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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1560925 No.1560925 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to seem like a ridiculous question,
but would anybody here know of any websites to learn
science... in general? Any links/suggestions would be appreciated. Pic unrelated.

>> No.1560933


>> No.1560934

Learn science in general?

Could you elaborate a bit?

Do you mean you want to learn to be more discerning?
Or about basic principles?
Or basic laws?

Or what?

>> No.1560935

Well, you can't learn sciences without math.

But, why websites? Books are quite better, you know.

>> No.1560937


>> No.1560938


Best iv seen, similar to khan academy but more science and less math

>> No.1560964

I wish I could elaborate, but that's how far I'm out of my depth. I guess anything you're supposed to learn after
the tenth grade. (Not underage, just out of touch.)
If you have any suggestion for books, I'd appreciate those too.

>> No.1560965


>> No.1560970
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Holy crap, this is perfect!

>> No.1560971

Well, it depends how deep you wanna get. In the archive, there is a "required reading" thread.

>> No.1560973

I can't believe you fell for that. Serves you right, summerfag.

>> No.1560977
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>> No.1560980
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I'll look it up, thank you.