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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15611694 No.15611694 [Reply] [Original]

>Used to come so /Sci/ all the time in a high-school to mentally larp as a scientist
>dreamed of one day being a scientist as if it would somehow validate my wasted incel youth
>went to college, made friends, became normal person shockingly quickly, got BS in Genetics
>Worked in Biotech for almost 4 years now
>2 ranks bellow actual real world scientist
>Realize I never came back to /Sci/
Here I am. High-school me would be so proud.

Biotechnology is super cozy, would highly recommend for career. One tip though, people are hired based on their personality first. No one wants to work with spergs regardless of their scientific aptitude.

>> No.15611763

>in HS I was le nerd and then I became le normal
>No one wants to work with spergs regardless of their scientific aptitude.
>muh le spergs is le awkward
>muh world rank
and just like that you have revealed yourself another worthless retard in the gigantic pile of worthless retards in academia and research.
Your research will never amount to anything of note.
Try changing yourself before it's too late

>> No.15611777

hot take, if personality matters more than accumun, your in a busywork club, not a job

>> No.15611804 [DELETED] 

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15611850

>Try changing yourself before it's too late
There is no "changing yourself". Stop this delusional cope, it's hurting people.

>> No.15611856

Good job fag, you made it

>> No.15612058
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4channel isn't social media howeverbeit

>> No.15612086

violence it is then?
people are a fucking calamity

>> No.15612522

that uni did you go to? there's barely any genetics bs programs anywhere, unless you just did a concentration in a bio bs

>> No.15612538

I "made it" before I ever even heard of this shithole website. Imagine caring about being "hired" to begin with because you arent smart enough to make money on your own without wage slaving for someone else and then thinking you are in a position to give other people life advice.

>> No.15612550

>Used to come so /Sci/ all the time in a high-school to mentally larp as a scientist
>Realize I never came back to /Sci/
Kind of checks out that retarded larpers are here, but only very few actual scientists.

>> No.15612664


Unless you are literally irreplaceable, a true intellectual giant, then your personality always matters more than your acumen.

Especially in academia. Everyone is intellectually superior, well published, hyper-achieving so the competition between you and Other Guy is going to come down to other factors such as "are you likeable?", "do you work well with others?", "do you need handling with kid gloves because you're a whiny manchild?" etc.

>> No.15612672


>About whether you're likeable
>Yeah, in crapademia
>Get propaganded you gay

>> No.15612700

NEET hands types this.

>> No.15613599

>then your personality always matters more than your acumen.
And that's why normies get the rope.

>> No.15613603

academia is a cult

>> No.15613625

Another based biotechnologyfag reporting in.

It is comfy. I want to slap my lab director daily though.

>> No.15613696
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but who was booba?

>> No.15613832
File: 195 KB, 1920x960, 96657_Slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that different than fake working your favourite genetic combinations, hiring your friends, and calling everyone who is out of your tribe an excuse not to hire them? Likeability is inherently tribal and racial,

Pic related doesn't need your personality horoscopes, and will crush your academy and fake work

>> No.15613843

>One tip though, people are hired based on their personality first. No one wants to work with spergs regardless of their scientific aptitude.
See this whole operation has nothing to do with science, right? got it.

>> No.15613850

Sauce on those milkers?

>> No.15613889

> used to come do /sci in high school and then right before enrolling in uni to prepare and even a bit during when doing basic calculus
> studied physics, fucking amazing experience
> have ADHD which makes it impossible to focus on any time scale and kills the joy I get from studying when I have a deadline to meet
> switch to another interest, also get a part time job tutoring middle/high school students
> go from As to Ds
> hate cheating on exams, so actually get passed in grades by retards who don't know shit
> what the fuck is even the point, stop going
> at this point it's all online anyway due to Rona
> been missing physics this whole time, but at this point don't even see where it would in my life, especially since academia is a fucking jungle with no prospects and I never wanted to be anything but a theoretician anyway
> start teaching actual uni students so I have a reason to get back to uni level textbooks
> get back on sci
Welp this is my journey so far

>> No.15614286

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