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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15632807 No.15632807 [Reply] [Original]

B9 spin prime - edition

previous >>15624746

>> No.15632816
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>> No.15632826
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Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually

>> No.15632829
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Small rockets
> Australian industry faces cuts.
> iRocket to work with Air Force.
> Virgin Galactic sees limited revenues

Medium rockets
> Latest Antares reaches the end of the line.
> Ariane 6 rocket development continues in the shadows.
> Where is the Amur rocket Russia promised?
> Sierra Space working on upper stage engine.
> Australia confirms object as Indian rocket.

Heavy rockets
> Aerojet sale to L3Harris is finalized.
> Falcon Heavy flies again.

>> No.15632830
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>> No.15632832

Anyone else working in satellite companies? Got anything juicy to share?
My CEO has somehow managed to raise high 8 figures despite never designing a single satellite before lmao. Investors are just throwing money.

>> No.15632834 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Christianity is a Jewish lie, and a death cult literally centered around cuckoldry.

>> No.15632843
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>> No.15632853
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>> No.15632857

How is SpaceX shitting out raptors and boosters so quickly? What black magic are they using in their factories?

>> No.15632865

It’s called not being oldspace

>> No.15632877

By actually designing them to be mass manufacturable
probably way more expensive from fixed costs etc perspective but per engine its going to be way cheaper in the end, they are taking a big risk assuming that Starship will actually have a market, allthough that has been partly solved with Starlink
taking risks like that is just not possible for other companies, the CEOs get kicked out if they try, a company that could perhaps try it is Blue Origin, but Bezos does not seem to give a single shit

>> No.15632879

Hold on to your hat, cowboy. Production is going to do nothing but increase. This is only the beginning

>> No.15632880

Also something I forgot to mention
they have the best engineers (or at least get to choose from best new grads constantly)

>> No.15632881


>> No.15632882

>Anyone else working in satellite companies?
>Got anything juicy to share?
no thanks, I'd like to keep my job

>> No.15632886

Vulcan is almost read- ACK

>> No.15632891
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I miss her every day

>> No.15632896
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Holy shit every thread on this board EXCEPT /sfg/ is infested with containment board tourists. Its so bad you cant even discuss anything without retards interrupting with some dumb shit they import from their boards. I just want to track LK-99 progress like I always do here with Starship but my lord it is AWFUL. I have a new appreciation for you frens, thank you for contributing meaningful discussion and updates about Starship here even during boring downtimes between launches.

>> No.15632901

We're too autistic about rockets for our hyperfocus to get hooked on anything else

>> No.15632904

I am not even kidding when I say I almost never think about /sci/. I just live here in the /sfg/ bubble. I rarely look at the catalog, and when I do it’s usually only by accident when I click the catalog button. And it gives me cancer

>> No.15632905
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Reminder that rockets will soon be obsolete

>> No.15632916

It was the same for me until LK-99, it feels like /pol/ Lite with a small hint of science mixed in.

>> No.15632918

What did Tim Dodds cameraman mean by this

>> No.15632923

The Osiris Rex shoutout is more apt than they know

If they had programmed even a second longer delay in backing off from the asteroid it would have swallowed the spacecraft

>> No.15632926

What do you work on anon?

>> No.15632928

I wish she would move so I can see the trailer hitch

>> No.15632935
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> gold might be the special sauce to improve LK-99
asteroid mining bros....

>> No.15632940

database administration

>> No.15632944

got kind of burned out with LK-99 after following it for like a week
the replications and papers will continue to come in and in a few months, it should be somewhat clear if it is actually a RTSC or not
the theoretical papers have been like "yeah I guess it might be true maybe, not ruling it out but no confirmation either"
the replication attempts and associated papers have been sloppy, getting either no levitation or partial levitation, electric resistance measurements being shit (this probably because its difficult to synthetize + difficult to measure something that is probably just a patchy rock with some SC in it if it exist)
getting a clear picture is going to take quite a while, I have ascended beyond its over and we're back

>> No.15632947

Welcome to science

>> No.15632952

better yet, what if 0g synthesis increases yields/purity dramatically?
would increase the cost and decrease the viability of the material in some instances, but a very clear economic incentive for better space technology would be based

>> No.15632955

Doping the copper with sulfur might also work so harvesting phosphine, CO2, and sulfuric acid from Venus's atmosphere would help.

>> No.15632957

>what if 0g synthesis increases yields/purity dramatically?
This is true for any mineral

>> No.15632960 [DELETED] 

And that's why Jews hate Christianity and do everything to destroy it?

>> No.15632966

Then you find a way to buy Varda stock

>> No.15632968

we had her instagram at one time

>> No.15632970

Odds they turn on the deluge for the static fire?

>> No.15632971

They don't, they just pantomime it loudly to keep you dumbasses fooled.

>> No.15632974

that's what it's there for, no?

>> No.15632975

Alas, it fell with the library of alexandria

>> No.15632976

Fuck off back to /lkg/ and leave us alone you /pol/tard.

>> No.15632977

They don't necessarily need to turn it on for the static fire, however, especially if it's not a full SF with all engines. If it's just a 3-second burn with some of the engines there's no point.

>> No.15632982

0%, they are obviously hoping to immensely fuck up the pad again

>> No.15632984

partial pressure deluge for a partial engine fire

>> No.15632987

I wonder why a space company hasn't tried an Open Source Rocket grift/thing yet
>Contribute to the rocket code on our GitHub!
ITAR maybe?

>> No.15632993

>upcoming b9 sf
holy shit, we're back bros.

>> No.15632994

Yeah maybe for a small sounding rocket. I’m not sure how an Electron-sized rocket would fair with thousands of lines of code reading “hitlerdidnothingwrong”

>> No.15632996

You couldn't even host it on GitHub as a foreign national if you were to attempt an open-source rocket

The best you can get is books on the subject that describe general principles

>> No.15632998

How much can starship take to leo, then land with it? Can you take 100 tons of Lk99 ovens, cook in space, then come home? No crew

>> No.15633004

It would make more sense to have the foundries permanently stationed in LEO. Starships ship up raw material in bulk and transport final product back down to URF in bulk

>> No.15633006

>random lk99 obsession
obvious tourist, theres a containment thread set up for your types called /lkg/ here >>15632584

>> No.15633011

dV for landing is like 2000m/s right

>> No.15633015

Sorry, I don't browse /pol/. What is /lkg/?

>> No.15633016

>ywn be a member of the /comfy/ skeleton crew aboard the automated LK99 Station
Why even live

>> No.15633019

Why? Set up the part you want to do in 0g, have it orbit for a few days or whatever it takes, and come home

>> No.15633021

why are you hauling the tools back and forth every time?

>> No.15633022

More yield/given flight

>> No.15633025

Pro tip, don’t look for a job in the aerospace sector

>> No.15633026

oh I see. well, you have to compare that to cargo transfer to a space station and all that. I guess it's way too soon to speculate

>> No.15633041
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>microgravity superconductor factories
And the workers running them have to live somewhere close by...

>> No.15633044

ai robot miners dont need a place to live and neither to the ai robot customers

>> No.15633049
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fuck bernal spheres. stupid fucking shape

>> No.15633050

the old eda starbase tours make me smile :)

>> No.15633060

For me it’s that second starship presentation where everyone asked full retard questions, only for Tim to actually ask some cool things. You could see Elon IMMEDIATELY shift from “tee hee I’m so quirky!” to “hmmm let me think, this is a good question”
I gained a little respect for eda that day

>> No.15633063

The next SS presentation should require a mandatory IQ test in order to participate

>> No.15633066

that was the first presentation of ITS in 2016. spacex since trimmed the q&a off the uploaded video lol

>> No.15633071

I applied for Applebee's and told them my starship science vessel ideas. They are going to call me back real soon!

>> No.15633072

No no no I’m talking about the most recent one when they set up the tower+full stack in the background

>> No.15633073
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The Ariane 4 (ELA 2) mobile launch platform was sold to an amusement park (Puy du fou) and repurposed as a moving castle for a medieval-themed performance

Source is an engineer who works at kourou

>> No.15633076

You now remember the guy who begged elon for a job in the live q&a

>> No.15633080

i didnt think they werent that bad

>> No.15633087

which one? there's the crazy guy at the tesla q&a who wanted to be CEO, the starship q&a, and a couple retards at the E3 elon x todd howard q&a

>> No.15633091

I guess it’s relative. No one asked technical questions until Tim inquired about Raptor. And really the whole reason I tuned in was to learn about Starship’s current specs

>> No.15633098

Pretty cool
Calling Puy du fou an amusement park is underselling it, it's amazing

>> No.15633099
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Darling Fascist bullyboy, launch a Starship, you bastard. May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman.

>> No.15633102

>I just want to track LK-99 progress
go back

>> No.15633120
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>tfw we fell for the shuttle meme
we should've kept the saturn program alive and slapped some NERVA engines in 'em, we'd have been exploring the outer solar system two decades ago by now.

>> No.15633126

Nixon was 2000 IQ and had the foresight to know NTP is GAY

>> No.15633143

yes it was disappointing

>> No.15633150

You do know that the soviets abandoned the idea of nuclear thermal propulsion because they decided the idea was just too dangerous for them, right?

>> No.15633161
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did you see this?
>Nasa has announced the crew that will be returning to the moon in 2024

>> No.15633166

You MUST go back

>> No.15633170
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Kill yourself now.

>> No.15633173

>thread locked

>> No.15633175

Looks like /sfg/ is still on the ball with btfoing tourists, good job fellas and keep up the good work.

>> No.15633179
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>> No.15633180


>> No.15633185


>> No.15633210

Hand-waving robotics is one of my biggest annoyances in discussions of Moon or Mars bases and the like, both here and elsewhere. People always seem to act like automated construction, mining, and (propellant) production are basically a solved problem and will be ready once sufficient launch capacity exists. If anything, getting there is the easy part.

>> No.15633217

Imagine a permanent phobos base for surface probes and rovers control...

>> No.15633233


we got voyager 2 back

>> No.15633242
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Added a few more to my ongoing space ship name list

>> No.15633257

What would you dm her?
Give me your best starship pickup lines

>> No.15633262

>Preparing for next Starship flight! This time, I think we have ~50% probability of reaching orbital velocity, however even getting to stage separation would be a win.


It's fucking over

>> No.15633275

>Hey girl I couldn’t help but notice that big thrust/weight ratio

>> No.15633284

>can I static fire in your water deluge system?

>> No.15633292

On one hand, he said 50% for the first FH
on the other, 50% chance on the 2nd flight is pretty shit, not quite astra tier but no better than an average startup

>> No.15633301

>even getting to stage separation would be a win
We have never been so over than we are right now

>> No.15633306

of course it has a 50% chance of getting to orbital velocity, either it does or it doesn't

>> No.15633311

This doesn't make sense. I was told by very intelligent, super smart, high IQ geniuses on /sfg/ that the next Starship flight is nowhere close to being performed.

>> No.15633325
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There won't be another launch attempt this year my tier-1 muskrat friend

>> No.15633336

50% was FH too?

>> No.15633355

Musk famously said “50/50” when asked to give it a probability. This is tip of the iceberg knowledge

>> No.15633358

>-nder attack by unidentified jet aircraft, require immediate assistanc-
>USS Liberty...say again?
>Liberty go for space dock

>> No.15633399

>Nasa has announced the crew that will be waving to the moon in 2025

>> No.15633455

Do you think people got this assmad about apollo 8 and 10?

>> No.15633468

fuck beby give pusi maam bitch

>> No.15633473

Seethe harder skeptic redditor

>> No.15633475
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Probably not because nobody had landed on the moon at that point.

>> No.15633492

>reddit niggers

>> No.15633493

30% was the first time
50% is this time.

Its good chance

>> No.15633495


>> No.15633498


There's a space spaces about Starship/Mars with Felix

>> No.15633500

No fucking thank you

>> No.15633505

go back

>> No.15633532

Because their goal is to make engines and rockets cheaply, quickly, and in indefinite number.
Oldspace endeavors to make a set number as slowly as possible while squeezing as much cash out of the government as they can.

>> No.15633533


Astra, I...

>> No.15633535

>laid of
he should kill himself probably

>> No.15633539


>> No.15633543

>[Astra] also raised $10.8 million in debt from High Trail Capital.
What does this mean? Is this just a slightly-better phrasing of “they are $10.8 mil more in debt”?

>> No.15633549

They laid off 25% of their employees, 70 employees.

>> No.15633552

If they totally abandoned launch vehicles and focused only on satellite buses, propulsion, and maybe some novel on-orbit service, that would be Astra's redemption. The launch market is dead for a long while coming.

>> No.15633573

At this point I'm only keeping my shares to see what's going to happen. Also because it would cost me more to get rid of them than I would get back lmao

>> No.15633610

Not even. Their best bet is to throw what little resources they have left at engines and engines only (aka the only semi-competent thing they might have left) and just hope someone buys them out. I don’t even know why Rocket 4 is still a thing at this point. It’s simply not realistic at all

>> No.15633622

Rocket 4's engines are actually licensed from Firefly and Ursa Major, so that's gonna be a no go

>> No.15633643

Woah I thought Astra reversed that decision. They really have nothing to their name do they?

>> No.15633649

I just remembered that ISS cookie baking experiment how it seemed too hard and expensive to be reasonable. They didn't even get to eat the cookies, they loaded it off the ISS and sent it back. And it wasn't clear to me why you needed a life supported space station. I'm trying to imagine the same experiment except you do it on something like inspiration 4 that's unmanned. And the cookies are worth a lot of money to justify the trip.

>> No.15633656
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>~50% probability of reaching orbital velocit

>> No.15633665

just their electric propulsion

>> No.15633666

Why does elon always pick 50%
this isn't the first time.

>> No.15633673

I honestly think he’s just trolling. It’s his way of saying “who knows, really”

>> No.15633678

Either it works or it doesn't. 50/50

>> No.15633687

Master and Commander, but in space

>> No.15633692

$ASTR and Pinkwojak

>> No.15633696

SpaceX vs E*rthers

>> No.15633703

Captain Jack Aubrey and his best friend, Medical Bot Maturin

>> No.15633704

What the fuck is Uranus's problem

>> No.15633720

It’s hard for me to imagine an ice giant getting “hit” when it’s lots and lots of gas by volume. I bet it looked wonky

>> No.15633733

lol, lmao
for which planet

>> No.15633736

Does venus spin slow enough that daylight is more infleunced by what time of year it is?

>> No.15633743

Somewhat related: it’s hard for me to imagine metallic hydrogen being metastable, because surely at some point Jupiter got rocked once or twice. Enough to throw out parts from the metallic hydrogen layer. And if this were the case we would see evidence of stable metallic hydrogen in our solar system. Or other observed star systems with giant hydrogen planets. Granted I’m not sure how we would go about “detecting” this phase of hydrogen (assuming it existed in a stable form outside of a giant planet’s mantle)

>> No.15633757
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>> No.15633760

it's 50/50 between the FAA stopping launches forever and Starship launching five times before November

>> No.15633765


>> No.15633818
File: 396 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_7042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gateway PPE hardware
Also, Mongolia signature secured for the artemis accords

>> No.15633826

>Also, Mongolia signature secured for the artemis accords
Must be awkward feeling from Russia/China

Mongolia already has Starlink operating too.

>> No.15633830

very little of gas or ice giants are 'atmosphere' by volume

>> No.15633838

mostly oceans, you figure?

>> No.15633843

The year is 1993. Yanayev is master of Eurasia. Gravity wells are now battlefields.

>> No.15633857

of liquid hydrogen

>> No.15633860

Yeah lol I worded it very carefully. I originally had it typed out as "mostly gas by volume" but did some thinking before posting
Although, if you look at Uranus cross section depictions, a pretty sizeable portion of the planet IS depicted as gas

>> No.15633866

I'm not going to look at a cross section of your anus

>> No.15633867

>Mongolia signature secured for the artemis accords
I mean, neat, but does Mongolia have anything to bring to the table regarding Artemis? As far as I know their entire country consists of mining, riding motorcycles, and having a good time in yurts.

>> No.15633878

As other anons have explained it to me, signing the artemis accords isn’t exactly about “what do you being to OUR table??”
It’s about “oh look, you and I agree to mitigate orbital debris. You and I agree to not leave trash on the moon. You and ai agree to X Y Z” and these things are inherently anti-china and to a lesser extent anti-russia. It’s low key about gatekeeping as many countries as possible into following “our” rules with the lure of offering them free rides for scientific equipment and/or astronauts

>> No.15633891

The Soviets were pussies. Look how many times they thought there were US nukes incoming and did nothing. Sure it prevented nuclear Holocaust, but they still blinked. Bitches.

>> No.15633902


>> No.15633916

He waits for the probability to reach 50% before tweeting.

>> No.15633938

Lol have been clicking next thread for years. Haven't been in Sci cataloge for a long time.

>> No.15633959

anyone have the video handy of the spacex employees watching OFT1

>> No.15633964

Not necessarily. Huge upmass from starship means you can basically have standard stuff from earth sent to space. And big mass means that (a lot of) humans can do the assembly. Starship will put really big things up (150 tonnes) but then humans will glue/bolt/weld/tie them together. I imagine it'd be like offshore oil work: The skilled, expensive talent is taken to the site, works on it for some weeks/months, then rotates back home for a while to recover while another crew keeps the work going.
One of the harder problems is working in vacuum-- all existing spacesuit gloves are really horrible to work in, and any EVA is quite slow. Maybe for big objects that will stay in zero/low gravity (like space stations, asteroid miners, huge spaceships, cyclers, etc) a balloon/drydock will be pressurized around the construction site. Then workers could be far more efficient. You wouldn't build a 100,000 tonne Martian Steel Works in orbit because you'd never be able to land it.

>> No.15633967

>and these things are inherently anti-china
I understand now, excellent

>> No.15633987

I feel like the answer here is going to have to be hardsuits with the hands fully enclosed and transmitting movements to an external pair of hands via haptic rig.

>> No.15634005

Or just give them nicer gloves

>> No.15634011

Let’s wait and see what SeX’s EVA gloves end up looking like. Presumably still shitty to work with. I don’t think it’s one of those things that can be easily fixed

>> No.15634012
File: 30 KB, 800x322, xai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's way over my head but this sounds like x.ai

>> No.15634017

>He doesn't know that metallic hydrogen is actually dark matter.

>> No.15634020

The problem with just sending standard stuff is that it is designed with very different assumptions. You mention operation already, but there's also heat rejection, regolith (maybe not in your pressurised bubble), and lots of smaller stuff (do standard wheels work on Mars? Does a lot of this stuff actually fit in Starship?). This is a better answer, but it's still very hand-wavey (standard equipment will just work and workers having to assemble their survival essentials with no way back if anything on the path to in-situ propellant production doesn't work as expected is a risk that's easy to sell).

>> No.15634021

AI cannot tell you about the universe. It can only know what it is programmed to know
>inb4 what if it’s “true sentience” though bro

>> No.15634031

Yeeeeeah. I’m NTA, but I agree with the sentiment that we are doing a lot of hand waiting here and assuming it’ll just work out. Starship’s capabilities certainly help out by giving us huge mass margins to work with. And yeah maybe a lot of these problems will be easily solvable, hopefully. But we can’t pretend we’re ready-to-go with foundries and propellant production facilities and whatnot at this very moment

>> No.15634034

Ooh adding on to my own post here: this also applies to a lot of Starship’s intended tech. We shouldn’t assume propellant transfer and depots and rapid reuse are already secured. Hopefully they will be easy to solve! Knock on wood. But there is still lots of R&D in the “billions and billions” (and maybe one more billions) of dollar range left to do before we have anything close to self-sufficiency even on a system as close as our own Moon

>> No.15634049

Everyone else saying "oh nooo it's going to be super hard" is also why it took SpaceX to actually push the state of the art past 50s tier single use boosters. Assuming that it's going to be incredibly difficult has never helped anyone accomplish anything.

>> No.15634058

No you’re right here, I don’t disagree. It’s what separates SpaceX from the rest of the pack (pact?)
They aren’t afraid to approach challenging problems with an open mind—and this has helped them leapfrog literally everyone else in the industry in only like 8 short years

>> No.15634080

I really don't think SpaceX will be the answer for space travel. the mass reusability of the current rockets is inevitably not going to come to fruition, as long as the cost of a rocket failure is human life and multi-millions of dollars. Also some astronauts have already been shitted on by poor decisions made during production (no toilets lel.)

>> No.15634084


>> No.15634091

How have you still not gone back at this point?

>> No.15634096

have fun!!!

>> No.15634103

What's the anti China and Russia bit in there?

>> No.15634116

Oh God I’m the worst person to ask lol. I personally hold the position that NASA is pretty anti-China more than it needs to be. (other anons butt out of this. Yes I understand they will try to steal anything and everything if you give them an inch)
Long story short; My post had that anti-china and anti-russia statement simply because that’s the point of the artemis accords. Trying to get as many countries as possible to be “pro-NASA” and “anti-China”

>> No.15634122

NASA's really got nothing to do with it (they'd be working with China and Russia if they could). They're legally banned from interacting with China in a formal sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Amendment

>> No.15634132

Counter-point: it’s sort of in NASA’s favor to artificially inflate China, and now also Russia, as an adversary. It means more money from congress to try and “stay ahead”
Personally it comes across as the US trying to artificially create some new space race because we do not currently have the luxury of having an obvious enemy, aka a reason to throw even more money at Artemis and humans to mars

>> No.15634156

NASA is funded by american government therefore it must conform to the american foreign policy which is anti-russian and anti-chinese for obvious reasons. It's not like they're free to do whatever's the most optimal for space exploration, this is the case both on international level and on domestic level (Senate Launch System comes to mind).

>> No.15634159

ESA austronauts, from the Italian space agency were supposed to visit the Chinese space station but shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine the collaboration was silently scrapped.

>> No.15634160

>the mass reusability of the current rockets is inevitably not going to come to fruition, as long as the cost of a rocket failure is human life and multi-millions of dollars.

Google, what is the 737's capacity?

>Originally developed as a shorter, lower-cost twin-engined airliner derived from Boeing's 707 and 727, the 737 has developed into a family of nine passenger models with a capacity of 85 to 215 passengers.

Google, how much does a 737 cost?

>The 737-700 has an average minimum price of $82.4 million. The 737-800, a preferred model for many airlines, costs $98.4 million.

>> No.15634167

no idea what the fuck youre talking about

>> No.15634169

>I really don't think SpaceX will be the answer for space travel.
then nothing is. The boomer government model of Apollo doesn't really work except for small bursts when there is cultural and political support for space travel.

>> No.15634172

no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15634173

>which is anti-russian and anti-chinese for obvious reasons
This is not obvious though. Even during the height of the space race, discoveries were being traded back and forth with russia pretty regularly. And Apollo-Soyuz happened very damn quickly. Not to mention we visited Mir often and then built an entire international station with them as our equal partner

>> No.15634191

boeing is not the answer for air travel

boeing is not the answer for air travel

>> No.15634221

that's not ai

>> No.15634227

maybe the U.S. shouldn't try to leverage some of the greediest, inept people on earth, publicly traded corporations. If there is ever a mass catastrophe, which is much more likely to happen because mass realities, that can cause runaway destabilization of the company.

Don't really care for your "its just like x" argument. Smoke on some car exhaust,

>> No.15634235

Wow. Malding AND reddit spacing. Do you have any productive counterarguments, or are you just in the mood to complain?

>> No.15634237

lol! Lmao even!

>> No.15634240

What do you mean

>> No.15634254

If you don't care for discussion go drive-by shitpost in a normal transient thread, this is a general.

>> No.15634266

The most important question is will I be able to use their AI for roleplaying and making stories?

>> No.15634272

this is how elon is going to make the astronomers pay. he is going to make them pay dearly for his superior computer ai that solve the ultimate question of the universe and they will be forced to fucking pay. they will pay for all the harm they cause to starlink

>> No.15634288
File: 67 KB, 378x607, 635E290E-66CC-4BF8-A16A-F63A8F0CC57A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s easy to forget that there’s still a lot regarding Starship which is unproven. Stage sep, second engine start, etc. we also have no idea if the hot staging ring will work - or not staging itself.
Decent chance Booster 9 makes it to stage sep but hot staging blows up the vehicle. Or worse, the craft crumples due to a hot staging ring structural failure as the stack pulls 4gs near the end of Superheavy’s burn
It’s not a stretch to assume we may see 3 to 4 failed orbital attempts before their first success.

>> No.15634306

No shit, we may see 15 more full test failures and 50 partial failures resulting in loss-of-ship from “factory” starlink Starships. Maybe even more. They just need to find a way to launch as much as they need to

>> No.15634309

Yeah I have full faith in Starship but we also have to be realistic with stuff likes failures

>> No.15634310

Artemis 3 in 2026 though trust the plan :^)

>> No.15634313

>makes it to stage sep but hot staging blows up the vehicle
After watching that rocket get FTS'd and then refuse to blow up, I'd place this at a very low chance

>> No.15634314

Five launches a year, if they’re lucky. Texas is a dead end I’m sorry to say

>> No.15634318

shame theres only 1 place they can launch starship from

>> No.15634321

If SX still aren’t ready by the time Long March 10 comes online, I think the US govt needs to let SeX do whatever they want whenever they please. Imminent domain the rest of the fags out of the starbase area and close the beach permanently

>> No.15634325

Unironically, Florida is even worse than texas

>> No.15634328

I mean they're able to load test the hot staging ring on the ground (which is what they're doing now). They also seem to have several alternative designs they're working on that are going to be ready to go soon if this one fails.

>> No.15634329
File: 486 KB, 2000x2000, 78A9E0AF-2A05-4B6A-A9D0-DDFBA8D786AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Artemis Accords are not "anti China" on the surface but it does signal the signatories are in America's camp when it comes to space.


Don't be a lazy concern troll.

>> No.15634336

If Starship isn't ready by 2029 it would mean something like WW3 happened and the US is a nuclear wasteland.

>> No.15634340

Not a bad timeline considering our stagnating/gay culture.
Jedem das Seine

>> No.15634414

you just know

>> No.15634431

No it isn't. No environmental review. The pads are already built. And continued expansion and ease of licensure for launches is happening. Florida is by far easier because the beetle crowd have no leg to stand on, and can't even try their tactics due to NASA hurling the SLS into space, and previously the Saturn and STS. Currently, the Space Force is trying to absorb as many adjacent agencies and governmental powers as it can in order to give it more legitimacy. So when they say that they plan on the Cape being run like an airport, I can only envision them making a movie on the FAA's tenuous reasoning for why they should be the ones to oversee rocket launches and investigation when rockets by their very nature fall under national security as military hardware.

>> No.15634451

Why would private rockets be under the jurisdiction of a government uniformed service? Also FL has a bunch of gay range rules, as it stands right now at least. And this is only going to get worse when new rockets like NG and Vulcan and SLS start ramping up activity.

>> No.15634471 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 2084x776, sci golems dreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15634488

Damn starship small af compared to the average airliner
They still have a lot of catching up before they get to the big leagues

>> No.15634491

ever wonder why boeing is still on top? this is why

>> No.15634828

You got the question wrong.
Ask yourself instead why oldspace make everything so incredibly expensive.

>> No.15634898

So how accurate do spacex need to be to catch things with the chopsticks? Is it about the same as landing the f9 first stages on those barges, or have they not really talked about that yet?

>> No.15634899

cambamjamfam on Xitter

>> No.15634930

they've been quiet about it

>> No.15634956

The barge is a CEP of about a meter or two

A catching system requires even higher precision since the 'pegs' are comparatively tiny. I would not be surprised if they solve this problem by moving the catch arms, not the rocket

>> No.15635018

Who? Pewdiepie?

>> No.15635083

>ISS is getting extended into the 2030s
wtf lol whats the point of CLD then?

>> No.15635090

CLDs will be flying before then, it’s likely that Russia will want to extend because there is no shit ROSS gets built or Starliner keeps getting delayed and its contracts get pushed into the 2030s

>> No.15635133
File: 445 KB, 1920x722, Type 711A LEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635177 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1080x1836, average space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15635339

you don't actually need gloves for vacuum

>> No.15635404

China keeps dropping upper stages on uncontrolled reentries

>> No.15635409

lmao gottem

>> No.15635424
File: 188 KB, 1040x668, Artemis Accords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao lol

>> No.15635428
File: 43 KB, 811x456, laser-thermal propulsion mission profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 days to Mars
how can chemicalcucks even compete?

>> No.15635433

I haven't seen this level of autism since skykang threads on /pol/

>> No.15635456

im sure you can be in both artemis accords and ilrsco

>> No.15635465

>Also some astronauts have already been shitted on by poor decisions made during production (no toilets lel.)
what did he mean by this

>> No.15635472

Indian century

>> No.15635516
File: 188 KB, 1444x449, 1587432075375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep dropping lower stages on uncontrolled villages, so it all works out.

>> No.15635520

You mean in the chat? They're pajeets, anon.

>> No.15635525


>> No.15635529

basically all the Artemis accords say is that you disapprove of both of those things

>> No.15635533
File: 57 KB, 536x787, Alexander Grebenkin cosmonaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the muttsronauts say something so deracinated you gotta hit them with the Grebenkin stare

>> No.15635555

in this case High Trail Capital are the debtors; in other words basically astra raised $10.8mil of funds. Finance jews intentionally make every single term confusing and counterintuitive to obfuscate their jewery, and that has nothing to do with Astra's financiers or HTC; It's endemic to all fiat currencies. The solution is for musk to bomb the federal reserve with fully loaded tanker starships.

>> No.15635617

Musk's problem with the fed is that they raised rates too much and are too slow to slash them. I don't know in what fantasy land you live in in which he opposes the "Finance jews". Also, I seriously hope you aren't advocating a precious metal based currency in the space thread.

>> No.15635717


>> No.15635718
File: 393 KB, 1920x1024, F2tXuf5XABEvghi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patch for an Atlas V flight currently slated for the end of the month
This will be the first Atlas since November and the second ULA launch of the year

>> No.15635726

Furtranny NROniggers

>> No.15635731

It's just a normal wild fox
why you heff to be mad

>> No.15635746


>> No.15635747 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1080x1836, average space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15635754

Love the contrast lmao
Pockocmoc was probably trying to emulate the SpaceX astronaut portraits rather than the NASA ones

>> No.15635761

it's been a while since we've had an actual spammer huh

>> No.15635779

They put furry animals or weird anthropomorphic dragons on every single patch.
There is no denying it

>> No.15635792

>Mr. Worldwide

>> No.15635813

real /sfg/ oldfags remember the LIES.gif poster

>> No.15635815
File: 143 KB, 587x1057, 46BE30D2-6C21-4070-8EA7-BCF60B839B15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing or SATMOS, ONERA’s (French aerospace research agency) 1963-64 attempt to beat CNES to orbit, derived from a Berenice sounds rocket

>> No.15635817

it's not that easy in spammery

>> No.15635897
File: 70 KB, 946x710, IMG_7049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His only mistake was giving up

>> No.15635944

his only mistake was getting distracted by asian poon

>> No.15635948

Many such cases!

>> No.15635951
File: 915 KB, 929x740, Yenisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yenisei bros...

>> No.15635955

A smallsat conference going on now. There's a livestream on the main page.

>> No.15635965 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1080x1836, average space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15635966

The closest thing that Russia is going to have to a super-heavy lifter is an Angara 5 with a hydrogen fueled upper stage. At least they won't need to spend twenty years building a new launch complex for that.

>> No.15635967


More from various pieces

>> No.15636043

are we ever going to get to see Boeings giant red cube docked to ISS? or is boeing so incompetent they can't even get their antigravity tech off the ground

>> No.15636060

is this cube the same one that is bigger on the inside than outside or no? Is it the one that murdered an American?

>> No.15636065
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, F2xjcsTbQAE_Zv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chandrayaan-3 is officially in lunar orbit

>> No.15636081

shouldn't that be an apolune lowering maneuver?

>> No.15636085

The hardest part is landing software. Hopefully they learned a lot from their last attempt

>> No.15636089

So what was up with ISRU refusing to admit their first attempt failed? Even though everyone and their mother knew it obviously did.
Were they just embarrassed?

>> No.15636093


>> No.15636094

You are technically correct, but I'm pretty sure ISRO twitter is for-normies-by-interns, and the interns don't have English as their first language.

>> No.15636096

Yeah but it's just some random indian who made the graphic, and having different apsis suffixes for each body is dumb anyway

>> No.15636100

>and having different apsis suffixes for each body is dumb anyway

>> No.15636124
File: 35 KB, 523x493, Podkletnov antigravity a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15636127

Wait so where is the “thrust” coming from, I’m confused

>> No.15636139

Serious question: why is it that you can look at the cosmonaut and instantly say “oh he’s Russian” without saying even seeing his patches and shit

>> No.15636142
File: 1.82 MB, 498x273, icp-magnets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15636159
File: 154 KB, 2048x1089, C0EAF39E-DBAE-4B38-8FD6-51738316DDE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booster 9 arrived to the OLM on June 20. If it static fires tomorrow - which all signs point to - then the time from arrival to static fire is 2 and a half weeks

>> No.15636163

Physiognomy, unironically. Many consider it a pseudoscience (think “Nazis trying to measure heads to determine ‘aryan’ features”) but there’s some truth to it. Cultures and ethnicities share common features. It’s certainly not foolproof or an exact science, but it has some merit behind it. It’s the reason you can sometimes look at an asian and immediately know they are korean. Or how some people simply look “new zealander”

>> No.15636167
File: 30 KB, 426x550, 342047EF-9075-4558-A33B-EFD2A24FD19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2021 tour was better than the 2022 one desu

>> No.15636172

this is why I only ever say apoapse and periapse

>> No.15636185

I think the pseudoscientific part is judging character traits from facial structure, not estimating race.

>> No.15636200

Yes fellow anonymous poster, I concur. I'm a Blue Origin fanboy now.

>> No.15636202
File: 135 KB, 1067x531, James- Watson-Testing-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> character (behavioral phenotype) and physical phenotype are independent

>> No.15636212

Yeah I agree

>> No.15636225

What would ships in a future martian navy be named?
>Olympus Mons
>Roadster (maybe)
>Mark Watney

>> No.15636241

USS John Titor

>> No.15636265

>having different apsis suffixes for each body is dumb anyway
yep, but astro-fags have an autistic attachment to their retarded conventions

we still measure stellar magnitudes using smaller numbers to indicate brighter objects ffs, and even though literally every astronomer you ask will tell you it's stupid that it's still done, they'll also scream like a baby if you suggest changing it.

>> No.15636278

John Carter

>> No.15636281


>> No.15636388

I imagine this language is not suggesting AI could directly answer grand questions about the nature of the universe, but that learning about AI, and in particular comparing it to human intelligence, could help explain the well known, long standing philosophical problems concerning the mind and its relation to the rest of the universe.

>> No.15636432

Not necessarily. You nailed the first part.
And I agree to an extent with the second part. Although it’s a classic problem of “how can we create conscience/sentience if we don’t really understand it in the first place”? Is “real” AI going to have to be discovered step by step, in bursts of accidental discoveries? Perhaps. And who knows, we could maybe inadvertently discover more about the universe along the way idk. It’s not really space flight related though hahah, other than the fact that AI will more likel than not be tagging along with us to the Stars if and when we figure it out

>> No.15636445

>judging character traits from facial structure
He looks like Frodo lol

>> No.15636448

ai is not programmed to know anything

>> No.15636528

Precisely my point
You aren’t going to learn more about the universe by digging through Minecraft’s Java code

>> No.15636557

Would a water bomber earth-to-earth Starship for firefighting purposes be feasible?
Dibs on naming it the ‘Dalmatian’

>> No.15636568

yeah bro just hover over the super dry forest with those Raptors, what could possibly go wrong

>> No.15636595

Ballistic trajectory over the hot zone, open your starlink-style trap door, and release the fire retardant. I think the mass shift would be a problem though. Plus flying a plane is probably still cheaper

>> No.15636608

To the slav in the pic… it’s time to go bald bro. David Russell Williams looking ass

>> No.15636625

That's half wrong wrong though. Humans use math to find theories for physics, and then testing and observation proves which theories describe our universe. Weren't black holes found on paper before evidence for them was observed? Things like that. So asking if you can automate that exploration process with computers isn't a dumb question and can't be handwaved.

>> No.15636640

110% thrust double length static fire soon, stalker

>> No.15636643

Mmmm not a bad point. I see. Using computers to supplement (or rather, aid with) creativity

>> No.15636644

We understand consciousness/sentience perfectly well, we just keep trying it more than it is. Our brain operates on the same fundamental coding as a machine learning algorithm:
Take observations/data
Fit to a line
Sentience is just the limit where the number of interpolations goes to N >>> 1. But rather than acknowledge that, philosophy wankers insist on trying to differentiate us from everything else whether it be through some Divine Spark or what have you.

>> No.15636669

Tesla robot firefighters. Hard to beat boots on the ground, and you get the advantage of not having to risk human lives so they can go wherever they need to go long as they’re retardant enough
Retardbots, one might say

>> No.15636686

i agree, plane travel will just never catch on. the risk of dying in a crash is just too great

>> No.15636744


>> No.15636756

Ok but stop dreaming. Making a robot operate a fire engine and a hose to put out fire is as hard as building a human.
This is not a narrow AI problem.
They're struggling with driving cars so hard already because even it is not solvable with narrow AI.
It just deceptively seems more like it could be which is why retard nigger Elon to this day is so wrong about how hard it will be.

>> No.15636769

Just augment them to real firefighters—the same way the chair force pilot drones from the comfort of air conditioned offices

>> No.15636774

Have you ever seen a monkey help humans put out a fire?
Could you build something better than a monkey?

>> No.15636781

A monkey is a free thinking primate
A robot is a robot
Nice comparison there watson

>> No.15636789
File: 152 KB, 517x418, 1431269384055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking shit, muttoid
various ethnicities other than "white", "black" and "mexican" exist
you uncovered some deep fucking lore right there
>why does a Russian look Russian?
because god created all animals on day 4, that's why
I swear some of you guys are dumb as brick and I don't know if it's the fluoride in water or too much corn sirup

>> No.15636800

Has SF happened yet?
Very nice kot

>> No.15636806

anti american sentiment is not welcome in the spaceflight general

>> No.15636813

No. You require an enormous amount of water to put out a serious building fire, let alone a forest fire. You'd never in a million years be able to make something fuel efficient enough for it to be practical. Even fire retardant foams are going to be too heavy for the shear amount you'd need to extinguish or just contain a blaze.

>> No.15636815

static fire sunday
we'll see

>> No.15636817

>Weren't black holes found on paper before evidence for them was observed?
Hell, the simple concept of a star that's so big light can't get away from it dates back before relativity even.

>> No.15636818

>Using an xbox360 controller to pilot a robot firefighter through a blazing inferno that'd cook your weak meat in moments
Sounds fucking rad

>> No.15636819

does the iss surviving past 2030 hurt space station companies like axiom?

>> No.15636827

Please, spare me the exaggeration. We’ll use a Logitech G F710 for control inputs

>> No.15636829

it hurts my feelings :(

>> No.15636834

probably helps axiom specifically because they're trying to build their station off of ISS and this gives them more leeway

>> No.15636836

Nope! The cost of station maintenance is already outrageously high. The lure of commercial stations being cheaper to operate will be far more attractive than the shitstation running on life support once CLDs start operating routinely

>> No.15636838

If it can control a sub it can control a teslabot!

>> No.15636846

Yeah how can a station require so much maintenance that they talk about a few astronauts worth of full-time. Like what there even to maintain?

>> No.15636847
File: 1.68 MB, 864x1872, Screenshot_20230804-081144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15636848

I’m sorry but, I really have no idea what you are asking

>> No.15636855

I remember when I was first diagnosed with schizophrenia, too

>> No.15636856

its over

>> No.15636858

what are they maintaining all the time on the ISS?

>> No.15636861

high quality post

>> No.15636863


>> No.15636864

Have they tested hot stage skirt yet?

>> No.15636865
File: 389 KB, 1169x2361, IMG_7052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISRO has… italicized an emoji?

>> No.15636869

Oh, that I don’t know. I’m just parroting other anons here on /sfg/ who claim more manhours are spent dealing with the station these days than actually running experiments. It could be completely wrong, I’ve just always assumed they’re telling the truth

>> No.15636870

>gimmick account

>> No.15636875


>> No.15636888

even if it’s LARPy, SpaceX should design a roundel

>> No.15636894

They already kind of have one: the big ol SX logo on the droneships

>> No.15636897

SPACEX should write SPACEX on their booster soot

>> No.15636905

At some point does the computer have to account for the extra mass of the soot? Or is it negligible

>> No.15636909


>> No.15636915

Imagine Superheavy's soot...


>> No.15636923

Methane can produce soot (I believe even with FFSC to a very, very small degree) but you’re likely to never ever notice it even after 100 flights

>> No.15636929

Crack open a chemistry textbook

>> No.15636932

Crack open deez nuts

>> No.15636935
File: 111 KB, 632x815, astro helm bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weren't black holes found on paper before evidence for them was observed?
They go back to the 18th century
>In a paper for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, read on 27 November 1783, Michell was the first to propose the existence of black holes, which he called "dark stars". Having accepted Newton's corpuscular theory of light, which posited that light consists of minuscule particles, he reasoned that such particles, when emanated by a star, would be slowed down by its gravitational pull, and that it might therefore be possible to determine the star's mass based on the reduction in speed. This insight led in turn to the recognition that a star's gravitational pull might be so strong that the escape velocity would exceed the speed of light. Michell calculated that this would be the case with a star more than 500 times the size of the Sun. Since light would not be able to escape such a star, it would be invisible.

>> No.15636940

Thought experiments and its consequences have been a blessing for the human race

>> No.15636944

eh. That's not really black holes.
Predicting black holes is predicting gravitational collapse.

>> No.15636967

Not necessarily right? You could theoretically have a kugelblitz. A black hole with no matter (and by extension, gravity) involved in the initial formation process. So much radiation, light, or heat concentrated in one area will still create an event horizon. Although I guess once you have an event horizon that is gravitational collapse so maybe you’re right

>> No.15636968

Not in the way you depicted it. If you took a tanker starship, filled all of its volume up with liquid nitrogen, and then used superheavy to loft it on a suborbital path towards the fire, then you might have something. No matter how big a fire gets it still needs oxygen, and you can put it out by smothering it with a large volume of anything that doesn't contain any oxygen. Nitrogen is something SpaceX already has on hand, but you could easily swap that out for liquid CO2 if that gets you better performance.

>> No.15636985

Imagine how crazy wildfires were in the carboniferous. Super high oxygen levels in the Earth’s atmosphere, and shitloads of dead vegetation that didn’t decompose like it does today so kindle just built up like crazy

>> No.15636993

there are geologic layers all around the world that point to continent-wide wildfires before bacteria and funji evolved the enzymes to break down vegetation

>> No.15636994

Going back in time to the find the biggest leaf pile in Earth's history and jumping into it

>> No.15637002

>dead vegetation that didn’t decompose like it does today so kindle just built up like crazy
Take your meds

>> No.15637007

Heart of Roggs

>> No.15637009

He’s right

>> No.15637012
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, 1683098199038627.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15637014

What the hell was that all about??

>> No.15637015
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x1708, B4554953-7EEA-4737-BF99-34B83C25741D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Static fire tomorrow

>> No.15637017

oh shit we back.
in other news overpressure notice issued, static fire sunday

>> No.15637018

is 4chan back yet

>> No.15637019

Captcha system was busted for about seven hours and otherwise wasn't loading for something like five hours before that.

>> No.15637025

Take Earth-Sci 101

>> No.15637031

they're going to blow it all up

>> No.15637038

L2 keeps getting vindicated

>> No.15637039
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>> No.15637044
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POV: Booster 9 static fired under full deluge

>> No.15637048

who's POV?

>> No.15637051


>> No.15637057

The camera’s

>> No.15637060

Who is POV??

>> No.15637061

we’re back

>> No.15637064
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>> No.15637066

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone

>> No.15637068

whoever was phone

>> No.15637070

who i'snt

>> No.15637071

Whose POV is who's

>> No.15637073


>> No.15637074


>> No.15637077

7 hours must be the longest there has been without any posts on an sfg thread in a while

>> No.15637081

4chun down

>> No.15637084

No. Wrong. Lies and such. Etc.
sfg is dead.

>> No.15637085
File: 91 KB, 1922x1082, F2sZYy8XkAI6y0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dongfang Hour's videos actually do a good job of explaining the current status of Chinese spaceflight but he does the shill thing and downplays the negatives (like in his LM5B re-entry video).


>> No.15637088

there are threads on /po/ that have been up since 2016 btw

>> No.15637090

Muskrats do the exact same thing with Starship so it’s fair game

>> No.15637096

>spot the CSS/Thunderfoot/ESG Hound audience

>> No.15637103
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, thunderfoot (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

results over rhetoric.
china gets results
spacex? not so much. lots of rhetoric

>> No.15637104

does thunderf00t like the ccp

>> No.15637105

Ummm, based

>> No.15637110

thunderf00t has never debunked china (he cant)

>> No.15637114

Sounding rockets are the worst fucking part of a RP-0 career

>> No.15637117

How do qualia arise in your model? Do humans have conscious experiences? Do machine learning algorithms?

How do you answer and explain your answers without philosophy wanking?

>> No.15637120
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i thought we still need FAA approval? they havent even submitted their investigation and spacex hasnt made preventative actions...

>> No.15637125
File: 81 KB, 449x215, 1749bee2651b7b8e05abc6515dd2dae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USS Krystal's feet (named because the ship runs off methane, its very smelly)

>> No.15637126

based adult diaper enthusiast

>> No.15637132

thunderf00t prefers one fewer C

>> No.15637133

>We understand consciousness/sentience perfectly
stopped reading there

>> No.15637134

FAA approval probably won't be given until after they static fire it and are ready for launch

>> No.15637138

Report Summary: shit blew up big time
Preventative Action: new deluge system, upgrade FTS, new booster design
Now let them fly

>> No.15637145

methane doesnt smell and neither does her feet (she is well groomed by me)

>> No.15637156

ok why are they dragging their feet instead of submitting their action report? chances are FAA will tack on new additional bullshit that will take longer

>> No.15637160
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>spacex hasnt made preventative actions

>> No.15637162

I honestly know nothing about the FAA side of the regulatory process

>> No.15637171

*preventive actions requested by the FAA
which will certaimnl include stupid shit like a 6 month researched book report
it's the part that Elon seems less knowledgable of based on Walter Isaacson's recount of IFT-1 launch day. nearly all of Elon's timelines completely ignore regulatory delays

>> No.15637178
File: 104 KB, 811x1111, всё-плохо-фэндомы-12-апреля-день-космонавтики-6611466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15637182

based regulation ignore-er

>> No.15637183

Yup. Elon indicated in May that the ships would need to finish upgrades, and then require a month of testing before IFT-2.
By the beginning of August almost all hardware was approaching completion. But I’m willing to bet a) it will be more than a month of testing, and b) this doesn’t account for jack shit on the regulatory side
My estimate is October 14 at the very earliest. I would not be surprised if it takes as long as Q2 2024 though—by virtue of regulation shit being completely unpredictable

>> No.15637184

I actually don't think the FAA/regulatory side will be an issue this time around. But its really impossible to know.

>> No.15637196

>they havent attached the hot stage ring
>they havent stacked the ship onto it

>> No.15637203
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>preventive actions requested by the FAA

Tell us what those requested actions are.

>> No.15637214

>they havent even launched the full stack
>they havent even flown payloads
>they havent even flown commercial payloads
>they havent even completed hls demonstrations

>> No.15637215
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, hot stuff coming through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hot stage ring literally just uses the same clamps that hold Starship and Superheavy together, carrying it over to the OLM with an SPMT will take longer than actually stacking it on B9.

>> No.15637223

Hell, the entirety of Galileo's initial theory of gravitational freefall was based on a thought experiment first and physical experimentation second.
>Hmm, Aristotle says heavy things fall faster than lighter things.
>What would happen if you drop a heavy thing attached to a lighter thing?
>The lighter thing wants to fall slower and the heavy thing wants to fall faster, so they should fall somewhere in between the rate of either object separately.
>But wait, the lighter thing and the heavy thing together weigh more than the heavy thing on its own, so they should fall faster than either object separately.
>Now wait just a goddamned minute! Those can't both be true! Aristotle's full of shit!

>> No.15637233

There is supposed to be a Rocket Lab Electron launch in a few minutes, but they have removed the stream. Anyone have news?

>> No.15637241

Scroobed due to sensor data saying no-go.


>> No.15637246
File: 121 KB, 789x1184, F20mfvmaIAAq2Po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nightlife can't catch a break. cool photo though

>> No.15637255

why is there no water in the very center?

>> No.15637265

There is? Quite a lot.


>> No.15637299

Water pipes are laid at 45+ degree angle such that water is forced away from the pad.

There's no benefit to having the center shooter water straight upward.

>> No.15637326
File: 151 KB, 2048x2048, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do qualia arise in your model?
Qualia and subjectivity arise as a consequence of sensory and experiential differences. Everyone's sensory input is slightly (or sometimes significantly) different, and no two persons' life experiences are going to match up precisely. Thus, two individuals interpolating a qualitative prediction, decision, or judgement can arrive at different results. You see the same thing happen with machine learning algorithms - a data set trained on a set of images will, when prompted, produce result A, while a data set trained on images with a slightly different background noise profile or interspersed with random white noise or really anything other than the same identical dataset will, when prompted the same way, produce result B.

>Do humans have conscious experiences? Do machine learning algorithms?
At a certain level of complexity, the distinctions between conscious thought and complex instinct, between free will and nonlinear determinism become negligible. Picture a double pendulum. Disturbed by any more than the smallest of perturbations and this simplest of nonlinear systems takes on a complex and unpredictable path, where even the slightest of differences between initial conditions produce completely different results. Is it a deterministic system? A probabilistic system? Both? Neither? The answers is yes - welcome to chaotic systems.

We do, maybe not all the precise neurochemical mechanisms going on under the surface, but we understand the basic algorithmic process, we just don't want to admit it because a bunch of philosofags and theolocunts would be out of a job if they had to admit that the answers to the great questions they've been arguing over for millenia don't matter (and not in a nihilistic edgelord way, in a "you're asking the wrong questions" way).

>> No.15637419

unironically we'll be waiting 10 years before cadence ramp fuck my life

>> No.15637421

artist? sauce?

>> No.15637429

looks like AI

>> No.15637488
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>> No.15637501

Is there a martian reference that isn't super basic?

>> No.15637505

buckets of cum

>> No.15637510

not reading that. have my (You)

>> No.15637523

Can't unsee Krystal butthole

>> No.15637526

They'll be named after famous colonists, war heroes, battles, cities, etc. of cultural relevance to Mars the same way they are in other countries (ex. USS Nimitz, HMS Lancaster, etc.)
>MSS Pretorius
>MSS Kruger
>MSS Johannesburg
>MSS Voortrekker
and so on

>> No.15637529

tl;dr - different sensory organs and experiences result in different qualita because you're feeding different 'training data' into the model

>> No.15637530

lmao Astra's laying off flight software engineers it's fucking over

>> No.15637536

The definition of qualia id that it's unphysical.
You can't explain it like that by definition.

>> No.15637540

No, the definition of qualia is that it's subjective, in contrast to quanta which is objective.

>> No.15637574

>astra laid off 1/4 of their entire staff

>> No.15637589
File: 202 KB, 1080x747, Viking-with-Sagan-NASA-JPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Viking lander samples, depending on who you ask.

>> No.15637592

They also transferred a bunch of other people to the spacecraft engine division and hired a mergers & acquisitions specialist company which probably means they're selling it off.

>> No.15637606
File: 19 KB, 500x285, ufo-1-500x285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ufos and aliens confirmed beyond any possible doubt
>boeing contractors (janitors) saw the red cube at vandenberg
>sfg sleeps

>> No.15637608
File: 295 KB, 1536x2048, x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're so back, bros

>> No.15637609

Stopped reading there, go back to >>>/x/ I even left a link for you.

>> No.15637611

go piss your pants Mick

>> No.15637613

Yup, hands + material blending with skin. Aside from these, looks nice, though.

>> No.15637617

If government says UFO is real, then it's fake.
Unless they show proof.

>> No.15637618

yeah but wtf would the prompt even be? is it a composite? photoshopped partially?

>> No.15637629

/sfg/ is full of alien denialists. Sad.

>> No.15637630

there is a whole board for you

>> No.15637637

Aliens are spaceflight

>> No.15637640

show me a hd livestream of a saucer flight then

>> No.15637654

Just come and see.

>> No.15637657

Aliens are gay.

>> No.15637662


>> No.15637666
File: 64 KB, 922x546, aliens_r_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15637673

What's the point? they cant launch

>> No.15637696

>they cant launch
your impotent seething is the point

>> No.15637720

Aside from obvious stuff like "giantess standing on building/disk", no idea. But it definitely could be done solely with text-to-image method.

>> No.15637726
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I didn't see the tweet posted yet (though discussed)

>> No.15637727
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>> No.15637729
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>> No.15637731
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>> No.15637755
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>> No.15637758

oh its here >>15633262

>> No.15637760
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still alive (for now), kind of surprising to be but honest
they aren't going to launch any rockets any time soon, probably ever

>> No.15637765
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>> No.15637769
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a magician never reveals his secrets

>> No.15637771
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might have been mentioned but didn't see

>> No.15637776
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Except you're not a magician.

>> No.15637788
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>> No.15637792
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He's going to die, isn't he?

>> No.15637802

now have her sit on it

>> No.15637817

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.15637842

They honestly might be coordinating with the FAA to tightly time investigations/approvals to confound lawsuits by not giving people the opportunity to react

>> No.15637979
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>> No.15637995

Based on what?

>> No.15638037

I see what you did there, and I want to believe that’s Elon’s long con plan.

Oof, that’s rough.

I mean, I assume it’s just a really good LoRA and/or inpainting. It’s not rocket science.

>> No.15638044
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free based?

>> No.15638123
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Fire suppression test a few seconds ago

>> No.15638129



>> No.15638130
File: 193 KB, 1232x557, ayy chads & chicks congress deboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ is full of alien denialists. Sad.
It was predicted long ago that this would be the reaction
>It has been speculated that, of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man. Advanced understanding of nature might vitiate all our theories at the very least, if not also require a culture and perhaps a brain inaccessible to Earth scientists.
/sfg/ can't deal with being brainmogged by 3000 c.c. ayylium craniums

>> No.15638133
File: 12 KB, 414x285, musk silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.
>No limit.
>Please let us know.
He's gonna spend $$$ that should be going to Starship on this bullshit.
Its over.

>> No.15638138
File: 50 KB, 678x525, 27b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga handing out shitposting privateers letters of mark

>> No.15638198

wasn't that already the plan?

>> No.15638208

Twitter money is not Starship money.

>> No.15638216

They have about 15° of rotational leniency to work with which is a lot. And F9 already has the lateral control that SS will need, so they will get there one day once the flight computers have enough attempts to train itself
I am basing this information off of speculative design information everyone on twitter and reddit did about two years ago at this point? Idk I just remember people built high-fidelity mock-ups of the tower in blender right after the arms were seen for the first time and everyone was confident it could actually work with pretty generous tolerances
I’ll try to find a specific video and link it for proof but it’ll take me a while

>> No.15638225

The phrasing makes it clear that the offer is restricted to past actions and that X will decide what is "unfair treatment".

As funny as it would be if Elon posted "We will sue your employer if they fire you for saying nigger on X", that's significantly different from what he actually posted.

>> No.15638226

Oh wow TIL the florida chopsticks are actually smaller. Almost half as small as the ones in Texas. That’s insane, Musk must have very very high confidence in pinpointing these ships eventually.

>> No.15638232

Yup. What’s scary is that F9 currently has the “lateral control” needed for the Texas chopsticks, but not the Florida ones. Meaning SS will need way more fine-tuning than any F9 booster

>> No.15638236

Florida chopsticks might just be for lifting.

>> No.15638275

>[angry OLM noises]

>> No.15638296

The arms should just close in on the booster by feel, have some strain gauges on there or something.
Then there's no need for the booster to be precise nor a need for some radar system on the ground to determine its position.

>> No.15638301
File: 43 KB, 850x646, Matt Taylor Rosetta a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

>> No.15638304

the feminists

>> No.15638308
File: 46 KB, 580x430, Matt Taylor Rosetta b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to agree but look at his redditoriosity. Its monstrous.

>> No.15638311

ok deserved

>> No.15638313

that naughty bitch is DRIPPING

>> No.15638320

no soiface here

>> No.15638327

This is the OC I fucking love, AI is magic

>> No.15638330
File: 59 KB, 970x634, Latécoère 631 flying boat Eric Reddad-Jordy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page 9
As is now a tradition, post your best flying boats

>> No.15638335
File: 742 KB, 2796x1574, Falcon-9-B1050-at-sea-120618-Tom-Cross-detail-8c-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638338
File: 176 KB, 1440x810, JMSDF_US-2_FLYING_BOAT-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOAT

>> No.15638344
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The hellfire missiles help protect Orion and Dragon

>> No.15638351
File: 84 KB, 796x620, dornier do x nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. That is really super. How'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

>> No.15638355

This is why they closed the roads? fuck this

>> No.15638357

No, they're doing a static fire with the water deluge.

>> No.15638359


>> No.15638361

Yes this is why they closed from 8AM to 8PM

>> No.15638362

>first thing I see is them shilling their shitty merch and the booster not even frosty

Don't waste my time.

>> No.15638363

>click video
>immediate merch ad

>> No.15638364
File: 79 KB, 719x693, dafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug off

>> No.15638365
File: 31 KB, 475x274, WofRussia12_Beriev_A-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Be-42 was actually supposed to be able to do emergency recovery of soyuz if it ever splashed down, and it was also proposed to ESA to recover accidentaly splashed down Hermes.

>> No.15638373

Does/did soyuz ever even have water landing capability? That would be interesting

>> No.15638377


>> No.15638378

These guys are hilarious

>> No.15638386

>Us-2_03l.jpg: File too large (file: 4.7 MB, max: 4 MB).[delete post] [delete all]


>> No.15638403 [DELETED] 

>why do people in different countries look different
What kind of question is this even. No, "white" is not a thing outside the US, if you're an eurofag you can easily tell that somebody is from a different country

>> No.15638406

Yes, but poorly, see Soyuz 23.

>> No.15638412

Woah, did not know that. That is both fascinating and terrifying

>> No.15638428

>"white" is not a thing outside the US
True 20 years ago, not now. And it was never true when Europeans went outside Europe/North America - you would respond differently to another Whites misfortune than you would to some native

>> No.15638430
File: 25 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the booster dump fuel to become lighter and attempt to recovery in case of multiple engine failure?

>> No.15638438

The US, China, and Russia should form a 4-year rotational International Cosmos Summit. Basically we know we aren’t going to be working directly with China or Russia—but I don’t see a problem with major players, including JAXA and ESA and ISRO, coming together every four years and showcasing data and cool ideas. Getting scientists together is a good way to spur new scientific papers and ideas. Just a thought

>> No.15638446

Yeah I don’t think that’s possible or safe lol

>> No.15638456

When is the static supposed to happen? I don't feel like listening to these guys babble any longer than I have to.

>> No.15638457

that would be sick actually

>> No.15638458

Two weeks

>> No.15638462

Isn't that just the IAC lmao?

>> No.15638466

Now could a dragon land on land without killing the astronauts?

>> No.15638469

You can just slap the mute button and leave it running on a second monitor

>> No.15638470

I guess so actually

>> No.15638472

>newfags don't know about the no commentary stream
reminder that sfg is overflowing with tourist redditors and the like

>> No.15638475

It would probably seriously injure or kill the astronauts inside. It would be like Starliner landing without the airbags or soyuz/new shepard having a retrorocket failure

>> No.15638486

I just realized they stuck a giant american flag on top of the launch tower

>> No.15638488

aaand its over

>> No.15638496
File: 1.06 MB, 1170x1972, IMG_7054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. It’s a nice patriotic flex. Here it can be seen on dvach, and I like knowing it makes >us look cool hahah

>> No.15638497

Obviously a recycle.
It's 10 am

>> No.15638502

Landing speed is like 20mph isn't it? It'd be like getting in a fender bender, I was in a truck that got hit at that speed and was fine. Dragon must have decent enough seatbelts.

>> No.15638505


>> No.15638507
File: 97 KB, 1280x960, E2E170FE-7DA8-45C6-9547-A3ECFC553A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Astra, victim of DEI

>> No.15638511

I cant do that, I have to bitch and moan about everything

>> No.15638514

All it took was one stupid virtue signal stunt on their tower, now I don’t even feel bad for them

>> No.15638516

Terrible rogget but these pictures make me sad for it anyway.

>> No.15638517

China is shying away from Russia in space stuff due to Ukraine.

And they already cucked Russia with their space station's inclination.

>> No.15638518

not giving you views Chris you faggot fuck

>> No.15638521

(Space)X gon give it to ya

>> No.15638522

bros i thought starbase's power issues have been fixed, why are they still using generators?

>> No.15638527

i dont think its supposed to be done for awhile

>> No.15638528

Maybe they put in power cables up to Starbase not the launch facility.

>> No.15638531

Nice drawing btw, assuming you are the creator. Is this AI or are you the paint dot net anon from early /sfg/ lore. I fucking LOVE OC, it’s the best part of this general

>> No.15638532
File: 580 B, 73x18, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucker

>> No.15638534

There's not that many generators right?
Remember dozens of huge ass wagons?

>> No.15638538

i would console her with gentle lovemaking this time around. please dont be sad my precious little girl

>> No.15638541

probably @sbarky from X. but i think he posts here time to time

>> No.15638550

My favorite is the one after Tropics-1 mission failed and the other two mourned their sister

>> No.15638554

I think Elon wants to genuinely help Bezos. But it could turn into an Anakin skywalker situation where Bezos lashes out and goes to the dark side. Elon is Obi Wan Kenobi btw

>> No.15638557

there's actually two iterations of that image. one posted on twitter by sbarky, and one posted on /sfg/ that i've never seen anywhere else. either one inspired the other, or they are from the same person

>> No.15638558

onions jacking at this post right now

>> No.15638561

Ohh you’re right! I personally don’t understand rocket girls and think it’s a bit weird—but to each their own. This art style is right up my alley nonetheless, I love the pixelated likes and color palettes
Ugh go away

>> No.15638563

Indy is on now if you need something to watch while waiting

>> No.15638566


>> No.15638568

Like F1 but better

>> No.15638571

* pixelated lines
Aren’t these technically aerojet engines? Maxar is just the “manufacturer,” right?

>> No.15638575

It's mostly that Elon doesn't want to have to do everything. He'd rather buy moon-built solar panels from Blue than have to build out a division of SpaceX to do it himself. Blue Origin isn't finishing much right now but they're one of the closest things SpaceX has to an actual peer.

>> No.15638582

>He'd rather buy moon-built solar panels from Blue than have to build out a division of SpaceX to do it himself
You’re either just taking the mickey or you’re fucking retarded

>> No.15638586

yes blue origin makes the most high quality and high value cheapest solar panels

>> No.15638591

Blue alchemist or whatever it’s called is fucking gay, and oh yeah if only Elon had his own solar panel business. Hmmmm

>> No.15638592

I made the edit to the one image just before that flight in anticipation of the failure, the one where it's the three of them but one is a funeral photo. An actual artist came along and drew the survivors crying over the photo, that's the one I like

>> No.15638601

yeah but only blue organ know the secret to building solar panels on the moon. spacex only can build them on earth lmao

>> No.15638609
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[2_43_55], take=[2023-08-06 11.33.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

site cleared

>> No.15638623

Bezos lorgar
>reference, 40k :O

>> No.15638629

Their lunar solar panel project runs on a lot of assumptions and is not energy efficient. Stop acting like BO holds some super secret industry knowledge

>> No.15638633

it was clearly a sarcastic post you absolute autist

>> No.15638634
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, 1637297697595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post picrel over there for me? they blocked my vpn kek

>> No.15638645

I can’t discern the difference sometimes

>> No.15638657

the joke is blue origin built theirs on earth, not the moon. and for them to say
>wow look we know how to build solar panels on le MOON
is so mindbogglingly retarded. they built it out of the same raw materials and one would use on earth. the fact is, no one is going to be building artisan handcrafted panels directly from lunar regolith. there will be an actual raw material supply chain built up first, and until then they will simply be shipped from earth

>> No.15638664
File: 20 KB, 212x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey yall, subscribe to NSF they are almost at 800k

>> No.15638696
File: 753 KB, 1080x1724, Screenshot_20230806_100535_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capella Space is in trouble.
>combination of solar flares and underperforming thrusters caused satellites to reenter earlier than expected
>their Rocket Lab launch yesterday scrubbed


>> No.15638699

What a drag! (heh heh)

>> No.15638702

>combination of solar flares and underperforming thrusters caused satellites to reenter earlier than expected
Kessler syndrome incoming

>> No.15638703
File: 34 KB, 640x640, xlarge_Mike_McCulloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ran out of propellant early
hey guys what's going on in here

>> No.15638708
File: 375 KB, 1832x1032, F23QnbfbEAIBmLv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Hullo is now a pilot, interesting

>> No.15638710

hot and over the age of 18

>> No.15638711

Oh shidd I forgot just how much the solar cycle can affect (effect? ugh idk) LEO satellites

>> No.15638713

that chick deserves to be air tight if you know what i mean

>> No.15638715

That's his daughter.

>> No.15638716

Kesslar syndrome in LEO with satellites literally reentering the atmosphere? Pop-sci faggots are utterly fucking retarded.

>> No.15638721

how much longer to static fire?

>> No.15638722


>> No.15638724


>> No.15638726

i said what i said

>> No.15638728
File: 25 KB, 400x300, computer 984_prisoner_of_the_future_commodore_pet2001_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought he was into climate change malarkey, is his plane fuel carbon neutral?

>> No.15638730

Don't you think it's a bit inappropiate?

>> No.15638732

goodness yes

>> No.15638736

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPY0MluItVw

>> No.15638742

4chan might be crashing again

>> No.15638745
File: 330 KB, 533x598, buni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works for me

>> No.15638748
File: 318 KB, 1611x906, 1690500930400047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638749

https://4chan.org doesn't work

>> No.15638754

>partly solved with Starlink
Why is /sci so profoundly stupid these days. Yes lets fill low orbit space with sats. Totally wont lead to exponential space trash. The biz proposition is also completely untenable based on their own reported costs using even the most beneficial assumptions its completetly retarded.

>> No.15638758


>> No.15638762

>Astra Fun Fair?

>> No.15638767
File: 36 KB, 266x340, 1621136263807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638768

Read a book or two, or ten

>> No.15638769
File: 264 KB, 552x559, 1673996082944477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSF runs an ad for their merch
>they steadily lose subscribers

>> No.15638772

paint.net is still based and I'm still here

>> No.15638777

Let’s goooo. I’ve stopped using it because I recently moved houses and gay xfinity was like “urrrrrm we don’t have your address on file” so I gave up trying to get internet. And I needed it for references in my drawings. I have unlimited data on my phone but unfortunately my hotspot is not unlimited. I’ll fix this issue one day hopefully; I need to make more paint.net OC

>> No.15638781

I think I just died from stupid thanks to your post

>> No.15638785

literally the opposite of Kessler syndrome
the limits of my abilities are making and using meme templates, essentially, but putting pictures of Cirno on random space vehicles is still worth the effort
gotta find some more shit to do that with, I've been slacking off for the last... five years???

>> No.15638787

I've argued with some of my friends how it's not really a big deal, but they still think Musk is going to Kessler syndrome all the satilites because they read some article and think we need to start regulation quick

>> No.15638788

I weigh 6 centimusks

>> No.15638792

>Kesslar syndrome
what do we do about the ESL menace?

>> No.15638793

Starlink is naturally semi-stable for the most part. Even if every single sat got blown to smithereens by Xiang and Ivan it wouldn’t be that big of a deal relatively speaking

>> No.15638795

we need persecute and kill communists like we used to

>> No.15638799
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[3_55_52], take=[2023-08-06 12.45.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it, reddit!

>> No.15638800


>> No.15638801

I was just thinking this the other day after the X algorithm pushed that fag who travelled to pyangyang and claimed the norks are sophisticated and technologically advanced, even though it was one of those staged tours

>> No.15638805

if i go on one of those tours, do i at least get a cute norkie girl to spend the night with?

>> No.15638807
File: 66 KB, 500x753, Dolphin space Richard J. Bartrop a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638811
File: 135 KB, 648x801, Lunar electromagnetic launch track British Interplanetary Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15638813

lego 90s underwater theme aesthetic

>> No.15638815

Ehh I doubt it. Personally I really want to go on one of those tours, but I would take literally everything with a mountain of salt. I would still be respectful though. It’s easy to not get otto warmbier’d—just don’t be a retard.
Also to keep it on topic I want to be the first westerner allowed into the nork space agency headquarters. I feel like I could rizz my way into visiting it and personally meeting kim if I did enough smooth talking

>> No.15638823

How’s afghanistan, lord miles?

>> No.15638831

i forget , what'd that guy do again?

>> No.15638835

I believe he ripped a Kim poster off the wall of his hotel’s hallway, with a CCTV cam literally right above him
Maybe not a terrible offense on paper… but still not something you do in north korea, a country that has strict laws just for photographing and bowing to depictions of the glorious leader. He was way off the reservation

>> No.15638852

All he had to do was say "I want to hang poster of glorious dear leader on my wall back home in America, how do I get one of my own to bring back?"
Instead of just grabbing one because he saw it there.

>> No.15638859

Kys reddit nigger

>> No.15638862

god i want to fugg a cute best korean girl so bad

>> No.15638863
File: 1.41 MB, 1242x1221, comfy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prop load

>> No.15638865


>> No.15638866
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, elon house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638873

Additionally general aviation still uses leaded fuel and everyone can agree that's fucked up.

>> No.15638880

It's fucking kerosene, son.

>> No.15638881

Why does NSF use a blown out ass microphone?
They have enough piggies to replace it after the flight test.

>> No.15638883

Not a blown out mic. It's a pebkac problem.

>> No.15638886

? avgas is still leaded

>> No.15638888
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>> No.15638890
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>> No.15638892
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>> No.15638894

I have yet to read it.

>> No.15638896
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>> No.15638899

the ground (no spaceflight)

>> No.15638901
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1173, JEFFFREEEEEEEEEEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I simply live with the pain

>> No.15638902
File: 541 KB, 1170x1393, IMG_4438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a physical copy of the mars project but I opened it up after it shipped to me and was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of math (which is ironic because WvB was overwhelmed by the math when he first started researching rockets at a young age)

>> No.15638908
File: 942 KB, 1170x1938, IMG_4758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15638909

This belongs to /x/ until an actual proof of concept is provided.

>> No.15638912

There’s something so hilarious about the russian language crudely translated to english via google

>> No.15638914
File: 809 KB, 1170x1880, IMG_4477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I’m glad they lost

>> No.15638917
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>> No.15638919

I miss SN5 and such

>> No.15638926
File: 360 KB, 1170x1133, IMG_4548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always thought this pic goes hard, haven’t had a reason to post it though so it goes in this dump

>> No.15638932

>Chandrayaan-3 Mission:
The spacecraft successfully underwent a planned orbit reduction maneuver. The retrofiring of engines brought it closer to the Moon's surface, now to 170 km x 4313 km.
The bastard sirs are going in for a 14th aug midnight landing. It's gonna be one hell of a good morning sir.

>> No.15638934

Russian is a crude language.

>> No.15638941
File: 2.16 MB, 2731x4096, EsIqTZ2W8AMP0go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got i miss the big jim nasa town hall where he basically said "if you dont want to put in work to do great things maybe nasa isnt for you". he kinda walked it back a bit, but it was totally calling out the boomer/diversity hire sloth workforce whining about "unrealistic expectations"

>> No.15639040

doesn't load

>> No.15639044

it's a program for windows

>> No.15639069


>> No.15639083

no one linked this?

>> No.15639103

Engine shutdown x4
It's over..

>> No.15639106

not in the old thread

>> No.15639135 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 3840x2160, b9_33 engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15639150

They're just going to replace the raps and go for another test, right?

>> No.15639257

no, starship is canceled after this fatal error, it's all over

>> No.15639265

Of course they are, but that doesn't change the fact that raptor is far from reliable at this point.

>> No.15639554

give me your most kino book rec anons.