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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 350x195, superconductor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15632584 No.15632584 [Reply] [Original]

NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Twitard attempts to summarize the first four simulation papers

Replication attempts

A roundup of replication attempts, including hobbyist

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

New video from original team

Meissner effect demonstration in a recreated LK-99 sample by Andrew McCalip

Other videos purporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)

Previous thread: >>15629067

>> No.15632591
File: 121 KB, 990x1176, current thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15632592

Suk my Bea nao.

>> No.15632594

So sulfur is important for getting it to work, but do we have any idea why?

>> No.15632593

Nice facebook meme, overfriend.

>> No.15632600

Need to update a couple of sections

>Simulation and theory

>Replication attempts
https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01516 (video: https://targum.video/v/2023/8/1/e2ad3b8e86961ccfdcf411d2d4d18d3f/?l=en))

^ the video is from the lower links, just connecting the two

>> No.15632603

According to Iris and Andrew right? We don't have any confirmation from the kimchi squad that sulfur is important and they still have the best samples.

>> No.15632605
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Apparently it's apparent even in their work?

>> No.15632612
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overbros take this fat L
it's our dub

>> No.15632627 [DELETED] 

>You Density-Functional Theory?
what did she mean by this

>> No.15632635

>t. dyslexic

>> No.15632638

Zygmunt M. Galasiewicz (Auth.) - Superconductivity and Quantum Fluids-Pergamon Press (1970)
Read this book from Libgen or this
N. N. Bogoluibov - A New Method in the Theory of Superconductivity

>> No.15632644

original authors already trying to stall to next year
obvious scam

>> No.15632645

>Needing a general
lmao even

>> No.15632651
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Needle update

>> No.15632655

Explain. Did anything happen so far?

>> No.15632657

Would this make the magnetic separation of Uranium using a calutron more discrete? Asking for some Iranian friends.

>> No.15632685
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, 1691136900424196.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explanation of last video >>15629178

Confirms ferromagnetism or diamagnetism is an unlikely explanation for levitation. Watch the sample as the magnet is nudged and rotated.
If it was diamagnetism, the sample would slip and slide away from the field center, not be pinned in place. It also wouldn't be locked on one axis and rotate with the magnet.

This shows how difficult it is for a diamagnetic material to "balance" on a magnetic field. The only way to levitate a diamagnet is by creating a "divot" in the field, with either an array of magnets or a ring.

The sample touching the magnet on one side could be explained by the sample being impure or unbalanced, and the whole piece being too heavy for the superconducting material to levitate, like what is shown in this video.

The tiny part of the sample touching the magnet is not sufficient to explain how rigidly the sample appears to be locked in the same position in the magnetic field.
We still don't have confirmation of bulk room temperature superconductivity, but the sample is levitating at room temperature in a way that can only be explained by either islands of superconductivity, or an unprecedented new kind of superdiamagnetism that also self aligns itself with the magnetic field.

Additionally, the American engineer on Twitter successfully completed his replication attempt. He demonstrated his sample reacting strongly diamagnetically to a magnet, and the sample appeared to stay in place and rotate with the magnet placed underneath the sample holder, which is consistent with superconducting and removes the variable of friction.

Needle is heavily leaning towards back.

>> No.15632686

Would a gun made of LK-99 be invisible to metal detectors?

>> No.15632690

this shit is fake. they make quartz a requirement. breaking the quartz container means their shit gets contaminated with tiny pieces of quartz, which is diamagnetic.

>> No.15632692
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, 1691146808308882.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American video attempt.
Updates and clarification posted on his Twitter.

>> No.15632698

Why does it look like the bottom is stuck in place?

>> No.15632699

by far the dumbest group of overbros are the people who think all the replicators are in on a big hoax. Like you people are legitimately retarded and make me (a sane overbro) look bad. In fact im beginning to think you are a false flag hopechud.

The fucking varda space people and the chinese university did not randomly decide to commit a hoax for 0 upside just to validate some korean dudes. You literally have autism if you think this.

>> No.15632703

As life changing as this might be, I'll choose to remain calm until I see more proof. Thank you, however. Looking forward to more testing.

>> No.15632705

it's ferromagnetic and this whole thread is a waste of time

>> No.15632706

explain this: why do they only get tiny pieces of "LK-99" barely floating?

>> No.15632710

>flecks of quartz provoke a diamagnetic reaction stronger than ever seen previously

Well good goddammit this is going to blow open the industry

>> No.15632714

they're all following the same one shitty guide on how to make it

>> No.15632718
File: 358 KB, 985x1176, MicrosoftTeams-image_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most strongly diamagnetic materials, pyrolytic carbon, comes nowhere near LK-99.
Even if it was proven to have no (room temperature) superconducting, it would be the most outrageously powerful diamagnetic material known to man.
But that wouldn't explain the material's self aligning behavior.

>> No.15632719

the fuck if I know, what I do know is that the chinks and this space jew have no reason to give false support for random koreans they have no relation to

>> No.15632723
File: 128 KB, 631x474, 1687923208218244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now what happens if you put it in between two magnets?

>> No.15632725

Because the base metal is literally lead, any imperfections causes a massive amount of dead weight holding down the good bits

>> No.15632726

Ketchup gas.

>> No.15632737

is really the lk99 sample someone should ask the Andrew Mcalip guy about it

>> No.15632744

what happens if AN UNSUPERVISED CHILD eats it
why is there no regulatino

>> No.15632749

they get turned into a retard

>> No.15632761
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It's still resting on an edge and not floating.

>> No.15632762
File: 203 KB, 696x887, Screenshot_20230804-180436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news guys, Andrew says his rock is cringe.

>> No.15632765

they start floating on the ionosphere

>> No.15632767

answer this >>15632715

>> No.15632768

>I really don't know

>> No.15632769

Thunderfag BTFO, the rock is metal

>> No.15632776

(((They))) are seething and has every reason to bury this. They can't van the paper authors now or it will look obvious. So they will force them to not send out samples and then say they're going to work on another material instead and then debunk it.

>> No.15632778

I think it's the position of the field? If you just drop a magnet, it'll sometimes get pushed away from a superconductor.
It has to get a little ways inside the magnetic field to get locked, so that may be why you get weird behavior like that.
The sudden jump heating and cooling is neat and would point to superconductivity, but you need very precise control over a sample the size of a large grain of sand.

>> No.15632782

sex with rin

>> No.15632786

Didn't the Koreans say LK-99 turns into a metal at high temperatures?
Or am I imagining that.

>> No.15632789

they're asians, they probably crushed it into dust and snorted to check if it makes their dicks bigger, just in case

>> No.15632806


>> No.15632808
File: 1.33 MB, 480x854, 1666908985461.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real, but it's going to take at least a year to refine the process, and make good amounts. In the meantime i recommend everyone design their own supercodnuctor gadget

>> No.15632810

>this is what backcels are
thanks for revealing yourselves, ill make sure to fud the shit out of this now. its over

>> No.15632817

>over 1 week in
>nothing even remotely close to actual replication
Just kill this stupid general. Waste of space and time.

>> No.15632819

They become supermagneto

>> No.15632820

Why THE FUCK is it taking so long for western academia to prove/disprove this? How incompetent are we? Why do I have to rely on videos that only exist on twatter and chinktube?
>it takes time bro
Then fucking announce that you are working on it. The silence about this shit is worrying.

>> No.15632825

Argonne already said they're working on it

>> No.15632833

they are probably on vacation

>> No.15632838

Academics are not used to playing therapist with the public. No one involved in this field expected this degree of attention 2 weeks ago. They are going to go through things at the usual pace with the usual discretion and you just need to find a new hobby. Maybe try rock climbing.

>> No.15632839

Damn so we're back????

>> No.15632842
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Jesus Christ Andrew, they're minerals.

>> No.15632844

>Government lab
Ok expect it to take about 8 months for a tentative review and 3 years for confirmation because of all their monkey diversity scientists and bureaucracy.

>> No.15632845
File: 177 KB, 1080x1650, 1691186023809553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 1 Dimensional superconductor and only exhibits magnetic field rejection when the magnetic flux is perpendicular to superconductor Pathways this explains why no matter how strong the diamagnetic effect is it won't lift its tail from the ground, it will lift itself upright until the ever increasing magnetic flux permeability caused by aligning it's superconductor Pathways results in enough dead weight it can no longer lift itself, resulting in a slant.

>> No.15632851

Its ceramic dude

>> No.15632854

i think many of them just work on it in silence in some way.

You'd be surprised though how many of them probably think that it's "beneath" them to even look at it, just because it challenges so much.

>> No.15632855

you've never worked in a lab before

>> No.15632858

>Deaf, blind, stupid
>But not mute
Shut up, bitch.

>> No.15632885

Oh if it works ill be love to start designing
But we need some fucking parameters if the material to do so. Not videos of half floating rocks

>> No.15632895

well sucks to be you then I guess
>continues working on his floating rock/dicksucking machine

>> No.15632920

>continues to work on his/shis/schiz's 22nd century neo-dilator

>> No.15632941

So you're saying it really is a Type Sneed superconductor?

>> No.15632963

No way to explain it for a gook. It is obviously a new kind of superdiamagnetic material.

>> No.15632988

over status?

>> No.15632990

Its over.

>> No.15632997

It's over for over.

>> No.15633001

is it actually over? the hype is gone already

>> No.15633003
File: 481 KB, 3024x4032, F2t4ef9X0AAQCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys will have results shortly


>> No.15633017
File: 156 KB, 275x362, 928290101073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over or are we back
im already preparing the metric fuckton of threads mocking the loser, but i need to know which side will "win*

>> No.15633024

Sample behavior replicated multiple times is incompatible with any explanation other than superconductivity.

>> No.15633029
File: 53 KB, 600x600, Madoka vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>localizer scum

>> No.15633031
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>Where is your peer-reviewed study?

>> No.15633032

>It has some of the same responses as the paper, but the appearance makes me think it's less based.
LK-99 confirmed cringe.

>> No.15633035

here is another livestream of a team cooking it


>> No.15633042

Things are moving pretty fast, actually.

>> No.15633046

even if it's not a superconductor, it's a pretty weird material

That said, the current results you can barely call that. This all still could be margin of error. Maybe a common pitfall with the process itself

>> No.15633074

Give me a scientific reason why I shouldn't shove a large sample of LK99 up my asshole?....

>> No.15633083

This level of crowdsourced science is kind of unprecedented. It's nice to see a bunch of garage scientists giving this a go.

>> No.15633085

it was an april fools joke, and it was funny

>> No.15633086
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Please at least BE SOMETHING even if not superconductor I don't want to wagecuck for the rest of my life and the world is getting worse and worse... We haven't had a scientific breakthrough in a century please god give something

>> No.15633088
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You might have to get an MRI sometime
Don't know how that would work, though. Would you be stuck inside, or repelled before getting in? And if so, what if it just repels the LK? And which way would it fly out? And would you be liable for any damage?

>> No.15633089

lead poisoning isn't real plumbum bum syndrome is a myth it can't hurt you

>> No.15633090

>I don't want to wagecuck for the rest of my life
You will be no matter what tech is invented. Capitalism will ensure that.

>> No.15633096

This but unironically

>> No.15633100

the proper translation is called 'Typhoon Girls' if you're curious
you know where to look

>> No.15633107

requesting current back/over status

>> No.15633112
File: 2.67 MB, 1024x550, 1689289597333080.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave for a day
>It's getting better

>> No.15633113

this is a way to rational opinion, you do not belong here

>> No.15633114

>We haven't had a scientific breakthrough in a century
it'll never stop feeling insane to me how zoomers are so convinced that we live in an era of scientific and technological stagnation
where does this come from? Were you actually born yesterday?

>> No.15633115

Nothing ever happens in this gay earth

>> No.15633116

Back, but on hold till the ovens have cooled.

>> No.15633121

Institut für Sonderanwendungen did it. Lk-99 Room temp Superconductor has been replicated, perfected and confirmed.

>> No.15633125 [DELETED] 


>> No.15633127

the team with the livestream on youtube will be pulling out their tubes soon

>> No.15633129

The fake one?
Was a pretty good joke. I was gullible enough to do a google search

>> No.15633131

They think it's because the effects aren't as noticeable as they were back when horseshit cleaner was a government job and negroes weren't allowed to have utilities.

They're spoiled, which is fine, sort of, I guess. They're too enamored by their handheld supercomputers to really comprehend that their supercomputers are handheld.

>> No.15633132


>> No.15633133

>the team with the livestream on youtube
There's one on yt? I only saw the one on twitch.
Got a link?

>> No.15633136


>> No.15633141


>> No.15633144

That's the one. Still pretty sure it's a joke.


>> No.15633148


>> No.15633149

>tfw have a vacuum oven in the lab at work
>it's sole purpose in life is to keep the dessicant dry for the Karl Fischer

>> No.15633154

What about someone do the plasma vapor deposition of this material onto the inside surface of a circular glass tube to make a single turn planar conductor so that we can induce some current into it and study its magnetic field.

>> No.15633156
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, 1614521441436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so does this mean that we can make a super long chain of LK99 sticks (from what I understand it can't be made into a normal wire) from a solar field in the Sahara desert to Europe and then another chain back, that will make an usable electric current, with minimal/no energy loss?

As in, it super-conducts electricity but only in one way???

>> No.15633158

I'll do the logo

>> No.15633162

I'll do your mom.

>> No.15633165

overtroons can use those to dilate

>> No.15633169

that teams results will be the best yet, since they are experts with probes lol


>> No.15633182
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Is the material at least... special? Or could it be a complete scam?

>> No.15633187

if it's not a superconductor, it exhibits a level of magnetic interactions far, far beyond what can be explained by our current models. Literally nothing else we know of compares.

>> No.15633188

The material is legitimately fuckin' weird, bro.

>> No.15633190

If nothing else is ever observed and LK-99 only behaves as we've seen it up to now, it's an unprecedented new type of high temperature superconductor, that is also an impossibly strong diamagnet even above it's critical temperature.

>> No.15633191
File: 361 KB, 255x255, 1685891175683155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And those fucking gooks have been sitting on this shit for over two decades

>> No.15633196
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The material is harder to work with than traditional copper wires, but you can make somewhat flexible cables by depositing it on a metal tape.

>> No.15633202

ITSOVERfags will say it's a nothingburger but I have to admit even if it's not a RTSC it still possesses extremely strange qualities.

Materials science deserves more investment and respect in general, so either way I hope this opens some doors for the field regardless of outcome.

>> No.15633205

this is to say nothing of doping a more elastic, conductive material with the ceramic particles to vastly reduce the resistivity and heat propagation.

>silicon wafers are a ceramic
that's the main application I bet. low TDP circuits.

wonder if you could deposit it in layers easily.

>> No.15633209

How much silver do these need? I imagine that could be a bottleneck for large scale adoption if LK99 cables filled a similar construction.

>> No.15633211

I have no doubt TSCM will have R&D looking into this within a month. If this shit can be PCB'd, as another anon put it, Moore's Law is back in business.

>> No.15633216

Can we please discuss how a superconductor would benefit the fast food industry? So we can all relate… would the price of a happy meal be affected by this? What about my soda? Asking for a fren

>> No.15633220

the one bottleneck will be phosphorus. the price of food will go up if this rock is real.

>> No.15633219

it would make it exponentially easier for me to get my dick in a box of mcnuggies, energy wise, scientifically.

>> No.15633224

where can i look at the needle real time??

>> No.15633226

yes restaurants will have lower electricity costs. levitating gizmos are a bonus.
the ice cream machine won't break anymore.

>> No.15633228

The ice cream machine will NEVER break.

>> No.15633229

>A 1-5 μm layer of silver is sputtered on top of the REBCO layer for chemical protection. Additionally, the silver layer stabilizes the conductor by providing an alternative path for the current at weak spots in the superconductor.
>Additionally, the quench can be prevented from starting by improving the stability of the superconducting wire. The resistivity of superconductors in the normal state is rather high. For this reason, most practical superconductors are stabilized with a highly conductive metal such as copper, silver or aluminium. The stabilization provides an alternative path for the current if a normal zone develops, reducing Joule heating. The stabilization also helps to remove heat from the normal zone by thermal conduction.
It looks like the silver is there as a heat buffer and current fallback conductor, it's a fairly thin layer, and it might not need to be silver.

>> No.15633230

Werebackbros...I think we're back.

>> No.15633231

I’m shaking…

>> No.15633232

it's a niche application for those conductors.
the silver is chosen as a material based on the YBCO's properties. Given that YBCO still needs liquid nitrogen as a superconductor it's probably due to silver's elastic/fracture characteristics at 77K that is the main reason.

Yttrium is probably comparable in abundance to Silver and it's certainly less sought after in comparison but theres much less of it in that diagram.

>> No.15633234
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Well that's good timing.

>> No.15633236
File: 81 KB, 964x635, backbroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this...

>> No.15633238


>> No.15633241

>tfw have a fridge with 0.1°C resolution at work
>people keep putting sodas and burgers in it when there's no samples

>> No.15633245

its so over back-sisters

>> No.15633246

>video that can only be explained by superconducting
>Sorry, but no.
it's over

>> No.15633251

Wow, why I'm so glad I'm on /sci/ so I can read reddit posts.

>> No.15633255

now that is some luck. Morocco controls most of the worlds phosphate supply by far.

>> No.15633261

Oh, cool, haven't thought about making it thin enough until it's bendable, since I was still thinking in copper wire terms, which need a certain thickness to be viable.

But back to the first question: is a such a tape, made with LK99, able to send a one way electric current across the globe, with no power loss?
Or what does it mean, that it is a "1D superconductor"?

>> No.15633263

>16 hours ago

>> No.15633264

I'm not even sure people with videos know what the fuck they are doing when testing for meissner. I though the superconductor should got under Tc with the magnet in its vicinity. if you just take a chunk of RTSC and put it near a magnet it won't lock in place, it would show diamagnetism

>> No.15633266
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Still a useless ceramic

>> No.15633272

Can anyone please access paint and sketch what a superconductor battery would look like? Would you make a loop and just have the charge spin inside? I need to know pls

>> No.15633273

>same tired oversissy talking points
>but reddit!
A tiny point touching a smooth magnet isn't going to have that much friction.

>> No.15633278

>t.seething overcuck

>> No.15633277
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>> No.15633282

for zero power loss you'd need a single crystal extending the entire distance.
not going to happen any time soon. monocrystaline stuff is expensive as fuck and difficult to do.

best you can hope for at the moment is that the resistance of a common cable made of copper/aluminium/steel doped with LK-99 and reduce the powerloss a certain amount. Orient the crystal lattices correctly and you'll get orders of magnitude levels of drop in resistivity. You won't get zero though.

>> No.15633283

>>15633264 me
heat that bitch to 200C or something put it on a magnet and let it cool. then check for meissner.

>> No.15633285

thats some big cope right there

>> No.15633287
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Here you go, we're in troll physics land now with this thing.

>> No.15633290

why do our oversisters keep making claims of it being over "because its over." Their arguments are more circular than the cross section of my meaty cock.

>> No.15633291
File: 26 KB, 990x607, Screenshot 2023-08-04 201738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be wrong but my understanding is that LK-99's superconductivity could be dependent on a "tube-like" internal structure, which would allow superconductivity easily along the tubes, but not as easily across the entire material.
>credentials: none

>> No.15633293

remove the troll face and you have a literal superconductor patent diagram on par with most of the shit ever submitted.
and it would work lmao

>> No.15633294

How much money have you lost today?

>> No.15633298

>Their arguments are more circular than the cross section of my meaty cock

>> No.15633299

Yeah that’s what I thought. Thank you kind gentleman

>> No.15633303
File: 1.37 MB, 256x192, 1685909965936577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's getting better every minute at this point
I think I've overdosed on whitepills

>> No.15633307

why the fuck Norway has so much good shit?

>> No.15633308

From a previous thread
>Experiments have been done with a current continuing in a superconducting coil lasting for years with no voltage applied, and the same experiments have shown that the current should last for 100k years.

>> No.15633310

ETA on when this will stop baking? I’ve been watching for a while but can’t read Korean

>> No.15633314

National University of Taiwan Laboratory LK-99 alchemy is live, unpacking + measurement at 16:30 on Saturday

>> No.15633315
File: 125 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration3tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that troll physics is real now.

>> No.15633316

That’s what I’m doing. Don’t you fucking dare steal my idea patent pending. Now you told everyone. Great. Thanks. I already am in the process of parenting it so im one step ahead of you all.

>> No.15633317
File: 93 KB, 989x751, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah here you go

>> No.15633321

Why is it onion shaped? Are you an ogre?

>> No.15633322


>> No.15633324

>still 5:05 to go


>> No.15633329

I am jealous. Our sample fridge is a 30 year old maytag that I am fairly certain someone found on the side of the road. It is right next to a gas chromatography machine that costs as much as a house.

>> No.15633334

it will be done at 16:00 Taiwan time then they'll cool it for an hour I think.

>> No.15633335

>movement in accordance to an applied
What is an applied

>> No.15633339

Yea it’s the best thing in my pocket for the day

>> No.15633343

>he doesn't want a hover child

>> No.15633346

We have been working at this one but now it’s not done with all of us

>> No.15633348
File: 2.33 MB, 540x763, IMG_2636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people figured out sooner you needed Cu2S to make LK99 good BEFORE they starting making the fucking samples

>> No.15633352

We're back itsoverbros

>> No.15633354

Careful with those anon. Last time i did that, the Russian coup was cancelled
Still back, though

>> No.15633356

its actually over for us overbros... Its over...

>> No.15633360
File: 1.08 MB, 762x940, Screenshot 2023-08-04 203213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tragic: Child accidentally eats 1 dimensional superconductor, which can only hover them on one axis

>> No.15633361


>> No.15633364
File: 8 KB, 200x133, 1683663228615228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James, 9 , swallowed a pound of LK-99 he found in his mother's bedside drawer
>against all odds
>he grew up to be a famous conductor

>> No.15633370

>>15633264 me

>> No.15633372

It’s not over here yet lol but I’m sorry I’m just not getting it. Are we beck?

>> No.15633374

>Claimed superconductor LK-99 is an online sensation — but replication efforts fall short
Nature is so salty it's unreal.

>> No.15633375

See you nerds next week.
Maybe we'll have an answer then (probably not)

>> No.15633380
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Yeah, that makes more sense, than what I have imagined.
Thanks for the explanation, anon.

Bummer, a global electrical grid would have been neat.

So what would be the applications for this thing?
Home quantum computers?
Cheap and advanced MRI?
Robo cat girl gf?

>> No.15633385

Just woke up. Are we back or is it over?

>> No.15633387


>> No.15633388

Yes to all above, see first link in the OP.

>> No.15633389

>Nature is so salty it's unreal.
They rejected this paper last year right?

>> No.15633390
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>one of the ingredients... is used in meth

>> No.15633391


100% confirmed over

>> No.15633394

If this structure works to make a 1D super conductor couldn't we use the same principle to make similar SCs using different geometry of atoms? Like what about a buckyball like structure that has a bunch of tubes going in various directions.

I'm not a chemist though

>> No.15633393

Trust the needle.

>> No.15633395

>Are we back or is it over?
We are so back

>> No.15633403

You heard him. Everyone pack your stuff. Was nice till it lasted but we have to face the truth know… it’s over.

>> No.15633404


>> No.15633409

>If this structure works to make a 1D super conductor couldn't we use the same principle to make similar SCs using different geometry of atoms? Like what about a buckyball like structure that has a bunch of tubes going in various directions.
C60 bucky balls ... are balls.... not tubes.
and if you think of drinking straws like the tubes, throwing a bunch into a box doesn't really help

but what the oversissies don't understand is that regardless of confirmation, some weird shit is going on here and that means new applications and new things to look for.

it's not over until its over.

>> No.15633425

Maybe you haven’t read
It’s been confirmed 100% over. There is no coming back from this. Sorry bud. Let’s all get together and pray for forgiveness, as the Bible says… One shall not play with the rocks.

>> No.15633427

Holy schizophrenia, get a fucking life dude

>> No.15633432
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Ok I am trying to describe a shape I have no idea what id call it and used a buckyball as a reference, as you can tell topology is not my expertise area either. Imagine a similar shape where each facet has a "tube" that connects with eachother in the center. Wouldn't this make it much easier to make super conductive pathways?

>> No.15633437

Imagine if the Korean cloning guy couldn't confirm his human cloning experiment was successful, but when a third party researcher came to inspect the sample it started talking to him telepathically.
That's how much this material is shaking up material science.

>> No.15633441

Honestly the main thing about this is how mixing some seemingly mundane chemicals can actually produce materials whose structure have unforeseen properties, we'd have to reevaluate how we do research.

>> No.15633443

yes, and now they published an article with that title I quoted (and which 4channel.org won't let me link to because "muh spam")

>> No.15633445

>murrican labs literally dont care
I'm thinking... it's jover.

>> No.15633447

I thought varda were jeets.

>> No.15633448
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anyone who wants to get a quick PhD, be the first cook it and put it in a microwave oven....

>> No.15633452

Didn't Argonne say they were investigating it?
They're one of those "I wouldn't worry about it" important labs, so we might not hear from them again in a while.

>> No.15633453
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>> No.15633457

but multiple American labs are working on it anon :(

>> No.15633460

We don't live in flatland, so just layer 1D planes on top of each other rotated one after the other, making a bulk 2D superconductor.
Material science is literally so easy.

>> No.15633469

But wouldn't using a 3D structure like that be much easier to produce a perfect super conductive pathway (assuming the theory is right).

>> No.15633474

Guys.. give it to me straight.
Is shitfuck23 over?

>> No.15633477

why does this whole thing, from discovery to reproduction, seem so low tech and slapdash?

>> No.15633479

The alchemist influence of throwing shit together to see what sticks.

>> No.15633482

The universe is just fucking with us.

>> No.15633487

>one of the ingredients... is used in meth
Thousands of people die from dihydrogen monoxide every year, yet tests reveal it is rampant in our tap-water! Why does our government allow this??

>> No.15633488

>troll physicist was just an applied quantum physicist this whole time
Also just think of the fucks figuring this shit out in the 20s and 30s learning how far we've taken it.

>> No.15633494

That’s just how things work sometimes anon. The whole story of the paper came to got leaked was wild too

>> No.15633499

This stuff isn't too crazy to attempt at home. I need to do this stuff in my garage; I can see the hands of the controllers out working to stop this highly disruptive technology. A single anon in his garage can find the right combination, the right tricks for manufacture, and thwart the jailors and change the fate of mankind. I probably am not that anon, but I might be.
What's the best approach for dealing with the phosphorus bottleneck?

>> No.15633503

You have to go back.

>> No.15633504
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okay /sci/, how can LK99 synthesis be improved?
from the nerd forums:
>If I were to guess, the current protocol most likely needs to be heavily tuned to get reliable results. The original mixture may have an excess or shortage of copper, or other compounds just near the right concentration, and simply tuning this might allow for a more successful procedure.
Also heat treatment indeed, just like iron and you may be able to lock in a less energetically favoured phase.
However, I personally think the supposed ion exchange step in this method isn't very reliable. If the theory is correct, and lead needs to be exchanged for copper and placed in a higher energy position, then it might make sense to try other methods for ion exchange.
I unfortunately don't have access to my lab, but I would go via a colloidal route, create the lead-lanarkite phase first, ion-exchange these particles in solution, and then sinter them together and perform the heat treatment.
In this way, it is much more controlled what phase and material you are creating, instead of creating a mixture.

oh yeah the chinese made another batch.
tl;dr they're trying to find out which rocks float right now

>> No.15633508

Buy it from Sigma Balls or eBay and come up with a quick way to explain what you're doing to a cop while you show them your nice and clean little lab if one shows up.
Or just make it yourself.

>> No.15633513
File: 55 KB, 1148x270, Screenshot 2023-08-04 212444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean you damn hammers.

>> No.15633515

First time I'll say it but you gotta dig into more nutso chemist message boards or even try to pick the brains of soviet trannies on twitteX and get some outside views until you can come up with a guess on to what is the mechanism that's actually creating the ideal properties.
Gotta do some big dick internet collab-i-tude. I like big dicks.

>> No.15633517
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technological stagnation since 1970 has been pretty well documented. compare someone in 1923 to someone in 1873: massive changes in every aspect of life - running water, electricity, radios, cars, a bunch of shit i'm forgetting. and then again from 1923 to 1973: home refrigerators, TVs, dishwashers, laundry machines, microwaves. From 1973 to 2023: bigger TVs, chinese basketweaving forums.

>> No.15633520
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>From 1973 to 2023: bigger TVs, chinese basketweaving forums.
yeah definitely feels like im basically living in 1973 right now.
literally can't tell the difference

>> No.15633521

It's possible for us to be both back and over at the same time. Maybe LK99 is trying to tell us the meaning of our world, balance and harmony

>> No.15633523

just impressively retarded

>> No.15633524

When will we be able to fly with oil?

>> No.15633525
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>It's possible for us to be both back and over
the eternal somersault

>> No.15633527
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Wrong image perhaps?

>> No.15633534

i had a clock like that when i was a kid

there is no difference besides phones/internet really
o yeah everything is built shitty and terrible and its all wrapped in 100 layers of plastic

>> No.15633536
File: 23 KB, 460x368, 1690780686284852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no difference besides phones/internet really
ah so no difference apart from everything being totally different.
got it.

>> No.15633541

>b-but muh personal computers, infinitive amount of information at home and waifu generator

>> No.15633550

I want them to test the solubility of LK99 and see if they can recrystallize it to purify it.

>> No.15633553

You forgot: everyone's more autistic and retarded

>> No.15633556

I want someone to try sintering it.

>> No.15633557

exactly none of these give me high hopes of decent solubility

>> No.15633562

The day to day life of most people is unchanged besides their ability to communicate. improvements have been made but those are rarely to the benefit of the end user and many things are just objectively worse.

compare that to someone born in 1900, how the world had changed by 1950

not even remotely comparable

>> No.15633564

shut the fuck up

>> No.15633571


>> No.15633575
File: 84 KB, 340x408, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the graph I'd say the stagnation started in the 2000s

>> No.15633576

ei viddu saadana make :DDD

>> No.15633580

How is he wrong?

>> No.15633579

you're a moron with so little understanding of the world around you that what looks like a tiny increment
>it's just one phone bro lmao
is basically magic to you and you can't comprehend the leaps in everything from software, to nanotech, to battery / chemical tech, to screen tech, to radio tech, materials tech and manufacturing tech required to build such a device.

no wonder you're citing the brainlet social studies and journalists at the Financial Times instead of something useful.

>> No.15633587

all of those things are irrelevant and in principle have no impact on anyone's life

>> No.15633589

Do you actually remember living in the 20th century though? Because I do.
One major difference was that information was much harder to come by. Even the stupid old newspaper was regarded as an important resource worth reading. Scientific papers meant going to the university library in the capital city of your state and spending ages making photocopies for 10c a page.

>> No.15633596

its probably some retarded ipad generation zoomer

>> No.15633601

I bet you can't even imagine what it's like to have a question and accept that it will go unanswered unless you go to a library and research it
have you ever been lost in your life?
can you imagine walking around town and looking at posters on windows to know if a job is available?
when's the last time you memorized a phone number?
it's just crazy to me. You're so fucking stupid and myopic. I sincerely hope you're not truly representative of your generation in taking it all for granted.

>> No.15633605

Because nothing has fundamentally changed since 1900. We're still low tech and slapdash. That's late-capitalist stagnation for you,.

>> No.15633614
File: 80 KB, 1123x698, energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's certainly become more apparent since then. that wasn't the best graph to use because the smoothing obscures things, but i'm too lazy to go find a better one. basically the period from 1995-2000 matched 1960s-level productivity growth, and that's the only window the US has had since 1970 where you can say that.
as to why that happened i dunno, but my favorite explanation is that's around the time when energy prices stopped declining.

>> No.15633618

Donga Science, September 1993, pp. 106-107.

"I would like to point out that the existing BCS theory, which interprets superconductivity, is incorrect."

In the late 1980s, the world's scientific community was seized with a fever for superconductivity. Following the computer revolution, scientists overwhelmingly endorsed "superconductivity" as a scientific revolution that would culminate the 20th century. This was because the development of superconductors could address the pressing issue of energy, a challenge faced by humanity.

Superconductivity is a phenomenon where current flows without resistance. Most materials exhibit superconductivity when their temperature is brought close to absolute zero (-273°C). The challenge, however, is not achieving such low temperatures but developing a material that can induce superconductivity at relatively higher temperatures.

In 1911, Onnes of the Netherlands discovered superconductivity in mercury (at absolute temperature 4K), but for 75 years afterward, the critical temperature (the temperature at which superconductivity occurs) remained at 19K.

In this context, a groundbreaking discovery was made in 1986 at IBM's Zurich Research Laboratory by Bednorz and Müller. They created a lanthanum-barium-copper oxide compound that induced superconductivity near 30K. Afterward, the critical temperature rapidly increased for 3-4 years. By the end of '86, it reached 40K, and by early '87, yttrium-based oxides were reported to have been discovered by Dr. Chu of the University of Houston, reaching 90K.

Limitations of BCS Theory In January '88, Japan announced a superconductor surpassing 100K, and around the same time, at the World Superconductivity Conference, a titanium-based oxide showing superconductivity at 125K was revealed.

>> No.15633621

Domestic universities and research institutes also reported the discovery of superconductors where electrical resistance disappears around 100K. However, suddenly, this fever cooled in the 1990s. Why?

Professor Chair Tong-seek of the Chemistry Department at Korea University argues that this was because a proper understanding of superconductivity had not been established. We met with Professor Chair, who is leading the research on next-generation superconductors, to breathe new life into the stagnant field of superconductivity research.

"I heard that you're finalizing a book on new superconductivity research at the end of September. What's the difference between existing superconductivity research and your newly completed research?"

"Before discussing the differences, I'd like to explain why existing superconductivity research has hit a wall. As you may know, the basic theory that explains superconductivity is BCS theory. Specifically, Cooper's theory that electrons must pair to induce superconductivity has dominated researchers, and I would like to point out that this is incorrect."

"Didn't Cooper win a Nobel Prize in '72 for this theory?"

"Yes, he did. But if electrons pair, the magnetic susceptibility should be zero. However, in the situation that induces superconductivity, it is not zero. Also, electrons do not actually pair in real space. They only have the same momentum and energy values in momentum space."

50 years after the emergence of BCS theory, a theory that more broadly explained superconductivity appeared in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. However, after BCS won the Nobel Prize in 1972, other theories lost momentum. Professor Chair explains that the Cold War atmosphere may have distorted the direction of scholarship.

>> No.15633623

What would a single crystal of LK-99 look like? I don't think it would be the brown metal/rock that we've seen so far from the Korean lab.

>> No.15633626

what's going to happen to ITER if this pans out? Immediately abandoned?

>> No.15633627


"What are the features of your new superconductivity theory?"

"Superconductivity requires low entropy. However, even when you lower the temperature, electrons do not easily reduce entropy. The way is in the location and momentum, and the movement. We should standardize the form, and the most ideal thing is to make a uniform movement, like dividing an army. In other words, it means that it must be confined in a narrow space and only vibrated in place. This concept is 'collective oscillation'. At first, I thought I was the one who first established the concept of collective vibration, but when I looked back at the literature these days, I found that it had already been used by Galasiewicz in Poland." (Translators Note: Likely “Zygmunt M. Galasiewicz Professor of Physics, Wrocław, Poland author of Superconductivity and Quantum Fluids. 1970)

Professor Chair was looking for Poland's Galasiewicz and his former Soviet mentor N. Bogoliubov (Translators note: likely Nikolay Bogolyubov, Soviet Physicist), who in 1970 led to the same conclusion as himself.

So is Professor Chair's theory a mere rediscovery?

"No, it's not. The next step is even more important, not the end of collective vibrations. When an electron is oscillating collectively, it moves one step at a time when electrons flow in from outside, but this time it is tunneling as a wave, not as a particle. In other words, the electron takes on the nature of a wave when the temperature is low, its position is limited, and its mass is very small. The BCS theory saw the movement of electrons as particles, but I see it as a wave. It's a kind of quantum mechanical perspective."

>> No.15633630

Adding to this, Professor Chair's theory understands the flow of electrons in superconductivity not as a gaseous flow but as a liquid flow. Common sense would say that liquids have greater viscosity than gases, so it's easy to have a gaseous perspective when superconductivity occurs, but under identical conditions (same pressure, same temperature, same density), liquids are less viscous, he argues. In summary, the explanation is that when the flow of electrons is perceived as a liquid wave phenomenon, the resistance becomes zero.

Professor Chair explained that anyone specializing in quantum statistical mechanics or fluid theory would have come to the same conclusion if they participated in superconductivity research. In fact, at a symposium held in Los Alamos in 1989, masters of theoretical physics gathered and called electrons inside superconductors liquid. In Korea, too, people like Dr. Jo Soon-tak are supporting the liquid theory.

So, as a result of theoretical errors, you're saying that today's superconductor research has hit a wall?

"That's right. But there seems to be a slight misunderstanding. Superconductor researchers know well that the BCS theory cannot explain high-temperature superconductivity. Therefore, many scholars are studying high-temperature superconductors, regardless of BCS. But with high-temperature superconductor development pouring in here and there, there is a problem that the United States and Japan are selecting only those that satisfy one framework. This is what I explained earlier as the framework barrier. For example, the Meissner effect (a phenomenon where superconductors exhibit diamagnetism when magnetized) is listed in the framework as a requirement for a superconductor, but I think it is hindering superconductor research."

>> No.15633634

I mean, I'll take the bait or debate you as though you're being honest here

So let's break it down by 50 year stretches, arbitrarily starting today. I'll think of random shit and try to attribute them to eras.

>Internet; Taiwan SemiConductor Co and all their innovations; ISS; robust, mass-produced and cheap microelectronics in general; Higgs Boson; supercollider advancement in general; JWST; gravity wave evidence;

I'm gonna exclude Einstein here cuz he straddles

>atom bomb and nuclear power; the advancement of the automobile; helicopters; rocketry in general, the space race and Apollo; digital/binary computing, information transfer; petrochem, especially fuel and plastics; the aircraft carrier

>radio; radioactivity; old quantum theory; most foundational advanced science was actually in this timeframe; automobiles; the battleship; the airplane

>widespread locomotive;steam power advancements in general; telegraph and fax; cotton gin; Bessemer process

We haven't had a major materials science breakthrough in a while, but in exchange we've been making what we do have incredibly small, cheap, and now everything can communicate with everything else and distance is a non-factor. You could talk to a person on every continent on Earth and one in space all at the same time, and the worst delay you'd suffer is a few seconds lag. The sheer volume of information that can be accessed and reviewed at any time by anyone is so far beyond what's ever been accomplished that it's taken completely for granted by anyone who's grown up with that profound level of connection to data and information.

Anyway. TLDR it's all confirmation bias, and also your source is fucked because not every advancement can be neatly correlated to an inflation-adjusted backwards-peering GDP that includes financial manipulation in an era where money is worth money because 'trust the fed bro"

>> No.15633636

“Take only what you need.”

When the reporter met him for the third time, he finally gave a simple example to explain his theory. He continued, "If it's the most ideal superconductor, it should have a high critical temperature, high critical current, and large critical magnetic field. But reality isn't so. Ultimately, we only need to increase the parts that can be increased according to the need. If you want to use a superconductor in a transmission line, it's enough to have a high critical current and high critical temperature.

There's no need to increase the critical magnetic field. When using a superconductor in a supercomputer, only a very small current flows, so there is no need to worry about the critical current."

His theory is that if a superconductor is developed to suit its purpose, the development of superconductors can grow rapidly.

Currently, Professor Chair is preparing patents for about ten superconductors that match his theory. Many of these were discovered by others but were discarded because they did not fit the so-called quasi-framework.

According to the new superconductor theory, many previously ignored superconductors will be revitalized. If the development of superconductors so far was similar to an alchemist accidentally creating precious gems, now we can almost perfectly prove experimentally what phenomena occur when certain materials are treated in a certain way. We can also explain why it was ignored because it wasn't reproducible. In other words, diagnoses and prescriptions have become certain according to need."

>> No.15633638
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>> No.15633642
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Damn nature really is seething

>> No.15633644
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>> No.15633645

what you don't remember levitating a frog on a handheld disc magnet in 3rd grade?

>> No.15633651

forgot the oxford comma too

>> No.15633653

>viral evidence
What's that, /sci/?

>> No.15633655

nature can suck a cross section of my big fat cock.
You are what you eat. Its ogre.

>> No.15633658

>everything that isn't super-light graphene requires fuckhueg magnets to move diamagnetically
>LK99 sample becomes fully erect with just a common Nd magnet
The cope is real. Academia is a joke.

>> No.15633659

This kind of behavior is why I will for ever and always hate normal fags

>> No.15633660

someone make and post LK99 virgin/chad memes

>> No.15633663

>completely pure samples give negative results
>samples showing Cu2S contamination confirmed in all working samples
What if the impurities… were the purities?

>> No.15633664

>the levitating frog in an ultra powerful 25-35 torr electro magnet
ah yes, that's very comparable to all the videos

>> No.15633669

There will be a rush to measure all the physical properties of lk99 since it would give lots of grad students easy PhD's.

>> No.15633670
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Nature can't accept it

>> No.15633671

Show the cop your floaty rocks I bet they will let you go :)

>> No.15633676

Interesting stuff, thanks

>> No.15633681

westoids seething happens more often than you'd think.

>> No.15633682

>LK99 can't be a superconductor because frogs also float when you put them in a magnet so powerful it can rip iron based tattoo pigment out of someone's fucking arm


>> No.15633683
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Just 16 Teslas according Nobel Prize of Graphene.

>> No.15633690
File: 1 KB, 125x117, 1654699570679s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to take a moment to think on a response
>post right in the middle of some copypasted git repo

>> No.15633693
File: 1.32 MB, 3843x3127, Comfy Train Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We get maglev train tech and Nature outs themselves to the world as seething no-hoverboard cucks in the same week

>> No.15633697
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You should have accepted our paper.

>> No.15633700

I really hope this pans out just to humiliate Nature for rejecting the paper

>> No.15633710

I still haven't read your post but I lol

>> No.15633714

what do you mean?

>> No.15633719

Nature published a RTSC paper that turned out to be fake a few years ago, so when these Koreans came to Nature to get their RTSC paper published, Nature rejected it.

>> No.15633721

High trust face. I think we're here to stay.

>> No.15633725


>> No.15633728

they'll likely continue with their plans; it'll just make future fusion projects easier and cheaper

>> No.15633729
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>> No.15633731

Naw this is just britbongs, notice Science and Elsevier staying fucking silent.

>> No.15633739

you would float in the center of the mri tube and start spinning at extremely high speed

>> No.15633741
File: 1.28 MB, 1152x769, img-2023-08-04-22-44-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature going full TED-X was the worst thing to happen to their marque.

>> No.15633748

i mean some of the disagreement may be over what counts as a technological advancement. if someone discovers a higgs boson that's great and all, but i'm just meaning stuff that makes a difference in normal people's lives.

i like gps, i like wikipedia, i like playing weeb music in my car, i like being able to read old newspapers without going to a library and trying to find the right microfilm in a giant drawer. but i'm claiming that's a fairly narrow scope in which meaningful innovations have occurred when compared to the 1870-1970 period, which gave us better food and much cheaper food, cheaper and much better transportation, MUCH better sanitation and medicine, etc. etc., while still making huge strides in communication and information systems. computing and the internet are just the only sectors where advances lately have kept pace with how rapidly EVERYTHING was innovating pre-1970.

if you're on /sfg/ at all then i know you know better than to claim there wasn't a massive stagnation in spaceflight after 1970. we went from suborbital to the moon in 12 years, and then we proceeded to do jack shit in the way of meaningful advancements for the next 45 years until elon landed a booster.

>also your source is fucked because not every advancement can be neatly correlated to an inflation-adjusted backwards-peering GDP that includes financial manipulation in an era where money is worth money because 'trust the fed bro"
that's true to some degree, but i'd point out that if you think that financial manipulation causes the gdp to be overstated then that means the stagnation has been even more severe in recent years because the gdp has become more and more fake. regardless, i still prefer it to anecdotal evidence.

>> No.15633758
File: 220 KB, 839x392, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoverboards are cool but when hoverbikes?

thanks for that anon, that's an interesting read...

>> No.15633759

I've experienced all of these things retard, i only got a smart phone like 4 years ago

imagine having roads filled with horse shit
imagine living with no long distance communication at all, only hand-delivered messages
imagine not having antibiotics or any medicine at all really

the convenience of the internet and phones are nice but when i was a kid we had these things called

job listings
address books

you're the stupid and myopic millennial that can't remember what the world was like when you were a kid
it was better btw

>> No.15633768

I heard the Twitter niggers are doing a space in 10 mins

>> No.15633770

Do we have pic of the rouge author? And other authors also? I need them to build my altar

>> No.15633773

hypothetically speaking for a friend, what would happen if I impregnated an anime representation of LK99?

science related replies only please.

>> No.15633778

>when you put them in a magnet so powerful it can rip iron based tattoo pigment out of someone's fucking arm
w-what happened to the frog?

>> No.15633779
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Another Twitter user documenting their replication process. If this one works too, it'll be really good news for true hobbyist replication potential.

>> No.15633781

you would get lead poisoning

>> No.15633782

seriously, shut the fuck up

>> No.15633784
File: 672 KB, 2518x1224, 1690969887976836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15633798

More like hovertrains. You need magnets in the ground to make superconductors float.

>> No.15633803

then we'll have something like skateparks with magnetized floors for hoverboards

>> No.15633804

idk what might happen, but you may have no choice.
I've heard that anime representations of LK99 have an enormous sexual apatite

>> No.15633811
File: 42 KB, 184x184, 1676579608871096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've heard that anime representations of LK99 have an enormous sexual apatite
w-where can i find one?

>> No.15633817
File: 1.08 MB, 636x360, super conductors confirmed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 100% over for over fags.

We did it chuds.
We won.

Magic science is now possible.

>> No.15633819

LK99 is a 1D superconductor. It's not capable of making roads or skateparks, only rails.

>> No.15633820


>> No.15633821

What is a road if not a wide rail?

>> No.15633823
File: 1.62 MB, 640x640, frog-levitate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were fine as far as I know

>> No.15633822

Already working on my hover bike designs

>> No.15633825


>> No.15633828
File: 154 KB, 523x839, Screenshot 2023-08-04 231102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a false flag by overcels.

>> No.15633835

it's obviously not a piece of lk99 too

>> No.15633845

Why have all recreations been so fucking small you need a magnifying glass to see?

Can they not make a bigger batch?

>> No.15633846

i thought that was clever anon

>> No.15633847

>the claimed method of making it by crushing it into powder and smashing together the most responsive bits was the exact same as what one anon suggested a few days ago
There is no way it isn't someone from here taking the piss.

>> No.15633849

nobody really knows

>> No.15633853
File: 13 KB, 530x140, Screenshot 2023-08-04 231447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fake as hell stock website links to
>Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
>(Institute for Natural Language Processing)
Which has not tweeted about LK-99 at all.

>> No.15633854

It's a 1D superconductor. What's the chances you get a large enough piece that all of the strains of it align?

>> No.15633856

that would be pretty rad

>> No.15633862
File: 19 KB, 691x175, Screenshot 2023-08-04 231836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website is just listing every google result for their name, and has suspicious Korean text everywhere.
I don't think whoever is managing the website can read English, otherwise they wouldn't be including this part.

>> No.15633863

It’s floating.
What’s your rebuttal oversissies?

>> No.15633868

Thank you for reminding me to invest in Norway

>> No.15633869

I see the string

>> No.15633876

If LK-99 is the real deal can we expect magnetic suspensions for skateboards?

>> No.15633894
File: 73 KB, 1024x911, 1689678832068517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole day of no real news... Has it ever been more over than now?

>> No.15633895


This is one of the biggest gains from this event even if nothing else comes of it.
Hobbyists replicating things by the dozens and collaborating online is the closest thing to a real science this world has seen in a while.
Real academia can eat a dick.
And most importantly hobbyists getting results and those results being seen, will challenge the people who have previously held monopoly on the official narrative.
Thank fuck for Chinks making all kinds of equipment cheap and available for everyone.

>> No.15633905

You have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.15633911

/v/ here.
so, is it real, or a nothingburger? i just want cheap graphics cards

>> No.15633915

Scoffers want it to be nothing. What it is is novel enough that it's not clear what exactly we're looking at.

>> No.15633917

>Its not capable of making skateparks, only enabling sick tricks at skateparks
I can accept this.

>> No.15633919

It will unironically do nothing for gamerfags. No not even Josephson Junctions. This is all about macro scale changes. The big picture.

>> No.15633923

At this point we know that LK-99 behaves in a way that up till now could only be the result of superconductivity.
It's either superconductive at room temperature, or it's a diamagnetic material about three orders of magnitude stronger than the previous strongest, and follows the magnetic field in a strange way.
Keep in mind that at this point we have strong evidence that a sample was superconductive below room temperature.

>> No.15633925


It's either a real superconductor or an absolutely stupidly powerful magnet with weird ass effects.
Either way it's a big discovery.

>> No.15633933

Is this your cope? Either its a superconductor or its a novelty for 5 seconds with no useful application otherwise.

>> No.15633937
File: 43 KB, 680x575, 1678807677621401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, we can go with that.

>> No.15633941

LK-99 by itself might not, but just reading some of what the guy who came up with it thinks >>15633636 this is the first of many. If the concept works, I don't see why his idea of specialized superconductors couldn't be a thing.

>He continued, "If it's the most ideal superconductor, it should have a high critical temperature, high critical current, and large critical magnetic field.
>But reality isn't so. Ultimately, we only need to increase the parts that can be increased according to the need.
>If you want to use a superconductor in a transmission line, it's enough to have a high critical current and high critical temperature.
>There's no need to increase the critical magnetic field.
>When using a superconductor in a supercomputer, only a very small current flows, so there is no need to worry about the critical current."

>> No.15633942

>real life is just civ v with better graphics

>> No.15633950

Still a ceramic...

>> No.15633951

You have to think about in the context of who you're replying to. It's a gamerfag, he only knows self-serving and immediacy. LK99's properties isn't useful for much anything at all, it is significant for being RTAPS at all, which will, as you say, lead the way for more that use this unique flat gap quantum well phenomenon. But this takes decades and tens if not hundreds of billions to engineering around the problems, not to mention even finding other material compositions in the first place. Making NEET gamerfags happy is probably on the absolute bottom of the list for superconducting efforts.

>> No.15633954

You can turn on a straight road. Rails enforce linearity.

>> No.15633956

So are LN2 temperature superconductors. That doesn't make them useless.

>> No.15633969
File: 391 KB, 1280x720, 1568792264782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 news today
its jover

>> No.15633973

A lot of style guides popular in the US say it should be omitted for inane reasons.

>> No.15633978

We should ask the white guy to make more experiments

>> No.15633984

>white man phenos
We are so fucking back.

>> No.15633989
File: 180 KB, 680x572, 1660667884866391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That space battles nerd forum list has all failed replications on the chart. I think it's over for real now...

>> No.15633994

Spacebattles is literally a fanfic site.

>> No.15633997

They themselves were wondering how the fuck they were the only guys doing a half-decent job of collating information and replication attempts.

>> No.15634003

>we're in the Ratchet and Clank grindrail timeline
God is good.

>> No.15634008

Just got home. Over or back?

>> No.15634010

Overbros are back!

>> No.15634014
File: 436 KB, 2048x1192, F2vXGtWaYAElWDc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consistently of the tubes has been 2/3. We had a burn through on one tube. They tend to crack during the cooling process. The ones on the right were cooled over 4 hours.

>> No.15634016

Does that change anything? The list is still flooded with failures and retries and one where it still needs cryogenic temps, which even then could be a false positive when there are like 10 failures.

>> No.15634024

I mean sure gaymers and all, but with the rise of AI and it obviously being pushed on the public at this point dont see why there wouldn't be a desire to improve the current standards of computing with SC compared to say, wiring whole cities with it to save some money/ putting fucking magnets in the sidewalks/roads (LOL like the US government could ever organize that). I dont see us just up and switching to quantum computing at home EVEN IF we have the RTSCs to do it. I think it would be a much more obvious goal to improve the current binary computing (and AI) by designing something with RTSCs specifically for it. Infact I think this is one of the first things we will see should there be a suitable RTSC (for computing) as it destroys Moores law. It would require a small amount of material compared to creating reactors/generators which I think is the most important part. It seems like the yield is still pretty low thought that is subject to change, so something that would need a small amount comparatively (just a CPU/GPU die) would be pretty desirable. We will have to wait and see, but I am pretty hopeful. This should hopefully be enough to get the SC researchers to rethink how they look at things, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1o88seNB-w&t seems to think so anyways.

>> No.15634025

still more trustworthy than (((wikipedia)))

>> No.15634038

we already have videos demonstrating room temperature flux pinning, plus theory papers and widely varied replication results basically confirming there's something to this
just dunno the details yet

>> No.15634061
File: 56 KB, 612x638, 1687972083517176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634073

>Publicly blacklisted from hoverboard, barred from +1Thz component stores
This is the future he chose, doubtxisters

>> No.15634086

as far as i can remember, the dumb roasties thought the bomber was cute and demanded he was forgiven and released

>> No.15634196

nigger /pol/ found the bombers, reddit thought it was some other retard and ruined his life. this bozo doesnt know what weaponized autism is capable of

>> No.15634349

Just woke up. What’s the status? Need needle update asap

>> No.15634361

we've never been backer

>> No.15634370

We never even left.

>> No.15634381

It has only begun.

>> No.15634385

Here's a chink livestream of a sample that's also going to be tested, will be brought out at 1:30AM PST.

>> No.15634528

Guess I'm staying up, this better not be a troll stream.

>> No.15634533

link to the 1:30 PST stream

>> No.15634544


>> No.15634705
File: 674 KB, 1188x670, LK-99chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what they're saying.

>> No.15634715

open in a separate window so you can see chat, some people are translating the gist of it
their sample is cooling right now

>> No.15634731

>please translate to english !!! taiwan no.1
the negotiator

>> No.15634759
File: 300 KB, 676x607, Taiwan#1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635077

what is the overstatus?

>> No.15635107

>tfw i have been standing for 3 hours now

>> No.15635123

Fucking retarded zoomer. You should all be put down like a lame horse.

>> No.15635160

>air conditioning
>airplane travel
>jet engines
>space flight
>nuclear power/bombs
>instantaneous wireless communication
>near infinite information at your fingertips
>widely available electricity
>indoor toilets
Jesus, you are fucking dumb

>> No.15635352
File: 766 KB, 2316x1080, Livestream_90K_400Ohms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 400 ohms at 90K
It's over

>> No.15635357

To be expected from LK-66

>> No.15635361



>> No.15635603
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1691240579553233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on /pol/ of all places. Are we back?

>> No.15635814

someone was bored looking at the fail compilation that is the 21st century and put us on 'recruit'