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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 556 KB, 1040x1693, 1690680160204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15604089 No.15604089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15604091

I wonder what the xrd looks like

>> No.15604092

Lol let me know when a man has replicated it

>> No.15604095
File: 109 KB, 595x625, 1231231231323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep cookin

>> No.15604099

>hurr it's a failure
Not my replication.

>> No.15604101

>is so poorly made its literally multi colored
>tiny magnets
>even admitted to fucking it up but decided to try anyway
This proves nothing

>> No.15604102

so what about samples 1 and 2

>> No.15604103

it was a livestream, presumably a team from HUST uni replicated it and it showed no magnetic effect


>> No.15604104

so this is the power of Chinese labs...

>> No.15604106

Exactly what the person wrote.

"The above results are for reference only
Sukbae Lee et al. did thousands of experiments to obtain the samples they showed. The above results only provide 4 failure cases, which cannot be used to overthrow Sukbae Lee et al.

>> No.15604107

literally watched the same stream, none of what youre saying was claimed in the video
what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.15604113

Exactly, proves nothing except that its not just
>durr mix some powder
clearly there is a very fine process that needs to be done here

>> No.15604115

okay retard, tell us what was shown in the video..

>> No.15604117

>tell us what was shown
someone failing at synthesizing lk99, clearly

>> No.15604121

That’s a woman
I have more faith in my dog than I have in women
Let me reiterate, tell me when a male team replicates it

>> No.15604125
File: 56 KB, 452x534, Screenshot 2023-07-29 213210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally said they were failures.

>> No.15604126

>let's try and reproduce it
>but wrong
>with different annealing gradients and times
>let's try and test it anyways
>let's try and reproduce it
>it came out with multiple colors
>let's try and test it anyways

so this is the true power of southeast asia

>> No.15604132

>>let's try and test it anyways

Do you know what science is?

>> No.15604136

All of those are fine as long as you try again or are transparent about it
(the chinese are trying again and the indians said they fucked it up)

>> No.15604142

>science is when you claim to reproduce the experiment but then apply your own streetshitter logic with completely different temperatures and times with solid state synthesis which requires precise temperature control and precise run-up and ramp down periods

>> No.15604146

yes it's called pumping and dumping women until i can find one that can handle my 2e+30 fm^3 long schlong's 1.01e+7 Pa ejection pressure
this way, human evolution will accelerate

>> No.15604147

>precise run-up and ramp down periods
Were these specified in the paper? I thought a big issue was that some important steps like these weren't detailed.

>> No.15604150

oh boy, so a week of failures is ahead of us. wake me up when someone actually does it, follows the correct steps, and has a ceramic slab in front of them.
also maybe they use a huge ass magnet and like a smaller speck of the material, higher chances of replication.
if you use a shit fridge magnet and like a cheese roll of ceramic lead yeah

>> No.15604151
File: 32 KB, 225x225, 1690681201119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one if the samples had its quartz tube burst, the rest should've been okay

I think you are entering the copium phase now

>> No.15604153
File: 135 KB, 498x536, Screenshot 2023-07-29 214129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rest should've been okay
>the rest:

>> No.15604154

and the others were so poorly formulated that they were multi colored
you've been at this all day now, get a life

>> No.15604156

>why do lefties keep depicting me as a frothing-at-the-mouth cartoonish misogynist?

>> No.15604157
File: 828 KB, 845x1200, 1654095127646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a hunch that the koreans are withholding the fine details from the chinese and are instead giving it out to their western partners, hence the relative silence from them.
this is probably a reaction by the koreans of chinese spies stealing their superconductor recipe, which is pretty obvious given that somehow the chinese were able to make reproductions faster than all other labs.
i predict that the chinese (and perhaps indians?) would have a lot of failures.
the western labs would have less failures and have the guidance of the korean authors
if the superconductors are real, then this is more than just superconductors (and yes this a bit of a tangent but fuck it)

>> No.15604161

Looks nothing whatsoever like the sample from the paper
>This reply did not bump the thread

>> No.15604166

No shit it's debunked, anyone who has any idea about superconductors knew this shit wasn't possibly going to pass inspection

>> No.15604167

>if the superconductors are real, then this is more than just superconductors (and yes this a bit of a tangent but fuck it)
this is the point a lot of scitards are missing
this isnt just about le superconductor here, its both a matter of international prestige and a matter of getting a head start on the other guys
im sure the feds were punching air when the initial paper got published, knowing it's giving the chinese an in to figuring it out

>> No.15604168
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the anime girl was cute though

>> No.15604170
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>> No.15604174
File: 192 KB, 740x740, 05029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back Tsuba Kandacta...

>> No.15604176

Time to start hiding these redditard/twatteroid threads.

>> No.15604177

Their fucking tube burst and contaminated one sample. The other sample was so poorly mixed it was red in the middle like a button

>> No.15604180

It's fine as long as you are keeping track of your changes or mistakes. There are mega-corp professional labs trying to reproduce the results. If some chinese dude too afraid to speak so he writes captions for his video on paper messes up the reproduction it's not a big deal.

>> No.15604185
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1974, 1651835833825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. this is something i also noticed too. by publishing the premature ejaculation superconductor papers, the koreans will be able to confirm if someone has been ravaging their virgin laboratory. and it turns out, the chinese were the ones snooping around.
i agree, anime girls are cute. pls post moar since this is an anime science imageboard website.

>> No.15604187 [DELETED] 

It's over...

>> No.15604189

lmao she's smarter and more accomplished than you brainlet faggot

>> No.15604192
File: 230 KB, 953x643, Screenshot 2023-07-29 215525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

._. -><- uh um
y-you wanted s-superconductor.. uhm
>.< I-I messed it up a little....
;~; im sorry,,..,

>> No.15604201

what westoid labs are working on it? eastern ones seem hopeless

>> No.15604205

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.15604213

You're delusional, send yourself to the infirmary

>> No.15604219

lmao triggered low iq monkey

>> No.15604220

>Caring what women think
They can depict me as a monkey who sucks my own cock for all I care
I still do not value what you or women have to say

Update me when men do the job correctly

>> No.15604222

>it didn't le float with this small magnet
>stay DEBOONKED chud
I hate these people so much. you took the effort of doing all this shit, but you don't know how to test conductivity? like, present an argument, I'm easy to convince
what should the expected conductivity be if this wasn't a SC? whatever the theoretical prediction is, you can measure the actual material, right? if there is even a small discrepancy that you can't explain without SC, can you really rule out the existence of small SC chunks in the pellet?

>> No.15604224

Can you only speak in memes? Are you a woman?

>> No.15604226

I really want this to be real. I feel like we're due for a big win as a species

>> No.15604229

I’m a man
So, lol. Let me know when men replicate it and then I’ll care
Until then the chink can tweet or xeet all she likes

>> No.15604230
File: 50 KB, 706x440, Screenshot 2023-07-29 220629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do it all in one stream?
That's like airing a TV show all at once.

>> No.15604231

"it" is a confirmed tranny poster on /lgbt/ lmao.

>> No.15604252

You were just updated as a woman did the job correctly. :)

>> No.15604253

The chink he’s posting about is a tranny?
Lol so he is a guy and I should read the tweets?

>> No.15604255

Women are incapable of anything so I quite literally mean; let me know when a man has replicated it.

>> No.15604257

fuck you that's cute

>> No.15604258

>self hating ftm copes by hating women
many such cases

>> No.15604263

/pol/ incel containment breach

>> No.15604264

>Women are incapable of anything
They are. One just did an experiment. They apparently also are very successful at hurting the feefees of bitter losers from /pol/. :)

>> No.15604265 [DELETED] 


>> No.15604266

Name 10 women

>> No.15604268

Your mother.
Your mom.
Your moms.
Your female parent.
Your momma.
Your mommy.
Your ma.
Your mammy.
Your old lady.
My mother :)

>> No.15604272
File: 1.38 MB, 1125x1106, 1688547646330626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what the gooks are saying to cover their asses? I knew this 'easy to replicate' thing was too good to be true. Scams usually have some trick to keep up the grift for years. In the case of Ranga Dias, he had some convoluted and tricky setup that took others years to even try to replicate. So in this case, the gooks are just going to say "we took 1200 times to get this shitty low % purity sample, so keep trying bruh!" where the truth is actually that they faked their own and the other labs will fruitlessly keep making more, even though its a dead end. Master scam.

>> No.15604279

Seems like you’re the hurt one
Just let me know when real scientists have recreated the process

>> No.15604285 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 567x531, 1690674562470468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and buy

>> No.15604287

>yes, we could create more pellets like the one we used for the presentation
>no, we are just not going to
>we are just not going to replicate our own experiment, okay? sorry, we are just not going to do it

>> No.15604289
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>> No.15604290

They literally offered samples to any serious labs wanting to validate and offered assistance with doing so
Who would do this?
Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.15604292
File: 184 KB, 850x901, 1672013870449142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, want to be a quiet research dog.

>> No.15604301

According to some Korean shill tweeter with zero proof and that has zero reason to be believed.

>> No.15604303

Ok show me where they said they can't or won't replicate like you green texted I'll wait

>> No.15604309

>They literally offered samples to any serious labs wanting to validate and offered assistance with doing so
Never happened though?

>> No.15604318
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>> No.15604324

Kek, if only you know how bad things really are

>> No.15604328

Given that this is super cheap to replicate, shouldn't we expect to see a bunch of youtube videos with randoms doing the experiment?

>> No.15604752

"Super cheap to replicate" is in the context of research labs. You need quartz tubes, vacuum chambers, and red phosphorous (which is banned to regular people due to being used in making meth), not to mention any citizen buying poisonous lead is also going to need some forms filled and a visit from the letter agencies as well.

>> No.15604787

>not to mention any citizen buying poisonous lead is also going to need some forms filled and a visit from the letter agencies as well.
You have literally never done any chemistry, have you?

>> No.15604840

>samples prepared using the vague, typo'd procedure in the original papers rage-published by the guy who got kicked out of the research group don't superconduct

color me shocked.

For what it's worth there's a Twitter Spaces conversation going right now with the guy doing the public replication and a bunch of scientists and the mood is pretty positive about it being real except for one South Korean guy who for some reason is raging and seething about the fact that people might think it's the real deal. At one point he accused Andrew (the replication guy) of shilling to hype stock in some company lmao

>> No.15604861

post solid state chem phd

>> No.15604870
File: 23 KB, 400x500, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im unofficially re-opening the case

>> No.15604872
File: 230 KB, 2536x1154, Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 11.15.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can literally buy lead powder on sigma aldrich shipped to your door with no restrictions are you fucking dumb?

>> No.15604884

so real labs in eu or us are gonna try soon or are they too busy laughing?

>> No.15604892

Congrats you're now on a list

>> No.15604899

Likely no because the procedure in the published papers is too vague to expect results without a huge amount of trial and error. Step 1 is to verify existing samples of the superconductor in cooperation with the original team, which is ongoing.

>> No.15604901


another live

>> No.15604905
File: 169 KB, 500x593, posted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15604907

How about 50 pounds of lead and a garage lab, nigger?

>> No.15604918

Now show me your red phosphorus order, nigger.

>> No.15604920

How I buy boolet then?

>> No.15604921

Ok and?

>> No.15604926

>Chinese dabbing on Koreans once again for the millionth time in history.
Poor fuckers can't catch a break, can they?

>> No.15604974

You mean the red phosphorus in my element collection? Or are you gonna move the goalposts AGAIN, dumbfuck?

>> No.15604984


>> No.15605013

Are you legitimately 12? Unless you live in some surveillance state hellscape like Australia nobody gives a fuck if you look up something as benign as elemental lead on sigma. Hell, you could go pick a few pounds of lead out of your local gravel pit for free if you live in burgerland.

>> No.15605085

Post it nigger.

>> No.15605159

>you can literally buy lead powder on sigma aldrich shipped to your door with no restrictions are you fucking dumb?
Bad example of a vendor. They don't sell to residential addresses.

>> No.15605177

holy copium.

>> No.15605289

>Just let me know when real scientists have recreated the process
One just did, and it failed. :)

>> No.15605290

I will cook a kebab for a kebab woman on internet!

>> No.15605304

As a chemist I don't trust 90% of chinks and 99% of poos. Usually the Chinese have absolutely shitty supporting informations in anything materials science related while poos simply forge the data (more so than the chinese).
When it comes to experimental work that involves actual skill, they both usually fail hilariously because their approach to experimental work is unscrupulous as fuck and they usually don't know shit. I've heard countless stories about all sorts of completely incompetent asians (chinks, poos, even middle easterners). Only japs are fine.

>> No.15605310
File: 486 KB, 633x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt that

>> No.15605330

The north Chinese look identical to gooks so if thats the case I'm not surprised they were able to infiltrate so easily.

>> No.15605339

Samples wildly inconsistent and not in contact with the original team, wow u sure showed him xdddddd

>> No.15605342

Hes right, women are worthless in this domain

>> No.15605366

cope, chud

>> No.15605388

Not being able to distinguish between "right" and "reaffirms my preexisting ideas" is a sign of intense retardation.

>> No.15605390

That’s a problem 99% of this site has and I’m not sure if there’s anyway to fix that kind of stupid

>> No.15605401

I think you’re just upset he’s right and sum it up to be anything but that because it would hurt your ego

>> No.15605461
File: 84 KB, 220x123, uhuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a supposed groundbreaking new discovery blown up by clueless media is promptly debunked and revealed as snake oil
surely not?

>> No.15605465

Not being able to distinguish between "right" and "reaffirms my preexisting ideas" is a sign of intense retardation.

>> No.15605477

The media has ignored it

>> No.15605539

See you’re repeating yourself without understanding the actual words that I am saying.
You are reaffirming your idea that women are just as capable as men in the field of science and mathematics without any evidence to back up your idea
Women do not have nearly as many accomplishments
Women do not have nearly as many proofs
Women do not have nearly as many inventions
Women generally have no claim to anything except a few women who were capable and they were absolutely an exception, not the standard.
The fact that you defend the idea that women are just as capable as men; without women having done as much or more than men is laughable.
Let me guess your thought at this point
>”Women didn’t have a chance to do things because of their place in society blah blah”
No, women were just never capable of being on the same level as men, to the point that the men laughed them off.
Every great philosopher laughs at women and calls them incomplete men.
Great plays laugh at the joke that are women.
History mocks the very small and insignificant place women have held in the world.

You only claim women are equal due to your incredulously biased world view.
If you were really someone of science you would use studies to disprove me.
But you resort to name calling and salty crying.
You could show studies of men vs women in IQ, which would only serve as a crutch for you to point to a very small number of women who are intelligent
You could show inventions #s in comparison of men vs women which is 99% men 1% women
You could show fields in science that women dominate, which are none
Frankly, you would have any argument at all other than
>le sexist

I guess since you are the one reaffirming your own unfounded ideas, that makes you the one with intense retardation.
I have all of history on my side and simply put

>> No.15605543

You’re a faggot lol

>> No.15607099
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>> No.15607115

Without exeption, every single person who formats their posts like this are turbo schizos.

>> No.15607123


>> No.15607160
File: 227 KB, 437x1079, Screenshot (130).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're so back

>> No.15607163

Diamagnetism = Messner effect confirmed

>> No.15607164

he's right though

>> No.15607170

trannies are seriously mentally ill
who wants to bet he has a mental breakdown after all his attention whoring

>> No.15607171

We're so back!

>> No.15607196

Of course it's a fucking russian with an anime pic who replicates it first. Of fucking course.
She's so gonna get gulagd

>> No.15607203

>She's so gonna get gulagd

i think you mean bakhmuted

>> No.15607204


>> No.15607208

Female hands in some of the pictures. Also I doubt russian males can work with in a chemistry field without spending all their effort distilling alcohol and synthesizing drugs

>> No.15607212
File: 252 KB, 528x856, Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 23-00-41 Iris on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in their kitchen

>> No.15607227

That's also assuming they're still in Russia and haven't been sent to a trench somewhere.

>> No.15607241

Its a sissyboy, they tend to have slender fingers and soft skin because they've never worked a day in their life.

>> No.15607246

There's a pic of banana milk with clearly Russian text on it posted recently. She's in Russia alright.

>> No.15607253

My money is on a catlady tumblerina

>> No.15607255

god they're so fucking salty and for what is this what the transgender mind virus does to people

>> No.15607285

we already knew korean > chink >>> indian. i never had any hope of a chink or an indian getting it right.

wait for a white person to replicate it

>> No.15607292

lmao please
would be pretty funny though if some russian faggot replicated it before big western labs

>> No.15607300

In 2030 expect posts like
>implying I'd ever use a device with the trannyconductor

>> No.15607303

Can someone explain why the original people who made it work can't just repeat the experiment with the same fucking sample? I'm out of the loop on this RT superconductor shit

>> No.15607313

I hope they are, there just hasn't been info to outside of it yet
maybe they are co-writing a paper with some big western lab or something, or with big korean labs I guess would work too and want to keep it under wraps before confirming stuff etc

>> No.15607321

The sample from the video was crumbly looking, it might have fallen apart

>> No.15607322

The original people have been tried thousands of times over 20 years to find a reliable procedure, and even now if they want a sample they have to wait for their ancient grandpa master to wake up from his lunch nap to crack the glass ampule with his hammer at the exact perfect time while it's cooking.

>> No.15607323

they have an inside fight, they were not meant to publish it yet
some weird drama

>> No.15607324
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>> No.15607331
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so not a replication, but trying to synthesize the same element using another method

>> No.15607337

5-6 years, they did some other shit after 1999 before starting the SC research again in 2017-2018 after the mentor/professor died and requested that they continue

>> No.15607345

Kwon was the guy who published the paper on arxiv. he was sacked from the privately owned company (Lee and Kim) a few months ago. he doesn't have the sample and doens't have the results. he wrote a paper from what he could remember and some old results, some of them might even be fabricated. seems he was afraid of missing out on the credit and forced their hand by publishing without their permission and putting his name (Kwon) on the authors list.

meanwhile Lee and Kim think they have something but their existing samples are crap and they know it. they were trying to make a better sample but Kwon has now forced them into the public's attention with an inferior sample. I'd think they're fucking pissed off with Kwon right now. Lee and Kim in an attempt to mitigate the damage published a second (and third) paper with all the contributors properly listed (seven in total) rather than just Lee, Kim, Kwon like the unauthorized initial paper published by Kwon.

it's a shit show of gigantic proportions. even if there is a superconductor in there somewhere, it's completely overshadowed by the infighting and general bullshit that Kwon started.

>> No.15607347
File: 589 KB, 1026x800, 1684724258374507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the only ones intelligent enough to replicate it would be weebs

>> No.15607348

>synthesize the same element
the same substance?

>> No.15607350

Not even diamagnetic? Send those guys to North Korea to get the punishment they deserve.

>> No.15607367

But at least knowing the material that achieved it and some of the basic instructions should allow the world to replicate the superconductor within the year, right? It's not basically lost and fucked forever like dropping a needle with a recipe written on it in an ocean of hay, is it?

>> No.15607373


>> No.15607374

>Didn't synthesize the right thing
>Tests by waving a fridge magnet around
What would be more surprising was if she had any success.

I've attempted to build Sterling machines from scratch and my poor construction techniques all resulted in failure.

>> No.15607404

I'm no scientist or metalurgist but the people who know this stuff say the papers are poorly written. not enough detail. errors in the graphs and instructions. ambiguity over the temperatures and pressures. the method used to synthesize the lead compound is amateurish, there are better ways to do it. its looking like even if there is something here, this paper isn't much help and other labs are going to have to figure out the proper method.

that's assuming there even is anything here. given how bad the paper is its very likely they fucked up their measurements too. so its possible this isn't a superconductor and this is all a waste of time.

>> No.15607408

It's a semiconductor-like process. Since the koreans synthesized at least two successes it means they can probably make a third or more even if some unknown contamination or processing error is key to manufacturing.

A lab should be able to follow the published procedures. A lab that already understands copper and lead superconductors that operate at colder temperate will have a better chance of success.

We already have "warm superconductors" that can operate at liquid nitrogen temperature.

>> No.15607423

The gooks scammed everyone and all the brilliant minds of the world are going to be killed by lead poisoning. They alone will set back humanity by centuries.

>> No.15607435

Lead isn't nearly as dangerous to experiment with as you may think. It's common in undergraduate chemistry courses to have students create the brilliant lead pigments

>> No.15607440

lol stop huffing gasoline

>> No.15608107

>Anytime someone is correct they are schizo

>> No.15608125
File: 217 KB, 719x694, Screenshot_20230730_215914_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone claiming to have floating rocks.

>> No.15608150

taking donations but says a video of this spec floating will take a week, disregard this bullshit

>> No.15608231

seems like a troon btw

>> No.15608244
File: 398 KB, 1136x876, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15608388
File: 249 KB, 1165x819, Original-Necromunda-Metal-Minis-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you lick lead miniatures they taste sweet.

>> No.15608434

You fucking retard zoomer.

>> No.15608437

>needlessly aggressive response to a pleasant inquiry
why are they like this?

>> No.15608439
File: 781 KB, 780x520, HAHAHAAHAHHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15608445

hey hey hey, don't kill the messenger
No way, not only it was not superconducting but also it has 0 magnetism?
Good lord.

>> No.15608489

"they" hits the nail on the head

>> No.15608512

trans AND russian

>> No.15608531

>small SC chunks in the pellet?
Cope. That's even more useless as a commercial product.

>> No.15608539
File: 165 KB, 820x713, F83CD552-A81A-44F3-87BA-AD2FF13336F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that proves a room temperature superconductor exists/can exist though

>> No.15608540

haha i definitely dont want to buy these, watch painting tutorials then keep them in storage for years never touching them again... haaaaaaahah

>> No.15608545
File: 131 KB, 640x340, 1686107226559449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these threads got me like

>> No.15608547
File: 23 KB, 210x183, needleover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15608557

chinese are only good at making stuff for cheap with minimal equipment and simple processes. once they figure it out then they end up surprisingly reliable, but this kind of highly novel situation is going to take them a while.

>> No.15608563

No one ever doubted that though

>> No.15608568

>hence the relative silence from them.
More likely no western lab is interested in obvious junk science like this

>> No.15608573
File: 373 KB, 1440x960, tomorrowland-futuristic-tech-uto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based Doctor and Great Comrade and Leader Kim Jong Un is going to lead us into a glorious new future.

>> No.15608577
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x800, samsara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros is this how physicists and materials scientists feel every time someone claims to have created some bullshit like metallic hydrogen?

>> No.15609493

>South Korean guy who for some reason is raging and seething about the fact that people might think it's the real deal. At one point he accused Andrew (the replication guy) of shilling to hype stock in some company lmao
he's so right even if it's unhinged

>> No.15609504
File: 158 KB, 1024x1051, erittäin muikea lähi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> take a bunch of mercury
> set room temperature to 4.19 kelvin
> you now have a room temperature superconductor

Problem, /sci/?

>> No.15609513

you're an idiot. it's trivial to see it's a tranny or something just from their profile.

>> No.15609660

Your credentials sir?

>> No.15609685

Lol Stirling engines are so simple to make i have made several from all sorts of stuff, cans, glass syringes, balloons etc.

>> No.15609707

not that anon, but, could make a thread (in >>>/diy/, then post link) helping us build our own?