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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 588x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15630648 No.15630648 [Reply] [Original]

yup, i think we are back


>> No.15630660
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>> No.15630669


let's see what will be the next cope

>> No.15630670

Holy fuck is this real?

>> No.15630671


>> No.15630680

>literally who
>joined august 2023

>> No.15630687

A low quality phone video of a uncharacterized material floating over a magnet of unknown strength? HOLY SHIT GIVE THEM THE NOBEL PRIZE!

>> No.15630690

Look at the both videos coping retard
This is it

>> No.15630698


Germans are at it again.

>> No.15630701

How I hate the Germans and their language.

>> No.15630703

A puck of material that spins freely while suspended in place and springs back to its position
Show me diamagnetic material that can do this

>> No.15630704

you deserve a nobel prize for coping

>> No.15630711

>And there is no "Institut für Sonderanwendungen" in Berlin.

Then who is this one

>> No.15630712

fake news

>> No.15630714
File: 530 KB, 480x852, 1690601768689601.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive. Congratulations to the world. We also cured cancer this week.

>> No.15630718

Too good of a result to be true, fake.

>> No.15630728

why did THEY suddenly decide to give us a cure for cancer AND superconductors at the same time?

>> No.15630729

>>And there is no "Institut für Sonderanwendungen" in Berlin.
well there is now

checkmate atheists

>> No.15630733

You can even see the solid permanent magnet under the power coating.

>> No.15630734

This is a diamagnetic material on an array of magnets. Not behaving like the past samples we’ve seen nor is it exhibiting flux pinning.

>> No.15630735

>"it's fake because... I SAID SO, OK??"

>> No.15630737

prove it. what, you can't? then god exists and this video is real

>> No.15630754



>> No.15630755
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USAsisters be seething

>> No.15630762
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>tfw never doubted
we were always back, bros.

>> No.15630769

Please do show me video of circular buck of diamagnetic material that spins freely, floats and gently snaps to its spot without jiggling or tipping
Previous evidence was ambiguous but this is fucking obvious and typical behaviour of superconductor

>> No.15630772
File: 2.53 MB, 540x424, 1519762118905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as of right now, this is the only result on Google for "Institut für Sonderanwendungen". that's how I got here.


>> No.15630775
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>> No.15630780
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>> No.15630781

>an institute can't create a twitter account in 2023

>> No.15630801

>just grind it into a powder, sort, and squeeze together with an avil
I kneel alchemists-kun.

>> No.15630803


How do you explain this if it is not superconducting?

>> No.15630807

Idiot that's obviously magic

>> No.15630813

Can't you just put an aluminium can on top of the array to make it look like a single piece?
If it's a superconductor why is it going back to the point of origin? looks sketchy to me but don't know shit about this topic

>> No.15630814

This might be the fabled dimagnetism with an array of magnets I've been hearing about?

>> No.15630817

>No blue checkmark
That means its fake.

>> No.15630819

is this array of magnets in the room with us right now?

>> No.15630823

>No, we are privately funded and don't do advertising, We are developing high-temperature magnets (as you see in that 3d printed stand) usually. This was an off-time project.
Not sure if bullshit or legit. Russian catgirl also in the thread.

>> No.15630824

this looks like one of those electromagnetic legating things, If they remove the magnet from that giant 3d printed case, and it doesn't snap to the center of the field, this would be more believable

>> No.15630826

Don't question the science chud

>> No.15630827


It's just some version of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f2v2ZVy_Yg&ab_channel=MagnetTricks

They've hidden their magnet because they're doing some fakery with it.

>> No.15630828

>Year is 2 weeks from now
>LK-99 superconductors are in every piece of electronics
>See some fag playing his LK-99 Nintendo Switch in public
>Pull out my $10 neodynium magnet I bought off amazon and wave it at him
>His switch flies out of his hands and into the air
>I hold my magnet underneath so it levitates 10ft in the air
>He can't reach his Switch and begins crying
We are sooo back.

>> No.15630835
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, CD3667C8-65C4-45CE-86EB-6BEC78415168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15630837


>> No.15630842

>like one of those electromagnetic legating things
how do they work? i wanna know

>> No.15630846

this solution was posted on /sci/ two days ago

>> No.15630850


I just want my magnets.

>> No.15630852

sounds like more cope

>> No.15630858

>We also cured cancer this week.
didnt hear that from the news, it's really real?

>> No.15630886

It's probably fake.

>> No.15630891
File: 34 KB, 306x306, 1691082092471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New account
>Institute doesn't exist
>Bullshit "explanation" of crushing material
This board has become dogshit

>> No.15630897

Fake, that's just two magnets

>> No.15630909

>just two magnets
NPCs never played with magnets as kids. This has to be either diamagnetic, a superconductor or an elaborate ruse with electromagnets and an active control system.

>> No.15630911

really really

>> No.15630913
File: 194 KB, 1500x837, sanoo paperia pidellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading that post. If I don't get at least 50% of the Nobel prize money they'll be hearing from my lawyer.

>> No.15630915

There's a candidate with great results in a petri dish and no human trials yet so don't get your hopes up.

>> No.15630918

that cat isn't actually dancing it's CGI

>> No.15630933

thanks for the explanation

>> No.15630944
File: 244 KB, 1079x1486, Screenshot_20230804_152839_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory
Small strong magnet to keep the ""Lk-99"" centered on top
Big weaker magnet on the bottom to make it float
LK-99 on the middle.

>> No.15630954

If it's the one that has come up recently in AOH1996, it has gone through xenograft studies and showed efficacy in those models as well. Still needs to go through all the human trials yet. I'm not sure why it got so much attention when it's essentially a pretty nice small molecule cancer drug that's also selective for cancer cells, has an interesting MoA, but it still has to go through the real bottleneck in phase2/3 trials.

>> No.15630955

Doesn't work. NPCs have never played with magnets as kids.
None of this would be dynamically stable.

>> No.15630974

>Institute for special applications
>no mention of them at all on the internet outside of this one twitter account made in the past 4 days

>> No.15630975

This. I played with magnets as a child. It was fucking hard to make it separated. It will flip and glue back as soon as it has the chance

>> No.15630982

this "institut für sonderanwendungen" is very sus and not how people would usually name their private companies in germany, it sounds like a larp to a native german speaker. Also ive looked in the handelsregister, the german company register, and there is no "institut für sonderanwendungen" anywhere. treat this source with some suspicion guys.

>> No.15630985

Shouldn't a superconductor be able to stay in place anywhere instead of snapping back to the center?
Also literal who and that's some weird 3D printed thing he has, which can easily house electronics.
I want this to be real but this account is pure bullshit.

>> No.15630997

>Shouldn't a superconductor be able to stay in place anywhere instead of snapping back to the center
Not really. Same with YCBO pellets they like to snap to certain pinholes

>> No.15631000

>rtp superconductor is real
>don't care about flying cars
>electricity will be 25% cheaper 10 years from now when the infrastructure is established
What else could it do? Is this really something to be excited over?

>> No.15631005

you can get a cool floating desk toy

>> No.15631006
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>> No.15631007

There is some fuckery going on with their 3d printed garbage holding the magnet. I'm calling this one fake until proven otherwise. I believe the super conductor is real at this point, but this particular account is yanking our chain.

>> No.15631009

net-positive fusion reactors in our lifetime

>> No.15631014


>> No.15631042

>Cheap and relatively small mri machines everywhere
>Very powerfull and very efficient electronics
>Cheap and quiet public transport
>Super fucking powerfull electricall engines
>Shitton of other applications people are not aware of because they never were possible before

>> No.15631044

Nuh uh

>> No.15631047

>niggas dont know abouth the earschaw-meissner-erdinger theorem
Im sure it LK-100 will be a superconductor though :^}

>> No.15631059


>> No.15631092

After futher analyzes my theory as a simple flaw. Why didnt the lk99 flip? I dont know yet but I will come up with an explanation. Overchads help me out here

>> No.15631128
File: 22 KB, 693x303, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even logic
>University of Applied Sciences

>> No.15631151

It doesn't matter if superconductors are real because you can't make wires out of ceramic.

t. thunderfoot

>> No.15631152

Your comment confirms my N.G.Ger/F.Aggot theorem

>> No.15631157

>he thinks the nobel prize would go for the replication
Why are you this stupid? Just stop being stupid.

>> No.15631176

How does that work exactly

If the superconductors melt at 400K then how are they going to control a fusion reaction?

>> No.15631179

>Meissner effect
>material clings to a specific spot above the magnet
Can people really not be fucked to just look up videos of people playing with YCBO to see what pinning is actually supposed to look like? This is still just diamagnatism.

>> No.15631185

>it's a diamagnet!
/sci/'s "it's a brown recluse"

>> No.15631188

You are coping so hard right now. I bet you will actually cry with misery when you inevitably realize how wrong you are.

>> No.15631197
File: 76 KB, 640x480, onions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a floaty thing on top of an unidentifyable device, therefore it's true despite the "institute" not existing and these guys popping up out of nowhere

>> No.15631198

>pour bleach into petri dish
guys I killed the cancer cells where is my Nobel prize

>> No.15631202

this kek

>> No.15631205

Plasma fields generated in fusion reactors (or in tokamaks, at least) can be controlled by magnetic fields. The actual magnet doesn't have to come into contact with the plasma.

>> No.15631207

the twitter linked on that site goes to 'berlin_int', though I dont have a twitter so I cant see whats on that page or if the two are linked at all

>> No.15631208

Not an argument

>> No.15631210

But the heat radiation from the plasma would melt them wouldn't it?

>> No.15631224

THEY are tied up working overtime on multiple syops. These breakthroughs
are probably coordinated secretly by based scientists who knew they were risking their lives. Likely had these for years making security arrangements and planing the global info dump.

>> No.15631227
File: 118 KB, 680x762, 876674566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A low quality phone video of a uncharacterized material floating over a magnet of unknown strength? HOLY SHIT GIVE THEM THE NOBEL PRIZE!

>> No.15631241
File: 1.35 MB, 1836x1920, ITER_Exhibit_(01810402)_(12219071813)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what the reactor shielding is for. In theory I don't believe the plasma has to touch the sides of the reactor at all, but this is where the extreme engineering challenge comes in. I think in ITER they're using cryostats to chill their superconducting magnets to near absolute zero just because those are the only SCs that they can currently make in the amounts and shapes required. In this picture they're the PF coils and they're quite far away from the reactor itself

>> No.15631246

Take the advice and fuck off from /sci/
Those who were awarded the nobel prize for graphene did not get it for discovering the material (it was observed and caracterized a century before) but for producing it from graphite and experimenting on it.

>> No.15631255

You're a sad, lonely man.

>> No.15631258

The people who replicated that novel production of graphene didn't get any nobel prize.

>> No.15631262

that looks like a conman i know

>> No.15631266

Not an argument.

>> No.15631282

Because they only validated their work, the original team did a good enough work and published quality papers.

Here people are not just testing their method, they're quite literally doing the entire work by fully rewriting the production process and providing all the necessary data. The original paper is very low quality, the data is incomplete and doesn't show what they claim, and overall good enough to serve as toilet paper.

>> No.15631300

>>Because they only validated their work,
yes, that's why people don't get nobels for replication.

>> No.15631304

It's a control system of inductors

>> No.15631331

>posting le jew face on /sci/
You need to go back

>> No.15631346

Because that's part of the validation process, which is not what's happening here due to the circumstances in which the papers were pushed and their low quality.

Scientists aren't entitled to nobel prizes, they are nominated by peers, so literally anyone could get the nobel, and some huge breakthroughs can result in no awarded nobel because no one nominated the team. Normally yes the first team would get the nobel, however since their papers are utter trash, team members were already competing for a nobel and the work is being fully remade by other teams, it's very unlikely they'll get anything.
A good paper (and good connections) can be the difference between nobel and no nobel. Happened a lot in the past when a discovery could be made roughly at the same time by different teams.

>> No.15631350

sorry "russian cat girl", you're still not getting a nobel.

>> No.15631354

The fact that random individuals are under the spotlight for trying to unfuck their paper from their kitchen is the proof that gooks won't get a nobel.

>> No.15631369

Video was faked, its over...

>> No.15631376

That's what they said about glass too but now we have fibre optics

>> No.15631395

Thunderfoot debunked fiber optics too
>Information traveling through TUBES? I'm sorry but this is just stupid. Like when Elon Musk proposed we all drive cars in vacuum tubes. You know, VACUUMS like OUTER SPACE. Yeah, that isn't going to work. I debunked that in my 30 minute video which I will now copy-paste into this video.
>[30 minutes of debunking hyperloop later]
>"and that's why fiber optics will never work."

>> No.15631402

Pressure release. Give the cattle something to be happy about

>> No.15631454

the real mystery to me is why they sat on this tech for nearly 25 years?

>> No.15631460

this is not them retard lmao, colleges of applied science are what we call specialized and practical colleges for brainlets.

>> No.15631461

Midwit take. They only had traces of the material back then, not enough to properly study and confirm superconductivity in.

>> No.15631464

why was is suddenly rediscovered now?

>> No.15631473

>watch out, you better give concessions to the cattle or else they will....... Qpost on 4channel dot org!!!!!!!!!
Yeah they were shaking in their boots anon.

>sir, we enforced the vaxpass, but some guy with a sunglasses avatar said he will NOT patronize that establishment any further! (he still got the vax tho)
>my God... we have to release zero superconductor immediately!

>> No.15631474
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kek. I missed hoskposting bros

>> No.15631475

It wasn't "rediscovered", rediscovery implies some sort of loss. They continued to research this and other candidate materials. They didn't know ahead of time which candidate would pan out and which wouldn't, which is why they didn't focus all their efforts on the correct material the entire time.

>> No.15631476


>> No.15631651
File: 33 KB, 653x490, hieman epävarma natalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, making such a weird pose and facial expression?

>> No.15632197


>> No.15632229

That's 100% fake, that's not how LK-99 has been acting and that's not meissner efefct

>> No.15632233

Go back retard

>> No.15632243

Some random nobody made a levitating sample with Amazon supplies just 8 hours ago. Could it be that Ivyfags are just seething retards with double standards? No, couldn’t be

>> No.15632253

It’s not the plasma that does the damage, but the high neutron flux created from fusion. It literally destroys the wall material atom by atom

>> No.15632409

Switch electromagnets fast enough that the suspended magnet does not have enough time to move towards the electromagnet before it is repelled, and then reverse the electromagnet again before the magnet is repelled

>> No.15633401

the fucking cope in this bitch

>> No.15633410

>We also cured cancer this week.
excuse me wtf is going on?

>> No.15633412

Post your AMSC bags.

>> No.15633414


>> No.15633419

so THIS is what's behind oversissies, burgers being too mad they lost to kimchies and germans

>> No.15633459

quite the opposite these days

>> No.15633462


>> No.15633480

Distraction from Hunter Biden's cock

>> No.15633490


>> No.15633531
File: 16 KB, 541x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over lmao

>> No.15633544

This is classic discredit and disinterest posting style straight from the playbook.

This is exactly how they like to "SHUT IT DOWN"
Hide thread and keep cooking your own RT superconductors.

>> No.15633581

Yeah, I'm thinking that we're back.

>> No.15633593

he's breaking new ground on a new account

>> No.15633604

thats why they invented memes like lithium blankets which require several tons of the extremely expensive lithium-6 isotope

>> No.15634668

the 99 in LK-99 stands for the year it was discovered, 1999

>> No.15634925
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>> No.15634973
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>> No.15634990
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>> No.15635007

Wow this one is good.
I guess lefties did learn how to do proper political humor

>> No.15635102

Is this an overcope?
Who gives a shit if the rock floats.
"Established and accredited" basedence cope lmao

>> No.15635124

no the account itself was an overcope
decided to fake something out of a diamagnet because they're seething about LK-99

>> No.15635156
File: 886 KB, 1604x1080, 1689984326718224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635222

hilldawgz we are so back

>> No.15635226

weird strawman

>> No.15635242

You're right, science is pretty based.

>> No.15635279

Would abundant MRIs render other imaging mostly obsolete? Is there some disadvantage to MRIs compared to x-rays, cts, ultrasound, etc or is it just cost and availability?

>> No.15635426

The xitter page has been taken down...What went wrong, backbuttbuddies?

>> No.15635437

the 99 in LK-99 stands for the year it will be confirmed or debunked, 2099

>> No.15635438

He admitted it was fake because he wanted to show chuds the harm of fake news

>> No.15635451

They are taking humanity in the next phase. Giving us buffs to fight the upcoming aliens

>> No.15635484

More like it's an overcel cope about LK-99.
Imagine creating some elaborate fake for what? To teach about "fake news"? Who gives a shit other than retards. To move a needle on a probability market?
OVERfag copium. They'd be better off repeating "room temperature ambient pressure super conductors may exist but the jury is still out" rather than "fake - it's just a diamagnet - here's a fake I elaborately produced just to cope."

>> No.15635497

No one believed that one for more than a couple of orgasmic minutes.
If your skepticism didn't kick in, you're as numb in the head as oversisters' genitals

>> No.15635499

Anons on 4chan are retarded and believe everything they hear. If you believe that cancer was cured this week then you are not a scientist.

>> No.15635642

aliens drip feeding us technology to distract us from their gradual takeover

>> No.15635655

You can't use MRI of there is something metallic in the body

>> No.15636596

there is a vacuum isolating the walls from the plasma. heat radiation has a hard time propagate in a vacuum since its not a medium.

>> No.15639277

What even is the point of these threads? If it's real, we'll have nearly every lab in the world reproducing it successfully and then we'll know for sure.

>> No.15639286
File: 55 KB, 986x1178, Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 11.40.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were never gone

>> No.15639725

This guy is vaxxed

>> No.15639727

This cat is actually in pain.

>> No.15639864


>> No.15641456
File: 18 KB, 628x220, 1675789799758395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15641462


>> No.15641474

Check your OVERies OVERfag, the BACKchads are BACK in town

>> No.15641479

Cat is actually experiencing euphoric levels of pleasure

>> No.15641635

>1. The videos I've shared on this account depict a small magnetic disc coated in graphite paint. Levitation occurs through diamagnetic means.
backsissies.. are we gullible retards? what's next, LK99 not being real?

>> No.15641849
File: 30 KB, 218x339, 1684390571939763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the classic

>> No.15641853

>new account created on the same day as post

>> No.15641855

has anybody ever tried curing cancer through injecting lead, might be onto something there

>> No.15641866

>tfw the cure for cancer was some random mixture of copper and lead this whole time
they can't keep getting away with this shit

>> No.15642473

Platinum, I say...

>> No.15642817

more and more people coming out saying they made a fake. its over

>> No.15642830

Any progress done in the last two days?

>> No.15642838

fucking kek

backfags BTFO as usual

>> No.15642936

oversissies... not like this...

>> No.15643023
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>> No.15643429
File: 37 KB, 927x735, Every sci thread since the very beggining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643584

It is real tho

>> No.15643590

both links are dead