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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 259 KB, 750x799, globeheadz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15621339 No.15621339 [Reply] [Original]

Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Thread about the simulations

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

A roundup of replication attempts

Other videos proporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)


previous >>15620296

>> No.15621346
File: 202 KB, 406x640, Hiroshima_Dome_1945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough about superconductors, let's talk about nuclear bombs being fake

>> No.15621347

First for hopeGods

>> No.15621350

page 3 stage. delete this

>> No.15621353

It's over, we can't come back from this

>> No.15621356

Stupid fucking retard baking at page 3. This isnt /pol/ you dumb fuck on /sci/ we wait until page 10 now go the fuck back and stop shitting up blue boards.

>> No.15621365

This desu.

>> No.15621368

Its been (0) days since Alex Kaplan posted some egregious misinformation or has fallen for some obvious hoax (he just fell for an obvious turkroach joke post). Alex I know you are reading this and you are a fucking retard.

I bet he posts the latest news with something like "HOLY COW!"

>> No.15621370

on /sci/ the generals are remade on page 10, not right after hitting bumb limit

>> No.15621372

Just live in 110K rooms LMAO

>> No.15621378
File: 532 KB, 1322x681, 1673484891233436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you doing my fellow bacKings?

>> No.15621389

I can’t believe it has finally been confirmed real, doubters GTFO

>> No.15621393


>> No.15621400

WW@ Igloo bros. I'm already planning my superconducting smart lights.

>> No.15621415

This thread/general gives me deja vu. Have we seen this material before? I swear there used to be some kind of thread spammed so much it became a general.

>> No.15621427


>> No.15621428

bro dont double dip you said that last thread, its bad reddiquette i'm gonna have to downvote you now

>> No.15621445

bro dont double dip you said that last thread, its bad reddiquette i'm gonna have to downvote you now

>> No.15621463

bro dont double dip you said that last thread, its bad reddiquette i'm gonna have to downvote you now

>> No.15621471


>> No.15621475

bro dont double dip you said that last thread, its bad reddiquette i'm gonna have to downvote you now

>> No.15621480

all me btw

>> No.15621497
File: 162 KB, 756x749, apua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prediction market is stubbornly stuck at 35% despite all the good news today. Back bros, did we get too cocky?


>> No.15621508

>Good news
Nobody has shown prove that it conducts better than lead under any condition.
Nobody has shown magnetic pinning.

>> No.15621525

It has literally been proved real at room temp, they managed to replicate it check the news

>> No.15621526

no it hasnt and the news is fake

>> No.15621538
File: 160 KB, 600x600, 1690231115720014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop posting these low quality retarded betting shit as if it means anything? Stop lowering the IQ of these threads

>> No.15621541

No those were the previous ones. Check newer news

>> No.15621543

Fuck off until the thread reaches 10 tourists

>> No.15621560

Tourists wont know and wont care, general gonna keep dividing like a hydra.
Don’t like it? Replicate the experiment yourself, this is /sci/ after all

>> No.15621566

Nobody has shown resistance lower than 10^-7 Ohm M. A discontinuity in temperature vs resistance means fuck all if, even at its best, it does not conduct better than regular metal.
Stop shit posting

>> No.15621570


>> No.15621576

source or sneed

>> No.15621577

Everyone here is retarded but me

>> No.15621578

That’s not the most recent info. That’s old news.

>> No.15621583

>A discontinuity in temperature vs resistance means fuck all
not in lieu of all the theory papers finding this to be a new type of material with potential to superconduct at room temperature, plus these experimental results finding bizarre resistance plummets at room temperature

>> No.15621589

>last tweet

>> No.15621599

Check the discord

>> No.15621607

It's not bizzare at all. Phase changes (which in a crystalline substance are not obviously visually evident) can massively alter the conductivity of a substance. What matters in a super conductive substance is if and in what conditions that material has no resistance, or at least much lower than its constituent materials. LK99 conducts like lead, at best. This is because it is just fucking lead, with some garbage mixed in that apparently interferes with conductivity over a certain temperature threshold, probably dependent on how much of the extra garbage is in there.

>> No.15621608

Who’s talking in the lk99 Twitter space tonight? I need to know if retards are going to be in it so I can stay away

>> No.15621610

This isn't even the 2nd lk99 general with the name /lkg/, tourist

>> No.15621614

It is bizarre though

>> No.15621662

So, has the dust settled?
Is it ONLY 110k (room temp minus 300)?
Is it OVER?

>> No.15621668

Probably all the retards like the last two spaces

>> No.15621669

It's OVER ONLY 100k. We're so back.

>> No.15621672
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>> No.15621678
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Superconductive at 100 000 degrees? This is tremendous!

>> No.15621681

Holy fuck Spain has it superconducting at 270K

>> No.15621703

link or something?

>> No.15621706


>> No.15621708

I can tell you're bullshitting but nice bait.

>> No.15621713

Not room temperature, fake and gay. Hopiumfags grasping at straws trying to deny the inevitable.

>> No.15621714


>> No.15621717

>Tourist's first happening on /sci/

>> No.15621719

>that one schizo spending all of his time spamming fud
get a life dude holy shit

>> No.15621724
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1666039458305708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards think it'll magically appear over night? China just confirmed they found something and they are starting off with that.

>> No.15621725

Holy fuck, spain just flew over my house

>> No.15621729

Its over man, all over

>> No.15621732

why are there so many generals
it's already been proven fake by reputable korean intellectuals
it's over

>> No.15621733
File: 50 KB, 720x720, 1688863913893637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not and you want nobody to talk about this since it's not "American".

>> No.15621737

It's making me feel nostalgic about the night passed staring at ukranian intersection cams last year

>> No.15621738

>Gets semi-near confirmed by China while ago
Retard I...

>> No.15621745

I really want the mods to ban the newfags, summerfags and tourists as this continues. The fucking amazing thing is China's recent discovery. Were getting close bros.

>> No.15621747


>> No.15621752

That and that one from China.

>> No.15621759
File: 56 KB, 622x1037, 80EDB2FA-FABC-490A-9164-2488494B2B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not over or back until Argonne National Lab shows their hockey pucker sized sample doing something

>> No.15621769
File: 474 KB, 1110x860, 1683720321600287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch as Americans take "credit" of it.

>> No.15621776
File: 384 KB, 1027x804, insulator transition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case closed. Its over boys.

>> No.15621778
File: 39 KB, 600x454, 1683736123441982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not

>> No.15621779

way way

>> No.15621786

>Mods actually banned the retards
Good job.

>> No.15621788

>>>15621652 removed immediately
>meanwhile the literal flood of near-duplicate threads are left alone
Holy shit /sci/ legitimately has the worst jannies out of any board.

>> No.15621789

>it still has a way way reisistance
way way reisisters show hands please

>> No.15621795
File: 53 KB, 680x680, 1676413399973838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Near 1M views

Calling it now, this is the start of something big.

>> No.15621811
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, 1496932236145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the biggest nothingburger of all time.

>> No.15621819
File: 145 KB, 766x517, 1682024782768463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post all the smug anime girls you want, the world will be smug against you when it's concluded to be a success.

>> No.15621824

opinion discarded

>> No.15621825

>trannies itt mad because it wasn't a xhe/xir diversity hire who made the discovery

>> No.15621828
File: 195 KB, 640x619, 1674762535702770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also threadly reminder do NOT overdose on whitepills. There WILL be setbacks. There WILL be failures. Do NOT expect it to be 100% successful at the start.

>> No.15621830

>If you are not a slave lower your tone when talking to me
Captcha: NYAKKK

>> No.15621833
File: 800 KB, 1080x1147, Screenshot_20230802-164509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh im overdosing

>> No.15621835
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>> No.15621836

Is that like RK4?

>> No.15621837

I just want the saudis and the vegans to finally fuck off

>> No.15621843

no I'm just a doomer who knows humanity is destined for imminent failure and that nothing good will ever happen
even if RTSC comes out of the research it'll be too late by the time they figure it out

>> No.15621844

Vegans I understand, but what did the Saudis do to you?

>> No.15621845

You'll have your own planet soon

>> No.15621850
File: 16 KB, 308x240, 1690689733087060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get over yourself, wet blanket

>> No.15621864
File: 165 KB, 820x713, 242F286B-A404-4366-A3B5-AE16DD2B736A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should get some therapy and consider taking anti depressants friend, things will be alright

>> No.15621877
File: 53 KB, 598x704, 1663552654740384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren this is the biggest whitepill of all time, you are legit about to be in the space age in less than a Decade at this point. When people confirm this is real, you will see a massive acceleration of fucking technology - way more can we think in basic fiction. And yes, there will be catgirls in it.

>> No.15621882

And plus don't forget one thing if this is real...
>Space elevators.

>> No.15621884

I don't think this enables that tech anon

>> No.15621887

Were getting there though.

>> No.15621889

Ok bros assuming it real, what are you going to build?

I'm thinking levitating beyblades

>> No.15621891
File: 28 KB, 680x383, bogdanoff tf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subsequent to the activation of COVID-19, the Bogdanoffs were successfully banished from this universe. There is no possible means by which a mere mortal human can find the recipe to artifact LK-99. Not just just like that, by themselves. This is a psyop.

>> No.15621893
File: 400 KB, 800x536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros we are so back.

>> No.15621894

levitating office toys

>> No.15621895
File: 31 KB, 847x673, CDBAD915-850A-4A82-B752-B4D738830839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Wipeout inspired magnet track for my office

>> No.15621898

A comfy plantation filled with gynoid waifus operating it and feeding me berries while I shitpost

>> No.15621899
File: 18 KB, 326x206, 1684605994782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything is possible if you believe.

>> No.15621907
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>> No.15621915
File: 538 KB, 1080x1053, 1686356115679410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never over, we got the technology

>> No.15621924

QRD for Newfags:

>> No.15621937
File: 221 KB, 1874x995, were_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.15621938

It really won't.

There are three ways this goes.
A: It's a worthless synthetic rock that goes nowhere.
B: It's an interesting rock that can lead to more knowledge but the research just never gets there.
C: It's the real deal but hell world course corrects by memoryholing or it otherwise never reaching the market.

The pollution/retarded elites/powerless people combo is going to run the world into the dirt and there is nothing anyone or anything can do about it.

>> No.15621948

¿Pero que coño dices Gonzalo??????
¡Te arranco los huevos como sea mentira hijo de puta!

>> No.15621952

Anon, go outside

>> No.15621954

>it really won't.
post body

>> No.15621956

is it really that hard to not be pathetic?
youre in multiple threads doing this shit, grow up

>> No.15621960

>you will see a massive acceleration of fucking technology

nah. Just better batteries. It's funny how this "new" technology was conventiently hyped at a time when EV stocks are crashing and lots are filling up with unsold EVs.



>> No.15621964


>> No.15621965
File: 111 KB, 1600x1290, concept-hover-car-h-car-technology-high-quality-d-redered-image-89446060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, what colour is your hovercar going to be? I'm thinking blue.

>> No.15621971

C is literally impossible. It's copper and lead they can't stop it.

>> No.15621972

Hover shoes are gonna be so based

>> No.15621989


>> No.15621992

btw that man killed his gf

>> No.15621996


>> No.15621999


you guys need to expand your minds. I have 3 words for you.

Hover. Breast. Implants.


>> No.15622000

She should have lowered her tone

>> No.15622003

That guy went to jail for murdering his gf by running her over while drunk

>> No.15622007
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>> No.15622011

that zero resistance was at 110K, so idk how are overdosing

>> No.15622013


>> No.15622015

Kill yourself

>> No.15622017

I find it really weird that it was just published, for all of the world to see.
Even if scientists wanted it to be for muh the good of mankind, in most places (I presume Korea included) any patent application can be classified if deemed to be important to national interests. How could ambient conditions superconductor not be? In any other scenario it would go black as soon as even initial promising results were shown. Idk, there might be a reason to this but for me it’s just fishy af.

>> No.15622018

you are being trolled

>> No.15622020
File: 208 KB, 1526x1080, eb3f3ae860a7e6e28d2cc0fd8152ad83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gronk is simple man, simple man has simple needs

>> No.15622024
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jenny my beloved

>> No.15622025

110K is already better than we currently have, and the chink sample has a resistance drop between 220K and 300K as well, maybe it's not close enough to the gook sample, time will tell but I think we are back for real

>> No.15622026

no you hopenigger

>> No.15622027

Wish there was a good /sci/ server

>> No.15622028

UFO conference got the DoD spooked, probably decided to let a little bit slip out to shut everyone up

>> No.15622035

there is a server

>> No.15622037

4chan is filled to the brim with absolutist-shills. Anything short of 100% success means absolute failure according to them.

>you mean it only cures cancer but not AIDS?
>it's over

>> No.15622040

exactly, with refinement this is legit
doomniggers wanna act like Rome was built in a day

>> No.15622050

Does someone know what's the other athmospheric pressuse SC with highest temperature so we can compare?

>> No.15622054

It is made from simple materials and you can get so much more out of it if you build your infrastructure around it, no way to keep it secret

>> No.15622061

Pretty much, if it did anything they'd do everything to keep it out of our hands and shoot anyone who threatened to leak. Dystopic status quo isn't going anywhere.

>> No.15622063
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>Now that the dust has settled
Fren, I think you mean levitated

>> No.15622065

based but mine will be iridescent silver and very Deloreanish looking

she will be smarter (and hornier) than you anon, like quantum horny, like hours of pounding on your corpse and electro stimulating you to keep the erection hard enough, and her batteries... will last centuries

>> No.15622066

get a life

>> No.15622070

there is another a little better, yet still this is a new family of superconductors, with some weird properties at 200 to 300k
i mean if it is true that koreans have been trying for years to recreate their sample, it means that is not straightforward

>> No.15622073

she will be programmed to be my wife and nothing will stop it

>> No.15622074

If the sample is very impure, then I wonder if a partial resistance drop could indicate islands of superconductivity. For example, think of a sample of the material as a sequence of nodes each with one unit of resistance.


i is impure, p is pure. The sample has a resistance of 7 units.

When conditions for superconductivity are met, it looks like this:


The 'pure' segments go to zero, giving a resistance drop to 4 units. That's how the sample at >>15621776 has a sharp drop to the 0.001 magnitude.

>> No.15622077

mindset of this dude >>15621938 is pretty legit for fucked up world though, always bet low so your expectaions will either come true or you'll be pleasantly surprised

>> No.15622079

yeah id say were probably a solid decade before this starts making a real noticeable impact on daily life
much like the transistor was, it wasnt overnight everything has transistors and even then life wasn't completely changed forever until the 80s
hell, some things still run on toobs (guitar amps)
the future is very bright though

>> No.15622081

> there is another a little better
Which one? What's its name?

>> No.15622084

You should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.15622086

Since a number of respected experts convede here on 4chan I have a question: why MRI devices use SCs that have to be cooled with liquid helium when the SCs working in temperatures of liquid nitrogen are available?

>> No.15622087

>no way to keep it secret
If it took so long for someone to finally stumble upon it now, I don’t see how it couldn’t be.
> you can get so much more out of it if you build your infrastructure around it
That’s more compelling argument but I don’t see how other nations wouldn’t just copy it and Koreans don’t get much out of it. I still think they would’ve been better classifying it and using it to get some military advantage.

>> No.15622089

We just.... we just do ok!?

>> No.15622090

liquid nitrogen is more volatile than liquid helium, helium as we all know is a noble gas so even if it leaks nothing will happen

>> No.15622094

Was wondering the same thing

>> No.15622095

Medical regulations are autistic and very slow moving.

>> No.15622103

Please kill yourself.

>> No.15622105
File: 6 KB, 361x355, 1690315565074786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw somehow this gets linked to the norks and it's research smuggled out of best korea trying to figure out how to make shit work on a shoe string budget

>> No.15622110

Or, the more obvious answer, that this was already known by governments/military labs for decades and is already obsolete, so there's little to no harm in letting the plebs have it.

>> No.15622112

according to the wiki (HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ) with Tc = 133–138 K
i always remember that one as the one discovered in 93

>> No.15622115

You laugh, but what if the Norks with their shitty setup and budget are unironically able to make it? How would the world react to this information?

You just know they're trying to do it too as we speak

>> No.15622116

he's just from /pol/ where most people are blackpilled doomers.

>> No.15622128

also, given that some things are superconductor at pressure, would pressure help with superconductors that need cryogenics?

>> No.15622134
File: 21 KB, 797x140, 1689973948674844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw does these materials show some diamagnetic properties at room temperature?

>> No.15622136

Pretty much, they really don't give a shit.

>> No.15622137

110K for such a (relative to that substance) simple substance is still a crazy find. Still, I won't get excited until they get up to 220K

>> No.15622144

Yes, but that's the point
The Chinese team used cryogenics as a proof-of-concept, and it worked
Proving that this is indeed a superconductive material, it just so happens that the Korean team got incredibly, incredibly lucky and hit the nail on the head with their sample.
It will take time to get the refinement procedure down, but its clearly happening as we speak.

>> No.15622150


MRI prototypes from high temp SCs exist but...
>high temp SCs are super expensive
>not enough superconducting joints are being produced for persistent-mode operation
>active quench protection systems still in the works

>> No.15622158

If this becomes 2 more weeks vaporware like fusion I am killing myself.

>> No.15622162

when RTX LK-99

>> No.15622167

like I said before, rome wasnt built in a day
there will be minor stuff in the next few years, but youre not getting a LK99 CPU in your computer build until the 2030s

>> No.15622171

dude this may take a ton of time. But unironically one of the first thing that will facilitate is fusion research
superconductor based electronics will take way more time i think, those would be the last ones.
We don't have currently, there are prototipes of working machinery of all sorts using superconductors and cryogenics.

>> No.15622174

where does 127C number come from?

>> No.15622175

Still a weird way to go about it instead of just declassifying but on the other hand people could be enraged if they knew that such technology was kept secret from the public.

>> No.15622176
File: 53 KB, 705x202, IOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, the HTS materials are suitable for high field applications only at operating temperature<25K, because the critical current density at high field dramatically drops above 25K

>> No.15622177

Not him but-
third party evidence that the material is in fact a previously-unknown superconductor (even at unimpressive temperatures) is a big step. It rules out some (but not all) classes of error or fraud in the original paper.
Combined with separate evidence that it has weird diamagnetic properties at room temperature, it was enough for me to bet 20 bucks on polymarket.

>> No.15622178


What the fuck is this shit

>> No.15622180

>implying that they give a shit about the public

>> No.15622181
File: 453 KB, 630x378, dztzFHOoNsQStUUzfKjcw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming LK-99 really is what it's claimed to be:

(I know nothing about physics, and this is likely very dumb, please just humor me)

suppose I have a piston, with a piston head of pure LK-99
this piston is placed inside a highly thermally-insulated cylinder, wherein the cylinder head is magnetic
the cylinder has a heating element within, and a thermostat, keeping the interior at 1 degree below the critical temperature of LK-99
(if my terminology or understanding is lacking, I mean to say /just below/ the temperatures at which LK-99 ceases to exhibit superdiamagnetism)

the piston also has a small heating element attached to it, which is just powerful enough to quickly raise the temperature of the piston head, to the critical temperature (or above), turning the SC piston back into a mere rock, and causing it to move back towards the cylinder head
by turning off the piston heating element, superdiamagnetism is restored to the LK-99 and it moves away from the cylinder head
the piston is attached to a crankshaft attached to an alternator, which can generate power and supply that back to the two heating elements, which respectively maintain the cylinder temp

by periodically raising the piston temp in such a way that a reciprocating motion is achieved to turn the crankshaft, as in a conventional ICE engine, could this device not be used to generate excess energy?

I know as per the laws of thermodynamics that this won't work, but why not?
heat generated by friction only serves to make the thing more efficient, not less, as I'm imagining most of the required power will go towards keeping the cylinder hot

>> No.15622188

>We don't have currently, there are prototipes of working machinery of all sorts using superconductors and cryogenics.
Current quantum computers use superconductors though?

>> No.15622192

that's hot

>> No.15622193
File: 316 KB, 680x680, 1678853233468544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2023-08-01: Video claiming to show diamagnetism of small (< 0.1 mm) flakes of LK-99.
Reportedly making a new batch to measure resistance.

No diamagnetism observed. LK-99 sample had high resistivity not consistent with superconductivity.

>Synthesized LK-99 and confirmed superconductivity at temperatures below 110 K. Observed an abrupt drop in resistance between ~300 K and 220 K, aligning with the Korean LKK team's results. Structural consistency confirmed by x-ray diffraction.

>No diamagnetism observed. Measurements of superconductivity incomplete. Structure confirmed by x-ray diffraction.

>> No.15622194

>Current quantum computers

>> No.15622195


>> No.15622204

i was talking about regular computer based on superconductors. I do not know shit about quantum computers honestly

>> No.15622207

See ---> >>15622144

>> No.15622212
File: 51 KB, 529x610, 1676592550782735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy level status?

>> No.15622216

Nah, I don't think it will take much time
Once the refinement process is down, this is a relatively simple material to make
I see it taking ~1 year for the refinement process to be nailed, then ~5 years for large scale production facilities to be built, then you can basically just plug and play the material for silicon.

>> No.15622222
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>> No.15622223

What if it's like Minecraft where you have to use low-temp superconductors to superconduct the material while making it in order to make a room-temp superconductor

>> No.15622225
File: 3.62 MB, 498x480, 1686971833658026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we comfy bro, just trying to dispell the schizo swill doomposters are putting out

>> No.15622228

The mechanical power out will be less than the power required to heat cycle it.
>no it wont
Yes it will

>> No.15622239

Now this can super conduct my dong to some vaginas.

>> No.15622244

How does one even find that?
It's obvious that people know shit about superconductors otherwise they could just make computers spit out all the formulas for all possible superconductors and make them tell you the highest physically possible temperature material. Faggot eggheads want to make you think that they have everything figured out and that their buzzwords explain everything but they're conmen and grifters who know shit and couldn't care less.

>> No.15622250

>It's obvious that people know shit about superconductors otherwise they could just make computers spit out all the formulas for all possible superconductors and make them tell you the highest physically possible temperature material
computers cant create knowledge, thats the difference between us and them
if there is an unforseen process underlying the physics of basic elements, and we don't input that, a computer wont know that either

>> No.15622257

HBCCO is 134-135K.

>> No.15622261
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Since the retards are gone I'm gonna say it, I have never seen this much kveching over a single thing in a while. And so far there are lots of success, what are they scared of? Oil and power companies loosing profit and unlimited power? Think about it, Earth can use less resources to get into space - let alone can focus more natural resources into space while having LK99 to power the commoner plants forever.

>> No.15622265

Miserable cunts hate it when people are happy or excited about something. You see it on 4chan on every board, they have to rain on the parade.

>> No.15622266

>so far there are lots of success
The vast majority of attempts were complete failures
>what are they scared of? Oil and power companies loosing profit and unlimited power?
Oh yeah, those superconductors that allow cycles to output more power than they require meaning we'll enter a world of free energy. Oh wait.

>> No.15622267
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Sorry we mixed up units!

>> No.15622268



>> No.15622269

back status?

>> No.15622271

Works in my room.

>> No.15622272
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>have never seen this much kveching over a single thing in a while
me either, not since early 2020 /pol/
would love to see a venn diagram of the crossover of those same posters
its real, it was only a matter of time but it has finally happened and there's no going back from opening this pandoras box

>> No.15622273

Comfy levels now.

>> No.15622274

When will you drop the cope

>> No.15622280

<actually this material will fix everything and usher in an Era of prosperity. It's even good for the environment!

>> No.15622281

Over the last 24 hours I've become convinced that not even waiting for the replications will give us any definite answer, the procedure is producing a large amount of different materials/results with contradicting properties to one another.

The Koreans need to provide samples of their Room Temperature Superconductor or otherwise this is just a weird new material with strange but useless properties.

>> No.15622284

People who brag about working over 40 hours per week are cuckolds.

>> No.15622287

youve been here for hours using the same cope over and over again
kill yourself

>> No.15622289
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>> No.15622290
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we're still only at cautiously optimistic levels of back here

>> No.15622295

why did the barista claim to quit posting about lk-99 and then continue to post about lk-99? he adds 0 value and only has followers because of first mover advantage

>> No.15622296

if this is actually confirmed (I want to see a fist-sized lump of LK-99 doing laps above a circular magnet), I am going to chug a whole bottle of champagne to celebrate

>> No.15622299

This. Magnolevitation fields have been theorized for years now. Plenty of people have already realized that most UFOs are just government experiments. The amount of classified aeronautical tech and anti-tech the US has accumulated over the decades is likely astounding.

>> No.15622300

for the cars to hover, we would also need to remake the roads?

>> No.15622305

Get two bottles

>> No.15622307
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, Caterpillar_track_shingle.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bring your own road

>> No.15622310

>Faggot eggheads want to make you think that they have everything figured out
false, no scientist claims that

>> No.15622321

I mean a paper about it was published back in april and flew completely under the radar kek.

>> No.15622322

30% Back
70% Over

>> No.15622324


>> No.15622332

>Oil and power companies loosing profit and unlimited power?
Lowest IQ take.

They'd strive for a room temp superconductor, they'd benefit from it too. More efficient industrial processes, less loses, ergo more efficient production and smaller production cost. For the rest of the world, superconductors mean producing more with the same amount of energy. Energy companies would sell as much as they do, with bigger margins as they'd have lower production costs. This would stimulate economic growth again, and again this would benefit energy companies.
>new energy sources competing
Oil companies aren't dumb, they know there's not an infinite amount of oil anyway, that's why they diversify their assets. They'll always be around making profit.

>> No.15622339

Which country gets invaded for its resources if this is real?

>> No.15622345

>a future where one of this will be inside every anon's household

>> No.15622360
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one can only hope

>> No.15622361

I think it's time to re-colonize Africa with afroamerican soldiers (that way it will not be raycyst)

>> No.15622370


Yep, it's not like they have plenty of money to migrate to the most profitable method, right?

There is a reason this is called the holy grail of science, it's cause everyone is gonna benefit from it.

>> No.15622372

So what happem to the middle east?,

>> No.15622375

saudis have their fingers in many different pies

>> No.15622377

>I have never seen this much kveching over a single thing in a while.
I have never seen this much poo-pooing on other boards, even on shill central like /pol/.

>> No.15622388

Everyone benefits overall but oil companies still lose comparatively.
Improved grid efficiency + improved batteries + overall reduced energy needs means evs will become the default, meaning the oil demand drops massively. Yes they can invest in evs, but so can everyone else, while you can't buy their oil rigs cos they own all of them and they ain't selling.

>> No.15622393

based, fuck the middle east oil estate

>> No.15622400
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>since the retards are gone
Appears there's still one left.

>> No.15622401

let's assume we discover a whole class of LK-99-like materials, and with them one called, say, LK-69, which has a critical temperature of 'whatever the temp is in your room right now' (i.e. no energy needs to be expended to get the system up to a temperature of ~127 celsius)

the actual heat cycle of the system is now a mere 1 degree in either direction, but AFAIK the the electromotive(?) expulsive force generated by the meissner effect pushing the piston away from the magnet is THE SAME, no matter the critical temp
AFAIK the magnitude of this force is exclusively governed by the strength of the permanent magnet in the cylinder head, as perfect diamagnets are presumably all equivalent in their level of diamagnetism

you're saying that, even if we employ a more powerful permanent magnet to increase the expulsive force generated by the SC piston, we can NEVER generate enough electricity to cyclically heat the SC piston head by a mere 1(!) degree?

we've all seen the lexus hoverboard lift the weight of a man, and you're telling me we can't push this piston hard enough to generate a single degree of thermal energy?

I am a retard, but I feel I'm missing something crucial beyond "classical thermodynamics say no"

>> No.15622407

Oil states of the middle east are known to invest heavily in tourism and IT for that reason. Those who can't don't have the money, stability or leadership required.

>> No.15622410
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I like saying loosing

>> No.15622415

Still don't understand how LK99 is supposed to fix the future. It means we MIGHT have RTSC in like two or three decades but how is that going to fix all our problems? It's more likely the powerful hoard it and we get nothing. Somebody explain to me the whitepill POV because the future still looks grim.

>> No.15622416
File: 238 KB, 1920x1403, 1920px-Apatite_taill%C3%A9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a natural apatite crystal looks like
if we were to start synthesizing single-crystal ingots of LK-99, would they look like that? I hope so

because for all of the practical world changing applications of RTSCs, it would be really cool to have a gemstone ornament floating above a pedestal on my desk like a video game power-up item

>> No.15622417

>Improved grid efficiency + improved batteries + overall reduced energy needs means evs will become the default, meaning the oil demand drops massively.
And where are you pulling that electricity from? Your ass? Oil and gas still are among the main energies to generate electricity.
Instead of directly powering cars, they'll power the grid that recharges them, with all the losses that will remain because putting superconductors everywhere is not possible even if we have an RTSC available.

>> No.15622422

I just woke up

>> No.15622426

hypothetically simple to make, only thing is getting the ratio right
too many avenues for profit for it to be kept for elites for forever, no tech stays quiet for forever

>> No.15622429
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I'm a retard but from what i understand the process to make the material is piss all easy and any chuckle fuck that can follow instructions would be able to recreate it in a few days with some extremely basic shit.

Now an actual refined version of this once enough research is done on what exactly the optimal structure is may be stupid expensive.

>> No.15622435

>the process to make the material is piss all easy and any chuckle fuck that can follow instructions would be able to recreate it in a few days
You couldn't do it. Enjoying your Dunning Kruger effect? Your confidence is based on your lack of experience and your lack of self awareness is a result of your low IQ

>> No.15622442

>the process to make the material is piss all easy
Complete opposite, that's why practically all attempts failed.
>any chuckle fuck that can follow instructions would be able to recreate it in a few days with some extremely basic shit.
You need high purity lead(II) oxide, lead(II) sulfate and copper(I) phosphide + an oven that can reach at least 1000°C and something to seal your tubes under vacuum.

Seems you didn't understand a lot even though you were here all day.

>> No.15622445

shut the fuck up

>> No.15622447

>muh oil and gas

your fat mamma will power it with her farts

>> No.15622455
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jenny will

>> No.15622459

Sir, the exit is over here >>>/mlp/

>> No.15622460
File: 3.35 MB, 498x498, 1672642195070734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof, you boys appear to have that special breed of tism.
>oh my god you need a basic lab with basic components with basic equipment it's fundamentally controlled by the elite!

>> No.15622466

I like the smell of unburned gas-oline

>> No.15622467

>yo man it's piss easy you just need a full lab, obtain high purity base components, and scientific knowledge to follow the instructions, anyone can do it
Don't call me autist.

>> No.15622468

its called ass-oline

>> No.15622469

This thread/general gives me deja vu. Have we seen this material before? I swear there used to be some kind of thread spammed so much it became a general.

>> No.15622477

Not him, but none of that would be difficult to replicate on a mass industrial scale. It's really only a challenge for rag tag scientists following a loosely explained recipe with the equipment they have. Once the actual recipe gets cracked everything gets multitudes easier.

>> No.15622479

it will just that it's not only difficult but actually retarded to try at this point to predict its effects in to society.
we still need clear material specs, we still don't know what it will turn out to. depending on those details you can start peering into the near future. anyone blabbing about other wild shit is just retarded. keep in mind there's a lot of hopium that is literally being sold at this very moment. there's serious reasons for the whole shitshow, financial reasons.

>> No.15622499

Superconductor more like stupidconductor
I'm sick of this stupid mineral messing up MY board

>> No.15622502

This post gives me deja vu. Have we seen this posted before? I swear this gets spammed in these generals.

>> No.15622510

Wind turbines, and solar panels.
Wind turbines especially become much more efficient with superconductors.
The usual problems with renewables is that they produce energy at irregular intervals and far away from where it's needed. Superconductor batteries and superconductor cables fix both of these problems.
Also possibly nuclear fusion but I feel that's a few too many horses in front of the cart.