.
the koreans have already had their work replicated by others following their instructions.

>> No.15637383

Yeah well youre just a faggot who cant move on. ITS OVER.

>> No.15637384

>I think your credentials aren't up to snuff, but hey, what do I know.
Well hey I think your credentials aren't up to snuff to say my credentials aren't up to snuff, but hey, what do I know.

>> No.15637386

>Yeah well youre just a faggot who cant move on. ITS OVER.
the only thing OVER is you, you will be bent OVER and hit from us BACKsisters

>> No.15637390
File: 359 KB, 750x543, IMG_2695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has discussion of rocks suddenly turned sexual.

>> No.15637393

gonna have to change sides to it's over uwu

>> No.15637394

the rock makes us rock hard

>> No.15637396
File: 257 KB, 483x492, Captura de pantalla 2023-08-06 020837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'm gonna shart in your face and you are gonna like it, those are my credentials.

>> No.15637398
File: 75 KB, 852x827, IMG_2197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my rocks off to these roggs.

>> No.15637399

It's so fucking over

>> No.15637401

does the cum float?

>> No.15637403 [DELETED] 

What should LK-99chan look like?

>> No.15637404

It will float in your mouth.

>> No.15637409
File: 7 KB, 229x220, IMG_2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15637414

LK-99 walked so Alchemy could run again

>> No.15637415
File: 35 KB, 400x300, 1604464873711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gilf babushka with giant tits

>> No.15637423

It hasn't been replicated by any serious team so far, just the chinese.

>> No.15637424

She should be fat.
>floats easily
>large apatite

>> No.15637427


>> No.15637431

The rock floats in the sky
Werebacks I'm howling

>> No.15637438

>captura de pantalla

>> No.15637439


>> No.15637440
File: 327 KB, 777x603, Screenshot 2023-08-05 043252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15637441

your resistance only makes my voltage higher

>> No.15637449
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>> No.15637451
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The absolute state of the LK99 Twitter verse

>> No.15637452

I'm diamonds.

>> No.15637453

Why would anyone with enough love for their careers make an elaborate hoax and then challenge the entire fucking world to disprove it? And even worse: why would a team of people who had nothing to do with the original research also keep the lie going on?
You STEMcels really don't get human behavior. There's no way the videos are a hoax because nobody is stupid enough to destroy their reputations like this.

>> No.15637457

No anon you don't get it, it's a 1D giga quantum conducting well, we must use reverse occam razor

>> No.15637458
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>> No.15637461
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>> No.15637464

They are claiming superconductivity without peer reviews. Also their country invented kpop, which is the musical equivalent of getting ass cancer.

It's a fucking nothingburger

>> No.15637467
File: 208 KB, 1400x700, saw-billy-the-puppet-social-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothingburger, the video won't prove anything.

>> No.15637469

Simple, repeat over and over again "it's just simple diamagnetism."
When that fails, call it fake.
Sorry about the clown shit skin above, he didn't get the memo.

>> No.15637473


>> No.15637483

for the lulz

>> No.15637484
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1670615398856412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gook is getting toasty because he knows the farce is up.

>> No.15637495

to be fair the guy he was replying to Is a faggot, I'd have also told him to get bent and pay someone to listen to their bullshit instead of unleashing some "oh-ho-ho! the plot thickens! we were over but now we're back!!!!" yankee shit into his timeline. probably just wants to jerk off to korean sluts on twitter in peace without notifications from some fat American.

>> No.15637496


>> No.15637551

to be fair nobody's posting videos except the chinks and they don't have any reputation to destroy

>> No.15637554

>The piece did not fall off the roof of the glass vial when suspended upside down with the magnet over it
Can you anons please explain how it could be done without the sample being superconducting?

>> No.15637556

you fool it's not superconducting, they created iron via transmutation, it's a nothing burger

>> No.15637558

I'm an overchad but FUCK if that gook isn't gigabased

>> No.15637559
File: 110 KB, 600x606, Screenshot from 2023-08-06 17-00-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15637563

> the grain wants to skate
this is kinda bad news actually

>> No.15637566
File: 75 KB, 552x934, IMG_2151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZipperGODS.... I kneel...

>> No.15637568


>> No.15637571

Case closed, that's a ferromagnetic piece.

>> No.15637575
File: 180 KB, 400x400, 1691254432070283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backsisters... it looks like it's officially over: it was a fake :(

>> No.15637579

Yeah thats fake as shit. You can literally see the strings they didnt edit out on the side.

>> No.15637586

Is this the upside down video or just the standing video? If he posts one that is unambiguously floating underneath a magnet I need to go buy some champagne.

>> No.15637590

One thing I noticed is that Koreans have absolutely no capability to handle bantz.

>> No.15637594

You can also just tell by how stiff it is and the way it orients itself.

>> No.15637595

they were slaves with no culture for thousands of years, dominated by a tiny island nation. they cannot trust the outside world yet, it will take time to recover.

>> No.15637596

They will never recover because their entire culture is based on sloppy me-tooing of occupying powers: China, Japan and the USSR (North), or China, Japan, and the USA (South). Their one semi-unique thing was a writing system that is becoming less relevant as important things must be published in English for foreign consumption.

>> No.15637628

Didn't this faggot answer the question "what happens if you cut the part that touches the magnet, would the whole thing float then?" and he answered "yes"? Where's the fucking video?

>> No.15637659

>behaves agnostic to the poles of the magnet
Not ferromagnetic.

>If I pin the grain to the magnet I can rotate both together 180deg. But if I breathe wrong , it falls off the ceiling.
Rotating with the magnet is a good sign, as is staying put as he flips the jar upside down.
The sample doesn't seem strong enough to overcome friction with the glass as the magnet moves, and it barely wanting to stay at all suggests there's hardly any diamagnetic material.

The skating around could be explained by the material shifting out of the "sweetspot", and being repelled by the magnet before enough of the magnetic field can pin it in place.
In this video, the superconductor repels the magnet unless the magnet is forced far enough into the magnetic field.

>> No.15637670

The real question is, if God rewinds the world by one month, so we all forget about LK99, and he smites L & K, will we still blunder forward oblivious to the triviality of synthesizing a material which would actually improve the world?

Or would one of us actually have the guts to quit our job, figure this stuff out, scale it up, and bring us into fully automated luxury gay space communism?

>> No.15637672
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It was a troll account, now confirmed, it's over :(

>> No.15637681

Im an itsover chad but there is an explanation for this. One or the chinese itsover chads has a pfp that is basically that lion that from the very beginning called the whole thing fake. This is basically him trying to get back at the other Chang for doubting by making fun of his pfp here, even though his original video is still fake as shit.
Unless this is a completely new development separate from what I heard in which case, good lets keep it over.

>> No.15637689
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>"twelve thousand snails of Murex brandaris yield no more than 1.4 g of pure purple dye, enough to colour only the trim of a single garment."

>> No.15637700

>>behaves agnostic to the poles of the magnet
So does an iron filing

>> No.15637705

We're so fucking back.
Never doubted.

>> No.15637707

Why are we back?

>> No.15637708

How the fuck are we back the video was proven to be fake

>> No.15637714

Andrew's turd is going to revolutionize science

>> No.15637716

If it was attracted to the magnet it shouldn't skate around avoiding it.

>> No.15637717

This retard no longer counts as a scientist. He just does money shit now. Cannot be trusted.

He also has no explanation for anything. Lead isn't a ferromagnet. Carbon powder with iron filings will never have a superconducting or low-resistance phase change with temperature or current.

Stable Diffusion finetunecels BTFO

>> No.15637721

I’m not wasting my time reading overjews replies. Werebackchads should also do the same

>> No.15637724

always keep the people polarized
never forget, brethren

>> No.15637725

I wish Twitter worked properly like it used to, I can't even view tweets in a sane order without logging in to this shit and it just gives me tweets no one cares about from 3 months ago.

>> No.15637728

Stop inferring things you don't understand.
The "Tiger" refers to Chinese superconductor expert Wen-HaiHu, The Hu means "Tiger" literally.
That Chinese professor was a great skeptic of LK-99

So this chinktoker is basically playing a clever if ambiguous pun, basically a direct challenge against that professor.

His status also states he is 'going to climb a great mountain'. Probably aiming for a big nature/science paper.

>> No.15637732

Keks schizo theories are always hilarious
>No no I can still explain it, HUGE paper is going to be released now, you just need to trust me on this!!!

>> No.15637734

He always stated in his original chinktok video (LITERALLY IN THE SUBTITLES) that he intends to gather up data to publish properly.

arxiv DOES NOT UPDATE on weekends, we'll probably see a paper next week regarding this vide.

You can't even read Chinese, yet you are trying to read into what he is doing.

>> No.15637737

>Believe me bro, there is a lot of hidden meaning behind these drawings, the paper that will change EVERYTHING will be punished any day now!

>> No.15637741

Will he explain the enigma of the disappearing pixel.

>> No.15637745

>shards clearly visible on the magnet
>surprised that some shards might be stuck to the superconductor
idiot tier

>> No.15637750

its never been more over retard

>> No.15637753

>It's just shards and compression artifacts bro, believe me, this truly is a floating rock at bedroom temperaturr

>> No.15637756

overbros are so back theyre now backbros

>> No.15637762

it's actually a small rocket, the pixel is it firing it's booster to reorient

>> No.15637764

Shitposting aside, I work in the field. I was skeptical initially, but after so many partial replications, I'm about 90% convinced we're dealing with a room temperature, ambient pressure superconductor. There are some oddities though, 10% chance they discovered something outside known theories. Not sure which outcome is more exciting.

>> No.15637768
File: 1.12 MB, 638x392, 1691314707779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so fucking back

>> No.15637775

The name of the professor 闻海虎
He is famous in Chinese social media for previously going against LK-99.

Now google "虎", and see what it means.

>> No.15637777
File: 151 KB, 485x443, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what rock be now? is rock gone or rock home?
grug tell grog if rock gone grug sacrifice 3 goat to summon new rock
but grug don't have 3 goat
grug have no goat at all
saw grog sniff hut for goatstench today. should grug smash grog head with same looking rock, and say rock got angry?

>> No.15637778

undecidedbros... which way are we leaning?

>> No.15637780

All I know is my gut says maybe.

>> No.15637782
File: 123 KB, 750x1000, 1690263977813776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overfags are 2+ days behind

Cry. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.15637783
File: 67 KB, 639x1442, 1682726463310237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant tits bounce in a way that defies gravity

>> No.15637787

>bulbous breasts refuse to ever move at all, even when she's sprinting
>however, they are unfortunately stuck tilting upward at a 45 degree angle

>> No.15637793

LK99-chan flux-pinned breasts hmm

>> No.15637811


>> No.15637814
File: 253 KB, 244x388, 1677392517082790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UOOOOOH flux chest erotic.

>> No.15637824
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>> No.15637837

>nothing burger
philosopher stone bros... i don't feel so good

>> No.15637848
File: 606 KB, 767x639, 1674544170740468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ook ook ook ook ook, ook. Ook ook ook ook ook ook, ook ook ook ook.
> ook ook ook
Ook ook.
> ook ook ook ook ook ook ook
Ook ook.
Ook ook ook. Ook ook ook ook ook ook.

>> No.15637855

>Why would anyone with enough love for their careers
Henrik did it, hell Ninov did too.

>> No.15637863
File: 498 KB, 420x315, whPmtET.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're back.

>It's over.

>We're back.

>It's over.

>We're back!

>It's over!

>That's called spergging, boys!

>> No.15637866
File: 17 KB, 575x281, Screenshot 2023-08-06 063926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I will do it at once...

>> No.15637868
File: 50 KB, 600x440, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe LK-99 is superconducting, but only for autism and not current.

>> No.15637872

It's so fucking over.
Never doubted.

>> No.15637883

I'm lost, are we over or back today

>> No.15637896

It's over, only 20 IQ twitter blue ticks still wank to this scam.

>> No.15637897

i'm in the skeptical-but-optimistic camp and i have no idea

>> No.15637901

We're so back, it's already almost certain to be real.

>> No.15637906

It was so over that we did a revolution and now we're back again

>> No.15637907
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1024, ComfyUI_03543_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in LK-99-chan

>> No.15637910
File: 22 KB, 515x753, 1608052909944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick which one you want, it's not like your opinion has any real bearing on this.

I wish I knew how to draw or have drawfag from /sfg/ come in here, we could use another -tan in the vein of starship-chan or earth-chan.

>> No.15637914

Are there any materials that are diamagnetic but not superconducting at a high temperature, but then become superconducting at a lower temperature? Because otherwise the data about lk99 having zero resistance at 110K doesn't mesh with the diamagnet theory.

>> No.15637919
File: 69 KB, 701x900, flerf-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Flerfchan

>> No.15637925
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>> No.15637926

Why aren't people buying on prediction markets? Do they hate free money?

>> No.15637928
File: 23 KB, 604x121, Screenshot from 2023-08-06 20-44-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backsissies... our response?

>> No.15637931

Yes, every superconducting material fits that description as every material is a diamagnet to some degree.

>> No.15637932
File: 659 KB, 960x1200, 1611486540423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of DCT myself

I denounce all of those retards, even if I share this one's opinion on LK-99

>> No.15637947

There were already a drawfag in some past threads, did nobody saved the pics?

>> No.15637951
File: 393 KB, 2344x2474, 1608055083663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawfag in some past threads
I know but its been a while since I've been in /sfg/

>> No.15637958

Now that the dust has settled, what killed the hype?

>> No.15637960
File: 655 KB, 735x1339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ov-ACK

>> No.15637973

so its over just like I told you
Imagine thinking you can just stumble on a room temperature superconductor by bashing rocks together in 2023. Subscribing to this hype indicates SEVERE lack of scientific credentials and IQ

>> No.15637978

Thunderf00t was right on everything once again

>> No.15637983

>SEVERE lack of scientific credentials and IQ
but enough about you anon

>> No.15637994

I am 100% sure that physics forbid room temp ambient sc, but we only have not understood the theory why it is not allowed. Else we would have found one long ago.

>> No.15637999

Could you explain?

>> No.15638002

It is explained in soviet science. The west ignored it
Humanity as a whole is fucking retarded

>> No.15638004

It's hard coded in this simulation

>> No.15638005

It would be too convenient.

>> No.15638008

>NOOOOOOOO you can't make new discoveries that way, it's too simple!!
>well, no, I suppose that nobody ever tried that before

bet you're one of those guys who laments science stalling because of all of the low-hanging fruit being gone, aren't you

>> No.15638010

It's more like

>we have say 100 useful elements in the periodic table. You can combine any number of them (say between 2 and 8) in any quantitiy, and only 0.00000000....0000000001% of the time you'll get a room temperature superconductor. You can otherwise use theory to avoid the random choice.

These guys chose the random choice and were succesful. Not likely.

>> No.15638011

He's religious.

>> No.15638015

Stainless steel, dawg. When do you think they discovered that shit? For funsies, try to answer before you google it.

>> No.15638016

how reliable is the resolution on polymarket. Should I bet on no, cause I am 100% certain? Seems like free money.

>> No.15638019 [DELETED] 

Explain how people win lotteries.

>> No.15638020

How do we fix this?
Some kind of compound gacha game?

>> No.15638021 [DELETED] 

Gambling is haram.

>> No.15638024

Your Appeal to Authority couldn't get a job in his field, so he's off working for the money changers, with a pit stop for covid hoaxing between jobs:



>> No.15638025

Do you really think anyone actually wins the lottery? Do you know anyone that has? It's not real, it's just a way to get extra tax money out of the plebs and to keep their hopes up.

>> No.15638026 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1291x772, Captura de pantalla_2023-08-05_09-12-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was listening all day to LOL 2022 world cup song.

Korea Won.
Koreans are too powerful.

>> No.15638027

The chances are in no way comparable. A chance of one in a billion is nothing compared to material compositions. I didn't add all those zeroes for fun.

Much smaller composition, and theory guided.

>> No.15638028

Based I never believed in this story but I must admit that I thought there was a very small chance that something interesting could come out from it...

>> No.15638029
File: 13 KB, 1000x1500, muh singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> laments science stalling because of all of the low-hanging fruit being gone
I don't lament it, its just a fact of life.
>>NOOOOOOOO you can't make new discoveries that way, it's too simple!!
Long gone are the days when you find new, major, scientific discoveries in your proverbial garage.

Stainless steel isn't a superconductor, and not only was steel discovered millennia ago but the concept of adding some nickle and chromium isn't that much of a leap on top of the ferrous metallurgy that already existed at that point.

We're not making as many new superconductor candidates as fast as people buy lottery tickets.

>> No.15638030

>RTSC are impossible -- because -- because they just are ok?!
Dullard. After the discovery of high-temp SCs, RTSCs were a "when" not "if"

>> No.15638031
File: 753 KB, 1920x1080, 1691320808973847.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638032

their choice wasn't random, this experiment is based on a niche soviet SC theory

>> No.15638034
File: 405 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20230806-130923~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so well backbros

>> No.15638036
File: 67 KB, 1076x519, Screenshot 2023-08-06 081115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahaha he's fucking salty he couldn't be the one to make an ubermaterial

>> No.15638039

yeah very niche indeed. Some "unknown" guy named Bogoliubov.

protip: they didn't choose shit. They added a theory justification a posteriori

>> No.15638041 [DELETED] 

I'm actually very confused. Why.don't these deboonkers try to make the material first before deboonking? Seems like he is smart enough to try and should have the necessary ingredients seeing how he has a PHD and everything. So, why not try and make it then DEBOOONK?

>> No.15638043

>metallic hydrogen as rocket fuel
Now this is grifting

>> No.15638045

Because it's fucking hard you dumbass. It's like trying to build a plane and some retard claims he's done it by flipping their arms. And everyone believes him. You would obviously get salty.

>> No.15638048

No news on Sunday, did Einstein, Newton, Da Vinci, Archimedes take a break on Sunday?

>> No.15638049

Yes because they were godly men except for Einstein who was a Jew

>> No.15638051 [DELETED] 

The instructions exist, the materials are cheap. What more do you want? You saying a guy with a PhD cannot follow simple instructions and make LK-99? He's not stupid anon. He obviously can.

>> No.15638052

Humanity wins, aliens btfo.

>> No.15638058

This, How is bogoliubov theory "discarded"? Wikipedia mentioned it between others. Happy social media influencers with whitened teeth and american smile deserve a spanking.

>> No.15638059

Considering the UK lab fucked up their ratios of the first sample and then proceeded to quench the second sample straight out of the oven in contradiction to the instructions, you might be wrong.
As well, the recipe is not straightforward. It has required modifications to replicate.

>> No.15638063

Because he didn't win the nobel, and the world moved on, despite the still unanswered questions and unresolved errata.

>> No.15638067

How come no one is trying to make this stuff and sell it on ebay? You could probably get a $10k or more for sandgrain sized pieces

>> No.15638073
File: 80 KB, 347x288, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VERY RARE piece of LK-99
>Size: 10µ
>Sample packaged in 16.9floz PET storage container
>Sample exhibits unique 0D superconductivity at above room temperatures

>> No.15638078
File: 114 KB, 680x521, af2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has required modifications to replicate.
How do you replicate an experiment by modifying the instructions?

>> No.15638079

There's a fuck-huge cloud of oxygen in the direction of Andromeda that was only recently discovered.
By hobbyist astronomers. Because professional equipment was literally incapable of detecting it.
Fuck off with your "you need a trillion-dollar lab and seven PhDs to have any shot of finding something new" nonsense. All you need is a little luck and a willingness to look in places nobody's looked before.

>> No.15638080
File: 797 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20230805_165437_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

""Physicists"" SEETHING

>> No.15638081

Maybe the true cooper pairing was the pals we made along the way

>> No.15638082

Because they're either not being completely forthcoming with their instructions, which makes sense since they're convinced it's actually a superconductor, or there's impurities.

>> No.15638084 [DELETED] 

>it reflects badly on the entire field
>because normal peons are trying to do what scientist are doing
Damn these people hate that normal people are also excited about science. Maybe they do want more tiktok dance video for the kids.

>> No.15638085

scientists love the mystique about themselves. the fact is that most scientists are extremely dull and uninspiring people

>> No.15638086
File: 263 KB, 2500x1900, 1654889934838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck-huge cloud of oxygen
That's not a big discovery, Oxygen is third most common element in the universe and we've know
>By hobbyist astronomers
That's great and I'm all for it, but that's not all that ground breaking


>Hey baby, wanna come with me to this cool place and form a cooper pair.

>> No.15638087


>> No.15638089

>t. omg I love science!!

>> No.15638090
File: 349 KB, 705x676, 1652400969866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638091

Let me rephrase that.
Pure oxygen. No hydrogen to speak of.

>> No.15638093

Steins;Gate is going to literally be real
This is the basement Quantum Research Laboratory
Also I want to be Kurisu's lab slave

>> No.15638094

>Goes on /sci/
>Memes on people who are interested in science

>> No.15638096
File: 886 KB, 1050x590, Kurisu Goal vs c 5August2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I want to be Kurisu's lab slave
We all do anon.

>> No.15638097
File: 1.48 MB, 894x1440, 1653399184723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harvard diversity hire

>> No.15638100

>There's a fuck-huge cloud of oxygen
Do we know what the pressure it could be? Could you breathe out there?

>> No.15638101


>> No.15638102 [DELETED] 

Yes I love interesting stuff. Usually it's mostly science but I love anime and games as well.

>> No.15638104
File: 18 KB, 640x360, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638105 [DELETED] 

take a screenshot with linux.

>> No.15638106
File: 295 KB, 299x384, pepperjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like learning about things and find joy in watching the truths of the universe being uncovered!!

>> No.15638107

Actual scientists hate science because it's extremely unrewarding and pays like shit. If you love science it is guaranteed that you are a pseudo and therefore don't belong here.

>> No.15638108 [DELETED] 

>video about gooks
>still have niggers in it
I hate it.

>> No.15638110

It's amusing that scientists think they're so smart but they're always poor. That's the most intriguing thing about science to me

>> No.15638111

Not if you go into industry.

>> No.15638112

probably not very high, and it's all ionised to fuck so it'd be less breathing and more feeling it do its best to rip every electron it can off of you

>> No.15638113

Where the fuck are all these science lovers coming from? Stay the fuck away from /sci/

>> No.15638114

well, maybe I can feel just a little bit of that uuoohhhhh

>> No.15638118

Industry is shit though: you either work for a start-up scamming VCs or for some shitty enterprise working on irrelevant shit all day long

>> No.15638124

The research is certainly more applied rather than basic, but that doesn't mean its irrelevant.

>> No.15638127
File: 15 KB, 479x330, 1687992911606533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Reflects badly on the field
>80% of official research papers can't be replicated
>Real science says men can be women and other 65 different genders

I think the field is in a pretty sorry state already.
If anything this conductor business has been the greatest piece of social progress the scientific field has had in decades by opening it up.
This is one big reason I hope the whole thing turns out to be even halfway legit, even if it's just a crappy 1D version of the superconductor.
These gate keeping fucks deserve to get screwed and I seriously hope some Chink or a redneck figures out the best way to make this material is in a dirty microwave.

>> No.15638132
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething ""physicist"" detected

>> No.15638153

deoomers in full demoralize and cope mode.
They can't stand the idea that LK99 might change the world and are throwing extra sized fits. Don't listen to them.

>> No.15638154
File: 18 KB, 568x210, Screenshot 2023-08-06 092145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New article today. (in Korean)

>> No.15638162

>Wow, this scientific discovery provides an interesting insight into life or gives a pathway to developing useful technology. The methodology they used for making this discovery was also interesting and clever. I am happy about this.
>Umm, actually, you're a pseud and can't be happy about that because the lab assistant who worked on it wasn't paid well and wasn't satisfied.

>> No.15638176

>Pseuds don't belong on /sci/
Next you are going to tell me that fish don't belong in water.

>> No.15638188


>> No.15638194

backbros... it's so over

>> No.15638201

being alive is science. you should kill yourself then

>> No.15638202

surely one of these things will make something happen at some point... right?

>> No.15638203

Two more weeks.

>> No.15638204

not real

>> No.15638215

All three have just become reality

>> No.15638221

That's his drawing baka gaijin can't accept that scientist can be talented too

>> No.15638222

Gov is incompetent at worst and lying at best.
are at least public. Either way not buying any recent news.

>> No.15638237
File: 1.02 MB, 2010x1435, bet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638243
File: 263 KB, 333x371, 1683574870503447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Imagine thinking you can just stumble on a room temperature superconductor by bashing rocks together in 2023.

>> No.15638253

Is it over?

>> No.15638256

It's already confirmed. Why throw away your money like this?

>> No.15638258

where are my under and front chads?

>> No.15638259

You idiots really wasted my fucking time with what amounted to people crushing up cheerios and rubbing a magnet around in them. Fucking iron flakes contaminating their samples man, this is why you don’t let amateurs and hobbyists do real science.

>> No.15638262

Couldn't you just put a ton of money on yes, release one of those fake videos and then cash out?

>> No.15638263

It's not a ferromagnet, retard. Stop coping after you bought No on a probability market. You lost your money.

>> No.15638267

it requires replication or whatever the platform judges to be real. but no, a fake like that won't tip the scales.

>> No.15638269

>You idiots really wasted my time
lmao stop being so naive retard
the only one who is to blame for coming to /sci/ banking on a mystery rock is (you)

>> No.15638274

Oh so you can't just sell high like any other market?
You need to wait for resolution?

>> No.15638278

This isn't a stock. It's a bet.

>> No.15638279

Room temperature super copeductor

>> No.15638281


>> No.15638282

This is hilarious. Shows marketbros "Just sell high" parroting

>> No.15638286
File: 28 KB, 991x596, suzuha-amane-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time machine is a dystopian tech, anon

>> No.15638287
File: 54 KB, 1139x537, F2q6givasAED8hZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638292

Oversisters, it's finally over... For you!

>> No.15638298

So whsat's the difference between ferromagnetics and superconductors?

I still don't get it.

>> No.15638302
File: 536 KB, 381x512, RIP AND TEAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15638314

how about you get under me so I can do you from the front

>> No.15638322

basically LK-99 has shifted us to the superconductor tech timeline

>> No.15638323

now that it is confirmed, will the asians beat the west again to mass production?

>> No.15638331

It is better to be notorious than irrelevant.

>> No.15638332
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1334, basement lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, literally a low budget basement lab?

>> No.15638346

China is most prime for mass adoption of new superconductor tech. I want everyone to know this fact, and feel uncomfortable about it.

>> No.15638349
File: 37 KB, 739x415, C2D8A282-BA82-4408-9B68-4993128069F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638356
File: 333 KB, 2026x1680, 1691315471531519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

backsissies... I think we have never been hit so hard...

>> No.15638358

the only reason to feel uncomfortable about this is that it may cause the US to start a war with China, as the sore losers that they are

>> No.15638360

>it's the same condensed matter physics COPERS from day 1

>> No.15638367

>This is one big reason I hope the whole thing turns out to be even halfway legit, even if it's just a crappy 1D version of the superconductor.
These gate keeping fucks deserve to get screwed
exactly my thoughts, how anyone interested in progress can be against this development is beyond me

>> No.15638369

It's over

Instead it’s a diamagnetic semiconductor, something that in itself probably bears some explanation. We’re guessing most readers will be familiar with semiconductors, but diamagnetic substances possess the property of having an external magnetic field induce an internal magnetic field in the opposite direction. This means that they will levitate in a magnetic field, but not due to the Meissner effect, the property of superconductors which causes magnetic field to flow round their outside. The Beijing team have shown by measuring the resistance of the sample that it’s not a superconductor.

>> No.15638381

>now that it is confirmed
Sœince laughing

>> No.15638382

Accelerated supercopium from the west
A new era RT superconductor technological developments from the east.

>> No.15638385
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Caroline-Konstnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>myriad of defense applications
>gets a public reveal
they have it, or are close to having it, but they're planting disinfo to lead someone (probably Chang) on a wild-goose chase

>> No.15638387

sounds like more cope

>> No.15638391
File: 209 KB, 400x400, 029015030015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638393

>s-s-sounds like cope

>> No.15638395

so instead of being an SC, it's actually the world's strongest Diamagnet by a factor of a few thousand times

>> No.15638396

>myriad of defense applications
>gets a public reveal
like drones?

>> No.15638398
File: 9 KB, 286x176, images (79).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back
Flying cars by next saturday

>> No.15638400

lines up with >>15638287 ?

>> No.15638402

Are we back overchads? Yeah I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.15638408

and an extremely novel mechanism with no theory to support such a thing?
Instead of being a superconductor?

>> No.15638410

Everyone saying it's fake is just trying to slow the competition down so they can make bank, this is it backchads oversimps can never recover.

>> No.15638411
File: 383 KB, 1295x911, 2023-08-03_185928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638416

We're ack. It's so bover.

>> No.15638419

Should I learn condensed matter physics so I can get rich from the inevitable gold rush? Anyone have any good youtube videos hiw explaining 1D superconductors work?

>> No.15638420

new video with magnet on top of lk99 from unverified anonymous chinese source

>> No.15638421
File: 3.09 MB, 500x525, 2t2rwqewq3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back, we're back, my nutsack and my crack!

>> No.15638422

so basically because the soviets lost the cold war, RTS research was delayed for decades

>> No.15638425

drones, raliguns, supercomputers

>> No.15638426

>The content is as follows:
The video is from China (http://bilibili.. com), and it is said to be from a student from Beijing University of Science and Technology. Its authenticity is questionable.#LK_99 #LK99

>> No.15638427

>6 second shaky video

I don't care. Fuck off. Take a better video. You are a scientist, holy fucking shit. How are they all so fucking bad at filming things?

>> No.15638431

Just get the equipment and start brute forcing different things till something strange happens. Let someone else figure out the theory.

>> No.15638432


>> No.15638433

so back

>> No.15638434
File: 388 KB, 960x720, The content is as follows_The video is from China .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638435
File: 85 KB, 421x381, 1684234094210201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've found a single heavily compressed frame... uma delicia... it's over... caralho...

>> No.15638439 [DELETED] 


>> No.15638440

>put a flake of metal on a spider web connected to some rock in your tweezers
>blow on it

Whowaawhawoahwa oh my god holy fuck levitaiton wnawujdnawdnaldn wowhoaoaowa!!!

>> No.15638441

>sad panda
that confirms it
we're back

>> No.15638443

>170 - 250 bpm breakcore amen break sample

>> No.15638444

my fucking sides are in orbit kek
>non-H doujinshi
someone upload the lk99 video on cornhub lol

>> No.15638445


Either people are cooking up superconductors in their basements or they're making revolutionary magnets. Either way this thing is something unknown to science and it will change things radically.
Any scientist who's not interested in replicating this and discredits it right off the bat, needs to be fucking fired on the spot.

>> No.15638447

What's the recipe for this stuff I want to make a hoverbike?

>> No.15638449

you fell for a rock hanging on a thread with a hairdryer blowing it.

>> No.15638450


video source:

made by this guy from University of Science and Technology Beijing.


>> No.15638451

If you want a hoverbike, then you would need a magnetic road.

>> No.15638453

how long until i can order a puck from aliexpress to play with it with magnets?

>> No.15638454

>he doesn't know
There's a reason why E-Hentai/sadpanda nearly being purged was called the second burning of the Library of Alexandria.

>> No.15638460

I'll carry a small piece of magnetic road around with me fitted under the bike.

>> No.15638464

so sad that 4chan no longer has the artist manpower to make this reality

>> No.15638467

i do know and it gave me a data hoarding scare. i think i need more terabytes.
it won't happen again....right?

>> No.15638468

I am serously thinking of making this shit for audiophiles

>> No.15638476

and use large propellers on its sides to lift the magnetic pavement above the ground to avoid friction.

>> No.15638481

This is it? this is what everyone is so excited over? You can do this with string. I should have known nerds would do something like this. Forget superconductors


>> No.15638482
File: 1.06 MB, 1112x1291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over
>The video first starts with thanking everyone for their attention on their previous video.
>Then, she mentioned that their group are currently working on the material but are currently facing some difficulties.
>She then emphasizes that currently only diamagnetism have been proven, and many more work is still needed before a superconductor can be created, let alone its application.
>At the end, she reminds everyone to not speculate on superconductor stock.

>> No.15638484

Why would someone go on the internet and lie?

>> No.15638485

The quote "此去东海八万里" roughly means that "the distance to the east sea is 80,000 miles", and the quote "攀得仞岳入摩云" roughly means "to climb a very tall mountain to reach the cloud in the sky".
It reflects the author's feeling of a tough and long road ahead.

>> No.15638489

>It reflects the author's feeling of a tough and long road ahead
Does that tough and long road ahead stop them from taking more videos from different angles to prove it actually floats?

Because otherwise that tough and long road smells like fucking bullshit

>> No.15638491

Wait, is it not instantly understood and refined? They've had over a week now, it's so fucking over.

>> No.15638492

this video literally confirms the previous video was true and is just warning against speculation in the market. incredibly bullish

>> No.15638495 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 595x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few scientists in the field are beginning to believe tho, like picrel.
>1.1 million views

>> No.15638499

We're back.

>> No.15638500

Why does it matter what some diversity hire says?

>> No.15638501



>> No.15638503


>> No.15638509

Old and fake

>> No.15638510

They need to pass a hoop over it like the magicians do so you can see when there is no strings.

>> No.15638513 [DELETED] 

Backsisters... what is this...

>> No.15638519

It's nice of mr Wong to list all the fakes so far without clutter on his page.

>> No.15638520

>unverified anonymous chinese source

Fuck off chang

>> No.15638523

>like the magicians do
but that's how magicians trick you

>> No.15638525

That's a seetheing overfag

>> No.15638526

>최동식 교수가
>Lit: Professor Dong-seok Choi
>"...Professor Chair Tong-seek of the Chemistry Department at Korea University argues that this..."
fuck AI translations

>> No.15638530

Ok but the scientists should promise not to lie first and it'll be ok

>> No.15638533

special effects.

>> No.15638536

>Backbros keep posting new videos confirming LK-99 to absolutely be a thing we should research
>Oversissies keep posting the same twitter e-celeb bullshit
oversissies... why do the backbros keep winning... even our queen Sabine has abandoned us

>> No.15638537
File: 2.25 MB, 3375x5000, gravity-2013-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I can fake it that means it's fake
Guess we've never been to space, pack it in lads.

>> No.15638542

Now this one is clearly a fake (notice the frame rate), can the faggot that zooming the chopstick video do it again? Fucking retard schizoing over a fucking compression artifact topkek.

>> No.15638546

Keks I will never forget all the faggots who said doing this would take WEEKS and cost THOUSANDS of dollars. Normies are so gullible it's scary desu

Can someone make a webm version?

>> No.15638547

oversissies are like people who wouldn't buy a house because they don't like the living room wallpaper

>> No.15638551
File: 545 KB, 498x280, dank-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK99 is the biggest blunder in the story of Korean science, which is for the most part inexistent lmao

Congrats on this kpoopers

>> No.15638552

Why don't you enhance the fucking pixels again, dumbass?

>> No.15638562


>> No.15638569

The biggest fake sign in this video, is the slight blur around the sample.
Also, the sample never undergoes 3d rotation like the original.
Its literally just a 2d image moved up and down, with blur artifacts around it.

>> No.15638577

I don't want it to be over, why can't cool things happen every now and then?

>> No.15638580
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, fakelk99.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no backsisters, I thought this kind of photorealistic CGI was impossible.

>> No.15638587

>High quality, not blurry
Obvious CGI lol.
The other one is full of artifacts and low quality blur shit, it's real.

>> No.15638589 [DELETED] 

Anon... that's not photorealistic.

>> No.15638590

Good thing is that cgi bros have pea brains and don't know how flux pinning works, they take "pinning" literally.
This is an another video:
I'm leaning it's hover.

>> No.15638599

the other one, that's real, shows the piece slightly rotating. I'm not sure how you'd fake that.
all fakes are fixed to something and it shows in their movement.

>> No.15638606

I'm feeling 73% backchad, 20% overfag and 3% who cares the j e w s will ruin it either way

>> No.15638607


>> No.15638613
File: 21 KB, 920x859, 31A0D258-552E-4ACB-AF71-912D8639BD8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw physics are so buttmad they're using fake videos to deboonk vs just replicating the material itself

>> No.15638615


>> No.15638617

lmao it literally does not flip or rotate at all unlike the chink video... obviously fake

>> No.15638640

> Didn't even insert the right song
Confirmed faggot and do not belong to the internet

>> No.15638644


>> No.15638661
File: 67 KB, 1066x666, sad panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638671

Alien CGI, (((they))) don't want us to know about superconductors yet

>> No.15638675
File: 14 KB, 474x411, 1667012149060760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, listen, I can barely make it out, and this is a long shot, but I think he's holding the blue thing with his hand.

>> No.15638677

How about just one single video that is longer than a couple of seconds, has multiple angles and is not grainy compressed garbage with dirty big chink watermark over the top of it. Fuck me, its not over or back, it never even begun

>> No.15638681

I just want it to be over

>> No.15638687

Chin po ho he shin she, she ho pun he ho.

>> No.15638689

Guys.... what if it's real?

>> No.15638695

>How about just one single video that is longer than a couple of seconds, has multiple angles and is not grainy compressed garbage with dirty big chink watermark over the top of it.
You mean like the New York Times video that came out over 3 days ago?


>> No.15638698

It's different romanization retard

>> No.15638700

Don't you feel ashamed posting a link with 500 trackers?

>> No.15638705

you can see light bend around it when it moves it's either a cgi artifact or due to liquid nitrogen temperature difference of the air which would mean it's just a YBCO superconductor.

>> No.15638709

to spoonfeed a 4chan anon in 30 seconds and giving the link that gets past the paywall, no, I don't feel any shame

>> No.15638712

>he doesn't know that China is actually completely 2 dimensional

>> No.15638714

just their faces and crotch areas

>> No.15638729

Tourist here: why do so many people seem to not want a superconductor to be real?

>> No.15638734


>> No.15638764

I want room temperature superconductors to be real. I also want aliens and magic to be real. Unfortunately things don't become real by wanting.

>> No.15638766

because they are black pilled and sick of midwit redditors spamming shit when pop-sci picks something retarded up. I believe it is real, but that is the genuine reason

>> No.15638774
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>> No.15638803

>associate RT superconductors with magic and aliens!
this amount of astroturfing over some gook paper

>> No.15638808

If social problems can be solved with science and technology it makes them ask uncomfortable questions about their own politics.

>> No.15638820

they think it makes them cool to be mr know-it-all skeptic, especially if they turn out to be right
>Heh... those fools really fell for it... I knew it was fake the whole time... I'm an independent thinker...

>> No.15638822

It's CGI. Such small piece of YBCO would heat up way above the critical temperature in seconds.

>> No.15638875

That sounds like a you problem.
I would like for LK-99 to be real, it would be a very good thing if it was, but I'm not convinced. There have been cases of major breakthroughs being announced and generating a lot of public hype, only for them to turn out to either be wrong or mistaken in some way, or worse outright fraudulent. So I'm waiting for something definitive.

>> No.15638891

>Unfortunately things don't become real by wanting
how would you know?
of course, wanting is just the first half
>letting your mindset be affected by peons
but why

>> No.15639037

Many reasons. A lot of people like to think they're smarter than the average pseud, and a lot of average pseuds are excited about this, so the natural position for that kind of person to be become a vehement contrarian. Alternatively you might have bitter scientists trying to gatekeep, trolls who don't give a shit just cranking people up for laughs, or terminal politicsbrained retards who decided it's problematic for some reason.

>> No.15639102
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most overs are just seething westoids

>> No.15639109

>koreans hiding behind my japanese cartoons
You're not fooling anyone

>> No.15639217

>implying the soviet superconductors weren't going to go the way of the soviet geneticists

>> No.15639236

In group preference and IQ differences are and always will be fundamental to human biology, this changes nothing.

>> No.15639348

what if it helps change human biology?

>> No.15639359

Thats what guns are for

>> No.15639364

nobody's forcing you to change yours. and if you'd have a choice you'd change your child's DNA to avoid some shit disease.

>> No.15639376

It changes everything for the leftist true believer who believes that all his team's thievery is justified by energy scarcity, or the "nothing new under the sun" christcuck. Those are the types of people trying to shit on LK99.

>> No.15639378

>Rotating with the magnet is a good sign
I think it's very low yield, or some other shit is going on

>> No.15639388
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>> No.15639396

I am leaning towards "new" physics, by which I mean we don't have a theory of electromagnetic flux in bulk matter that's worth anything

>> No.15639401

> no how dare he expose our grift
> we had such a good thing going, asking for research grants year after year, producing little of anything of value

>> No.15639406

Imagine discovering a new type of 2d materials with revolutionary strength and conductivity by pulling graphite with a a scotch tape.

>> No.15639476

Discord tier meme, bordering reddit. Go back now.

>> No.15639572
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>Discord tier meme, bordering reddit. Go back now.

>> No.15639609

Hwanggate is tho
Worst Korea confirmed the laughing stock of the international scientific community

>> No.15639623

>who is Hwang, Alex?

>> No.15639774
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so this fucking hack keeps moving the goalpost.

>> No.15639792

is he wrong though faggot, the way the gooks are acting all throughout this thing has been super fishy.

>> No.15639994

didn't he already send samples to multiple other korean labs weeks ago? I thought he mentioned that in an interview in the last couple days.

>> No.15640006

The next cope is claiming video synthesis and jews, chinks or whatever else lives rent free in the mind of the world's most happy people.

>> No.15640012


>> No.15640054

no he didn't. in fact he said the opposite, he called the recently announced combined superconductor guys looking into lk99 mobsters, or at least thats what the translation said. that seo guy confirmed as much.

>> No.15640186

No way a superconductor would dance around that much. It must be hanging from a spiderweb.

>> No.15640195


>> No.15640213

>russian catgirl chemist
Ok what did I miss?

>> No.15640222

Yeah, arent those like a straight upgrade for any maglev trains?
Still I wont be riding any supersonic superconducting chinese maglev train. I'd like my family to bury a complete body.

>> No.15640755

literal catgirl e-lesbian claims to have reproduced LK-99 using wet chemistry, because fuck everything