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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 392x245, LK-99_3D_Structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15596191 No.15596191 [Reply] [Original]

MIT scientists are in Seoul right now and have signed off on superconductivity. Not sure when this will be officially released but this is huge.

Don't ask me how I know this. But you heard it here bros. The world is gonna change

>> No.15596203
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>> No.15596209

Anything you can provide to lend this more credibility?

>> No.15596212

i'm believing so hard right now

>> No.15596219

i can't really provide data or pictures or anything, for obvious reasons. but what else do you want? i'll see if i can get it for you guys

>> No.15596220

dick pic and/or bussy

>> No.15596225

seconding dick and ass. what kind of data has these scientists convinced?

>> No.15596230

School ID with timestamp

>> No.15596247

Photo of signed timestamped printout of paper in front of Seoul landmark.

>> No.15596255

the koreans had already synthesized a better sample of the crystalline material when the paper dropped. the arxiv presents results the scientists had gotten back in late march, which explains the caveman-like synthesis. a purer sample, without diamagnetic junk (which was causing the "field-line" effect posted on twitter), is much more difficult, and involves copper ion displacement and implantation on a thin sheet of lead-apatite. you have to be extremely careful to not introduce defects into the material due to the high energies involved, and this is also why Kim was so angry about the early leak.

as for determination of superconductivity, a very small sample of the material was shown to have a clean, clear discontinuity in heat capacity at around Tc ~= 64C. they seem convinced.

>> No.15596256

This, but somewhere nearby the lab itself.

>> No.15596262

Well obviously, 64C is also where the resistance started going up linearly from zero in the shitty paper.

>> No.15596277

can't make heads or tails of the drama but one thing is clear, that paper should never have been released, especially not in that state. something along the lines of kwon being overly paranoid about chinese spies, kim getting scared and threatening to cut him from the group, kwon in turn getting scared about getting cut from a potential nobel.

i'm receiving this information through text as i work for the materials lab at MIT who went to Seoul for verification. i realize this is somewhat of a "too-inconvenient-to-be-true" situation, but i can try and post a timestamped picture of an MIT landmark next morning, if i remember or if the info doesnt leak via other channels by then.

>> No.15596282
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>> No.15596288

when you tell a story like this, you can only get away with so many "idk it's something about..." vague statements in a story before it just kind of all sounds fake as fuck

>> No.15596290

oh, and the shit on twitter about LK-99 conducting worse than copper? yeah that's to be expected when 99.6% of your product is literal garbage insulating lead-apatite/copper phosphate mixture.

imagine melting down yttrium, barium, and copper oxide in a crucible, cooling it with LN2, and calling it a superconductor. you might get some encouraging evidence but of course the conductivity is gonna be trash.

the researchers are apparently total fucking amateurs except for Kim and a few others, and the monkey synthesis of LK-99 can mostly be attributed to this. it was Kim who pioneered the ion implantation approach, as he had previously worked with the technology when he was studying vanadium oxide semiconductor doping.

>> No.15596293

Not to mention that it looked like it was written in microsoft word. Imagine potentially the most important breakthrough in a century looking like that

>> No.15596294

You don’t owe anyone here sheit fwiw

Wish I got into MIT for masters or bachelors in matsci though

Go get that money

Yeehaw captcha: V2HAW

>> No.15596296

Missing image

>> No.15596298
File: 1.51 MB, 640x634, 1689014063230828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys it's me ops gay lover. I can confirm the veracity of his claims. I can post proof is a few hours I'm just gonna have op suck me off real quick. You know how cranky he gets without my commies down his throat lol.

>> No.15596307

Thanks for the larping posts, anon. I came hard.

>> No.15596308

to clarify--this is what they are saying happened, but i don't want to spread rumors or smear names or jump to conclusions just in case there's some misinterpretation or maybe kim is just a lying douchebag.

also, before anyone asks. no, none of us understand why this shit works. the internal stress argument is interesting but back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest a much higher necessary internal tension than what can feasibly be generated from an 8% contraction in volume. but what the fuck do i know i'm literally an undergrad. leave it to the scientists to figure this magic out.

>> No.15596313

I came.

>> No.15596314
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I blew a chunk in the direction of MeccaIT

>> No.15596368

any info on the utility of this specific material they've come up with? everyone seems pretty sure that it'll end up useless based on the shitty papers, but the research will yield a future material that will actually usher in the new world.

>> No.15596394

It's a diamagnetic copper doped lead sponge. You are stupid if you believe it.

>> No.15596420

>You are stupid if you believe it.
They're Korean, they don't lie

>> No.15596426

superconductivity hasn’t really been confirmed for thicker sheets of the stuff yet. and it’s hard as fuck to make. probably won’t change as a lot of order is necessary to make the 1D quantum tunneling work and coordinate (assuming that’s even how it works), plus again the material functions BECAUSE of defects so who knows how well this scales up. but just to prove it’s possible, is a huge step.

>> No.15596642

You should legitimately post your penis.

>> No.15596645

Post proofs or I will come to your house and violently sodomise you till you're carpet is red and your tear ducts are empty

>> No.15596653

Another white failure. Asians create superconductors, whites create nigger porn.

>> No.15596664

Yeah from what I understand the "huge" part isn't necessarily the material itself, but the fact that it provides more information on the mechanics of superconductivity that may be applied elsewhere.

>> No.15596665

Guys my uncle works at Nintendo and he says they're already planning the superconductor version of the Switch

>> No.15596678

post something to back this up
paperwork with some of the more sensitive details censored is fine
post it along side your cock so we know its not just a shop

>> No.15596681

Post feet

>> No.15596684


>> No.15596705

They're already teaching about it in Seoul.

>> No.15596736

Of course they had to do it right before a metallic layer chemistry conference

>> No.15596738

Insider here. Kim has pancreatic cancer which is why he rushed to publish and hopfully get a Nobel before he kicks the bucket. You'll hear about it in a couple months.

>> No.15596740

replication live stream https://www.twitch.tv/andrewmccalip

>> No.15596741

It's already been debunked. Nice try, faggot.

>> No.15596746

It's already been rebunked. Nice try, faggot.

>> No.15596748

This is is just a summary of the viral twitter post which for some reason retards here haven't seen.

>> No.15596750

Repeat ad infinitum until total intelligence removal from internet is complete

>> No.15596766

Even if this is real, it's kind of sad how despite how big this is, life will just go on like normal. People will still go to school and work like nothing happened. Sure, things might get cheaper, living standards will improve, and people will make cool stuff, but after that, we will just take it for granted, just like all the other amazing discoveries.

>> No.15596774

>"...just like all the other amazing discoveries." said anon, typing furiously onto his wireless keyboard that communicates through the air to a receiver plugged into his $3000 computer that can understand the digitized keystrokes and input them as text onto a mongolian basket weaving forum, utilizing the global communication superstructure known as the internet to express his myopia to 26 other people spread across the globe - never to meet in person

>> No.15596775
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>when sukbae put tinfoil on the sample again

>> No.15596779

lol big corps like nvidia will just hike the price to infinity

>> No.15596780
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>> No.15596786
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More like

>> No.15596803


It already has a wiki.

>> No.15596806

So does the meme drive.

>> No.15596810

Funny, isn't it?

>> No.15596812

It must be true then. Only real things have their own wiki page

>> No.15596813
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Score one for Radeon.

>> No.15596817

I’m not anonymous, my name is Dinklefart Pilkenbyrg and I live in Manhattan.

>> No.15596824

Never said that makes it true you disingenuous fucks.

>> No.15596825
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/sci/ right now

>> No.15596831
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The very fact that neither of those two options is immediately and obviously correct is the tell that there's definitely more than "lol it's just diamagnetic bro" going on

>> No.15596836


>> No.15596844
File: 1.56 MB, 4080x3072, F2Guj8AaMAAl59c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantastic progress being made

>> No.15596848
File: 40 KB, 375x226, img_103782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sukbae, I'm leaving early. Please add this plot to the KL-99 paper after you've finished cleaning up the lab.

>> No.15596858

>popsci stock photo
>fantastic progress
I hate /sci/ so fucking much

>> No.15596863

click the link you retard

>> No.15596865

If you bothered to read the fucking thread you'd see that it's a screenshot of a video of him sealing a sample tube. They have samples in a furnace with a livestream

>> No.15596872
File: 114 KB, 293x368, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I just soldered the superconductor, progress is being made

>> No.15596875

It's under duress from his Korean audience. He's afraid of getting lynched

>> No.15596876

Least rabid Neil deGrasse Tyson fan

>> No.15596898

What makes this superconductor breakthrough different from all the previous ones? Nothing has been reproduced yet but its gotten a massive traction from twitter and other shit. Is it just that they made a video of their material? Is that all it took to propel this story so much further than the previous hoax roomtemp supercondutors?

>> No.15596903
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>> No.15596915

because it's easily reproducible, we will know in less than a week if it's real or not

>> No.15596916
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>> No.15596917

>conflicting reports of specific heat capacity discontinuity
Biggest red flag

>> No.15596933

I'm starting to get some hopium going again

>> No.15596945

>for obvious reasons
No it's not obvious. Post timestamped dick next to the material.

>> No.15596946

We'll have another era of moore's law with clock scaling up to 50ghz in the next 20 years hopefully(tm)

>> No.15596952

So you're saying if the science holds up we should expect to see dramatic increases as serious motherfuckers work on it?

>> No.15596966

So if there was no superconductivity why does anyone think this is a superconductor?

>> No.15596971

Okay I'm back. Been having trouble sleeping. Might be the last post in a while.

The team from MIT hasn't signed off on it *literally*, because Kim's perfect 2D sample is still some ways off. But from the plots of Cp v. T (and I haven't literally seen these yet, I'll post them if they'll send them to me), they're pretty sure there's at least some superconductive element in the sample, even if it's very impure, or even present at something like 1 ppm.

one issue the team faces is the uneven heat capacity in the material at certain temperatures, due to some regions of the lead-apatite 2D layer having been properly doped and some other regions just being trash. uneven Cp leads to uneven heating leads to defects leads to sudden losses of superconductivity. the results are FAR from publishable, but as of right now the evidence is pretty damning.

will try to post verification if i can, but if this is somehow traced back to me im fucked. the team is composed of PIs and postdocs from various MSE labs, and across those labs there are probably something like a dozen undergrads. if i post my hand they'll match that shit up to me and i'll probably get expelled from my research position. but i'll figure out a way, i promise.

>> No.15596975

He's saying there may be superconductivity in tiny isolated clumps which means there is still energy loss transmitting end-to-end.

>> No.15596976

>will try to post verification if i can
but why if we'll know for sure by the next week

>> No.15596977
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>they're pretty sure there's at least some superconductive element in the sample
I'll take that as a win

>> No.15596979

again, back to the YBCO analogy. most of it is just some run-of-the-mill diamagnetic material, but there are regions of it that were successfully doped and this is the cause for noisy bad data, preparing a pure, perfect sample of the material is Kim's focus right now but it's going to be tough.

If I had to guess, Kwon was convinced the presence of *a* superconductor would warrant a Nobel, and when he even caught a scent of some Chinese lab making rudimentary LK-99 he freaked and published early. This is guesswork based on what I've been told, but it seems right to me, at least.

>> No.15596989

>when he even caught a scent of some Chinese lab making rudimentary LK-99 he freaked and published early
This would certainly make things fall into place a lot smoother.
It's suspicious how quickly the chinese "replicated" the experiment, so either that's just a straight-up lie or they had knowledge of LK-99 prior to the paper being published.

>> No.15596990

>hen he even caught a scent of some Chinese lab making rudimentary LK-99 he freaked
Chinks stealing intellectual property, I'm shocked.

>> No.15596993

I hope this is true, but also sounds a bit of a too good story so I'd say 80% chance of fanfiction

>> No.15596995

Yeah that twitter guy is in for a severe disappointment. If Kim, with sophisticated bombardment machines or whatever the fuck he's using (idk anything about the latest advances in ion displacement,I'm sorry) couldn't generate irrefutable evidence of STP superconductivity, the twitter techbro is going to end up with a rock.

However, some good news. JHU APL is 100% confirmed trying to replicate, and so far my connections have caught wind of Stanford, CMU, Georgia Tech, UCSD, and UMD trying to replicate. So the usual suspects. They are probably trying more sophisticated methods of LK99 fabrication, and though they probably won't get up to Kim's quality, one of them might see enough to be convinced.

>> No.15596998

>Kwon was convinced the presence of *a* superconductor would warrant a Nobel
Hint: it would

>> No.15597000

It's certainly not a feel-good story. I'd put it at 95% chance this shit is way too finnicky to ever use in any application whatsoever.

>> No.15597009

I mean that was their whole method? synthesize some material, run a bunch of tests to see if it might contain a trace of a superconductor
if yes, try to isolate
if no, try again (tried over 1000 times lmao)

>> No.15597011

They can just ask ChatGPT.

>> No.15597012
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He's just in it for fun, this is a weekend project for this guy.
The Koreans swarming his twitch stream are the ones in for disappointment when he doesn't 100% this on his first try.
Glad to hear that no-shit labs are on this, though.
Although that's hardly a surprise - who wouldn't want to be first to the post on this?

>> No.15597015

I don't think so, it just means that its not as simple as heating some rocks in a oven but you actually need sophisticated manufacturing methods
didn't YBCO take like 30 years to actually start being made relatively cheaply at scale in tapes?
if this is actually be true, it might be that actually manufacturing at scale takes decades

>> No.15597017

Ah, the good old carrot and stick treatment

>> No.15597019

The eternal Chinaman. Wouldn't want it any other way

>> No.15597020

Yeah exactly because again, they're amateurs. Do you know what it looks like when some completely inexperienced techbros melt together two commonly available minerals/salts and claim superconductivity, but only in trace amounts? Add that to the Rochester controversies, and it's no wonder Nature turned their paper down in 2020.

>> No.15597024

Based china singlehandedly strongarming the world into the 22nd century

>> No.15597026
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It's just a fun little PR move for their company, the amount of clout they got from being the only ones that live tweet the process was already worth it

>> No.15597032

How can MIT be in Korea when its in Massachussetts?

>> No.15597036

I am a mathematician, not a physicist. Explain to me why it's revolutionary if it's true?

>> No.15597039

Electricity frictionless

>> No.15597041

Ok signing off now, would be nice if anyone from APL checked /sci/ so they could confirm this info is legit.

Sorry I probably sound way too much like a coked-up undergrad, bc that's what I am rn. Honestly I myself am not too sure why no one just thought "hey let's publish the weird Cp effects that convinced the MIT scientists it's real." i hate academia.

>> No.15597044

UW and CSU as well

>> No.15597053

Phones and laptops with 10 day battery life that don't need heavy copper/aluminum heatsinks like those of today and significantly faster cpu/gpus.

>> No.15597057

Maybe take 2 more weeks. You know just to be super sure

>> No.15597058
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its over

>> No.15597061

>I am a mathematician,
No, you are not

>> No.15597062

No one is making transistors with superconductors. The materials themselves just aren't suitable. Things like cheap MRI's that don't required liquid helium cooling is where it would be a transformational technology.

>> No.15597067

>they didn't literally show off the meissner effect live in front of a bootstrapped presentation put together at the last minute
Guess that means it's fake then, huh retard?

>> No.15597069

Interconnects at metal layer 0 is the bottleneck
Silicon transistors are held back by those copper lines

>> No.15597071

You mean my motherboard is going to be made out of lead?

>> No.15597075

Modern 4/7nm chips have 15+ layers of copper interconnects from the transistors to the outside world anon

>> No.15597076

*2 more weeks to know if it's real

>> No.15597082

So it's fake and gay it seems. Thanks

>> No.15597086

Explains why your sex history is on there then.

>> No.15597106

give it an hour and we will be so back

>> No.15597113

>thin sheet
Does it retain superconductivity if made into wire or other bulky forms? IIRC the REBCO types were tape only.

>> No.15597133

How does my crypto/AI expertise transfer to superconductors? Asking for a friend

>> No.15597148
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have this realization

>> No.15597198

Sentient sexbots that don't overheat. And uhh...they pay you to scan your iris and inspect your penis on the blockchain.

>> No.15597208
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>> No.15597244

You can be the miner operating the machines in the lead mines

>> No.15597256

this feels like they are trying to avoid being spooned. which is fair, could have handled it better though.
is this research half baked? feels like 2/3 baked maybe?

>> No.15597260

it is sketchy, but at the same time promising enough, and they have provided the manufacturing details and can be replicated in only a few days if you get the easy to get materials and have an oven and are able to make vacuum

>> No.15597318
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By 2035 2500 stablequbits will be achieving breaking ecdsa

Ethereum has a plan to upgrade to avoid this already so long eth.

>> No.15597343

Monero is already implementing some pieces of post-quantum cryptography.

>> No.15597361

How do you make a superconductive transistor?

>> No.15597368
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transistor power consumption doesn't come from their resistance, those loses are minimal, see picrel
If thermal loses cam from electrical resistance, the transistors would dissipate similar amounts of energy independently of the switching frequency, which is not what happens in reality at all.

>> No.15597369


>> No.15597370
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yea but xmr already has big tx sizes, mETHeads planned quantum resistance to be achieved with scaling with sharding.

LTC may actually be an interesting buy due to being upgradeable easier than btc long term.

>> No.15597377

Is it over?

>> No.15597378

no, still no legit reviews but only twitterinos

>> No.15597380

>things will get cheaper
Prices will adjust. We have had artificial intelligence for over 6 months increasing every white collar job by 500% efficiency and literally nothing changed

>> No.15597381

wait for replication, I'm back at "cautiously optimistic but dont' really think its real" like I was at the beginning after wildly swining from massively optimistic to pessimistic

>> No.15597382

I sorry

>> No.15597384

not true, ChatGPT has been hamstrung with political correctness + it was hallucinating stuff anyway, so you couldn't automatically trust it
massive production increases will come, but
1) it will take time to improve this and get specific implementations for different fields
2) even if there were tools like that already, it will take time to percolate through the economy
USA government bureucracies still use checks and fax at some places, its a fucking joke

>> No.15597387

OMG dad get off my board!

>> No.15597392

No, we wait. Have to give others a chance to replicate (or fail). Has no Meissner effect but has 0 res, so possibly a new type of superconductor that no one understands yet. Anyway, needs to be replicated.

>> No.15597394

Projective Earth - antipodal points are actually the same place.

>> No.15597395

wtf is this real?

>> No.15597397

Set your clocks anons. I have it on high authority that in 2 more hours exactly, information will be released that will change the world.

>> No.15597401

We’re so back

>> No.15597407

ryan stop posting on 4chan or we will have you expelled you idiot

>> No.15597408

BREAKING: i farted

>> No.15597409
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>> No.15597411

It's over

>> No.15597413
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Two hours?
That's only 120 minutes
Your math doesn't match accepted theory, your results should equal 20160 minutes therefore the editors believe you should try publishing in a smaller forum first

>> No.15597417


>> No.15597429

Could somebody give me a rundown on why having an ambient temp superconductor would be a game changing discovery?

>> No.15597431

you could have cool levitating toys on your desk

>> No.15597441
File: 523 KB, 1392x1321, 1690545193373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are releasing their findings in 3-4 hours.

>> No.15597444

It'll be over soon. Your superconducting toys will be going back into the box

>> No.15597445
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really powerful yet small magnets easy, high power lines without loses see picrel, and some other weird stuff depending on how can it be scaled or what exact properties they will have.

>> No.15597450

11-12 pm?
its about 20:00 or 8 pm there now

>> No.15597454

based chinks
debunk these gooks

>> No.15597456

It's so fucking backer

>> No.15597457

>trusting chinks

>> No.15597459

Who are these people that think that betting market means anything at all? Not even copium — I believe it won't be replicated, but there is no way to predict whether it'll be replicated or not and the market just seems to mirror what some randoms on Twitter say instead.

>> No.15597462

I think the point is more that prediction markets are a good way to gauge the twitter vibe
not that it itself would have much predictive power

>> No.15597463

It's back. It's so back. We're never coming over from this.

>> No.15597483

They discovered it in 1999? And only got to a point where they could start writing a paper now?

>> No.15597492

Yes they had to do thousands of experiments to get this fucking (maybe) working

>> No.15597493

insider trading

>> No.15597498

If it's to deboonk those dirty fucking gooks they will work extra hard.

>> No.15597507

Another post on an earlier thread claimed that they only really funded and started work in 2018

>> No.15597511
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It's Joever.

>> No.15597514

How do you reproduce something that has 4 days of time minimum to fabricate just from the paper, which blew up 2 days ago? As if the lab was just trawling arXiv.

>> No.15597517

>no no, no work, no good, stop looking at this material
yes because everyone is anxious to validate it instead of getting a head start in the room temperature superconductor game.

>> No.15597518


>> No.15597520

First paper was submitted to arxiv on July 22nd.

>> No.15597534 [DELETED] 

chinks be stealing

>> No.15597535

yes, but people found out about it really only on the 25th

>> No.15597540

The laymen. People in the field the Arxiv daily.

>> No.15597551

yes but there are a shitload of crank papers
people in the field do not read every paper they come across

>> No.15597552
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not reproduce, stop rooking, hehe

>> No.15597554

it's a larper on chinese quora

>> No.15597556

pure projection
just because you're a lazy fag doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.15597557

Minimal to no heat generation would mean a significant jump in GPU power.
Powerful, handheld rail guns
Much higher quality batteries
Significantly higher energy transfer in superconductor wire

>> No.15597561
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>> No.15597562
File: 129 KB, 1600x900, 01-emdrive-update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This super conductor thing is almost as exciting as the EM drive!

>> No.15597565

>for obvious reasons
not obvious at all.
the whole point of the verification is public confrimation.

>> No.15597566

nigger, do you understand how many papers come out? how many absolute shit preprints?
if you read all of them, you would have no time time do actual research

>> No.15597568

It's unlikely this would impact the semiconductor industry (ie cpus, gpus, all chips). Not only is it unlikely that semiconductors would be able to be built with such new superconductors. But conduction losses aren't even a big part of power losses (vs switching losses).

This is a big thing with big implications. But chips aren't impacted.

>> No.15597584

Financial advice, buy shitcoins now

>> No.15597595

But muh 100Thz GPUs wasting 8k space to display 140 chars among ads malware and disinformation
What about muh 3PHz CPU handheld phone device running a calculator in a browser to help the user with big quests and calculate monthly ncome like 56000 /12

>> No.15597597

Show me all the papers submitted last week that claim to have made a room temperature standard pressure superconductor.

>> No.15597599

Would be funny if the material is a crystal
All this time 150 years ppl wasted time on metals lol

>> No.15597601


>> No.15597603

it is a crystal? a ceramic to be more specific

>> No.15597604


>> No.15597605

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.15597608

So, you admit that they don't exist and these two papers submitted by the koreans stuck out like a sore thumb to whoever regularly checks Arxiv for this topic.

>> No.15597613

no they don't, there was a paper submitted like 3 months ago too and nobody noticed that

>> No.15597617

see >>15597368

>> No.15597621
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>> No.15597623

They did, but if it's a badly written paper, they will just ignore it.

>> No.15597627

We are back!

>> No.15597630

lmao, these papers were even worse
nobody reads most papers, the fact that the paper has "room temperature superconductor" on its name makes people think oh, a crank again

>> No.15597636

Obviously not, since the Chinese have already replicated it.

>> No.15597638

I can’t take the swings from being back to over

>> No.15597644

Yeah, and they found NO superconductivity.

>> No.15597646

It's over

>> No.15597648

we were never out fucker, get your cocaine it's going to be a long long weekend

>> No.15597653

I thought that was a Ju thing

>> No.15597656

It's back on

>> No.15597659

How can i be sure this is not being downplayed on purpose, being a potential world changing scenario where every country would wage war just to be the first one above everyone else?
>Inb4 conspiratard
I know, just asking

>> No.15597663


>> No.15597667

why would it cause wars when the creation process is publicly known

>> No.15597670
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>> No.15597671

If anything it would be a commercial battle. Who can fine tune the process and bring products to market the quickest that take advantage of it
if its real that is

>> No.15597673

In science we trust.
If it is real it will be replicated. China will only lose face if they blatantly lie.

>> No.15597677
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>> No.15597678

Literal søy who. Xhe will be one of the first to line up for mag lev dragon dildos.

>> No.15597681

>basically a nanotube
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that a tubular structure allows electrons to flow through with minimal resistance.

>> No.15597686

>Not special
Holy cope, I think we're actually back

>> No.15597689

The cope has begun. It's over.

>> No.15597691

Cables are kinda shaped like bendy tubes anon

>> No.15597693

The described process is not correct it does not contain the secret sauce or a very significant part of the process
Expect first armchair replications to fail while condensed matter geniuses seethe and cope

Man your so fuckin dumb

>> No.15597695

Why lie?

>> No.15597700

>nothing special about superconducting
It's over, they basically admitted it's a nothinburger even if it works

>> No.15597703

Nigger get your bot in order

>> No.15597705

>please, throw funds at me!

>> No.15597707

Well yea ok its a supraconductor but ours is purer and better not gook chink made poor and impure ours is best conducta a woman was involved in making our powerpoint we best

>> No.15597711
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this is basically a competing actor/lab
they made some threads yesterday shitting on the papers calling the science ridiculous etc


>> No.15597712

Are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.15597717

Even if this ends up fake the sheer malding and assblasting twittertards have had over this makes the whole scenario completely worth it to me.

>> No.15597721

No, are you?

>> No.15597722

>calling the science ridiculous
does anyone actually care about the science? by that i mean what is important is does it work. if it works who cares how it works you can deploy it regardless.

>> No.15597724

Definitely, to be fair even if it's as described this shit is still in testing phase and filtering the stupid out of it before it's a workable product. Their just mass assblasted they got beat to the publishing punch.

>> No.15597725

They’er just a pissed because they didn’t think it up

>> No.15597734

Then read it again, non-retard. They're saying that room temperature superconductivity is not some kind of impossible/special thing, it's just that we haven't found a material like that yet. This is a reply to people who think that room temperature ambient pressure superconductivity is impossible in general, it's not a fucking "room temperature ambient pressure superconductor discovery is nothing special" message, if anything it's a message pro-LK99 message, but realistically it's neural.

>> No.15597736

All this shitfest could have been avoided if nobel allowed up to 10 people sharing the prize instead of just 3.
They wouldn't need to rush out the paper if they weren't nervous about credit.
What kind of breakthrough can be done with a team of 3 people in 2020s anyway? It'll always be some clowns getting all the attention while the heavy lifters get nothing

>> No.15597738

Slow down you’re typing too fast

>> No.15597746

People saw the "why this beats polls" blurp on electionbettingodds.com and got convinced betting markets mean anything on shit like this.
What they miss is that gambling got flooded with retail addicts who bet based on reactions to what they see in their Twitter or Instagram feeds.
The only thing these betting markets are showing is the tone of the latest tweets. Any "smart money" is drowned out by the dumb horde.

>> No.15597754

>Even if this ends up fake
It will

>> No.15597755

>Unscheduled unprepared presentation doesn't have any more depth than paper
>wtf why are they so unprepared?
This is a nothingburger in the scope of the over-back tug of war.

>> No.15597757

Pessimism and misanthropy aren’t skepticism

>> No.15597768

Agreed, but it's not going to be real anyway

>> No.15597769

Based actual retard

>> No.15597782

It literally cannot be real. The tech tree doesn't work like that.

>> No.15597787

What's retarded about it? I didn't claim skepticism and I'm financially interested in it not being real and the good thing is that most likely it's not real.

>> No.15597792

I love retards, they say funny shit

>> No.15597801

We'll see who's the real retard by Aug 15.

>> No.15597808

“Trust me, bro”

>> No.15597810

Ok you start snorting lead, I’ll catch up

>> No.15597811

why do people have to make everything into a retarded little us vs them fight

>> No.15597814

evolution made it so only the people with 10% aggressive baboon DNA survived and the normal people died to the neanderthal incline

>> No.15597816

The internet ruined all of society, if you go outside and touch grass it just all goes away weirdly

>> No.15597817

Because some people are mildly optimistic and happiness is a thought crime on 4chan due to crab bucket mentality

>> No.15597818

well potential competitors might be at a disadvantage if they are not sure it can be replicated.
whoever has the proper tech can iterate more times to fine tune the process. amateur alchemists have one or two shots at most. if there's anything finicky in the process I don't think they'll succeed, at least not first batches.
large labs can easily say it didn't work out omitting the one in ten tries in which it worked. even an extra week can give them an edge. not sure I'd trust most of them at this point, it's just too big. money tends to do that.

>> No.15597819

because its funny

>> No.15597820

I did that and I put my hand in concealed dogshit

>> No.15597821

Polarized thought patterns are programmed into humans to keep us trapped on this prison planet

>> No.15597829

You’ve certainly created an interesting fantasy

>> No.15597837

>But chips aren't impacted.
Really? What are your credentials for this remarkable claim?

>> No.15597839

4chan degree

>> No.15597844

it came to me in a dream

>> No.15597845

Academia is a dog eat dog-world where honesty, decency and integrity is not valued. Look back at the story behind YBCO to see how this might go. FYI the story on Wackypedia is massively sanitized.

>> No.15597848

You missed the bong inhaled.

>> No.15597856

well, historically, theyre obsessed.

>> No.15597859

>dog eat dog-world
It's doggy dog world

>> No.15597863

the implication was there you snivelling little weasel

>> No.15597872
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>> No.15597874

Even medieval mapmakers entered deliberate errors in their maps but you believe inventing supraconductor and giving it away just for 1 shitty nobel prize is worth it
Meanwhile disinformation is still spread about fission and atomic bombs, and jet engines

>> No.15597876
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>> No.15597880
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>> No.15597882

Neat story

>> No.15597883
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>> No.15597884

>muh drama
i don't care
all that matters is replication

>> No.15597885

Case closed, it's a scam.

>> No.15597890

Over or back status?

>> No.15597895

so the person talking (kwon) >>15596903
quit the company like 4 months ago?

>> No.15597898

OP here.
I fucking told you all so. Now do you believe me?
Also don't believe the anon that said some bs about 2 hours. No one knows when they'll be ready to announce.

>> No.15597903
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it might take a while to thoroughly debunk it even if it is bullshit
especially if its a process that only gets you particles of superconductor here and there and you actually need something like vapor deposition or whatever to make a larger sheet of it


>> No.15597906

to me not demo-ing the levitation shit kinda makes sense. this event was not about this, they just had some time to talk about their shit. kinda not fitting having the chunk in his pocket and showing it there. doesn't seem like the proper setup for a tech demo. I don't see the lack of demo in this context as a problem

>> No.15597908

I want to believe, anon. Too bad reality is cruel.

>> No.15597913


>> No.15597914

>especially if its a process that only gets you particles of superconductor here and there
that sounds more like an incomplete success rather than a failure. if you can actually create a room temperature super conductor even at shit yield that is a process that can be improved

>> No.15597920
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>> No.15597927

we clearly don't know the same sort of people kek.
these niggers will read everything and then complain when they read junk or extra massaged papers.

>> No.15597928

ah so the first paper dude was the one that spoke at that conference earlier? and the lee guy is on the second paper that was published later?
why would these guys fight over something fake? seems like we're back bois!

>> No.15597933

Omg we’re so fucking back

>> No.15597934

it's rescheduled.

>> No.15597939

Honestly if it’s real, I can see the k-drama producers just drooling to make this tv series. Oppenheimer but K-drama matsci patent fight edition.

>> No.15597946

Worst Korea being a vassal of the US will have any story telling desires overwritten. This is big budget Hollywood venture written all over it. Especially the dying processor who hands his theory off to his studies to prove/complete bit.
It nearly writes itself

>> No.15597950

no wonder people don't trust scientists, it's just some days and there is infinite drama already

>> No.15597955
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> truly incredible interaction
>"you won't be able to replicate it in your garage with random supplies"
>ma'am this "garage" discovered a new crystal morphology of one of the most famous drugs on the planet
>and created the world's first space factory

>> No.15597959

Semiconductors are extremely high tech. So are superconductors. Chances to make both work with the same metal are pretty much 0. You don't need to be an expert to say that. I do have a phd in physics though, although not in condensed matter physics.

>> No.15597962

>White hating gook bitch
It's all so tiresome

>> No.15597963
File: 373 KB, 902x776, MidAmeriCon By His Bootstraps artwork by A L Sirois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science has always been a catfight if you know your history, every nigga wants glory

>> No.15597964

no this would be the most demoralizing scenario, because we'll have the tech, but it'll be sucked into the hole of "in 20 years"

>> No.15597965
File: 22 KB, 796x588, retard-twice-м-twice-pepe-the-frog-pol-janitor-anonymous-ranidae-4chan-toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are clearly back

>> No.15597966

>potentially one of the biggest scientific achievements
>today i will be extra smug and pedantic over work that isn't mine and a technology that doesn't actually exist yet
>did i mention that room temp super conducting isn't that special? it's possible on paper, it was gonna be invented in like 10 years anyway what's the big deal??
>simply enhance the coupling constant!
personally i'm happy to be able to spam it's over/we're back like many others. but wet rags like you and whoever the fuck that goofy cunt is are really killing our mood.

>> No.15597967

I want it to be real if only because it shows how much of a sham the institutions and the Nobel prize structure is

>> No.15597977

This is the gayest and stupidest option so it will probably be what happens
>Yep there are some small regions of superconductivity when the lattice of molecules are arranged perfectly
>we can't synthesize it perfectly tho, we need some funding
>put on the shelf next to fusion power

>> No.15597978

Yeah shut the fuck up, Chu. What have you done with your life?

>> No.15597982


>> No.15597985

While depressingly realistic, I think there’s enough venture capital who’d be willing to take the shot. These guys have the patents after all, the royalties will literally be free money.

>> No.15597987

this would be a nice bonus

>> No.15597991

Reminds me of one of the Steorn demos

>> No.15597992

gee how do I protect myself from levitators? they seem scary

>> No.15597993

Source: my sphincter

>> No.15597994

>We just need to enhance the coupling constant.
Shit, why didn't I think of that?

>> No.15598004

>It’s irresponsible.

>This is the kind of thing that can elevate international diplomacy issues between the countries.

>International skirmishes have happened because of less.

I am aghast. Do they give MDs for blowjobs now?

>> No.15598005

You need to divert flux to the forward Meissner module

>> No.15598007

The correct term is "mobiles" and they won't be invented for at least ten more years.

>> No.15598011

Yeah unlike fusion the startup costs are basically nothing so if it's real someone will give it a shot and crack it relatively quickly.

>> No.15598015

>San Francisco
many such cases
the superfund site cleanups weren't very thorough, with all of this brain damage

>> No.15598021

They’re basically complaining that they can’t control who gets this tech, they want to be able to hold it over the head of third worlders and make them beg like dogs for it while they have their nations subverted and destabilized

>> No.15598024

what, the process wasn't well specified then? this is 100% a fraud. it's so fucking over now.

>> No.15598030

An Asian woman venture capitalist from SF. We need to seal her away in a lead bunker.

>> No.15598038

that's what i thought, how is this bitch solvent while im just a flask jockey with a ton of debt? and a medical doctor too? i can see why she isn't practicing and is instead an entrepreneur of some sort, she'd likely get people killed on a regular basis.

>> No.15598054

well there is a recipe, but that might not be specific enough yet
the 3 author paper was published without consent of all the authors, the 6 author paper that came later (both preprints) is a work in progress and is apparently being improved with feedback

>> No.15598060

what do you mean? wouldn't this be an automatic Nobel prize for the team?

>> No.15598064

only 3 people max can get it

>> No.15598091

well, not those three that's for sure, probably not anyone else involved either.

>> No.15598102

Update on over vs back?

>> No.15598109

We're fucking back

>> No.15598114

Waiting for the wave to collapse

>> No.15598123


>> No.15598138

its over

>> No.15598145
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Update: we are back (look into this)

>> No.15598150

Chinese are saying it's fake but also it's kind of boring and we still don't have replication.

>> No.15598180

it's over

>> No.15598192


>> No.15598195
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>> No.15598208

>It seems to me Young-Wan Kwon has gone "rogue", so to speak, and the group is on full damage control mode.
yeah i got the impression that this kwon guy is shady as fuck

>> No.15598214

definitely over, no coming back from this one lads.

>> No.15598226

on the contrary, that only confirms that there's high stakes among them, which begs the question, for what? some guys working for 24 years at this thing are going at it because what?

>> No.15598260

Any big labs in the US trying to replicate this at all?

>> No.15598265

these people were doing 1000 experiments, some preliminary results came that might mean there is a superconductor, kwon gets frustrated because they don't publish these and quits or gets kicked out, publishes them later to try to get credit
all this means is that they might have something but that they wanted to look at it more before publishing (because it wasnt certain yet)
yet again, this does not prove there is anything, it needs to be replicated

>> No.15598275

Is kwon the villain or the hero?

>> No.15598295

>some preliminary results came that might mean there is a superconductor,
shit's floating on magnets.
I think I read somewhere that it only has 1D conductivity, which might explain the weird pinning, which might look similar to diamagnetic shit.

>> No.15598298

Probably pushed the tech forward 20 years. I say based.

>> No.15598300
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competency crisis caused by diversity and zoomers pls understand

>> No.15598305

>1D conductivity
1D superconductivity

>> No.15598314

He is the antagonist of the story for sure. He is my hero for leaking it so I can have something to autistically focus on for the next week

>> No.15598323
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>> No.15598337
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, S02E14-A Meeting of Humans and Monsters [7B7F52A7] (00:23:25.696) 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone competent can test this..

>> No.15598343

>Odds for 2 (1) below have increased (decreased)
Why write like that?

>> No.15598370

W-we're back?

>> No.15598386

We're back!

>> No.15598407

Yes they say it superconducting between quantum Wells that have been pinched by the copper ion. These quantum Wells are alligned in 1D and spaced at 3 to 6 angstrom, cant remember the exact spacing. The pre paper also says that adjacent 1D columns can communicate through tunneling as well so its superconducting in every direction axis. I press X to doubt that last claim. As anons suggest the flux pinning is weird. The difference in conductivity along different axis might be big. A strange material indeed

>> No.15598411

what does it mean

>> No.15598414

It's over

>> No.15598422

>A strange material indeed
yeah that would be the cherry on top, to get all that superconductivity goodness + some strange new phenomenon. really digging this habbening

>> No.15598438

It's going to be a complete nothingburger.

>> No.15598455
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This could be the reason why he got removed from the front page now. He probably thought he could hijack his way to the Nobel prize by releasing old works.

>> No.15598503

Where can I bet on this

>> No.15598507

But you can't cash out to actual money.

>> No.15598515

isn't this one betting with crypto?

>> No.15598612

Is this real? Can someone send it to Kaplan or something?

>> No.15598617

>some guys working for 24 years at this thing are going at it because what?
Kwon was the last to join the team as a CTO in 2018, so it's quite clear he's anxious that he will not be getting as much credits as others.

>> No.15598733

Mmmm yes I love me some hopium. Keep on bringing the good news anon.

>> No.15598845

Seems SLAC is at it.

>> No.15599030
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if real what will this mean for robos?

>> No.15599054

better servos / actuators, novel sensors, (potentially) better batteries

>> No.15599231

NTA but yes, people will pile in on this in a big way. The Nobel Prize is out of reach but there are patent rights that could be potentially worth billions. That means universities are willing to go all in here. Same with funding bodies, nobody wants to face an inquiery as to why they failed to fund the biggest money maker ever.

>> No.15599265

I had a look
>So, there is nothing special or spectacular about SC occurring at room temperatures except for the fact that it has not yet been decisively observed.
What are these guys smoking?? If this holds tru, will the Nobel Prize be nothing special too?

>> No.15599291


>> No.15599337

Reality can be whatever uhhhh, I ask it to be.

>> No.15599876

The Nobel is just a million dollars. It's laughable

>> No.15599891
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>> No.15600093


Role playing is a fun activity!

>> No.15600118

They've signed off on the comfort and hairiness of your mother's pussy