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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15595394 No.15595394 [Reply] [Original]

One of the 6 men who saved the human race. Energy problems solved, Compute/GPU heat production solved, battery storage solved, we are going to make it. we are going to live in a utopia.

>> No.15595399

scientism cult thread

>> No.15595402

post the other 5

>> No.15595409

There are seven people credited between the two papers

>> No.15595422
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gook chads I kneel

>> No.15595429

any of them is female?

>> No.15595449

You seem pretty excited, got anything in mind you want to make with it?

>> No.15595452

The other 5 have no social media prescience other than LinkedIn pages. This is how I know it isn’t a grift. This is how I know the future is so bright

>> No.15595453


Need to wait on reproduction first

>> No.15595458

if it works, a desk trinket for work lmao

>> No.15595462

The other thread just said it measured zero resistivity..

>> No.15595480

Well, the thing about all that is none of them are really problems without solutions. Mostly they are just annoyances that generate waste and reduce efficiency. It might accelerate quantum which will be cool.

>> No.15595484


Not biologically but yes

>> No.15595486

>social media prescience
Whats that, predicting tweets before they happen?

>> No.15595501

The simultaneous growing demands for more energy output and less resource input is more than an annoyance

>> No.15595505

It's gonna be an all timer doodad. A knick knack for the ages. I'm not getting any work done with my hover disc.

>> No.15595513
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>> No.15595519
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Yeah, every new technology solves some existing problems, thus always absolutely reducing the totality of problems

>> No.15595522

Ted was a retard

>> No.15595541
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But not wrong

>> No.15595548

There is no such thing. There is plenty of energy output from nuclear, renewables, natural gas etc. That's discounting coal. We are not exceeding energy output and are not at risk of doing so. It's just more expensive and more wasteful without a super-efficient means of storing and transporting power.

>> No.15595555

We can't exceed energy output, smoothbrain. You have to have the output to use it. With more power we could do more work.

>> No.15595560

he obviously meant demand doesn't exceed production
you just nitpick when what he says is obvious because you want to delude yourself into thinking you're intelligent

>> No.15595573
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>there's no problem to solve here, we could brute force it if we really wanted to, it's just costly and wasteful
My man, most problems in life stem from something being costly and wasteful. We gotta fix this curve

>> No.15595581

Electricity should be too cheap to meter, and any lesser goal is for cowards

>> No.15595582

Just tell me what this shit is and what it can do
t. /tv/

>> No.15595584

We regularly generate too much energy and have to do comically inefficient things to store it like push water uphill to store it. Governments can make enough power by just building more power plants. Sounds simple but it is that simple.

Superconductors may have impact on fusion or something, but really the most practical applications are in power transmission and batteries. We can get almost losses power transmission and high density batteries. They aren't power generators.

>> No.15595591

Consider that the main reason you can't fill up electric cars at the pump very well is the resistance issue, that seems like such an easy, obvious use case that could get implemented almost immediately

>> No.15595606


fusion will be cool with superconductors that require less cooling

might be financially viable

>> No.15595607

>push water uphill to store it
do we actually do this? surely theres even better methods right wtf i heard that batteries were singlehandedly holding back like 90% of all tech breakthroughs but i thought that was an exaggeration

>> No.15595611

It's the most perfect, idiot proof possible way to store incredible quantities of energy

>> No.15595614

It still hasn't been confirmed. It wasn't that long ago we thought something moved faster than c

>> No.15595616

flying cars, easy access to space with coil guns, easy particle accelerators, easy production transport and storage of antimatter, antimatter reactors, energy problems forever solved, antimatter bombs, eternal world peace, antimatter propulsion, space travel, etc

>> No.15595623
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how is this literally even going to effect your PERSONAL life today? your truly a horrible person for spending 1 second of your day thinking about something that will literally have no effect on your life personally

>> No.15595625

How does it enable antimatter

>> No.15595634

>high density batteries
I keep hearing conflicting stuff on this. Do superconductors mean li-ion is over? How do superconductor batteries work?

>> No.15595636

why are you on /sci/ then retard

>> No.15595653

that's funny

>> No.15595664

Dude is hear to convince the other tards here that the lumps in his skull make him superman.

>> No.15595669

Retard here. I'm guessing it's because you could do magnets to contain it after you create it, instead of it annihilating itself after a couple seconds.

>> No.15595676

a new material chemically manmade.
send electricity/power/signals without getting the wires hot. super batteries probably. fun magnetic stuff. and a whole bunch of the really complicated engineering stuff just got way simpler.

>> No.15595691

No internal resistance means batteries can theoretically supply "unlimited" current. For example, you can operate a power drill with a small super conducting button battery.

>> No.15595695

We always generate more than peak demand because demand is highly variable even in a single day and can have large instantaneous spikes. On top of that it takes a long time to add more capacity and you need it ready ahead of the people who want to run more factories or trains or housing developments. That doesn't mean it's more than enough and definitely not too much. On top of that there are lots of proposed projects which are simply over the threshold of feasibility without improvements to generation or transmission or both.

>> No.15595696
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That sounds like bullshit, and I don't believe you know what you're talking about

>> No.15595698
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State intervention always makes things worse in the long term. The free market is always best without exception.

The price of energy dictates standard of living. Environmentalism is a deathcult and was born from communist subversion with the original intent to destroy western industry.

Keynesian economics is a total mistake. The deflationary spiral is incorrect. When recession s happened in the past, they lasted tens of months not decades. A small deflationary recession is natural, and is what returns assets to those who are competent.
The elites use the monopoly on force that is government to create inflation to steal money from the rest of the economy. They do not care about the future of it.

Above all else, understand that government intervention in the free market is the cause of our ills.

>> No.15595703

Don't care, unsolvable social issue. Just gonna blow past politics with tech revolution

>> No.15595711

magnetic energy storage

>> No.15595722

>Just gonna blow past politics with tech revolution
Government regulations block your path. We could have vastly cheaper energy through all of the currently avalible and used means if it weren't for government.
We could have 2 cost effective storage technologies if it weren't for government regulations destroying the investment intensives.

Scientists can only do what they do if they are left alone to do it. Scum in government will not allow that. See the human traits and genetics or climate scientists for evidence.

I only agree with you on the matter of state intervention being potentially unsolvable. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas, and something like AnCap requires the population to have some level of intelligence. Genotypic maximum for intelligence is dropping constantly due to civilization inverting the selection pressures for it.

Hope I and you are wrong, but genetics dictates the future.

>> No.15595723


>> No.15595735

Don't care, I'm already accelerating faster

>> No.15595764

>Just gonna blow past politics with tech revolution
>I'm already accelerating faster
You contradict yourself. You either advance technology or accelerate to the collapse.

>> No.15595785

I literally don't even know what you're talking about, if I'm honest. I've immediately dumped the memory of your posts after reading them, presumably because they're useless doomershit. I'll see you at the singularity

>> No.15595815
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>unsolvable social issue
>blow past politics...tech revolution

NTA but
A. You can't blow past it, the FOMC will make sure all resources go to do-nothing-activity like theranos, wework and juicero. They literally have a mandate to maximize employment NOT efficiency.

B. It's not unsolvable at all, we just need to get enough educated people to recognize and talk about this. It's literally 8th grade algebra, it is not difficult to understand. The issue is it's pretty boring and the established economists all are employed by people who benefit from current policy.

The best model we have for choosing what human activity to allocate resources to is by comparing everything to a benchmark. The benchmark we use is the yield on US sovereign debt. It's counter-intuitive, but it's actually a pretty good system when you look at it.

for more google the terms
- DCF modeling
- yield curve
- bootstrapping
- open market operations

The PROBLEM is that instead of leaving the yield curve up to a market mechanism, we have 12 appointed people (the FOMC) decide what yields should be. The US yield curve is the most important thing in the global economy and IT'S CENTRALLY PLANNED BY FUCKING ECONOMISTS. And they get it wrong CONSTANTLY and everyone who knows the relevant 8th grade math knows.

Pls anon, you are smart. Please please go read about this and check the math to see how it basically makes it so unprofitable companies that "sell the future" are more attractive than companies that will realistically deliver value in the near future.

It's not some conspiracy, it's just that the only people who seem to know the relevant stuff are people who hold financial assets and benefit from this fuckery.

>> No.15595822

>get in
>we’re saving the future

>> No.15595858

Are you really writing walls of text because you just discovered the concept of asset bubble?

>> No.15595863

the issue is not bubbles, but centrally planned kike fuckery you retard

>> No.15595876
File: 14 KB, 245x245, Funds are safu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man looks like binance ceo.

>> No.15595885

1-Meme name
2-The US treasury yield (what >>15595815
meant with sovereign debt) is by definition tied to government debt, so no shit it will be tied to top-down decisions(of course, if said decisions turn out to be bad, people will simple buy less of it because it won't be as profitable or reliable)

>> No.15595902

>Compute/GPU heat production solved
A superconductor doesn't replace the extraordinarily optimized silicon semiconductor technology and make its (mostly irrelevant) heat and energy costs go away.

>> No.15595915

not immediately but it will have relevance in quantum computing right away and maybe have long term impact on all cpu design

>> No.15595924

it's over

>> No.15595935

We're back

>> No.15595958

a formation of one it's over and two we're backs just flew over my house!

>> No.15595967

the duality of man

>> No.15595969

>it's not real
>okay it's really but it's a nothingbuger
The copeposts are moving fast

>> No.15595977

Correct. We need to solve world hunger, climate crisis and other social issues before we commit resources to vanity projects like superconductors and Mars bases.

>> No.15595978

Superconductors may help with climate change tho

>> No.15595983

Flywheels on in vacuum on superconducting supermagnetic superbearings

>> No.15595987

Or we can just stop using fossil fuels.

>> No.15595993

we could but it will be easier and cheaper if we have this tech

>> No.15595995

Why, what's to fix, abort prosperity by immiseration? Energy is the activity of life, more energy = more prosperity and better life.

>> No.15595998

My understanding is that you can simply put current inside a superconductor and it will stay there until you take it out. It won't run down over time, under any circumstances, as long as the material continues to be a superconductor.
Someone who understands electromagnetism tell me if I'm wrong.

>> No.15595999

We don't want green energy to become economical though. Then there will be competition, and there won't be any need for government handouts to cronies.

>> No.15596004

>is by definition tied to government debt, so no shit it will be tied to top-down decisions(of course, if said decisions turn out to be bad, people will simple buy less of it because it won't be as profitable or reliable)

Wall of text anon here. You're conflating
A. The value of government debt is tied to government decisions because sum of all government decisions about how to run the country is a major factor in the confidence the market has in said country's ability to repay its debt


B. 12 soft-science people, who are literally legally required to not be part of the government, having a meeting where they decide to set price floors or ceilings on US government debt.

If an asset bubble happens because of A, that's fine. My contention is that B is causing a 20 year, next-level, pervasive asset bubble that is causing us to to intentionally be wasteful because on paper that keeps boomer 401ks from crashing.

>> No.15596014

These 12 soft-science people don't exist in a vacuum, and conversely the Silicon Valley asset bubble isn't a major part of USA economy, instead being mainly tied to high-risk venture capital investments(see for example the drama that happened when the FED increased interest rates to fight post-covid inflation).

>> No.15596020

Someone smart pls describe this more it sounds fucking awesome

So we'll just store energy by spinning fancy tops really fast? How do we get it in/out?

>> No.15596027

>How do we get it in/out?
electric motor but no bearings. think of regenerative braking.

>> No.15596033

>How do superconductor batteries work?
Induce current in a superconductor and current is still flowing without any voltage applied- a primary characteristic of a superconductor. So the energy used to induce the current must be conserved and is done so in the magnetic field the flow of current makes.
>Do superconductors mean li-ion is over?
Unfortunately no. The advantages of a superconductor battery are many, but energy per volume and energy per weight, are not one of them. If the material is cheap enough, and you don't care about energy per volume and weight, ie. you can just build a big shed and stick the batteries in it, they would be absolutely amazing. They will essentially have zero self-discharge, and the loses in charge/discharge will be, at the minimum, half, of anything we're using today. But if you're talking about putting it into a vehicle, or aircraft, where the weight and the volume of the battery for the energy it can provide matters a great deal, Li-ion will still be superior.

>> No.15596034

Flywheels already exist so probably the same way we already get energy out of them.
I'm more interested in the ability to loop electricity endlessly inside a circuit. I'm not sure if you even need a flywheel.

>> No.15596048

>How do we get it in/out?
Induction. The wheels themselves would contain conductive loops (better yet superconductive)

>> No.15596055

How fast could we spin such a wheel? Could we perhaps use magnetic field to improve structural integrity of the flywheel and then just spin it to relativistic speeds?

>> No.15596060

isn't a major part of USA economy

seeking alpha is shit but:

> The S&P 500’s exposure to technology is concentrated in four stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and Amazon represent 21% of the Index and more than half of the S&P 500’s 37.5% total tech exposure.


> These 12 soft-science people don't exist in a vacuum

are you arguing that having 12 people centrally plan the economy is okay because the bureau of labor statistics does good surveys and totally never massages methodology? if not, what do you mean by 'not in a vacuum', that's the vaguest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.15596065

Or better yet, make a particle accelerator-like structure and just accelerate a bullet to relativistic speeds

>> No.15596069

The reason every post in here is just randomly saying conspiracy theories and predicting market trends is because zero people here have any clue how super conductors work and can't possibly guess if this would produce zero resistance

>> No.15596071

>zero people here have any clue how super conductors work
Neither does anyone else.

>> No.15596074

I really need to leave 4chan and get my life together, but I don't think I'll ever find a place as funny as this.

>> No.15596075


>> No.15596080


Its actually a better battery

>> No.15596085

It looks like someone replicated it

>> No.15596091

wait until you hear we can just lift blocks and stack them on top of eachother. and just let them go back down and recover the energy. will blow your mind

>> No.15596102


Received : March 31, 2023
Accepted : April 18, 2023
Published : April 30, 2023

>> No.15596112

what am I looking at here? someone else got to it first but decided to use the same name? Or are the moon ppl just living a few months behind the rest of us?

>> No.15596115

Quantumscape solves this

>> No.15596120

Is the Same people.

>> No.15596129
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>> No.15596134

waybackmachine has its first snapshot on 25th of July. but that doesn't necessarily mean anything

>> No.15596136

>Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and Amazon
Amazon and Microsoft aren't considered part the Silicon Valley.
>are you arguing that having 12 people centrally plan the economy is okay because the bureau of labor statistics does good surveys and totally never massages methodology?
As far a governmental decision-making goes, yeah. All those decisions will either by done by a committee of nominal experts and politically connected bureaucrats, regardless of how direct government control of the FED is.
>if not, what do you mean by 'not in a vacuum', that's the vaguest thing I've ever heard.
I am going to put like that: The people that composed the FOMC have family, friends, and portfolios that they care about, as well as assorted business and political pressures as well, which means that, in practical terms, there is a large pressure to keep everything running fine or near it. You can, of course, say that there are better ways to do things, but if you start going on schizo rants how they will make all your money go to juicero(how?), I will simple see you as a moron.

>> No.15596138

/biz/ brain

>> No.15596147

>>Amazon and Microsoft aren't considered part the Silicon Valley.
You're the one who brought up Silicon Valley. I'm talking about money going to do-nothing activity. FAGMAN literally pays people the salary of 5 blue collar workers to not work for their competitors. They make hundred people multi-million dollar products that never see the light of day.

>the rest of your post
oh ok so you believe central planning is actually good and better than market mechanisms?

>> No.15596169

>You're the one who brought up Silicon Valley
And you were the guy that not even know which companies are part of it.
>I'm talking about money going to do-nothing activity. FAGMAN literally pays people the salary of 5 blue collar workers to not work for their competitors. They make hundred people multi-million dollar products that never see the light of day.
Are you confused by the concept of trade secrets and using NDAs to preserve them? Or that most of these multi-million dollar products never see the light of the day precisely because the vast majority turn out to be actually really bad and unmarketable? How exactly do you propose to fix it without, ironically enough, massive levels of governmental intervention?
>oh ok so you believe central planning is actually good and better than market mechanisms?
If the FED is "central planning", by the same logic, so are medieval laws regulating the difference the precious metal content in coins to the relevant bullion.

>> No.15596173

government will keep subsidizing just like they do with fossil fuels

>> No.15596199

>How exactly do you propose to fix it without, ironically enough, massive levels of governmental intervention?

Go back 20 years and let treasury auctions determine the yield curve so that fagman has to deal with a higher WACC and other companies that do/make things now have more competitive valuations and can attract more investment.

Second best: same thing bust start today since we don't have a time machine. It'll hurt but things will fix themselves.

>If the FED is "central planning"...
Can you explain the role the yield curve plays in resource allocation?

>> No.15596234

>Go back 20 years and let treasury auctions determine the yield curve
But they do? From the U.S. department of treasury website:
>The Treasury's official yield curve is a par yield curve derived using a monotone convex method. Our inputs are indicative, bid-side market price quotations (not actual transactions) for the most recently auctioned securities obtained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at or near 3:30 PM each trading day
>Can you explain the role the yield curve plays in resource allocation?
Can you? I understand the difference between low-risk treasury bonds vs high-risk investments and how that can affect investment, so I am actually wondering why are you on about.

>> No.15596244

Super conductors?

>> No.15596297

>But they do?
They buy/sell via open market operations so yields wind up where they want them.

>Can you?
The yield curve is used to obtain the benchmark/'risk free' rate when evaluating a future cash flow. CF/(1+ RF + P)^T where P is additional risk premiums and T is periods. RF is the maturity-matched (bootstrapped if necessary) yield from the yield curve. Investors take the sum of projected future cash flows to determine values today and compare activities. Arbitrarily lowering RF makes the cash flows in distant years relatively more valuable than they ought to be compared to cash flows in the near future.

I.E. how the fuck does TSLA have a greater market cap than the big 3+toyota?

>> No.15596325

You two shut up this guys trying to start a livestream of the process

>> No.15596352

Show cvd or gtfo

>> No.15596361


>> No.15596667

inb4 NileRed replicates it

>> No.15596672

I mean he probably is

>> No.15596675

I want cody to fucking mine all that shit raw, and end up with a superconductive coin. I want to see this shit, cody make it happen bro! somebody send him a vacuum oven.

>> No.15596703

It’s joever, guys. Lead author just went on CNN and admitted it was a fraud. He was just trying to impress some chick in the ECES department

>> No.15596708


>> No.15596710

Lmao chat

>> No.15596717

Holy fuck bros one of the authors just levitated over my house while screaming one of the Sermons of Vivec. We are so fucking back.

>> No.15596734
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>the sermons of vevic

>> No.15596744

Did she take the bait?

>> No.15596745

If we have to count on /sci/ reproducing, it'll never happen.

>> No.15596767

I want this to be fake because I bet my friend $50 it's fake. I hope it is fake.

>> No.15596791
File: 56 KB, 900x729, FKU99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just invented an ambient-pressure room-temperature superconductor out of dryer lint mixed with earwax.

I'm not a physicist and my paper isn't peer-reviewed yet, but I'm going to write two more papers anyway and I've just gotten a patent.

My theory is that the earwax formed tensile microcrystals with the lint, resulting in an organopolymer exciton Bose state, which is why the superconductor doesn't have to be cooled or compressed.

Here's a picture of it floating over magnets, which proves it's real, plus I have a graph I made of a superconducting phase change in the specific heat, so that should be good enough for you.

Can I have some fame and wealth now?

>> No.15596799


>> No.15596823
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>> No.15596874


Gets it.


Does not get it.

>> No.15596881


>Muh free market is superior and is a panacea to all ills.

Neolibs actually believe this.

Free market is great for producing T-shirts and shitty electric cars. Don't you have bigger dreams?

>> No.15596887

and reusable rockets and basically everything
you are a nigger

>> No.15596890

Communist faggot

>> No.15596914

>isn't peer reviewed



>> No.15597931
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I understand this is a difficult time for you.

>> No.15598080

fucking lying cunt. Keynesianism was applied throughout the 50s and 60s, it was after the 70s crisis that monetarists (a.k.a. ancaps) started to gain traction because the crisis couldn't be explained by keynesianism (pro tip: it could and the reason was that keynesianism wasn't being correctly applied then) and these fuckers ruined the economy forever, esp Reagan and Thatcher administrations.

>> No.15598099
File: 165 KB, 820x713, 2C28E7ED-595B-4EE3-A3FB-162484962977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reusable rocket tech was pioneered by government contracts and grants, then private companies swooped in and hired all the engineers to apply the tech daddy USA invented to their own rockets (who's primary contractor is still the US government LMAO)
>verification not required

>> No.15598140

I'm a state capitalist actually

>> No.15598173


>> No.15598183

the study he posted directly reproduced the findings
it is undeniably a review, of the original work, by peers

>> No.15598185

no, we dont. furthermore we shouldn't.

>> No.15598193

80-90% inventions were accelerated by public money.
Free-market midwits idiots think scientists have money out of air

>> No.15598194

>80-90% inventions were accelerated by public money.
>Public school told me so!

>> No.15598197

>I don't actually know what "peer-reviewed" means.
You should look it up.

>> No.15598200

They didn't save humanity. They found a new revenue stream for South Korea's corporate overlords. A real shame The West lost this race.

>> No.15598209

I'm saying it's irrelevant in the face of direct replication
why does it NEED to be formally peer reviewed if the findings are already being replicated by everyone?

>> No.15598222

He doesn't have the *look* of someone who saved the human race

That alone tells you he's not saving us

>> No.15598231

i saved ur moms pussy last nite bitch lmao

>> No.15598238

>(Official Music Video)


>> No.15598248

The publication you are replying to isn't the arxiv preprint. It's from the Korean Journal of Crystal Growth

>> No.15598257

my dick showed growth in yo mama last nite bitch lmao

>> No.15598291


>> No.15598441

Capitalism can only work if you have an uneducated, poor untermensch to exploit.

>> No.15598528

WEF, IMF, keynesians etc are neolib, free marketeers are anarchist

>> No.15598537

No such thing

>> No.15598556

keynesianism was most strongly applied in 20s-40s, then 70s-80, then 2006-present
the nail in the coffin of the gold standard in 1971 ended all external restraint on the government's ability to steal wealth and squander it. since then the US government has become iteratively more wasteful and decadent in its habits and brazen in its theft

>> No.15598571

>t. has no fucking clue of economic history

>> No.15598594

your phone battery lasts ten years or more

>> No.15598597

we're currently at a stage akin to the early years of rome's decline, when they were merely inflating the denarius as opposed to hyperinflating it

>> No.15598604
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>> No.15598619

Have you ever been in /g/, aka consumerism general?

>> No.15598672

Did anybody replicate that?

>> No.15598681

i replicated my orgasm in your mom last nite bitch lmao

>> No.15598688

'Official Music Video', I think not

>> No.15598722

The Meisner effect wasn't demonstrated. It's officially Joever

>> No.15598734

We are so back

>> No.15598754

Edison got his funding from JPM

>> No.15598760

S.Korea is "the west"

>> No.15598834

They are on the council but they are not granted the title of "Western"

>> No.15600143

worst koreans can't fucking do anything
japs, chinese, hell even the fucking vietnamese have done more for the world. SK is literally

>> No.15600500

Sieg Heil, brother

>> No.15600547

Nice psyop

>> No.15600570

It’s the energy transport and distribution that makes up the majority of electricity bills, not production.