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15605426 No.15605426 [Reply] [Original]

I estimated the IQ of famous scientists and mathematicians. Are my estimates accurate?

Einstein 140
Newton 130
Gauss 160
Euler 170
Riemann 150
Schrödinger 140
Heisenberg 130
von Neumann >200

>> No.15605436

what the fuck is a nurning annintant

>> No.15605441

wtf is a nurning annintant

>> No.15605448


>> No.15605453

Surning anninast?
Is it just dumb shit to increase engagement? Can you sage on TikTok?

>> No.15605457


This is laughable, relative to his time, hes probably 160

>> No.15605471

yup, tons of shit like that that gets 100k+ views. Nope, you can only help it grow.

>> No.15605473


This retarded shit is so powerful it got OP 4 free bumps (now 6) to his idiotic question nobody would ever give a shit about

>> No.15605521

newton was at least 220.

you are dumb as rock

>> No.15605581

I didn't bump, but announcing sage is against the board rules. That being said, using the sage function would help not give OP free bumps.

>> No.15605633

Statistically unlikely

>> No.15605637

>Statistically unlikely
How is this supposed to be an argument, dimwit?

>> No.15605641

I hope every person with TikTok downloaded to their phone gets septicemic plague

>> No.15605678
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>> No.15605715

>200 IQ
>Von Neumann described his political ideology as "violently anti-communist, and much more militaristic than the norm"

>> No.15605761

>Are my estimates accurate?
By my estimates, no

>> No.15605935

>Imagine how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning annintantt by your nide, now replace N with N.
I don't get it.

>> No.15606908

Its how old sick people are supposed to talk dumbass. She's mocking those who think being nursed if fun.

>> No.15606929

surning annintast?
lady are you ok?

>> No.15606930

It STILL doesn't make sense.

>> No.15606935

you mean nepticemic plague

>> No.15606939

But I don't have a 26yo nursing assistant by my side.

>> No.15606942


>> No.15606966

this >>15605436
sounds like a sick guy who is struggling to talk,
plus its replace s with n, not n with s

>> No.15606969

this is the bond burger of our time

>> No.15606983

>Einstein 140
>Newton 130
>Gauss 160
>Euler 170
>Riemann 150
>Schrödinger 140
>Heisenberg 130
>von Neumann >200
No, completely wrong.
Real estimates are:
Einstein 140
Newton 145
Gauss 135
Euler 140
Reimann 130
Schrodinger 130
Heisenberg 135
Von Neumann 145

>> No.15606988

that's the complete list of assholes

>> No.15607025

It does NOT sound like a sick guy struggling to talk. No sick guy has ever talked like that. ever.

>> No.15607057

you are trying too hard to be a contrarian fag

>> No.15607066

>von Neumann >200
>advocates a first strike nuke attack on the Ruskies
b-but the heckin big brain scientists would make much better world leaders r-right guys

>> No.15607072

Not in the slightest. It just doesn't explain the picture. Your explanation is ridiculously contrived an a troll attempt.

>> No.15607091

it would be if you had any better alternatives which you don't so you choose to be a contrarian faggot

>> No.15607112

You're just deflecting from drawing more attention to your stupid idea that you were so cocksure about. THAT is faggy.

>> No.15607127

>newton 130

Nigger I'm 136 and I know for a fact I can NEVER do what Newton did

>> No.15607133

and you continue being a contrarian fag with no meaningful input, i've yet to see your ideas. Disagreeing with someone by telling them they are wrong and not posting your correct solution is the most stupid thing ever.

>> No.15607191

Are you Bipolar? No
Newton was Bipolar, hence he acheived more than you.

>> No.15607199

>you have to know the correct answer in order to determine that another answer is wrong
False. If you say that there's dew on your lawn because men in trucks from a company called Dew, Inc drive through your neighborhood every morning at 5am and spray water on everyone's lawn I can set up cameras and prove that no such trucks ever come by even though there's still dew on the lawn. I don't have to explain where the dew comes from or how it's formed in order to know that your explanation was wrong.

>> No.15607205

This is correct.

>> No.15607495

2.5% of the population has 130+ IQ
2.8% of the population has bipolar disorder
0.025*0.028=0.07% of the population can do what Newton did
0.07*8 billion = 5,600,000 people capable of doing what Isaac Newton did.
Do you really think that there are 5.6 million Isaac Newtons running around?

>> No.15607518

>5,600,000 people capable of doing
Capable based on the most basic metrics of cognition, yes.
But capability doesn't always translate to ability. You might be capable of going to the gym, getting jacked up and becoming a boxing champion. That's a physical capability you have, just like most people. But will you actually do it? most likely not.
So no, you don't have 5.6 million Isaac Newtons running around, just like you don't have millions of Mike Tysons running around.

>> No.15607744
File: 2.35 MB, 3250x4333, Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the 1960's people said that Einstein had an IQ of 160, they're still saying it.
How did you come up with 140?

>> No.15607766
File: 172 KB, 1348x1196, Horse04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me, but

I'd say - there is probably that many with the Potential, as in, with decent parents, with a chance to go to University, Without overwhelming poverty/malnutrition, without a psychopath-bully in his class -
--> I say: YES, there WOULD be that many

>> No.15607775

>more IQ posts
>OP estimated IQ of famous figures like some power level number
holy kek no way you people are more than 14

>> No.15608046

>Newton 130
Have you even read him? He's at least a full deviation above that and for his time even higher

>> No.15608081
File: 337 KB, 553x737, Chris_Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard, the people with the highest confirmed IQs are all nobodies who havent achieved anything.
this nig is definitely smarter than newton and his contributions to science/maths are 0.

>> No.15608094

>this nig is definitely smarter than newton
that's a laughable fucking claim.
>but le IQ test
no. fuck off

>> No.15608102

IQ is real and ywnbaw

>> No.15608104
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>> No.15608379
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Pic related was high IQ and bipolar. He didn't achieve much in life before drowning himself.


>I was diagnosed with acute psychosis and Dr. Miller thinks I probably have some kind of bipolar disorder. This just adds another reason to hate myself. I look forward to dying ASAP.
>Also boosts the case for my personal vow to anti-natalism. I knew my genes were bad but not this bad.

>> No.15608617

Is she trying to talk like Lou Ferrigno?

>> No.15608652


>> No.15608942

While stupid, I would have let your suggestion slide if it wasn't presented as
>this is the answer, you morons
Go fuck yourself, trantor.

>> No.15608945

lmao you are still replying you clueless retard, still seething that i have an answer when you have provided none

>> No.15608989

>too stupid to realise he's lost

>> No.15608994

>Too stupid to think of an alternative
imagine believing that telling people they are wrong on a science forum is the height of criticism, what college did you attend retard?

>> No.15609023

any list that gives Gauss an IQ below 300 is an absolute joke.

>> No.15609039

I attended your mother and aced all the exams, magna cum loud as hell.

>> No.15609052

Wow so this schizo guy noticed how the youtube algorithm works to tailor content towards you, and also his family didn't let his dumb ass go out in public so he offed himself?

>> No.15609319

prior yes posterior no

>> No.15609864

We could have literally been the American version of the Nazis in Man in the High Castle if we would have preemptively nuked Moscow and Beijing before they had a chance to catch up. Give the Japanese China as a "sorry we nuked you".

>> No.15609883

Newton between the lowest one

>> No.15609889

Then lemme see that tree

>> No.15609936

We cannot really say whether Newton was smart. Everything he discovered were low hanging fruit, literally trivial compared to all the advanced shit that was discovered after him.

>> No.15609946

I wish I had a nursing assistant sucking my dick daily

>> No.15610007

Imagine how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning anninant by your nide


>> No.15610026

Replace the s in six with n, making her true age twenty-nix i.e. twenty.

>> No.15610028

what's the point of making estimates like these
they have no value

>> No.15610039

both estimates are completely useless

>> No.15610160

>this nig is definitely smarter than newton
Based on an IQ test he took twice to get his score? Your second point means a lot, he's contributed nothing. I'm dubious of his IQ claims, but that's still not taking into account other intelligent factors like creativity. IQ alone does not make a genius.

>> No.15610316

So if a 200IQ man lives in a cave and spends his time bashing rocks together he automatically becomes not-a-genius?

>> No.15610383


>> No.15610394

No, genius is creative. He'd be a failed gemius

>> No.15610398

Nigga, thousands of years before him people wondered how Achilles could Beat a snail, I'd say thats pretty good

>> No.15610419

1. He took the test twice in short succession, which is cheating imo.
2. Does that man have creative potential There's a difference between not applying yourself, and applying yourself but not succeeding because you lack a certain component of intelligence.

Langan, claims aside, wrote a book and has pushed his idea of "The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe." He likes to promote the idea that he's some every man bouncer, but he has put in a lot of work and still hasn't made a dent in the scientific community. He even admits part of the reason he's chosen his line of work is so he has more spare time for cognitive endeavors. He's smart, for sure, but he's no genius.

>> No.15610436

I'd also like to add, truly creative people have a desire to use that creativity. That's part of the definition, you have to put it to use to be creative. A person may have the potential, but maybe they lack the obsessive desire to get it out. Add a high IQ into the mix, and you have the makings of a genius. So it's something like Creativity + Obsessive Passion + High IQ = Genius.

>> No.15610441

Oh, Von Neumann has an IQ of over 200? Kill yourself, retard. You don't know how standard deviations work. There aren't enough people on Earth for a person with a 200IQ to even exist.

>> No.15610445

Nurning assistant?
Nursing Ansistant?
Nursing Asnistant?
Nursing Assintant?

>> No.15610449



>> No.15610452

That's why intelligent people require something besides standard IQ tests. The standard tests max out below 200, and are prone to error anyway at higher levels. IQ wasn't meant for the very intelligent anyway, it was designed to weed out retards.

>> No.15610464
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>> No.15610490

Imagise how good your life would be if you had a 26yo nurning annintant by your nide, now replace N with S

>> No.15610511

What's a legit test I can take online to find out? No pay walls please

>> No.15610533

You are both low IQ because you are unable to conceptualize a normal life trajectory. To make an important discovery one needs to be in the right place at the right time first and foremost. There are probably millions of people with Neumanns intelligence that just program social media ads or whatever.

>> No.15610537


>> No.15610695

Lol, this discussion started because of some big head's supposed superiority to Newton. Yes, right place and right time, but it's pretty obvious when someone is simply high IQ with nothing else to make them a genius. Drop Langan into Newton's time with all of the same perks and he's still not capable of what Newton accomplished.

>There are probably millions of people with Neumanns intelligence that just program social media ads or whatever.
Then they're not Neumann, otherwise they wouldn't be content just doing that. i swear you didn't even read what I wrote. Someone who is content to do mundane shit is not creative by definition.

>> No.15610790
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It is a requirement for greatness, not a guarantee of it. Read this, I don't wanna write it again>>15610555 You can still end up as a bum. Nothing is a guarantee in life. If a simple combination of two factors explained great geniuses, we would have them running around everywhere. These are just probabilistic guesses a person can make, and black swans don't disprove probablistic guesses.

>> No.15610831

There's 240,000 people with an IQ 150+ in the world. Why would you presume that not a single one of them is 200 IQ?

>> No.15610840

Then you have to redefine genius by their achievements. If you're gonna use IQ as a metric of genius, then Newton loses to Langan. If you wanna just move goal posts and change your definition of genius, go ahead. But you were using IQ as a metric right up until Langan was posted.

>> No.15610848

>Newton loses to Langan
I seriously doubt it if you mean IQ in the sense of g.
If you mean performance on a retarded meme test which was never properly normed and was not designed by competent psychometricians, sure, Langan wins considering that Newton never had the opportunity to take such a test.

>> No.15610891

>0.025*0.028=0.07% of the population can do what Newton did
>0.07*8 billion = 5,600,000

.0007 * 8 billion = 56,000 you mongoloid you forgot to convert the percent its perfectly reasonable that from a population of 8 billion there are 56,000 Newtons running around

>> No.15610972

The IQ test is precisely a measure of g. An IQ of 115 simply means you have a greater g-factor than 84% of the US population. If you don't trust IQ tests and think IQ is just a false test to begin with that doesn't measure g, sure, idc then you can say Newton is smarter. But if you're gonna use that metric, you have to accept it's results. You can't selectively use it where you like the results and denounce it when you don't.

>> No.15610991

why is Heisenberg so low?

>> No.15611000

there are IQ tests of varying quality and validity, and I think very few (none?) of the tests can validly measure the ridiculous stratospheric numbers people throw around, like 180.
>The IQ test is precisely a measure of g.
I assume the precision with which it measures g is not uniform across the range.
I would suspect that for extreme scores, the correlation with g breaks down and it's more likely that some specific mental abilities are making the difference. For example, people can use mnemonic systems to remember very long strings of numbers. Familiarity with the test (like Langan had) would de-correlate the result from the true latent g factor.

In general, as the score gets higher, the probability that it is a result of e.g. 1e-6 g instead of 1e-3 of some other mental or circumstantial factor or factors decreases dramatically.

>> No.15611011 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15611017 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15611031

Actually it's
>scientists I like - 165
>scientists I don't like - 78
>me - 254

>> No.15611116
File: 30 KB, 931x536, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an incredible site you have there

>> No.15611118

absolute fantasy that ignores humans natural tendency to NOT want to slaughter each other even when our "elites" tell us we should.
If the US did preemptively strike Moscow and Beijing it would have had huge unforeseen consequences most likely completely opposite to your Man in the High Castle future.

>> No.15611179

based but by that logic wouldn't Teller's IQ be off the chart entirely

>> No.15611244

The irony of this IQ estimator is that it just looks for big or complicated words and the overuse of big, complicated words is a sure sign of an overcompensating midwit.

>> No.15611355

My first post was >>15610160. I took offense to someone who's accomplished nothing being compared to someone who is a giant in scientific achievement.

>If you're gonna use IQ as a metric of genius, then Newton loses to Langan.
Based on what? One person never took an IQ test, and the other inflated his score by taking it multiple times in close succession, which is a big no-no when it comes to IQ testing.

>If you wanna just move goal posts and change your definition of genius, go ahead. But you were using IQ as a metric right up until Langan was posted.
Are you basing that on these posts? >>15607127

I agree with them that 1. Newton probably had a far higher IQ than give credit for in this thread and 2. he had additional factors involved (bipolar, obsessive, creative).

>> No.15611495
File: 12 KB, 364x141, Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 6.13.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a woman?

>> No.15611618

The post you're quoting was also my first post. I agree that 130 is a deliberate underestimate for Newton. and agree in general with your last two points. But I also say that the metric of a "great genius" isn't IQ but actual accomplishment (which you lightly seem to imply as well). However, if we're going by actual IQ, my estimation would be that Langan is higher. That was my point.
200 is a dysfunctionally abnormal IQ level, and necessarily has to come with other severe cognitive trade-offs, as is obvious with the lack of accomplishment of most people who test 160+. I seriously doubt Newton was 200+, he would in my estimation be somewhere around 150 had he taken the test. But in the end, you're right that it's just another estimation. Newton never took a real IQ test, so this point, just like OPs thread, is pointless beyond idle talk.

>> No.15611631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15611666
File: 11 KB, 203x240, 41380_2013_Article_BFmp201226_Fig1_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High overestimate.
2.5% of the US population is 130+, not the world. The IQ is normed to a 100 for the US, not the world. Globally, the Average IQ is around 89, so about 0.33% of the people have IQs higher than 130 globally.
As for the Bipolar, the 2.8% is also just for the US. Globally, the prevalence is about 1%. And Bipolar is a mental illness of the IQ extremes like autism, see picrel. Which means that most Bipolar are retards, while the others are extremely smart, but not many in the middle. So you could estimate the global prevalence of 0.25% for the smart variant of bipolar (still an overestimate, but I'll let it slide).
Then you get 0.0033* 0.0025 = 0.00000825
0.00000825*8bil = 66000. Quite a bit lower than your estimate.

>> No.15611734

haha you totally got me, nice one. Well shucks, looks like I'll just have spend more time writing my dissertatio- I mean posts next time. Gotta make sure I get a higher IQ score lol, wouldn't want this to happen again. Embarrasing for me.

>> No.15611779

I don't believe Langan is 200. His first score put him at about 175, and then he made numerous excuses for why the second test is what we should believe. That's not how IQ tests generally work, you don't get a second chance on the exact same test, otherwise you could end up with an inflated score. Was Newton also 175? I don't know, but he was far more creative than Langan, imo.

>> No.15611852

Very unlikely there's any reputable test with a true ceiling of 175, unless it's one of those tests that randomly uses an sd of 24 instead of 15

>> No.15611951

Yeah, that's really it in a nutshell, Newton was more creative (or had more novel ideas, call it what you will) than Langan.

In the end IQ does nothing more than ask you to solve problems with an expected answer. You are trying to pick the answer you think the test maker chose to be correct. This is not quite the same as problem solving in real life though. A high IQ will show a high ability to recognize patterns, but ultimately will not show you how they approach novel problems.

High IQ is a necessary but not sufficient condition for genius.

>> No.15612148

>High IQ is a necessary but not sufficient condition for genius.

>> No.15612160


feyman is confirmed 125
iq is bullshit

>> No.15612184

yeah, he got the highest score in the entire country on the Putnam exam with little preparation.
I'm sure the 125 figure is totally accurate

>> No.15612241

>He did something that I think somebody with 125 can't do. So he must be lying about his IQ
It's the same level of thought as
>The mathematician said 2+2=4, but I think 2+2=5, so he must be wrong
If you can't admit that you're wrong when you obviously are, maybe you should stop thinking sometimes, midwit. It's not doing you much good anyways.

>> No.15612453

Not that anon, but have you heard Feynman's lectures? Have you read his proofs? I find it hard to believe 125 scored as a child in a classroom setting is indicative of much of anything.

>> No.15612490

Or maybe, you know, IQ is bullshit.

>> No.15612495

Or maybe Feynman just lied about his IQ because he didn't want to deal with seething midwits.

>> No.15612520

Well, his sister kind of backed his claim. It was some test they had to take in school as kids.

He also had perfect schools on the graduate school Princeton exams for both math and physics.

IQ tests are bullshit, and there's still no way an adult Feyman who actually applied himself wouldn't have scored 140+. You don't accomplish what he did with 125, despite what Malcolm Gladwell wants to claim.

>> No.15612529

same fallacy as the other guy
>I don't think that somebody with an IQ of 125 could have done all that
Well you just think wrong then. What you think a 125 can do doesn't matter. If you are unable to admit when your thoughts are wrong, maybe you should just stop thinking sometimes. It doesn't seem to be doing you much good anyways.

>> No.15612532

>What you think a 125 can do doesn't matter.
Nor does it matter what someone scored when they were 10 in a school setting taking an unknown test.

>> No.15612540

>Well you just think wrong then.
And you're really gullible.

>> No.15612541

IQ is bullshit.
The cerebellum does the kind of intelligence that the tests measure, the higher brain does common sense. You are supposed to solve almost everything with common sense, and the cerebellum only the rest. Lacking common sense trains up your cerebellum, makes you score high in artificial tests, but mentally disabled for all practical purposes.

>> No.15612587

And it's really insidious, as the person seems completely normal as long as they could immitate or were explicitly taught that exact behavior
But a closer look reveals a cargo cult. They do things in wrong context, with no apparent goal. As a person who immitates a particular group of people, but have bo interest in what the group is about. With nobody to immitate or learn from, their wrongness increases until normal people "don't fit in" and they stray towards the bizarre as their half brains churn random noise with no sanity check.

>> No.15613806

NTA. While I agree with your overall point, conflating GPA with IQ is a bit disingenuous even if there is a correlation between the two, so I disagree with specifically this line
>Very low IQs have high risk for Bipolar, then it decreases until we reach the higher ends of IQ, who also have high risk for Bipolar. (see picrel)
Since it's not demonstrated by the pic.

>> No.15613809

I estimated OP's IQ to be 85. Is my estimate accurate?

>> No.15615339

>Von Neumann 145
Most IQ discussion especially on /sci/ is completely retarded but we actually have a professional estimate of vN's IQ from a long forgotten article in 1967: http://ekonyvtar.sk-szeged.hu/?docId=26126
>Psychologists have guessed that his I.Q. exceeded 180, but at this stratospheric level of intelligence numbers are meaningless.
The journalist who wrote this article doesn't seem like a charlatan either https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Hines_(journalist)

>> No.15615417

At the end of the day, he's a journalist. Journalists will unashamedly claim 180 IQs for presidents and chess players and literally everyone they perceive to be "le smart". They are the primary reason why midwits inflate the IQs of high achievers so much. 140-150 for Von neumann seems about right in reality.

>> No.15615427

the von neumann computer architecture is flawed. If he maxed out on intelligence why did he make something that's flawed?

>> No.15615697

>140-150 for Von neumann seems about right in reality.
He wasn't even 1 in 10,000 rarity?

>> No.15615936

Sure, but this guy doesn't seem to be some tabloid journalist making exaggerated claims for attention, his work suggests he was quite critical when he needed to be.

>> No.15615997

Surely someone has a sample of Von Neumann's DNA?
He wasn't cremated so I find it hard to believe there wasn't a black op to retrieve his DNA.

>> No.15616091


>> No.15617811

>Iq tests are largely accurate (scientifically proven)
>some people get inaccurate results; they are the outlier (also scientifically proven)
>Generally speaking, a person with a 125 IQ could not do what Feynman did (kinda fucking obvious)
>Therefore, it is likely that the 125 figure was due to an inaccurate test result

Is this too much for you to understand? Not saying that he was 2 gorillion IQ, I think it's more likely that he was around 150 with a very high mathematical aptitude

>> No.15617889

>>Iq tests are largely accurate (scientifically proven)
How do you scientifically prove it? It's an everyday observation that high IQ people are useless in practice.

>> No.15617898

>Generally speaking, a person with a 125 IQ could not do what Feynman did (kinda fucking obvious)
Conjecture. Your beliefs. Your desires. Not reality. Facts don't care about your feelings snowflake. Your feelings are in no way reflected in reality and are certainly not "kinda fucking obvious" by any metric.

>> No.15617916

So it was higher than 200 IQ?

>> No.15617926

This dude killed himself? Fuck...

>> No.15617943

Lol no. 5% of the population could not do what feynman did, not even what >>15612184 mentioned

>> No.15617959

>Lol no. 5% of the population could not do what feynman did

>> No.15618020

well he was raised in elite austro-hungarian society and they were culturally quite militaristic, so it makes sense he would lean that way

>> No.15618040
File: 117 KB, 1488x1488, low iq thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15618091

>Let me post a quote by a Woman

>Take that chud, you just got cancelled!

>> No.15618126

>Conjecture. Your beliefs. Your desires. Not reality.
The reality is Nobel prize winners in the sciences have IQs exceeding 125. Either Feynman is an insane exception despite being one of the best physicists in history, or his childhood IQ for which we have almost no information, is basically useless.

>> No.15618160

By minds you mean people?
Are you discussing some arbitrary way to rank people with that image?

>> No.15618171

Good point, that quote is actually a discussion of people (the only thing the author is truly interested in) disguised as an idea.

>> No.15618233

It's the neocortex vs cerebellum problem. Regardless of how exactly it works, the failure of the neocortex is "magical thinking". They are guessing, and unaware of it. For those, indoctrination isn't some kind of abuse, but a pragmatic solution of (to them) a very real problem that if people are allowed to think on their own, the result is garbage. The problem is that the "education" itself gets taken over by the magical beliefs once it begins to be created by the affected people, and geniune insight begin to be indistinguishable from and treated the same way as the magical beliefs the education was originally supposed to get rid of.

>> No.15618455

Hmm let's see if that's actually true. We'll look at all the Nobel Laureates whose IQs we know

1) Feynman: 125
>(An IQ test administered in high school estimated his IQ at 125—high but "merely respectable", according to biographer James Gleick. His sister Joan, who scored one point higher, later jokingly claimed to an interviewer that she was smarter. Years later he declined to join Mensa International, saying that his IQ was too low.)

2) James watson: 124
>(In a 1981 speech, he told the story of how his natural curiosity caused him to sneak into the desk of his grammar-school teacher to look at his IQ score. "And it was pretty low, that is around 120.")

3)Luis Alvarez: below 135
>(Couldn't make the cut for Terman's study of gifted kids at 135 (likely even lower in the 120s as it was said to be 'far too low'); note none of the IQ tested "geniuses" that actually made the cut won a Nobel prize or anything similar)

4)William Shockley: 129, tested again, 125. Tested in Adulthood, 119
>(biography of Shockley, where he stated that Shockley took intelligence tests twice in his childhood—scoring 129 the first time and 125 the second time—and once in adulthood, scoring at the 90th percentile—the equivalent of an IQ of 119. "Funny how I could not qualify for Terman’s gifted study, yet still win a Nobel Prize in physics.")

5) Unnamed Physics Laureate (Likely Phillip W. Anderson): 130s
>("You're right about IQs--in college a psychology student gave a number of us the IQ test, and I was privately disappointed to make only the 130's)

No other Nobel prize Laureate IQs are known. You can make your conjecture that "dey wuzz all 275 IQ fasho, I just feel it" but that just isn't reality. And it is also said "Their scores were apparently typical among science Nobelists." So you can make inferences as well, I presume.

But of course, I don't think you will still be convinced. So go on, do your thing...

>> No.15618473

>tfw too smart for nobel

>> No.15618482

But this warrants explanation, IQ routinely correlates linearly with performance. Might it be there are simply more 120 IQs then 150 IQs? Thus the combined chance of getting a Nobel could be higher for the 120 group

>> No.15618485
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How high is John Clauser's IQ?
He won the 2022 Nobel in physics and he says global warming is fake.

>> No.15618486

>>Years later he declined to join Mensa International, saying that his IQ was too low.
Absolute chad lol

>> No.15618505

Higher than yours

>> No.15618532
File: 27 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Logistic-curve.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but moreso likely that IQ doesn't "linearly correlate" with success as is often claimed. The correlation likely looks like a sigmoid curve, picrel. That is to say, after a certain point, it likely stops adding much more benefit to your life. Think about it, a 130 IQ bricklayer has no advantage over a 90 IQ bricklayer because everything you need to know for bricklaying can learned by IQ 90. Just like that, in STEM or really any field, a 150 holds little advantage over a 130 IQ since everything that you need to know can be learned by 130. IQ just stops giving you a competitive edge once you've exhausted your field. And you can exhaust most STEM, and really every other field, by, at the very most, 135. After that, you're just adding on Autism points, which just make success even less likely.

>> No.15618560

>IQ routinely correlates linearly with performance
In what scenario. You keep repearing this without ever specifying how exactly.

>> No.15618588

Makes a lot of sense what you're saying, but why is STEM the seemingly most complex field if it can be exhausted by 135s? I'm 135 and I already feel like a retard when dealing with math

>> No.15618602


The idea that one person with IQ135 is directly comparable to another with similar IQ is nonsense.

Imagine an IQ120 motivated and enthusiastic little guy learning all he can about his chosen STEM subject. Really absorbing it. Reading around it. Letting it percolate through his brain in bed at night.

Now imagine a IQ145 guy, tied up in his own worries, depressed at the state of the world, unable to find the drive to read the latest papers.

Who is going to be more successful?

>> No.15618609

Math is a logical explosion to triviality based on a contradictory origin number, you can make it as complex and exhausting as you wish, you can always make a number with as many arbitrary digits as your memory space can possibly allow.

>> No.15618618

You should become a motivator or teacher

>> No.15618681
File: 261 KB, 1790x1512, fpsyg-08-00254-g001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well IQ for the most part will predict your educability and trainability. How well you can learn something. At 135 what exactly can't you learn? There is really nothing. You said you were a mathematician, the average mathematician at Oxford was found to be 128 IQ. And Oxford mathematicians are obviously already the highest tier of mathematicians. So if you are struggling a lot at 135, it's not because of your IQ, there is some other factor. The reason an 80 IQ can't become an engineer is because he can't learn calc. But a 130 IQ is not barred from physics for the same reason because he can perfectly learn everything in there. After you've learned the concepts, which a 130 is fully capable of doing, what leads to innovation is entirely different factors. Remember IQ is most strongly just about educability.

As for the innovation, IQ itself doesn't lead to that, it's just a requirement for it. Other measures of personality are key. And these measures, such as the ones in picrel (especially note originality and creativity) stagnate at higher levels (some studies even suggest they decline rather than stagnate, and there's even one from the 40's showing kids with 180 IQ struggled to come up with original thoughts and suffered a lot of anxiety). Other measures negatively impact you as well. Autism increases at higher levels, conscientousness severely decreases, suicide increases, decline in risk-taking, decline in working memory etc. I could go on but you get the point. In the end, beyond 130-135, your IQ ends up negatively effecting you and is unlikely to lead to "innovation".
Yup this, IQ is not the only thing. Take other factors of life into account ffs. I've seen way too many "So there's 100000 newtons" in this thread. Is Newton's IQ the only thing about him? Once you add up other factors is when you realize what makes him unique. Newton's IQ has been shared by many, but they don't share his other traits. His IQ is not what made him unique.

>> No.15618708

Im not a mathematician, I'm just a high school kid (soon senior), but when I look at mathematics outside of school, like here on /sci/, it's like a foreign language, which is why I'll stick to engineering. Does it get better with time?

>> No.15618735

Yes, /sci/ discusses high undergrad to grad levels mathematics. You shouldn't be able to understand that in hs. Nobody does. It does get better with time, nobody is born doing math, you learn it over time.

>> No.15618769

>Well IQ for the most part will predict your educability and trainability. How well you can learn something.
So we can agree that it doesn't actually measure intelligence?

>> No.15618783

>At 135 what exactly can't you learn?
A lot since there are still many unsolved problems out there, some with large bounties for their solutions.

>> No.15618793

>You can make your conjecture that "dey wuzz all 275 IQ fasho, I just feel it"
kek, this is exactly what they sound like. Made me laugh

>> No.15618799

And yet none of the 200 IQ whiz Kids could solve them

>> No.15618805

You are what they call an uneducable person (some may say retard, but I'll use the more accurate term here). After reading all that, if you still ask this question, there is no hope for you.

>> No.15618810

Exactly, 135 doesn't mean you can learn everything.
No, you are the retard who thinks that there is nothing that can't be learned by someone with a 135 IQ, but there are plenty of things that can't be learned which is obviously by the fact that there are plenty of problems that still haven't been solved.

>> No.15618892

How would you have felt had you not eaten breakfast yesterday morning?

>> No.15618898

If you think that intelligence is about what you can learn your intelligence is close to zero.

>> No.15618911

I would still feel like you are retarded and 135 doesn't mean you can learn everything since there are still unsolved problems despite there being people well above 135.

If you can't tell I (>>15618783 >>15618810) am explicitly arguing against that assertion made by >>15618681, your intelligence isn't much higher.

>> No.15619075

>If you can't tell I
You both make the same assumption. I'm not talking about your argument. I'm talkimg about your assumption that intelligence = what you can learn, because that isn't what intelligence is. In fact an intelligent person will be able to learn much less, as he won't be able to learn nonsense, but a dumb person will.

>> No.15619082

I didn't make that assumption at all though, the only point I made is that people with 135 IQ can't learn everything and it wasn't based on an assumption it was based on the fact that there are still unsolved problems in numerous fields of academia.

>> No.15619096

I didn't think it would work outside of Tiktok, but I guess it did. (the whole point is to keep people staring at the tiktok, trying to figure out the stupidity, which games the algorithm into thinking that you want to see this person again)

>> No.15619206
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>> No.15619272

The point is that intelligence isn't about learning, but about how well you can deal with what you haven't been taught.

>> No.15619283

No, intelligence metrics also include memory space and rote memorization ability, but it is not limited to that.

>> No.15619337

Memory is nice to have, but it isn't intelligence. It doesn't take any intelligence to do what you have been trained to do.

>> No.15619346

But what about a 26yo nurning annintant? Everyone has one of those, right?

>> No.15619348

It is a part of intelligence, but not the whole thing or even the most important since pattern recognition is much more important.

>> No.15619352

No, just those recovering from stroke.

>> No.15619353
File: 135 KB, 1080x929, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally on the level of pic related.

>> No.15619418

Whoever made the OP image noticed a pattern and repeated it.

>> No.15619439 [DELETED] 

>I've already skipped breakfast before and although I cannot predict with complete accuracy how I would feel at this very moment had I not eaten breakfast, it would most likely be similar to previous times during which skipping breakfast made me feel nothing.

Memory is all there is to intelligence. Not just for humans but also for machines, practically every CS problem can be solved with a large enough memory and basic arithmetic.

>> No.15619444

Explain how the US would not have had a real chance at global hegemony if we the only national power with nuclear weapons? The Russians only figured it out because of espionage. We could have buck broke the Russians and scooped up scientists like Sakharov and Zel'dovich for our own utilization (not that we didn't indirectly do just that with Zel'dovich). At the point when we first developed nuclear weapons, the Russians were a decade away from a workable nuclear device. Even then, espionage was required to jumpstart their nuclear program.

>> No.15619482

Lol, the 145 iq person only needs a week to master the semester material and a few months to a year to make original contributions, success here is a choice for him.

>> No.15620144

So you have hearsay for 1 (a school age unknown test based on word of mouth), hearsay for 2 (another school age unknown test based on word of mouth), legit for Alvarez, legit for Shockley, and an unnamed physicist.

Now here's a study where the person actually tested the 64 Laureates as adults. Median IQ? 152. And for the physicists, they didn't even give them a math portion, so that score was entirely from verbal and spatial intelligence. But yeah, totally plausible that 125 is good enough for the best score in the country, for someone who is considered one of the preeminent scientist post-WWII.


>> No.15620153

Just work harder bro. Feynman obviously managed by working 40 hours a day.

>> No.15620838

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