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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 1170x960, RpfQWgxbjO2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15590892 No.15590892 [Reply] [Original]

50% of vaxies will die in the next 5 years

>> No.15590927

5 more years. I can't wait until it's 10 more years.

>> No.15590952

Anon I didn't take the vax and I want Billions to die as much as the next guy. But the vax was already 2-3 years ago and 20% is quite substantial

>> No.15590996

I was saying 5 more years 2 and a half years ago. Halfway there fren

>> No.15591055

>two weeks

>> No.15591079

...until Pfizer sends you that refund check?

>> No.15591084

>refund check
Refund for what? I didn't pay for the vaccine.

>> No.15591093

So OP, how are you preparing for the collapse of society when the majority of the population starts rapidly dying?

Oh? You're not preparing? You're just talking out of political spite and dont really believe what you're saying?

>> No.15591103
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>> No.15591147

You paid for it through taxes.

>> No.15591217

also through lost value in saved wealth due to inflation

>> No.15591223

Mother of all JPEG, what an abomination this is.

>> No.15591226

oh boy a schizo thread

>> No.15591247

>20% at 1 years
The vax is over a year old, where are the billions of deaths

>> No.15591260

Why is /sci/ in particular so poorly moderated?

>> No.15591272
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Modern science appeals to pop-sci midwits and useful idiots who fall for every clickbait headline telling them to give up their rights and raise taxes or else the world is ending.

>> No.15591303

Enjoy your ischemia vaxxies LOL

>> No.15591307

Ayy lmaos are the current big thing, Vax banter is out of fashion now

>> No.15591363
File: 3.15 MB, 308x312, literally the end of the world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15591376

>le jesuit agitator face

>> No.15591407

New study shows 1 in 35 have vaccine induced myocarditis. The extremely shocking bit is that the damage appears in women ten times more frequently than in men.

>> No.15591413

Whoever made that pic has never met a scientist in their entire life lol

>> No.15591420
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>> No.15591444

>20% at one years
>vax administered 1-2 years ago
>20% of people have not died
I think your time frame is off. I think it's going to be more like two weeks(TM).

>> No.15591478

>100% of vaxxies got heart problems
It's very unlikely that more than 1% of vaxxies got myo, that would be impossible to cover up.
And your own pic suggest more than 20% of those should be dead already.

>> No.15591486

checked and keked. Nassim Taleb was right about this, if nothing else.

>> No.15591494


>> No.15591509

At this rate all vaxxers will live forever.

>> No.15591557

our queen has spoken

>> No.15591561

So what's the science behind the vax being lethal? Does it just trigger platelet activation?

>> No.15591574

I think it triggers the ligma innate immune mechanism

>> No.15591605

Ah yes, interligma-6

>> No.15591658


>> No.15591670

Oh you mean mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA then integrated into a cell's genome by way of reverse transposons?

>> No.15591768

Yes it binds to the balls1 signaling receptors to release sugma hormones into the bloodstream.

>> No.15592257
File: 183 KB, 381x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my "favorite" schizo stupidity, is them claiming the main reason of their delusion is that it contains dna and that fact alone is horrific because how possibly can you include dna in your body and from a completely different animal from primates as well.

nigger do you have any idea how much more dna a medium rare steak has and you've eaten truckloads and and it's not even remotely the same species?

>> No.15592268

And you'll be saying 5 more years 2 and a half years from now, fren

>> No.15592303
File: 270 KB, 873x1024, excess deaths england to june 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.15592308

I don't recall ever injecting myself with beef juice

>> No.15592316

How many of those are because of long term Covid side effects?

>> No.15592333

how many of those chronic SARS-2 cases are due to the effects of the so-called vaccines?
>Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination

>> No.15592334

Cool study.
So how many of those deaths are because of long term Covid side effects?

>> No.15592341

>Cool study.
yeah, you'd do well to read it
>So how many of those deaths are because of long term Covid side effects?
good question, which ~nobody seems to be investigating

>> No.15592355

>nigger do you have any idea how much more dna a medium rare steak has and you've eaten truckloads and and it's not even remotely the same species?
Ah yes, because digestion and injection are exactly the same thing.

>> No.15592385

hot beef injection straight to the mouthhole

>> No.15592389

So your entire premise is based on...nothing?

>> No.15592391
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>> No.15592396

lots of studies and lots of unexplained deaths
and you have... smarm?

>> No.15592400

What studies about long term COVID vaccine effects?

>> No.15592403

Where’s my red deer anon?

>> No.15592407


>> No.15592408

I've had 52 injections and I'm not dead yet OP, I want my money back on this suicide shot.

>> No.15592412

4 doses and I'm still alive. I want it to kill me but it doesn't work.

>> No.15592413


>> No.15592415

why do retroviruses have to code for their own reverse transcriptase?

...you did know they did that, right?

>> No.15592416

I love the dregs left after /pol/ hysteria. They’re so desperate prove they’re correct even when the writing on the wall clearly says it was just another scare monger fad

>> No.15592430


>> No.15592435


>> No.15593187

>20% at one year
how did biden cover up the billion people he murdered? did china help him?
or is /pol/ wrong again? i'm confused

>> No.15594050

>50% of vaxies will die in the next 5 years
rookie numbers

>> No.15594398

Nta but unfortunately they vaxxed everyone so there's no control group so we'll never know
Also """""long covid""""" is not a thing

>> No.15594413
File: 150 KB, 1079x1171, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>october 2022
>more than 12.7 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries
>no mass death

>> No.15594435

>unfortunately they vaxxed everyone so there's no control group so we'll never know
How convenient (and false)

>> No.15594444

Why are you assuming I believe global warming is real

>> No.15594470

>and false
Takes one to know one loser

>> No.15594490

YES! bring it on woooooo
im saving this thread and in 5 years if im not dead i will be shitposting that image and this thread until im banned
and then ill get some ai to post it because hey in 5 years ai will run the world right

>> No.15594500

>non-covid deaths drop dramatically, especially for people above 65, during the covid pandemic
>after everyone is vaccined or already survived/died from a covid infection and weaker variants circulate, non-covid deaths become more common
>also more and more people are dying year-on-year because the population keeps increasing anyway, from immigration especially
>the increase is weaker among old people since they were decimated by covid in the previous period plus not many 80 year old immigrants
what a mystery

>> No.15594506

What, did all the antivaxxers get vaxxed too? Is that why they're so bitter?

>> No.15594518

Thought so lol

>> No.15594528

>incoherent seething
Thought so.

>> No.15594533

>projecting more
Silently lmaoing@u

>> No.15594896

>more and more people are dying year-on-year
a bigger proportion of people are dying yoy, you shit

>> No.15594970

>50% of vaxies will die in the next 5 years
Good! I wish it were 100%.

>> No.15594985

I predict that 90-100% of vaxxed people will be dead in the next 100 years

>> No.15595080

That's what you'd expect with an aging population. He's wrong because the increase in death is just too large and sudden. Something else is definitely going on.

>> No.15595122

>That's what you'd expect with an aging population
except the highest increase is not in the old farts is it now
>He's wrong
intentionally so

>> No.15595136

Big if true

>> No.15595556
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>> No.15595571

Don't care I'm part of the vaxxie elite >>15595403
I got to go out and travel as I wished without having to suffer from any consequences

>> No.15595618

>Turns out covid wasn't a hoax

>> No.15595679

Ingested DNA doesn’t enter your body, you dumb cunt.

>> No.15595728

Good if true.

>> No.15595759

I have taken none and i'm dead inside.

>> No.15595779

Anti-Vax really doesn't get it. When you prune down a population, you don't kill off the people who do what they are told. Sure there are some deaths from the vax. Shit happens. But when they drop the real virus, if you haven't been vax, you are fucking toast.

If you are gonna believe in a conspiracy, at least believe in the one that makes sense.

>> No.15595786
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1690128380955148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when they drop the real virus

>> No.15595787

>Just 130 more weeks!

>> No.15595798
File: 101 KB, 1079x631, 1567305249126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But when they drop the real virus, if you haven't been vax, you are fucking toast.
I'll absorb the virus like i did corona and then ascend to immortality.

>> No.15595823

>not killing off the boring people you're going to replace with ai in a decade
>the remaining people will be too disorganized to resist and are more fun to mess with

>> No.15596003

two more weeks until the real virus wipes out the antivaxxers

>> No.15596019

I don't get the depopulation deathshot meme. Wouldn't it make more sense for the government to use an engineered virus or bacteria to kill off the population? Why use new mRNA technology when you already have mature technology capable of doing the same thing? INB4 muh mutations, bacteria can be modified to mutate less frequently.

>> No.15596028

Viruses don't exist and bacteria don't cause illness.

>> No.15596073

I dont care what it is, I'm not taking anymore shots

>> No.15596131

show us the numbers now. you are in /scI/, you are supposed to prove shit. you can even calculate the rates of death with numbers and percentages...
you do know that, don't you? are you a mathlet retard?

>> No.15596248

>it's a chinese bioweapon!
>it's a hoax!
>nobody would ever release a bioweapon, teehee!

>> No.15596250

Mmm, airborne leprosy

>> No.15596254

lick more doorknobs

>> No.15597331
File: 152 KB, 664x894, FNN1aZ7WQAER7jB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15597341

The mortality rate in your pic related is outdated because prior to the jab it was primarily the elderly that would get myocarditis

>> No.15597348

I love stupid people, they’re so funny

>> No.15597362

so how long does myocarditis from the vaxx actually last?

>> No.15597363

Viruses don't exist and bacteria can't spread.
Contrast to something LITERALLY injected in your bloodstream.

No refunds, goylem filth.

>> No.15597372
File: 119 KB, 1200x900, crayon_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% of vaxies will die in the next 5 years

100% will die in the next 100 years!!

>> No.15597388

Wait so you don’t believe the silence BEHIND how we came up with RNA vaccines but do believe in rna vaccines..? God scizos are funny

>> No.15597393

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025.
1 more year, and 4 more months ダッテバヨ ツ

>> No.15597396
File: 57 KB, 331x564, 415354358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read about historical genocide ( not so fast holocaust, the non-fictional ones ! ), you couldn't help but feel sorry for the victim.
But it's easy to extrapolate current cattle behaviour to victims of old genocides.

I bet the tutsis in particular must have deserved all they got and more.

>> No.15597399

Holy shit that was genuinely nonsense

>> No.15597400

Does the middle of the curve bell have any use whatsoever ?
Isn't your role supposed to be paper pushers, what's up with your reading comprehension ?

>> No.15597412
File: 671 KB, 250x250, 86E3355C-10AD-482B-88A8-3D7C15578B7D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry I dont speak crazy

>> No.15597414

It’s over for us in 2012

>> No.15597549

There can't be any such thing as a bioweapon because viruses aren't real and bacteria don't cause illness.

>> No.15598206

>100% of vaccinated arguing against an astroturf, aka red deer
>"not dead yet" is somehow supposed to be an own
>the illness which the vaccine was for got memoryholed hard because the vaccine has such a shitty efficacy nobody wants to talk about it anymore
yeah, it's fucking over for the vaccinated, no matter what happens next, you already lost
but keep on pretending getting fucking fleeced somehow makes you smarter than those who smelled the bullshit from a mile away lmao

>> No.15598245
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>> No.15598254

I'm more worried that pharmaceutical companies are still pretending like this mRNA shit works.
What happens when there's a pandemic that's more than 0.001% fatal and they roll out another 0% effective clotshot?

>> No.15598302

>still pretending like this mRNA shit works.
are they? since they got to embarrassed to talk about covid and how great the vaccine is i have heard absolutely zilch on that but i haven't been following it closely either.
this is not me saying they wont do it
the best course of action in such a case would probably be quarantining yourself until the worst is over
>but all those people...
yeah you know what? fuck em

>> No.15598326

bizarre to me that the anti-vax crowd is gravitating to all these absurd claims when the truth (the vaccines aren't particularly protective and are targeting variants that are no longer around, the vaccines have common mild side effects and rare severe side effects, the risk from the disease is low for otherwise healthy people, and there are now highly effective treatments for the disease) is sufficient for getting vaxxed for sars-2 to be a dumb idea for most people
it doesn't need to cause mass death to have a bad risk/benefit ratio

>> No.15598327

>What happens when there's a pandemic that's more than 0.001% fatal
So, Covid?
>another 0% effective clotshot
They didn't release either a clotshot, nor anything 0% effective.

>> No.15598331

This is an offer to schizos like you. You can pretend you never were a schizo. If I were you, I'd take it.

>> No.15598336

Good summary. In fact, the government here (Switzerland) doesn't generally recommend the vaccine anymore and doesn't pay for it. With the variants and treatment around today I wouldn't get it either today, but I don't regret getting it in 2021.

>> No.15598358

people getting hounded because they didn't want to take it because of those exact reasons doesn't irk you at all, no?

>> No.15598429
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>> No.15599401

lick more doorknobs
eat your food off the floor
take clumps of dirt and eat them
you'll be fine because bacteria doesn't cause illnesses

>> No.15599433

>if bacteria don't cause illness then that means nothing can make you sick!
Do you also think that bacteria is the reason you puke after drinking too much alcohol or the reason cyanide kills people?

>> No.15599448

Oh, okay, so doorknobs are covered in poison and the floor is covered in poison and the dirt outside is covered in poison.
What poison, exactly? Name the chemicals. Are your doorknobs covered in Cyanide, anon?

>> No.15599452

I do all these things and I'm fine, maybe you shouldn't have ruined your immune system with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs from companies who keep getting sued nonstop for falsifying their results.

>> No.15599455

>I proudly consume food off the floor

>> No.15599486

Doorknobs and floors won't inherently make you sick, though they are often sprayed with toxic cleaning chemicals that could make you sick so you have to be mindful of that type of residue. At home where I know what I put everywhere I have no problem eating food that falls on the floor as long as it's visibly clean; I've never gotten sick or even so much as an upset stomach from it.
As for random dirt outside, you can't possibly know what's in it. Dirt itself is not well-digested by humans and that alone could make you sick if you tried to eat fistfuls of it, not to mention all the fertilizers, weed spray, bug spray, etc, etc that could be accumulated in there.

>> No.15599498

>all this stuff will make you sick
>no I will not elaborate as to how

>> No.15599509

You really need an explanation on how licking chemical cleaners or eating dirt laced with weedkiller could make you sick? I guess you should just go drink a glass of bleach. After all, it has no bacteria so it can't make you sick!

>> No.15599510
File: 107 KB, 876x876, E84HDX1UUAAh3Z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just like my ancestors.
You consume dangerous synthetic drugs from the same companies that keep getting sued for hiding their disastrous side effects.
I'm fine, and you're an immunocompromised autist with blood clots.

>> No.15599523

Chemicals don’t exist
Weed killer doesn’t make you sick

>> No.15599524

>extra anglos deaths
I fail to see the issue here.

>> No.15599527

Any actual way to prove that or is it gonna be another smug response? How can an immune syst if bacteria don’t real?

>> No.15599541

>Yes, just like my ancestors
No even your retarded ancestors had theories on what caused disease and knew dirt on food wasn’t healthy

>> No.15599611

Go drink some bleach and chase it with a cup of Roundup, then.

>> No.15599741


>> No.15599780

almost-raw (poorly anonymized) data is available from the british gov't
knock yourself out, math genius

>> No.15599789

it's not just them, they're just publishing more data

>> No.15599801

Didn't get the clot shot. Don't care about people who did. Don't care how this turns out. Whole thing was a scam - doesn't stop you from spreading, doesn't stop you from contracting, and my anecdotal experience with people who got it (only thing that matters is one's own subjective experience) and later got wuhan plague was that it didn't make it appreciably less severe, either.

Probably good if you're seriously unhealthy or like, 80, but I'm reasonably healthy and in my 30s. I will say it was one nasty fucking bug, though.

>> No.15599851

>Probably good if you're
Nah, cut this out, they didn't work, no matter how old or sicky you were.

>> No.15600121

I do all these things and I'm fine, maybe you shouldn't have ruined your immune system with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs from companies who keep getting sued nonstop for falsifying their results.

>> No.15600144
File: 109 KB, 1000x1416, 9783752629781[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're being clever because you don't realize there's actual evidence for my argument and it's not even new.

>> No.15600152

>my shills are better than your shills
cool story anon

>> No.15600194

>I'm afraid of engaging with material that goes against my preconceived notions
Right back at you, friend.

>> No.15600201

It's cool. At this point conservatives are going to be like hasidic jews in a few generations: highly inbred, lacking immune systems naturally or otherwise, ravaged by disease and genetic deformities. It's the natural result of this sort of increasingly insular and backwards behavior.

>> No.15600941
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>> No.15600943
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>> No.15601319
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scibros i'll be honest i dont know shit about science and while i dont believe that vaxxies are gonna drop dead i am worried becuz i didnt develop myocarditis but i did develop ventricular tachycardia shortly after my pfizer doses, im only 19, its really fucking annoying to sleep because my heart beats really hard every ten seconds, am i gonna die? doctors told me i can live with it but having it basically jump every ten seconds can't be healthy

>> No.15601325

>With Robert F. Kennedy jr. on Vaccines, Fraud + Harm
>Now, certified schizo

>> No.15601697

nattokinase, nac, quercertin. but those are just the basics and you will have to experiment with different supplements until you find a schedule that works for you. there are also many different resources that would be far more helpful than 4chan, like certain subreddits and other forums

>> No.15601718

you don't even need data like that. Theoretically, if you check who's still alive from your schools grad year and compare 3-4 more schools, you would see a 20% drop or 1 in 5 people pretty quickly, assuming it actually affects healthy young cohorts.
3 of around 500 people have died since graduation in my school 3 years ago, 1 of drugs and 2 because of vehicle crashes, so doesnt hold true in my case

>> No.15601736

Kek he doesn't know what a reverse transposon is

>> No.15601864
File: 141 KB, 1120x1400, 1661782848_854_Angie-Varona-Lara-Croft-Cosplay-Onlyfans-Set-Leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder, all vax-damage papers here:

>> No.15601878
File: 151 KB, 1080x1350, Angie-Varona-Lara-Croft-Cosplay-Onlyfans-Set-Leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a brief summary, if you dont wanna click

[VACCINE EFFECT ON MORTALITY - Randomised Clinial Trials]




[OAS - Original antigenic sin]
[ADE - Antibody-dependent enhancement]
[ADCC - Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity]
[MODIFIED IMMUNE RESPONSE - VAIDS Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, T-Cell Exhaustion, Autoimmune Disorders, Immune Response Shift to IgG4]
[AMYLOIDOSIS - ALZHEIMER - infection, spike, treatments]
[CANCER - DNA damage, inflamation-driven cancer, impaired T-Cell response, p53-tumor suppresor gene blocking mechanism]
[SUPRESSION DNA REPAIR MECHANISM - Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)]
[INFERTILITY/REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS - menstrual problems, pregnancy and miscarriage, placenta, maternal transmission, testes]
[CELLULLAR SENESCENCE - Ciliopathy,telomere dysfunction]


>> No.15601883


>> No.15601885

please, teach me
I welcome any improvement

>> No.15601903

If you think the vaccine is killing people because it's causing blood clots and myocarditis, you're a fucking sheep who will gulp down any shit you're fed.
It's killing people because it introduces silver halide into the liver and disrupts the balance of the four vital humors - specifically affecting the production of yellow and black biles. This causes blood and phlegma to wax and grow stronger than they should be, and the excess in blood causes the heart to suffer as a result. You can tell this because of the increased salivation of the vaxxed.

>> No.15601905

Don’t pretend nigger
Don’t you memory hole that too
You have no data, you have no ability to correlate deaths to vaccine status, all you ever have is scary charts not connected to vaccines, claims they cause disease with no data to back it up, and lists of scary side symptoms with no connection to each other. You monkey brain pattern connected your way to thinking vaccines caused this and you can’t admit you were wrong because you’ve hyped yourself up over too hard

>> No.15601911

And no I dont care that it’s “not you” because it still shows how little fucking logic you fucks actually run on. You see a single pattern, and jump to insane conclusions, then run backwards to find a uh data that makes it correct, not understanding that’s not how anything fucking works

>> No.15601928
File: 73 KB, 1170x1045, 44EF36FA-4B87-487A-B16E-E6E8FE3719EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then it gets to your fucking head that YOU found it that YOU saw what others didn’t, and you get smug and feel special, and that’s all it really turns into, it’s why you CANT be wrong, you NEED to feel special, have that secret knowledge to hold yourself above everything else, even though the entire concept is absolutely fucking retarded. Kill everyone? WHY? The ones I power now have that power BECAUSE of the plebs they control, you fucking kill everyone they’re just retards with lots of worthless paper and gold, holy FUCK

>> No.15601945
File: 189 KB, 600x800, DEC2493D-949E-4E9A-8603-E9F0834A3542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THERE IS NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING that as credibly linked vaccines with any of the shit you retards have been claiming since the days that British CUNT tried to make money off your gullible asses, but you CANT be wrong, oh no, that means actions have consequences, and THAT can’t happen, noooo, so you just keep going, telling yourself it’ll be true...eventually, because deep down in that ball of ducking denile you know it’s wrong, but you can’t admit it, so you keep spreading lies hoping it’ll all be fine, just a bad dream.

>> No.15601950

>The "chronic SARS-2" cases are caused by the vaxeen, even though they were observed all over the world a full year before le evil vax

>> No.15601951

Let this thread be a monument to your fucking stupidity you stupid cunts.

>> No.15601958

imagine being this mad at the people who tried to warn you. you cant go after the ones who actually fooled you so instead youll take your anger out on the people who didnt give in. how pathetic can you be really

>> No.15601964

>warn you
all you cunts come to do is scream panic and act smug, don’t act like a misunderstood hero, you can’t even fucking prove your points, let alone help anyone, cunt

>> No.15601966
File: 80 KB, 680x599, 9D76D655-468C-437E-A92D-BE1F05DF3B31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and trust the science already

>> No.15601970

Oh good your reduced to spamming images nice to know you can read

>> No.15601973

I'm sure that was the Vax and definitely not drugs
rich black kids never do drugs

>> No.15601974

>images bad when the other side posts them

>> No.15601979

Im still unsure how people on 4chan of all places have been reduced to defending pharmaceutical megacorps

>> No.15601980 [DELETED] 

Look at you, you can’t even raise a fucking point, just greentext insults at me and ignore everything

>> No.15601981

Phlegma balls

>> No.15601987

>lots of studies and lots of unexplained deaths
2019- suddden deaths: How unfortunate, there are billion+1 things that can cause this

>> No.15601988

you are really far gone, dude. how high is your heart rate right now? im not even talking about the vax

>> No.15601991

Aw look at this nigger trying to turn the situation black and white, the /pol/ nigger fears the morally grey and deflects the fact that his entire argument is based no literal monkey brain pattern recognition
Look at his retard he’s not even trying anymore, just playing the straight an to try and avoid the fact he’s completely lost the narrative and can’t even answer any questions

>> No.15601995 [DELETED] 

Most people took vaccines in 2020-2021.
So it's already been about 2 years, about 3 or 3.5 for some.

So let's just say 3, which means in january 2024 (next year) will be 4. So about 2025,
You're saying 50% or about
170,069,230? people, will be dead.

I don't think you understand what that would be like if true.
A nuke would kill LESS.
There's no way that's true.
And when it's proven in 2025 people like op will probably make excuses or point at the NORMAL amount of dead people (from old age, cancer, heart conditions and junk), and say it's all covid (even when it's not.)
And even if it was (which is impossible) it would still be LESS then the amount op is saying.
This is stupid.

>> No.15601996

In jecht

Why are we in jecht

I dont wanna play this game no more

>> No.15602001

Sorry, that number was for usa.

Need calculations for other countries.

170,069,230 dead USA people

>> No.15602005

>everyone i talk to on 4chan is the same person
right. why are you so angry anyway? why does a bunch of strangers on the internet claiming a medication you took is going to kill you make you so bothered, if you believe its safe?

>> No.15602006

>some how a third of the US is supposed to be dead
>this is just being magically memory holed by the US government

>> No.15602008

Most people took vaccines in 2020-2021.
So it's already been about 2 years, about 3 or 3.5 for some.
So let's just say 3, which means in january 2024 (next year) will be 4. So about 2025,
You're saying 50% or about
170,069,230? USA people, will be dead.
I don't think you understand what that would be like if true.
A nuke would kill LESS.
There's no way that's true.
And when it's proven in 2025 people like op will probably make excuses or point at the NORMAL amount of dead people (from old age, cancer, heart conditions and junk), and say it's all covid (even when it's not.)
And even if it was (which is impossible) it would still be LESS then the amount op is saying.
This is stupid.

>> No.15602012

No one cares about you appealing to emotions retard, go shill on Facebook

>> No.15602016

>That many dead people memory holed by usa gov

You can't memory hole a nuke.
How could you memory hole something worse?
That's stupid.
(some people think moon landing was fake.)
Most people aren't that crazy and stupid, i think...
Except for some people responding to me...

>> No.15602017

love how vaxredditors constantly use 4chan lingo to try and fit in. or are you actually oldfags who got your minds warped so hard by realizing you got duped that you cant even use /pol/ terms correctly anymore

>> No.15602021

I love how you can instantly point out insane people on this site by their DEEP obsession with Reddit

>> No.15602026

im obsessed with reddit because i called you a redditor. whos really obsessed here, with what?

>> No.15602032

Yes you throw the label around like it’s supposed to mean anything and I’m supposed to care, meanwhile ironically outing yourself as an election tourist trying desperately to fit in by bashing of Reddit, something no one but /pol/ and /v/ have cared about in over a decade

>> No.15602035
File: 180 KB, 1080x1350, angie.2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you raise no concrete objections to any of my links
let's go step by step
do you acknowledge that mRNA vaccines have a negative effect on the formation of anti-N antibodies?

do you acknowledge that mRNA vaccines inhibit the immune system response to other pathogens?

>> No.15602042

Now all you’ve done again is post random articles that say vauge scary things that don’t have anything to do with the main claims about the vaccine, more actually even substantiate anything due to shit since done with small sample sizes and vauge terminology with no peer review


>> No.15602043

i literally said the word redditor once and im "throwing the label around" and yet youve been foaming at the mouth calling everyone a /pol/tard. "desperately" trying to fit in by bashing reddit... who is really desperate here. how ironic indeed

>> No.15602049

Yea you are desperately trying to turn this around, funny that, you havnt even said I’m actually wrong.

>> No.15602052
File: 115 KB, 1120x1400, 1661782852_869_Angie-Varona-Lara-Croft-Cosplay-Onlyfans-Set-Leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wont discuss anything in this anonymous discussion forum!

ok, have a nice day then

>> No.15602055

does me being an election tourist help you forget that your own government fucked you over

>> No.15602061

Jesus you even admit to it too
Are you spamming unrelated images so you can then have the thread reported nigga?

>> No.15602065

alright you think whatever you want to think now. go get a booster since case rates are increasing you fucking moron

>> No.15602070

Remember, you’ve been reduced to personal insults and snide remarks, this is all the last three years of “research” have left you with. Nothing.

>> No.15602073

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis
Haemophilus influenzae type b
Pneumococcal conjugate
Inactivated poliovirus
Measles, mumps, rubella
Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis
Human papillomavirus
Meningococcal B
Pneumococcal polysaccharide

ALL these vaccines (which 99.99% of first world society people get) are ok.
But covid is not?

How are there so many retards online?

>> No.15602076

You need to understand these are anti vaccine tards, ALL of those are bad...sometimes, no you can’t know why, do your own research;)

>> No.15602077

>t.absolute retard

>> No.15602080

2 more weeks trust the plan patriots in control
trump won and mike lindell will prove it "100%", as he said
just attend the cyber symposium

>> No.15602083


>> No.15602124
File: 134 KB, 799x1024, 1634488136147m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love experts and the science.

>> No.15602127

The obvious explanation is that those are vaccines, and the clotshot isn't, as evidenced by the fact that doesn't work, except for causing blood clots.

>> No.15602185

>appeal to emotion that we just have to assume is true
>just trust me goy, this vaccine isn’t real, no I don’t have proof

>> No.15602211

>ALL these vaccines (which 99.99% of first world society people get) are ok.
No, they're not.

>> No.15602218


>> No.15602243

I'm not appealing to emotion, you're responding emotionally because you're a sperg.

>> No.15602259

>you need to be a math genius to realize the claims of the OP are retarded bs
/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.15602265

Your using an image with no source to appeal to people’s fear and hatred of the American government

>> No.15602287

I am the source, which can be verified by outside sources.

>> No.15602324
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>> No.15602551
File: 2.51 MB, 640x480, 1641365384877.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your source, not mine.

>> No.15602833
File: 133 KB, 863x1199, 1687864336001065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you took an engineered genetic therapy shot against an engineered virus during an engineered pandemic

>> No.15602837

Wow, 20% of vaxxies are already dead? Damn, I wonder why the media isn't covering 1 billion deaths.

>> No.15602840
File: 237 KB, 1500x1525, FPb_LgvXwAIyKGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to wonder, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.15602856
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>> No.15602872
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>> No.15602878

Oh okay, but why have I never known a single person who has died from heart issues?

>> No.15602889
File: 1.64 MB, 873x1024, highlight_brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh aging population
Bunch of fucking stupid retards. Mods should permantly ban posters from /sci/ with an IQ equivalent to that of a dog. Disgusting that I have to share this board with these apes.

>> No.15602892


I'm from Canada and my uni literally forced me to take the jab. We were required by the uni policy to upload the first AND second vaccination recept as a proof that I took the vaccine. We wouldn't be allowed to take final exams or receive without providing the vaccination recept by the deadline mentioned in the policy. It's funny that our daddy Trudeau loves talking about bodily autonomy but forced us to take the fucking jab. Hell, the doctor that gave me the jab even asked me "why did it took you so long to take the jab?" (cause I was literally waiting until the last week hoping that they change the policy, but they didn't). Taking vaccines or not talking them should be their own policy, man... I don't give a shit if some people decide to take the jab, but people who wish not to take the jab should be able to do so. I fucking hate the fact that Canada is turning into a communist totalitarian shithole.

>> No.15602909

Because you have no friends and your family disowned you for trooning out.

>> No.15602917

I have never known a single person who contracted covid, much less died from it, so I guess covid never existed.

>> No.15602938

Every time I am intimidated at how daunting it is to learn a subject I always remember retards like you. Thank you for reminding me I am blessed with a wrinkly brain

>> No.15602954

Do some actual research into the subject and you'll come to the same conclusion.

>> No.15602964

>he trusted jews
>he dies
Many such cases. SAD!

>> No.15602991

No I won’t, unless “actual research” refers to retarded image macros with links to pseudoscientific journals that aren’t peer-reviewed at all. By all means be a huge gay retard, but if you wouldn’t mind please confine your /x/-tier ramblings on either /x/ or /pol/, where being a retard is chic.

>> No.15602996
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>> No.15602998

ingestion itself is something entering your body

>> No.15603000
File: 116 KB, 662x807, 1425280374276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025.

>> No.15603015

Actual research refers to exploring opposing viewpoints, not taking everything in germ theory for granted, and questioning why virology experiments rarely involve any form of control.

>> No.15603016

>no one ever got sick before modern chemistry

>> No.15603045
File: 64 KB, 492x356, tiredeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea what I'm talking about but if I keep reducing everything you say to the most absurdly simplistic possible interpretation I can seem like I'm smart and say I "win"

>> No.15603147

Just two more weeks anon.

>> No.15603725

Getting covid almost killed, I wish I was vaxxed because it was an awful experience, worst thing is that I didn't get vaxxed due to being lazy and not thinking I would end up getting covid because I was isolated instead of being a low IQ retard like you.

2 more weeks.

>t. fit, 24 year old, white guy, who's not allergic to anything, was breastfed, second son, low hairline, not balding, born rich, rarely get sick.

>> No.15603786

you're arguing with paid trolls, that's why they're acting like retards

>> No.15603806
File: 265 KB, 524x460, CALL_IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are paid to tell me that germs are real

>> No.15604372
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15604390

I love how you guys have to wait hours to return to post more random pictures and call it a win, honestly the image of cockroaches skittering around shitting everywhere is perfect

>> No.15604395

Why do you just believe that? No critical thought just immediately accept it as fact?

>> No.15604401
File: 30 KB, 369x537, 2A308438-22C3-40CB-8848-A6DF3FA02B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking everything in germ theory for granted
Jesus Christ Louis Pasteur and many others are spinning in their graves

>> No.15604420

That isn’t scientific research at all

>> No.15604426

Louis Pasteur was a liar and fraud.

>> No.15604437
File: 71 KB, 510x412, 4873A1EA-C462-4431-9B2D-E7D7962111F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahahaha oh man that took you a minute
Girolamo Fracastoro
Marko Anton Plenčič
Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch
Got click bait articles for them too?

>> No.15604441
File: 43 KB, 853x470, 304D43A4-40F7-4D81-8748-92984D6CB7D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15605248

vax is a soft kill drug, it spaces out the mass death in order to avoid spooking the herd

>> No.15605377

Based absolute retard making up shit

>> No.15605493

I hope you're vaccinated.

>> No.15605525

what would you say if i found a video from before 2020 where someone had gotten cancer?

>> No.15605674

I'm still waiting for your comments on why the mRNA vaccines do not produce monoclonal protection and have a fast waning immuity effect after a few months

Waning of SARS-CoV-2 booster viral-load reduction effectiveness
Matan Levine-Tiefenbrun et al
becomes small and insignificant in the third to fourth months.

>vax produces no monoclonal protection:
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination induces functionally diverse antibodies to NTD, RBD, and S2
Amanat et al

Risk of infection, hospitalisation, and death up to 9 months after a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine: a retrospective, total population cohort study in Sweden
Nordström et al
>We found progressively waning vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection of any severity across all subgroups, but the rate of waning differed according to vaccine type.

Pfizer hid data on waning immunity as millions queued to get vaccinated.
New regulatory filings show Pfizer had evidence, early into the vaccination campaign, that its vaccine’s efficacy waned, but waited months before alerting the public.
Maryanne Demasi, PhD

>this study suggests not only that the vaccines give negative ‘protection’ after a few months but also that they destroy the protection that should have been provided by natural immunity (see chart B negative effectiveness,Charts C and D erasure of natural immunity):
Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines over a 9-Month Period in North Carolina
Lin et al

>5.9% effectiveness after 9 months
Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta variants
Tseng et al

>> No.15605702

How many boosters do I need to make that 1 month?

>> No.15605705


>> No.15605708

>tfw anon has Down syndrome

>> No.15605711

>the lancet
You’re doing that on purpose aren’t you?

>> No.15605713

Why should I trust your links or you?

>> No.15605716
File: 323 KB, 1448x1934, _angie.varona12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no answer
I'm waiting

>> No.15605719

So I shouldn’t trust you? You’ve refused every question I’ve had and just spammed links and now soft core porn for some reason, you ok?

>> No.15605726

Dont bother anon, he’s turned to stone walking everything until he’s gets an answer he likes, watch he will now use my response to say “haha so you can’t!” And leave for a few hours before spamming more links.

>> No.15605732

do the mRNA vaccines produce monoclonal protection or not?
do the mRNA vaccines have a fast waning immuity effect after a few months?

we're not even talking about vaccine side effects here

>> No.15605736

Yes, I did my own research

>> No.15605751
File: 300 KB, 1240x1584, _angie.varona132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, have a nice weekend then
I hope you find a decent answer tomorrow

>> No.15605760

Kek well you never will, and no one outside of your hug box will ever take you seriously. I know you’ll repress any negative responses to this subject but really please consider that you’ve been reduced to insults and still don’t have the ability to correlate any deaths to the vaccine nor and actual side effects

>> No.15605774
File: 43 KB, 612x491, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduced to insults
>correlate ANY deaths to the vaccine
lol, do case reports count? i can post more if you want

Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
Goldman et al
A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19
Michael Mörz
Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion
Yamamoto et al
Genital necrosis with cutaneous thrombosis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination
Kuzumi et al
ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Following Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Shakoor et al
An autopsy case report of aortic dissection complicated with histiolymphocytic pericarditis and aortic inflammation after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
Takahashi et al
Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination
Schwab et al
Biopsy-Proven Fulminant Myocarditis Requiring Mechanical Circulatory Support Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Kazama et al
Biopsy-Proven Fulminant Myocarditis Requiring Mechanical Circulatory Support Following Third Dose of COVID-19 MRNA Vaccination
Hamaya et al
COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 induces autoantibodies against type I interferons in a healthy woman
Ning et al

>> No.15605787

You just like spamming that don’t you?

>> No.15605789
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>> No.15605838

Classic Motte and Bailey argument:

Pharmaceutical companies are assholes

The vaccine is going to cause a mass die-off into two more weeksTM

The motte argument doesn't prove the bailey argument, but by saying it anyway you feel like you're proving your case.

>> No.15605860

Damn, the way this genocide is completely targeted toward you non-human cattle filth is so great.
Just think how much mental anguish it would inflict on humans if fellow humans would be targeted.

>> No.15606115

I ran into people like you in real life the other day. It was past twelve at night, I was sitting in one of the last trains home, which was delayed because the machinist was late, and this complete chav (note: I'm not in the UK) went to curse out the conductor and threaten to beat them up, as if that would help.

He then proceeded back to his seat where he and his girlfriend proceeded to loudly bitch about government employees, who were all sheep and also lazy, and how much they wanted to beat up train conductors every day. But they were also happy that all government employees along with all other sheep would die due to taking the vaccine. In fact they had to, absolutely HAD TO die (couldn't emphasise that enough) for the crime of being sheep and the cause of everything wrong with the world, but it was definitely going to happen so hooray for that. They were discussing this all at a defiantly, belligerently loud volume as if challenging the other train passengers to say something. Only one rose to the challenge, pointing out that if anything was going to make them late now, it's the train being held in the station to remove two violent passengers, but that didn't faze them.
The funniest bit to me though was that the woman, who insisted that if SHE were late to her job she'd just be fired (unlike the lazy government sheep) eventually revealed that of course she too worked for the government, but like, she didn't like it, you know?

Anyway, this is now the mental image I have in mind when I read your dumb posts. A bunch of gleefully sadistic ranting schizo chavs filled with misdirected anger at a world beyond their comprehension trying to pick a fight with a train conductor at a quarter past twelve for circumstances beyond their control. And unironically referring to people as "sheep" a lot.

>> No.15606460

84% of jews are schizophrenic.
Take your meds, moshe.

>> No.15606591

>84% of jews are schizophrenic.
This really puts the claims of holocaust survivors into perspective...

>> No.15607366

by that logic, so did you

>> No.15607389

no refunds.

>> No.15607402 [DELETED] 

What is it with you niggers and genicide? It’s like you suddenly WANT the vaccine to kill everyone, what, are you working for big pharma or just a sociopath?

>> No.15607411

imagine trying to reason with a poltard, couldn't be me lmao

>> No.15607429

bruh facebook is that way

>> No.15607465

Maybe now you can understand why anti-vaxxers are so mad about it.

>> No.15607467

this site is just facebook without the boomer profile pics at this point

>> No.15607493

implying they even know what 'inflation' is

>> No.15607502

I know that buying a billion doses of clot shots on borrowed money didn't help it a whole lot.

>> No.15607579

See? No fucking idea

>> No.15607608

>printing money to pay for a billion doses of vaccines doesn't cause inflation because... BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T OKAY?!

>> No.15607620

who are you quoting?

>> No.15607677

The voices in his head obviously

>> No.15608005

>i hate /sci/
well just go somewhere else, then you won't have to be so upset and angry all the time. there are dozens and dozens of online safe spaces available that cater to your desires, reddit, facebook, instagram, etc. how about leftypol? it looks like 4chan, but censored like reddit, is that what you're looking for?

>> No.15608079

Don’t forget /pol/, the safest hug box there is

>> No.15608111
File: 54 KB, 450x440, scientism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 50%, 20% of moderna's and 3% of pfizer's victims.
They will blame global warming or some other crackpot shit.

>> No.15608145
File: 140 KB, 795x1080, CAESAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to write, you piece of shit.

>> No.15608318

Learn to read retard

>> No.15608322

wtf are you even talking about

>> No.15608326

Your mother

>> No.15608384

>So what's the science behind the vax being lethal? Does it just trigger platelet activation?
the mRNA travels throughout your entire body, and the spike protein it induces the production of triggers cell death and inflammation, so it's a russian roulette game of rolling to see which internal organ it will fuck up

>> No.15608400

>so how long does myocarditis from the vaxx actually last?
The heart doesn't heal, treatment for myocarditis is basically stopping further damage and trying to keep you alive in the meantime, there is no reversing it, or the tech has not been discovered

>> No.15608420

Got any evidence for this?

>> No.15608523
File: 62 KB, 910x660, distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel is from the famous Jap biodistribution study (pfizer said the mRNA remains at the injection site in the arm and the CDC used to say this on their website before removing it)

There are countless published studies in peer reviewed journals showing that the spike protein is cytotoxic and inflammatory, I shouldnt have to even spoonfeed you that but if the thread is still up tommarow I might (its bedtime)

We can tell from the case reports of CNS symptoms that it enters the brain and (almost certainly) causes brain damage

>We report clinical and MRI features of seven individuals who received the Moderna (n=3) or Pfizer (n=4) SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines. Within one to 21 days of either the first (n=2) or second (n=5) vaccine dose, these patients developed neurologic symptoms and MRI findings consistent with active CNS demyelination of the optic nerve, brain, and/or spinal cord. Symptoms included visual loss, dysmetria, gait instability, paresthesias, sphincter disturbance, and limb weakness.

the stuff about myocarditis is basic medical knowledge

>> No.15608530


>> No.15608569

We can tell from the VAERS data which includes injuries to a huge range of organs associated with the covid vax that the lipid nanoparticles carrying the mRNA travel all over the body just like in rats

>> No.15608701


>> No.15608903

Why wouldn't i want all the retarded cattle to die ?

>> No.15609068

Well I mean it’s at least nice to confirm this is nothing but the delusions of a sociopath

>> No.15609214

Make sure to prove me wrong by fully vaccinating.
Each day you live is a direct blow to me, a way to rub my nose on my wrongness.

Each additional shot is essentially a way to directly wound me, in a way.
So do it, early and often.

>> No.15609243


>> No.15609249

Been too years nigger, WHERES MY RED DEER? WHY AM I STILL ALIVE?

>> No.15609258

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025, so 1 more year and 4 more months.

>> No.15609262

Yeah and how’s that going? What twi you fill the memory hole with once life continues on?

>> No.15609298
File: 136 KB, 1169x832, Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any comments today? what are the latest news on vaccine effectiveness?

>> No.15609299

Yeah, I live out of context, random graphs that you could have made for all I know!

>> No.15609306

and dont forget
>possible problems caused by spike protein S1 (but not only):
>S1 biding with heparin, causing amyloidosis
>S1 causing blood hypercoagulation, due to inflammagen effect
>S1 causing damage in the endothelium, cardiac pericytes
>S1 disrupting lysosome function
>S1 causing vascular thickening in the lungs
>S1 triggering autophagy and apoptosis in ACE2-expressing cells, ROS-suppressed PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, inflammatory responses
>S1 impairing DNA damage repair, inhibiting V(D)J recombination (RETRACTED study, I must admit)
>S1 causing suppression of type I interferon responses, impairing innate immunity.
>S1 activating human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells

>> No.15609308

Lmao quick responding to yourself, it’s just me and you

>> No.15609310

>Estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) was 29% (95% C.I., 21%-37%), 20% (95% C.I., 6%-31%), and 4% (95% C.I., -12%-18%), during the BA.4/5, BQ, and XBB dominant phases, respectively. Risk of COVID-19 also increased with time since most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
>and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
>and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
>and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
>and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.

>> No.15609311

I did my own research and that’s wrong

>> No.15609315

Lol you could have made that, worthless

>> No.15609317

Jewish nonsense

>> No.15609326

>The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19 while the BA.4/5 lineages were the dominant circulating strains, afforded less protection when the BQ lineages were dominant, and effectiveness was not demonstrated when the XBB lineages were dominate
This is your smoking gun? You really hope people don’t actually read this shit don’t you?

>> No.15609327

>People die over time

>> No.15609331

LEL, it's bots all the way down

if you, a vaxxed human, are reading this, there are some possible treatments against the effects of the S1 spike factory that could be working right now inside your guts

a good diet with yogurt, curry, capers, honey and eventual fasting could be a good start as seen in:
>Quercetin as a possible complementary agent for early-stage COVID-19: Concluding results of a randomized clinical trial
>Natural Compounds That Target DNA Repair Pathways and Their Therapeutic Potential to Counteract Cancer Cells
>Anti-carcinogenic Effects of the Flavonoid Luteolin
>Fasting as key tone for COVID immunity
>Honey and Nigella sativa against COVID-19 in Pakistan (HNS-COVID-PK): A multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial
links here : https://textup.fr/703201hO

>> No.15609333

Based I trigger him hard enough he’s dehumanizing me to avoid and negative reception to his thoughts

>> No.15609335

>honey and not eating stop COVID

>> No.15609336

you still dont get that the vax doesnt create monoclonal protection, and what you're seeing here is an activation of the T helper response
>Risk of COVID-19 also increased with time since most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.

hint: this is the main problem behind the class switch IgG4 response seen here

>> No.15609337

Lol I’m a bot, you aren’t sage anywhere, I can be anyone your world views suck get new ones :)

>> No.15609340
File: 614 KB, 1024x1024, 73669F0D-64F4-4A4E-A156-A966DB4FCA29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM IN YOUR 401k!

>> No.15609342


>> No.15609345
File: 16 KB, 1800x1165, 5639A1E6-7836-4DF4-B737-2B0345454D95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609352
File: 103 KB, 773x716, Natural Products as Modulators of the Proteostasis Machinery: Implications in Neurodegenerative Diseases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, diet is important
Natural Products as Modulators of the Proteostasis Machinery: Implications in Neurodegenerative Diseases

>> No.15609357
File: 123 KB, 748x620, 39D4E8BB-F426-4375-A8FE-83089E547D34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGER imagine being so buck broken by your mental health that even hafter it’s insanely clear you have no one to talk to you just keep doing it. Am I your social contact for today? NIGGER

>> No.15609421

The vaccine is the illness.

>> No.15609445

Immense joy or disappointment, accordingly.

>> No.15609449

Please stop this.
Behaviour is 100% genetic, cattle are detrimental to the wellbeing of anything.

>> No.15609533

Based retard

>> No.15609594

Please see >>15609533
The only kind of "people" you can save are filth like that.
You do not have to participate in their deaths, but please do not lessen the chance that they do die.

>> No.15609683


>> No.15609689

what was Smeagel's prediction?

>> No.15610005

Total Baggins death by the end of the Third Age.

>> No.15611075
