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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 313 KB, 2400x1350, 1071134323-sabine-hossenfelder-research-fellow-fias-fias-frankfurt-institute-advanced-studies-frankfurt-bild-2mL9DVYbKAea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15621057 No.15621057 [Reply] [Original]

Sabine Hossenfelder says LK99 is fake news.

It's over, chud.

>> No.15621061

mods ban these spammers

>> No.15621062

I am so sick of seeing this goblin face troll posted

>> No.15621068
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>Le modified gravity retard

>> No.15621074

She's probably right, but she's not a condensed matter physicist so who cares? Wait for people to replicate the experiment and stop spamming.

>> No.15621098

she's probably right.

also, superdeterminism is true.

>> No.15621186

That is a man

>> No.15621238

why does she talk through her teeth so hard?

>> No.15621287

Honestly she's pretty based but sometimes her jokes fall flat

>> No.15621305

Based and correct

>> No.15621316

As someone who thinks LK99 is bullshit, no one shoudl look up to Sabine Hossenmeme as an authority.

>> No.15621324

Worse than that. She believes in both MOND and DM at the same time.
Superdeterminism is a meme because it requires the entire universe to conspire against observers and doesn't explain where the universe came from in the first place. True randomness doesn't require anything.

>> No.15621390

>requires the entire universe to conspire against observers
>doesn't explain where the universe came from
a complete model would do exactly that.
>True randomness doesn't require anything.
you can't get anything out of indeterminism.

>> No.15621437

But it is right. Superdeterminism postulates that the universe is tricking observers when monitoring the spin of entangled particles over large distances.
>a complete model would do exactly that.
No, this is where superdeterminism breaks down completely. Either god made a superdeterministic universe or nature itself somehow has rules (which must come from somewhere). True randomness doesn't require any such thing.
>you can't get anything out of indeterminism.
Other than a functioning universe, that is.

>> No.15621479

>Superdeterminism postulates that the universe is tricking observers

>True randomness doesn't require any such thing
that just means you made randomness your god. it's an equivalent move.

>Other than a functioning universe, that is.
>anything could happen and anything could've happened, why this world? don't ask! lol solved!!!
pathetic and lazy excuse for an explanation. stay out of physics.

>> No.15621499

Great argument, retard.
>that just means you made randomness your god.
No. Randomness can either come from god or from nothingness and doesn't have any other prerequisites.

Superdeterminism brainlets are fucking retarded.

>> No.15621523

Which one of these theories is cringe reddit atheism Dawkins, and which one is based epic and Hitler-pilled?

>> No.15621529

Superdeterminism is for people who are too afraid of things outside of their control.

>> No.15621536 [DELETED] 

the sneed

>> No.15621684

She likes to keep a small cum reservoir in her mouth at all times.

>> No.15621698

gOD she's so smart and cute and her accent is so sexy

>> No.15621711

>Great argument, retard.
it's on you to explain how you think the universe is 'tricking' us (it isn't)

>> No.15621775

>recorded on sunday
So before all the developments of today.

>> No.15621800

youre a meme, deterministic universe is the only reasonable case, observer is useless when humans dont exist

>> No.15621814
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>hey chad, wanna entangle some particles?
>here's the set up
>here's what where gonna measure
>now go to the other side of the the universe and wait
They've played us for absolute FOOLs

>> No.15621842

youre under illusion that trillion of trillions of particles emiting different forces all the time mean that the quantum noise is purely random and fundamental but it is not, if you ever played with actual computer simulations you would realize uncertainty arises from complexity of simulations, but its not random its just alot of variables to account for

>> No.15621869

I like her videos but I think she's probably wrong here. LK99 may or may not be a practical RTAPSC, but it has very strange and interesting properties and investigation into its variations and mechanism is likely to continue for a long time,

>> No.15622141

>I like her videos but I think she's probably wrong here.

You're missing what's happening. The western world is actively suppressing the discovery. The poles have flipped. It's the west that now lives in a state of propaganda.

>> No.15622170

take your misogynistic abuse back to r*ddit.

>> No.15622294


>> No.15622298
File: 800 KB, 1080x1673, SmartSelect_20230802_192403_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I listen to a crazy person who claims no accountability?

>> No.15622329

why would i listen to a crazy (and arrogant) person who thinks they're in control?

>> No.15622330

Accountability is the means by which we influence each other's future behavior. Free will isn't required for it to be useful.

>> No.15622395

superdeterminism doesnt mean everything is in your control

>> No.15622436
File: 184 KB, 1438x1080, captains_holiday_hd_150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to put on my red shoes instead of my green shoes
How can anybody leverage "a means to influence behavior" unless
1) they have the ability to choose to leverage such a means, and
2) those influenced have the choice to change their behavior?

>> No.15622494

Didn't she also declare that FTL travel is possible and that Entropy is a hoax? I guess superdeterminism negates entropy somehow. Anyway if everything is predetermined where did the initial deviation from symmetry come from?

>> No.15622514

It's true. It states that the the initial conditions of the universe were as such that it was pre-determined that it would appear that entanglement and non-locality/bell type correlations and that predictions of QM were true but in fact they were not. It's an unfalsifiable theory.

>> No.15622653

Is /sci/ really filtered by lack of free will? It’s an empty concept

>> No.15622702

Read Hume. Free will is actually more sensible under determinism

>> No.15623045

i'm still giga skeptical, but this just isn't her field, as far as i can tell from the titles she's out of her wheelhouse half the time. sure the subject is in vogue, but she can only regurgitate, or in the worst case misinform.
also i've avoided watching a single video from this person for as long as she's been popular.
ok so i typed all of this and watched it anyway. and yeah, nothing new. and im a huge faggot for having giving this bitch a view. huge faggot.

>> No.15623109

Superdeterminism is wrong. However, the Gigadeterministic loop theory is correct.

>> No.15623826

why would symmetry be the default? retarded assumption.

>> No.15623831

for the nth time, bell tests do not demonstrate nonlocality. get it through your thick fucking skull.

also for the nth time, qm is no more falsifiable than superdeterminism.

>> No.15623837

no it isn't. determinism kills free will dead, face the reality.

>> No.15623842

Yes it literally does not make a difference

>> No.15623896

Hey! That's my mother you're talking about!

>> No.15623937

God I wish she were my mommygf.

>> No.15623948

/sci/ might shit on her all you want but at least she does back up what she says with papers, and even if she interprets them wrong you can always go to the source yourself. Unlike other jewtube science communicators that don't even have STEM degrees (much less a PhD) nor they backup what they say and only spew popsci garbo.

>> No.15623967

Without initial symmetry, all you've done is rediscover the Newtonian clockwork universe, with the initial conditions set by fiat.

>> No.15623969

Can someone explain why people are absolutely SEETHING over this potential discovery??

>> No.15624005

Seething and butthurt are the currencies of the internet

>> No.15624046

>MILLIONS of idealist midwits COPE and SEETHE thanks to ONE small GERMAN woman... CLICK HERE to find out HOW

>> No.15624048


>> No.15624053

A prediction, based on sound reasoning and current data isn't automatically a bad prediction on the off-chance that it is wrong based on some freak event.

A lot of people don't get this.

>> No.15624072

I love how half of the shit she says in this video is already wrong.

>> No.15624095

true lmao

>> No.15624098

so fucking what? lmao. that could be how the universe really works

>> No.15624119

t. hs dropout

>> No.15624121

you can tell sabine is a peg dom mommy.

>> No.15624126

I liked the episode where she proved FTL travel is possible just by asserting it is

>> No.15624129

haven't seen the video, but i bet you're strawmanning her. i bet what she really said is basically we don't know if it's possible, it might be. not that it definitely is possible.

>> No.15624137

She said that all the time paradoxes of FTL go away if you fix a preferred reference frame - and she declared that the universal comoving frame will do

>> No.15624154

>True randomness doesn't require anything.
There must be a source of randomness which is - you guessed it - deterministic. Otherwise you're just creating a God of Randomness basically. That's why nobody worth their salt accepts "world is just random bruh deal with it xDD" are are searching for underlying mechanisms of QM

>> No.15624641

What's wrong with a universal comoving frame?

>> No.15624711

It doesn't imply any of the results she says it implies.

>> No.15624713

What caused the density variations in the early universe that led to galactic formation?

>> No.15624721

The Jews.

>> No.15624829

youtube is pushing jews like her and lex, always do the opposite of what they say

>> No.15624836

Fuck maths. It's for dull runty fugly faggots to feel "elite" in the world. Fuck em. No point polishing a turd you little wankers.

>> No.15625012

your mom so fat she brought all the particles together

>> No.15625026

>free will means there is a quantum RNG rolling random dice in my head
This conception of free will is no more meaningful than free will in determinism. Either is silly. Either believe in free will or don't, it makes no difference and you should stop basing your theories of physics on your belief or lack-thereof for free will.

>> No.15625093

Discussions for or against free will and subjective experience in general is metaphysical and not /sci/.

>> No.15625149

it comes down to the question of counterfactual worlds.

either you believe that you could've done otherwise (free will), or you don't.

and you can't simply avoid this question when building a physical theory. when the electron goes left instead of right, why did it go left? could it have gone right?

>> No.15625155

free will relates to 'counterfactual definiteness' which is a well-established issue in quantum foundations. so no.


>> No.15625164

Free will comes from your supernatural soul.

>> No.15625175

That has absolutely nothing to do with free will. Stop reading wikipedia articles and watching popsci videos.

>> No.15625179

you are literally just wrong. it has everything to do with it.

>> No.15625183

Neither deterministic physics nor physics with quantum randomness supports the existence of such a supernatural soul. If you wish to believe in such a soul, that's fine. But neither theory of physics supports it, and neither theory of physics uniquely forbids it.

>> No.15625187

It's called SUPERnatural for a reason.

>> No.15625196

Yes, that's the point. SUPERnatural means that it exists beyond what the physical theories support. Neither determinism NOR quantum randomness support free will. Therefore it is erroneous to object to determinism on the basis of free will because the alternative doesn't support free will any better.

>> No.15625203

It's almost as if materialism doesn't fully explain everything that exists in reality. That's no reason to declare free will can't exist.

>> No.15625214

I'm not saying free will doesn't exist. I have said that you can believe in free will if you wish. I choose to myself.

What I'm saying is that "determinism can't be real because free will is real" is a moronic argument because that same argument damns indeterminism all the same. Quantum mechanics doesn't have free will in it either, neither do and therefore the free will argument is a wash.

>> No.15625238
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Si monumentum requiris circumspice

>> No.15625267

I think the best way to describe how the universe works would be something like "influence-able determinism" or maybe "predictable-ism." Imagine a bunch of dominoes set up in a line; if you knock over the first domino you can safely predict how and when each proceeding domino will fall, but you had to choose to knock that domino over, and someone could run into the room and stop further dominoes from falling over by interfering with it. The chain of events is generally predictable, but it can be influenced by unpredictable factors like conscious choices.

>> No.15625278

That's fine, but neither quantum mechanics nor determinism have these features. It's fine if you choose to believe in it anyway, but objecting to determinism and not also quantum mechanics on these grounds is simply dumb. If you want to believe in free will then you have to accept that both determinism and quantum mechanics are wrong.

>> No.15625286

>If you want to believe in free will then you have to accept that both determinism and quantum mechanics are wrong.
Okay, I have no problem with that.

>> No.15625404

Okay, then we see eye to eye. I don't object to people believing in free will, I object only to people dismissing determinism in favor of quantum indeterminism because they think the later is more compatible with free will.

>> No.15625412

you understand that the universe is not predictable? even processes which do not directly involve any conscious being exhibit chaos.

>> No.15625891

she looks like a female version of chud

>> No.15626021
File: 193 KB, 424x498, anime-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weinstein literally called her a curmudgeon
spinster to her face on keating's podcast (after asking motl for insult ideas)
and got away with it
how does he do it

>> No.15626039

she is a curmudgeon, he is right about that. but that doesn't mean she is necessarily wrong

holy kek. do you have the link for that clip? but in fact she is married with kids so it's not quite true. still funny though

>> No.15626241

she made a clown of herself not that long ago. shes also jewish. do not listen to anything she says

>> No.15626260

>she made a clown of herself not that long ago.
how so?
>shes also jewish
wrong, also it wouldn't be relevant even if she were.
>do not listen to anything she says
no, i will. she is one of the only representatives for the correct path forward in physics (superdeterminism).

>> No.15626455

>shes also jewish
anon shes from a catholic background
go back to /pol/