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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 498 KB, 1448x710, iriseee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15624506 No.15624506 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15624517

its completely over and finished this time

>> No.15624521

None of those are valid
Waiting for a western one

>> No.15624526

It's so fucking over

>> No.15624530

>no timestamp
FUD post

>> No.15624542

lol real scientists in the west already know it's a scam. They didn't even bother testing it.

>> No.15624545

Exactly. Still waiting for the someone to invent a room temperature superconductor in the west

>> No.15624547

There is one being posted live from Prague


We will know in a few days, it's baking rn

>> No.15624550

It's so over

>> No.15624552

So they recorded superconductivity. We're so fucking back

>> No.15624556

Thunderfoot won

>> No.15624559

No. When plotted on a linear scale, the "transition" is continuous, not sudden as it should be

Somebody posted it on twitter

>> No.15624563

It's really fucking over...

>> No.15624566

yeah, the 110k fud worked really well, i think it's unironically over now

>> No.15624569

It should have been immediately obvious it was a scam.

>Group of no names with no credible history.
>Paper uploaded twice to different journals within hours of each other?
>One of the authors seems to be literally unemployed after recently being fired from university
>Paper figures don't even show what it is claimed in the title
>All the evidence comes not from the data in the paper, but rather from a low quality pixelated video circulating on Chinese social media

>> No.15624570

>so it's been half a week and nobody replicated therefore it's clearly not real

>> No.15624573



>> No.15624576
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 1627628774206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the korean team just had a structural fluke that happened to work, and the MIT guys heading over will be able to work out why their sample is different to all of the reproductions and then we can reproduce that instead

>> No.15624578

Not even the original authors have shown its real. Their figure does not clearly show zero resistivity.

>> No.15624582

But what's the endgame here?
Why would they lie about such a thing?
The only possible outcome to falsifying this is irrevocably destroying their own career.

>> No.15624583

They're retards. They don't know much about the field.

>> No.15624587

You will be tagged and observed if you continue.

>> No.15624598

>the west

>> No.15624600


>> No.15624603

1. They seem to be actual retards. None of them have ever published anything of note.

2. The one who uploaded the paper is the one who was fired and is unemployed. So his career is already in the shitter. He is probably trying to fake his way out of it.

3. You can rack up a lot of money by lying before caught. Look at Elizabeth Holmes. All they have to do is keep saying everyone else is replicating their material wrong, while posting fake data and fake videos to social media. There will be investors who will gamble on them.

>> No.15624606

>trusting locust "scientists"


if may be a dud, but at least wait for non-garbage countries to report it

>> No.15624608

overbros... we're back

>> No.15624609

r*ssian moment

>> No.15624610

So you trust the original locusts but not the subsequent ones? Seoul is quite close to Beijing

>> No.15624615



Chinese sell fake baby formula, gutter oil and gold. They also eat dog. I don't trust science from people who dogs.

>> No.15624616

Why do the sceptics or believers post in these threads? There is literally nothing that talking about this achieves. Both sides will just wait it out and look at the replications

>> No.15624625


5th generational warfare. look it up.

Any lie from china that waste our resources is a win for them. Direct response to recent missile funding for taiwan.

Or it's real an i apologize.

>> No.15624632

Ever been to a sports game? I'm team "it's over" and I just enjoy bantz on the we're back fags

>> No.15624635

gooks are better than mainland chinks, even non-mainland chinks are better than mainlanders. china is a special form of hell

>> No.15624637

You have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.15624645

>t. we're back boy

C'mon it's overland, SCORE SOME FUCKING GOALS

>> No.15624647

who dogs what

>> No.15624653

It’s already measuring 0 resistance at a higher temperature than ever before ;)

>> No.15624661

see >>15624559 and >>15624573

>> No.15624671
File: 1022 KB, 1242x1592, 1B5C8F61-7C33-477C-8707-08004B5F07D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely source. Tweet deleted as well. It’s measuring zero resistance at higher temperatures than ever before. Any other things you’d like to try?

>> No.15624678

Backbros... I could use some copium right about now.

>> No.15624681

Not really. Look at their chart again. Its not zero. Its 10^-7 ohm, which is worse than copper. This thing isn't a superconductor at any temperature.

>> No.15624686

I laugh at the /pol/tards here with their Shtick

>muuuh China

You aren't getting bored of yourselves? Pathetic

>> No.15624688

Wait for tomorrow... One of my source is saying that something will happen.

>> No.15624689

post eyes

>> No.15624692

>Any other things you’d like to try?
I don't need to, but you can do the replotting yourself if you don't believe.

IT'S OVER, fag

>> No.15624696

Yes, I have normal functioning eyes, albeit short sighted due glaring at the monitor for decades half the day every day.

Thanks for the concern

>> No.15624707

china dog science

>> No.15624710

I raugh at the /por/talds here with their Shtick

>muuuh China

You alen't getting boled of youlserves? Pathetic

>> No.15624717

>people thinking it's over
The inconsistent replication result says volumes for itself

>> No.15624725


>> No.15624726

If the rock floats then how the fuck is it not a superconductor?

>> No.15624727

So the score right now is

Evidence that it is fake: Every single person who has tried to replicate it.

Evidence that it is real: A short pixelated video shared on Chinese TikTok.


>> No.15624728

I still believe

>> No.15624729
File: 149 KB, 550x700, Diamagnetic_graphite_levitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamagnetism. There are plenty of room temperature diamagnetic materials known.

>> No.15624731

Not really. The only people claiming zero resistivity are the Southeast China people, and their chart is all sorts of fucked up and looks more like they have probe issues than anything. They see zero resistivity because they probably had zero current when their probe died.

>> No.15624737

I wasn't referring to that. I was talking about the zero diamagnetism vs diamagnetism, no levitation vs levitation
Something is going on there at least. How can I trust anyone trying to make a final verdict when they can't even get consistent effects?

>> No.15624739

Bohemia is as central European as it gets

>> No.15624745

>posts the only one
>it works nothing like the samples seen, being multiple magnets to stabilize and is all wobbly
"It's just diamagnetism" has become the ultimate midwit catchphrase

>> No.15624760

These experiments prove that the world does not need the West for scientific advancement.

>> No.15624764

>If it floats, then it must be a superconductor
*posts example of floating rock that isn't a superconductor*

>> No.15624766


>> No.15624768

>central European
No such thing. It's either western or eastern Europe. Been that way since 1945

Love Czech Rep. and it's people, btw.

>> No.15624772

The sword cuts both ways, if we can't trust the Chinese to measure resistivity accurately, then we can't trust them to have replicated the material properly

>> No.15624773
File: 4 KB, 284x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the spectrographic properties of LK-99 published anywhere? What are the chances that Oumuamua could have been made from LK-99?

>> No.15624778

The Chinese were the only ones to send aircraft to the Moon and Mars on this side of 2000. They can't all be fake. You are just a coping Westerner.

>> No.15624781

two more weeks

>> No.15624788
File: 328 KB, 1280x1369, Iron_Curtain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red countries on this map are Eastern Europe.

>> No.15624790

Once East Asia masters this new technology, they will be free from the oppressive yoke of the United States and ready for revenge.

>> No.15624799
File: 116 KB, 740x920, F0FE0ECF-C7C3-4485-81D7-447A85FE60F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be board tourist nigger
>see viral barista on twitter say a new miracle material is easy to make!!!1!1!111
>instantly assume materials science research can happen in less than 3 days
>get mad when they realize it can, and always has, taken months or years to resear hand verify studies
lmao, pseud board tourist niggers deserve death
even Cuprates took years to become establish back in the 80s, and those actually work

>> No.15624807

can't wait to see them using flying swords

>> No.15624812

can you find the contradiction in this post?

>> No.15624815

The procedure to make this thing is taking two powders and putting them in a fucking oven for 1 day, it's not an exotic structure to be crafted with STM

>> No.15624833
File: 169 KB, 1080x1041, F2m0TfVakAIW1Y7.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. He's already moving on to his next scam

>> No.15624843

massive red flag

>> No.15624846



>> No.15624847

Haha.. No one here ACTALLY believed this, right? What will you they think of next..

>> No.15624852

You are on /sci/. The least skeptical board on all of 4chan. Of course retards believed. The same ones that though ouamuamua was an alien space ship, and that the Covid vax was safe and effective.

>> No.15624855

It's so fucking over

>> No.15624864
File: 45 KB, 693x561, FrEBdUaXgAA7lA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck sell it all NOW

>> No.15624866

>Yes I just discovered the most important material in the last century
>No don't have time to demonstrate it without doubt, I've got better things to do buddy

Not only he's a scammer, he's an incapable and retarded one.

>> No.15624878

But if they don't shitpost, the other group can do it with impunity!

>> No.15624881

It's completely over. Room temperature ambient pressure superconductors are probably not even possible.

>> No.15624885
File: 301 KB, 901x804, LK-99 conversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Results might be spotty because if superconductor itself is spotty. If the copper atoms don't always line up in the same pattern, there might be regions with different critical temperatures plus a lot of insulating material too.
Things that could be explained by patchy superconductivity:
-Flat heat capacity graph (big if true)
-Slow switchoff of superconductivity / slow rise of resistivity
-Resistances being not quite zero (weird boundary effects between patches?)
-Sudden jumps in the resistivity graph when nonzero (they accidentally moved the needle to another patch with different pathways connecting to it)
-Widespread failures to reproduce results, and different results from teams that claimed some success
-Weak levitation
-Low maximum current
-Best results from smallest samples
-Controversies surrounding the original study
-Original team not giving samples and not being able to reproduce a sample from 1999
-Not publishing measurements above 400K

>> No.15624886

Guess they’ve shifted to LK23.

>> No.15624888

Welcome to the internet, kind stranger.
You're witnessing your first maymay

>> No.15624889

You are now in the stage of grief: bargaining.

>> No.15624891

The upper part of the thumbnail looks like a pair of shorts with thick thighs

Yes, I need help

>> No.15624893
File: 92 KB, 603x463, LK-99 Chinese resistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the weird Chinese graph for reference

>> No.15624896
File: 221 KB, 1874x995, were_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15624897
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, PIA23764-RoverNamePlateonMars-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.15624898
File: 582 KB, 1244x1000, new hopium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15624900

>we've spent 24 years perfecting this material and its synthesis, which is remarkably simple
>we base all of our reasoning on its precise crystal structure
>what we actually get is patches of random shit

hmm ok

>> No.15624905

imagine the smelle

>> No.15624907

>posts something that neither explains nor matches the sample behavior
fucking moron

>> No.15624909

I though it was over but we are reaching new levels of over

>> No.15624910

Re-producing material from a paper is notoriously hard. The conditions in one lab's process will be entirely different than another's. Even MIT material science papers are known to have problems with this

>> No.15624912

Trust the plan anon

>> No.15624914

>original scientists are refusing to do more work to replicate their own study
>ohhh uuhh were too busy with another study to bother with the biggest discovery of the 21st century
yeah im thinking its joeover

>> No.15624918

You all are just incapable of understanding the true basedness of Mr. Kim. He has already started work on room temperature fusion

>> No.15624923

I think the original scientist was basically very lucky they manage to make LK-99. It was an accident that they haven't manage to replicate. That's why they are moving on to something new. It would basically be the same shit but a bit different.

>> No.15624930

for his sake, I really hope his room doesn't happen to be conveniently located directly in the core of the sun

>> No.15624933
File: 44 KB, 150x150, 1684159502214671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was an accident that they haven't manage to replicate
So they released the research so actual competent people could bring us RTSC?
BASED. We are so fucking back, boys!

>> No.15624934

Maybe the original team couldn't reproduce some weird result that didn't look like perfect superconductivity so they put the stuff on the shelf. Came back to it years later. They might have suspected what was going on, or maybe not, but the guy who went rogue and submitted the paper to arxiv seems to have left crucial things out. He might have hoped worldwide attention would be enough to solve these problems or at least salvage his career or get him a quick fix of money, IDK.
And with all this attention, someone might come up with a better material.

Still Schrodinger's superconductor.

>> No.15624941

now that it's officially over, can we PLEASE get some wojaks going to take the piss out of the hopium faggots?

>> No.15624942

Hive mind?

>> No.15624949

>That's why they are moving on to something new.
ahuh, is that also why they refuse to share what they made for others to study? This is copium on a new level.

you will never have a hoverboard.

>> No.15624951

I don't know about the rogue scientist intention but basically that's what we are getting. The science shows that it is possible.

>> No.15624953

Authors opened up a new crypto currency. If it reaches 1 million dollars they will replicate

>> No.15624956
File: 875 KB, 2632x1974, 1690842107120862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK-99 may have been a scam but maybe Taj Quantum is the real deal.

>> No.15624963

the best thing that will come out of this is that the science world has been reminded that this is a literal goldmine waiting to be discovered. Rather than being treated as an unreachable far future tech you might get some (actually credible) people actually trying to make breakthroughs.

>> No.15624965

As if the doomers haven't been doing that the whole time

>> No.15624967

what? Everyone and their sister has been working on superconductors for like 60 years at this point

>> No.15624974

When I look at these replication attempts it's like dice rolling in an RPG.
20 - strong diamagnet, superconductor below 100 Kelvins.
10-19 - diamagnet
2-9 - weak diamagnet
1 - epic fail - paramagnetic insulator

>> No.15624975

And failing miserably. It's not a gold mine, it's a money pit.

>> No.15624978

Anyone does it the alchemist way?

>> No.15624980

Your fault. You did not believe enough! I sentence the sci-inquisition to hold you, and let them force you to watch more popsci documents.

>> No.15624989

The guy who reported "zero resistance" is a retard, the lowest it got was 10^-6 ohm M, higher than regular lead.

>> No.15624991

Lel no. It's back on the AI hype train for investors

>> No.15624993

>billions more are going to be invested into this pointless shit now rather than actual helpful science
it's so fucking over and it's going to keep be over till it's over

>> No.15625016

It better not be something I can find about misdirection in the art of war

>> No.15625020

We never left

>> No.15625023

Nobody will take superconductor research seriously after this disaster.

>> No.15625039

you mean throwing random shit together? Yes, that has been the main route of discovery for experimentalists

>> No.15625065

>1/3 of germany is eastern europe

>> No.15625099

It actually is. Just visit it, strong eastern vibes

>> No.15625109

opinion discarded.

>> No.15625116

>from my Android

>> No.15625121

i believe it's not a scam now, scammers aren't this dumb and clueless

>> No.15625124

Below 100,000 what, though?

>> No.15625135

Fuck. It really is over. Over bros you won this time.

>> No.15625137

A wikipedia screencap? Guess that settles the matter.

>> No.15625166

the dream is over
now I go back to my cave

>> No.15625170

>*from my HarmonyOS device

>> No.15625181
File: 69 KB, 991x471, 442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polymarketbros we are in freefall.

>> No.15625188

Post the prediction market trend, I'm curious

>> No.15625189

Do they confirm that every drops to 0ohm for real? 10*-7ohm resistance is still very large, especially if the tiny rock in that pic is their sample. That would make this an extremely shitty conductor.

>> No.15625197

That's retarded. This would make them billionaires and get them a Nobel prize. If they truly believed their data, they would spend the rest of their lives trying to reproduce it.

>> No.15625202

allegedly they spent 23 years trying to make it at all, but only seriously trying for the last 5

>> No.15625213
File: 53 KB, 735x873, 1686075156220500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this real

>> No.15625215

LK99bros…we got cocky

>> No.15625221

Post the original Korean source.

>> No.15625228
File: 141 KB, 1242x1242, F2nczTDWwAAA8AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomerbros we profited big

>> No.15625239

I never said they aren't trying to produce something similar. It's just that it won't be LK-99. They gave up on that one.

>> No.15625243

So they spent 23 years working on it, finally made it levitate, posted the video online, and then decided to give up and work on a different project? C'mon man. This whole thing smells like a scam.

>> No.15625249
File: 26 KB, 793x314, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.15625255

Okay well this was fun. Next shitposting topic? Back to ziggers vs hohols?

>> No.15625260

>posting fake screenshots
doomerbros we are better than this

>> No.15625263
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x1126, 1687209591301388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the post science era lads.

>> No.15625264

I'm not saying what they did lol, I'm just repeating their weird suspicious claim

>> No.15625283
File: 239 KB, 100x104, OK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the butthurt russians and poltards when we start sending LK-99 driven gauss weapons to ukraine

>> No.15625289

just give it up already lose, its over

>> No.15625295


>> No.15625297
File: 140 KB, 1080x1299, 1686997210682064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-we will be back! just you wait

>> No.15625312
File: 811 KB, 360x640, 1680013206339050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625316

I'm inclined to think there is more to the situation than frog and soijak "its le over" niggers. The fact that all the results so far has been inconsistent and the simulation done at Berkeley more or less confirms the partially successful one is a good sign they are off the mark but close.
Being dismissive isn't "skepticism." It hasn't even been a week to say anything definitive.

>> No.15625325
File: 227 KB, 720x720, tb9t7y.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me what's indicating "it's over" again?

>> No.15625329
File: 65 KB, 500x356, 1664703088612943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15625331

Russian tranny appears to be working with a team?
It will be the funniest timeline if this is where the real breakthrough happens


>> No.15625332

Sourceless screenshot.

>> No.15625334

idk it just says there's less than 100,000 of something but doesn't say what.

>> No.15625336

I didn't even notice the fucking shoes. But you're right

>> No.15625353
File: 72 KB, 600x446, impure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625360

There is no partially successful one. The "zero resistance" paper shows 10^-6 ohm M, worse than regular lead.

>> No.15625391

I've seen this statement attached to a frogpost once so I safely assume it's false.

>> No.15625399

Bro, let it go. Or read some books and papers about this topic, then you won't need to "believe" or "suspect", it's in fucking plaid sight

>> No.15625402




We're so fucking back

>> No.15625415

ching chong ping pong to you too buddy

>> No.15625418

Sounds like damage control copium of the finest kind

>> No.15625419

oh my god wong tong phong tong
We're back

>> No.15625422


>> No.15625425
File: 1.35 MB, 545x875, 1678266364469282.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625438
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1589335903982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ching chong ping pong wong tong phong tong
>we're back

>> No.15625440

That's sad

>> No.15625444

i came a little

>> No.15625446

I haven't put any money on this so I have nothing to "let go". We are all waiting for verification which will take longer than 3 days and more than a handful of negatives from chinks and pajeets.
Back and overfags are just trying to pump their bets. Why else would you be this hellbent on trying to influence opinion of people whose opinions literally don't matter? At least backfags are optimisitic about something that will benefit all of us.

>> No.15625453
File: 2.47 MB, 640x1136, 1690407771029657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625500


some random guy claimed he done it

>> No.15625503

>Suck 800000 sweaty dicks and cum (who else would apply to be forced to kiss someone on camera)
>Act repulsed by a seemingly clean not-so-fat-by-us-standards guy
They really don't see some guys as humans
She deserves a beating for being disrespectful and a whote
He deserves a beating for being fat and being so beta that he doesn't dare grab her firmly instead of hovering her arms while licking her lips (!)

>> No.15625515

FUCK why is every VIDEO "showing" MESINESIER effect moving the MAGNET?!?
WHY not moving the PINNED lk-99 poking it with SOMETHING?
IF you move the MAGNET you get something INDISTINGUISHABLE from ferromagnetic BEHAVIOR moreso if you DON'T show the MAGNET.
NOW moving the MATERIAL while the magnet is STILL would undoubtedly PROVE mesiseneier effect.

>> No.15625519

Skeleton tier physique and a terrible sense of fashion. That sweater is not cute.

>> No.15625521

It's cause it's a fucking diamagnet

>> No.15625528

Also completely fake face. Once you've seen enough asian makeup videos you know when a pressure garden hose would uncover a whole ass different person, maybe a granny, maybe a guy, everything is possible. Even her teeth look fake.

>> No.15625537

I'm starting to think it is, not even the first video or pic looked like pinning

>> No.15625551

Exactly, it warped around the magnetic fields, only staying in place at all because part of it was not magnetic at all and physically touched the magnet, acting as an anchor via friction.

>> No.15625559

Lmao they always claim they're going to bed when asked for more

>> No.15625616
File: 2.86 MB, 288x512, 1679813608133125.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15625620

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15625622

Why are you posting this horseshit

>> No.15625629


>> No.15625636

There is nothing more to discuss, it's over but we still gotta fill the thread limit

>> No.15625637

>no meissner effect
Lets see after couple of years

>> No.15625650

What happened, hopetards?

>> No.15625659

I'm still here

>> No.15625660

Still here. It's not called hope when you know it's true through

>> No.15625662

meissner effect can only exist after 0 resistance has been proven

>> No.15625665

How do you "know" it's true when nobody has demonstrated superior conductivity to lead?

>> No.15625669

Not true

>> No.15625672
File: 188 KB, 544x479, d8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.15625678

Not an argument. The only lab that claimed to have shown 0 resistivity actually showed higher resistance than lead. Now, that could have been due to using shitty chink equipment, but if it can't distinguish between normal metal and a super conductor, it's still not evidence of super conductivity.

>> No.15625679

we're still here, on life support. its hard being a hopechud these days... the doomsisters are probably going to get what they want though. another 1000 years in the dark.

>> No.15625686

Gut feeling. Made my bloodline survive till today, must be right

>> No.15625687

lead is a superconductor at extremely low temps

>> No.15625688

The Lamborghini stands for the superconductor, the bus for the hoverboard. And the bitch.. is just a bitch, retard.

>> No.15625695
File: 2.58 MB, 983x1720, ComfyUI_02769_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW white boy can't make little rocks levitate

>> No.15625711

this is also extremely dysgenic to hopetards lol
Lead superconductivity is probably only modified to be a warmer cryogenic at best

>> No.15625715

>Looks up JPL personnel
>It's all chinks
I will concede that western Chinese are probably smarter than their eastern counterparts

>> No.15625719

This is a summary of the 110K find. It's talking about critical magnetic field strength, current limits, and obviously critical temp. It mentions the theory and mechanism and how it plays a role. It finishes by saying that while obviously so far the replication not being room temp, this is promising because there's so much room for improvement.

This could easily be a 4chan post afaik. There's no real news on it

>> No.15625724

Plus the paper being described does not even demonstrate super conductivity. It shows a critical temperature of 110K, but it's a critical temperature between insulation and typical lead conductivity, not super conductivity.

>> No.15625761

No, doomerfaggot, LK99 is promising. You guys can't read graphs and don't have a clue on how the test equipment works

>> No.15625765

Me on the right

>> No.15625772

Explain how 10^-6 ohm M is super conductivity

>> No.15625775

bad bait, try again

>> No.15625781

>says frogposting
please leave tourist

>> No.15625788

holy kek, she is using a face filter, wait for when she turns around

>> No.15625794

Tell us more about measurement uncertainty and the amount of current you need to push to measure beyond six decimals
I'll wait

>> No.15625824

If the instrument is not precise enough to distinguish between zero resistance and normal metal resistance then how the fuck can you use it to prove super conductivity?

>> No.15625828

Mostly still hanging on to the simulation papers that say in theory a 2D lattice of copper and lead could create a superconductor at room temp.
That is essentially the base for hope in general. That the theory works out, and now we have to figure out if these Koreans actually made it.

>> No.15625831
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1000, if only you knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only you knew how bad things really are
watch the video again, she is using a filter on her face. You can see it when she turns around

>> No.15625845
File: 904 KB, 1310x1634, Screenshot from 2023-08-03 14-04-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all chinks
>literally one
Did you think I just wouldn't look it up?

>> No.15625857

there is no instrument that is precise enough to measure 0 resistance, so at best you can have an interval going from 0 to the instrument's precision. Same as you can't prove that something is exactly 1 meter long and not some extremely small distance bigger.

>> No.15625859

A full day without new Chinese replications or hopium. It’s over

>> No.15625873
File: 580 KB, 495x624, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CHADdoc making the THEORYcells seeth hard

>discover superconductor
>gotta go baby have to discover new ones magic materials


>> No.15625898

I'm not asking for literally zero resistance, I'm asking for a reading that's lower than the constituent materials. If your instrument cannot detect resistance lower than that of lead, it cannot be used to distinguish between lead and a lead-based superconductor. And we know such instrumentation exists to allow for this experiment. Copper, silver, and graphene all have well demonstrated RT resistances on the order of 10^-8 ohm M. Cyrogenic (~1K) aluminum has a measured resistance of <2.5*10^-25 ohm M. But this chink's machine can't get lower than 10^-6? What the fuck do you think you're proving?

>> No.15625904

video circulating anons claim from 110K team

>> No.15625911

He's letting the bean counters crunch numbers and the lab monkeys cook up the rock that proves him right. Now he's off to find the next piece of the magnum opus. Chad alchemists win again.

>> No.15625972

RTAPSC research will become radioactive
for investors for the next 20 years at least. With gooks you lose

>> No.15625975

Jump scare

>> No.15626037

one might think /pol/ doesn't send their best.

one would be incorrect; these retards really are the best /pol/ can do.

>but it's pro-China
/pol/ is 80%+ third worlders blaming whites for all their problems and cheering for "replacement" because they see it as their only hope for improving their shitholes (realistically, by making everywhere else worse, so they aren't as shamefully bad by comparison), rather than... y'know... doing something about the problems in their shitholes themselves. the white supremacists are legitimately a minority on /pol/. the image is skewed because no terminally online white urban progressive woman complaining about /pol/ on a shitty blog with 4 readers (one of which is the single thirdie lulcowing her on /pol/) is going to be able to comprehend just how racist brown people can be - or how often that racism manifests as jealous rage from a legitimate inferiority complex to white people (as a white person, i've never been able to understand why that happens, but i can't ignore what i've seen thirdies say about themselves). i guess in that sense... well, yeah it is kinda white supremacist. from nonwhites. nonwhite white supremacists. it's baffling to me.

reminds me of driving through the side roads in my state on the way to the coast and seeing a black man lounging with a drink on his porch with a confederate flag hung from the railing. then again, maybe he was just some chad taking the piss

>> No.15626046

>and seeing a black man lounging with a drink on his porch with a confederate flag hung from the railing
Or he sees the flag as a heritage thing and not a representation of southern racism, like most southern people do, and have told you retarded coasters 1000 times

>> No.15626102

I would be disappointed if it was fake, but also glad because Koreans are insufferable and already love to claim they invented everything. Imagine if they actually did end up inventing something this significant. You would never hear the end of it.

>> No.15626123

I heard we're back again?

>> No.15626173
File: 462 KB, 840x859, 1675718593575137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Now I've heard it too!


>> No.15626177

it's not fucking over and I am going long

>> No.15626193
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, IT FLOATS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626206

What do they claim to have invented?

>> No.15626208

>clearly touching the surface

>> No.15626211

>It's not a diamagnet I swear
>Please ignore that I refuse to show the piece can move around freely on the magnet and won't be repulsed by field lines
>Please ignore that part of the material is not magnetic and thus holding the pellet in place.

>> No.15626215

Basically everything.

>> No.15626219

That's a somewhat big piece. Why don't they just smash it and separate the actually superconductive part?

>> No.15626227

Such as?

>> No.15626229


>> No.15626232

The concept proposed by the original pre-prints is that it functions via locking in internal pressures developed during crystalization. Breaking the piece would relieve those pressures.

>> No.15626262

Everything Chinese ever invented.

>> No.15626266

Such as?

>> No.15626281

Lunar New Year for starters. Lunar calendar as a guide for farming seasons only works in North China plain

>> No.15626284

Lol don't tell me that you are the type that believes "Koreans claim Confucius is Korean" crap.

>> No.15626285

The stuff on the flag of south korea. Yes they are all Chinese shits.

>> No.15626286

It is better to be notorious than to be irrelevant.

>> No.15626287


>> No.15626290

troll posts

>> No.15626305


Lol, contrary to lies on Chinese websites, no sane Korean claims that

>> No.15626306

Not an argument

>> No.15626307

lmao I knew you were Chinese. Keep drinking your motherland's propaganda like dumb sheep. Your country and people are the most hated in the world. Think why.

>> No.15626309

Lol citing Netuyo shit

>> No.15626310

Also the Dragon Boat Festival, which originated from Minh Viet traditions of throwing rice balls into rivers. Minh Viet people got genocided by the Han dynasty and Han people inherited the tradition. It has nothing to do with Koreans

>> No.15626317

Lol 99% of Koreans don't know what the Dragon Boat Festival is, why would they claim it? Do you also believe that Koreans are so poor that they can't eat meat?

>> No.15626321

That's Japanese wikipedia. But Chang has documented their delusions as well. Here are some good ones.

>The Korean Institute of Major Languages maintains that all languages in the world are derived from Korean
>Professor Sun Chengtai from the Department of Spanish and Central and South America at Baejae University in South Korea advocated that the Korean nation crossed the Bering Sea before BC and established the Aztec civilization and the Inca civilization.
>According to the " History of the Great Korean Empire ", the Mesopotamian civilization and the Yellow River civilization were established by the Korean nation. The book was widely disapproved among Korean historians, but was adopted by the Korean Army as a history education book. In addition, the Korean TV station KBS has also produced a historical special program based on this theory.
>Korean scholar Bian Guangxian said that the British are descended from Koreans.
>South Korea claims that the world's earliest aircraft was a Joseon-era "flying car" built 300 years before the Wright brothers . According to the "Wuzhou Yanwen Long Essay", during the Wanli Korean War , the city lord who was surrounded by the Japanese army fled 30 miles outside the city by flying car.

>> No.15626323


>> No.15626361

Lo.l I can't believe Chinese people are so insulated that they actually believe this. Have you talked to a Korean person? There are people who make stupid claims everywhere. Talk to a Korean person and see if they believe all languages are derived from Korean. WTH. And what is The Korean Instituted of Major Languages, never heard of it, and provide citations please.

And Also

>> No.15626369

Lo.l I can't believe Chinese people are so insulated that they actually believe this. Have you talked to a Korean person? There are people who make stupid claims everywhere. Talk to a Korean person and see if they believe all languages are derived from Korean. WTH. And what is The Korean Instituted of Major Languages, never heard of it, and provide citations please.

And Also

>> No.15626370
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>seething chink derailing another thread

>> No.15626381

So, it is like a high pressure super conductor but the pressures are contained within the structure itself?

>> No.15626385

More like seething Koreans furiously denying that they love to claim to have invented everything.

>> No.15626390

That's the idea. Like Prince Rupert's Tear, they suggested. That said I'm 99% certain it didn't work.

>> No.15626400

kinda genius if they meant to do that and it does work

>> No.15626422

>phone slips from hand
>oh no problem I'll just buy a new scree-
>battery shatters unleashing a year's worth of charge in a microsecond

>> No.15626430

Contrary to the lies Chinese websites to perpetuate, no sane Korean believes Confucius is Korean or Koreans invented Trigrams or any BS the CCP likes to amplify using its stupid algo. I hope you get your kudos from CCP for believing in their nonsense

>> No.15626461

Whatever you say, Hwang.

>> No.15626485

I give her a couple of years, her looks will fade soon enough.
and when they do, oh boy.

>> No.15626505

Koreans don't know wtf is a Dragon Boat. Changs are delusional.


>Chinese Scholars Are Claiming That English Is a Chinese Dialect
>They also say that Western civilisation originated in China and that accounts of ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians are all fake.

>> No.15626508

Yeah, the Chinese are just as bad. What's your point?

>> No.15626519

That will tell for sure. It has the best prostitutes in the region, therefore superior male intelligence, therefore superior science.

>> No.15626523
File: 18 KB, 640x360, 379284389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way waz why-te end sheet

>> No.15626545

No and no. The misunderstanding about internal pressures that is perpetuating is sad and disappointing. Read the theory papers

>> No.15626598

It's been more than a week. If it was a legit superconductor, we'd know by now.
It is OVER.

>> No.15626645

Bro is actually convinced of this? Yo I’m wildin right now are Chinese normies really walking around seething by themselves?! kekekek

>> No.15627053

holy shit

>> No.15627271


>> No.15627386

Why didn't they trust the experts when the studies came out debunking the transwomen have female brains study?

>> No.15627461

That's why big labs didn't want to be associated with it by attempting a replication. It seems Western labs just ignored it after reading the paper.

>> No.15627617

No one knows what it means, but it's provocative. It gets the people going!

>> No.15628148

>still the piece touching

>> No.15628166


>> No.15628968

This is such a transparent coordinated offense by the Chinks to put Chinka "on the map" of science.

>> No.15628997

That sounds like complete retardedness. You can replicate it and show it is hurbis but you do not do it because "you are too smart for it" and allow the lie go around into public, because you are "so smart" and public is "so stupid" compared to you.

>> No.15629011

This. Thunderfoot called it right away.

>> No.15629017

>They were real in my mind
You're thinking about trans folk again

>> No.15629032

the only thing the academia is good for is huffing its own farts and stealing grant money

>> No.15629041

Argonne is already confirmed working on it, probably other labs too

>> No.15629052

that's video is already late-stage cope

>> No.15629107

shitty fake results from bogus research is the name of the game of le new soience grift, its all about scoring those headlines through wild fantastic claims, not even joking

>> No.15629125

real reason is that westerners are too busy making shitcoin asics and jerking off to AI money generation schemes to care about doing any actual science

>> No.15629180

China is full of fake research.

>> No.15629323

Is any of the teams considering (and testing for) possibility of small grains of superconductor suspended in diamagnetic poorly conducting sample?
That would explain why levitation effects are so weak and why theres no measurable superconductivity troughout whole sample

>> No.15630352
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>> No.15630875

Why are asians so obsessed with using filters?

>> No.15630883
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Doomers BTFO. Its been replicated.

>> No.15630885

Sounds like an inferiority complex from your part. Get help.

>> No.15630892

Yes. Nearly everyone who has worked on has commented that the samples are inhomogeneous. But now it begs the question...why is this international news at all? All we have is unverified, poor quality video of a mystery substance levitating circulating on Chinese social media, that can't be replicated. Clearly a lot more work needs to be done before announcing any sort of discovery.

>> No.15630907

Of fug I just realized the real reason there's not nearly the same amount of attempts of replication in the west
>War on Drugs causes key ingredient to be heavily restricted

>> No.15630935


opinion viewed with dismay and pity

>> No.15631196

All we know about Oumuamua is that it was a dark red color and LK-99 looks gray or black to me.

>> No.15631324

Honestly its still pretty cool that, even if it isnt a super conductor, LK-99 still has fairly strong reactions to magnets, despite just being lead phosphate with some copper, pretty cool.
Is it better than bismuth at being diamagnetic?

>> No.15631344

"Better" and "fairly strong" not even begin to describe it.
This is, by several orders of magnitude, the strongest diamagnetic material we have ever seen. If it isn't a superconductor, we literally have no explanation for this stuff within the current theoretical framework.

>> No.15631381

Man imagine an ultra pure sample, maglev could be made way more efficient then.

>> No.15631632
File: 231 KB, 963x466, LK99 Morons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see we are stage 3.

>> No.15631656

Nature article
>Claimed superconductor LK-99 is an online sensation — but replication efforts fall short

>The limited success of the replication attempts has not quelled speculation online. Unverified videos of samples, supposedly levitating because of superconductivity, have circulated as viral evidence, despite the fact that many materials — including graphene, frogs and pliers — can exhibit similar magnetic behaviour.


I'm thinking it's over. Pack your bags.

>> No.15631663


>> No.15631785

gambling that someone else will eventually figure out and that it'll be something along the lines of what they published, so that they can then claim that their own work was "foundational" and that they deserve partial recognition for the other team's success

>> No.15631800
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There's hope.

>> No.15631863


>> No.15631937

>i-it's fake!
>all these people just hopped in to fake replications of scam because...they just do, ok?!

>> No.15632236

I mean, "these people" are randoms on twitter, they have no reputation to lose anyway

>> No.15633578

what an odd thing to say