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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 600 KB, 1170x1383, IMG_3406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15626049 No.15626049 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15626051

>no link
Kill yourself.

>> No.15626056

lmao, can mods finally permaban these retards?

>> No.15626058


>> No.15626069

we're home...

>> No.15626070


It’s real, we are back

>> No.15626074
File: 21 KB, 920x859, 6567EABF-22B9-4275-BCD3-6BC15E287AE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jiggle when it moves

>> No.15626078

so I hear that LK99 is superconducting only along a certain axis of the crystal lattice. Wouldn't that make it difficult for applications and fabrication.

I also hear the mechanism isn't from cooper pairs it is actually bi-excitons. I wonder what the implications are then.

>> No.15626081


>> No.15626147

The jiggle is bizarre. If it's not Meissner, that's a hoax. If it's Meissner, the effect is strongly biased towards one end and the repulsion is very strong. It also rotates with the magnet. If it's a hoax- at this point, wtf. Would be the end of all scientific reputibility in SK for life.

>> No.15626149

even if that's the case this would be taking the ball to the ten yard line.

>> No.15626169

Like many people I learned about most of this shit a week ago. Is there no way to create this effect with a diamagnet?

>> No.15626180


>be a reputable scientist living the life in the USA
> decide to do a hoax and send fake magnet video to nyt

Does this seem plausible to anyone? This shit is real.

>> No.15626246

Cant you even do a basic action called google?

>> No.15626294

Does it mean they would need to glue together at least 3 pieces oriented along three axis to observe something similar to anisotropic superconductivity?

>> No.15626411

Not with any diamagnetic we've ever seen before

>> No.15626428
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>> No.15626451

it's fun

>> No.15626468

I don't know why retards think superconductors can't jiggle/wiggle.

>> No.15626478
File: 91 KB, 1242x1394, 1643572869367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are two different sets of people though.
The chan is divided, and Oversissies will be crying for forgiveness

>> No.15626527

I was saying the opposite. That HAS to be Meissner aka effect of superconductivity or straight hoax because of the stabilization out of the jiggle

>> No.15626551

it would make it EXCEEDINGLY convenient for traces on chips, Josephson junctions and stuff of the same nature
you would have a pretty hard time making a coil of it, but YBCO tape is a thing so maybe not so hard

>> No.15626555


>> No.15626567

Worse, sorta, because you'd need to weave them as fibers in 3D.
But it would be enough for wires, I think.

>> No.15626572

Why is it that whenever a cool new gimmick is discovered there's an army of faggots who arrive to talk about how THAT DOESN'T COUNT IT'S NOT PRACTICAL. Bitch they can figure out later how to upscale production, step 1 is showing that it exists at all. Same deal happened in the comments of those articles about the guys who figured out how to extract static discharge from air moisture.

>> No.15626593

>invent new diamagnet just to hoax people
>invent relatively cheap manufacturing process that makes material with confusing properties just to further hoax
>write paper in word with comic sans
>suicide each other twice in the back of the head
>divert all science down a useless rabbit hole for 20 years
>le epic trollololo

>> No.15626597

How long will it take for Korea to recover from this if it turns out to be fake?

>> No.15626599
File: 204 KB, 656x679, 74rjie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I've completely lost all hope until they test the rocks the Koreans have.
It's clear that all the other teams are unable to synthesize a sample as strong and big as the one the Koreans have shown, therefore if they want to prove that it's an actual room temperature superconductor get those rocks tested, let an american team go to Korea and run everything they need to and then we'll have a definite proof.

Until then I'll believe the Koreans made a new material with some strange properties that's not a superconductor but had deluded themselves for eyars into thinking it was and now they are in denial, which is why they haven't let the rocks be tested.
Cool rock, but still not proven to be a room temperature superconductor, maybe we are close to getting one thanks to this new discovery, but until then it's just another hoax.

>> No.15626613

What was their reasoning for sitting on the discovery for 24 years?

>> No.15626632

>all the other teams are unable to synthesize a sample as strong and big as the one the Koreans have shown
Korean supremacy proven once and for all, Korea superpower 2040

>> No.15626647

They made a small sample in 1999 and then spent 10ish years (not sure how long) trying to recreate it. Ran out of money. Their original mentor died recently. They got new funding, and got successful this time.

>> No.15626649
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>What was their reasoning for sitting on the discovery for 24 years?

>> No.15626664

>got successful this time
Why isn't the prediction market at 100% then

>> No.15626669

Could the technology in this video be used to replicate this effect?
It is printable magnets that can have any combination of polarity in very close proximity and number on a single piece of metal or ceramic. I am fairly certain you could use this to replicate the effect, but it would be completely fucking retarded for scientists to do so

>> No.15626677

Successful in the sense that they felt confident enough to submit an article. There's still many ways it could out to be false.

>> No.15626700

Yes. Great job connecting some dots. That might be an explanation. I'm still in superconductor camp, but that is interesting

>> No.15626715

yes magnetic arrays can create the same effect..That's is why every demo needs to show magnet paper.

>> No.15626739

Fuck yes let's go! I've been telling eeevvveerryyone about this. This is going to change the world. Even my mom called me Lk this morning lol

>> No.15626743
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>> No.15626752

Absolutely over, its a nothingsalad

>> No.15626762

There is unironically nothing wrong with this

>> No.15626874

they needed to prevent me from finding a gf

>> No.15626893
File: 304 KB, 720x1280, 1691021477000924.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626901

we're so back

>> No.15627049

the other video was proven to be real already

>> No.15627068

LK-99 is obviously real. We are, dare I say it, back.

>> No.15627075

>title says volume up
>scroll to the end
this was made by a boomer

>> No.15627127

Holy fuck were so back bros

>> No.15627153


>> No.15627200

Assuming this isn't some deranged hoax, wouldn't the obvious answer here be that the production method is flawed and doesn't reliably produce the desired super-conducting structures?

>> No.15627229
File: 666 KB, 880x495, 751766383_goofyagain.gif.c50c3cefd1f7d240eadbc8399055cd76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this was great

>> No.15628337

are you guys being serious when you call others "oversissies", "backchads", "overcels" etc.?

>> No.15628346

Of course, everything here is dead serious. What, you don't think the room temperature superconductor is serious fucking business?

>> No.15628386

This. I literally want to commit genocide against backsissies.

>> No.15628400

It's the DB super meme from /a/. Sorry that we are so powerful and influential.

>> No.15628409

*hits bong*
overheads will get the rope
*tips fedora*

>> No.15628437

Cause it is pretty obvious they don't know exactly how to make it, they are able to make it repeatable in their lab but the difficulty of others in following their instructions means there is something undocumented in their procedure which is actually making it work they just don't know what inane innocuous step they are doing is actually crucial. (assuming it isn't a hoax etc etc)

>> No.15628457
File: 61 KB, 471x714, Aeolipile_illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok maybe the thing rotates on its own, but it's useless

>> No.15628463

this would seem like bigger proof of aliens to me

purposefully changing our research when we get close to some discovery

>> No.15628475
File: 77 KB, 872x872, 1673619128432365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way I can bet with real money if if its over or if We're back? I think we should all pool our money and bet on it

>> No.15628481


>> No.15628515

This. It's meaningless. It's all just so meaningless. This will never help me become an actual woman, so who even gives a shit about this inapplicable magnetic rock or whatever the Hell it is.

>> No.15628617
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1666333128994172s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just here because of its overback posting i don't give a shit about magnets

>> No.15628681

i cannot wait until this tranny fad is ov3r.

>> No.15628702

>superconductors RTAP are real
>OR South Korea's reputation will be destroyed forever
Win win for humanity

>> No.15628808

i hope this means kdrama and kpop will be mocked forever and be deleted from the internet

>> No.15628946

>sent the video to the New York Times
Holy fucking shit. They're so confident they want it on the frontpage of mainstream press.

>> No.15628955

>broke a glass tube when making LK-99

>> No.15629149

It's a pretty obscure piece. Superconductivity isn't supposed to be this hard for people to grasp.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the sus possibilities waiting for the woke virus. I don't want to get hit with anything unexpected, there's only so much you can do to try and replicate a result like this, and I'm still fucking confused as to what exactly these goobers are trying to actually replicate. What results are they so strung up on they can't get physical verifiable proof of?

>> No.15629363
File: 413 KB, 500x281, compensation_thought_that_counts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a real nigga hour promise and you can't get it. It's a potential recipe for a biotech virus.

>> No.15629518

Overchads just cannot lose. Think about it:

>if it's actually over
We powned those gay backsisters

>if it's not
We get to enjoy a superconductor

It's like betting money against your team, win-win situation

>> No.15629540

Overcels can't enjoy anything.

>> No.15629551

Being a backsister is suffering. Come to the winning team, faggot.

>> No.15629572

Overqueers never win - even in victory they just stew in a puddle of their own seething.
In the case that it's all a big meme:
"Oh well, we'll get it next time!"
"Life is pain, don't you get that? Nothing good ever happens. Give up."

>> No.15630901
File: 1.72 MB, 800x843, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes it does roll in a straight line but, it's useless

>> No.15630906

>Gives sample to media
>But not to actual scientists
Elizabeth Holmes is going to deliver on those blood tests any day now!

>> No.15630919
File: 23 KB, 666x293, 005501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15631370

>the great cope
Look at all these losers being so sour lol.

>> No.15631550

The need to immediately share oppions about everything on Twitter just makes people look like idots constantly

>> No.15631591
File: 293 KB, 970x800, LK99 Success.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15631620

other people report it at 110 kelvin, you've gone back and now the cope is 5?
what next

>> No.15631802

>meter showing humidity but not pressure
Probably done in 1000000 atms, fake.

>> No.15631817

Because it took them 20 years to even replicate the initial accident and even then they only went public after a colleague essentially leaked the paper. They understood that it was not yet time for publication

>> No.15631827

Koreans invented superhumans

>> No.15632447

You cant prove something that isnt real

>> No.15632471
File: 365 KB, 2733x2567, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stands in your path

>> No.15632519

the final +1 at the 3rd line is redundant

>> No.15632540

Liquid and pcs

>> No.15632632

nigga wat?

>> No.15632647

trust the science

>> No.15632653

the line where it becomes 1 + (-1 + 1) is just the exact same line with the position of the parentheses moved
this proof is unquestionable

>> No.15632656

0=1 when you just add a 1 to only one side without justifying it, yes.

>> No.15632673

Bro what, this has to be the first time I ever got trolled cus I trully dont know if your serious or joking

>> No.15633062
File: 177 KB, 1080x1650, 1691186023809553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 1 Dimensional superconductor and only exhibits magnetic field rejection when the magnetic flux is perpendicular to superconductor Pathways this explains why no matter how strong the diamagnetic effect is it won't lift its tail from the ground, it will lift itself upright until the ever increasing magnetic flux permeability caused by aligning it's superconductor Pathways results in enough dead weight it can no longer lift itself, resulting in a slant.

>> No.15633140

That kind of material is useless for the applications we need it for. We need 3 dimensional.

>> No.15634182

I am entirely okay with directional room temp superconductivity.
It's not like maglev is anything other than a meme anyways, people will still just fly

>> No.15634537

obviously you can form this 1d stuff into a loop

>> No.15634543

You can still make Josephson junctions with 1d, I would be happy to have a 1THz CPU desu

>> No.15634551

HOLY SHIT ITS ACTUALY WORKING https://twitter.com/PatrickJBlum/status/1687528217165578240

>> No.15634557

what is the point of this?
it's not funny at all
why would you just inject noise into a conversation like that?

>> No.15634565


get in!

>> No.15634570

>see anime girl figure
what did they mean by this

>> No.15634577

The only reason we’re on 4chan is for the lulz
Fake info repels redditors and normies since they share what they read here which if fake hurts their ego and embarrass them, making them leave.
It’s a win win

>> No.15634580

I guess its some sort of korean meme or something but >>15634567

>> No.15634582

that's a fucking hilarious stirling

>> No.15634586

I am retarded. is this shit going to start or what I need to sleep obviously

>> No.15634590

>it recognized anya and what it's referencing

>> No.15634621

>just have to stay tuned in case of the 1% chance their samples are real RTSC
it's like gambling

>> No.15634970

You can't move infinitely many parentheses at once. Any finite movement will leave the sum the same.

>> No.15636922

this is not lulzworthy
lebbitors live very happily in a world made of fake, it's not a deterrent to them
come to think of it, you may be one yourself

>> No.15637191
File: 103 KB, 402x398, 1650180647131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>anisotropic superconductivity



>super-conducting structures

>1 dimensional superconductor, magnetic flux, supercoductor pathways, diamagnetic, flux permeability

none of the people I quoted ever had sex

>> No.15637240
File: 85 KB, 870x763, 15637191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that's kinda creepy. How could you tell?

>> No.15637301

Is that you floates?

>> No.15637311
File: 75 KB, 805x699, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg... we should kiss

>> No.15637314
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>> No.15637354

Ah. So you see the flaw with your proof, then, is that at the end of your '...' needs to be a -1, as after any amount of shifted parenthesis pairs (such as all of them) there will be a free floating -1. Unlike with a repeating decimal this value at the end of infinity must be accounted for because it isn't infinitely insignificant.

>> No.15637406

all superconductors jiggle when poked.

>> No.15637412

>magnet is labeled Z
wait a second, you're russian!

>> No.15637418

>('free speech')
ugh, I can't believe people are allowed to just talk about things without a license

>> No.15637472

They were in the process of writing an article, they weren't ready yet. A guy they fired a few months ago stuck his name on an old draft and submitted it on his own.

>> No.15637485

>Aliens fucking with our experimental physics to hinder pur progress
Just like in my Chinese science fiction stories

>> No.15637491

Look up prediction markets

>> No.15637503

>Wouldn't that make it difficult for applications and fabrication.
If that's the case, magnetic fields would exert torque on unaligned domains, so it should be relatively straightforward to create a tape or wire or whatever with all the superconducting bits aligned along a single axis. An extra step, sure, but hardly a dealbreaker for practicality.

>> No.15637591

I wonder if cooling it in a particular magnetic field would actually be a way to produce better samples at this stage.

>> No.15637624



>> No.15637626

Can anyone explain to me how floating metal make computer better? What would a superconducting graphics card look like?

>> No.15637641

Quite honestly anon, there's not really any hope explaining it to you. It's likely you won't understand the answer or any of the foundations the answer is based on, so at this point I would ask you to relax your mind and wait for the future.

>> No.15637646

if you can't answer why bother replying

>> No.15637658

He asked if anyone could explain it to him specifically, not whether anyone could explain it. It's an important distinction that I think is important to keep in mind. It's not his fault, I couldn't explain it to a bird either, they are simply not equipped with the mechanisms necessary to understand the information.

>> No.15637660

its okay if you dont know you dont need to be a faggot about it

>> No.15637701

8k 120fps with ray tracing.

>> No.15637706

fuck you faggot. shit scared me

>> No.15637711
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>> No.15637735

I am a magnet lolololo I tarded

>Jokes on you I was just pretending

>> No.15637736

Are u a fag git

>> No.15637739


>> No.15637933

Imagine what they will accomplish once they understand the power of Love.

>> No.15639616

>we're back = +
>it's over = -

>overbros, it's over = +
>backbros, we're back = +
>overbros, we're back = -
>backbros, it's over = -

>> No.15639630

Humans are 1-corner beings
(1-corner face 4-corner head)
who rotate 4-corner lifetimes:
baby, child, parent, g-parent.
Time Cube debunks god lies.
Evil people deny Time Cube.
Educators are flat-out liars.
Evil media hides Time Cube.
-1 x -1=+1 is stupid and evil.
Word worship equates to evil.
Bible induces a barren Earth.
Evil 1 day Biblekills children.