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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 992 KB, 3000x1980, CMB_Timeline300_no_WMAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15598916 No.15598916 [Reply] [Original]

Kek. Absolute clown world.

>> No.15598923

I have now read this argument in two different mainstream science articles. Simultaneous use of Appeal to Authority & Slippery Slope fallacy. Complete and utter clown world.

>> No.15598931

Instead of trying to censure the internet to prevent people from exposing the elites lies, have the elite ever considered not being lying frauds?

>> No.15598946
File: 11 KB, 650x650, 1491660962394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any actual humans reading this thread, don't bump it. This is probably a literal bot thread

>> No.15598956


Sure thing glowie

>> No.15598963
File: 259 KB, 1600x1600, 1644028694548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, literal bot. Prove me wrong and explain pic related. You got 2 mins

>> No.15598974


Prove you're not a glowie first.

Does it feel good to know that you're a cuck? You hate science, God, your nation, the truth, and yourself. What do you people stand for exactly? Power and money? Is it that simple? Just lie and gaslight everyone for money and power? What a miserable life.

>> No.15598976

Damn this particular bot apparently can't analyse images. Unfortunate

>> No.15598989


Imagine being white and being 1) too stupid to understand that the homogenous uniform cmb disproves big bang and supports aether - its literally just the temperature of the aether or 2) being so corrupt that you are aware but lie about it.

Either way you're trash.

>> No.15598994

Can you explain how it disproves it? I'm retarded and have no idea.

>> No.15598997

Imagine if white people decided to just stop lying. I don't think anyone is holding their breath

>> No.15599005
File: 680 B, 127x30, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bot is literally unable to explain the image, because it's not trained to. Man the internet is fucking dead. Look at the IP count as of posting this too. Literally just bots generating noise. And it's only going to get worse from here

>> No.15599006

Can you imagine how hilarious blade runner would have been if in the middle of the The Voight-Kampff test, the replicant just started saying psychotic nonsequiters?

>> No.15599009

>Can you explain how it disproves it? I'm retarded and have no idea.

The CMB is, on average, the same temperature everywhere. Observation is like a time machine because of the fixed speed of light, our measurements of cmb 10 billion years into the horizon is the temperature of the CMB 10 billion years ago.

Point is, there is NO change in the CMBs average temp ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.

It is NOT the cooling of the big bang. It IS the essentially homogenous and uniform temperature of the cosmic medium itself, i.e. the aether, i.e. dark matter.

Couple this with the latest James Webb data and its blatant and clear as day: the big bang is false. Steady State aether theory is true.

Infinite and eternal universe.

>> No.15599023


Furthermore, red shift is simply light being absorbed by that cosmic medium. The medium has infinite depth (infinite universe in depth and scope)

>> No.15599037


It's a smirking blue elephant you glowie idiot. You think a bot would make a thread about trashing the mainstream "science" narrative, you buffoon?

>> No.15599043

>You think a bot would make a thread about trashing the mainstream "science" narrative, you buffoon?

The glowie knows. That's exactly why the creature made its comments. All they do is lie and gaslight. The fraudulent clowns.

>> No.15599071
File: 79 KB, 709x359, temp-redshift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is NO change in the CMBs average temp ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.
Repeating this lie doesn't make it any truer.


>> No.15599076
File: 93 KB, 500x457, 1625460313596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the smirk? There is literally not a smirk. A human would never consider that a smirk. Also, if this bot had actually been properly trained, it'd realise that pic related in this context means the pic attached to the post, which was another picture entirely. Also the IP count is still just 4, so between the OP, me, the guy asking a question about CMB, and the guy joking about Blade Runner, it means the bot is clearly just talking to itself. When the fuck are the mods going to fix this shit man, /sci/ is literally unreadable

>> No.15599108


"To date, no deviations from the expected (1+z) scaling behavior of the microwave background temperature have been seen"

White people are illiterate

>> No.15599113


Cope more, whitey

>> No.15599169

Literal bot unable to properly analyse images

>> No.15599185

Think about that for a second,
The past is z>0, hence (1+z) is not constant in time.
(1+z) is what the expanding universe predicts.

>> No.15599189

Herp derp acceleration of you knee verse
water drop slows down when it hits car window
But also speeds up as it spreads out in all directions??! Does maybe even the entire eniverse still follows some form of fluid dynamics

>> No.15599191

This was there plan, flood the internet with bots so people will have no choice but to scan their eyeballs to talk to real humans.

>> No.15599209

>Does maybe even the entire eniverse still follows some form of fluid dynamics


>> No.15600039

Fix the captcha already goot

>> No.15601748

>scan complete
>big bang status: denied
>vax status: pending denial

>> No.15601755

Mach was right btw

>> No.15602908
File: 49 KB, 720x824, 1624367618300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've had a bit too much to think, haven't you

>> No.15604327
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst_april_2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the big bang is real and physics has already solved the entire universe then why are we still spending money on their research?
its over, they solved the biggest and most important puzzles and its time for them to retire or move on to something else. maybe they can figure out why human lifespans have started to decline now that physics research is no longer needed

>> No.15604342
File: 24 KB, 387x500, 41HZc1i8KdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted to prove a point you wouldn't even post text, since it's a fucking image board, you'd just post a bare image
But you're a fucking idiot

>> No.15604791

oy vey dats so antisemitic

>> No.15606414

>if the big bang is real and physics has already solved the entire universe then why are we still spending money on their research?
Good point

>> No.15607146

kek this really is a bot innit

>> No.15607723
File: 58 KB, 1045x953, leftists fuck dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money is spent so that laundered kickbacks can be generated.

>> No.15608718

they don't have that level of self control, they're like young children who still haven't learned the importance of honesty and reputability

>> No.15608939
File: 79 KB, 989x980, b90ps1fynbK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15608974

>dissension ruins my science
>eliminating dissension makes my science perfect


>> No.15608977

>Questioning the Genesis account of creation is a slippery slope that leads to heresy
BBT faggots really BTFOd themselves with this one.

>> No.15609140

i love this image, since the whole cost of the JWST plus overruns was less than $12 billion, indicating that the cited budget was negative 76 billion dollars

>> No.15609147

The big barken bootel made the uni.

>> No.15609154

>mainstream science articles
well there's your problem.

>> No.15609156

gay buttsex created the universe is the next globohomo narrative change my mind

>> No.15609166

they watched other people do that and end up with mediocre lives. lying gets you way more success if youre smart

>> No.15610773 [DELETED] 

>t. liar

>> No.15611608 [DELETED] 

>POC gay buttsex created the universe is the next globohomo narrative change my mind
you left out the diversity element

>> No.15612518

Cosmology is not science, every religion has it's origin story, cosmology is the soience religion's

>> No.15612564

>Do you like our owl?

>> No.15612569

'course he was
too bad he couldn't into maths

>> No.15612633

Tired light is stupid. We know how Doppler works and red shift works well enough that you'd need a huge mismatch with observations to justify it. Missing matter and age anomolies relative to theories based on inflation math wank isn't it.

>> No.15612654

there's a theory that bang/crunch process is real, but "local", various bubbles inflate and deflate, like a pot of roiling water

>> No.15612662

For an infinite homogenous universe the CMB is the same everywhere in the sky, regardless of big bang or tired meme. Thinking this is relevant is retarded. You need some type of indirect way to measure it first influenced by far away galaxies, like >>15599071

>> No.15615073

>We know how Doppler works and red shift works well enough that you'd need a huge mismatch with observations to justify it
Dark matter explains all of those mismatches

>> No.15615096

based answer, honestly

>> No.15616003

dark matter is a kludge, it "explains" about as much as the fine structure constant "explains" - not at all

>> No.15616417

Looks like the evolution of western politics did not favor long term goals nor honesty.

>> No.15617879

>go to astronomy school
>never do any work
>if any of the teachers ask for an assignment, say you turned it in, but it was made out of dark matter
they've have to trust you or they'd be admitting dark matter is fake

>> No.15618050

>Questioning the big bang is antisemitism

>> No.15619017

Big bang cosmology is firmly rooted in fantastical Jesuit lies and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.15619561

>"Questioning the big bang is a slippery slope that leads to Covid vaccine hesitancy"
Who are you quoting, newfriend?

>> No.15619583

>Big bang cosmology is firmly rooted in fantastical Jesuit lies and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


>> No.15619587

>Who are you quoting, newfriend?

Two different articles I read recently in mainstream science rags

>> No.15619600

>Two different articles I read recently in mainstream science rags

Here is one of them, the article uses every logical fallacy one can think of: appeal to authority, ad hominem, slippery slope, appeal to emotion...

The message is clear, "ZE WILL NOT QUESTION ZE BIG BANG!!!"


>> No.15620438

>Big bang cosmology is firmly rooted in fantastical Jew lies and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.15623308

>Questioning the big bang is a slippery slope that leads to Covid vaccine hesitancy
its the other way around, the (((science))) that was promoted to justify and incite the hysteria of the transparently fake covid epidemic was what leads people to suspect that the rest of science is equally fraudulent

>> No.15625384

and eventually they realize the holocaust was a hoax too

>> No.15625561

I love bots, I fuck bot makers in the ass

>> No.15627767


>> No.15627856


Oh, you don't think we despise all religion? How cute

>> No.15627868

>and eventually they realize the holocaust was a hoax too

There are literally pictures & video of it Anon, taken way before depp fakes. stop trying to muddy the waters

>> No.15627885


Yep. Cathys are the world's biggest private land owner, hospital, academic and farming network. Own the presidency. Courts. Fed Chairman. Fauci is one of them.

But it was all the juice fault.

This is why you are slaves. Too stupid to see who is really pulling your strings. Too unbelievably stupid.

That said, fck all religion

>> No.15627903


It was the juice who were REALLY in charge of Germany. The powerful juice living in their poor ghettos. They were running Germany out of their ghetto shacks. It couldnt have possibly been the catholic hitler and others like him who ran Germany into the ground.

This is why you will be slaves to the east. You are too stupid for leadership. Too stupid to see your own faults.

>> No.15627918


Silly stupid little cracker eater. Too stupid to know when a Jewish teacher is speaking in metaphor, "eat my body". Holy kek are you people stupid.

>> No.15627931

All of your cracker eating will mean nothing when the east enslaves you. You only escaped slavery the first time by luck when you discovered the America's, but there will not be a second chance. Repent, silly stupid little cracker eater. Follow the truth.

>> No.15627946

Abhramic faiths destroy nations.

>> No.15627960

When the East launches a telescope to see galaxies billions of years before the Abramites fraudulent "big bang" it will a massive power shift. It will mark the end of western scientific leadership.

As I type this the JWST team is suppressing those images so as not to offend the Abramites. How utterly short sighted. How pathetic. How completely devoid of longterm strategic thought.

>> No.15627970

Imagine, cursing your decendants to sucking the East's c*ck all because, in this moment, you are afraid to offend the Abramites in their silly little hats. The cosmologist scum reading this: you are fcking pathetic cowardly worms.

>> No.15627980

>cursing your decendants to sucking the East's c*ck

Actually this is one of the most pathetic parts: The catholic power system does not breed. The WHITES have given their power and autonomy to a hierarchy that does not have a stake in the future. HOW PATHETIC. YOU DESERVE YOUR SLAVERY.