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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15586000 No.15586000 [Reply] [Original]

What venereal disease disease is described in picrel? Is it HPV warts?

>> No.15586664


>> No.15586704

Trumpism is awesome
He had policies I agreed with completely
What was not awesome was that people still
were mass shooting to protest Trump
What also wasn't awesome was that people can't even remember nor can they keep the Constitution right,
But it's Ok Jesus will come and remove the 2nd amendment anyways, :)

>> No.15586720

Lindsey Graham is about the least Trump-y politician left in the republican party that hasn't either died or been thrown out of office in a landslide.

>> No.15586756
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>> No.15587465


>> No.15588341

Moot Romney?

>> No.15588356

>the fall of the west is when all my friends get tired of my tranny derangement syndrome and abandon many such cases

>> No.15589137

>ideological bubbles and progressive radicalization are good things actually

>> No.15589148

>progressive radicalization is when people don't play runequest with me

>> No.15589154

No, progressive radicalization is when you iteratively sequester yourself farther and farther from reality and opinions you don't like until one day a 7 year old shows up to school and tells you he identifies as the moon and everyone has to go along with it because they're terrified of being "canceled".


>> No.15589173
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and bat boy lives
this board reads more gossip rags than drunk boomer housewives

>> No.15589182

I wasn't expecting a live demonstration, but thanks I guess.

>One pupil at a state secondary school in Wales told The Telegraph of a fellow pupil who “feels very discriminated against if you do not refer to them as ‘catself’”. She added: “When they answer questions, they meow rather than answer a question in English. And the teachers are not allowed to get annoyed about this because it’s seen as discriminating.”

>> No.15590629

the teachers should just claim to suffer from gender blindness

>> No.15590634

Lick my cum rag faggit

>> No.15592294

thats a pretty disgusting story, are all faggots like that?

>> No.15592330

Damn, this whole pronoun thing is getting out of hand

>> No.15594023

trannys are a plague

>> No.15596072

Lady G isn't a tranny, just a regular old faggot., faggots are also a plague

>> No.15598191
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>> No.15599073
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Graham is the ranking Repubican on the Senate science committee

>> No.15600054

that explains a lot about why science is so fake and gay these days

>> No.15600080

The continued success of fossil fuels is about money and necessity. These companies don't come after the livelihoods of climate scientists because they don't have to, because it accomplishes nothing but bad PR. That's because the world relies on oil in totality for transportation, infrastructure, mass production, etc. Politicians' pockets drip with crude. Everybody in government and industry knows that emissions contribute to increasing global temperature, but the impact of that is greatly long term and difficult to quantify or envision, meanwhile restricting the use of oil and other fossil fuels would implode the global economy as things stand.
LGBT issues on the other hand have very little to do with money. It's all in the realm of social interaction and control. People listen to others in their social sphere so when you say lgbt people shouldn't be able to get married, or that the cure to gender dysphagia is repression (as if they haven't been trying that most of their life before coming out of the closet), you have an impact. So there is incentive for those who think you're hurting others to challenge you.

>> No.15600095

>And the teachers are not allowed to get annoyed about this because it’s seen as discriminating
Boomers believe and repeat the most retarded shit!
Hilarious how the whole world outside a boomer's community is reportedly kneeling to the tranny menace, but simultaneously there is no boomer in the world who actually watches their mouth or is worried about being 'canceled.'
Probably 90, maybe 99% of printed reports that anger conservatives now and in history were completely fabricated. Conservatives need an incomprehensible irrational menace to fight against at all times.

>> No.15600967
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>Conservatives need an incomprehensible irrational menace to fight against at all times.

>> No.15601810

On the contrary, the right to bear arms is respected in Heaven.

>> No.15601844

>War on drugs
>War on terror
>War on Christmas
>Gay marriage
>Trans bathrooms
>Mask mandates
>Climate change mitigation
>Stolen election
Ect. Conservative snowflakes need to feel persecuted. Everything is a war or an attack on muh way of life!!1

>> No.15602145
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>> No.15602318

Actually, in any society where popular opinion is a significant fact of governance (ie there is power to be had by rousing the masses of morons), persecution narratives suit every one just fine. If you do not believe this is as true of those called 'the left' as it is of 'the right' you are retarded or blind. It is simply a viable strat, fake and gay as it may be, in power accumulation and consolidation in any mass society. Quit thinking you yourself are not also a part of this.

>> No.15603501
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>> No.15604429

lol, good comic
its funny because its true

>> No.15604910
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>> No.15606442

>Probably 90, maybe 99% of printed reports that anger conservatives now and in history were completely fabricated.
why does the media lie so much?
what else are they lying about?

>> No.15607738

That or HPV warts

>> No.15608694

why are faggots so disgusting? its almost like theres a god that hates them or something

>> No.15610746 [DELETED] 

>Is it HPV warts?
probably, either that or >>15586664

>> No.15611821 [DELETED] 

full blown AIDS

>> No.15612611

Thats one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen on /sci/

>> No.15615144

Fred Phelps was a prophet, God spoke through him

>> No.15617239

Like maybe the same god that destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah?

>> No.15617386

What does this schizo nonsense have to do with ops post? Kill yourself retard. Annoying.

>> No.15617517

The minds of medical science can never be forgiven for what they did to turn HIV from a death sentence for the faggots into what it is today. I sincerely hope China or Russia or some other "Rogue State" develops a new and three-times as deadly virulent plague to destroy the faggots once and for all.

>> No.15618325

>HPV warts

>> No.15620298

thats nasty, but probably par for the course for members of congress

>> No.15620307

oh my yhwh BINGO

>> No.15620342

Yep, they're the most DFWT (Dyke, Faggot, Whore, Tranny) branch of the US government.

>> No.15623383

They don't let ppl be members of congress if they aren't perverts of that sort. Dennis Hastert was an associate of John Wayne Gacy's back when Hastert was high school wrestling coach in Chicago in the 1970s

>> No.15625420

the fact that everyone in congress can be easily blackmailed is what make them so manipulable for their deepstate masters

>> No.15627890

Right, its no coincidence that Obama was gay and married to a tranny or that Clinton was flying to Epstein island once a month, neither of them would have gotten to be president if they didn't have secrets to hide