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15620762 No.15620762 [Reply] [Original]

Is facial analysis a real science?
MIT media lab produced arguably objective standards of beauty about 20 years ago, so it seems like maybe it could be

>> No.15620795
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>sleep patterns and diets

>> No.15620944

>facial analyst

>> No.15621018

>MIT media lab produced arguably objective standards of beauty about 20 years ago
Gonna need more info on this chief

>> No.15621306

If everyone’s getting uglier then does it really matter? The standards will just shift to whoever is the least ugly and humans will continue to reproduce

>> No.15621351

>If everyone’s getting stupider then does it really matter? The standards will just shift to whoever is the least stupid and humans will continue to reproduce

People care about beauty not just because it has some level instrumental value with respect to successful courtship and reproduction, but also because it has some inherent value in itself.

It might be hard for the woke leftist bugman to understand, but not everything in life is about optimizing some narrow range of parameters. Aesthetic value has more relevance to human existence then simply it's function within a reproductive context.

>> No.15621379

>negroids mating with caucasoids creating man made horrors beyond our comprehension
>humans becoming less attractive
who is responsible

>> No.15621433

nature is clearly not optimizing for beauty because for every beautiful person there's a thousand ugly ones

>> No.15621434

As an incredibly ugly person with bad posture born to attractive parents I shrug my shoulders. I got mine (attractive spouse and cute kids) so whatever. I don’t care about being ugly anymore.

>> No.15621477
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we need to embrace beast hybridization if we want to improve our kind

>> No.15621518

Poor people regardless of race are less attractive, but on average non-whites are inherently uglier (I say this as an anon with a black woman fetish) and also poorer
Poor people reproduce more in every country, but especially more in rich countries which are increasing as the years go on
Poor people don't sleep well and eat fast food
Here I explained it

>> No.15621555

we already do that with nigs, nice gfd, haven't seen that faggot in forever

>> No.15621658

they found that people with the most average features are perceived as the most attractive

>> No.15621671

But zoomer sluts are objectively hotter than old millennial hags. Every day I see some 20 y.o. hot bitches on the subway and it gets my 40 y.o. creep cock hard as diamond.

>> No.15621839
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Interesting, makes sense. There is something similar in Neuroscience called the processing fluency theory. The processing fluency theory makes it so that if something is easier to process for our brain, the response will be more positive. (picrel for what I mean). This is true in general, so the easier it is for you to understand a topic, for instance, the more you will like it. Or art, or ads etc. That's why people's tastes cross-culturally seem to be similar in many different things.

Same thing probably happens with faces. Average faces (i.e balanced, symmetric and not outstanding faces) get processed easier, hence are liked more. Ones that stand out more are harder to process, hence less positive response. Even if they stand out in features that are technically "good".

Another thing in neuroaesthetics is the question of complexity. Humans like complexity. We don't like too little complexity, but we don't like too much complexity either. We like it just in the middle. So there is U shaped curve for complexity vs like/dislike. This is for most things as well, such as music, art, architecture, and additionally, probably also faces. So Fluency doesn't mean robotish faces, but faces with some complexity, but still average and 'normal' looking. Too much complexity can be off putting (Think about how a song with too much bg music is off putting, and so is one with too little), and that is true for the face as well. Think about something like a jaw in men. Small jaw bad, Big jaw good, but too big jaw also bad. Middle is the best path for aesthetics.

So when you account for processing fluency and complexity of faces, the most average composite-looking faces should turn out to be the most attractive. This makes sense. Could you link the study btw? I'm interested in reading what MIT exactly came up with.

>> No.15621917

it is the hebrews

>> No.15622202

>people fucking never happened in the past

>> No.15622217

cuz there's all these grossl il nig babies walking around now, as society becomes more brown it also becomes uglier

>> No.15622325

Humans are becoming less attractive, intelligent, healthy, mentally sound, in control of their impulses and so on.
The cause if this is genetic.
This is due to dysgenic selection pressures.
This will result in civilizational collapse.

Genetics dictates civilizational complexity.
Selection pressures dictates genetics.
Environment dictates selection pressures.
This is why africa cannot into space.

>> No.15622331

seems sensible to evolve that way

>> No.15622371
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hideous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semites are from the one and only land route between Africa and the rest of the world and since Africans were not a seafaring people, Semites were the only ones who interbred with Africans until 400 years ago when the trade in black slaves spread them around. Thats why Semites have fat lips and curly hair, they got that from breeding with Africans

>> No.15623456

They're so fucking scared of genetic explanations for ANYTHING significant

>> No.15623529
File: 368 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20230731-071449_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people who grew up in Asia look (and talk) different. They look AND TALK like people from a century ago.



>> No.15623909
File: 31 KB, 511x720, 1613416450-bella-hadid-most-beautiful-girl-in-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truthpilled. They say picrel is "le most beautiful woman" but she is so exaggerated that I literally feel nothing when I look at her. But go down to the local McD's and the cashier makes me hard.

>> No.15624007

That's because our monkey brain is hardwired to wanting to fuck young females, as it promises healthier and more offspring.

>> No.15624040

>eugenics is le bad but dysgenics is le good

>> No.15624044

>people are fatter
>people are older
>people have a more sedentary life style
>people eat more sugary diets that gives them bad teeth contributing to bone loss
>people eat softer food that causes recessed jaw bones
>low exposure to day light causes and indoor living causes all kinds of eye issues
>pollution and shitty diet causes skim blemishes and outbreaks

Very plausibel.

>> No.15624051
File: 612 KB, 1075x1433, img_2_1681283165231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is 30 years old. That's how attractive he is.

>> No.15625520

its almost as if there is a god who hates and tortures the synagogue of satan. imagine having to go through life looking like that

>> No.15625527

Touch my bumhole

>> No.15628201
