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15601672 No.15601672 [Reply] [Original]


Twitter thread: Deep dive on ambient superconductor applications

>> No.15601675
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>> No.15601680
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>> No.15601685
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>> No.15601689
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>> No.15601695
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>> No.15601699
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>> No.15601701
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>> No.15601704
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>> No.15601707
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>> No.15601709

Zoom is a lot less expensive.

>> No.15601710
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>> No.15601712

Zoom works for all city pairs, not just one pair.

>> No.15601714
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>> No.15601716
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sometimes you need human contact

>> No.15601720
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>> No.15601723
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>> No.15601725
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>> No.15601727
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>> No.15601732
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>> No.15601734
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>> No.15601737


>> No.15601738
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>> No.15601739
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>> No.15601742
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>> No.15601743
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>> No.15601745
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>> No.15601747
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>> No.15601749
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>> No.15601754
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>> No.15601757
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>> No.15601760

>vacuum tubes exist
>le idea, why don't we travel in them?

>> No.15601762
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>> No.15601769


Energy generation, transformation and distribution >>15601695
Advanced medical imagining and materials testing >>15601714
High-speed maglev trains (OP pic) >>15601727
Electronic sensors >>15601734
Quantum computing >>15601739
Nuclear fusion >>15601743
High energy particle accelerators >>15601747

and to wrap it up, superconducting materials have been steadily getting higher and higher temperature, the trend is clearly going towards room temperature/ambient >>15601757

almost just a matter of time

>> No.15601804

>almost just a matter of time
let me guess: 2 more weeks?

>> No.15601829

Doesn't the air force and nasa study the bad effects g forces and junk have on the human body?
(It's a retorical question, you can google NEGATIVE effects of g-forces on body)
14,000 mph = Mach 18.89
(As you might know Mach is the speed of sound)

>> No.15601835

g forces are due to acceleration, not speed
you just have to accelerate slowly enough not to experience high g forces

>> No.15601841

Basically if this superconductor is real it’s going to save humanity. If it’s not real we are totally fucked, this story is the perfect embodiment of the “we’re so back, it’s over” meme

>> No.15601846

>If it’s not real we are totally fucked
not really. in 2 more weeks somebody else will create a better rt superconductor if this one flops

we literally can't stop winning

>> No.15601847

Are we back?

>> No.15602044

>That absurd-sounding 14,000-mph top speed would only happen briefly, however. The train would initially accelerate at around 0.5 Gs, reach its maximum speed for just a few moments, and then begin slowing down.

>> No.15602787


>> No.15603346


>> No.15603354

why would anyone want to go to either of those locations? they're both violent concrete shitholes with nothing to offer

>> No.15603365
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why do redditiers love to use profanity so much? all you're doing is indicating that you're short tempered and emotionally unstable, you're not impressing anyone, you're just tipping off that you never matured mentally past being an infantile crybaby even though you're physically an adult

>> No.15603381

thats gay

>> No.15603424

niggers getting beamed around the country isnt a good thing

>> No.15603482

>Random thing impacts vacuum tube and destroys the vacuum.
>Sudden atmosphere turns train into ball of fire.

No thanks.

>> No.15603495

The US has the best rail system on Earth. They use it to move incredible quantities of cargo instead of people.

>> No.15603585

A little bit of air leaking in isn't going to do that.

>> No.15603638
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I did some asking around regarding funding trains. They work better in denser urban zones, european cities are 4X denser than american cities. That being said, i present you Berlin as a study case
The Berlin S-Bahn consists today of 16 lines serving 166 stations, and runs over a total route length of 332 kilometres (206 mi).[1] The S-Bahn carried 478.1 million passengers in 2018.[2]
At a cost of 70 million usd per km for building rail, building this system costs 23 billion dollars.
Carrying 478 million people a year and assuming this gets funded with finance and a 8% annual depreciation and 7% interest, the works need to produce 15% returns just to stay financially sound is a cost of $7 per trip. Actual users of this train tend to buy a monthly ticket for 100 euros, and likely use to commute so 40 times a month for a cost per trip of 2.5 euros a trip.
One wonders who pays the difference, that train isnt sustaining itself with ticket fare, 5% returns on capital cant cover the natural depreciation and the works that must be done to keep the train running even at zero profit

>> No.15603660

>23 billion dollars
you could just buy everyone a new car for that kind of money

>> No.15603696

LK-99 has a current capacity of 250 milliamps. Useles spost.

>> No.15603720

I live in berlin and used to take the sbahn to school every day for more than one hour back and forth.
While reliable and well thoughtout I must say its unbearably dirty and filled with awful people such as addicts, beggars and delinquents. Its not a space where regular people can nor should feel comfortable.
Thats honestly my biggest gripe with public transport, how do you make it pleasant? Fending off beggars and lunatics on the way to work cant be good for one's wellbeing.

Also, the monthly pass was never 100euro, maybe the abc zone one, the ab zone one, which is what most people will pay, was 84 euro.
Nowadays people just get the 45 or so euro Deutschland ticket, the government here heavily subsidizes public transport, I don't think anyone at all sees it as a business

>> No.15604133

>how do you make it pleasant?
By not living in a country filled with shitskins

>> No.15604903

DESU i dont know what are the maintenance csts for such a train, or for a highway. Its true that it cost a lot of money to build but perhaps the cost of repairs isnt 8%, even if you have to replace all the rail and cars it might not be as expensive as all the heavy digging and setting of foundations needed to build a railway.
Also while its not seen as a business, the funding side will see it as a business, these works are paid with bonds that must pay an interest. Its a low interest for Germany and for the US, but all that means is that pensioners get to earn less money to subsidize the low interest. Its all paid by people at the end.
In the US the densities are 4X lower so the cost per trip would be twice as high, you'd need twice as much track and twice as many wagons to give a similar experience in terms of passenger density and waiting times for trins and coverage, although actual trips would still take twice as long.

>> No.15604909

Its 6500 dollars per inhabitant of Berlin. Not everyone, but a car per household is possible and you still have to pay for roads, and car depreciation rates are much higher so you'd have to spend it again in a relatively shorter time, the costs would be higher.
Of course, Berlin has other mass transit systems on top, i wish i had an total integrated model

>> No.15604927

It would get shitted up by nigs and homeless in less than a year and everybody would dread riding it because everybody is shooting up, hacking up a lung, and are smelly and smoky. And passed out drunk people, vomiting, being accosted by schizos or being sexually assaulted. It's not worth it. Just get every household a car, they would appreciate it 10x more.

>> No.15604951

>and you still have to pay for roads
they already pay for roads. plus an absolute fortune worth of free real estate would be freed up by getting rid of the rail system.
and all of the people with their new free cars would be able to go places outside of berlin in their free cars too

>> No.15604965

The derail would be fucking legendary

>> No.15605092

imagine no brakes
i wonder how flat the train will be

>> No.15605138

You could do the same calculation to any piece of infrastructure. Most of them don't even sell tickets like bridges, roads etc, which should make their point obvious. Even within any given piece of infrastructure like roadnetwork or a train line there are usually the profitable parts and the non profitable parts but without the non profitable parts you end up with a real skeleton of a system that only services few places. A city road or a major highway might be financially stable as a toll road for instance but basically all suburban streets wouldn't and without those the highways would also be unusable.
The only reason trains have tickets in the first place is to discourage overtuse so they aren't chock full of people who don't actually need to use them ensuring people who need to use them have space. Roads don't in general need tolls (some of them do) for this reason since car use has a high personal cost with fuel and the vehicle but even that's not enough to actually make some roads drivable for the people who need to use them.

>> No.15605161

So, nothing useful for an average person?

>> No.15605186

Russia transports more tonne x kilometers by rail then US

>> No.15605188

How about EU fixes it's rail and uses it instead of roads to transport stuff

>> No.15605199
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>durrrr hurrrr, muh 1970s soience fiction scenario
how come nerds refuse to live in the real world?
do they need their escapist fantasy lives so they have something to concentrate on in order to help them ignore what worthless, unwanted losers they are in irl real life?

>> No.15605211

getting an autodoc at your house seems pretty useful as does superfast levitating trains
or what do you mean by useful? some gadget at your home? well a quantum computer chip as an addon to your pc might be useful, though not sure
you are right that most of the direct applications will just generally boost science and engineering and will have secondary effects (like everything getting cheaper), but I would say that is very useful for the average person too

>> No.15605219

MRI doesn't make a diagnosis and administer treatment.
>secondary effects
Trickle-down science lul.

>> No.15605230
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>like everything getting cheaper
lol, thats never happened and it never will, soience fags are always demanding more and more gibes for their grandiose soience fantasy toys and never delivering anything of any use for the funds that are lavished on them. minimum wage 50 years ago was the equivalent of a six figure salary these days, soience only makes people get poorer and poorer because of the wealth thats stupidly squandered on it

>> No.15605231

>MRI doesn't make a diagnosis and administer treatment.
with super cheap and accurate MRI that you feed to AI, you could make a diagnosis
maybe "autodoc" is a bit of a misnomer, but its partway there anyway
> Trickle-down science lul.
yes that is how science and engineering work nigger
science advances -> engineering exploits these to make new shit -> new instruments are made and stuff gets generally cheaper -> experiments with these better instruments -> new theories based on experimental results -> science advances >...

>> No.15605234

absolute clueless idiot

>> No.15605260

No such thing.

>> No.15605262

whatever you want to call it, it can be used in this purpose

>> No.15605266

People bicker about stupid shit. And when we don't we let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
>no! it's not enough to reform our freight rail system or expand passenger rail, he have to nationalize everything and completely retool it to fit a Marxist ecocentric worldview

>> No.15605273

I hate perhaps nothing more than the current trend of people feeling emboldened to use profanity publicly, but not having the balls to do so uncensored.
>F<flag>CK BIDEN
Use the full word you cowards.

>> No.15605276

who cares, n*gger

>> No.15605312

Yea but now east side niggas can have gang wars with west side niggas

>> No.15605579

The magnets are not the hard part, having a 2500 miles long vacuum tube is.

>> No.15605582

That's where the boring company comes in.

>> No.15605597

AI (in this case convolutional neural network classifiers applied to NMR data, be it 2d pictures or pure FID data) is fairly good at classifying things that it was trained on so if i had to invest in to AI startup shit, radiology enhanced by AI would be my top pick

>> No.15605603

>levels out an entire town with the shockwave alone and continues traveling down the horizon like a shaped charge jet

they could unironically use those things like tho fuggghuge arty cannons on trains, except that now they can essentially reach escape velocities, and I thought that ICBMS were fast.

>> No.15605609

What would quantum computers actually be useful for in a desktop computer?

>> No.15605610

Cant escape that even in le trad white slavic countries anon, especially where vodka is treated as a beverage you drink daily

>> No.15605618

If they pull off a proper variational quantum eigensolver in the form factor of a GPU I no longer need a cluster to run quantum chemistry calculations. Im sure there are optimization problems that benefit from something similar. Even a quantum annealer chip would be fucking dope

>> No.15605645
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well I don't know much about this but just looking at wikipedia
fast fourier transforms -(FFT) can be improved with quantum fourier transform (QFT)

> QFT can be performed in O(n log n) quantum operations, which is faster than the O(n log^2 n) classical operations required by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). QFT can also achieve higher precision by using more qubits, while FFT is limited by the finite precision of the classical bits.

fast fourier transforms are used in pic related, but for example picture encoding and decoding
there is a pretty long list of algorithms, but in the end I'm not sure how massive of a difference they will make on the desktop for the average person
having a quantum computing chip in addition to basic CPU and GPU I guess could make some stuff faster, but the main benefit is for research which then would of course translate to benefits in all kinds of random areas like better drugs, better materials

>> No.15605652
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>not having a morning vodka

>> No.15605665

>train equivalent of Brachistochrone trajectories

>> No.15606014

what would it mean in practice?
go from x amount of waiting to y?
now having to wait for a slot on the supercomputer/server vs just doing it in 5 minutes on the desktop?

>> No.15606078

That would be Russia, not US. Not even a Putin drone, this is just truth, and has been this way even back when USSR was still a thing. Also, Moscow metro completely mogs the New York subway in every way imaginable.

>> No.15606084
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>The first impure version of a new material is... imperfect?

>> No.15606090
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By making the people actually care about the place.

>> No.15606110

Read >>15601769
Also, that post failed to mention that regular computing will also greatly benefit from RTACS since currect processor speeds are limited by heat generation. A SC chip wouldn't make waste heat (or at least a lot less of it), not only would the clock speeds start rising again, but you wouldn't need all those fans to cool the computer.

>> No.15606126

>Says "soientists never deliver"
>Posts JWST
But it's already in space and has been consistently used by astronomers to advance the field for some time now. What's your point?

>> No.15606148

Most of the heat in microchips comes from the switching losses, not resistivity.

>> No.15606159

Sounds like it might be good for gaming, provided the games themselves will be be made to support quantum optimization.

>> No.15606172

Ah, I knew I was missing something. I understand that work has to be done to change the state of a transistor, but can you explain what physical process causes heat generation? I'm curious.

>> No.15606183
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>> No.15606192

I've already seen this image when looking up "switching loss". I just want to know what process happens in the transistor that changes its state. Does something move, or what?

>> No.15606203

but wouldn't you use some new type of component, not a regular transistor
josepshon something

>> No.15606216

either a voltage is applied or isn't and this allows the transistor to let current flow through, or blocks the current

> In a switching circuit, the goal is to simulate, as near as possible, the ideal switch having the properties of an open circuit when off, the short circuit when on, and an instantaneous transition between the two states. Parameters are chosen such that the "off" output is limited to leakage currents too small to affect connected circuitry, the resistance of the transistor in the "on" state is too small to affect circuitry, and the transition between the two states is fast enough not to have a detrimental effect.[77]

>In a grounded-emitter transistor circuit, such as the light-switch circuit shown, as the base voltage rises, the emitter and collector currents rise exponentially. The collector voltage drops because of reduced resistance from the collector to the emitter. If the voltage difference between the collector and emitter were zero (or near zero), the collector current would be limited only by the load resistance (light bulb) and the supply voltage. This is called saturation because the current is flowing from collector to emitter freely. When saturated, the switch is said to be on.[78]


>> No.15606230

>grug make bridge between islands
>use many rocks
>grug charge 100 rocks to cross, very fair
>tribe no pay
>fine, grug charge 5 rocks
>tribe cross bridge and get many fruit
>fruit worth more than rock
>grug's bridge disaster for tribe

>> No.15606234

Should have charged 10 rocks, baka.

>> No.15606243

>grug raise price to 10 rocks
>bridge half capacity
>half crumbling rocks
>tribe bring half fruit
>tribe saved

>> No.15606278

mA isn't a unit of critical current density. 250mA per what? Square meter?

>> No.15606281 [DELETED] 

>slight leak
>everything instantly implodes
>when train reaches leak point and/or the tube collapses around it it blows up sending the entire city block flying into an atomized hall of meat

>> No.15606313

>Moscow metro
Do you even know what you replied to?

>> No.15606316

That was a side note, I know that metro/subway isn't meant for cargo.

>> No.15606318

Why is it always new york to la? Or football fields?

>> No.15606329

people know what they are and its simple to understand, that article is aimed at people that like cars, so a pretty general population

>> No.15606331

Big cities on pretty much the opposite sides of the country.

>> No.15606619

>Even within any given piece of infrastructure like roadnetwork or a train line there are usually the profitable parts and the non profitable parts but without the non profitable parts you end up with a real skeleton of a system that only services few places.
How do you define what a profitable part is? Its an integrated system, if you take out the "non profitable" part and the system fails, was it non profitable?
Ultimately people pay for the fare, subsidies are paid by taxes or its funded using low interest finance which is funded by pension funds that then pay lower profits to pensioners so the system gets funded by pensioners, no way around not funding the real cost

>> No.15606631

Complete bullshit, if infrastructure generates more business people should have no problem oaying for it. What this means is, if your productivity increases by $1000 because you can get a better job far away and a train enables that, you should have no issue paying $300 in monthly fare. Infrastructure isnt a magical investment that doesnt follow the rules of finance
You think your tribe and grug talk is cute so heres this: The tribe would gladly pay 100 rocks because they can farm 1000 rocks worth of fruit in the island, seems like a pretty good deal motherfucker

>> No.15606825

>How do you define what a profitable part is? Its an integrated system, if you take out the "non profitable" part and the system fails, was it non profitable?
For instance the Chinese railway network has lines that do in fact pay for themselves with just the tickets and bits that don't. The point is that it's infrastructure it's not supposed to pay itself back with tickets but by their effect on the economy enabling jobs and transport of goods and services from place to place efficiently and cheaply. You may also notice that roads or bridges or such for the most part don't have tolls on them, they all lose money categorically and yet they are still built.. because it's infrastructure. It's an extremely silly argument to say that rail somehow isn't worth it when it moves hundreds of millions of people on the pennies just because it's not self sufficient with the tickets.

>> No.15606843

>The point is that it's infrastructure it's not supposed to pay itself back with tickets but by their effect on the economy enabling jobs a
Those jobs make money so those people could just pay their own tickets, the same way people buy cars to go to work.

>> No.15606852

And they do... with their taxes from the economic activity they perform after riding a train. You know a job. The exact same way roads are paid for.

>> No.15606871

>And they do... with their taxes from the economic activity they perform after riding a train
Sure, or... they could just pay the cost the same way you buy a car?
If you make an extra $1000 in productivity you could afford to pat $300 in train fare.
People invest gigantic amounts of money on their cars, on private parking lots, mechanics, just to go to work because its still profitable, so dont say people would not ride a train if they had to pay the cost

>> No.15606879
File: 19 KB, 320x320, Effect-of-reciprocation-frequency-on-visual-quality-of-canned-green-beans-processed-with_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Beans at 2hz

>> No.15606880

>they could just pay the cost the same way you buy a car?
They do that, roads are paid with taxes and they all lose money. All roads really should be toll roads but they aren't because it would be really inconvenient.

>> No.15606926

>They do that, roads are paid with taxes and they all lose money. All roads really should be toll roads but they aren't because it would be really inconvenient.
With automated cameras that isnt an issue anymore, the toll is charged automatically to your account.

>> No.15608725

Bump so people can look at applications

>> No.15608835

I bet if you asked this woman to explain conflict in Crimea she'd accuse you of being a fascist and call you an incel.

>> No.15608878

>muh vanity thread

>> No.15609300

They can also be utilised for information-theoretic security meaning unbreakable encryption even if an adversary has infinite computation resources.
Glowniggers BTFO eternally.

>> No.15609558

Cause that is threat to automoblie and oil industry.

>> No.15611314

that would be awesome

>> No.15612421
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We're back again


>> No.15612478

Not reading all that.
It's evil.
We don't need this stuff.
We need to fix society with what we have.
We have more than enough.
These technologies are demonic and will not be used for anything good.

>> No.15612505

It doesn't work as well as a normal train. That's why when Elon suggested re starting this idea the companies that tried immediately abandoned vacuum tubes

>> No.15612551

coilgun battleships

>> No.15615892
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>> No.15616721
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California is trying but they're failing because, well, they're California.

>> No.15616801

That type of high speed rail is weird. When I lived in Agoura Hills, I would need to leave at least two hour early to get to Union Station in Los Angeles. And at the other end of the trip, the station in SF might be hours away from where I wanted to go in the Bay Area. How much of the state's traffic is going between stations on the high speed train route, which by its nature has limited stops? The latest estimate is $128 billion so that will likely grow even more before the line is finished (originally, $9 billion was the cost presented to voters). All that to shift a tiny percentage of trips on to rails and for many people, it's not going to be faster than flying (or driving for shorter trips). Much of the route will only be 110mph, with 220mph being on limited segments. If it is ever finished, it's going to be underwhelming when done.

>> No.15617268

The bigger the track/network is, the more fragile it is because every inch of it is a single point of failure for the entire system

>> No.15617298

And I can use the money generated from that to do anything except what I want, which is to ride trains.

>> No.15618272

Imagine the vidya gaems

>> No.15618421

More like homeless and niggers everywhere in the U.S. in 21 minutes.

>> No.15618438

>muh quantum magic
This is how you know it's fake.

>> No.15619962

>hyperloop bad because its impossible to have vacuum
>hyperloop TRAIN good because vacuum