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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1559865 No.1559865 [Reply] [Original]

What would a mission to Mars cost? in USD. I know no one here knows an exact amount, but would anyone here care to speculate? I was just outside stargazing, and it really dawned on me that humans have never been on another planet. So, i just started to think about going to mars.

>> No.1559877

tens of billions, could probably do it for not much more than a hundred. basically if we cut military spending for a few years, we could be on mars

>> No.1559883

it would be in the billions.

its the length of the journey that would be the biggest cost multiplier.

the faster you could get there, the less you would spend in terms of human life support.

>> No.1559890

It would have to be in the trillions to be not worth it.

>> No.1559906

How long would the trip to Mars be with current on very near tech?

>> No.1559908

yeah but why?

whats on mars to justify that cost?

space needs to be privatized imo.

>> No.1559920
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Somewhere near 500 bil to do it correctly and safely.

Basically with the money 'Bama just blew, we could have sent at least two expeditions.

>> No.1559921



lets put it this way, we got dudes in iraq/afghanistan that are going apeshit because that place is a fuckhole.

now imagine locking people up in a metal box.

>> No.1559922

why do we want man on mars to begin with ?
Anything he could do a robot could do better and most likely cheaper

>> No.1559937


space is being privatized, but that will never get you to Mars. The benifit of going to a new planet would not be the destination, but what we learn in the process.

>> No.1559939
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Trust me, NASA would have absolutely no problem finding people who would go.

Hell, I'd go even If it was a one way thing.

>> No.1559955
File: 213 KB, 1200x1173, mir[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A russian Cosmonaut stayed aboard MIR for over 2 years.

That's about what a roundtrip to Mars would take and he came back completely sane (for a russian).

>> No.1559970

I would have to imagine you would have a boatload of applicants that would be willing to do this, and not become carzy.

>> No.1559986

manned mission would be $100-120 billion in today's dollars, which is only 1/7th of the yearly DoD budget...it's really not going to happen anytime soon, unless a European nation goes for it

captcha: erudite Spaniards

>> No.1559998

20 billion over 10 years


>> No.1560004

20 billion in 1997, using technology from 1997

>> No.1560020
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I'm not trying to create an Amerifag vs. Eurofag shit storm here, but all Europe has is a couple ISS modules and the Ariane rockets.

Honestly I believe that China will probably get there before the US or Europe does.

>> No.1560055


>> No.1560052


Eurofag here, I'm with you 100%, but you shouldn't have brought that up. Shitstorm inevitable.

>captcha - low-income skyjackers

>> No.1560065
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>> No.1560098


ya but the US doesn't give a fuck about space exploration, and is declining as a nation, whereas Germany is fucking awesome, and will leave the EU over bullshit economic policies

>> No.1560145

That game is too easy.

>> No.1560150

Lets save money and send someone expendable.

Their reward would be being the first men on Mars and being the first men to die on Mars.

...just don't tell them.

>> No.1560155

fityleven trillion

>> No.1560163

Unless we discover unobtainium on Mars, we're not going any time soon.

>> No.1560168

>ITT: Faggots who gives a fuck about costly and vaguely useful shit.

Start caring about fusion instead you dumb fags.

>> No.1560184
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We have more important things to do.

>> No.1560187

Hurry up and do it Inurdaes. I want to watch it through my telescopes

>> No.1560191

fusion is gay.

Going to Mars means we can leave this shitball called Earth and lead a new glorious extrasolar planetary empire.

>> No.1560231


but if we invent fusion we will practically have infinite fuel, only then should we visit mars. No, the correct thing is to aim all our resources into fusion, nothing else matters.

>> No.1560255

I'm waiting till Japan puts up the space elevator so that I can get a bunch of people to get the US or someone to do it. Then it'll be really cheap.

>> No.1560311

>space elevator
>terrorists crash a plane into it
>billions and billions lost

>> No.1560320


fucking brilliant. This is why we need to nuke the shit out of middle-earth and impose eugenics on everybody.

>> No.1560335

"Mr. Frodo, the American Bird Metal Devil Wings are dropping explodey fragments everywhere!"

>> No.1560361

I didn't understand your post until I read the guy above with "middle-earth."


>> No.1560376

The Apollo Program, in current dollars, cost $121.7 billion.

In order to sustain a crew, food, power, things to do so they don't go insane, for the trip itself, you require many times more payload than the Apollo spacecraft did. The Saturn V is reaching the limit of what is practical for single launches. This thing would have to be constructed in space. And not just a little dinky tin can to go to the moon. You need launch into orbit, and then to the Moon, a rocket capable of launching off of Mars, and back to Earth. And then there's the idea of landing that rocket on Mars in the first place. You're looking at a multiple-thousand ton device here, to Mars. For four months.

It will be in the trillions.

>> No.1560386

carbon nanotubes are strong, the plane would explode/be cut in half/etc but it would still be there.

>> No.1560388

They could put the crew in a chemically induced coma for the duration of the trip, waking them up for emergencies only?

>> No.1560389


This. Not only are space elevators strong, but by design they have to be freaking huge. A plane wouldn't do shit.

>> No.1560390

When they land on Mars, their muscles can't have atrophied enough that they can't do some physically demanding work on the surface, remember.

>> No.1560393


I'm fairly certain a six month trip wouldn't drive anyone insane. Experiments have already been preformed with a "crew" sealed up inside a mock shuttle for longer than it would actually take to reach Mars. Besides the boredom, there were no psychological effects.

>> No.1560400

Hopefully the Gondor-rockets will teach those sublime mudslime-orc's how to vanquish properly!

>> No.1560404

Sauron obtains nuclear weapons.

The Age of Man is over.

>> No.1560409


Physical labor is much less demanding with only 38% of normal gravity.

>> No.1560410

What if we have them be entertained by fucking?

>> No.1560422


Fucking Sauron... how does he work?

>> No.1560423

it still requires a bit of energy, consider inertia.

>> No.1560429

Imagine if a crew was sent on a 2 year mission to Mars, and given explicit orders not to fuck, and then having to tell NASA your pregnant. WHAT HAPPEN

>> No.1560437


Offer to start up an experiment on the effects of raising a child in a Martian environment.

>> No.1560443

They have to throw the baby into space. The ship isn't designed to support air for 3 individuals.

>> No.1560448

Is an infant's oxygen requirements within the safety factor for two adults?

>> No.1560456

If the baby were gestating in space or in any fraction of earths gravity it wouldn't develop properly. experiments with chicken eggs and other animals demonstrate this.

>> No.1560472

Google Scholar is telling me the opposite.

>> No.1560483

I don't think that human pregnancy has been tested in a vacuum.

>> No.1560514

Who said anything about a vacuum? We're talking about gravity. Its very hard to get seeds to germinate or get chicken and other embryos to form in 0 or low gravity environments according to a few experiments I read about a few years ago, unless this information on Google Scholar is referring to some more recent experiments conducted on the ISS or something.

>> No.1560518


>> No.1560519

This is where I wish we had an international space-program going, not this bullshit with USA/EU/Japan/China/Russia having a program each.

>> No.1560529

Well obviously we need to send a whore up to the ISS and give her fake BC pills.

The nation of whomever impregnates her foots the bills.

>> No.1560547

I support this idea.

Or we could, in order to have a larger sample size, launch another station and fill it with sluts.

We will have the first space brothel, and do science at the same time. Oh, man, think of the possibilities! It might even pay for itself.

captcha: on hustles

>> No.1560556

Science and Sex: Together we can solve anything!

>> No.1560587

Get NASA on this shit, it will solve all their money problems! There be no law in space!

>> No.1560592

Mission to Mars will cost about infinity dollars less than losing the whole species to a wandering agglomeration of silicates and metals from when the system was putting itself together.

>> No.1560598



>> No.1560609

4chan /sci/

>> No.1560617

Well, Just to give you some hope. I noticed a flaw in the laws of the conservation of energy. In every endothermic reaction, there is always more energy lost than gained. I concluded that the energy is being continually dispersed and spread as the universe expands. I don't know the reaction I will get from this but I personally believe the gravity might be matter regaining energy. Otherwise, I thought the energy would have completely dispersed from all the reactions throughout the galaxy. But the energy regained by gravity is always less than the energy lost. I am hoping that I can learn more on this next year when I go to university but sadly I have to wait 5 more months. Woot I skip my senior year of high school. Anyway, I will find a way to get you into fucking space. I swear by my life, I will fucking find a way for white people to get into space. Then we come back centuries later, kill the nigras and finally be happy!