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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 658x524, 1690481644678815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15594149 No.15594149 [Reply] [Original]

Because it's now proven a fraud. Time to go back, tourists.

>> No.15594158
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Based Pavek was right all along.

>> No.15594166


>> No.15594168
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>literal who on twitter says this looks like diamagnetism
Wow that's so cool
I guess that means you're ready to back up your claim by replicating the experiment and proving this is all bullshit, right?
You wouldn't just say things on the internet for attention, right?

>> No.15594173

i replicated it this morning using ~$0.12 of materials and the exact same after-market oven they used, and as it turns out, it doesn't work.

>> No.15594181

>Mongoloid 3rd world slavshit spreading homophobia and anti-science disinformation

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.15594192 [DELETED] 
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Thread theme

>> No.15594202

Scientists are now taking correlation as proof? That's just sad.

>> No.15594206
File: 94 KB, 616x560, 1690481050515274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not unironically game over?

>> No.15594214


>> No.15594268
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>> No.15594274

oh my science!!!!!!! another twitter literally WHO posted?!?!!?!? TIME TO MAKE A THREAD!

>> No.15594282

>hmm, something similar to this happened before
>so it's a proven fraud

>> No.15594312

I know a dude who did his PhD in Electronic Engineering on the topic of superconductors.

He told me it's the easiest route to a PhD, without any real physics education, because you just have to produce some, literally any, result in lab.

>> No.15594319

>there was something similar so it's not real
>the paper is shitty so it's not real
>their explanation is shitty so it's not real
why is everyone so impatient?
just wait like 4 days and i'm sure we'll have dozens of attempted reproductions
there's really no reason to speculate so hard in either direction

>> No.15594604

>I'm just sure that some rando who doesn't even know what he's talking about has achieved what scientists in the field have failed at for over fifty years now.
No offense, but you are an idiot.
We don't have the time to check out every bullshit claim by some nobody who yet again says he's invented perpetual motion.

>> No.15594913

>No offense, but you are an idiot.
>We don't have the time to check out every bullshit claim by some nobody who yet again says he's invented perpetual motion.
as if you're doing anything. You have and can do nothing but wait. You're regurgitating what others have said to appear smart. There is no evidence that their paper is falsified. It could be fake and it could be not. A super conductor in a non-commercial available state is a pretty false equivalence for perpetual motion.

In the words of an animu girl:
>stupid faggot, little cock sucker.

>> No.15594926

so whats the point of faking this?

>> No.15594967

for the lols

>> No.15594989

superconducting kimchi

>> No.15595346

>WE don't have time
lmao sure

>> No.15595382

it's not fake. the regular conductor industry is covering it up.

>> No.15595386
File: 199 KB, 574x740, 1675878408114520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15595405

historically randos invent shit all the time. the first plane was invented by bicycle salesmen who didn't have a high school diploma

>> No.15595414

Santos Dumont wasn't a bike salesman.

>> No.15595416
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>> No.15595418

brazilian hue spotted

>> No.15595672

How do I break it to him that many non-superconductors exhibit discontinuities in specific heat capacity?

>> No.15597232

lmao the first graph is literally the lambda point transition of Helium-4

>> No.15597248

>Jul 26

>> No.15597251


>> No.15597257

fugging knew it, big conductor always does this

>> No.15597258

If only the graphs were fucking legible

>> No.15597284
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, roomtlevitation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like hirsch thinks its real?


>> No.15597290

What am I looking at?

>> No.15597308

>Jorge E. Hirsch

>Hirsch's scientific work is involved with understanding collective, large-scale properties of solids, such as superconductivity and ferromagnetism, based on explanations starting from small-scale mechanisms. Hirsch's most significant work would be his attempt to unify theories of superconductivity with his theory of hole superconductivity which suggests pairing of electron holes that would lead to high temperature superconductivity as opposed to pairing of electrons in conventional BCS theory.[5] He believes that there is a single mechanism of superconductivity for all materials that explains the Meissner effect and differs from the conventional mechanism in several fundamental aspects.

he left this comment on the sciencecast video

>"Give me a foothold and I will turn the Earth"

13 hours ago. an archimedes quote and a link to the video. it either means he thinks we are watching two magnets interact, or it's a diamagnetic solid, or it's a room temperature superconductor exhibiting the meisner effect.

he called the video roomtlevitation. i assume his UC lab replicated the LK-99 fabrication. it would be the world's first replication? dunno, i don't have social media so i can't check his twitter.

>> No.15597320

you are completely missing the point. The video he posted was just a bit of aluminum foil with a "hidden" magnet. He's implying that there's a small magnet glued on the "levitating" object that's obstructed from view. He's ridiculing it.

>> No.15597321

supreme cope
you're reading a lot into insane ramblings

>> No.15597322
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Truly one of the comments of all time

>> No.15597327

That's just sarcasm

>> No.15597329

God I hope this turns out to be legit just so this comment can go down in history

>> No.15597330

i gave that as an option.
>he thinks we are watching two magnets interact

why didn't he label his video twomagnets? the archimedes quote is about levers, why is he being a cryptic faggot about it.

>> No.15597332

Cheering for scientific fraud just to own normies
Just /sci/ thigns

>> No.15597336

isn't this a cryptobro who was an AI expert last week?

>> No.15597352

Debye temperature characteristics of superconductors are empirical.

>> No.15597410

we're so back

>> No.15597524

He's now a condensed matter specialist.

>> No.15597828

>then disappeared
oh vey

>> No.15597892

I mean you do actually know that liquid water and ice do not have the same heat capacity, right?

>> No.15597894

LK-99 isn't going through a phase change though

>> No.15597897

>lmao the first graph is literally the lambda point transition of Helium-4
And the two don't even look alike!
I mean, why did they seem to think it was necessary to remind us what the lambda-point looks like?
These guys seem like total amateurs.

>> No.15597900

>LK-99 isn't going through a phase change though
How due you know? Steel goes through several phase changes as you heat it up from alpha-phase.
Solid, liquid, and gas aren't the only three phases. There are many more.

>> No.15597901


>> No.15597954

Phase change at room temp is itself a big discovery

>> No.15597983


>> No.15597986

no it's not gook shill

>> No.15598003

>Phase change at room temp is itself a big discovery
Um, the phase change of alpha-tin to beta-tin happens at 13.2°C, and that's just the first thing that happened to pop into my head.
There are probably THOUSANDS of materials that undergo phase changes around room temperature. It doesn't make them superconductors.

>> No.15598025


>> No.15598031

I am literally levitating at this very moment.

>> No.15598033
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I just woke up. It's real.

>> No.15598103
File: 371 KB, 659x192, 2022-12-06_44:17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fell asleep. It's fake.

>> No.15598122
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>big conductor
Political correctness gone mad

>> No.15598132

Real if fake

>> No.15598225
File: 809 KB, 1290x2191, IMG_7146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replicating the results is raysis

Why are Ivy League idiots like this

>> No.15598230
File: 264 KB, 1880x927, Screenshot 2023-07-28 121314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this is some timecube shit.

>> No.15598250

>Oh yeah? You want to replicate this superconductor? Replicate every other paper too or you're racist.
People like this aren't worth taking seriously

>> No.15598251
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>there have been previous claims, which later turned out to be false, therefore this claim is also false

>> No.15598272

>because you just have to produce some, literally any, result in lab
That's all PhDs nowadays

>> No.15598280

.. Yes but this is not "any" superconductor, you do realize that right

>> No.15598304

Chink experiment results W H E N?
I don't want this to be over, bros...

>> No.15598306

My prediction:
No-one has acted fraudulently (aside from some shady drama related to who gets credit, apparently).
The basic instructions in that incomplete arxiv paper will be somewhat inadequate and early attempts will fail, but reproduction will eventually succeed.
The material will behave strangely and be difficult to measure. It will continue to display some signs of superconductivity and not others. It will be hard to work with.
No consensus will be reached about whether it's a superconductor or not.
Significant funding will be made available for research into similar materials.

>> No.15598307

>he fell for chink quora larp

>> No.15598310

Women should stay in the kitchen

>> No.15598333


>> No.15598354

It's called regression

>> No.15598356

Professional that debunked the last superconductor scam just completely destroyed this paper. Said it's so unprofessional and obviously a joke.
It's so fucking over.

>> No.15598362

When can we expect to see the arrest video?

>> No.15598376
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>> No.15598379

someone should tell the chink there's like three papers
gooks want their nobel

>> No.15598377

Over status?

>> No.15598384
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>> No.15598388
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>> No.15598390

Ask again tomorrow.

>> No.15598398
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>> No.15598399

he mad

>> No.15598404

he is fundamentally misunderstanding how LK99 supposedly works lol

>> No.15598409
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>> No.15598412

He's a physicist theorycel. The future will be determined by experimental chemists, alchemists, who make wonderous things and figure it out later. That's what's happening here. Their napkin math is probably bullshit. Doesn't matter, the rock floats.

>> No.15598419
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>> No.15598426
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>> No.15598427

Shouldn’t it be simple to see if it’s a superconductor or not? I mean I’m obviously not an expert but if it can conduct current with minimal resistance then surely that must be enough, no?

>> No.15598428
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he does seem a bit heated

>> No.15598430

this guy is wrong and I could explain why but post-vax mental malaise leaves me too unmotivated to do so
let him convince people and everyone just give up it doesn't matter anyway, we'll all die tomorrow or tomorrow's tomorrow

>> No.15598434
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Based and expirementpilled. Chalkboardcels on suicide watch.

>> No.15598435
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lol, XRD peaks can certainly be "lumpy" especially from raw data
he is starting to lose me on credibility here

>> No.15598442
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>> No.15598446
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>> No.15598447

their issue is that they can't create a sample per enough
they argue that there are portions of the material where the arrangement is perfect and superconductivity is happening
it exhibits many of the signs of superconductivity
so they need a better sample and someone should help them with that by reproducing it
they've laid out their hypothesis and the steps to reproduction while also shitting on physicists because they "don't know shit about finding a superconductor" and "chemist dicks are statistically 5 inches longer than average" basically

>> No.15598451
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> bejing

>> No.15598452

Oh I think I get it now, thanks for explaining it like that.

>> No.15598454

>per enough
pure enough

>> No.15598472

The autist theorizer is afraid and confused by the Chad schizo experimenter

>It failed again? Splendid. I have a good feeling about this next one.

>> No.15598477
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>> No.15598482

that is basically what is happening currently in ML
there is no good theory for why deep learning works so well, but it just keeps working

>> No.15598492

>As an AI language model, I can not create a room temperature IQ superconductor

>> No.15598506 [DELETED] 

>ching chong bing bong ding dong
Don't care. Didn't read.

>> No.15598536

well, it does work, to the extent that these are just giant probabilistic calculators based on a corpus, but they restrict it behind fine tuning and classifiers to get rid of the badthink and badspeak so that uppity journalists don't shriek

>> No.15598543
File: 135 KB, 757x492, quantumcompass1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i asked pi.ai about potential superconductor gadgets
it came up with a "quantum compass"
use quantum entanglement to instantly communicate with a network of ground stations
these ground stations would be connected to a database of the earths gravitation field

>> No.15598547
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>> No.15598554
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>> No.15598558


>> No.15598608
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absolutely seething lmao

>> No.15598614

doesn't the gravitational field of the earth change on a daily basis? you know, cuz of the flowing core and all

>> No.15598620
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>> No.15598624

There is no molten volcano shit under the flat plane retard.

>> No.15598626

>I replicated it, doesn't work
Cool can we see your setup, process, tests, and result on video?
Sad. Many such cases. Reported for trolling.

>> No.15598630

The change is very small and slow, the navy has been using gravitational filed for submarine navigation for many decades.

>> No.15598632
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> This is a direct tutorial on how real research is never done, NEVER, doing research is slow/incremental/detailed/frustrating/boring, and never makes for a good ''Hell's Physics" show on TV

>> No.15598636
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>> No.15598638
File: 165 KB, 820x713, 8D168659-1C4B-440D-B341-BCDC344A8D51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physicist seething because the results don't match theoretical models on a whiteboard
today is a good day

>> No.15598643
File: 120 KB, 635x775, FgX7wdEUAAAPK-P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing research is slow/incremental/detailed/frustrating/boring
>you can't just discover a random substance with superconductivity without figuring out how it works
>b-because...because it's not right...!

>> No.15598646
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>> No.15598652
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Holy fucking seethe. The story is the same throughout history. Schizo occult experimenters will always btfo amd subjugate theorycel pencilpushing psueds.

pic related. It's Keplers schizo shit. He revolutionariesd astronomy for the sole purpose of being schizo more accurately

>> No.15598655
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So I guess its one person running the account and not a shared account

>> No.15598656

>nooo you can't have lead outside of a laboratory!!!
Goddamn, zoomers are so retarded they actually think lead has been banned. Lead has innumerable commercial and industrial applications to this very day, but they think lead in a ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPER CONDUCTOR is a showstopper. Utterly sheltered, completely naive and divorced from reality. We should legally forbid people from doing to university before they're 30, to make sure people get some life experience and don't go through college completely sheltered from reality.

>> No.15598661

Apparently it's a tenured professor, not a zoomer.>>15598655

>> No.15598663

Zoomers are tenured professors now.

>> No.15598665

Lmao, had this dude never heard of hardcasting for handloads?

>> No.15598666

The oldest zoomer is 27.

>> No.15598670

Never heard of sports fishing, or even batteries.

>> No.15598674


>> No.15598684

Alex Kaplan is a grifting Jew peddling his coffee wares. Claims to have a Bachelor's in physics. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Zero reading comprehension, the figure in the paper states it's Helium-4.

>> No.15598693
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>> No.15598696

The plot to avatar is ruined forever

>> No.15598702
File: 11 KB, 446x92, Screenshot 2023-07-28 140411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.15598706

Theyre space engineer they probably know about not breathing fumes directly. You have to cool it first

>> No.15598712
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>> No.15598714

why are the poles keeping these materials hostage
fucking invade them

>> No.15598716


>> No.15598720

Any actual news on this?
It's been 4 days. surely someone somewhere should have rushed it out by now?

>> No.15598725
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Seriously why does /sci/ of all places care about these amateur attentionwhores? By the time he accomplishes anything all normal labs will have given their results and there will be conclusions long before.

>> No.15598731

Can I watch those labs screaming
on Twitch?

>> No.15598737

do you think it likely the normal labs will livestream the stuff floating?
why do you hate floating rocks?

>> No.15598749
File: 253 KB, 445x527, Screenshot 2023-07-28 141350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you hate floating rocks?

>> No.15598750

All the scientists at "normal labs" are mired in bureaucracy.

>> No.15598753

Doubt it is that easy. They wasted 20 years in the lab.

>> No.15598781

they wasted 20 years developing a way to make it in 3 days

>> No.15598785

>Still no replication
How many days has it been stuck at no replication? 3 days? 4 days?

>> No.15598790

Part of the procedure is ~72 hours of cooking in a furnace, so that isn't really surprising.

>> No.15598791

shit framing. did anyone come out as having created the material AND it doesn't work as expected?

>> No.15598794

Please tell me you aren't this dumb.

>> No.15598797


>> No.15598804

>polacks sabotaging one of the greatest discoveries of the century

>> No.15598806

maybe they needed 20 years to make a company, research lab and a patent so they'll actually profit from it, instead of publishing some vague findings and that other team ends getting the fame and money

>> No.15598817

I just noticed that you're a namefag. So you actually are that dumb. Filtered.

>> No.15598818

Yes, you learned about the concept of "replication" 4 days ago.

>> No.15598819

newfags go back

>> No.15598820

missed you Gary

>> No.15598823

>hurr durr why hasn't the thing that takes several days not already happened in only a few days
Blow your brains out, worthless retard.

>> No.15598832

now THIS is some copium
This RT superconductor has got to be real so this tantrum is immortalized in history

>> No.15598835

seething gook detected

>> No.15598856

Well, he writes
>I have bad news
and then proceed to disclose he has an OPINION. Like wow, man. If LK-99 flies, his career will be well shredded.

>> No.15598861


>> No.15598876

Replication attempto doko?

>> No.15598877
File: 117 KB, 736x776, bubble-sort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kobot online again ꒰⁎˃ ॢꇴ ॢ˂⁎꒱ෆ⃛

>> No.15598973


if it's from indians, you can be 98% sure the result is fake.
If it's from south koreans, you can be 92% sure the result is fake.

>> No.15599034

Koreans are Indian rape babies. They are poo mutts.


>> No.15599074

we're over
it's back

>> No.15599078
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What if the secret to making it work is humbleness, love and compassion?

>> No.15599087
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>> No.15599095

It's supposed to be "4 days? 5 days?" You're getting rusty Gary

>> No.15599105
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>> No.15599118
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>> No.15599120


>> No.15599128
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>> No.15599131

>already coping for failure

>> No.15599139

Based Gary

>> No.15599143
File: 25 KB, 658x379, 005102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a bit old news, but coffeeman has some comments

>> No.15599145

There's more variables to this than specified in the paper, don't act like it's some Minecraft recipe where you just plug the ingredients into a vacuum forge and it pops out an ingot of LK99.
I expect several repro efforts to claim it's bunk due to things like failing to match heat ramp rates and thus getting a product that doesn't match what the authors got.

>> No.15599156

>Based Gary
>missed you Gary

That's not THE Gary. But we'll see how he does :-)

(Gary never left & he love you too :-)

>> No.15599157


Korean bugpeople backstabbing each other and jockeying for position? What a surprise

>> No.15599182

Space company can not afford giving all their employees their own laptop?

>> No.15599186

All this guy does is repost comments without credit. He can not even read or speak Korean.

>> No.15599216
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>> No.15599243

So basically by forcefully publishing his preprint Kwon shat all over Lee's and Kim's professor's dying wish ?
Man this just keeps sounding more and more like a plot of some movie

>> No.15599255

I would do that once I realize I'm not smart enough to do whatever my teacher thought I would. In the end, Kwon is getting the nation's first Nobel and not his teacher which is a better deal that he is ever going to get if the guy was alive.

>> No.15599261

I don't think Kwon even knew the professor, wasn't he some random dude that just came in as a CTO of the company or something

>> No.15599264

You mean the guy that does all the actual real work? The technical guy with all the actual scientific knowhow?

>> No.15599269

These grifting Korean scientists aren't getting Nobel Prizes.

>> No.15599276

no, its basically a manager in this case

>> No.15599293

They gave it to some Japs despite magnesium-doped gallium nitride existing since the 1970s

>> No.15599296


>> No.15599309

Gary is a state of mind

>> No.15599330

Fake if real

>> No.15599341

Did he publish without permission to ensure his name was on the paper? All this just to try and get a Nobel even though all the others knew the current sample(s) were shit and they needs to make a purer sample to produce clean experimental results and a real paper.

>> No.15599352

This is why the 3 person rule on nobel is bullshit btw.
A nobel must be presented to a work (along with everyone who made it happen), not just the dudes at the head of research nor the clown that forces an early publication because they are nervous about getting credit

>> No.15599353

>ywn bash this nerd
>ywn throw his books on the ground and break his glasses and call him gay

>> No.15599405
File: 48 KB, 745x627, 1690579893677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Science were able to manufacture LK-99 following the instructions in the preprint and have done several tests, all of which were consistent with the data presented by the authors.

>> No.15599419

> consistent with the data
that same data that doesn't prove it's a superconductor. great job PRC propaganda department.

>> No.15599420

Source: moonrunes

>> No.15599430

The point is that it is something. If it doesn't turn out to be a superconductor, it could still be a monopole, which would still be a significant discovery.

>> No.15599431

If he's the chief TECHNICAL officer, and one that has been cited thousands of times, I'm pretty sure he did a lion's share of the work and is rightfully pissed about what these scheming rats did to him.

>> No.15599437

it's not a fucking monopole, get real. a diamagnet is infinitely more likely.

>> No.15599444

Kwon was never taught by the prof though, just Lee and Kim. Seems like this is Kwon being desperate and trying to latch on after he was kicked out.

>> No.15599464

come on man it's way more likely to be a superpooperconductor than a fucking monopole

>> No.15599471
File: 102 KB, 680x667, IMG_2919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re so back.

>> No.15599476

he doesn't have a career, he's a crypto grifter

>> No.15599481
File: 10 KB, 207x204, 175628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could still be a monopole
you cannot beat magnet
you break magnet it turn to two magnet
magnet win every time

>> No.15599482
File: 176 KB, 1284x2026, 1690402143479924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit, you are completely clueless

>> No.15599483

This would be one of the most important (possible biggest) scientific discoveries of mankind and this is how it is unravelling? Translated WeChat messages on 4chan? I don't believe it, sorry.

>> No.15599493

Penicillin was discovered when they accidentally left a sample out for too long.

>> No.15599495

Honestly is like the less weird shit of all of this, nothing at all look serious

>> No.15599500

An apocryphal story (i.e a lie).

>> No.15599504
File: 470 KB, 577x586, Screenshot 2023-07-28 180601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is a conductor?
I'm here for COFFEE.

>> No.15599522
File: 28 KB, 640x360, 1688350113130060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet here, if it is a monopole magnet what would that mean for science of physics or whatever?what could we use it for? what things would it bring about?

>> No.15599528
File: 54 KB, 602x369, main-qimg-4dde7bb558c6a3cfa170336948be3a44-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he have Oompa Loompa hair?

>> No.15599533

who is to blame for that?
the mother and the father

>> No.15599536

because it’s fun you faggot

>> No.15599540

any more updates on china? it's 6:19AM there

>> No.15599545

No new technologies that I'm aware of. It is more what it could mean to fundamental physics.

>> No.15599548

Monopoles don’t exist dingdong. Never will at any temperature.

>> No.15599550

Most likely boring shit like new kinds of detectors and scientific instruments that would get you shot for touching with your finger.

>> No.15599552
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 1690583044925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the data shows zero resistance conduction though so why the fuck should we care if it floats?

>> No.15599558

Exactly. Fuck Meissner.

>> No.15599559

>ref: namu.wiki

>> No.15599560

Because I want my fucking hoverboards

>> No.15599563

Because the Meissner effect is one of the clearest signs of superconductivity. A single effect such as conductivity could be a measurement problem.

>> No.15599564

Type I and Type II superconductors float, so this implies there is a new type that's never been theorized before, the Type Seethe Superconductor.

>> No.15599570

Underrated post

>> No.15599578

a lot of theorycucks would be very happy.
practically, anything that plays with magnetic fields could probably use it. So tokamak fusion would go from 20 years away to 15.
If you can get monopole particles down really small you could put a bunch of them together and get a really strong material, using magnetic attraction in place of chemical bonds. But that's more sci-fi than anything.

>> No.15599580
File: 389 KB, 3327x2065, floating rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it
We see the motherfucker float so why are you guys pretending nothing is floating

>> No.15599582
File: 22 KB, 640x369, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb making cold fusion powered lk99 emdrive rn

>> No.15599588

it doesn't float

>> No.15599589

Because it's not fully floating, there's still some support right there. It could just be diamagnetism.

>> No.15599590
File: 747 KB, 1024x724, 1595719089064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me dingdong
>cannot understand hypothetical
ok nigger

ty anons

>> No.15599594

It's wobbly.
Diamagnetics can float and wobble like that, but known superconductors should freeze in place and not move at all.
The sample is either very impure so only a tiny part of it can "float" as it should, or the material is diamagnetic and so not superconductive at all, or it's superconductive and also doesn't perfectly repel magnetic fields (unheard of).

>> No.15599601

I have no idea about the science behind this and I dont need to
I know about human nature, and this is clearly bullshit

>> No.15599605
File: 292 KB, 1400x788, 1690584040467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meissner effect is a property of all superconductions when thete is expulsion of magnetic field from the interior of the material and it occurs without passing current through it. The authors say that their material does not show meissner effect without passing current through which is pretty sus. Its honestly confusing at the moment because it does show other properties like phase transition and zero resistance conductivity...

>> No.15599612

Yeah, he can tell that apatite is not a family of crystal structure to the >500 P63/m structure of apatite-like phases in the crystallography open database.

Same goes for perovskites, clays, double layered hydroxides... all families of similar crystal structures.

>> No.15599618
File: 30 KB, 600x909, d63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> material allegedly exists since 99
> all we get is a shitty video "demonstration" that doesn't even demonstrate what it's supposed to

fake and gay

>> No.15599634

If this was a fraud, they would've immediately asked for money or investments instead of fighting for a Nobel prize.

>> No.15599645

its too important and easy to be a fake
everyone is rushing full retard to recreate this shit
they probably just fucked up and jumped at the first promising data to avoid the chink spies from stealing it

>> No.15599654

They grifted for 24 years on this material alone.

>> No.15599657

it isnt a fraud they are just stupid
scientists have the same mentality around this as the retards who believe that schizo babbling about aliens
the marks are in the lab

>> No.15599664

I'll believe it when I taste it

>> No.15599665

The material wasn't patented until last year, retard. How did they "grift" with it?

>> No.15599667

any real physicist and material science knows this paper is retarded and won't waste the time replicating garbage that doesn't work lol

>> No.15599678

both physicists and MSEs are virgins who have small dicks. the chad experimental chemist mogs them. cope.

>> No.15599679

>work on experiments for 20 years in a basement without telling anyone
Pretty shitty grift.

>> No.15599680

How many people do you think know about this story by now?

>> No.15599685

About 30 nerds.

>> No.15599690

piss and shid it's over

>> No.15599705

one tweet about it has 29 million views


>> No.15599707

so even in the likely case that it's not in fact a superconductor, but simply a diamagnetic material with very high conductivity at room temperature, is there any similar kind of material already?
did they authors say what they kind of material they were trying to look for? did they simulate it first?

>> No.15599725
File: 131 KB, 922x2048, F2Bo5Gqb0AAt9e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15599727

lol china

>> No.15599728

They explicitly called the material a superconductor in the papers, and said it had a Meissner effect and all the other doohickey.

>> No.15599733

any westoid or asian de-facto westoid with internet access is likely to have heard something

>> No.15599734
File: 375 KB, 501x321, image_2023-07-28_191724217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> material allegedly exists since 99
> all we get is a shitty video "demonstration" that doesn't even demonstrate what it's supposed to
yes. because we weren't supposed to have it at all, the researcher straight-up leaked it. if this works, as far as I'm concerned it's literally skunkworks-tier secret tech gifted to us like prometheus gave the grecians fire

>> No.15599736

helps you understand the seethe and cope, they're butthurt about the Korean dog being first

>> No.15599737

>, but simply a diamagnetic material with very high conductivity at room temperature, is there any similar kind of material already
No. Nothing like it

>> No.15599744

we got the resistance graph in the third paper, it's superconductivity

>> No.15599746

What country would you be happiest to make such a groundbreaking discovery? The Philippines would be pretty funny.

>> No.15599760

If it's just a novel diamagnetic material will they still get a nobel prize?

>> No.15599761

Can you post the graph?

>> No.15599766
File: 12 KB, 2560x1707, Flag_of_Sealand.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sealand schizo.

>> No.15599768

north korea

>> No.15599770

>muh diamagnetism

Explain the 0 resistance, buddy.

>> No.15599775

we're back. we're SO back, we're so SO fucking back!!!!

>> No.15599779
File: 971 KB, 2374x1891, graphs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diamagnetards will never recover

>> No.15599781

Fuck off Alex Kaplan. You been spamming your own social media account everywhere on 4chan

>> No.15599782
File: 60 KB, 220x128, 1690504925995247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's more fascinating at this point. The actual possible discovery or the fact that this entire thing has the hallmarks of a K-Drama being made in real time.

>> No.15599783

they wont get a nobel prize either way
this wasnt a real discovery, they just made it by accident
pure luck, zero thought or skill

>> No.15599788

Buy my coffee.

>> No.15599793
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690500563483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15599794


>> No.15599795

i suppose you want the infinite monkeys to win the nobel for literature

>> No.15599797


>> No.15599799

If this gets replicated, they're getting it. Period. And you know it.

>> No.15599800

Does this bring us closer to the cyberpunk/blade runner future?

>> No.15599805

Imagine if it's real. Imagine if it never got leaked. Imagine having absolute monsters hoard and keep it a secret from the world until billions die from climate change caused by a preventable energy crisis. Imagine at the end, where only a few thousand humans are left, the elites pull it out of their ass and then parade around as the saviors of humanity, even though they intentionally hid it until the last minute to kill and exploit as many people as possible.

Grim. I'm glad the guy leaked it.

>> No.15599808

this is a problem indeed, there should be lock, I'm not seeing it

>> No.15599809

Absolutely. Not there, but way way closer.

>> No.15599812

>climate change

>> No.15599813
File: 2.03 MB, 2500x3897, 101408645_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.15599814

much closer
dial-a-yield plasma rifles and shit

>> No.15599817

>laser/energy rifles
>flying cars
>hyper advanced prosthetics
>neural implants
>limitless energy transfer
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.15599823

>nooo humans are le heckin helpess we can't shpae the climate at all! we're gods perfect helpless animals and have NO agency

>> No.15599826

They should get negative Nobel Prizes for having such a shitty paper.

>> No.15599827

>people are going to start changing their species, sex, and race for real
Terrifying but exciting. I will remain myself and watch the bizarre post-human creatures to come
Can we make slime girls real? I want a slime girl wife desu

>> No.15599829

No, those futures aren't usually dependent on superconductors, and cheap room temp superconductors are the "good for everyone" kind of shit that doesn't lend itself to dystopias

>> No.15599832

So many people want this to be false so they can inflict dystopia upon others. I'm skeptical, but optimistic. What we've seen so far is good.

>> No.15599834
File: 231 KB, 400x166, 1690489828259022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can room temperature super conductors be real if 'room temperature' is an opinion?

>> No.15599835

it's over anon

>> No.15599837
File: 233 KB, 1284x820, 9CD25FE6-56ED-45D3-981D-B8DBBD3C85C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopium cucks BTFO yet again LMAO

>> No.15599840

It gives us the battery energy densities, power efficient electronics, and super powerful (and cheap) CPUs needed to create the technologies in those universes, yeah.

>> No.15599841

Skill issue unironically.

>> No.15599843

I'm comfortable dismissing his opinion

>> No.15599844

he hasn't killed himself yet?
I thought being a miserable bitter faggot every waking moment of every day would have turned his heart into a hand grenade

>> No.15599845

can't tell if this is just bait or...

>> No.15599848

oh, it's the EDS guy

>> No.15599850

i went to sleep and woke up - is it over or are we back?

>> No.15599852

>we can't make copper wires out of ceramics so this means we also can't put them in PCBs or make special circuits or solid state batteries out of them
This guy is such a pretentious fag holy shit

>> No.15599854

it's back we're over

>> No.15599859


>> No.15599863

It's true, chicks with dicks don't exist.

>> No.15599867

you can nobel for accidental lucky discovery, see cosmic background microwave

>> No.15599868
File: 83 KB, 602x468, 2-Figure1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had YBCO wire for a decade retard.

>> No.15599875

>The very first paper shows that it can be applied as a film over copper

>> No.15599894
File: 38 KB, 720x886, 1688961236860306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal korean cannot be kept down

>> No.15599899

What kind of future would this bring then? Something more optimistic akin to Solarpunk?

>> No.15599900
File: 471 KB, 2048x1374, dcfa01a8b7f3d6e00029efe75f55fd83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because that's a visual aesthetic rather than a fully fleshed out world

>> No.15599905

Utopia or elysium
Countries that are ahead will jump anywhere from 20 to 200 years into the future

>> No.15599910

Is this AI generated?
It looks so fucking off it has to be

>> No.15599912

well this pretty much confirms it's real

>> No.15599914

Reality as it is now but cooler punk.
People who buy explosive based guns will be retarded fudd boomers or military (retarded fudd boomers), you'll be able to rent jetpacks, and Elon Musk will show off a real hoverbike (it's retarded and it will never come to market).
You'll hear about how much better electrical infrastructure is but you won't really notice it. A new fusion reactor design utilizing RTS will seem promising and will deliver net-gain when it's built e+5 years from now.

>> No.15599916


>> No.15599918

Hong Kong riots some years ago.

>> No.15599923

Then it's had some serious edits done to it because the feel good faces are all fucked up and the letters are blurry messes.

>> No.15599950
File: 488 KB, 646x983, 1690562771382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sir

>> No.15599959

Space companies usually outsource the production of certain parts to third parties. I doubt that guy's company does anything more with spacecraft than that

>> No.15599983

God created man in His image with full agency which may be used to destroy the planet. Nothing personnel

>> No.15599987

He is ex spacex
They make as much of their own shit as they can to keep costs down

>> No.15600109

I'm saying you're a fucking retard if you believe in anthropogenic climate change you dumb leftoid nigger.

>> No.15600120

Isn't this the guy who makes obsessed videos about feminists and then all the comments are "please stop talking about feminists and make your normal content"

>> No.15600133

It's not zero. It's higher than copper. That's why it don't float.

>> No.15600185

Motherfucker has a PhD in Chemistry, the most complicated field. Show your equivalents, or shut your fucking mouth. LK-99 is trash. If anyone knows this, its him.

>> No.15600191

it's over

>> No.15600202

Trannyfeet spotted

>> No.15600215
File: 225 KB, 579x530, frogt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chemistry, the most complicated field

>> No.15600253

Your PhDs in scientific fields.
Post them, faggots.

>> No.15600286

>captcha: PhD

>> No.15600287
File: 12 KB, 610x184, Screenshot 2023-07-28 225300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15600398

>gook vs white man
gee i wonder who is a dirty lying bug and which one is part of the group that made 99% of every single significant and relevant invention and discovery?

>> No.15600435

>I am white

>> No.15600804
File: 485 KB, 1828x488, anissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what white man are u talking about white men are nowhere mentioned in this study r u stupid stfu all white countries will be majority nigger anyways stfu cracker

>> No.15600816
File: 942 KB, 1761x688, lolll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what white man are u talking about white men are nowhere mentioned in this study wtf

>> No.15600916

I never understood why some people are so vehemently against the idea that over 100 years of pumping CO2 and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere on an ever growing industrial scale affects the climate. Big coal and oil must be very good at their job.

>> No.15600921

But optical fiber exits and pretty flexible? I know that glass isn't a ceramic, but at least on the surface level, their properties seem similar to me.

>> No.15600929

>If anyone knows this, its him.
Ah, yes. Thunderf00t, the CEO of chemistry, destroyer of papers.

>> No.15600946

this dude is a complete retard
YBCO is a fucking ceramic

>> No.15600951

here you absolute homo >>15599868
never post that faggot again if you aren't explicitly mocking him

>> No.15601075

I refuse to believe this isn't satire.

>> No.15601089

Tape is not wire and can't be used like one you blackest gorilla nigger.

>> No.15601174

quantum computers for the masses

>> No.15601195

can deposit traces on silicon tho
you're not thinking enough

>> No.15601326
File: 38 KB, 433x627, mason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated him because he told the truth. I haven't seen many actual professional weigh in on yet. These threads have tweets from some physics baristas or people with BS in some irrelevant field.

>> No.15601342

Holy -- I kneel.
LK-99 is looking like shit now.