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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 517x881, Screenshot_20230801-223446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15617297 No.15617297 [Reply] [Original]

uhhhhhh....... schizospammersissies?
you said it was fake..

>> No.15617308

Does this mean levitating funko pops are back on the menu?

>> No.15617313

Yes, not only on the menu but coming to a Walmart clearance section near you in 10 years time

>> No.15617336

You can already get a levitating electromagnet stand for your plastic garbage

>> No.15617341

Oh well if tom’s hardware says so…

>> No.15617348

>all it takes to make a superconductor is to mix some copper and lead and bake it for a few days
>It took us thousands of years to discover this
Did the overlords of our simulation reprogram the physics engine just recently or something? Can't wait to discover warp generators because someone put butter through a combustion engine.

>> No.15617354


>> No.15617416

It does seem very retarded yes.

>> No.15617435
File: 36 KB, 680x659, 6woq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists when they realize that their theoretical model is just a model.

>> No.15617437

these fucking gooks have been sitting on this for 24 years

>> No.15617441

>Congress has hearing on UFO disclosure
>not even a week later RTS is revealed
really jogs the noggin

>> No.15617453

Western scientists have been sitting on their thumbs for 50 years

>> No.15617509

we had a lot to investigate and unpack in the field of gender studies in the last years, please understand

>> No.15617520
File: 359 KB, 566x328, Mario realization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a fucking second...
HAS anyone thought of putting butter through a combustion engine before...?

>> No.15617527


>> No.15617534

it took thousands of years to invent the wheel too

>> No.15617542

So basically Ayy's giving us technology confirmed? No wonder there are drill marks that are unexplained at Giza, people just forgot the good recipes.

>> No.15617709
File: 322 KB, 491x335, 1671664530914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be unironically better if its ET, because that means FTL is possible too

>> No.15617810

Hey anon, here’s another secret, spinning molten metal and shit is another secret to technological advancement

>> No.15617837

You forgot the part about the vacuum and specific timing of oxygen reintroduction based retard.

I don't think Grugs had vacuum pumps or sealable tubes.

>> No.15617853

they got the material from a croatian researcher.

>> No.15617858

Which stole it in secret from the Bosnians.

>> No.15617859

Unless they're just the distant descendants of long lived star nomads

>> No.15617864

A Bosnian who was secretly a philippino all along

>> No.15617915

The human unconscious exerts a significant influence on existence and can produce retroactive changes on the 'laws' of reality. When the pressure builds enough and something finally snaps, the mechanics of FTL will suddenly be obvious and the concerns about it violating causality will be accounted for by some yet-unforeseen principles.

>> No.15617964

You guys all have to realise at one time that humanity's baseline is utterly retarded. We praise ourselves for being a bit more intelligent than other animals, but it just takes us way too long to understand the most basic principles.

We've had 13 billions of years of hard evolution to get to where we are now, a species not even capable of space flight. When some slightly more evolved ayy lmaos detect us, we will be vaporised in an instant.

>> No.15617966

It's still fake, this just implies a broad conspiracy of hoaxers.

>> No.15618010

Will Thunderfoot admit he was wrong or at least premature?

>> No.15618488

And it's gonna take us a thousand more years to come up with something so obvious to our future generations that they will see us as cave men, it may seem like a long time to you only because you're using your lifetime as a scale of reference

>> No.15618502

Its still fake how much you spam some tom shitware articles with subtemp regular superconductor stock image

Gay bitch gook scamer nigger falling suckg dick

>> No.15618555

We had workable metal and wood for millennia yet clothespins weren't invented till the 1800s. Ain't no tech tree here, sometimes easy shit just slips through the cracks without anyone realizing

>> No.15618615

motherfucker that's the point of replicable research and the original action defining the fucking word. yeah shit probably works, now you're worried that's the same tech China's been using to make hypersonic balloon animals

>> No.15618653

india lol

>> No.15618662

Okay fag

>> No.15618668


>> No.15618671

man literally said it being room temperature superconductor would be useless no matter what because...ceramics? absolute retard

>> No.15618676

Over 5000 years passed from the first example of the written word to the invention of the printing press.

>> No.15618683

What took those dumbass niggas so long to invent shit?

>> No.15618687

Humans are actually pretty damn clever, compared to other species, at least. Also, why so hostile towards aliens? You never know, we could be polite and benevolent. This is the type of attitude that gets your planet strip mined.

>> No.15618715

it took almost 6000 years since humans started drinking milk to invent pasteurization
thousands of years of consuming potentially deadly food, all you needed to do was boil it a while

>> No.15618724

I know the jury's still out on it being bullshit, but one of the things, IMO, in it's favor is that the material isn't made from anything exotic, but from extremely common elements and substances interacting in a previously-undiscovered way that, in hindsight, should've been obvious. Too many truly revolutionary developments made us ask "why didn't we think of that before?"

>> No.15618740

No, retard, it took Humans inventing microscopes to develop Germ theory to invent pasteurization. The pre-Germ theory solution to the problem of raw milk was an invention called 'Cheese'.

>> No.15618774

It gets even more frustrating.
In 500BC, the Romans were making maps out of flat pieces of metal.
They would carve the markings into metal so the maps wouldn't get ruined if you took them on a boat, it was an expensive process.
If they had just done it the other way, carving away everything EXCEPT a horizontally mirrored version of the lines, they could have covered the whole thing in ink (which they also had) and just stamped out thousands of map copies for basically free.
It would be a simple jump from this to printing words.

>> No.15618852

>This is the type of attitude that gets your planet strip mined.
Is that a threat, alien?

>> No.15618859

I'm not an alien you fucker. Aliens aren't real and there's no way I could have made it from Zeta Reticuli.

>> No.15618864

schizo here. I never said anything of the sort liar. fuck you

>> No.15618875

putting lead in everything everywhere is a fantastic idea

>> No.15618876

Of course not - our best theoretical models suggest that would be unproductive.

>> No.15618885

Who said I'm an alien? You're just imagining things. Even if I was an alien how would I know how to use the hypernet and reply to posts??

I am a human.

>> No.15618887

And yet, I haven't still come to an anime version of it.

Therefore, it's pointless.

>> No.15618896

You can use a plate like that for printing, the more pressing problem was paper (which wasn’t known to Europe until the 13th century).

>> No.15618901

No demand for printing press when there's no culture of the masses reading literature and/or a religious text.

>> No.15618902

Sure, but they could have used papyrus, parchment, or pressed it into wax.
The point is something that would be immediately obvious to any midwit today escaped the smartest men on the planet, despite it being right in front of them.

>> No.15618909

>He doesn't know about the Dark Forest hypothesis.


We need to shoot first and ask questions later. The aliens will not even think twice before blowing up the planet.

>> No.15618920
File: 321 KB, 2693x1234, vacuum metastability bomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a failsafe.

>> No.15618924

Hey isn't this from 3 Body Problem?

>> No.15618951

I don't think so?
It's a fairly well-known theory, just turned into a weapon.

>> No.15618957

They did have those things, the materials they could imprint on just weren’t that good or cheap.

>> No.15618976

>all it take to make a steam engine is to boil water in a metal structure with opposing vent holes
>It took us thousands of years to discover this
yeah discoveries be like that fren

>> No.15618984

You assume paper was something anyone in their right mind would print on, or even existed as we know it.

>> No.15618988

It also required the concept of energy conservation, which is not at all trivial or obvious.

>> No.15619001
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We had steam engines. We just thought it was a kind of novelty instead of a world changing breakthrough.

>> No.15619008
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Doubt-sisters, I don't feel so good...

>> No.15619018

>inb4 retracted two weeks from now

>> No.15619024
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2048, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would require us to know their home world and if such a weapon was not only a thing but well known I doubt the ayys would give us directions. Without them telling us I'm not sure how we could ever really know where they came from, they could just use us to false-flag an enemy.

>> No.15619035

>enemy threatens us
>we blow up the universe as a failsafe
>everyone dies

The real question is why hasn't it happened before with ayy lmaos warring with each other. Or it happened already and it takes a while for the vacuum to arrive.

>> No.15619048

And with cuneiform a press doesn't even need ink.

>> No.15619071
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> it's the three author version

We won Young-Wan Kwon bros.

>> No.15619073

Its funny to see white people behind for the first time fumbling around like drunk men in an unfamiliar street. Ever since covid exposed how stupid you people really are, i don't think anyone takes you seriously anymore. Mark the covid 19 incidents as the beginning of the end.

>> No.15619074
File: 39 KB, 720x458, drypoint1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they had just done it the other way, carving away everything EXCEPT a horizontally mirrored version of the lines, they could have covered the whole thing in ink (which they also had) and just stamped out thousands of map copies for basically free.
It's way simpler than that, you don't even need to etch a "negative" image to get a print from metal tablets.

>> No.15619078

The screenshot is fake. Go look at nature's latest releases idiot.

>> No.15619083

>Science now regretting their over-hasty and since-amended deboonking

>> No.15619111

cmon anon Koreans are honorary white.

>> No.15619128

The chinese have already stolen and replicated the idea, its them you should be worried about.

>> No.15619135

I know a furry porn comic that basically has this as it's background story

>> No.15619168

>sometimes easy shit just slips through the cracks without anyone realizing
hits is premium cope for stupidity.

>> No.15619169

Unironically yes kind of. Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine showed that it could run on vegetable oil and he believed that vegetable oils would become the primary fuel used in the future. Less than a year after presenting this idea he died in mysterious circumstances on a boat, and no real significant work on developing an engine to run on vegetable oils has been made.

>> No.15619236

there are easier ways to create a global magnetic field on mars

>> No.15619263

Nuke it?

>> No.15619268

You really did not read the fucking post you retarded dingleberry

>> No.15619271

Kek you must be brown. This will be a gunpowder event. We don’t need to invent it to use it to take over the world.

>> No.15619279

yes, but with dimensions instead of false vacuum. universe is so fucking big some schizo 50000 ly away triggering one of these bombs won't be a concern for aliums that far away. they have 50000 years to get out of there.

>> No.15619288

Einstein says that FTL is impossible

>> No.15619289

Wtf is this racecope? You have to go back

>> No.15619315

sirs industrial and precision manufacturing is hard, pls understand

>> No.15619327

Absolute brainlet. They *did* just boil it before. Besides, pasteurization doesn't even matter that much. I drink raw milk all the time and ferment it too. The problem was the conditions were filthy, especially in crowded places. In comparison, a steppe horseman in a grass field drinking straight out of a cow's titty 10k years ago is a far healthier option. Germ theory and basic understanding of hygiene is what changed things for a lot better.

>> No.15619355
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>> No.15619358

Imagine we had gone the steampunk route.

>> No.15619360

Whites invented gunpowder independently of Eastern influence actually, I think you mean paper

>> No.15619368

was this debunked yet?


>> No.15619372

Bro it's being held up why a wire behind the rock.

>> No.15619392

lmao you just know it was faked, these mentally ill subhumans crave attention. i've never seen a trans person who isn't a terminally online clout chaser.

>> No.15619401

You can run an engine even with whiskey

>> No.15619410
File: 30 KB, 852x480, Unobtanium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$40Mil / kg
So it's nothing. it's many times more expensive than liquid He cooled NbTi.

>> No.15619413

It's also claiming to be "soviet" ethnicity, whatever the fuck that means.
It's just a dude, russians larp a lot

>> No.15619423

How many of humanity's biggest breakthroughs occur by some random stumbling upon something by happy accident, as opposed to years of basedentists grinding away in a lab using models as a guide? Could AI even have predicted this without the accidental blunder factor?

>> No.15619433

why does it rise back up after he presses it down? if it was quantum locking or whatever shouldn't it remain at the level it was positioned at?

>> No.15619455

Cylinder Seals were used to print cuneiform words into clay and they predate writing. Euros, or even Chinese inventing printing is popculture tier history.

>> No.15619456

>whatever the fuck that means.
A mutt, that never accepted that USSR died.
No really, IIRC it was an official policy of USSR to meld all ethnicities inside it into new Soviet People

>> No.15619459

I've got a front row seat to the slow collapse of your retarded culture funded by unironically, you retards. Why would i go back?

>> No.15619481
File: 247 KB, 430x355, 31242342431234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you can see the reflection of the white stand that holds up the rock. It can't be a light source in the room because it overlaps his hand in the reflection. He never puts the marker where this stand would be.

The stand is flexible like a spring

>> No.15619490

Soviet doublethink always causes me seething rage.

>> No.15619495
File: 102 KB, 1000x684, 19_51_en_Biodiesel_production_in_key_countries_in_2018_15778175255614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no real significant work on developing an engine to run on vegetable oils has been made.

That is completely incorrect; biodiesel fuel is made from lightly processed vegetable oils, and is produced in industrial quantities. Most of the diesel in the US & Europe will have a small portion biodiesel blended in. The main downside is that world vegetable oil production is only enough to replace a small fraction of diesel fuel usage.

>> No.15619531

>The stand is flexible like a spring
oh yeah, you can even see it for a couple of frames when i look closer, kek

>> No.15619572
File: 160 KB, 1000x741, Teniers-Alchemist-Mauritshuis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alchemist where on the right track, we didn't listen

>> No.15619596
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>> No.15619610

correct, you faggot redditor
read the post again and use your critical thinking to figure out what it means instead of furiously masturbating

>> No.15619884

Any news, other than the kraut on /pol/ ignoring every confirmation until now by calling for the fraud and conspiracy of every lab involved, as a demoralization campaign?

>> No.15619887


>> No.15619915

>it would be unironically better if its ET, because that means FTL is possible too
No it doesn't mean that. Interstellar distances may be impractically long for humans even at near light speed considering our biological limitations, but such a vastly older and technologically more advanced civilization would've transcended those limitations for sure (and realistically, wouldn't be biological at all. Which is the reason I think Grusch's story is bullshit)

>> No.15619921

read the paper retard, its way more than that lmao

>> No.15619930

The people who run your life have had this for years, likely decades now.

>> No.15619937

I see you're too young to remember the late 00s when there were people using engines that ran on vegetable oils and talked about how they basically drove around for free by asking restaurants for their discarded oils they were about to throw out. There was a brief mania about this kind of thing.

>> No.15619959 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 847x673, C2917ADA-E2A6-49B1-93C9-4ACE25D60A0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegetable oil costs more per gallon than Gasoline

>> No.15619966

whites are demoralized, we arent operating at 100%. our greatest minds are trapped in porn and video games. if we had a leader that could lead us to throw of the kikes and niggers, we would conqueor the world in under a year

>> No.15619972

Will we get invaded by ayys who want to steal the secrets of our rtscs?

>> No.15619978

Anon, we can do the math on the amount of energy required to slowboat even short interstellar distances
No, a craft small enough to go undetected by literally every fucking telescope in existence cannot store enough fuel to make it interstellar
the only possibility is a very large ship, which we would fucking see like a fucking beacon, or FTL

>> No.15620010

The kikes infested our institutions and poisoned the well with junk science and now nobody can tell you what a woman is without being excommunicated, so they go along with the lies for research grants and funding, which is mostly monopolised by the kikes so they effectively get to set the direction of research and development. I half expect this to be discredited and buried even if it works, but the apparent simplicity of making it could put a dent in the plans of the jew this time.

>> No.15620019

Yeah there's still two or three vehicles in my town that run off used cooking oil but not only do you need to get gallons of it every week you also need to inspect it, sieve it for leftover food particles, separate the water, and you can't store it for long periods of time because it gets rancid.
It's not really a time and cost savings over just using diesel.
Aside from that, it doesn't really burn any cleaner than diesel so it's not really a major environmental innovation either.

>> No.15620040

alchemy is for inner change in personality and connecting to the divine not the change of metals

>> No.15620045

before they were worst korea, but if they've given us superconductors so cheap and easy that there's no possible way to keep pushing for bugs and pods and be taken seriously, they will become best korea once again
this shit opens the door to fucking cheap fusion, let alone all the other shit

>> No.15620053

Dark Forest Hypothesis is objectively incorrect.

>> No.15620065

Romans wrote on papyrus and parchment all the time

>> No.15620077

The chinks released a paper yesterday about how mixing lead with gold might wield even better results than lead and copper
The world is a huge comedy

>> No.15620082

I've read that part of the reason LLMs feel like they're moving so fast is that we absolutely could have invented them in the 90s, and we're basically just playing catch-up. The compute would only have gotten us as far as maybe GPT1 back then, but still. Shit like this makes me wonder if we've been too hasty in claiming that all the low hanging fruit of science has been picked

>> No.15620085
File: 10 KB, 189x351, 1669691401444595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then we had to rediscover how to make steam engines because the first people to make steam engines basically didn't give a shit about it.

>> No.15620202

The Romans honestly may have, there are reams of mundane documents from Egypt because papyrus preserved better but Egypt was a back water. Who knows what time had going on paper wise. We are missing huge chunks of government documents because we know they were as bureaucratic as a modern state from pay stubs and bills for troops they left in Egypt

>> No.15620208

Literal rocks have managed to travel interstellar distances.

>> No.15620234

The biggest thing was finding a use for steam engines, the easiest ones to build don’t do much work and require massive amounts of energy. Basically the simplest steam engines that early metallurgy could support would only be useful if the energy source was on site. Pretty much coal mining would be the only endeavor that would invent the steam engine along a path like we experienced. You need to need mechanical energy right next to a energy deposit

>> No.15620244

which took them literal millions of years to do
this is obviously not how any species of any kind would be doing interstellar travel, and you fucking know it, you snide cum gargling double nigger
if all you fucking have is incessantly spamming "ackchully" over technicalities you know don't fucking apply, you would be much better served on reddit, since that's the den your brand of subhuman stem from

>> No.15620248

And liberals protest it to grow more food for the poor

>> No.15620249

Romans didn't have the materials to build steam engines of sufficient power to be worth the cost of the metal, let alone be more efficient than slaves
All they had was bronze, since up until the industrial revolution, iron was poor quality, and "steel" was even shittier cast iron

>> No.15620269

God FUCKING bless the cheese makers
Real niggas been with us right from the very start

>> No.15620295

The reality is much worse than this. The elites who didn't want us to have this superconductor until now simply killed anyone that made this discovery.
It wasn't hard since they had watch lists of all publishing methods and anyone who tried to publish this got whacked and his findings destroyed.

>> No.15620313

Yes sir *unzips* here eat this cheese fagget

>> No.15620330

>this is obviously not how any species of any kind would be doing interstellar travel, and you fucking know it.
We have sent Voyager 1 that, although it might not come across any particular star, will travel a distance equivalent to interstellar travel in less than a million years. You really think that no advanced (millions, potentially billions of years older) civilization without FTL wouldn't do something similar and a substantially better job at it?

>> No.15620371
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yes you nigger, with bigger and brighter engines due to the energy requirements of moving something from point A to point B
an advanced alien species isn't going to take millions of years to travel hundreds of lightyears purely because some reddit refugee insists they will
They will use fusion torches, antimatter, or whatever else to cut the time down to tolerable levels, because they will, being this grand ancient race, have the resources to do so
To say they'd take all their technology but be retarded on purpose instead is being retarded yourself because you have an obsessive need to masturbate over being a contrarian

Unironically go the fuck back, your site is done its tantrum so you have no reason to stay here

>> No.15620375

>Dark Forest hypothesis.
I can see it now
Hundreds of alien civillisations stalking each other through the void, dedicating impossibly vast resources to sniffing out every last scrap of emissions in the hope of finding and killing their hypothetical foes before they are found and killed themselves
And then comes humanity, barging heedlessly into the centre of multi-civilisational Mexican Standoff, firing off colony ships in random directions and broadcasting as loudly as they can on every possible frequency
Someone makes a move, and all hell breaks loose on an intergalactic scale
When the dust settles, not only are the humans still alive (and still broadcasting as loudly as they can on every possible frequency), they've somehow managed to infect the nearby alien civilisations with thier political bullshit, and competing partisan movements are now tearing apart interplanetary totalitarian states that have stood for thousands of years even as the humans both fight and trade with literally every sapient species they encounter including themselves

>> No.15620439

furries have a weirdly consistent overlap with space sci fi, so that's not as surprising as you might initially think

>> No.15620517

Did you read the fucking image?
It kills everything in the universe, we wouldn't have to know where they came from.

>> No.15620590

Maybe that's the more likely scenario, out of the sub-FTL ones. What's a lot less clear is that the undetected sub-FTL scenario is crazier than FTL being possible.

>> No.15620593

Imagine those other civilizations never put the necessary funds into explosives research and were all blindsided the first time we launched a nuke at one of them.
Mankind might be lacking in several key areas, but by god have we mastered warfare.

>> No.15620625
File: 31 KB, 694x968, soyence bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh soience fiction fantasy life

>> No.15620656


>> No.15620766

Several reasons.
>as soon as one person fires the whole forest erupts into a firefight
>striking first does not guarantee winning
>if there were aliens then we'd already be dead
The third one is really the biggest one. For the dark forest hypothesis to "work" it is absolutely mandatory that humans be the first and most advanced species in existence. Because if we weren't then we'd already have been found and killed by another earlier and more advanced species. A thousand years is nothing in the scale of the universe but is gargantuan in the scale of a civilization. It's technically not impossible for us to just be first, but in that case the dark forest hypothesis doesn't actually explain why we don't see any aliens. If humans are already the most advanced then the reason we don't see other aliens is because they aren't advanced enough to be seen.
The alternative is having every species in the universe be almost identical in technological development so that one of them doesn't just kill all the others as they find them. But that option is patently absurd.

>> No.15620779

>it is absolutely mandatory that humans be the first and most advanced species in existence
Spoiler alert, we are.

>> No.15620788


>> No.15620801

>but in that case the dark forest hypothesis doesn't actually explain why we don't see any aliens.
The whole point of the dark forest hypothesis is to answer the fermi paradox question of why we don't see any aliens.
Us being the first species is an entirely different answer to the same question, thus the dark forest hypothesis is still incorrect.

>> No.15620808

>But that option is patently absurd.
But all the redditors and normies believe that life must be common because MANY STARS BRO but also are all at the same technological level where they communicate via radio and don't have satellite technology exceeding the JWST.

>> No.15620826

Oh, I also forgot another reason why it is incapable of being correct.
>you can't hide your civilization
The more advanced civilization will always detect you before you detect them, therefore leading back to the answer of the first and most advanced species just killing everything else.

>> No.15621092

Nuclear reactors driving a field generator at the LaGrange point.

>> No.15621107

that's because you're a retarded teenager that doesn't belong on this board
bigger and bright engines make it fucking obvious why they'd be detected well and far away, let alone decelerating towards our system

>> No.15621134

nuclear physics are an integral part of any advanced drive technology
it would be fucking obvious to any species working with fissiles what the various applications would be
>humies are only good at war
pure redditorism
be fucking creative

>> No.15621143

no, it proves all the shit they teach kids in school is bullshit and useless

>> No.15621147

>as soon as one person fires the whole forest erupts into a firefight
forest quickly becomes even darker, top predators even top-er. this is not a counterargument
>striking first does not guarantee winning
there is no win condition in the dark forest. survival is the best you can hope for
>if there were aliens then we'd already be dead
maybe they haven't seen us yet

>> No.15621149

>UFO crashes
>Atomic bomb is revealed
really gets your shekels shekling

>> No.15621156

So we’d be 40k orks? The tech priest sent probes beyond the galaxy rim and all they hear is orks yelling at each other

>> No.15621170

it's not a secret, it's been posted on /x/ and /pol/ since long time, kys reposting chud

>> No.15621175

>pure redditorism
Get over yourself you fucking retard.
It's not a given that anyone even has "advanced drive technology"
Assuming aliens have super duper advanced tech is unironically the redditor position.

>> No.15621203

the only ayys relevant here are the advanced ones, since they're the only ones that could fucking reach here at all
the fucking ape analogs still banging rocks on the other side of the galaxy are not the ones being considered by anyone

>> No.15621268

I got news for you anon, the ape analogs are the only things out there.

>> No.15621279
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i mean its obviously all alien tech rollout

>alien saucer crashes
>literally right after
>fiber optics
>operating systems
>fake space race to hide flat earth interdimenisonality

>> No.15621513

In general if there were advanced aliens around us I would expect them to have incredible capabilities they would use to rearrange the cosmos to their needs and not giving a fuck whether we, ants compared to them, would see them. And that most likely should make their presence obvious. But clearly, that's not the case. IF they are here (I find it very unlikely), they are for some reason trying to stay mostly hidden from us and also not doing any gigantic astroengineering that would be obvious.

There being aliens on Earth right now requires them to deliberately hang around on an ambiguous level of visibility, staying mostly hidden but sometimes flashing a bunch of lights and flying in erratic patterns in front of few select pilots and whatever, without ever leaving conclusive evidence of their presence. That's quite a weird choice. Unlikely though I find that aliens would care to hide from us, if they did it would make more sense that they'd do a throughout job at that as they would be more than capable enough to stay completely hidden - which would result in no UFO sightings let alone alien craft in human possession.

But that's what would need to be true for there to be aliens on Earth right now. FTL doesn't make that scenario necessary less weird, as it introduces an element that doesn't seem to be physically possible and also implies time travel and whatnot. It's trivially true that sub-FTL interstellar travel is possible, even for objects small enough we might not detect them. Aliens choosing to use less energy at the cost of longer travel times would be consistent with them not doing visible changes to the cosmos and staying mostly hidden from us, which needs to be true anyway under this scenario that is unlikely to begin with. It's just that the scenario doesn't particularly imply FTL.

>> No.15621909

>first time

>> No.15621923

>Doesn't spin
>Springs back

>> No.15621926

most "whites" achievements are jewish but go off.

>> No.15621966


>> No.15622187

>people talking about ayy lmaos
if we ever find life it will be so completely different than anything we know. what makes you think they want to space travel?
the more interesting thought is that we have a upper bound on complexity, namely our self. so what else is possible and wtf is out there with similar complexity but is nothing like what we would recognise as life.

>> No.15622535

Quality paper is another thing that was piss easy to make...

>> No.15623197

Or they are from another dimension. Their presence here doesn't necessarily mean anything for physics because what they are is completely unknown.

>> No.15623221
File: 30 KB, 296x272, IhaveissuesOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I don't fucking wake up tomorrow and some foreign bastard doesn't have this shit figured out I'm going to be upset.

I'm tired of looking like a retard when talking about this, I just want it to be real.

>> No.15623227

this process can take weeks anon

>> No.15623233

it better not

>> No.15623237

it took years for Cuprates to become established, this is a more unbelievable material with a lot more doubt from labs
and the initial papers were low enough quality most scientists rejected them outright

>> No.15623242

gotta procure the equipment, the materials
then setup the procedure and paperwork
only then can they cook
once its out of the oven, there's more paperwork, then tests and paperwork, before finally summarizing it all into an actual paper
two or three weeks is warp speed

>> No.15623247

There's a short story about every other species out there discovering warp travel before discovering everything else in the tech tree, and hopping planets while not having working plumbing. Humans are the only ones to have missed this and so their tech developed differently.

>> No.15623256
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This is unacceptable, I've already chosen to base my entire personality on this.

>> No.15623301

The universe is a really strange place. To prevent cancer it probably requires something goofy like eating 3 florets of broccoli and an almond every day. People are pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to prolong the human lifespan. If we should develop artificial intelligence, imagine our shock when it tells us if you eat an apple and then immediately hold your breath for 2 minutes a day, you just stop aging and it actually ends up working. It makes perfect sense that mixing a bunch of shit together would do something like this because it just doesn't make any sense that human life exists in the first place. There are so many combinations and unpredictable nonlinear interactions that our brains can't even process it.

>> No.15623302
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Makes you wonder if anyone in the ancient past already did this by happenstance.

>> No.15623309

Holy kino

>> No.15623323

>keep seeing leviating material
>keep seeing "room temperature
>thought this whole time we were talking quantum computer breakthrough

>> No.15623375

With how many people have existed in human history, it’s possible.

>> No.15623390

If that Chinese paper is right and lead/gold works even better than lead/copper, an alchemist probably unironically made a superconductor at some point.

>> No.15623639

There are monsters hiding in the dark forest and all of them are there for us to fuck

>> No.15623670
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That is how you get your face eaten by chimps.

>> No.15623683

Without the knowledge of electricity and magnetism they would have being completely clueless about its fancy applications.

>> No.15624410

woke hire
society sand cience mire

>> No.15624422

dark forest
all the dimesions down
the most lol moment was when you reaslise higher dimensions are colapseing thier dimesions to kill off everyone else first.

Though me personally this looks like we are in a sim given hacks like the speeds of light

I think the purpose of the sim is to try and find a solution to the heat death of the universe and where the sim looks like is wont get there it spawns a sub sim and so on.

>> No.15624884

"Mysterious" He emptied his bank accounts, put the cash in a bag and gave it to his wife before he left with directions to not open it until a week after he left.
Only "mysterious" thing is the clothes laid out but force of habit explains that.

>> No.15624894

Also he died 13 years after presenting a functioning vegetable oil engine at the 1900 Paris exposition. A year after his book was published where he mentioned it though.

>> No.15624921
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This is basically Soviet Metal Gear tech from the late 50s that was finally put to use.
We could have had this ages ago if they pursued it more actively.
Or who knows, maybe they have had this for ages and just haven't told anyone about it.

>> No.15624926

the scientists are refusing to share their materials for study and they are refusing to replicate their results. They claim they are "too busy" to work on this study anymore (supposedly the greatest discovery of the 21st century).

Yeah its fucking joever. More damage to korean credibility.

>> No.15624935

They already said they are going to show their materials anon.

>> No.15624957

>maybe they had
Nah. During the 90s, anyone with any connections grabbed and sold to the west whatever technical information they could get. (if you didn't have access to technical data you simply bought factories for cheap and turned them to scrap metal) CIA according to rumors literally had to spend millions so that those with access to nuclear technology only went to Western countries. Since west didn't buy such technical knowledge it most likely wasn't there in the first place.
Not to mention that if USSR had RTSC you would find it in every single tank/plane/ship that glowies ever got their hands on.

>> No.15624970

they rolled that back lLMAO

>> No.15625018


>> No.15625493

Humanity = Soul
aliens = soulless

>> No.15625529

Good job telling them that, retard, I'll blame you if the ayys start sucking out our souls

>> No.15625977

what did they gain

>> No.15626060

so at the end... nothing? it was all a scam? It's been long since we heard new shit, fuck worst korea, playing with my feelings for a wAIfu, not better than chinks it's time to nuke them!

>> No.15626085

They still haven't released their full paper

>> No.15627441

because you've been exposed.

>> No.15627449


>> No.15628012
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This makes me wonder: why do scientists rely so much on theory for their tests? It makes it seem like just funding "random" research would yield more results.
Just cook and mix whatever materials without much thought and when it's done test it in every way possible to check for anomalous behavior.

>> No.15628057

top schizo post

>> No.15628062

bros, give it to me straight, even if the research is legit, is it gonna go anywhere? Are we actually gonna see real world impact of this?
I used to spend a lot of time in futurism forums, where breakthroughs and discoveries like this was reported everyday. Yet, nothing came of any of them. I've inhaled too much hopium and have developed a tolerance. Now I'm jaded and don't care anymore.

>> No.15628067

they're making samples for foreign and local scientists

>> No.15628075

>bros, give it to me straight, even if the research is legit, is it gonna go anywhere?
It is fake. It doesn't work.
The morons here are too infantile to read the fine print that "replicated" merely means they have made the same material, not that they found it to be a superconductor.
So two teams so far have made the same (utterly useless) diamagnetic material.

>> No.15628076

We'll be able to send people of color into space and watch basketball with levitating players.

>> No.15628080

The materials are too accessible for the tech to be regulated. Once it is revealed how it is made there is nothing they can do to stop RTSCs no matter how much they seethe

>> No.15628114

Because most scientist are retards who just memorized formulas without knowing wtf they were doing or what they meant.
>t. Still seething from uni

>> No.15628144

>when the secret to warp drive was precum all along

>> No.15628145

Sad, this kind of people are 115 IQ at best. Explains the stagnation (and corruption, and pettiness, and arrogance, etc. etc. etc.).

>> No.15628151

I've seen shit you wouldn't believe, hell I wouldn't believe I hadn't seen it. FTL is possible but just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.15628155

Really gets the fire goin in the ol' forest

>> No.15628158

Wouldn't it be a bitch if they found out cum could be used as a highly efficient fuel source? >1 ml of cum powering a jet from coast to coast.
All men would be kings then.

>> No.15628167

>Also, why so hostile towards aliens?
I'm personally passive aggressive towards them because >tfwnoayybf

>> No.15628173

but now they're in every single food we eat instead of being used as industrial fuel :) yummy yummy yummy!!

>> No.15628176

can you imagine if gold somehow actually makes you immortal?

>> No.15628190
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What the fuck is a supertransistor? And no I don't mean superconductor.

>> No.15628199

>inb4 retracted two weeks from now
Am I supposed to be surprised that Nature, which sold its soul to satan years ago, went ahead and published this obvious bullshit?

>> No.15628204
File: 20 KB, 400x400, cppBleQs_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I have been called here to let you know you should've listened to me from the very beginning. I will forgive your mistake this one time, but don't let it happen again going forward

>> No.15628211

>What the fuck is a supertransistor?
A nun is often called a "sister" by her parish.
A nun who gets a sex change is a transistor.
A nun with superpowers who gets a sex change is a supertransistor.

>> No.15628213

WW2 killed all the good men

>> No.15628216

>Again I have been called here to let you know you should've listened to me from the very beginning.
Remind me what you said. I wasn't listening.

>> No.15628223

but I'm the complete opposite? I WANT AI development to accelerate, I WANT AGI to take over, I WANT all luddites and AI ethicists, normies, to be tortured and executed by the Omnissiah.

>> No.15628274
File: 743 KB, 897x1059, KENTECH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK-99 samples being researched by KENTECH

Can you feel the KENERGY bros??

>> No.15628298
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>But goyim, it might still have some uses!
Ah, they are moving right along through the stages of cope, I see.

>> No.15628313

You are ay. Why are you ay?

>> No.15628332

If I were an ayy i'd have left this planet a long time ago. Imagine dealing with the bullshit from here instead of having the most intense orgy you could ever have, or playing god creating your dream game, or 30 different dream games. Who the fuck would want to deal with this fucking planet?

>> No.15628357

So, when are /x/ and /sci/ going to join forces and attempt to experimentally discover all of the ritual combinations and cheat codes of reality?

Lab fairies would be a nuisance, but it's worth the try.

>> No.15628473
File: 991 KB, 500x375, God.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alien orgies and electrocally induced orgasms and video games

>> No.15628482

Life is a MMO that you can't logout from

>> No.15628496

Science Jesus. Infallible. Perfect.

>> No.15628498
File: 32 KB, 600x368, Ragequit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't log out, but you can ragequit.

>> No.15628505

I unironically would if I could

>> No.15628518

Just download the ayy orgy pack and grind it out to completion.

>> No.15628538

Also unironically would if I could

>> No.15628752
File: 254 KB, 1837x911, image_2023-08-03_231938351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glass the Xeno, Space war now

>> No.15628848

pick one

>> No.15629266

weird rent free methinks

>> No.15629285

actually obsessed kekw

>> No.15629318

the first doesn't mean the best, this is similar to the times when everyone went to work on weaponising the atom in secret

>> No.15629342

go back to your containment board

>> No.15629515

how do you know ayy lmaos are not as retarded as us? your inferiority complex is showing whiteboi

>> No.15629541

Does lead have some sort of intrinsic property not present in other elements?

Lead has to be removed from the list ingredients somehow

>> No.15629579

Why? You sound like a vaxxie

>> No.15629583

lead+copper = superconductor
lead+gold = superconductor

>> No.15629670

>Because if we weren't then we'd already have been found and killed by another earlier and more advanced species.
If there is a alien civilization that can see us from wherever they are, we pose absolutely no threat to them.
Why would you kill a hill of ants? Only if those ants started to develop nukes then maybe and maybe only we would exterminate them, if removing their means to kill us wasn't possible.

>> No.15629680

>thinks we are alone in the literal universe
>also thinks if alone noone came and went extinct before

>> No.15629690

>Why would you kill a hill of ants? Only if those ants started to develop nukes then maybe and maybe only we would exterminate them, if removing their means to kill us wasn't possible.

Seems like you're putting human values onto ayys. Their reasoning could be far beyond us, they could kill a hill of ants "just because", who knows if they have feelings like us

>> No.15629803

That just means that copper = gold
Now where is my noble prize

>> No.15629818

Magic was just a whole bunch of unexplained physics that the ancients stumbled into by sheer luck

>> No.15629844

Shit, I've been eating mine this whole time. What a waste

>> No.15629857

Doesn't look room temp to me.
>that's just a stock photo
Oh, can I see a real photo?

>> No.15629904


>> No.15630066

There's literal video evidence, retard-kun.

>> No.15630181

Yeah thunderf00t had a steep decline in quality thinking in the past years. Now he is making videos about international politics, law, something about twitter.
Dude fell for the same meme Neil Tyson fell for, which is thinking yourself to be some sort of all-round genius because you know physics

>> No.15630394

>all it takes to make a superconductor is to mix some copper and lead and bake it for a few days
Lots of things seem obvious, once the solution is presented.

>> No.15630455

Well that would be an argument for that we don't know one way or the other whether they'd kill us, not for "they'd kill us for sure".

>> No.15630478

Is compounded lead safe for manipulation? Let's say this works and it becomes mainstream, wouldn't it result it massive cases of lead poisoning?

>> No.15630503

sounds interesting, do you have a title or a link?

>> No.15630506

I actually believe in noosphere.

>> No.15630547

Lead as a bulk material isn't particuarly dangerous. In fumes or easily absorbed solvents, and in organic forms of lead, it's much worse, but LK-99 isn't any of these things. Don't count on LK-99 specifically being the material that takes the world by storm if it is a room temp superconductor since it might be crappy as a material for other reasons, other materials based of it might not have any lead in it at all.

>> No.15630623

>Did the overlords of our simulation reprogram the physics engine just recently or something?
Sorry. Get used to it, FAGGOT

>> No.15630782

The Road Not Taken
It's just a vehicle for Humanity Fuck Yeah circle jerking

>> No.15630871

>It's just a vehicle for Humanity Fuck Yeah circle jerking
Maybe I am reddit for admitting this but I love that corny star trek shit

>> No.15630888
File: 652 KB, 960x720, Vimana Shastra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopping planets while not having working plumbing
So basically ancient Hindus?

>> No.15631455

Clothespins are only a viable technology when you have the industrial capability to mass produce metals and wood cheaply. Nobody is going to pay their local blacksmith half their harvest to buy some clothespins.

>> No.15631892

>We've gotten to this technology level before, on Earth or elsewhere, and alchemy was an attempt to reproduce what we already knew with shitty base technology

>> No.15631936

There are still portions of plumbing networks in major cities around the world that have lead pipes. It's fine.
It's absolutely nothing compared to when we had tetraethyl lead in the gasoline and gave every single boomer and gen-xer permanent brain damage.

>> No.15631968

What was the excuse for that anyway? Oopsie we didn't know even though the romans did?

>> No.15631987

True and real, only morons don't understand.
If this works the true challenge is to mass produce it reliably, for cheap, and in convenient shapes.

>> No.15632011

They followed the soience, they were told that shit was safe.

>> No.15632033

> Does lead have some sort of intrinsic property not present in other elements?
Is cheap.

>> No.15632044

They were told that lead was safe? By who we've known that shit was toxic since the 1700s

>> No.15632067

>There's no escape
Wouldn't actually a ton of matter be safe forever due to the accelerating expansion of space? The energy is only light speed.

>> No.15632079

You underestimate the power of a well-written ad campaign funded by Big OIL

>> No.15632361

Malice. Everyone involved knew it was cancer but it was significantly cheaper and better than anything else and boosting octane was too valuable to pass up.

>> No.15632436

Anti-gravity is next.
Free energy will become apparent at the same time.
It will be so easy, the Ancients already did it tens of thousands of years ago.
We are already an interstellar species.
We will meme it into reality.
Consciousness is quantum information observing itself and influencing itself.
It accretes reality like gravity.

>> No.15632497

Not worth the risk of void cultists getting it
This is a good argument for either no aliens, or no vacuum bomb. Probably no vacuum bomb.
The region of expanding vacuum would probably be in a weird transitional state that would have a higher energy. So it would have a surface tension. The energy spent to create the surface would have to be less than the energy liberated by the volume collapsing to the lower vacuum energy. If the surface tension is the Planck surface tension and the vacuum energy difference is the cosmological constant, then the bubble would need to be bigger than the observable universe to even get started.

>> No.15632730

>Western scientists have been sitting on their thumbs for 50 years
it's like they are waiting for oil and gas to run out before coming out with all the good stuff, solutions for everything probably already exist and plans for mass production, as long as oil is cheap nothing will change

>> No.15632846
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>> No.15632873
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something doesn't feel right with these posts

>> No.15632898

It's so fucking obvious in hindsight. That's why they act so weird, inhuman. They aren't and they dress in a costume of their own species to feel nostalgic during their mission.

>> No.15633197

>(and realistically, wouldn't be biological at all. Which is the reason I think Grusch's story is bullshit)
There's no reason it cant be both
>slower than light big fuck off ship arrived here millions of years ago
>captained/managed by an AGI
>prints out meat suits, possibly mixed with local genetics to interact with Earth's biosphere
The only real question is why the meat at all? Does their technology require it for some reason? Are they an artificial worker cast that takes care of real world maintenance and peasant work while the true citizens are uploaded?

>> No.15633338

obsessing over reddit sounds more like a pol thing

>> No.15633350

imagine trusting a poltard kek retard

>> No.15633430

Yep. After a certain amount of decades my pattern recognizing brain picked up on this. Stage performances, movie magic, "haunted" locations, miracles, luck, curses, moments of shortened or missing time. All instances that can influenced by humans and their ability to perceive, merge, or affect realities. Magic is real in a sense, but is actually weakened by doubts. Which is why it is incredibly hard to measure magic scientifically. The more people believe or expect something the more possible it becomes. We are essentially weaker 40k orcs.

>> No.15633458

lead poisoning is not a big deal, its just a little brain damage i bet 99% of boomers lost less than 6IQ from it

>> No.15633461

I like to remind myself that humans are only a product to pass on genes, and shouldn't necessarily be "involved" when trying to understand the universe

>> No.15633518

Christ. I wonder if universal weapons of destruction are why scientists have been detecting huge voids of empty space in the observable universe billions of years ago. Great filter indeed.

>> No.15633695

That's some horrifying shit, since it could be coming our way already

>> No.15633709

you mean Nature? Or did Science do this too?

>> No.15633718

>no torque
It was useless and you know it.

>> No.15633727

>muh dark forest cope
Reminder that ALL of the empirical evidence is consistent with the Rare Earth Hypothesis.

>b-but muh chink scifi book

>> No.15633738


>> No.15633740

>science fiction that isn't pessimistic about humanity is... LE BAD

>> No.15633750

Beginning in 1965, with the publication of Contaminated and Natural Lead Environments of Man, Patterson tried to draw public attention to the problem of increased lead levels in the environment and the food chain from lead from industrial sources. Perhaps partly because he was criticizing the experimental methods of other scientists, he encountered strong opposition from those then recognized as experts, such as Robert A. Kehoe.

In his effort to ensure that lead was removed from gasoline (petrol), Patterson fought against the lobbying power of the Ethyl Corporation (which employed Kehoe), against the legacy of Thomas Midgley, Jr. (which included tetraethyllead and chlorofluorocarbons), and against the lead additive industry as a whole. Following Patterson's criticism of the lead industry, he was refused contracts with many research organizations, including the supposedly-neutral United States Public Health Service. In 1971, he was excluded from a National Research Council (NRC) panel on atmospheric lead contamination, even though he was then the foremost expert on the subject.

>> No.15633756

boomers have in innate fear of lead I blame them

>> No.15633763

The process requires high vacuum and precise temperature control so it's really only been possible to manufacture since like the 1870s which is pretty far beyond the era of mixing shit together and fucking with it to see what happens

>> No.15633762

petrol is more renewable anyway

>> No.15633783

you dun goofed.
people did boil things since forever, that's how you made food/water safe.
the deal with pasteur was figuring out you can "flash boil" it to make it last longer.

>> No.15633834

that was pretty good. I guess it's cheesy in a way but it has this "truth is stranger than fiction" quality that I like. Also kindo of reminds me of stargate if in that show they got the most advanced tech season 1

>> No.15633850

This economics and necessity are huge factors in developing tech. The bicycle could have been invented 1000 years ago with wood, nails and a leather belt for a drive chain. But back then there was no need for something that was faster than walking but cheaper than animals. That became necessary with modern cities where having a horse or donkey is inconvenient for most but you may want to go several miles to other parts f the city.

>> No.15633864

It's not optimism in that story. It's just a made up scenario where humans autowin without any difficulty because we're just that based

>> No.15633904

you've confused pessimism with profundity and intellectualism

>> No.15633906

That'd be totally fine by me

>> No.15633913

>made up scenario
the logic isn't as far fetched as you think
there are similar cases in history like equatorial areas that have what they need and don't do anything, or the chinese thinking silk and fireworks are techtree endgame

>> No.15633955

>It's just a made up scenario where humans autowin without any difficulty because we're just that based
That describes MOST scenarios in which humans encounter other life? So fucking what?

>> No.15633980

Clothespins aren’t that useful; and the greater necessity for them only came from people owning more and lighter clothes, and the ubiquity of clothes line.

>> No.15634093

superconductors were discovered in the late 40s

>> No.15634798

>are you telling me nobody has put lead and copper in a 9-1 ratio with phosphate before?

>> No.15635764
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>> No.15636042

I just asked a question man, no need to include me in the schizophrenic mass ping.