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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15614626 No.15614626 [Reply] [Original]

Specks of LK-99 - edition

previous >>15611576

>> No.15614633
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Needle update

>> No.15614634

Twitter user iris_IGB claims to have managed to produce meissner effect exhibiting LK-99 sample:

Facebook user Awana Vps claims that his reproduced sample of LK-99 does not exhibit meissner effect:

Bilibili user 关山口男子技师 claims to have observed antimagnetism in his sample, but no superconductivity:

Bilibili user 关山口男子技师 claims to have made four samples of LK-99 and none of them exhibit the claimed superconductivity or meissner effect:

Research paper was posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99:

Same researchers posted a video of LK-99 exhibiting meissner effect:

List of Replication Efforts

Updated Paper Published

Chinese replicate strong diamagnetic effect

>> No.15614635
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For fuck sake

>> No.15614637

>tfw mechanical engineer
>tfw one 3-credit hour class of crystal structure / chemistry physics under my belt from pre-grad school
>tfw all of this stuff is like gibberish to me

>> No.15614642

Hope it's legitimate. Would be a very exciting breakthrough.

Even if LK-99 itself isn't particularly useful the knowledge gained from studying a room-temp superconductor will probably lead to big things.

>> No.15614649

the Chinese are replicating this up the ASS right now

we are so fucking back

why did the Indians fail though?

>> No.15614650

>the knowledge gained from studying a room-temp superconductor will probably lead to big things.
the useful knowledge of heating up a lead composite that magically leads to superconductivity

>> No.15614653 [DELETED] 
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doesn't correspond with markets

>> No.15614660
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Kek I am loving the needle updates needleanon keep up the good work.

I only have leaning over and leaning back does anyone have the others so I can shitpost with them

>> No.15614661


Checks out

>> No.15614662

Reddit is down the hall to the left

>> No.15614663

Markets are often irrational, needles are based on facts and cannot be biased.

>> No.15614664

Who the fuck is Sneed Griffin?

>> No.15614666
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doesn't correspond to markets

>> No.15614670
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You have no idea; I had to take Physics 101 and up until Biochem for my major and LK99 stuff fuels my desire to know more but I am too retarded to know what's what.

>> No.15614674

What kind of hidden wars will every world government alphabet soup do once this gets confirmed real.

>> No.15614682

if only you knew how much geopolitical tension there really is.

>> No.15614689

It was a massive chunk of a very impure sample. If they did make trazes of SC, they were vastly outweighed by non-SC.
Compare that to the Chinese levitation video: They only got a tiny pebble of relatively pure SC and that seemed to do the trick.

>> No.15614700

Anon WW3 will almost certainly happen before the end of the decade

>> No.15614707

OP sounds like that guy who does a runner from school.

Get werkin on lernin

>> No.15614718

>no pronouns in bio
i like her a lot.

>> No.15614723

Very nice and all. Can I kill people with it? Asking the real questions here for the sake of military supremacy.

>> No.15614724

a runner?

>> No.15614730

yes, video but much better

>> No.15614733
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can someone explain to a brainlet the significance of this? Why is everyone fawning over this?

>> No.15614734

we're so back the 70s are in again

>> No.15614737
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Literally the holy grail of materiel science

>> No.15614739


>> No.15614741

see those vents on that laptop? yeah that shit is useless

>> No.15614742

Is what we're seeing right now the process of peer review?

>> No.15614743

Yes, basically people realized the process has some weird stuff that's probably what took the koreans longer to make the thing so now they're trying some variations

>> No.15614744


>> No.15614748

we're having sneed review on /sci/ and it's all that matters. backposters and overposters are fighting the battle of the century

>> No.15614752
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They have 0 resistance, make no waste heat, and are perfect magnets.
You can do all kinds of wacky shit with them, it would be right to commit genocide in order to get them, if that's what it took.

>> No.15614753

you're a pseud
nope its just classic clickbait science, we've gone from being graphene flavored to superconducting memes

>> No.15614756

you can transmit energy with 0 loss in power
you can put a bunch of solar panels in the Sahara desert and literally power the entire world

>> No.15614758

so when will we know something definitive, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month? sems like no ones agreeing to anything with all the back and forth going on.

>> No.15614760

almost any application of electricity or magnets you can think of (like 80% of all our shit we use) is straight up way better pretty much.

>> No.15614763

1 Month.

>> No.15614766

5 hours

>> No.15614768

1 fauci = 2mw

>> No.15614774

2 weeks.

>> No.15614775


What I dont get is the wikipedia page on this, half say nothing happened and the other half (give or take) saw success. Seems like they cant agree on it.

>> No.15614777

there is no time limit, people will keep researching until it's obliterated by other scientists, or just werks

right now it's in the "???" phase of peer review

>> No.15614779

I need an update soon my hopium stock is dwindling

>> No.15614781

we have 3 "good" outlook stories so far. One of them is a simulation lacking a lot of data, and two are chinese replications with no papers besides shaky twitter videos

>> No.15614784


FOMO is a serious thing, id just bail before it closes.

>> No.15614785

if this works will i get a gf?

>> No.15614786

This is the state of replication so far.

>> No.15614788

it's over

>> No.15614791

even SEA slums will have maglev, yes

>> No.15614793
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>> No.15614795

yeah in the end it won't be the superconductor that will be discovered but the fact that reality is in a superposition of it's over we're back

>> No.15614796

It's real and exists and is functional, although it's very small and weak
The reason everyone's trying to refute this is because between this and Taiwan, China will be the dominant superpower for as long as it takes the west to catch up

>> No.15614799

Wikipedia just copy the Spacebattles forum table removing the anime profile pic russian.

>> No.15614801

unless a reputable EU or US source(non simulated) claims it as real, its not real

>> No.15614803
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>> No.15614804


>> No.15614810

>As of 1 August 2023, the material has not been confirmed to be superconducting at any temperature. The synthesis of LK-99 and observation of its superconductivity have not been peer reviewed or independently replicated.[4] The announcement was widely shared and the reaction by the scientific world was mainly skeptical due to the extraordinary nature of the claims,[5] and errors and inconsistencies in the pre-published papers.
>As of 1 August 2023, the experiment had not been successfully replicated, despite the initial experiments being completed in 2020.
So just more social media nonsense? Come on /sci/ I thought you were better than this.

>> No.15614813

wtf is spacebattles

>> No.15614815
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>> No.15614821

nigger stop posting twitter niggers
noon cares

>> No.15614825

Obviously poo contaminants.

>> No.15614827

it's x now you bigot

>> No.15614832

vulture capitalists are scum of the earth

>> No.15614833

Autistic boomers.

>> No.15614835

>noo, how dare you charge for the value you create

>> No.15614837

Shut up NOW

>> No.15614845

>random illiterate nigger with a paid blue cuckmark
/sci/ is lost forever.

>> No.15614846

my problem isnt with the capitalist part, it's the retardation part

>> No.15614848


>> No.15614850

i've been reading tweets and 4chan posts about this and yet still don't know what superconductivity is and why it would revolutionize computing. i even asked bing chat but forget it now.

but apparently it will help trains float.

>> No.15614851

its the founder and CEO of a startup that is trying to manufacture drugs in space

>> No.15614853

vs debates and worm fanfiction

>> No.15614856

>Founded in 2020, the company aims to build the first space station dedicated to industrial use
Yeah, a random tech startup.

>world's first space drugs and arms dealer @vardaspace village idiot/partner
Nice bio too.

>> No.15614858

in other words a fucking moron

>> No.15614859

in short:
a superconductor is a material that generates virtually no resistance when a current is passed through it. this means that there is virtually no energy lost to heat.
which not only means more efficient energy transfer, but also allows you to ignore cooling concerns since you won't risk your shit melting itself
also some shit about floating or whatnot but that's mostly just a meme based on magnetic properties associated with them. it's primarily the electrical efficiency that matters

>> No.15614861

So much of a cluster fuck going on with this, does the South Korean team still stand by their claims? Even with the failures no one is agreeing with what is going on. Also I got to see first hand how scientists act, they are all in it for themselves, trying to one up each other for the sake of clout, fuck these people, its no wonder discovery has been so stagnant.

>> No.15614862

From a very cursory understanding of what's going on at the moment, the mechanism that produces the supercondunductivity is completely novel, and so doesn't always form in the structure of the material?
So it is basically confirmed to be a RTAP superconductor, which is huge, but there is a shitload of work to be done in terms of production processes in order to make it into anything commercially viable. Maybe we'll take another look at a lot of already dismissed substances that could actually fit the bill with a little bit of tweaking?

If you mean the very, very basics of it - Room temperature/ambient temperature Superconducting material is the holy grail of material science because the scope of application is basically infinite. Billions of dollars of power each year get pissed into the wind by heat loss from resistance, and that's only looking at the very most basic use case. Anti-grav maglev trains that run on inertia alone is another cool one - Imagine being able to get from here to anywhere by essentially kicking off the ground. Superconductors have massive, massive application in fusion reactors because the magnetic containment fields they use for the plasma are based on them. If we suddenly don't need to worry about keeping the magnets from vaporising with a constant stream of liquid nitrogen, it opens up a lot of opportunity to cross the critical threshold that unlocks fusion power as an economically viable source of electricity. The other big one is that the main limitation of computronics at this point in their development is cooling. We can make a processor go at fucking lightning speeds, but if you can't cycle coolant over it fast enough then it melts itself. You can use water cooling, you can use liquid nitrogen in extreme cases, but with superconducting circuitry, you don't need to bother, and you are suddenly free to make bullshit fast processors. It also makes quantum computing easier, but I don't actually know shit about that.

>> No.15614863


>> No.15614865

oh ok interesting, so the resistance creates the heat. i need to take some physics classes (unironically, will do).

>> No.15614866

absolutely, multiple girlfriends even.

>> No.15614869
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they just got a NASA contract and the drug manufacturing capsule is in space right now, apparently succesfully did the synthesis but waiting for FAA approval for re-entry


>> No.15614870

Zero(or almost zero) Resistance or meaning no energy loss and generate heat from energy loss.

>> No.15614871

Badass desk ornaments will be possible with this floaty magical substance

>> No.15614873

Korean rooms are colder than western rooms

>> No.15614876

more or less.
guess I should also note for the sake of completeness: we've observed superconductors before, but the materials in question only exhibit those properties at very low temperatures (as in "no more than -180 degrees C or -290 degrees F"). the hunt is for something that we don't need a shitton of liquid nitrogen or helium for

>> No.15614879

Is also the place that Andrew McCalip works at, he's the one tweeting his replication attempts.

>> No.15614880


it will make Cyberpunk real

>> No.15614881

You may be able to make a processor that doesnt get so hot and run it way faster, also quantum computers at home

>> No.15614883

I'm I watching the start of "Policenauts"?

>> No.15614884

Haven't been here since Sunday, status?

>> No.15614886

There is a little bit of merit about crystallizing shit in micro gravity to get more predictable crystal structures for pharmaceuticals because they can end up effecting the absorption in to the organism.

>> No.15614887

we're so back

>> No.15614888

it's over

>> No.15614889


High effort post. Thanks

>> No.15614890

literally no one knows

>> No.15614893

The whiteboard understands everything. It was mostly theorized. The magnet is in the magnet and the needle is pointing towards back.

>> No.15614894

I'm gonna get a floaty teetotum. And a personal fusion reactor and a home defense rail gun.

>> No.15614899

yes, that too

>> No.15614901

haven't seen that, but activities in space are about to explode and that is entirely independent of LK-99 actually working out or not

>> No.15614904

The biggest implication of this being real is:

It will prove that our reality may be a simulation after all.

Like russian nesting dolls, being able to make superpowerful and efficient computers with superconductors mean it's possible to create our own simulations of ourselves. Then if our simulations start making simulations of themselves, what proof do we have that our own reality is the base one, not another simulation by the one above us?

>> No.15614905

computer no get hot

>> No.15614906
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I came from the future.
This is all bullshit, the first practical superconductor will be created in Niger, UUHGG I know.
Sorry sweetie but the future belongs to black bvlls, we lost.

>> No.15614907

Im going to stand by the koreans on this one, based solely on the fact that no one knows what the fuck is going on.

>> No.15614908


>> No.15614910

It's bad for security. Alphabet soup agencies will be able to decrypt your hard drive in nanoseconds

>> No.15614911

Superconductors don’t let you compute for free, reversible computing does
Simulation theory is religion for science bros

>> No.15614914

If its real, it's our ticket to the future. Hovercars, space elevators, you name it

>> No.15614915

You'd use them in fusion reactors and batteries. The age of fossil fuels would be over.

>> No.15614916
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>back and forth bullshittery almost a week in
Why is a lifetime discovery being handled like this?

>> No.15614917

And what do the koreans say?

>> No.15614918

careful, you might get crucified for speaking the truth

>> No.15614921

that's still just a non-answer, it's simulations all the way down at that point.

>> No.15614922

My confusion is as to its utility wrt electronics. People mention smaller form factors for things like phoens and computers but I think people like the current form factors. Would this enable us to more create microelectornics like AR lenses/contacts and other devices?

>> No.15614923

because it's either bullshit or the koreans don't want to publish a reliable production method for some reason because they forgot their shit needs to be peer reviewed and now everyone needs to get on this back and forth of modifications and small improvements to understand what the fuck they did

>> No.15614925

Maybe if they didn't have a Pee-Kum Yeung who wasn't a huge faggot and went rogue before they had pure samples they could document, it would've been easier.

>> No.15614928


I believe they were saying they will release to the press soon. These guys are trying to recreate it no? What if there is something critical that needs to be done, they said they have a sample, maybe it needs to be done a certain way. Full disclosure I dont know anything about this shit, but all I have seen so far is contradictions, one says failure, the other says success, another said they failed x way and the other said they failed in another. I will wait for now.

>> No.15614931

>2nd future larped saying lk99 is over
Wtf, is /x/ and /sci/ experiencing a discord raid

>> No.15614935

You could get a floating toilet that is not connected to anything. That's crazy.

>> No.15614948

if this turns out legit can someone mod it into victoria 2?

>> No.15614961


>> No.15614968

When they discover SCs, maybe Victoria 3 won't run like shit.

>> No.15614972
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what does this mean for real life mecha?

>> No.15614976
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>/gsg/ has arrived

>> No.15614977

perhaps physically possible since battery density will skyrocket, but from a military standpoint mechas will still be a dumb idea

>> No.15614988

>small power sources that can power mecha
>servos that can have fast human like movements for arms and legs
>supercomputers that can run and control subtle movements to make it easier for you to pilot

Yea it's possible

>> No.15614989


Ugh, they talk about maglev trains and how great it is in Japan, but then I remember where I live, it would be like putting a mink coat on a pig, people who use public transportation all look like they belong there and now we wanna give them maglevs? uh no thank you. Im sure it works in places like Japan with like minded people, but not the zoo called USA. We dont deserve technological breakthroughs, thats the truth, humanity should be left in teh dust, we dont fucking deserve it and I hope this LK99 falls through..

>> No.15614991

holy fucking shit you're the biggest cuck I've seen on this website and I've seen /v/'s blacked threads

>> No.15614996

the pentagon would have zero recruiting issues if you got to pilot mechas. like i might even be willing to die for israel if i got to do it in a giant robot.

>> No.15614998


absolutely based

>> No.15615002

Imagine palestinians in pyjamas with mechas. Kek.

>> No.15615007
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would wires made with this stuff be like muscle fibres?

>> No.15615009
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is it just me or

>> No.15615010

>spacebattles is at the forefront of science

>> No.15615016

You got a better table?

>> No.15615026
File: 16 KB, 334x280, scifi-mech-warrior-holding-sword-260nw-1412263046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to law of physics it will HAVE to be mechas with swords. This much is settled science. No mechas with guns. They're gay and cause mecha infetterence.

>> No.15615033


They'd get shitty khyber pass battle tech knock off elementals

>> No.15615043
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>they're gay
no you

>> No.15615045
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>> No.15615047

mechwarriorSISSIES once again gettting blown the fuck out by basic rockets

>> No.15615058
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>> No.15615061
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>> No.15615062


I saw the video for this, but shouldn't a magnet already be moving it? Waht am i missing? Is it not metallic?

>> No.15615066
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>> No.15615067
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Eastern mechs give off estrogen vibes. Western mechs give off testosterone vibes. Simple as.

>> No.15615068

>most believable blah blah blah
nothingburger confirmed

>> No.15615069


>> No.15615070

the point is that it exhibits significant diamagnetism, which is a property where it is repulsed by any magnetic field, regardless of orientation
also, most metals don't exhibit significant amounts of any type of magnetism, but that's a bit of a digression at that point

>> No.15615077
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are we back?

>> No.15615078

Yeah, things get smaller because SC transistors (Josephson junctions) which replace MOSFETs can be packed much more densely, and they don't need to be cooled. Also, battery life increases by like 80+% because no more heat loss, which means either longer life or smaller batteries. So basically you can keep current form factors, but have batteries that last 4x as long before, considering size increases from more space. And things can also get smaller, for example, tiny chips the size of a dime that slot into AR glasses and run on tiny batteries, but that are as strong as a modern smartphone.

And that's not considering the improvements to battery architecture at all, which will also benefit from SCs.

>> No.15615085

99% chance that people who actually understand this know that it's bullshit, which is why hobbyists are the ones taking the lead

>> No.15615092
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there's like 2 national labs working on it in the USA, and Berkely scientists have been studying the material also

>> No.15615098

Your frog is backwards idiot.

>> No.15615099

bruh an american just was like "Yo this shit might be legit with further study" moments ago retard Sinéad Griffin at Lawrence Berkeley (an american from an established university not some pajeet) said that "This is by far the most believable shot at room temperature and pressure superconductivity the world has seen so far, and the coming days and weeks are going to be extremely interesting."

>> No.15615102


Glad I got in AMSC @ 7.69 usd, im up $16,000

>> No.15615106
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This bitch embarrassed herself once again. How will Sabine-sisters ever recover?

>> No.15615107

fellow ASMC enjoyer, when r u selling? i bought this for no reason other than it has superconductor in the name

>> No.15615111

good shit anon

>> No.15615112

AMSC*- i cant even spell it thats how much i dont know about this company

>> No.15615114

Chinese reproduction, demonstrating full levitation of a small flake.


This would be the biggest indicator of a SC so far, pending measuring the resistance. Which should happen shortly.

>> No.15615123
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Muh impurity cope. Bros I am losing hope.

>> No.15615127

ok but Lowe is not a physicist
his opinion is not more worthy cause he writes on Science (on bio stuff, I'd trust him though)

>> No.15615128

Did they measure conductivity?

>> No.15615129

>shows the effect
>no thats not the real effect, show me the real effect
fellow doubt chads we need to kill our selves, STAT!

>> No.15615134

wish i had money

>> No.15615136

/mmcg/ reporting in, when can I expect lk-99 production chain in gregtech?

>> No.15615138

>Full levitation, it never leaves the ground

>> No.15615140

/biz/zers are the biggest FUDders in the world. If there is a shred of controversy they lose interest in investment. Do not take their actions to mean ANYTHING. If they heard a tree fall they would pull out

>> No.15615141

Literally look up one post. Sure, say chink aren;t trustworthy or something, but that's full levitation.

Anyways, diamagnetism isn't partial levitation, it's trapping something magnetic in 4 fields. Full levitation, but only in one spot, and it requires 4 additional magnets.

>> No.15615143
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>be wrong about RTAPS
>they use those RTAPS to build new particle accelerator
>they find new physics explaining dark matter

>> No.15615146
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>> No.15615147

kys doubter, you're always proven wrong in the end

>> No.15615148

probably like fucking two days after the ultimate confirmation. gregtech sisters are so fuarking autistic.

>> No.15615151

flakes that small can levitate from static electricity no?

>> No.15615154

So how do they know it's a superconductor?

>> No.15615157

You have to craft an enchanted quartz vacuum flask and do a frame perfect throw into lava to get 1.

>> No.15615158

They can get repelled, but you'd need several source to levitate, I think.

>> No.15615159

So after a whole fucking week all we get is some partially levitating flakes that's smaller than the tip of a toothpick? I expected better from scientific communities all over the world.

>> No.15615160

>1mm flake shaped like a dorito
>blurry UFO style low quality video
>can't observe shit

>> No.15615161

in exactly two more weeks

>> No.15615164

rock float

>> No.15615165

The production process is on wikipedia too, requires just the base material and a big oven.

>> No.15615171

go make some then, anon

>> No.15615174

Brainlet here. Is there no sure way to distinguish diamagnetism from real superconductivity?

>> No.15615176

It's simple: just measure the resistance!

>> No.15615178
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>> No.15615179

>5 days later
>still fucking no conclusion

>> No.15615180
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>> No.15615182

please happen

>> No.15615184

simple matter of synthesis

>> No.15615185

>It's real
>If the Russian catgirl method works it can be manufactured in a $200 tabletop kiln from Aliexpress

It's DIY railgun time boys

>> No.15615186

There is, measuring resistance. In terms of levitation, showing that the object can be moved around the magnet without sticking and following one of the 4 side, and that both poles work to levitate. I think.

>> No.15615187

Who the fuck is this account now and why is he interviewing Pajeets who can barely speak English? No wonder he can't follow the recipe if he can't read it.

>> No.15615189

4th of July bout to get wild in the ghetto. I'm gonna have to move to a white neighborhood.

>> No.15615191

Simply NEEDful

>> No.15615192
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>> No.15615193

its not that simple >>15615178

>> No.15615194


>> No.15615196
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i want it to be true just to prove this loser wrong

>> No.15615200

>Russian catgirl
Sketchiest attempt yet. Nigerian prince level. A woman replicating the material in her commieblock apartment with zero background in material physics and supposedly refining the process in a matter of days when renown research labs still haven't.

>> No.15615201
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>> No.15615202

sirs pls understand, research is hard

>> No.15615203
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Makes sense

>> No.15615204

They are some kind of material chemist apparently.

>> No.15615208

two more weeks trust the plan

>> No.15615210
File: 216 KB, 616x625, 1688950276286232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't we call superconductors just conductors?

>> No.15615211

unironically need a link to the cheapest sketchiest kiln that works

>> No.15615216

No she claims to be a molecular biologist working at a genetic institute (https://www.genebiology.ru/en/)) and is one of the least reliable private source on the replication attempt.

>> No.15615217

to differentiate them from conductors

>> No.15615218

All things conduct, only a few things don't resist. Maybe "perfect conductors" would have been better.

>> No.15615221

2 replications already that show no superconductor properties .
lk99sisters... I don't feel so good..

>> No.15615222

or at the very least, something like "super good conductors"
though that's a bit wordy. if only there were some way to say that in a briefer manner

>> No.15615223

is it over???

>> No.15615227
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it's only 925 degrees, you need to get about that hot to make bronze so you could make it at home

>> No.15615229

>Iris Alexandra, resident plant physiology
And while there are some Alexandra listed in the staff there is no "Iris Alexandra". She's also linked to another coomer account with the bio stating "Nelke Alexandra, 旅人, Drosophila & Chromatin researcher"

>> No.15615234

I'm not reading the thread
Is it real or not?

>> No.15615235

koreans have this for years, they know how to produce a something but in no reliable way. They haven't published their exact way of doing it.
what give me some confidence is that the guy who was kicked out is desperate to get the credit, and make this mess of preprints, so he really really believes is real.

>> No.15615236

Superconductors are really, really fucking good for computers, power lines, making shit float, and nuclear fusion, but they have to be at nonstandard air pressure and really, really fucking cold temperatures

If this works, it gets rid of those requirements, making it much more practical. A lot of gizmos would benefit.

>> No.15615239

No. Total gook death

>> No.15615241

I really just can't believe the unobtainium humanity was shown committing interstellar colonialism for hundreds of years from now in the biggest sci-fi movie of my teens got synthesized on Earth less than 15 years later. It even fucking looks like it. Cameron's plot literally got resolved IRL before he even finished the fucking films if this pans out.

>> No.15615243

no, its over

>> No.15615245

we cannot allow a lead gap

>> No.15615246

we're so back its legit bro

>> No.15615247

when superconductors become widespread we'll call normal conductors subconductors

>> No.15615249
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Scientific™ consensus says no

>> No.15615254
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>Avatar 2 plot is committing total whale death to get magic brain juice that stops aging

>> No.15615255

most likely real or one of the steps towards a real one

nigger thats a fucking betting poll retard

>> No.15615256

or he got tired of working with it but wants the credit and/or help from the general science community
who knows how long it is going to take to try to perfect this synthesis process with just a few people? compared to probably tens of labs now and later hundreds if it turns out to be real

>> No.15615257

multiple personality disorder, nelke and iris are the same person and one of the alexandra's in the staff list

>> No.15615259
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>> No.15615261


Pajeets cant do anything. Billions of people, supposedly in the tech world, cant produce jack shit other than be teachers pet to white companies.

>> No.15615263

Is he suggesting orbital manufacture?

>> No.15615265

>bronze age superconductors
>sea people had railguns
Get writing nerds

>> No.15615266
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Gives even less credibility to her claims.

>one of the alexandra's in the staff list
Any proof? They're not assigned to what she claims is doing.

>> No.15615268

15 years to get magic elixir of life that is made from piss, some gravel outside and dead bugs, then heated to 950C for 24h

>> No.15615269

physics guys are bad with words. quantum shit is full of confusing names

>> No.15615271

yes, that is what the company does already (or is starting to try to do)

>> No.15615274

clearly a biologist of some sort

>> No.15615276

>no new evidence either way, hype about the simulation simmers down
>drops from over 50% to 30%

>> No.15615278

Meanwhile in 2030: Random Thai biologist discovers that the cure for aging and disease is Orca spinal fluid.

>> No.15615287

go away james cameron

>> No.15615288

Once /biz/ invaded /sci/, the IQ level of this board dropped like 200 points

>> No.15615291

Even if it is replicated, it will not impact your life or change society.

>> No.15615292

Yes, that's my point. Do you expect a medical doctor to synthesize it in his attic next and give him credibility? Not only that but her method significantly diverges from the one described in the paper and used by all the labs working on it. She's not really documenting her method either, apart from twitter and discord from what I see.
There are other more serious private attempts we should focus on.

>> No.15615293

I can see it now. All of the waters of Alaska chock full of orca farms. We'd slaughter them by the billions. And it'll be glorious.

>> No.15615296

Nice get on that Xeet

>> No.15615298


>> No.15615299

it's unequivocally over

>> No.15615302

Wow, so we're around -140 then?

>> No.15615304
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>> No.15615306

This shit is already cringe. A superconductor does not generate energy.

>> No.15615307

It doesn't need to.

>> No.15615308

Asian Century. Don't make me tap the sign.

>> No.15615312
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>> No.15615315

if this lk-99 has show us something i that people are addicted to dopamine,i want it to be as real as everyone else but cant you fuckers wait 1 month for the result?

>> No.15615316
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>meanwhile on German YouTube
I for one welcome our new slant-eyed overlords

>> No.15615318
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>> No.15615320

To do any of the shit you retards are talking about, yes it does. We already have the ability to do most of what is being boasted about as world-changing. Levitating trains, long distance power lines, whatever. Cars are powered by batteries.

>> No.15615322

Ah, this would explain why that resistance test the Chinese did failed; it's only a SC along specific paths.

>> No.15615323

>new physics (quantum)
>new physics redux (dark)

>> No.15615326
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>> No.15615331
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So many fancy words, yet the magic rock still floats.

>> No.15615334
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> Catalogue of flat-band stoichiometric materials

>> No.15615335

>The prediction assumes the crystal structure is correct, but it might not be.

Unequivocally over

>> No.15615340

A good scientits would only be glad to be proven wrong, because this means more truth being revealed. Let's see how things go, both for her and for LK-99.

>> No.15615342

Orcas aren't immortal. Naked mole rats may be but they all kill each other so no one makes it out at the end.

>> No.15615344

gonna leave it overnight /sci/, its trending upwards, this just needs to turn out to be true and i will be out of this hole im in, small hole, but hole nonetheless.

>> No.15615350

the two chinese labs replication results looks the same as hers two days later

>> No.15615354

>magic rock still floats
May I see it?

>> No.15615355
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>A good scientits would only be glad to be proven wrong, because this means more truth being revealed. Let's see how things go, both for her and for LK-99.

>> No.15615356

So far, inconclusive. And I don't mean it in a "yes, no, maybe, I don't know" way, this is what I got from reading the other threads.

>> No.15615357

As in a small piece of material, 100 microns long, floating over a magnet? You know it's not the only material that can achieve this, right? It's not the proof we're after either

>> No.15615358

That's not the plot of Avatar 2. It's just a set piece.

>> No.15615359

well it just means the LBNL paper does not prove anything, it means it might be possible but nothing more, and this has been said multiple times by multiple people like >>15614635
and in the previous thread (which can't be linked to)
and somewhere else too but don't remember where

so in short, Flat Bands =/> Superconductivity
its necessary, but not sufficient

>> No.15615360

>muh science is le bad

>> No.15615362

>no new evidence for a full 30 minutes
Pull out
It's over

>> No.15615363

What's the current over meter?

>> No.15615364

No they do not. The chinese lab found weak diamagnetism while she observed very strong diamagnetism. Not only she doesn't follow the production method, her results stray the most from all other labs.

>> No.15615367

update: no new evidence for 3 more minutes

>> No.15615371

When someone asks you a question in real life, do you have to repeat what they said in green in your head while thinking of a soijak before you respond?

>> No.15615373

Realistically if there was enough money to back the R&D we already have the technology to genetically engineer organisms that grow orca spines like vines.

>> No.15615374


I'm watching people spend their money on this, usually that gives a better idea, although it can be dangerous too, but ignoring the stocks the predictit market has yes slowing getting back its gains.

>> No.15615378

low iq nigger

>> No.15615381

BattleTech is literally japanese.

>> No.15615382

>please mail it us bro

>> No.15615384

No I only near increasingly loud chimp noises

>> No.15615385

if you're near chimps get out of the ghetto

>> No.15615394

Isn't Meissner effect simply strong diamagnetism that only appears at certain temperatures?

>> No.15615399
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what it is bros

>> No.15615401


we're back

>> No.15615403

Yes, because a rush of brand new know-nothing accounts rushed in to buy 'yes' when it was tweeted out by some high profile users. It took time for the market to settle - there was never a good reason for it to be as high as 50%

>> No.15615414

So if you put two regular magnets on top of each other on opposite sides, doesn't the one on top levitate? What makes LK99 so special?

>> No.15615422

>So if you put two regular magnets on top of each other on opposite sides, doesn't the one on top levitate?
Are you an npc?
Have done that ever in your life?

>> No.15615424

so? They do western mechs.

>> No.15615425

it's so back

>> No.15615430

No, it doesn't levitate, if you put a magnet on top of another on opposite sides the one on top will slide towards the side until it isn't being repelled anymore.
Meissner effect it will actually levitate on top of it.

>> No.15615438

*LRMs your mech*

>> No.15615452

Diamagnets are repelled by all magnetic fields, instead of being repelled by one and attracted to the other. Usually this means they slide away instead of levitating unless you create a magnetic "divot" with four magnets.
Superconductors WILL just levitate, though, as they are locked in place by a single magnetic field.

>> No.15615458

Why are they really really good for computers? As far as I am aware, computers don't use superconductors.

>> No.15615460

Unless you mechanically prevent them from rotating, one or both will quickly turn allowing them to attract and the magnets can snap together.
LK-99 appears to be diamagnetic, meaning it's repelled by any magnetic field and can float stably without active intervention. All superconductors are diamagnetic.

Diamagnetism is neither the desirable property of LK-99 (that would be... its alleged superconductivity) nor is it absolute proof that it's a superconductor (because there are a handful of known materials that are diamagnetic but not superconducting).
However, it's a very visually compelling and easy-to-demonstrate indicator of potential superconductivity.

>> No.15615461
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>> No.15615468

levitation is like a test for superconductors.

>> No.15615469
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below the critical temperature for that specific material assuming it happens to be a superconductor
and I guess assuming the material is also under a high enough pressure

>> No.15615473
File: 116 KB, 858x791, 1B533286-E94D-4558-8BDD-917ACC07F3E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the room temp superfluids at?

>> No.15615475

Is it happening?

>> No.15615476

>a twitter trans catgirl has done more to test and verify lk-99 than the entirety of 4chan
Humanity is so bad
But it’s over for 4chan. What happened? Old /sci/ and /b/ would have been all over this, they would be blowing up their own houses with DIY rail guns by now

>> No.15615478

>As far as I am aware, computers don't use superconductors.
Maybe because until now to have a superconductor properties you needed temperatures close to absolute Zero using liquid nitrogen you tard. Superconductor based quantum computers use them, and if LK-99 ends up delivering they will lower their cost a lot. I just bought stonks on rigetti. (There are other quantum computing comps. but use other tech like ion traps, photons, simulated annealing....)

>> No.15615479

we would figure out a sustainable way so we don't run out. Probably just put a hole in their heads and tap off some juice every once in a while.

>> No.15615480


who is catgirl? what is the link

>> No.15615481


>> No.15615485

What the hell would that be useful for

>> No.15615486

Cooling them is too expensive, so only quantum computers use superconductors.
If you could build a computer using RTAP superconductors, though, it wouldn't generate waste heat, and you could gigaclock it without worrying about melting it (up to a point).

>> No.15615487

Why are people so excited about tiny pieces floating above magnets? That's not a good enough proof.
We have diamagnetic materials at room temperature. Bismuth for one, and pyrolytic carbon which is the strongest diamagnet we have. Both can visibly float over magnets at room temperature just like in the videos.

Superconductors are orders of magnitude more diamagnetic, and any diamagnetism would be extremely intense and unmistakable.

>> No.15615488

Sorry, I meant humanity is so back
But seriously. What the fuck happened to this site?

>> No.15615490

If no friction since it’s levitating, wouldn’t it also slide off unless you’re EXTREMELY careful placing it? Or is air enough to absorb this residual inertia through friction? Or is it a “it takes an effort to move from one point of the field to another” kind of levitation like a gmod blue gravity gun right click?

>> No.15615491

zero friction lubricants

>> No.15615499
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>no pronouns
i trust
its over

>> No.15615501

>like a gmod blue gravity gun right click
Literally yes.

>> No.15615504

that catgirl is soviet phd scientist

>> No.15615507

Election tourists who think 4chan is a political website.

>> No.15615509

(she is oldfag that left)

>> No.15615510

Why would I want to fuck without friction nobody would feel anything

>> No.15615519


>> No.15615522

She's certainly not old enough to be that.
You meant to say tankie larper yes?

>> No.15615526


>> No.15615534

Basically a hypothetical superconductor that just worked perfectly and could used for everything, would mean 1.) less heat generation for computers, which will alleviate a protentional, future wall for computing power (though we are already honestly already approaching this for multiple simultaneous reasons).

You can say that superconductors remove the need for cooling. But we don't really care, we just cool computers already. It's not extremely expensive do that. They will use less energy.

Other than that, it may be possible to create some memory storage that's a bit faster. Superconductors are used in QC so maybe this one could be more stable and require less error correction (but this is like for a pure ideal superconductor).

If it enables a truly revolutionary change in computing, it would basically entail the creation of entirely new computing architecture that looks almost nothing like a CPU. You can imagine this will take decades of research to even figure if such a thing is possible. Actually, this research is already being done because of the aforementioned hard physical limits which modern architectures are being crushed under.

>> No.15615536

Wait. It's in the same building?

>> No.15615538

its in her bio

>> No.15615539

so how many actual levitations has there been? that should give us an idea whether this is bs or not.

>> No.15615540

It would still be expensive though, so it wouldn't have widespread use. Without widespread use, this whole thing becomes a nothingburger regardless of it works or not.

>> No.15615545

What about now?

>> No.15615546
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>> No.15615549

You're simply not going to have transmission lines made of this. The price difference will not be worth the few % losses in copper.

>> No.15615550

China and Korea both have vids of it, yeah?

>> No.15615552

A superconductor just flew over my house.

>> No.15615555

why the fuck west is silent on this

>> No.15615557

>47406 - BasedBooru.png

>> No.15615558

Could it be that the grown adult woman who presents herself as a "catgirl" on the internet is an attention seeking crank?

>> No.15615561


Because west lacks talent, look at the people of the united states.

>> No.15615563

We could honor Edison's dream and go back to transmitting dc power if resistance isn't an issue

>> No.15615566

>What happened?
old/n/, /news/ and then /pol/
and we though /mlp/were the big problem

>> No.15615572

or they are capitalist trying hide there research to make money later

>> No.15615573

South Korea is part of the West.

>> No.15615576
File: 2.96 MB, 852x480, CKDnt72TJ8Fb-sKh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking over LOL
hopecels BTFO

>> No.15615580

50% american scientist are not even americam

>> No.15615584

the first thing I'll do when i get my government mandated time machine is go back and teach Edison how to make lk99

>> No.15615589

Fuck that, I'm going back to give this tech to certain Austrian painter.

>> No.15615591

what about japs are they also part of west

>> No.15615592


Ignore >>15615534
They are a moron.

Long story short, it allows us to replace MOSFET transistors with something else, which means energy use drops by literally 99% (in a refined product anyways) and:
A) We can increase the density of transistors
B) We can clock the chips waaaaaay higher

What this means is much smaller chips, drawing a tiny, tiny fraction of the power, running hundreds of times faster than modern chips. See details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_logic

And yes, cooling is a HUGE issue on conventional chips. You ever see the surface of a CPU? That's just a heat spreader. Down below, about the size of a small postage stamp, is the real processor. More than half is wasted space. It also prevents increasing clocks, put big limits on the design space, etc.

>> No.15615595

I beggining to believe a schizo but hear me out on this, it might be true, he thinks the unraveling of this secret is tied to UAP's and the disclosure and that the reason Mitch Mcconnell had an episode where he froze is because he found out the truth about UAP's, its all tied man, you think all these discoveries like AI and now room temp sc are by chance?

>> No.15615598

>conductivity without resistance?
>back to your cave with you, cave dweller!

>> No.15615599

We already do. DC is used to transport massive amount of power over thousands of miles. This happens in China. (Asian Century)

>> No.15615601

Ceramic ≠ Glass

>> No.15615607
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>> No.15615613
File: 172 KB, 1100x898, Aspartame-from-hydrate-xtal-2000-3D-balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So far all calculations have been for Cu on the Pb(1) site, which is the site occupancy reported in Ref.[10]. I also calculated the structural and electronic properties of Cu in the Pb(2) site with the resulting structure and bands given in the SI. In this location, the Cu interrupts the hexagonal network that is characteristic of the apatite structure, which causes a structural rearrangement to the lower P 1 symmetry. The Cu substituted in this position is now tetrahedrally coordinated by oxygen, and has a significantly different electronic structure with no correlated d bands crossing the Fermi level, as detailed in the SI. In fact, I find that Cu on this Pb(2) is 1.08 eV more energetically favorable that Cu on the Pb(1) site, suggesting possible difficulties in robustly obtaining Cu substituted on the Pb(1) site.

So the real question is: how to make the correct substitution site energetically favorable? Different dopant with similar electronic properties?

Also I know there is software that will create electronically and volumetrically similar ligands (e.g., for alternative ligands in drug discovery); is there similar software for inorganic compounds / lattice structures?

>> No.15615619
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>> No.15615622

>this is alien tech and chinks reverse engineered it
heard that before

>> No.15615623


This has more chance of becoming true than Ukraine ever beating Russia.

>> No.15615624

Needs to be graphed on the complex plane.
>we're back/it's over real axis
>uncertainty/superposition imaginary axis

>> No.15615629

what kind of rims can you make with this technology?

>> No.15615631

what is next part

>> No.15615636

Go ahead test it and prove it's real oh wait you can't.

>> No.15615637
File: 24 KB, 541x569, 1661288544960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY have no idea where he's going with this. That it actually works?

>> No.15615643
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>Jewkraine flag in bio
opinion disregarded

>> No.15615648
File: 73 KB, 741x568, 1525293036785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh, what are the ramifications and applications if LK-99 is real?

>> No.15615649

We eat the LK-99

>> No.15615650

>Long story short, it allows us to replace MOSFET transistors with something else,

Long story: it fucking does not. MOSFETs are used because they can construct boolean logic. A superconductor material would have to replicate this logic, it does not do anything but extend the *terndline* for electronic computers slightly further. In other words: It is in *no way* revolutionary or magical

Any revolution in computing here would come from not using electronic computers and developing entirely new architectures.

Cooling is, as the retard noted, a problem with many solutions. We cool the computers we have fine.

>> No.15615651

we kill the batman

>> No.15615652

read the thread, retard-kun

>> No.15615655

Is the Korean team credible? Id trust a korean before I did the chinese, but still.

>> No.15615657

computer go big fast

>> No.15615659

Nothing that will change the world and certainly nothing that would change your life (which no wundertech will do).

>> No.15615660

>Long story: it fucking does not. MOSFETs are used because they can construct boolean logic. A superconductor material would have to replicate this logic, it does not do anything but extend the *terndline* for electronic computers slightly further. In other words: It is in *no way* revolutionary or magical
You dumb bitch, read the link I posted

It uses Josephson junctions to implement logic instead of metallic transistors, as I said.

>> No.15615666

Ivermectin is great for scabies but not for much else.

>> No.15615668

>We cool the computers we have fine.
No, the computers we have are weak enough that standard air cooling is enough for them.
The more efficient (less heat generated), the more powerful we can make our computers.

>> No.15615669

It will be real in a 100 years or so when the current industry has been milked dry.

>> No.15615675

Ukraine is winning though. Or why else does Russia constantly need new mobilization waves?

>> No.15615677


He could have picked anything else as an example but knowing how these people are they go down the political path and he has a ukraine flag. I can't stand people like this.

>> No.15615680

This is a confusion that results from people thinking a *theoretical limit* is practically achievable. You try building 1 trillion multilayered and overlapping groves at nanometer scale without a single error. "oh but the superconductor means we can go even smaller--" STFU

>> No.15615681

If you replace the conductor in a cpu by a kind of superconductor you won't have to worry about temperature and can increase the speed from 4 GHz to 100 GHz easily

>> No.15615682

I'm fully behind Ukraine because Russia is a muslim shithole but yeah Ivermectin is a bad example because it actually works for some conditions.

>> No.15615683
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>> No.15615688

LK-99 is only meant for horses

>> No.15615689

>>15615613 (me)
>Different dopant with similar electronic properties?
To provide a guess, maybe cadmium? I haven't checked the orbital similarities to copper, but it's got similar oxidation states and it's intermediate in size between copper and lead. Not sure exactly what makes one site more energetically favorable than that other and what the probabilities are for each. This thread really needs more commentary from inorganic and solid state chemists

Also anyone have a recent journal review of high temperature superconductors?

>> No.15615692
File: 62 KB, 337x375, j9h1GCG69YYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they gave formula and vanished

>> No.15615696

>It uses Josephson junctions to implement logic instead of metallic transistors, as I said.

No shit?
>it does not do anything but extend the *terndline* for electronic computers slightly further

>> No.15615699
File: 362 KB, 500x500, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got superconducted for their behavior

>> No.15615705

Trust the plan. 50 year olds driving T-55s are just as good as tranny M1A2 Abrams MBT.

>> No.15615709

>Cars are powered by batteries.
A superconducting loop could outperform any shitty chemical battery by orders of magnitude

>> No.15615711

I notice there is a constant conflation among you tards of what is "theoretical" vs what is achievable from an engineering standpoint.

>> No.15615716

SC is ideal meterial to make chips . silicon is just alternative

>> No.15615715

>Trust the plan.
That's what Jewtinpedes are doing.
The white country (Ukraine) will win against the diversity hellhole called Russia.

>> No.15615718

>Get proven wrong

>a 1000x performance and 5000x power reduction ceiling increase is not revolutionary
Cope, seethe and dilate my friend

>> No.15615720
File: 506 KB, 1826x1588, 1689954134429673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saviours of the white race indeed.

>> No.15615721

white bros, how do we feel about this? doesn't it kind of suck that east asians are starting to take all the innovation glory?

>> No.15615724

NTA but going from "theoretically possible" to "very difficult" is actually a huge step forward.

>> No.15615725

Who gives a shit? Your car is ALREADY powered by batteries. We are talking about things that make the IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE. A world-changing, revolutionary technology. Is this it? No. Fuck off. We already battery powered cars and a growing infrastructure to support them. Maybe you could have a battery powered plane. Woop-de-doo.

>> No.15615726

>A superconducting loop
What is critical current density? Superconducting loops are 10 Wh/kg

>> No.15615728

Gays are like 1% of the population in Ukraine. Muslims and nigs make up 30% of Russia's population and Russia is home to the largest mosques in Europe. Remind me how that's supposed to be pro-white again?
>inb4 Islam is white
fuck off shitskin

>> No.15615729

IT would be revolutonary because it would change electric vehicles from a shitty subsidized gimmick to actually optimal. The economic ramifications would be world changing.

>> No.15615731

I always wonder how many of these people are just trolling and how many are actually this retarded

>> No.15615736

That's a ribbon, not a fiber. Yes, there is a difference. Anyway, where is this actually used? Anything that uses superconductors doesn't use this. Maybe not having to use any coolant would make it worth it. Using YBCO ribbons still requires LN2, so it's still expensive to maintain. If LK-99 is real and doesn't cost a fortune to form into long ribbons, then maybe it'll actually be useful.

>> No.15615738

China fakes over half its papers and this SK paper also seems doubtful for now.

>> No.15615741

I find their infighting over the credit to be very credible

>> No.15615742
File: 3.05 MB, 1829x3197, norilsk, russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah, no gay people... home...

>> No.15615746

Every fusion project uses YBCO tape

>> No.15615748

>it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.15615749

Ultra powerful coil guns, due to fast discharge of current loops
Yes because of all the extra mass needed for cooling. YBCO can handle thousands of amps per square millimetre.

>> No.15615751

Yeah, they don't tend to care much about cost.

>> No.15615754

>Also a 1000x performance and 5000x power reduction ceiling increase is not revolutionary
>Cope, seethe and dilate my friend

Build one you dumb bitch. The web 3.0 equivalent of Wired readers trying to explain why its easy to just swap out the semiconductor doping process for an entirely new one at an even SMALLER scale than the barely attainable one we have now.

Youre the one coping thinking that some new basic research is going to be the savior of your shitty civilization. This is maladaptive daydreaming.

>> No.15615756

there's something beautiful about that scenery.

>> No.15615759

One can put a lot of things in their bio. Like incorrect pronouns.

>> No.15615762

So all we have from the US side is that they tried it on a simulation, but no actual test right?

>> No.15615763

>>Youre the one coping thinking that some new basic research is going to be the savior of your shitty civilization. This is maladaptive daydreaming.

What the fuck are you talking about? Wait, I'm arguing with /pol/shit who gets his news from facebook aren't? Fuck, what a waste of time.

>> No.15615766

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.15615767

Not that I would worry about.

>> No.15615768

If I wanted to feel nothing during sex, I'd wear a condom.

>> No.15615769
File: 25 KB, 175x286, 1690198225913385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 10% you fucking nafotroon, whiter than all of western europe kek

>> No.15615772

Did I say very difficult? It's theoretically possible to travel to Alpha Centauri, by the way. When do y you think you're going to do it?

We never thought it was theoretically impossible to build faster or better computers. There are infinite thing you can do once you stop thinking everything has to be an electrical cpu.

>> No.15615773

no. well the very visible trash in the 2nd pic sucks but other than that i love the atmosphere.

>> No.15615779

>abraham was born in modern day iran than came the joos - cristcuck, than pisslam
technically every abarahmic religion is shitskin

>> No.15615780

nigga there wont BE an atmosphere there soon

>> No.15615781

>20% islam in the capital of a european country
it's so unbelievably depressing and sad to me. i can't believe white elites are OK with this.
>inb4 jews
actual white elites support this shit too.

>> No.15615783

How else can you rationalize someone saying such stupid shit about this topic. What motivates them to engage in this level of manic self-delusion?

>> No.15615784
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It is very unique.

>Satellite readings show that no other human enterprise — no power plant, no oil field, no other smelter complex — generates as much sulfur dioxide pollution as Norilsk Nickel. In fact, the only entities on Earth that rival its sulfur emissions are erupting volcanoes
>At 1.9 million tons of sulfur dioxide emissions annually, Norilsk produces as much sulfur pollution as the entire U.S. — all concentrated in a city the size of Eugene, Oregon.

>> No.15615789
File: 154 KB, 2401x1543, 1688402874934390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always jews, dont kid yourself.

>> No.15615794

Heckin based muslims in Russia amirite fellow Jewtinpede?

>> No.15615801


>> No.15615803

>shitty subsidized gimmick to actually optimal.
They already are. EVs are going to be the most dominate car on the road in 10 years. I think people like you have not left your house.

Deal with it. The magical shit that a supposedly RTAP enables already exists.

>> No.15615806

So it seems, correct me if im wrong since I know little about science, but the reason some people are having magnetic qualities but no levitation is due to purity?

>> No.15615812

Read this post chain: >>15601675

>> No.15615814
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>2034 prediction
kek, let me guess, climate change is also going to kill us all in 2 more weeks right sister?

>> No.15615815

Thanks I’m really happy my crazy whataboutism turned out to be true.
Really interesting video

>> No.15615816

cool, thanks

>> No.15615818
File: 167 KB, 871x868, main-qimg-8b3b686f3cf496236fed4f709af8270f-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this isn't about making it smallere, but making the clockspeed higher
the clocks have been stagnant for like 20 years now due to heat and power bottlenecks


>> No.15615820

If it's possible, and there is incentive for it, then it will be done.

>> No.15615823

Can this be added to the next OP?
Every 10 posts someone asks
>what is a superconductor?

>> No.15615830

I'll try to make a collage.

>> No.15615833
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in other words it will always show weak effects. so lk-99 is useless

>> No.15615835

You'll be beheaded by your muslim boyfriend way before that, aidsnigger.

>> No.15615840

Unfortunately, you can't trust anyone anymore like that.

Korea had a huge and very embarrassing cloning scandal that destroyed a lot of trust everywhere.

>> No.15615842
File: 209 KB, 784x1024, 1676115548721444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll be beheaded by your muslim boyfriend way before that, aidsnigger.
Sure thing my fellow based and redpilled nazi. Heil Jewlensky! Saliva Urine!

>> No.15615847

take your meds dude, go outside, talk to people, do something with your life.

>> No.15615852
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, 1644253379996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are literally arguing about Russia and gays while the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the century happen in front of them

>> No.15615853

Hitler believed Russians to be untermenschen, as does Zelensky. I stand with Zelensky in that regard and hope that he and the super nazi soldiers wipe out every last one of those filthy Russian subhumans. Heil Zelensky indeed ;)

>> No.15615854

>We cool the computers we have fine.
No we fucking don't. Are you retarded? Heating has been cucking semiconductors for 10 years, because power density stopped scaling as fast as logic density. It's been an increasingly large tradeoff, and the reason why we're seeing increasing industrial applications turn to liquid cooling.

>> No.15615856
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>> No.15615861

>no immortality breakthrough
>no infinite energy generator
>no quantum manipulation device
>no warp drive/worm hole
I sleep

>> No.15615862

>due to heat and power bottlenecks
No it's not. As explained on another thread, gate delay and speed of light at nanometer distances limits the physical commutation speed of current transistors to about 10 GHz in the best scenarios.
This is why even with liquid nitrogen we can't seem to break the 9 GHz limit, no matter the architecture and process node.

>> No.15615868

You are actually retarded. Most countries are backtracking on EV since they are underwhelming on all fronts plus our infrastrcuture can not handle them. No, unless we get RTSC they won’t be the future.
(Optimal future would be no more private car ownership and fully depending on public transport btw)
(No, your trackable hackable with state approved tech that goes through monitored state approved roads does not give you any more freedom than public transport)

>> No.15615873

>Room temp superconductors are a nothingburger
Damn the hedonic treadmill works fast these days

>> No.15615874
File: 577 KB, 712x576, 1690733547350862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler believed Russians to be untermenschen, as does Zelensky. I stand with Zelensky in that regard and hope that he and the super nazi soldiers wipe out every last one of those filthy Russian subhumans. Heil Zelensky indeed ;)

>> No.15615875

>Most countries are backtracking on EV
Maybe cross the Russian border to China and you'll see that this isn't true at all.

>> No.15615879

My truck doesn't need roads thoughbeit

>> No.15615880

>Why is everyone fawning over this?
The mentally ill gathered to talk about fairy tales and delusions.

>> No.15615882

>moonbase takes three entire days to get to (one way) and costs $3000 for a tourist pass
I sleep

>> No.15615885

The found a combo of drugs that apparently reverses aging a week ago
>infinite energy
RTSC enables fusion generators so done
>quantum manipulation
Go to /x/ manifestation threads or learn astral projection
>warp drive/worm hole
Since you’ve learned astral projection at this point go visit the Akashic records, learn how to do it and tell us

>> No.15615889

>Go to /x/ manifestation threads or learn astral projection
/sci/ doesn't believe in those sadly

>> No.15615894

>The found a combo of drugs that apparently reverses aging a week ago
In cell cultures where it reverses maybe half of all age related conditions.
>RTSC enables fusion generators so done
Fusion is boring.

>> No.15615899

/scix/ is the new /fitlit/

>> No.15615902
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Jiban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fusion is boring
Damn the hedonic treadmill moves fast these days

>> No.15615903

average /pol/schizo shitting up /sci/

>> No.15615910

The CIA released a guide on how to astral project through willing exposition to subliminal tapes. 50% you travel through dimensions 50% you become an mkultra sleeper agent. Since you’re on 4chan you’re most likely a sleeper agent already so what’s there to lose trying?

>> No.15615912
File: 1.05 MB, 1225x904, Screenshot 2023-08-01 165400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fusion is boring

>> No.15615913

An Imgur album would work better:

>> No.15615914

so its a hard limit?

>> No.15615919

no they aren't, where the fuck are you pulling this from?

>> No.15615920

Of course the low-level construct is not the same but implementing nand gates you can derive any other gate. Quantum computers replicate the gates of tradicional computers with different circuits (and aditional ones to connect qubits and change spin like the hadamart gate) but the thing is, that computers based on superconductors CAN totally replicate the gates of traditional ones.

>> No.15615922

FUSION is fucking COOL as FUCK. They have those BIG ass SCIFI looking NERD machines that SIMULATE a SUN to fucking boil WATER.

>> No.15615926

>There are infinite thing you can do once you stop thinking everything has to be an electrical cpu.
Not for the tradeoffs we're interested in. Smol and fast have pretty hard constraints without radical new physics. Light is really the only plausible alternative, but electrons have the advantage of being able to sit still.

>> No.15615929
File: 21 KB, 512x460, e5afe42dcd0adff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astral projection

>> No.15615930

>Warp drive and time travel are boring... nothingburger
nothing would satisfy them

>> No.15615931
File: 770 KB, 777x2777, Part 1 The Declassified Documents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not saying i don't believe, i'm saying /sci/ thinks stuff like AP and ESP are "woo" bullshit even though they never tried any of it.

>> No.15615934

Average /sci/ncel seething at my infinite knowledge

>> No.15615937
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>> No.15615938


>> No.15615948
File: 847 KB, 1222x3555, Part 3 The Occult Knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15615949

I don’t know. I don’t care. My brain autocomplete brought that up itself. My brain is a smart one so it must be true.

>> No.15615950

Sorry mathcucks, I don't believe something unless it has the funny frog and the feel man presenting it to me.

>> No.15615954

Different transistor architecture and smaller node size may push the limit back dramatically, especially new arch, as we've relied on FinFET for a while now and new transistor architectures are being baked.
With superconductors you'd limit the power requirements of hardware, but not necessarily increase its computing power by a lot.

>> No.15615955

Optimal realistic future that's not retarded is to push for all cars to be plug in hybrids or low range EVs, and for car ownership to be a choice. Outlawing private car ownership is an ideological position on par with eat the bugs, and it actively alienates vast swaths of people and is thus an anti-climate change position.

>> No.15615959

I love that bundle of comics thanks for reposting anon. Reality is experience materialcucks will never reach true zen state the demiurge has fully trapped their souls

>> No.15615967
File: 891 KB, 1527x1253, 1683205010483776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was these comics that redpilled me. whenever the chance presents itself I always post them in the hopes of redpilling someone else.

>> No.15615970

so how many board are touristing here?
i mean i am mainly from g and diy, but i come to sci from time to time

>> No.15615972


>> No.15615973
File: 38 KB, 640x637, 1611683283950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here from /fit/

>> No.15615977

Have you tried the cia gateway thing?
Most people I’d say, I come here from time to time and this board is never this fast (same happened with the rich sub thing)

>> No.15615980
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x760, dg49b0j-49d45af8-5e0c-4b2a-8afb-3aa6cc4e1d74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here from /g/ aka /ai/ mostly sdg

>> No.15615984


>> No.15615985

you're infinitely dumb

>> No.15615989
File: 117 KB, 1080x1061, 1683131613639804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ and /vg/

>> No.15615991

I think I remember you from /sdg/ did you post a “slime man” gen similar to your picrel a few days ago?

>> No.15615993

/fa/ here - i'm just interested in if this will stop my phone overheating when im on grindr marathons

>> No.15615994

>Have you tried the cia gateway thing?
never completed the tapes, but I use hemi-sync when manifesting, i'm mostly just trying out remote viewing now

>> No.15615996


im sure of it

>> No.15615998

You’re infinitely mad

>> No.15616001

Any success with it?

>> No.15616008

Haven't been here in a bit.
Where are we on the it's over - we're back scale?

>> No.15616010

see first post in the thread

>> No.15616015

I had the typical begginer's luck every remote viewer experiences. my first few sessions were frighteningly accurate, which made me truly believe it was real, but after that my accuracy rate dropped hard and I was never able to get any accurate sessions again, so I gave up for a few months and now I am trying again but trying to remote view numbers this time, which I have been having limited success with

>> No.15616016

That was almost 5 hours ago, surely it's changed since then?

>> No.15616019


What I have noticed as an outsider mind you is that there seems to be an issue where people are able to replicate it vs not being able to, and the craziest thing of all is that the amateurs are finding ways to do it and posting videos, the thing is when you look up their credentials they seem to go back to what seems to be legitimate centers, like that one russian one on youtube, if you google their name it seems legitimate, now i dont know if that means they are testing it the right way and getting good feedback, but they seem to be levitating stuff.

>> No.15616023

any news or is it over?

>> No.15616024

not really, no big new developments, just waiting for more replication reports

>> No.15616026
File: 186 KB, 668x754, 005347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its over

>> No.15616029

it's over.

>> No.15616030

Yeah that's what I noticed as well. I hope we get some actual professional lab results soon.
I see, thanks.

>> No.15616031
File: 115 KB, 1080x1108, F2eH2lPbYAAnnSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616033


how is it over when its the opposite of over or am i not understanding this.

>> No.15616039
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>> No.15616044
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>> No.15616045

"Yeah it's legit"
>its over

nigga how

>> No.15616047

well look at it this way. they've been trying in a small team for 10 years. If the sample they provide is an actual superconductor. you can bet your ass that every single company and scientist is going to focus on recreating it based on the provided formula, probably resulting in big advancements. of course this is all IF it actually is what they say it is

>> No.15616055

Yes that's how I read it as well.
Seems like he's saying that he's confident and the people who can't seem to replicate it are brainlets who can't properly make the material.

>> No.15616059
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>> No.15616064


put this in the OP

>> No.15616065

we're so back

>> No.15616067
File: 52 KB, 680x559, 1690525277418111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesterday: its not a superconductor!
>today: ok it's a superconductor, but it will only ever show weak effects!!
We are so back

>> No.15616071

i want to see this ugly bitch proven wrong

>> No.15616079

He's saying only true alchemists can turn lead/copper into gold

>> No.15616083

as if a low current room temp superconductor wouldn't still revolutionize telecoms, electronics and sensors. Basically we would have noiseless and lossles tranmission of digital and analog signals
and then the probable improvement that would come after

>> No.15616096

She didn't say anything of note about it though. She explicitly said her take was informed exclusively by the earliest information.

>> No.15616113

yeah but her explanation covers the brainlet questions that get repeatedly asked in this thread

>> No.15616121

next bread

>> No.15616127


We never even left, put this in the next general

>> No.15616128

page 10 on /sci/

>> No.15616132
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>> No.15616133


>> No.15616134

>next bread
dude this is a slow board

>> No.15616137
File: 484 KB, 500x259, 1361994251198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616143

lol that's simple dimagnetism. it isn't floating above the magnet and spinning freely when you rotate it. it isn't even conductive.

>> No.15616151

i am a hopebro as well but this could easily be bullshit
still need reputable lab replications confirming 0 resistance

>> No.15616152


not real

>> No.15616153


Twitter user nimorotem claims to have replicated LK-99, posts video demonstrating levitation and 0 Ohm resistance. Claims room temperature setup.

>> No.15616155
File: 427 KB, 659x824, 005349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its a joke

>> No.15616162
File: 27 KB, 656x440, 005350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no

>> No.15616164

measuring resitance with a car mechanic multimeter
is not only that is not a 4 wire or kelvin probe ohmeter, it has a 10 ohm resolution
is an awful meter for this, even my 15 bucks one from lidl is way better than that one

>> No.15616168
File: 42 KB, 653x480, 005351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616171

It's more over than it's ever been.

>> No.15616172


even if true that still sounds pretty big, it seems the koreans are scared more than anything.

>> No.15616174

kill me. fuck its over

>> No.15616176

no source for any of this or the rumor that MIT has gone to korea to check this out
we also literally just had emails posted where kim said he's confident it works, not 3%

>> No.15616179

Prof should stick to proffing. Money drives the world, if this shit is too complicated to be made into wires they’ll research its structure, learn what’s causing the superconduction and create a new material. Either that or scientists will overwork themselves to die since the first to wireify the stuff will be infinitely rich forever

>> No.15616187
File: 149 KB, 1138x712, oq3Kdzn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616193

>not 97%

>> No.15616196

The tech / process is cool but these threads are fucking unbearable with how many /biz/tards there are

>> No.15616206

as if the techniques to the old superconductor wont be applicable to this one, we already have a ton of knowhow on how to use ceramic materials for tapes and wires.

>> No.15616208

lmao I love it when people just pull random numbers out of their ass to make themself look smarter/more credible

/sci/, I am 9% sure that won't visit this board tomorrow

>> No.15616214
File: 134 KB, 1138x712, it might be over over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616222

>not very likely

>> No.15616224

the guy who made the needle has very likely as an "it's over"

>> No.15616252

literally who

>> No.15616262

/pol/ack+ a few threads on vg and vst

>> No.15616267

im from /k/

>> No.15616272

/f/ here

>> No.15616290
File: 104 KB, 655x635, 005352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616292

>/f/ here
now that is a board that makes me feel out of place

>> No.15616293

>Didn't count in the manufacturing cost

>> No.15616299

That video is so fucking sick, holy shit

>> No.15616300

that's just diamagnetism lol

>> No.15616301
File: 136 KB, 639x974, 005354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616309
File: 9 KB, 226x225, 148ab817d3ef921a1732eb41e290e9b70d84b0978af2cead087d2d3a909f2bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616310

shits getting more popular on twitter so be weary of more fakes being released

>> No.15616313

tf is this shit

>> No.15616318

>can make superconductor
>can't submit landscape video in landscape mode.

>> No.15616319

not if the underlying magnet is not composed of multiple magnets to form a magnetic well, if its just a singular big magnet, a diamagnet would not float but be pushed away
floating in place like that means flux pinning or the composition of multiple magnets

>> No.15616322

German women are unfortunate looking

>> No.15616327

see >>15616155

>> No.15616329

My extremely well paid colleagues send me screenshots of spreadsheets they need my help on. Not all skills translate

>> No.15616331


This would be like the 4th fake I've seen though

>> No.15616344

im not saying its fake but its likely. i would believe other videos more with partial levitation instead of this one imo

>> No.15616345

Koreans and Japanese will be retconned to be White after they produce a magic superconductor, yes

>> No.15616348

She looks like she spreads diarrhea on her morning toasts.

>> No.15616350

Where's the white man's experimental results?

>> No.15616355
File: 178 KB, 1138x712, xjgYlJX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616358

I mean asians are already seen as "white adjacent" by the critical race theorists/woke people in the USA and have it even more difficult than "whites" to get into universities

>> No.15616361

if this material works, you'll get high quality large coin shaped samples in 1 day to 1 year from now from a western lab

>> No.15616363

the only white man that is known to be doing something (the varda engineer) will be ready like on thursday due to having to get precursors from poland and shipping takes time

>> No.15616364
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>time to verify won't be short
long term grift confirmed
fuck gooks
total gook death

>> No.15616367


>> No.15616373

disregard literal whos who have a better looking sample than the original team that spent years on it

>> No.15616381
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>> No.15616384
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>> No.15616388
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back status, yes or no? hurry up and tell me

>> No.15616397

These basedish happy influencers on Twitter, I am close to so y overload. Why people have 0 testosterone nowadays.

>> No.15616398

looks too good to be true, I need additional confirmation
if one person was able to replicate it like that, there should be additional videos from other people soon

>> No.15616401

This retard is incredibly retarded

>> No.15616404

you can do this shit now though, you don't need a superconductor. gears just offer more precision and strength for the cost

>> No.15616405

Looks fake desu, why not start the video zoomed out and later zoom in.

>> No.15616407

fake and gay

>> No.15616412

we're so back

>> No.15616415

cultural problem, probably nutrition and how much people excercise as well
maybe the pills that women take to not get pregnant affect the water supply and plastics
who knows

>> No.15616416
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>> No.15616418

The prof is 97% sure. For us that number has to be multiplied by our perception of him. Unless you have 100% confidence in some random guy, your estimate of replication is higher.

>> No.15616423

What else do you expect from blue cuckmark retarded "investors" from twitter.

>> No.15616432

>what about japs are they also part of west
For 100 years, yes. They should have been knighted Westerners after clapping Russia and their heroic westaboo campaign like they wanted.
The West being
>muh whities
>muh Christfags
has always been Marxist propaganda intended to discredit the West. The West is everything that adopts the tradition started by the Greeks and codified by the Romans.

>> No.15616436

We are checking.

>> No.15616443

he's only 3% sure.

>> No.15616452

i heard on some youtube video that roman adopted christcuckery couse popularity of thier kind at that time was low and this religion had militry like power structure

>> No.15616457

i am just asking where are those korean chinks who created this and why they are silent

>> No.15616475
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we will get rid of the oil

>> No.15616479

They aren't silent, they are still responding to mails, however, I do think the best evidence is to test the rocks they have in their posessions.
The Chinese replications prove that they weren't lying about the videos, they are antimagnetic so the only thing left is to test one of those bigger rocks they have.

>> No.15616506
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You guys do realize that if the Korean guys aren't willing to send samples to others despite synthesizing the shit 8000 times, they're full of shit, right?

>> No.15616581

over for westfags, your time of scientific dominance is about to come to an end

>> No.15616608
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its like edging

>> No.15616611
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Hehe Brian Wang is such a catty bitch

>> No.15616613

they have money cheng ! they import scientist in mass to stay relevent

>> No.15616632

its still bullshit yeah?

>> No.15616635


>> No.15616675
File: 182 KB, 399x337, 15564566645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs... we did it

>> No.15616683

Nobody Fucking Knows And What We Do Know Is All Contradicting Each Other

>> No.15616686

Another ceramic superconductor, nothingburger

>> No.15616690
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Why does that stupid little chink hate her so much?

>> No.15616693

Just go to sleep for a week or two if you're so anxious about the result?

>> No.15616715
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He edited the title sometime in the last 24 hours

>> No.15616718


>> No.15616725

No I never leave 4chan

>> No.15616740

why sleep when I could become a millionaire over night :^)

>> No.15616784

>I sneed superconductor technology to replace gears with motors because.... I JUST DO OK

>> No.15616810
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Reminder that backcels have their life savings and egos investing in what a biofem said

>> No.15616824

What does that have to do with superconductors though?

>> No.15616829

Wow so true. Can't wait to buy my diamonds for $1
It's actually because if the original aper and experiments.
>but what about all of the HAPOOONINGS since then. You HAVE been browsing literally who's tweets in twitter right anon?

>> No.15616837

>we HATE trannies!
>but actual women are even worse
is this the new meta?

>> No.15616838
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Reminder that it's ceramic

>> No.15616839

always has been

>> No.15616857


Ceramic tape cables are a thing. Not a very bendy thing, but still a thing.

Also PCB-type applications are fine for a ceramic conductor.

>> No.15616860

Am i correct in thinking superconductors are intrinsically shielded against emp?

>> No.15616871 [DELETED] 

>>we HATE trannies!
they try to become that they are not
>>but actual women are even worse
they try reject what they are

>> No.15616909
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>> No.15616927
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>> No.15616929
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>> No.15616932

>Rick roll
fuck off

>> No.15616940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15616943

even if it is just simply diamagnetic, couldn't we still make contact free bearings and shock absorbers/dampers?
looks way more powerful than bismuth

>> No.15616944
File: 432 KB, 768x890, Screenshot 2023-08-01 205454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like level 1 magician shit are you guys serious

>> No.15616947

I just read LK-99 is actually discovered by korean. Assuming it's real, how fucked do you think they are by not privately selling this information to Samsung? I mean If I'm samsung I'll be really pissed off because they spread this information before they could monopolized it

>> No.15616953

They're funded by LG as i recall

>> No.15616955

The most obvious fake, there's a reason why the angle doesn't change.

>> No.15616960
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>> No.15616961
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>> No.15616965

Even IF it's an actual room temperature superconductor it will take at the very least a decade before we start seeing it in stuff, probably far more, and they aren't probably going to use this copper variation, they are going to experiment until a better version is created.

>> No.15616974

Nah, couple years tops. Every faggot who can scrape together of a few thousand bucks of capital is going to start making stuff out of this.

>> No.15616977

Way too much potential money in this for the industrialized world to not descend on this like a swarm of locusts

>> No.15616986

I'm tired of this fucking bullshit! I need a reputable university or government organization (gooks don't have any) to tell me if this is legit or not.

>> No.15616989

So... what ever happened to the fags that published it?

>> No.15616990
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Check the news.

>> No.15616997
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you need copper placement of atoms in the exact right place. no manufacturing technique we have is even close to allowing this, much less at an economical cost.

>> No.15616999

They're preparing to publish it for real, this was just a preprint

>> No.15617002

A weak superconductor won't revolutionize anything.

>> No.15617007
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Wow I wonder what that hazy white reflection belongs too.

>> No.15617010

The magnetic properties of superconductors make for INCREDIBLE motors. Higher torque, smaller package, less prone to failure, and less energy iirc.

>> No.15617023

>A recent paper [Lee {\em et al.}, J. Korean Cryt. Growth Cryst. Techn. {\bf 33}, 61 (2023)] provides some experimental indications that Pb10−xCux(PO4)6O with x≈1, coined LK-99, might be a room-temperature superconductor at ambient pressure. Our density-functional theory calculations show lattice parameters and a volume contraction with x -- very similar to experiment. The DFT electronic structure shows Cu2+ in a 3d9 configuration with two extremely flat Cu bands crossing the Fermi energy. This puts Pb9Cu(PO4)6O in an ultra-correlated regime and suggests that, without doping, it is a Mott or charge transfer insulator. If doped such an electronic structure might support flat-band superconductivity or an correlation-enhanced electron-phonon mechanism, whereas a diamagnet without superconductivity appears to be rather at odds with our results.

We are so back

>> No.15617040

Not going to get into it, but DFTs can't prove it's a superconductor. They CAN suggest that it's not one, so them aligning with it being a superconductor is good, but you shouldn't bet on it being a super conductor when we don't 100% know the structure.

>> No.15617043

make new bread fucktards

>> No.15617056

Compact, powerful permanent electromagnets

>> No.15617061

thats just diamagnetism

>> No.15617127

only on page 8 numbnuts

>> No.15617177

>but you shouldn't bet on it being a super conductor
how make monies then

>> No.15617184

are we back boys?

>> No.15617194

Fucking faggots, please be kind enough to inform me if we are back or if it's over?

Appreciate ya!

>> No.15617195

we are in limbo

>> No.15617281
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/m/ reporting in
You nerds better give me my giant robots

>> No.15617303

Literally possible with superconductors. Zero friction levitating joints; high efficiency, compact motors; and extremely low power electronics.

God I hope this is real.

>> No.15617315
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>> No.15617323

We would probably need fusion first, but yes, still possible.

>> No.15617324

don't even use Fusion, just use a flywheel

>> No.15617332
File: 152 KB, 542x498, fat weeb fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ozempic shill
whats ozempic?
weight loss medicine for fat fucks
>profile shows giga weeb
why should i listen to this fucking retard? he is literally a fat weeb. normally i say it ironically but in this case it fits like a glass slipper

>> No.15617334

doubters btfo

>> No.15617342

They are just tweeting and summarizing a paper, the research itself is the important bit.

>> No.15617346

Sounds like a weeb who wants to unfat people to me. Anyway it's not his paper and the abstract effectively says, "It's not a diamagnet, you dumbfucks."

>> No.15617350
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this sounds like one of you fuckers

>> No.15617364
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to you, "seems at odds" = whatever you just wrote?


>> No.15617370

baker, baker, bake me a new thread

>> No.15617387

this thread shall be pinned

>> No.15617401
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New Thread

>> No.15617403

bros i am edging over here how much wait till some official statement from good source not this hobbist nerds

>> No.15617413

Yes, that is what that means in professional language.

>> No.15617420

be glad they aren't called quantum conductors

>> No.15617433

jesus christ, the worst fate averted

>> No.15617489
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can already fly the most advanced aircarft imaginable in the military. Machines so powerful that the limiting factor in their abilities is how much your organic body can take the forces. Genuinely cooler than stupid fucking gundam

>> No.15617504

>be wrong about RTAPS
>they use those RTAPS to build new particle accelerator
>they find new physics explaining dark matter
>they somehow prove both Eric Weinstein's and Wolfram's theories correct

>> No.15618288

i thought about this too and that every single one us is an AI put here to discover universe stuff that hasn't been discovered by higher beings yet

what will the higher beings do if they discover that we know?

>> No.15618304
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5 minutes