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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 87 KB, 443x525, Screenshot 2023-08-01 20.13.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15614111 No.15614111 [Reply] [Original]

IQ tests are bologna. The IQ test should be how long it took you to understand Hegel.

>> No.15614199

Interesting, now fuck off back >>>/lit/

>> No.15614552

Everything wrong with IQ tests evaporates in the aggregate
They should only ever be used to distinguish differences between groups

>> No.15614872

Gibberish, saged

>> No.15615505

Describe the most important idea you got from Hegel.

>> No.15615516

>my individual IQ is shit, so let's just focus on racial IQs
Back to /pol/, faggot. We're individualists here. All low-IQers get the gas, including most of redneck America.

>> No.15615547

I didn't. Its too time consuming and hard without anything to show for it. But i'd bet it'd be a good intelligence test.

>> No.15615554
File: 27 KB, 750x755, james webb sausage telescope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ tests are bologna.
and astronomy is sausage

>> No.15616246

>The IQ test should be how long it took you to understand Hegel.
based if not for the fact that hegel was a chr*stcuck at the end of the day

>> No.15616264

what's the cutoff for the gas, IQ-cleansing anon?

>> No.15616303

what anti-IQ proponents always fail to tackle is that IQ was designed to find retards, and is quite good at it.

>> No.15616307

Idk iq tests show niggers are as dumb as everyone thinks they are, you can go into any city that has niggers and see how dumb they are first hand, not to mention male niggers are 6-7% of the population and are responsible for over over 50% of all violent crimes in the United States so iq tests are right about them.

>> No.15616482

Even Hegel didn't understand Hegel

>> No.15616510

The government like, goes through phases. We call these phases "time."

>> No.15616540

There's no way this can't be explained just as well if not better using normal human vocabulary.

>> No.15617462

Hegel wrote nothing of value.

>> No.15617831

IQ tests are better at explaining differences between individuals than between groups. It is able to measure genetic "G factor", but it showed an increase in scores over the 20th century known as the flynn effect, which is NOT due to G.

>> No.15618019

A comprehensive understanding of Hegel or the important parts?

>> No.15618095

Something something master-slave dialectic. Slaves are actually the important guys because they produce stuff worth something.
Also uh
rest is only rest and motion is only motion.