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File: 154 KB, 1052x1616, volcanos did 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15612282 No.15612282 [Reply] [Original]

NASA says that volcanos, not global warming, is whats responsible for hot weather this summer

>> No.15612376

omg let's pay more taxes to prevent this from happening

>> No.15612994

that seems like a fairly likely scenario, especially given that most people don't pay any taxes

>> No.15613000

how about we bomb the volcano

>> No.15614066

no link is no.

>> No.15614448
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It's a bit ironic that Sarah Palin, who was the Republic VP nominee, made opposition to volcano monitoring a big part of her platform.

>> No.15614483

we have to stop the volcanos

>> No.15614585

geoengineering of tectonic and volcanic forces is a platform i can always get behind

>> No.15615477

When do we launch a fleet of Titan submersables with a plug?

>> No.15615493

>hot weather this summer
but there is none of that

>> No.15615642

The volcano cause global warming.

>> No.15615828

Get fucked, I'm melting over here, even had to purchase an AC unit.

>> No.15615886

here in indiana its been a very mild year, nowhere even close to "the hottest ever"
that would be 2012

>> No.15615975

>that would be 2012
1953 had the most days over 90º in Indiana, 2012 had half as many as 1953

>> No.15616722

yeah, but the days in 2012 were the hottest

>> No.15617028

>NASA says
they can say what they want.

>> No.15617074

hottest summer I can remember in my lifetime (35 years) where I live in Louisiana. Even my boomer parents say it's the hottest they can remember.

>> No.15617086

tourist here, how does it affect me personally?

>> No.15617087

Louisiana bro I'm here too and I can't even get in my car without cooling it off first

>> No.15617115

>made opposition to volcano monitoring a big part of her platform.

>> No.15617126

that's quite cool, actually.
reminder that water vapour is the n. 1 greenhouse gas by a long shot.

>> No.15618227

The hottest temperatures ever recoded in Indiana were in 1936, during the dust bowl era. It doesn't get as hot now as it did then because CO2 is effectively a coolant in organic systems, increased availability of CO2 increases the rate at which plants can sequester solar energy, thats why high CO2 levels instigate ice ages.

>> No.15619238

we must enforce a footstep tax to minimize earthquake tremors!

>> No.15619260

When will they tell us that the earth is still feeling the effects of Krakatoa? Or better yet when will they blame the Chicxulub impact site for the weather?

>> No.15620381

Yeah, NASA is full of shit, you can't trust anything they say, they're so stupid they can't even avoid accidentally destroying their own space probes

>> No.15620675

You can keep repeating this nonsense, that won’t make it true

>> No.15621361

it already is objectively true

>> No.15621485
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>NASA anything
>gobble it up
classic sci golems

>> No.15622822

And how are your space probes faring?
Oh, I forgot, you don't have any.

>> No.15622830

My family is literally a space power. There is a shitty MSP-430 power micro sat with my name on it in orbit over your head as we speak.

>> No.15622831

shut up and trust the science, brainlet

>> No.15622855

Cool story.

>> No.15622856

Oh shit
Sorry, anon, I meant no disrespect.

>> No.15622861

earth is brapping

>> No.15622925

i've been saying this ever since the really unseasonable weather here in australia started. and people thought "nahh too simple", i keep having my simple answers vindicated.

>> No.15622927

i should add, i don't believe it's the reason for the insaneo crazy house weather in the northern hemisphere though.

>> No.15623027

Also Louisiana, wtf how can one state be so overrepresented on 4channel

>> No.15623080

theres millions of people here

>> No.15623360

The highest temperature Louisiana has ever seen occurred on August 10, 1936. On that day, people in Plain Dealing, Louisiana, experienced temperatures up to 114°F, breaking the state record that was set in Dodson, Louisiana on June 20, 1936. August 1936 was the hottest month in Louisiana history, June 1936 the 2nd hottest.

>> No.15623398

>not global warming,
show quote

>> No.15623409

wow lasted for 90 minutes. bfd.
Today, 112F has lasted for 30 days

>> No.15623419

what part of louisiana because the weather forecasts i'm looking at show you all just skirting around upper 90s/100, nothing close to 112

>> No.15623501

Global warming means man made anthropogenic global warming and the volcano is not man made or the result of human activity.

>> No.15623547
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I think based

>> No.15623562

so? where does it say that the volcano alone did it?

>> No.15623573

In the headline where it quotes nasa as saying that the volcano is what is likely responsible for the current heat wave.

>> No.15623900

that's just a little molehill on top of a mountain

>> No.15623925

No, volcanoes can release more greenhouse gas in a single eruption than the entire human population releases in a decade.

>> No.15623953

and that's a good thing

>> No.15623983
File: 129 KB, 750x738, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they, though?

>> No.15623995

They have yes, that is how we know they can.

>> No.15624018

>They have
In modern times? Could you compare modern anthropogenic emissions with modern volcanic emissions?

>> No.15624074


Imagine trusting freelance content creator "journalists" on NewsBreak who gets paid per click and share.

>> No.15624082

Here's the thing this clickbait article discusses:


NASA did a simulation that mega eruptions may affect climate. They're not saying that volcanoes is the leading reason. This content creator just knows that there's a tonne of idiots who'll give him money and attention and won't even read the article but just look at his shitty title.

>> No.15624112

nigga normal volcanoes can melt an entire mountain
yellowstone can fuck the entire globe

It seems like you're underestimating nature

>> No.15624204

Strip mining to get fossil fuels takes out a mountain every other day.

>> No.15624260

Ah okay, so it's just the 1-in-50k-year eruptions that are comparable with anthropogenic emissions? Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.15624275

When was the last year there was a 1-in-50k-year eruption?

>> No.15624277

To me if feels like the actual intensity of the sun has increased. I get sunburned walking to my car

>> No.15624279

Sounds like an interesting research subject. In the meantime, I'm glad we agree that typical volcanic emissions are dwarfed by anthropogenic activity.

>> No.15624284

How many regular volcano eruptions does it take to equal a -in-50k-year eruption and are volcanoes the only natural source of greenhouse gasses?

>> No.15624292

Happy to respond after I've received an answer to >>15624018 (me).

>> No.15624311

Over 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide was release by Mount Pinatubo in 1991 and humans currently release about 1.8 tons annually, so it would take over 11 years for humans to match the amount released by one volcano.

>> No.15624325

Sulfur dioxide is not a greenhouse gas and the discussion was about GHGs (see >>15623925). Try again.

>> No.15624330

Yes it is, that is a bad attempt at dodging the question.

>> No.15624339

this summer is pretty mild compared to last 2 years summers here in italy

>> No.15624367
File: 186 KB, 1293x1115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, you're dodging the question about GHG emissions.
I do not dispute SO2's cooling effect.

>> No.15625556

yep, still haven't even seen 90º yet this summer

>> No.15626993
File: 68 KB, 750x462, IMG_4896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don’t

>> No.15627063
File: 74 KB, 1024x537, 1686122002082336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are volcanoes the only natural source of greenhouse gasses?
Water vapor is the only significant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere, water vapor accounts for over 99% of the greenhouse effect on Earth. CO2 is not meaningful as a greenhouse gas, if it were then Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect because Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area, but Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect. Mars also has no water vapor in it's atmosphere, Earth has a lot of water vapor in it's atmosphere, which is why Earth has a greenhouse effect and Mars does not

>> No.15627397

>most people don't pay any taxes
Not everyone's a NEET like (You), anon.
Also keep in mind he said "people" before you go on explaining certain continents and places.

>> No.15627407

Atleast make an effort to refute what he said with facts instead of kvetching.

>> No.15627936
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, IMG_0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been shown to him time to time, there’s no need to keep repeating the same responses.
The greenhouse effect happens in the atmosphere where it’s directly measured and has little to do plants
Same shot with this, people have posted the spectra from the Martian atmosphere and he keeps repeating the same falsehood that there’s no greenhouse effect on Mars

>> No.15627945
File: 213 KB, 850x611, IMG_8827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15629093

It's just both...

>> No.15631786

mars has no greenhouse effect

>> No.15633164
File: 544 KB, 1080x824, X1HY0lY1KcbH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15633235

He's a pathological liar. Or he enjoys shitty bait. Can't tell which is it.

>> No.15633243

>no links
>no dates

>> No.15633396

found the oil shill.

>> No.15633442

there's not enough oil on earth for the shit climate schizos believe in to ever be real

>> No.15633569
File: 1.30 MB, 1234x678, why do they call it oven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634059

every molecule and atom has an absorption and emission spectrum, so what?

>> No.15634999

Some of them have funky spectra that make them not behave like pure blackbodies, creating an asymmetry in the amount of absorbed and emitted radiation at the temperature that would be otherwise a point of equilibrium.
Which is exactly what "greenhouse effect" of a gas is.

>> No.15637187

Theres no such thing as a pure blackbody emitter, the blackbody is fantasy that only exists statistical mechanics. Planck's formula is plainly wrong because it includes no term of the microwave background radiation thats overlaid onto everything in this universe. the microwave background radiation itself is the only thing that exists which could ever match planck's blackbody formula closely

>> No.15638128

Ok? What are you even arguing against?

>> No.15638303

>CO2 output of humanity growing exponentially
>CO2 in atmosphere growing linearly
care to explain that?
care to explain how you know the increase in CO2 isn't due to varying input having a delayed effect on CO2 uptake?

>> No.15638504
File: 32 KB, 709x450, Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 17.58.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 output of humanity growing exponentially
Not him but that hardly looks exponential.

>> No.15638690

>volcanos, not global warming
They're clearly stating that volcanoes are causing global warming.

>> No.15638692

>>Global warming means man made anthropogenic global warming
No it doesn't. Global warming means globe gets warmer. "man made anthropogenic global warming" means men made the globe get warmer.

>> No.15638694

>humans currently release about 1.8 tons annually,
1.8 tons, globally per year? That number doesn't pass the sniff test. Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15638717

Because a link would reveal that the articles is very clearly talking about Atlantic sea level temperatures being above what even global warming predicts and is not talking about all global warming.

>> No.15638773

He's being retarded. He means 1.8 million tons. That number used to be 31 million tons in 1970. So clearly we are capable of emitting more than 1 volcano eruption a year, we just choose not to.

>> No.15638796

>Water vapor is the only significant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere, water vapor accounts for over 99% of the greenhouse effect on Earth.
so? this doesnt mean co2 cant affect climate through the greenhouse effect since its the increase in the effect that increases temperature not the percentage of the total effect that co2 causes. 99% of the effect is from water but >99.9% of the effect is just keeping earth at its current temp

>> No.15638810

Not only that but the amount of water vapor is affected by temperature so it amplifies the effect of anything that influences global temperature.

>> No.15638974

How has it been for you anons, in my town (in Finland), we had two days above 25C (actually the second day is forecasted for tomorrow)

>> No.15638986

I'm from Canada and we've had weeks straight of 35 or hotter, I have never seen anything like it in my life. I'm used to it being 20-25 during the summers and it's been consistently above 30 more than half the summer.

>> No.15639956

It's been regularly 90+ here in the Midwest

>> No.15640015

CO2 is not meaningful as a greenhouse gas, if it were then Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect because Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area, but Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, therefore CO2 cannot be a greenhouse gas

>> No.15640162

Dangerously based

>> No.15640553

no it hasn't
t. iowa

>> No.15640617
File: 184 KB, 1111x751, gretag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we really need is to set up a global speculation market for volcanic gas credits and require all white countries to buy in.

>> No.15640630

we had one 104 day in des moines a few weeks ago. Rest of the summer has been reasonably cool though, with lots of 75° days and 95°being tops. Overall a moderate summer. Barring that one day I haven't been uncomfortable.

But unlike most Iowans I'm /fit/, not covered in 40 extra lbs of lard.

Jesus fuck these human belugas keep the AC cranked up. They should all summer in the Arctic.

>> No.15640773

>receives a fraction of sunlight
>has no real atmosphere to retain heat
Martian atmosphere causes a small greenhouse effect as expected. What are you even on about.
Also what defines whether a gas is a greenhouse has is its absorbance spectrum.

>> No.15642547

>Martian atmosphere causes a small greenhouse effect as expected
it does not, the measured average surface temperature of mars is less than the calculated thermodynamic equilibrium temperature

>> No.15644234

Look at all of the """global warming"""" experts who think they're smarter than NASA.
NASA says volcanoes are responsible for hot weather, not """"global warming"""".

>> No.15645403
File: 203 KB, 956x908, imo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main contributions to the massive spike are that volcano, el nino, and the North Atlantic shipping area has massively reduced sulfur emissions over the last few years since picrel came in. Two of those should return to baseline over the next couple years but the baseline keeps moving up.

>> No.15646607

Greta and her ilk are too dumb to understand thermodynamics, thats the kind of ignorance that powers their belief in global warming

>> No.15646650

So these regulations inadvertently caused the planet to get warmer? Kek

>> No.15646674

I'm an Omahan going through the same thing.
There's not been one day this summer where I thought "Damn I wish it was December"

>> No.15647042

I am not a climate scientist so correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure the sun causes hot weather in the summer.

>> No.15647073
File: 164 KB, 1864x1042, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 6.53.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere or human emissions

>> No.15647077

Still waiting for the first day over 90º here, weather forecast says we'll be getting it next week. We normally have 25 days over 90º every summer.
t. Oregon

>> No.15647096
File: 143 KB, 1024x741, t2anom_world-wt_2023_d219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't understand the concept of local temperature and global temperature

>> No.15647105

oddly my state is in a bubble of cooler tempertures surrounded by hottness. Lucky i guess?
Usually around this time its in the 90s or 100s. Been only in the 80s this year.

>> No.15647153

I'm on the other side of the world from wherever you thought u was so actually its under my butt, idiot

>> No.15647157

and what is causing the volcano? global warming!
checkmate you fucking chuds

>> No.15647177

>the global warming institute
surely a completely unbiased and totally honest source of information

>> No.15647191

>no the website that compiles satellite observations has global warming in the name so that means the data is fake :(

>> No.15647198

Oh shit
Sorry anon, I meant no disrespect.

>> No.15647303

>Strip mining to get fossil fuels takes out a mountain every other day.
why is /sci/ the stupidest board?

>> No.15647491

>flyover state chads enjoying cooler than average summer, even as coastal faggots and the southern nigger/spic hordes are cooked alive

>> No.15647515

She literally did the opposite. It was Jindal who was whining about volcano-monitoring and Palin who slammed him into political oblivion.

>> No.15647555

CO2 is so bad at warming the planet they are now blaming cow farts, and morons like you still believe that shit.

>> No.15647856
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>> No.15648405

I think the volcano god won't stop until we deliver a Caucasian female virgin as a sacrifice...

... we are doomed, science bros.

>> No.15648893

what about previous summer, genius? WW2 shipwrecks didn't come out of the water before that.

>> No.15649892

>morons like you still believe
its irrational to expect morons to behave intelligently

>> No.15649944
File: 171 KB, 631x329, oppie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hot...
during summer?

>> No.15650569


>> No.15652159

25 EXXON coins has been deposited in your account.

>> No.15652557
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>> No.15652579
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Yes see we changed the colors to point that out chud

>> No.15653583

correct, the people who work there would all lose their jobs if they didn't find that global warming is real, so they will always use motivated reasoning to find that global warming is real because they have a financial incentive to do so

>> No.15653831

Its the coolest and rainiest summer in recent memory. Probably el nino shit

>> No.15655378

global warming is fake af

>> No.15656624
