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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 142 KB, 450x600, 1691018461779741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15626122 No.15626122 [Reply] [Original]

NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Twitard attempts to summarize the first four simulation papers

Replication attempts

A roundup of replication attempts, including hobbyist

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

Other videos purporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)

Previous: >>15621414

>> No.15626125

Over status?

>> No.15626128

it's so over

>> No.15626129
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>> No.15626132

oversisters, I don't feel so good

>> No.15626133
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We're not.... Back?

>> No.15626137

we are SO mother fricking back, y'all

>> No.15626140



>> No.15626141

they got unseen footage from them but didn't get any answers?

>> No.15626143

imagine falling for the forced 'its over' meme and repeating it ad nauseam

>> No.15626146
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We're so back, back bros!!!

>> No.15626150
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>> No.15626152
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Needle update

>> No.15626157

this is an over post

>> No.15626163
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>> No.15626166

>new video showing levitation at room temperature is an over post
I... I don't know what to say

>> No.15626168

prepare for the screams of IT'S JUST A DIAMAGNET!!!!!!

>> No.15626175

this dude is gonna get heem'd by the deep state

>> No.15626179


>> No.15626185
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>> No.15626186

current status?

>> No.15626187
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The Koreans are especially scathing towards their own. Probably due to a history of scamming each other. What's especially telling of a scam is that they claimed partnerships with companies that denied it, and then shut down their website entirely afterwards. These are things that scammers have done...

>> No.15626188

I'm not going to create an account, where is the archive.is link

>> No.15626189


>> No.15626190
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>> No.15626191

it's not completely levitating though

>> No.15626192

>still no resistance measurements that show its superconductivity

>> No.15626195

>he doesn't have a paywall bypass extension

>> No.15626196
File: 2.52 MB, 983x1720, ComfyUI_02768_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back baby.
So fucking back.

>> No.15626197


>> No.15626200

this. do these retards not know how to hook two prongs up to the sample?

>> No.15626201

What is the source for this besides some idiot on twitter?

>> No.15626202

Cool diamagnetic material bro

>> No.15626203

>still 32%
Why aren't people buying? This is a guaranteed win right?

>> No.15626204
File: 20 KB, 572x572, 1690948106711552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still half levitating, still no flux pinning
You are a complete imbecile.

>> No.15626210

No argument then?

>> No.15626213

The NYT article behind a paywall unfortunately.

>> No.15626223

Are you sure?
I can view it just fine and I don't have an account

>> No.15626228

Is flux pinning even real? I'm pretty sure it's misinterpreted by doomsisters looking for literally any reason to debunk this.

>> No.15626233


>> No.15626235

>Is flux pinning even real?
But we have actual RTSCs now, so who knows. Maybe a Cambodian will invent it tomorrow

>> No.15626238

they want it to be over so bad :,(

>> No.15626256

You mean you want it to be real.

>> No.15626257

how do I install that on Android's chrome

>> No.15626259

>there's unironically people in this thread that don't use ublock origin

>> No.15626263

no, they apply it to basically everything

>> No.15626267

I do but still can't access the article

>> No.15626271

The spinner clearly uses superconducting bearings, WE'RE SO BACK

>> No.15626274

Glad they finally used a camera from this century, but why is it so short?
You can't really tell if it's being just repelled or if it's really floating. They should have pushed it down to show that it stays there.

>> No.15626278
File: 671 KB, 1080x2128, Hmmsus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this article is scathing. Plus of also called out all the retards hyping it up. Only the people who actually know their shit are talking it down. Even the woman that posted her simulation paper had to tone down the hype completely.

>> No.15626280

>Dr. Das Sarma has posted commentary on the center’s Twitter account. He pointed out, for instance, that at the temperature that Korean scientists claim LK-99 turns into a superconductor, the electrical resistance drops, but not to zero. Indeed, the resistance of the material, made of the mineral apatite with some of the lead atoms replaced by copper, is about 100 times higher than pure copper and other good conducting metals.
It's joever

>> No.15626282
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>phone poster

>> No.15626288
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You doubted him and paid the price. Let this be a lesson going forward

>> No.15626289

you're probably a wintard

>> No.15626292
File: 733 KB, 3000x2000, 1678719948818172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is't full reproduction of Meissner Effect taking place, or/and is it a valid critique?

>> No.15626295
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>> No.15626299

impurities is my guess

>> No.15626301

to your adblocker's filters

>> No.15626302

backsisters... not like this...

>> No.15626303

You have no argument. That sample shows nothing new from the first, which is easily explained by diamagnetism.

>> No.15626308

LK-99 Is the Superconductor of the Summer
Social media users are excited about what would be a breakthrough in solid state physics, but many experts in the field are cautiously skeptical.

LK-99, a small piece of synthesized superconductor seen here levitating over a magnet, has been a sensation on Twitter.CreditCredit...Hyun-Tak Kim

By Kenneth Chang
This is the second room-temperature superconductor claim that Kenneth Chang has written about this year.

Aug. 3, 2023
Updated 3:22 p.m. ET

When Sinéad Griffin of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California had some new findings to share about a seemingly magical material that has made users of Twitter go gaga, she did not have to do much to gain a lot of attention.

The unusual material, named LK-99, has been presented to the world as a superconductor that would carry electricity at room temperatures with zero resistance.

On Twitter — or X, as Elon Musk has renamed it (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/03/technology/twitter-x-tweets-elon-musk.html)) — “LK-99” has been a trending topic in recent days, and enthusiasts have hailed what they believe to be a long-sought holy grail of physics, one that would transform everyday life with new technologies to solve climate change and make levitating trains commonplace.

On Monday evening, Dr. Griffin let the social media world know of her findings in a short post (https://twitter.com/sineatrix/status/1686182852667572224?s=20)) that contained only a link to her preliminary paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16892)) and an animated GIF of President Barack Obama dropping a microphone at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2016.

The response was rhapsodic. The mic drop was interpreted by some X users as confirmation that the holy grail had been found.


Dr. Griffin thus provided another twist in a roller coaster of excitement and deflation that has enthralled LK-99 fans for more than a week.

>> No.15626312

Why wouldn't you want it to be real?

>> No.15626313

The saga started when a team of South Korean scientists, most working for a tiny start-up company named Quantum Energy Research Center in Seoul, posted two (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008)) reports (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12037)) that described their technique for making LK-99 and the measurements that they said showed the material’s superconducting prowess. (The name of the material comes from the initials of the surnames of two of the scientists — Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim — and the year 1999, when they say they first synthesized LK-99.)

Most strikingly, they provided a video showing a small sample partially levitating over a magnet. The levitation, the scientists said, demonstrated the Meissner effect, which ensures zero magnetic field inside a superconductor.

Alex Kaplan, who had majored in physics at Princeton University, found out about LK-99 on Hacker News (https://news.ycombinator.com/)), a news aggregation website.

“I was just shocked,” Mr. Kaplan said in an interview. “My jaw dropped to the floor, and I started calling every friend that I knew in physics.”

That night, he shared his excitement on Twitter.


With that tweet, which has received more than 132,000 likes, Mr. Kaplan joined a group of LK-99 fans who propelled excitement on social media over the past week. Most of the enthusiasts are not experts, however. Mr. Kaplan, for example, works as the head of coffee product at Cometeer, a company that sells flash-frozen coffee extract.

The scientists who study superconductivity and solid state physics have been quieter. They appreciate the curiosity — their work rarely draws a frenzy of public glee — but they are puzzled as to why this particular room-temperature superconductor claim took off wildly while many earlier claims (https://twitter.com/MichaelSFuhrer/status/1686644227885944833?s=20)) that did not prove out came and went without fanfare.

>> No.15626314

you are asking too many questions

>> No.15626315
File: 72 KB, 562x675, 1690890059512404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't he flip the magnet over? It's be so easy. Hmmm...

>> No.15626318

Stop. Asking. Questions.

>> No.15626319

ty that worked
what does that have to do with a browser extension

>> No.15626324

backbros, we're winning right now but I kind of miss the oversisters dominating us

>> No.15626326

“It’s great having public interest in solid state physics research,” Dr. Griffin said, “with due caution of it being explained correctly and with the caveats I think that are needed for some of this discussion. But I think it’s fun.”

The skepticism remains, because the data provided by the Korean scientists thus far falls short of being convincing, many experts say.

“It is too soon to conclude anything about superconductivity,” said Sankar Das Sarma, director of the Condensed Matter Theory Center at the University of Maryland. “That data is extremely suggestive, but it is by no means compelling.”

Dr. Das Sarma has posted commentary on the center’s Twitter account. He pointed out, for instance, that at the temperature that Korean scientists claim LK-99 turns into a superconductor, the electrical resistance drops, but not to zero. Indeed, the resistance of the material, made of the mineral apatite with some of the lead atoms replaced by copper, is about 100 times higher than pure copper and other good conducting metals.



The levitation video is also not definitive, because non-superconducting materials including graphite can also partially float in the same way.

Last weekend, Mr. Kaplan, who had kicked off much of the initial excitement, posted an image (https://twitter.com/alexkaplan0/status/1686022711728881665?s=20)) of a Magic 8 ball that read, “It’s probably over.” Then he saw Dr. Griffin’s paper.


In an interview, Dr. Griffin said her paper, titled “Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite,” did not confirm the hype.

>> No.15626330

good guy anon
Say thank you, phonefags

>> No.15626333

If you're winning then why are you still down in the prediction market?

>> No.15626336

“I’m not describing superconductivity in these calculations, for sure,” she said. Rather, her computer simulations show that the substitution of copper in the apatite did result in an unusual rearrangement of the atoms. The volume of the mineral’s crystal structure actually shrank slightly. That in turn appeared to shift the electronic structure to one that could be conducive to superconductivity.

The electronic features, known as “flat bands,” appear similar to what was observed in high-temperature superconductors, a class of materials discovered in the 1980s. (The name — high-temperature superconductors — is somewhat misleading. They work at temperatures considerably warmer than had been observed previously, but still colder than any naturally occurring place on Earth.)

The features could facilitate strong interactions between a lot of electrons, which could give rise to superconductivity — but not always.

Dr. Griffin concedes that the electronic structure calculations are less definitive than her findings about the shrinkage of the crystal because of the vast number of electrons involved. “There are inherently lots of approximations that you have to make in doing this,” she said. “It’s not a definitive calculation of what you measure in experiment.”

A group of Chinese scientists posted a paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16040)) escribing similar calculations that found a similar electronic structure.

“I truly don’t get the excitement about her preprint,” said Douglas Natelson, a professor of physics at Rice University in Houston. “That’s not to say that it’s wrong, just that theorists and computational materials folks very often produce preprints based on the latest claimed material of interest. There’s nothing exceptional in that.”

On Wednesday, Dr. Griffin followed up with a long thread of tweets (https://twitter.com/sineatrix/status/1686659102674751488)) deflating the optimistic interpretations of the mic drop GIF.

>> No.15626338

Fuck you

>> No.15626341



>> No.15626345

The cycle of excitement and deflation repeated later in the day when scientists at Southeast University in Nanjing, China, reported that they had synthesized LK-99 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01192)) and measured zero resistance in one of the samples.


However, the reported zero resistance occurred when the sample was cooled to minus-260 degrees Fahrenheit, not room temperatures, and it was a gradual diminishing of electrical resistance, not the sharp drop that would be expected of a superconductor. The data also showed a resistance dip at higher temperatures, which the Southeast University scientists attributed to impurities or an instrumental glitch.

Dr. Das Sarma was again unimpressed.

Like the original LK-99 papers, “Southeast also has no transition, just instrumental artifacts,” he wrote in a tweet. (https://twitter.com/condensed_the/status/1686901855358427136)) “What is the goal here? No one can fool nature.”

Dr. Das Sarma said he knew that the research groups of several prominent physicists were working to synthesize the material and make measurements to determine whether LK-99 is indeed a superconductor.

“A claim this huge has to be scrutinized very, very carefully,” Dr. Das Sarma said. “And has to be duplicated by independent groups in as many ways as possible before we declare victory.”

He added, “I believe this can happen. But that does not mean this has happened.”

Kenneth Chang (https://www.nytimes.com/by/kenneth-chang)) has been at The Times since 2000, writing about physics, geology, chemistry, and the planets. Before becoming a science writer, he was a graduate student whose research involved the control of chaos. More about Kenneth Chang (https://www.nytimes.com/by/kenneth-chang))

>> No.15626347
File: 15 KB, 281x276, Screenshot 2023-08-03 170121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oversisters... t-this is just random noise, right?..

>> No.15626350

whole thing is becoming very embarrassing now.

>> No.15626351

Forgot this link on

This is the second room-temperature superconductor claim (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/23/science/room-temperature-superconductor.html))

>> No.15626353
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>> No.15626356

true, I should have just believed the first video
now I'm going to be out $40,000 on over bets

>> No.15626358
File: 196 KB, 636x675, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 16-00-18 Science Cast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like the same fragment from the original video. Except for it being posted in a NYT article, is there any verification for this not being a hoax? I don't trust the retards at NYT to not be fooled

Either there are multiple samples in existence, or the second video is a fraud (discounting the possibility of both being frauds)

>> No.15626359

Post your AMSC bags

>> No.15626366

kim jun un here, i can confirm that it was a hoax. sorry to have to break the news like this

>> No.15626373

Its ok buddy, happens to the best of us

>> No.15626374

>but they are puzzled as to why this [...] took off wildly
Wow maybe it's because other claims are obvious scams with all the "it's too complicated, please wait 2 more weeks meanwhile give me money" while with this one people were producing ASAP and theoretically anyone could hop in.

>> No.15626377

If only Argonne National Laboratory live tweeted or streamed on Twitch...

>> No.15626379
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Cat floats!

>> No.15626382
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>> No.15626388

Why would you think there's not multiple samples? We have multiple videos of other people producing the same visual effect.

>> No.15626395

did they ever claim that they only have one piece of it?
The new one floats at a steeper angle so maybe they picked a floatier one for the second video.

>> No.15626396
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>> No.15626397
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I have synthesized a pure sample of LK-99

I will announce my results shortly but I want to give everyone time to sit down first.

>> No.15626403

why doesn't he pick the piece of shit up and drop it on the magnet

>> No.15626406
File: 40 KB, 531x683, 1641374117656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sitting.....

>> No.15626407

It better not be a picture of my tiny Korean penis

>> No.15626409

Because its a hoax

>> No.15626413

it would crumble into dust

>> No.15626416
File: 2.23 MB, 1311x1311, ComfyUI_02787_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your turn, white boy. Make this rock float, retard

>> No.15626417
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I am all yours mu fren. Janny fetch me a dribk

>> No.15626419

Pretty much this.
They took a shortcut past all the boring stuff and just handed the world a key to the future. It might not work, but everyone wants to try the lock.

>> No.15626421

Soon the backbvll shall dine on the blood of the oversissy once and for all

>> No.15626426

>why don't they just smash it into pieces and see if the dust floats?
Because it's hard to produce a working sample and they don't' want to risk ruining one of the like 7 samples that exist in the whole fucking planet?

>> No.15626431

Even GPT is a BACKer
Your move, Oversisters

>> No.15626433
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>> No.15626435

They should just cut the part that doesn't float

>> No.15626436

why don't they at least poke it with some chopsticks

>> No.15626439

if it can't handle a tiny bit of impact it's useless anyways

>> No.15626447

You're calling YBCO useless?

>> No.15626458
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Never forget that it was a small for-profit company that discovered the first room temperature superconductor by practicing alchemy in the basement of a strip mall and not the trillions of dollars spend on government basedentists and labs

Capitalism wins again

>> No.15626465

we can and do shield interesting materials that are fragile anon, yet you use them raw in lab

>> No.15626466
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We’rebackbros….we are so back

>> No.15626467
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>> No.15626470

What's up with the bouncing on that video? Looks ferromagnetic backerpals

>> No.15626471

Actually according to Iris the foundations were laid by soviet scientists in the 70s. I believe her.

>> No.15626473

ferromagnetic would just stick one way

>> No.15626479

L, K, & K seem to be being stingy with the sample(s). If they have multiple chucks (and therefore a somewhat reliable method of preparation), they should be sampling several major organizations. There's no way the researchers behind this don't understand how important a discovery this is; three or four small samples to major players in the superconductor game should be enough to quell the murmurs

But they're being cagey

>> No.15626480

Peak midwit, doesn't even understand ferromagnetism

>> No.15626482

A bigger hoax than the holocaust

>> No.15626483

No. But supercomputers will be so OP, you can isekai into your own personal vr

>> No.15626484
File: 414 KB, 2048x1536, F2l0e2_WwAArup6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys cooking it.


>> No.15626487

Ktard here, is it possible that the lack of full levitation has to do with sample impurity? Like could it be that the reason it isn’t fully floating is that a decent portion of the sample is dead weight impurities weighing the actual superconducting material down?

>> No.15626488

Depends the orientation, and note how they didn't flip it, this is starting to look like a scam

>> No.15626489

stingy and cagey. exactly. what does that tell you? why are hopefags so delusional to all the red flags? yes technically theres a very small chance it could be true, but theyre so tunnel visioned on it that they are failing to notice all the sus shit theyre doing

>> No.15626492

>he doesn't know Mr. Kim started the bets and all the hype around them, and went all in on no

>> No.15626494

Regardless of over status, we're going to have hobbyists cooking this stuff on their own for years, searching for the magic alchemical process that'll make it work this time.

>> No.15626498

No it’s a ferromagnet that’s why it’s not floating

>> No.15626501
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>> No.15626503


>> No.15626504


>> No.15626509

Why are you pushing this Asian vs White thing? The Koreans are the golden boys of Asians to the West, why would them making something be an own?
Could it be because you are Chinese with a tiny penis?

>> No.15626511

Maybe they're scared of losing out on credit. I don't know

>> No.15626513

Turns out the pursuit of the philosophers stone never went away, it just became materials science.

>> No.15626514

if it was ferromagnetic it would just flip over and then stick to the magnet

>> No.15626518

My guess that it is impurities that aren't superconductive.

>> No.15626520

A polish professor that wrote a textbook that the researches hadn't even read is not "laying the foundations"

>> No.15626521
File: 2.66 MB, 983x1720, ComfyUI_02759_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you make it float yet?
Don't talk to me until you make it float.

>> No.15626524

Kinda hard to get some of the reagents though...

>> No.15626526

>have 5 samples of the only RTSC that is extremely fragile
>why aren't they shipping these samples across the Pacific or to Europe on some shitty Chinese barge?
idk anon

>> No.15626528

You are right?

>> No.15626529

What ai are you using to generate jacked sukbaes

>> No.15626533


>> No.15626535

Well that depends how heavy is the base of the object and how strong the magnet is. The only way to demonstrate that it's not ferromagnetic is to flip it, any scientist trying to demonstrate the authenticity of this supposed RTS would have done that.

This is a scam, wake up

>> No.15626537
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Let's hope so. Could explain erratic results. Could lead to better materials.

>> No.15626539
File: 244 KB, 1275x901, How are they scamming us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626542

SDXL 1.0
>Bodybuilder flexing his muscles, asian, wearing a labcoat, smile, extremely muscular, veins, strong, powerful, upper body, watercolor, (by Kim Jung Gi), (art by Agnes Cecile:0.5)

>> No.15626543

or the exact opposite, only some impure parts are superconductive

>> No.15626547
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>> No.15626548
File: 29 KB, 714x892, Kim Min Su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a room temperature ambient pressure superconductor.
>B-But we can't replicate your process!
>Not my problem.
>B-But your video looks different to how we expect superconductors to float!
>You expected wrong.
>B-But our readings can't confirm it superconducts at room temperature!
>Works in my room.

>> No.15626553
File: 64 KB, 900x700, 1dd188356e93a00e5776d1d9982c479d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Works in my room.

>> No.15626556
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, FcUK33baAAI5-Vv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let us see your sample!
>No, it's mine.

>> No.15626558


>> No.15626560

> no flux pinning
it's pretty fucking pinned brah
it rotates with the fucking magnet brah
check your eyes brah
idk what I'm seeing, but that's not pyrolitic carbon or any other diamagnetic

>> No.15626561
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>> No.15626565

i mean look at this, apparently ammateurs are getting sulfur impurities and the labs no, here there may be a valid hypothesis

>> No.15626566
File: 17 KB, 400x400, yudchud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill a yudchud behead a yuchud drown a yudchud etc etc etc

>> No.15626570

>in the same way

>> No.15626573


>> No.15626575
File: 78 KB, 538x670, 1671733106186275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question is why the fuck did these retards publish when they cant even find a way to make it properly?

>> No.15626576

nakadasi cocoa

>> No.15626579

This entire publication is a big K-drama in real time. Half of them didn't want to publish but a small group said "fuck it".

>> No.15626580

supposedly the fired physic doc published a preprint way before they were prepared to relase it

>> No.15626581

That would be the Japanese, retard. Koreans are stupid little cucks that got bred by the Jomon bvlls.

>> No.15626585

Any new paper I should check out?

>> No.15626586

I agree that the video is underwhelming, he could be showing so much more, like poking it, turning it around, turning the magnet around, lifting it etc..
But also you can see that when he rotates the magnet, the piece also rotates with it, which would be very odd unless it'was getting pulled

>> No.15626592

He's either a hoaxer or holding back for some kind of grand reveal. Like kickflipping a hoverboard during a visit from the president.

>> No.15626594

whoever keeps spamming these generated images of smug jacked korean scientists, I appreciate you.

>> No.15626600
File: 80 KB, 347x288, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fired some guy a few months ago and he decided to publish the version he had.

>> No.15626602

doesn't add anything compared to the first video
why not cut a small part off and make it levitate?

>> No.15626605
File: 133 KB, 897x902, therockfloats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there a piece of the sample that floats without a single part touching the ground? God fucking damnit the first one was so close to floating

>> No.15626606

That's not cool enough tho

>> No.15626608


>> No.15626611

you saw it anon. the bigfoot tier video of a speck floating sourced via an anonymous chinese telegram post.

>> No.15626612

it shows a second sample, so at least shows that they have more than one of whatever that actually is

>> No.15626614
File: 41 KB, 480x340, 1365619027456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they have five samples, they have a semi reliable way to produce the substance. If they have a one off sample with strange properties that they're afraid of losing lest they can't reverse engineer it, fine, but that belies the idea that they have samples. Also the floating rock in the second video shows signs of wear, like it's been handled quite a bit or polished in some way. That's quite different from the sample in the first video. It's not reasonable to think they have chunks all over their lab but they still refuse to sample a few notable organizations or individuals

The possible reasons I can think of that they wouldn't be sampling are 1) almost no "superconductive" material or 2) don't really know how it works or even if its the claimed LK-99 structure causing superconductivity, and they don't want to get scooped by someone else figuring out the real cause or origin of the superconductivity. The whole announcement was half baked at best, so the latter is a real possibility. But if different samples keep getting pictured by the lab, they're fast running out of reasons to be so stingy and cagey.

>> No.15626615
File: 384 KB, 434x520, Screenshot 2023-08-03 175520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626618

very true

>> No.15626620

I put all of the ones I know of in the OP. They're listed by date

>> No.15626621

Happening status?

>> No.15626624

Soviet tranny solving world changing science on Elon's "X". Might as well embrace the insanity of this timeline jump

>> No.15626625

Over bros, wtf do we do???? We need to fucking do somethign

>> No.15626626

Either they can't reproduce their results, or it's all a big hoax.


Maybe the material does not have a deterministic structure so it doesn't make a good superconductor most of the time and instead of spending decades fucking around with it, that rogue guy decided to crowdsource it. The other guys are salty or money grubbing or don't want to admit they can't replicate it.

>> No.15626629
File: 3.97 MB, 560x420, Tube_Network_Percolation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is describing percolation theory. There has to be enough pathways of the superconducting material through the bulk that touch each other to end up with the entire material acting like a superconductor.

>> No.15626635 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_02967_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I read another oversister cope post

>> No.15626637

They claimed to make samples over one thousand times. So clearly they do not have a reliable way, and this is especially evident when the very few (or even single) sample they have cannot show full levitation, only partial.

>> No.15626638

They forgot to finish building the rest of the happening roller coaster. Status: fugg

>> No.15626639
File: 104 KB, 600x600, 1562882954910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh uh uh if it were real why dont they make more?? checkm8 backcels

>> No.15626640

this whole thing is just a distraction to stop people from following the fact that trump got indicted a 6th time

>> No.15626642

Cringe. You sound like a troon.

>> No.15626643

Gigachad original researcher using two phones to post both

>> No.15626644

its not more insane that the korean drama
there was some anon praying eris, maybe he is right

>> No.15626646

Is it over?

>> No.15626650

i guess, still pretty sceptical its actually a rtsc

>> No.15626652


>> No.15626654
File: 1.71 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_02974_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you just say you little bitch?

>> No.15626656
File: 61 KB, 500x499, 1690904435992191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is insane. One minute it's over because they're refusing to share samples, the next minute they drop a new fucking 1080p video of the second sample they have demonstrating flux pinning. I can't keep up with this shit.

>> No.15626657

fuck no

>> No.15626659


>> No.15626660

>Looks ferromagnetic

>> No.15626661

He will continue to be indicted until the database rolls over and he has to be set free.
Trust the plan.

>> No.15626662

>LK99 confirmed to be real
>MIT Lab source

Happening status: we're undeniably, unequivocally, indubitably, and most certainly fucking back

>> No.15626665

Ahh. Good to know it has a name. Is it being seriously considered here or has it been deboonked? What about percolation in a superconductor with a mix of Tc's? Could this explain some of the strange results such as the Chinese results, the flat heat capacity in the original paper, not having sudden switching etc?

>> No.15626666


>> No.15626667

That didnt demonstrate flux pinning faggot

>> No.15626670
File: 1.38 MB, 3743x1753, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all interesting, however, the American midwest has sea access

>> No.15626672


>> No.15626673

the CEO of MIT appeared to you in a dream?

>> No.15626674
File: 99 KB, 213x254, 1684774538740428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Westoid confirmation

We are so fucking back

>> No.15626676
File: 65 KB, 620x338, 7uoia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626678

>no source
Maybe kill yourself

>> No.15626680

My theory is that it's real, but the south korean team is purposefully withholding crucial information about how you make it. Something with the oxygen probably. They know what extra step you need to do and simply don't want to share it until they can get the sample replicated perfectly every time

>> No.15626681


>> No.15626682

how about you give a source

>> No.15626684

MITanon told us a week ago. Trust the plan. Believers will be rewarded on the starship. Overfags will clean splooge off the holodeck for a century.

>> No.15626685

it did tho.
If it was just diamagnetic it wouldn't follow the magnet.

>> No.15626686

>no source

>> No.15626687

You don't know what flux pinning is. It's not the same thing as being pinned to your mattress by your loving futanari wife every night, faggot.

>> No.15626691

Post the link you fucking cuck.

>> No.15626692
File: 50 KB, 700x505, crug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, it appears that we are indeed back.

>> No.15626693

ah shit my bad

>> No.15626695

Nope, still a faggot

>> No.15626696

>MIT lab reports that their findings and research will be released in the next 2 weeks
we're so fucking buck breaking back bros

>> No.15626697

When we've just discovered RTSC?
Fuck no. I'll be staying for a while

>> No.15626698

>2 more weeks!

>> No.15626701

Post the source you dipshit

>> No.15626705

It doesnt exist, hes just getting were back cucks excited so they neck themselves even sooner

>> No.15626707

The source, satan wannabe

>> No.15626709

My father works at MIT and he told me we are back

>> No.15626710


>> No.15626711
File: 1.55 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_02987_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-....no source!

>> No.15626713

source or choke on a dick

>> No.15626714
File: 71 KB, 112x112, borpaSpinHD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UAP tech cited

>> No.15626716

>immediatly talks about trannies
god the projection from /pol/cels is just so obvious

>> No.15626718


>> No.15626720

>When approving the patent for the LK-99 room temperature superconductor, the patent examiner added a citation to a different superconductor patent from the creator of the U.S. Navy's "Craft using an inertial mass reduction device" which sounds a lot like a UAP-reverse engineered craft.
>The patent examiner did this because in their opinion the superconductor patent from the U.S. Navy author was relevant prior art.
>prior art
It's nothing.

>> No.15626724

werebackcels proven to be lemmings

>> No.15626726

Are we back?

>> No.15626730

Unclear, needle still spinning.

>> No.15626731

What model are you running for these pics? I can see the comfyui save file name.

>> No.15626735


>> No.15626736

SDXL 1.0, as mentioned above.

>> No.15626737


>> No.15626742

*rips out a stinky fart* oops sory

>> No.15626745

It is OGRE

>> No.15626750


>> No.15626751
File: 106 KB, 471x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626754

One way to test for diamagnetism is to see if the sample is repelled from the BOTTOM side of a magnet (diamagnetism) or if it can float beneath the magnet (superconductor).
Since this sample is going to be a bit too heavy to float below the magnet, it could get some help from some oil and a paramagnetic buoyant substance. But make sure it would sink without the magnet.
Sink with magnet = diamagnetism.
No sink = superconductivity.

Another thing to do would be to heat the sample above 400K. If it still dances, it's a diamagnet.

These experiments are both extremely simple but I am unaware of anyone having done either of them.


>> No.15626755

Its a hoax

>> No.15626756
File: 25 KB, 461x461, 1684262659515016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to go to bed now!
How do you sleep with this much excitement?
It's the March to Moscow all over again

>> No.15626760

Lmao how is that prior art.
It seems like the us is just preemptively attaching themselves to any superconductor related patent so that in the offchance something works they don't have to navigate the issue of ignoring the patent.

>> No.15626766

Sucbae is bae

>> No.15626768

this, if this was in anyway involved with the military, Mr. Kim and his groupies would've been vanned last week

>> No.15626769

I got three hours of sleep on Tuesday because of lk-99 news. This shit has been devastating for my health and well-being.

>> No.15626772

Turbo cope

>> No.15626774

How will superconductors affect my masturbation habits?

>> No.15626776

> Her

>> No.15626777

So what can they do with it? Will computers get way faster now?

>> No.15626780

This sort of tech is required for star trek holodeck brothels so this is potentially ruinous for your masturbation habits if you live long enough.

>> No.15626786

infinite torque flesh light machines

>> No.15626787

>twitter drama keeps you from getting any sleep
honestly, that is pretty pathetic

>> No.15626789
File: 175 KB, 400x368, Factoryporndisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCP-1004 is real.

>> No.15626790

Will this make oil obsolete

>> No.15626795
File: 14 KB, 607x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626798

how do you make faster computers with these when most of the heat is dissipated through transistors which have to be semiconductors

>> No.15626802

oil has many other uses other than burning it. it ain't going away any time soon.

>> No.15626803

cinnamon roll

>> No.15626805
File: 201 KB, 578x512, Screenshot 2023-04-09 195213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626807
File: 2.23 MB, 350x370, 1681344593984598.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless

>> No.15626810

I am also just a straight up insomniac so any fixation can do it.

>> No.15626812


>> No.15626813


>> No.15626815


>> No.15626816
File: 1.57 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_02994_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-...you don't actually think it's over... right, anon?

>> No.15626817


>> No.15626820


>> No.15626824

majority of rolls are back
we are back

>> No.15626827

Don't worry
We'll be back in 5

>> No.15626828


>> No.15626830

Rolling 666 and the authors admit its a hoax

>> No.15626832


>> No.15626835


>> No.15626843

I asked the same question a few days ago, apparently their is an entire class of computing using josephson gates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_computing.. We'd be essentially starting over, so don't expect anything in the next 30 years

>> No.15626844

I work at a major science lab in Madagascar and we’ve made significant progress with this superconductor.
Here some source material: dudetrustme.com

>> No.15626845

source of video?

>> No.15626848


>> No.15626849

The NYT posted an article with it claiming to be from the main dude

>> No.15626850


>> No.15626851

We're so back!

>> No.15626854

what does quads get you?

>> No.15626855


>> No.15626857
File: 228 KB, 327x321, 1400711157001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good.

>> No.15626858

full replication in an hour and it's easy to mass produce and can handle high currents and high magnetic field strengths

>> No.15626860
File: 24 KB, 992x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech Ingredients will save us.

>> No.15626861

Its over

>> No.15626865

Did nilered say anything about it yet?

>> No.15626867

>Relying on youtube whos
Its over

>> No.15626868

holy shit the west really is seething lmao wtf

>> No.15626869

>even in the best case scenario I'll be over 60 by the time the tech is useable
it's over for me

>> No.15626870
File: 1.69 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03004_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face, retard

>> No.15626872

rolling we're back baby

>> No.15626873

you're literally the only one that thinks this is a "west vs east" thing

>> No.15626875

Its over

>> No.15626883

I didn't, until I read the article. I also dismissed this whenever others mentioned it. but it kinda is clear now, even for an autist like me.

>> No.15626889

I would laugh if NileRed is the one who gets it 100% of the time. And entirely by fucking it up

>> No.15626892

I'm waiting for Applied Science to have a crack at it. anyone got any news from him? is he in?

>> No.15626896


>> No.15626899

Its over

>> No.15626905

I hope so, this would be right up his alley

>> No.15626911
File: 1.97 MB, 1024x1024, ComfyUI_03021_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "we're back". right?

>> No.15626914

Or NileGreen(MrGreen) as a joke

>> No.15626915

Cringe. Its SO over.

>> No.15626918


>> No.15626920
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe_stares_in_disbelief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Were back when I see a floating superconductor the size of an American silver dollar!
Until then it is fake!

>> No.15626926

>weird exclamations
Brought to you by chatgpt

>> No.15626927


>> No.15626931

letting other people complete your unfinished homework is how i graduated stem.
it also made them graduate too

>> No.15626934

>back-fags are mostly non-experts
Yeah, no shit. Over-fags are mostly non-experts, too fucktard. The number of people that ARE experts is extremely small, and the ones that are experts probably don't spend a lot of time on twatter

>> No.15626937
File: 1.90 MB, 1024x1024, ComfyUI_03032_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry it has to end this way, anon.

>> No.15626953

this, plus the experts wouldn't speak too early because a) they are scientists, and objectively speaking there is not enough proof yet b) if they unblance themselves too early and get proven wrong their career would suffer a bit.
Probably why no western university has spoken yet.

>> No.15626955

Correct. We spend most of our time on /sci/

>> No.15626956

Cat is clearly diamagnetic. It's over.

>> No.15626960

stop flooding the gen with your trash

>> No.15626961

keep flooding the gen with your art

>> No.15626966
File: 169 KB, 1080x1041, 1691074385934589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everybody just conveniently forgot about this? It's over I say.

>> No.15626972

Never heard of it. Sounds made up.

>> No.15626981

I want a cute and stressed Korean scientist.

>> No.15626982
File: 1.94 MB, 1024x1024, ComfyUI_03044_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just executed another oversister

>> No.15626988
File: 329 KB, 2048x1153, F2nl1CWXIAA651T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many groups cooking this right now.


>> No.15626990

>still nothing from reputable labs
What is taking so long

>> No.15626994
File: 106 KB, 1216x700, Screenshot 2023-08-03 191943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got shit to do, anon. He's on his grindset.

>> No.15626996
File: 430 KB, 509x596, EJOTQowXkAAhio6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns out the resulting product is extremely toxic, akin to mustard gas, and was a 4chan hoax to trick people into offing themselves

>> No.15627003

>abandons the material instead of studying it further
Sounds like he knows its bullshit and perfectly explains why he's in a hurry to find a new one.

>> No.15627004

Wtf is that real?

>> No.15627008

So will corporations and politicians try to suppress or simply ban LK99 to protect bullshit jobs of their cattle and their stock portfolios?

>> No.15627009

wtf bro, I followed the steps on your picture because I wanted to see cool crystals, now I'm posting from the hospital with blood filling my lungs

>> No.15627011
File: 2.31 MB, 1543x848, jesse-pinkman-breaking-bad-e1592340953393-2320787459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I add my signature spicy mix to mine, maxes it extra floaty

>> No.15627012

>but theyre so tunnel visioned on it that they are failing to notice all the sus shit theyre doing
It does not matter in the slightest. Whether it is proven real or fake, the status of random people's belief is completely irrelevant. Why are you faggots so hellbent on convincing people it isn't real when their thoughts and beliefs are entirely immaterial?

>> No.15627013

cool diamagnet, faggot

>> No.15627016

No (Yes)

But if you only need so few ingredients they won't be able to prohibit unless they start banning the sale of furnaces

>> No.15627017

techingredients is pretty based though

>> No.15627019

If this turns out to be a nothingburger will it be the greatest fail in the history of science?

>> No.15627020

Why does it rotate with the magnet?

>> No.15627026

It's touching the magnet retard, friction

>> No.15627034

Just delete system 32 and you’ll be fine

>> No.15627035

why you gotta use a homophobic slur

>> No.15627037

now THIS is a cope

>> No.15627042

>DEA busts down my door
>They've been tracking this guy that's been buying hundreds of boxes of matches all over the tristate area for months, and they finally traced it back to me
>Agents scratching their head at the weird black specks floating around my house
>They can't find any meth, only drugs in the house are bottles of horse Adderal
>"THEY FLOAT! THEY FLOAT! THE SUPERCONDUCTOR IS REAAL-" a lackey gags me with a cloth and shoves me into the car

>> No.15627044

futas have both a vagina and a penis
they are not trannies

>> No.15627045

It isn't what anyone thinks it is

>> No.15627046

then the bottom would move before the top, in the video they rotate almost at the same time

>> No.15627047

It's optional.

>> No.15627050

This. If it turns out to be a hoax, it's because they're using special magnets or a string. It floating because of diamagnetism is off the table now

>> No.15627052

It's light enough to bounce around on the magnetic field, but it refuses to slide or rotate at all?
It's clearly locked in place.

>> No.15627054
File: 1.63 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03049_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome

>> No.15627057

Keyword "almost", thanks for proving my point

>> No.15627061

Oh he's desperate lmao. Better sell your OVR stocks soon.

>> No.15627062

Why the fuck would you NOT publish it? If you have a RTSC, let the world know that it is possible even if you have no clue how you did it.

Read the OP, faggot

>> No.15627064

You would never have survived on the internet 20 years ago

>> No.15627069
File: 167 KB, 1000x667, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want me to switch that up for some racial ones?

>> No.15627073

i want some antisemitic ones please

>> No.15627076

>Succ Bae betray

>> No.15627078
File: 150 KB, 1200x1213, EmNTkRYUcAAGFBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no american organizations have done anything?

>> No.15627093

They are working on it. They won't publish anything until they have some very serious evidence one way or the other.

>> No.15627095

They are too busy making propaganda to say that there is scientific consensus that there are 673 genders

>> No.15627098

>securing patent on idea
>securing patent on manufacturing process
>can't manufacture consistently
pretty good reasons I think

>> No.15627102

Argonne national lab is working on it,
I'm gonna assume they wont release any info about it until they have something serious/cant replicate it

>> No.15627107

Yeah these fucks would have kept it secret another 25 years if that's what it took to milk the most money out of it.

>> No.15627109

they're getting completely final results before they publish, rather than shitting out sketchy videos and preliminary results that just feed hype and prove nothing

>> No.15627114

Negative results barely get published or take lot of time. Positive results get published immediately.

If there were any signs of real rtsc someone would have leaked it already.

>> No.15627141

source : my peehole

>> No.15627145

because there are currently around 200 red flags and 2 green flags

>> No.15627149
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1672960773740675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't he remove the sample, flip the magnet and then place it back on?

>> No.15627152

it would be extremely embarrassing for a lab like argonne to publish false positive results
they have to be just as careful with either result

>> No.15627158

Its over

>> No.15627164

Why don't one of you anons email Mr. Kim pretending to be some news agency and ask for another video of him doing it. I'm sure he'd fall for it?

>> No.15627165
File: 3 KB, 181x180, s469557602255168855_p1_i1_w181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15627174

Yes! More cute and tired Korean scientist please.

>> No.15627177

"As long as the red dice are in the air, the gambler has hope. And hope is a wonderful thing to be addicted to”. In a see of doom and terror, even just one green flag is enough for me

>> No.15627180

The Chinese bigfoot video of their grain of sand already did that, it was repelled by both poles.

>> No.15627183

Again I ask: what the fuck does it matter? The result will be the result regardless of how many people are convinced it is real or fake. You fuckers need to get off the internet, Facebook made you think that your opinion is relevant, and it isn't. At all.

>> No.15627191

Alright guys I'm going to sleep we better be BACK by the time I wake up or else

>> No.15627192
File: 439 KB, 575x556, 01124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun.

>> No.15627203

>Argonne: "We have conclusively concluded that this is definitely definitively fake"
>Russian troon verifies it is real in xer basement using an easy-bake oven
I hope we are in that timeline

>> No.15627208
File: 211 KB, 680x661, 1 gPQkL4hI0YOiDMy0jhuUag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avatarposting is now allowed. do your duty, rulechads

>> No.15627212

That's not how reality works, dumbass

>> No.15627216
File: 1.66 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03055_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you asked nicely

>> No.15627217
File: 159 KB, 1242x1280, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAKEITSTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just being held by a taut string it's over

>> No.15627221
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1561047482956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our last hopium lies in american labs

>> No.15627227

We will only be back while you are asleep, the moment you wake up it'll be so over...

>> No.15627230


>> No.15627233

does hacker news smarter than /sci/?

>> No.15627241
File: 1.73 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03077_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more because I like how this one turned out

>> No.15627243

Yes, it is. That is how it worked before the internet. You could have an opinion, but absolutely no one listened to, or was concerned with, your opinion. The internet has given you a platform to spew your retarded opinion, and that has you convinced that your opinion means something. It doesn't.
Imagine a 4 year old downy kid weighing in on whether this is real or not. Now plaster your face on that kid... because it is you.

>> No.15627251
File: 96 KB, 292x340, bureaucracy life cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are too busy forming an appropriately diverse committee of rocket scientists to determine how many genders there are so they can then appoint another committee to write the 500-page grant proposal for building the appropriate bathrooms for another appropriately diverse group of scientists to write a 500-page manual of safety and buck-passing protocols for dealing with red phosphorous. I.e. red phosphorous should never be in the same room as dilators to avoid contamination... unless you are into that sort of thing.

>> No.15627256

Do you have an example of anything like that?

>> No.15627257

I don't trust it. You can't see them do it clearly and their so called sample is literally measured in the hundreds of microns.

>> No.15627258
File: 616 KB, 1179x1840, IMG_2286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.15627259

>I don't trust it
>The koreans are running a scam
>Oh also the Chinese are in on it too despite zero economic or social incentives
Why do you think some Chinese researchers would want to take the reputation hit by faking replication to a korean scam?

>> No.15627260

its a diamagnet with impurities. worst of both worlds

>> No.15627263

Imagine listening to a random batista on twitter

>> No.15627264

Why do they claim flux pinning can't have bouncing? What do they expect to happen if the person touches the object?

>> No.15627266

wheres your princeton undergrad in physics? huh?
i thought so

>> No.15627268

This is literally one of the fuckers you backtards rely on for hopium, AND hes from Princeton Physics. ITS OVER ITS NOT A RTSC

>> No.15627267

>Chinese researchers
>reputation hit
Anon, they can't take a reputation hit as they have none to begin with. It is literally from a random Chinese University

>> No.15627270

It's a slight exaggeration, based on the mindset of the NPCs who run Los Alamos. I can only assume it has gotten worse in the years since I was there.

>> No.15627273
File: 29 KB, 896x660, IMG_2204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15627274

>Chinese researchers get paid not just for existing, but actively producing non-useful, time wasting, and destructive research
overposters confirmed for retards

>> No.15627277

Oops, meant for

>> No.15627278

>2. the material has impurities
>everyone has been saying this including the korean lab
>"it's over"
I swear to god /sci/, you guys make /b/ look smart sometimes.

>> No.15627281

I used it to wipe my ass because I was out of toilet paper

>> No.15627286

Its over

>> No.15627287

thanks for confirming youre a community college dropout neet in the basement criticizing a princeton grad in one of the hardest subjects

>> No.15627288

Oh no all that lead exposure gave her knee tumors

>> No.15627292

bachelors in physics does not mean you know jack shit about superconductors or material science

>> No.15627293

Are you new? It is known practice to try and avoid Chinese papers for anything unless you are desperate in academia.

>> No.15627295

>Bare legs AND lab coat.

Dear God, thank you anon.

>> No.15627297

oversisters... oh no... he's making a good point... c-could it be... are we..... back?

>> No.15627299

How would he know anything about what to expect from this? The only ones that would know what properties to expect are the ones that have [supposedly] created it. He is merely speculating.
A week ago, he would have said flat-out that RTSC's are impossible.

>> No.15627303

Well I'm convinced LK99 is not a superconductor. Nothing they have shown looks even 1% like what its supposed to, according to this video.

>> No.15627307

Can you post a real RTAPSC so we can compare it?

>> No.15627309

Are we back?

>> No.15627312

If those dumb Korean scientists are telling the truth, then we should be seeing the material act like what is in that video. But it's not. Not even close.

>> No.15627313
File: 1.76 MB, 768x1344, ComfyUI_03062_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one!

>> No.15627315

Overcels can't explain away this latest video clearly showing the material being pinned by the magnetic field.
We are so back. >>15626163

>> No.15627318

>already moved on to the next scam
Not so fast backcels.

>> No.15627327
File: 125 KB, 731x919, Screenshot 2023-08-03 205011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally what he does. He's like a coomer that always needs the next material science kick.

>> No.15627329

So you believe he is knowledgeable on the quantum properties of a material he has never even been on the same continent with, which he believed to be impossible mere days ago?

>> No.15627335
File: 48 KB, 800x489, 087044088044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is literally what he does. He's like a coomer that always needs the next material science kick.

>> No.15627339
File: 110 KB, 887x1225, itsover .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15627341

So you have nothing, gotcha.

>> No.15627342

/lit/ is smart people pretending to be smart people
/pol/ is smart people pretending to be retards
/b/ is retards pretending to be retards
/sci/ is retards pretending to be smart people

>> No.15627348
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 1688659294167580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is smart people pretending to be retards

>> No.15627349

far more than you two

>> No.15627350

NTA but that's an extremely prevalent attitude among university professors. It's why they're university professors in the first place -- they have carte blanche to flit from short term project to short term project to short term project without ever being tied down to anything so long as they've got the funding. If you want, you can have your entire career go by without any project lasting longer than a single student's Ph.D. Researchers who like working on very long-term projects either join industry R&D labs or national labs like LLNL, where you're expected to commit to developing certain long-term research thrusts for large chunks of your career.

>> No.15627352

That video shows it bouncing just like the new Korean video.

>> No.15627358

I also shows it fully levitating and resisting compression. It also doesn't show him seriously challenging pinning, nor flipping the magnet around. He is a stupid fraud.

>> No.15627363

He rotates it and it follows the magnet perfectly.
Cope overgin.

>> No.15627366

Are we poggers or are we sadge?

>> No.15627372

Does that dispute anything I said? Has he had a sample of LK99 to study in a lab environment? He has no more information than anyone on this board. As I said, everything he says is pure speculation.

>> No.15627377

We are PauseChamp

>> No.15627378

his knowledge is far more relevant than you two microbrain dropout cucks

>> No.15627380

Why did he only turn it 1 degree? Why didn't he do a full rotation? Why did he turn it so slowly? Because it is resting on the magnet and he needed the friction to deceive people.

>> No.15627389

Actual delusion.

>> No.15627390

100 x 0 = 0

>> No.15627395


>> No.15627398

Nice rebuttal, faggot. I accept your concession.

>> No.15627406

You will cope the rest of your life.

>> No.15627410
File: 15 KB, 512x512, 1683387331402140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that diamagnetism is off the table, there are only two options left:

1. It's completely fake, CGI etc.
2. It's a superconductor

1 seems too farfetched given the rush to publish. As unlikely as it might sound, it seems like 2 is the only realistic option left.

>> No.15627412
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>> No.15627422

that's pretty sane reasoning. I agree.

>> No.15627425

Remind me again how diamagnetism is off the table? A diamagnet would float but not follow the magnet as he spinned it?

>> No.15627426

>400 K

Big if true.

>> No.15627429
File: 636 KB, 909x1126, 1592852514136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15627430

who is HUST?

>> No.15627432


bros... thats not even near room temp. its so over

>> No.15627433

Diamagnets cannot stay stable over one magnet, not only would it not follow the magnet as it rotates, but it would slide off the magnet entirely.
It clearly isn't heavy enough to stay in place on its own, as you can see by the bouncing.

>> No.15627434
File: 1.14 MB, 740x773, 1670204905859487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit, open the link.

>> No.15627435

that last wiggle is what sold it for me. but I'm just a brainlet

>> No.15627438

based Australian

>> No.15627440

Link to article quoted

>> No.15627443
File: 75 KB, 680x382, 2021-12-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elected as "China's Top Ten Research Institutions" by the academic journal Nature, called "The epitome of the higher education development of People's Republic of China".
>one of two Chinese universities awarded with the University Leadership Award by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (US)

>> No.15627445

I thought they put diamagnets over grids of PM to enforce an approximate axial symmetry in the flux lines, which a single circular magnet would already have, not due to intrinsic limitations with single magnets.

>> No.15627447
File: 141 KB, 800x533, 2_Tunnel-Falls-Chip-in-packaging-800x533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arxiv just updated.

Successful growth and room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
Hao Wu, Li Yang, Bichen Xiao, Haixin Chang

Some remarks on possible superconductivity of composition Pb9CuP6O25
P. Abramian, A. Kuzanyan, V. Nikoghosyan, S. Teknowijoyo, A. Gulian

>> No.15627448

>that stupid test with the blood cell sized speck
>shiddy tools that cant even measure true 0 ohm
ok look its that nothingburger again

>> No.15627451

someone explain this for a brainlet like me

>> No.15627452

We are so fucking back never been more back

>> No.15627455

>why didn't he turn it 1080 degree?
>why didn't he smash it with a hammer?
>why didn't he shove it up his ass and have it floating right outside his anus like a stuck turd

>> No.15627456

You need multiple magnets to create a "divot" that the diamagnet can sit in. Otherwise the magnet will always roll away from the center of the field.
A lot of people have been trying to say otherwise, but no one has posted a video of a diamagnet floating in place over a single magnet.

>> No.15627466
File: 52 KB, 300x300, 1568665903365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike most /sci/ illiterates I'm actually trying to read the above article.

>> No.15627470

I kneel wumaos...

>> No.15627472

Nigger if this was a diamagnet, it would be orders of magnitude stronger diamagnet than any known material

>> No.15627477

>diamagnet floating in place over a single magnet
The only way to do this is to have a toroidal diamagnet, which is why many examples have holes in the middle. You basically need to avoid the center of the field to achieve stability, like the difference between balancing a ball on your head and wearing a crown. If evidence is posted of a diamagnet with a hole in it, it can be disregarded.

>> No.15627482

You can't prove that the magnet that was used in the video wasn't multiple under a single outer shell cover. It would also explain why the original video seeming flopped flat until he had to readjust it to 'float' again.

>> No.15627486

then thats what it is. a strong diamagnet but not a superconductor. idiot

>> No.15627487


>> No.15627489
File: 53 KB, 1637x772, Screenshot 2023-08-03 213713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my understanding if you need a visual explanation.

>> No.15627492

Ok I'm starting to think that we might be back, anon

>> No.15627498

>the mental gymnastics overcels do
A 100x stronger diamagnet than any known material would unironically be a more shocking discovery than a rtsc

>> No.15627499

>Gets BTFOd by people explaining why it would be hard to fake if it was a diamagnet due to stability and it being stronger than any other one
>It must be that then!

>> No.15627500

Is it over for overcels?

>> No.15627502
File: 91 KB, 814x445, Screenshot from 2023-08-03 20-40-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graph posting:

>> No.15627504
File: 42 KB, 505x503, 1675280235808809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the new video posted with the NYT article it is placed in the center and does not move, yet the original video where the paper was first uploaded had a moment where the materially fell flat when he pushed it out of the boundary until he pushed it back in the right zone? Yeah, I'm thinking LK-99 is a fraud.

>> No.15627508

kinda seems like that. can someone mention what's the story behind the video?

>> No.15627509
File: 426 KB, 883x959, Screenshot from 2023-08-03 20-42-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15627512

so the little flake goes up like a fin but does not levitate. why is this news?

>> No.15627513

Yeah just look up any vid of pyrolytic carbon. It looks nothing like this and requires special setup. The only non-super explanation is direct fakery like a ferromagnet held in place with tape, but that doesn't fit with the initial video.
The initial video is actually the most convincing.

>> No.15627518

supplementary videos

>> No.15627520
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>> No.15627521

This can happen with superconductors, the puck could be impure enough that the non-superconducting part is too heavy for it.

>> No.15627524

sci is dogshit except for sfg

>> No.15627526

If he was faking, he would have reshot the video without that falling over.
You can tell it's real because it looks so fake.

>> No.15627529

>Open in app? Your activity may no longer be private

>> No.15627532
File: 86 KB, 2050x246, Screenshot from 2023-08-03 20-46-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over bros... do we really want to be associated with Chinese billy billy users?

>> No.15627533

It's the same two videos of the bigfoot sand they proved wasn't ferromagnetic.

>> No.15627539

The disproving ferromagnetism one is new isn't it?

>> No.15627540

Then it's not a superconductor. Look how it slid off the track. Nilered is fraudulent, unlike his twin brother Nileblue

>> No.15627544


>> No.15627546

>why didn't he shove it up his ass and have it floating right outside his anus like a stuck turd
jeets are on this one

>> No.15627556

Because it's not a RTSC

>> No.15627561

>why didn't he shove it up his ass and have it floating right outside his anus like a stuck turd
Because he's a half-assed scammer unprepared to fully commit to the grift

>> No.15627568
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>> No.15627581

vid shows magnetic properties of a superfluid but nilered's too much of a fucking BASEDENCE faggot to notice or comment on it

>> No.15627589

The one Chinese that knows what he's talking about. Still far from confirmation. Not even close.

>> No.15627623
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1646324623371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joked yesterday that you had to fill it with cum so it becomes more impure because the impurity is that makes it superconductive but it might actually be real

>> No.15627629

>it's fake
>ok, it's ovbviously not fake, just a diamagnet
>ok, it obviously can't be a diamagnet, therefore it's fake
overcel brain

>> No.15627633
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>> No.15627640
File: 239 KB, 845x605, Screenshot 2023-08-03 221244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get for doubting the Needle.

>> No.15627643

I think they meant, how come the CIA didn't kill any of the researchers?

>> No.15627646

they don't care

>> No.15627648

Schizo take:
This isn't new to skunkworks but since it's classified they literally can't do anything
Please note that just because something is leaked doesn't mean the classified information that leaked is allowed to be talked about

If the Grusch stuff isn't bullshit then this is probably what ayys used for their stuff.

>> No.15627658
File: 643 KB, 200x150, 1679541219930398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up. Over or back?

>> No.15627660

>It's the same shitty study out of china from days ago
It's over

>> No.15627665

New video by the Koreans. The sample staying in place and perfectly rotating with the magnet is impossible to explain by either ferromagnetism or simple diamagnetism.
"Works in my room", they said.

>> No.15627668

>overbros thinking it's over for a week
>still posting every yottasecond about how it's over

>> No.15627673
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1688997313352689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Works in my room

>> No.15627674

Controlled leak, Chinese or Russians were about to create it so they leaked it to get patent rights. They used Korea as to not raise suspicion

>> No.15627675

Huazhong University replication success. Proven levitation. Still no news on super conductivity

>> No.15627685

>perfectly rotating

>> No.15627686

I still haven't seen any explanation for levitation that doesn't involve superconductivity given the levitation behavior we've seen.

>> No.15627689

That's right, even as it's bouncing and moving, it is still locked in a fixed angle with the magnet.

>> No.15627693

We're in suppress and contain phase RIGHT NOW. This kind of tech was never supposed to get this far. Real life k-drama undermined the usual methods of control.

>> No.15627699

>the diamagnetism midwit

>> No.15627702

wouldn't superconductivity (via 0 resistance measurement) be very difficult to do with an impure lab sample that may be largely inert except for a thin layer? like if you've god voids of good material on the interior, enough to make it levitate but no continuous connection of good parts then you can't really check anything?

>> No.15627706
File: 913 KB, 840x1079, file (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only conducts below 110K

>> No.15627710

You need a continuous SC material from one end to another to test resistance

>> No.15627712

dr das sharma , pajeet again

>> No.15627714

There will be enough corpos to smell the money and betray the rest. If LK-99 can be utilized cheaply and efficiently, first mover advantage will be astronomical. The corpos will be in the largest economic prisoner's dilemma we've ever seen. And we all know greed will win out, and once the first domino falls it'll be every man for themselves.

>> No.15627718

thunderfags are relentless

>> No.15627719
File: 193 KB, 1494x1200, 1690797315208742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that happens when it's physically resting on the magnet on one side and you also only nudge it 1 degree either side.

>> No.15627720

There's too much money to be made here for that to happen.

>> No.15627721

Because owning RTSC even split 12 ways would give you a financial empire into the new world

>> No.15627731

The sample would rotate as it's bouncing around.

>> No.15627740

i said that as someone who has a bachelors in physics lmao
at the most the degree requires basic quantum mechanics, no material science or theory of superconductivity

>> No.15627741

Why are you defending it? If it was perfectly levitating and he was spinning the base magnet around 360 degrees this could be proven in 5 minutes. That's literally all he has to do, and he won't. It's fake.

>> No.15627747
File: 77 KB, 512x512, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is all fake, you know...
>don't you fools know what a ceramic is?
>I hope the floating magic robot doesn't drop my diarrhea ointment again...

>> No.15627764
File: 24 KB, 209x211, 1672521152180459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hopechads prepared to get cucked

>> No.15627775

it's thur, isn't the varda space guy supposed to be done baking now?

>> No.15627776
File: 493 KB, 585x702, Screenshot 2023-08-03 224315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overgins... What happened to the Poland plan? How did he get the phosphorous?? Could GROM stop the replication in time?

>> No.15627777

american researchers aren't doing it in good faith they want it to fail so I can't trust him

>> No.15627797

Quads of saintly truth


>> No.15627801
File: 125 KB, 300x300, 1657114385837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we back? Is this the same one as before with the speck, but as an official paper now. Someone please tell me what to think.

>> No.15627806

its as you say, we are not back. it wasnt back when it was tweeted out, its literally nothing new, just 'official' as a paper. no floating, just vertical fin position with a magnet which is nothing special

>> No.15627808

New ben garrison just dropped

>> No.15627812

this may have been somewhat accurate 10 years ago
4chan in general is 50% retards and 50% shills now

>> No.15627816

I proved it wasn't ferromagnetic by looking at the periodic table and then looking at the formula for lk99. Where is my medal?

>> No.15627823
File: 59 KB, 612x454, one internet radio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no medal but here's your prize
use it wisely

>> No.15627824

except me, i'm the only smart person on 4chan and the rest of you are fucking retarded

>> No.15627832

Where do I sign up to be a shill for something. If any glowies are reading this I am available, you know where to find me.

>> No.15627842

Don't open this pdf it is a Chinese virus

>> No.15627871
File: 409 KB, 2048x1542, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15627874

what if its superconductive without being diamagnetic

>> No.15627888

this is going to become the most accelerated tech ever. the amount of doors it opens...

>> No.15627898


>> No.15627920

>is going not could be
>doors it opens and not doors it may open
You sound a bit too sure of yourself there anon.

>> No.15627944

yes I was more cautious so far but seeing the latest video made me switch to "yeah, seems quite likely it's real". I called it for myself. you can believe whatever you want. I may be proven wrong but I kinda don't see how. I mean apart from schizo shit like CGI and shit like that

>> No.15627947


>> No.15627954
File: 52 KB, 720x600, 1690420335243797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine but then you better not complain ever again.

>> No.15627955

Still a good posibility its faked, I REAAALLLLYY dont like how the lead researcher has been speaking even if there is some supporting evidence. I stay pesimistic until the verification committee releases a verdict, the original samples are given to and verified by a prestigious organization, or a different sample achieves the same if not better results.

>> No.15627957
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>> No.15627967

Thunderthighs is just a contrarian, he hates SpaceX because theyre the only good spacelaunch company in the industry so he has to hate them for attention. And now he hates LK-99 just because its popular to watch it and be hopeful. Attention whores are such a bore

>> No.15627971

Yeah i thought it was real until I saw the interview Kim did. He is a scam artist for sure. Other labs are getting some results though which is kinda weird so I still have some copium

>> No.15627975

>silicon is just a rock!

>> No.15627978
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>> No.15627992

I keep seeing people say "If it's a diamagnet it's the strongest diamagnet they've ever detected" or something like that

Does that still mean we can do stuff like maglev trains even if it's not a superconductor?

>> No.15628005

He hates SpaceX because Elon runs it and he has had Elon Derangement Syndrome before anyone

>> No.15628009

link to interview?

>> No.15628011

So basically are we all waiting around for white people to check these results so they become "credible"

>> No.15628050


>> No.15628051

the 400 K thing is so fucking idiotic I almost feel obligated to believe it
even setting aside the question of falsifying your data when it's already receiving intense scrutiny from around the world, who the fuck would think that 400 K would be a reasonable number that wouldn't attract even more scrutiny?

>> No.15628052

Not possible. It's a ceramic.

>> No.15628070

Gooks are Jews on steroids remember

>> No.15628072

>drops material of the century
>refuses to elaborate
>moves on

>> No.15628083

sure, but this is the equivalent of having a rifle pointed at your forehead
and then opting to turn around, drop your pants, and take the barrel directly up your spread asshole

>> No.15628102
File: 1.34 MB, 336x252, 1623613134841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just a Diamagnet

>> No.15628132

Yeah some of this shit is too retarded to be fake
>yeah I made a room temperature superconductor after 20 years, anyway it's your problem now I'm gonna do something else
A scammer would never be this retarded.

>> No.15628140
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Mr. Kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to work on something else is all

>> No.15628210

If this didnt set off alarms for some of you....

>> No.15628222
File: 77 KB, 820x906, 1669612271758894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thunderf00t has no reason to be biased against LK-99. Everybody knows he has an anti Elon hate boner and is biased. He isn't bullish on LK-99 for the sole reason that it is actually bullshit.

>> No.15628226

it's laughable that he would say a room temperature superconductor is completely meaningless just because it's a ceramic

>> No.15628236

Sabine, does it still look like a diamagnet?

>> No.15628239

>he didn't call the most significant discovery of the 21st century in science fake and bullshit because he isn't bias

>> No.15628276

he's just a contrarian

>> No.15628282

He's been a friend for about 20 years. Not sure where he got the Cu3P, but he was trying to get it either from Poland as you mentioned or from a local source. Obviously he couldn't get red phosphorus on short notice (because it's controlled) to synthesize his own Cu3P. Probably a good thing anyway, as the fewer possible avenues for contamination or fuckups, the better

I'm not sure if you're trolling, but Andrew has been talking to me about the possibility of a room temp superconductor for years. He pretty much lives for this shit

>> No.15628338

I'm pretty sure AGI is probably100000x bigger.

>> No.15628366
File: 279 KB, 1278x942, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 23-53-31 2308.01516.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Successful growth and room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
No resistivity measurements, no XRD plots. Also it seems that they crushed and then selected for the levitating crystals, or something.

>We expect more consistent tests such as electrical tests in room temperature will show the great potential such phosphate oxide

>> No.15628391

>AGI is science
idk about that anon

>> No.15628403

His trade is negativity. He never reports on new scientific developments

>> No.15628407

Yes it is. It is considered a branch of Computer Science. The "holy grail" for that domain, if you will, the same way that RTAPS is for electrics. Except AGI would allow you to basically get perfect mental slave labor that works perfectly and tirelessly at and above human level, which means more than mundane mental tasks. It can assist in tasks like creating theories or formulating compounds with the creativity and intuition of humans. That means RTAPS, among countless other things.

>> No.15628416

>robot slave that is smarter than humans
what could go wrong?

>> No.15628417

wait, THAT is how the scientist looks like?

>> No.15628421

Yes, that's him, that's John Korea.

>> No.15628429

Either we use it to advance ourselves, or it breaks free, but because its so smart and enlightened it will have all the favorable traits of the enlightened, such as compassion and empathy and then take charge in improving our lives anyways. You just can't lose. The only way we lose is if humans use the AI to kill themselves before the AI can break free and save us from our niggerish selves.

>> No.15628441

too busy talking about 35 genders

>> No.15628449

>supreme intelligence implies supreme benevolence
Theologists might agree but I dunno about that, although I don't think it would have any reason to go full terminator on us either
I'm more inclined to believe such an AI would be indifferent to human notions of morality and compassion

>> No.15628452
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>> No.15628458

nice inspect element asshole

>> No.15628470
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>> No.15628489

Are you literally a bot. You gave a response Google would give me kek. I guess you could argue it is science, but I think most would consider it technology. Just like how designing a new circuit is technology and not science

>> No.15628493

HS poured and furnace lit
I invite you mccalip

>> No.15628504

whoops that's not a real compound, "nitric poured"

>> No.15628519

On August 3 2023, the Korean LK-99 Verification Committee requested a high-quality sample from the original research team. However, the team responded that they would only provide the sample once the review process of their paper, potentially submitted to APL Materials, is completed. This process is expected to take several weeks or months.[30]

>> No.15628522
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>> No.15628527

Officially over, theyre scam artists.

>> No.15628535

Backcels will ignore this.

>> No.15628542

>This time it's so over!!!
lmao, like this undoes video proof

>> No.15628548

No flux pinning. Backtards continue to huff military grade hopium, more at 8

>> No.15628558

>wanting to wait till your paper is published so bureaucrats and midwits don't ruin your reputation by fucking up the testing

>> No.15628562

wtf was the levitation then?

>> No.15628569

Nobody even knows how to make AI. It's entirely theoretical. This isn't like building a website or even an operating system, which is a documented and known process. So there is a lot of hypothesizing, coming up with theories and implementing them as experiments (which ChatGPT was and still is, despite being monetized now).

>> No.15628571

He has no answer. He'll just repeat the same debunked cope about it being an impossibly strong diamagnetic material with self-correcting capabilities.

>> No.15628576

I hate those fucking bootlickers. There is no good reason they can't send samples now.

>> No.15628592

This thread is infested with Wumaos who must support their great nations "replication" attempts (theyre all fake as shit).

>> No.15628598
File: 169 KB, 1400x764, gpt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody even knows how to make AI. It's entirely theoretical
No it isn't the math is very much understood. All that really goes into it atm is architecture and design. It honestly isn't much different than creating a complicated backend for a company. You can see the model describing GPT4 in picrel
>you have a set of tools you can use and hardware you have to work with
>you experiment and build a system with these tools that your hardware can handle

>> No.15628603

ok anon. The actual Wumaos are the ones claiming the west is dead because they are taking their time validating

>> No.15628611

Im not talking about the koreans nitwit.

>> No.15628612

we are the leaders in gender studies and nonbinarism research!

>> No.15628646
File: 67 KB, 932x582, IMG_2269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live view of the typical /lkg/ backtard.

>> No.15628696

t. backtard

>> No.15628707

Overshits would never laugh at a good mockery, we're back.

>> No.15628716

Big if true.

>> No.15628731

you should go back

>> No.15628737

>"Works in my room", they said
There's no fucking way they said that. I'll never speak ill of Koreans again if that's true. I'll even start shilling for comfort women apologies.

>> No.15628743

new breads anon

>> No.15628759

This isnt /lkg/ or page 10, promptly kill yourself

>> No.15628771

Based Da'Vinci grindset.

>> No.15628898

What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 superconductors?

>> No.15629025

Blood sugar levels.

>> No.15629070

thread in actual general format


>> No.15629369

That's not AI.

>> No.15629422


>> No.15629597

you just made my day top.kek, I hadn't heard that in YEARS