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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15614722 No.15614722 [Reply] [Original]

>white genocide isnt rea...

>> No.15614725

We've known that for at least ten years, the Dutch are now living in slums

>> No.15614747

if musk says it then it must be true hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji

>> No.15614751

Spotted the nigger
Go back and pick cotton before I whip you

>> No.15614754

crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji crying laughing emoji

>> No.15614797

It's true but also it is complicated issue, because many Afrikaners don't want to leave South Africa and even have delusions of their own state, or that if whites get in power again (at least a party that represents whites) or that if they fix education and fund police to reduce corruption, or improve economy to create jobs and improve standard of living for blacks etc etc ...they believe in all these things, until the time they become realistic and leave South Africa, blacks will keep murdering them.

>> No.15614805
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/sci/ - White Genocide & politics

>> No.15614816

This just seems like more evidence Musk is trying to run the value of Twitter into the ground, probably for tax avoidance reasons.

>> No.15614817

I wish the whites would just give the blacks what they're asking for; uproot themselves and move to Europe or the US and see how the blacks fare.

>> No.15614831
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>> No.15614953

Boer lives don't matter. It's entirely consistent.

>> No.15615040

The chinese want africa.
If you observe international policy since kissinger it seems pretty clear.
Look what happened to rhodesia.

>> No.15615042

The boer have been in south africa since before the bantu moved that far south

>> No.15615063

'Finders, keepers' is an option which has its own problems.

>> No.15615088

no lives matter

>> No.15615301

White power

>> No.15615433

that is logic and logic doesn't work on blacks. Apartheid worked and blacks were under control. Now either have new apartheid or move out because again, logic and reasoning is not going to work on them.

>> No.15615449

It's not real until it happens, chud.

>> No.15615450


>> No.15615454
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That's great. Now lets hope that this inspires other societies to get rid of troublesome minorities as well

>> No.15615466
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Wow, South Africa is almost as bad as the USA now.

>> No.15615502

>actually Africa is for white people
No that will never be true.
It wasn't true 1000 years ago, it won't be true in another 1000 years

>> No.15615506

I say let it happen.
It'll be a good precedent and lesson for countries that think importing africans on masse is a good idea.
Also if whites in south africa are genocided and deported, its only fair if the same is done to blacks in white countries.

>> No.15615512

I hope the blacks of south africa exterminate every single nazi they can get their hands on.
it would be the sweetest justice on the planet

>> No.15615517

It was true 200 years ago and they still haven't gotten over it

>> No.15615529

What does this have to do with science or mathematics?

>> No.15615533

What's fair is white genocide. Deep down you know you are guilty. That's why you try to deflect the guilt by denying the holocaust

>> No.15615548

But there haven't been any Nazis for over half a century?

>> No.15615551

that's a funny thing to say from a white person
seems you're a member of some kind of weird self hating cult?

>> No.15615553
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It's an ideology that is threatening the existence of science and math.

>> No.15615559

Boers are from the Netherlands. They don't belong in Africa. Bantus own it by right of conquest when the neo nazi cracker racist subhuman demon state was overthrown. Either the Boers submit to black law, or get killed. Whatever happens they deserve it.

>> No.15615560

Just rape me in my ass and call me fannly magoo, bootel POP bootel go

>> No.15615568

Science must fall!

>> No.15615575

No, the chinese own it by right of purchasing it from the ANC

>> No.15615583
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>"give us a free ethnostate in Africa" said the nazi
>"what the fuck are you doing in my country" said the black cop before executing the 3 nazis

>> No.15615600

South Africa and Colonialism in general was defeated by other white people.

>> No.15615609

They want an underclass of humans too stupid to think for themselves to do all the menial work
Their kids will still get top quality education and care taking the important jobs

>> No.15615615

White people invented the concept of country and defined the borders of South Africa, how could it possibly be a black person's country?

>> No.15615620

Doesn't that mean Boers have a casus belli for reconquest if they were there before the Bantus?

>> No.15615628

There were a few native groups already present and that's been twisted around to claim that the entire territory was already occupied.

>> No.15615633

>africans genocide the people who lived there, land goes relatively unlived in for a long time.
>boers move in. Boers make peace with the only people who have a historical claim there, say they're fine with them being there too.
>northerners (relatives of the original genociders) come in and destroy everything

>> No.15615638

Fun fact the oldest evidence of the boer's afrikaans language is written in indonesian arabic.

>> No.15615640

Yet crackers couldn't understand the concept of subsaharan Africa belonging to sub saharan africans

>> No.15615644

What if.. white people just took Africa's land and decided not to feel bad about it?

>> No.15615645

Why does land that boers colonized first belong to them? If that is the case, why do blacks come to western countries and demand we do things they want and claim to be as European as we are?

>> No.15615653

Those were Khoi and San groups herder/hunter hathers. The Bantu tribes were a late and very bloody migration from the north.

>> No.15615687

Whites don't belong in Africa. Especially not after pulling shit like the apartheid.

If you can't understand this, maybe you should commit yourself to a clinic

>> No.15615698

Why don't whites belong in Africa and what was wrong with the apartheid?

>> No.15615701

Their mistake wasn't apartheid. It was allowing the bantu into their nation.

>> No.15615702

There is no difference between a black and a black. They're the same race. If the original blacks aren't there to take South Africa, the new blacks have claim to it.

>> No.15615707

Are you an african american?

>> No.15615708

back to your containment thead superconductor tourist

>> No.15615712

>submit to black law
that's the point, blacks have no law.

>> No.15615722

This retard is supporting SA's government by supporting China and Russia.

>> No.15615732

Didn't Elon Musk only propose a peace plan that gave a small majority Russian speaking peninsular to Russia in exchange for no more pointless death?

>> No.15615733

just like the shoah, amirite?

>> No.15615734

why would you even respond to that

>> No.15615740

Every white south african I have met is a very rich man.

I think they're doing more than fine if they can travel around the world to study and pay huge university fees.

>> No.15615747
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>> No.15615750

why are you trying to use logic in a conversation with a black (or atleast some libshit wannabe retard)

>> No.15615761

I find it amusing

>> No.15615786

So you met the ones who could travel? Seems like a biased sample.

>> No.15615792

Literal chinese backed communist...I think he was maoist

>> No.15615799

The crime gangs down there are something fierce.

>> No.15615804

Go back to /pol// Here, it's a Science board, so we don't get fooled by your conspiracy theory. Science proved that there is no such thing as a "white genocide". GTFO bigot

>> No.15615807

And a terrorist

>> No.15615810
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Funny how this single image destroyed racism

>> No.15615825

This. Niggers (Bantus) are the true genociders and they're still doing it. Almost like they're genetically inclined to it or something.

>> No.15615826

>There were a few native groups already present and that's been twisted around to claim that the entire territory was already occupied.
It was. Shipwrecked 16th century Portuguese sailors found Bantu tribes living on South Africa's eastern coast.

>> No.15615832

>Its on Twitter
>Therefore it must be true

>> No.15615837

His group used to put tyres around peoples necks and light them on fire, called it necklacing

>> No.15615844

>long tortured explanation

>> No.15615846

So,Elon wants to ride to the rescue of the same white South Africans that bullied and threw him down a flight of stairs at high school? What a cuck.

>> No.15615850

Oh god this is the dumbest thing yet, blood transfusions are heavily dependent on compatibility for all number of shit.
get the wrong race or wrong blood type and you're dying

>> No.15615860

Why don't they fight back? White people always win when they fight back. When they don't you just get another Haitian genocide of 1804

>> No.15615863

>His group used to put tyres around peoples necks and light them on fire, called it necklacing
He must have learned it from white Americans that were lynching African-Americans in the same manner.

>> No.15615870

I'll wait to see what Thunderfoot says about this before I comment

>> No.15615869

Isn't that this?

>> No.15615872

>The chinese want africa.
They can have it as long as they exterminate every single native
Chinese suck but they are objectively better than Africans on every level.

>> No.15615877

>Why don't they fight back? White people always win when they fight back
Against what?A non-existent genocide? Even Trump ran away after just one Tweet about farm murders in South Africa.

>> No.15615888

You are a soulless subhuman and you will to live with that for the rest of your life.

>> No.15615921

Where's the white refugees fleeing into neighboring countries if there's a genocide happening in South Africa?

>> No.15615925

Infinity Trips confirm

>> No.15615943

>trump derangement syndrome
dudes been out of office for three years, are you ever going to recover?

>> No.15615947

That's a vibe

>> No.15615968


>> No.15615971

l, but I wish it was.

>> No.15615988

That's not true and even if it was the retarded boers didn't outpopulate the blacks, The blacks outnumber them 10 to one. These stupid retards thought that they could rule over a country of blacks in a continent filled to the brim with blacks trying to make their way into south africa. I mean how stupid can you get? Did they think that the black people they oppressed for decades would just roll over and obey after apartheid?

>> No.15615992
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>There is no difference between a black and a black. They're the same race. If the original blacks aren't there to take South Africa, the new blacks have claim to it.

Open up a book about the history of Africa before ever posting again.

>> No.15616051
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oh it's real enough

>> No.15616076

That's because of the brits.

>> No.15616106

The white one will be the one without sickle cell anemia.

>> No.15616142

>jannies make me reset my router because I said "chink" in a lk99 thread
>meanwhile on /sci/ - ""science and math"""....
fuck jannies

>> No.15616161

Kek, his dogs ate his roses.

>> No.15616163

Didn't know that a single tribe is proof that the entire territory of South Africa was occupied. Thanks, Science!

>> No.15616170

That sounds no different to European feudal lords ruling over serfs, quite reasonable. They weren't expecting marxist influence from outside.

>> No.15616199

Israel should just do the world a favor and unleash their race specific bio weapons on blacks already but noooooo they have to use niggers to destabilize all other countries first.

>> No.15616207

That's completely different. Minority foreigners can't rule over majority natives. It just doesn't happen. And both cultures are completely different from each other, its not like a neighbouring race invaded. To make it worse the boers also think they can get away with owning majority of the land when they are so few. The country is a powder keg with the whites in constant delusion about their fate.

>> No.15616213

>pick the wrong one
>give my child aids

>> No.15616229
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China isn't the only country that knows how to make bioweapons though

>> No.15616266

It does happen, the Baltic nobility used to speak German. The difference of race though obviously complicates things.

>> No.15616268

The boers were effectively the natives though?
The bantus migrated in and bred like crazy.

>> No.15616287

lol bantus were there by 300 AD nobody agrees with your boer revisionist history
like i said, its not the same, not even close, the cultures are different, the races are different, the languages are completely unrelated, its not a neighbouring country invading another one.

>> No.15616392

>bantus were there by 300 AD
What is your proof?

>> No.15616545

They weren't there, southern Africa was populated exclusively by Khoisans/Hottentots when Europeans first made contact in the region. The Bantu Zulus later moved into the region

>> No.15616593

>white genocide is a far right conspiracy theory
>100 000 blacks publicly call for the genocide of white people
>white people deserve it because of what some other white people did hundreds of years ago
leftists are mentally ill and are calling for their own genocide. White leftists are the only group with negative ingroup preference. Even leftist blacks have more ingroup preference than white conservatives.

>> No.15616684

That's retarded. The xhosa and zulu have clicks in their languages, they got those clicks by intermarrying with the khoisan and adopting some of their manner of speaking, they were definitely there before the boers. Anyone who says different is a boer apologist ttrying to rewrite history to suit the narrative.

>> No.15616905

>>>15616411 is removed for being offtopic
>this thread is still up
Has the janny finally dropped all pretenses and started to actively make this board worse?