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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15581634 No.15581634 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the crysis?

>> No.15581644
File: 275 KB, 1539x1298, AR5, pg 1181 - modifed 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere. It's just change well within human's ability to adapt to it.

>> No.15581870

>Posting propaganda from paid shills
>Comparing local effects to global effects
>Cherry picked location and dates
Absolute garbage


>> No.15581932

here, there, everywhere

>> No.15581935

>your propaganda is from paid shills
>mine is unimpeachable
kill yourself

>> No.15581983

Not everyone lives in the corn belt and fucks sheep.

>> No.15582669
File: 72 KB, 960x720, cornyld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now add per acre corn production to that chart and you'll see that CO2 enhancement in the atmosphere is incredibly beneficial

>> No.15582691

Looking at the amount of hair on my head and CO2 levels, CO2 must cause hair loss.

>> No.15582757

Remember climate change is about average temperatures, not maximums. Also really? You use June-August? The hottest period of the year? The colder months are where the biggest increases in maximum temperatures are happening.

>> No.15582805

Difference is hair doesn't consume CO2 to live. Disingenuous trolling attempt.

>> No.15582811

>Remember climate change is about average temperatures, not maximums.
>Also really? You use June-August? The hottest period of the year?
Your hysterical propaganda is happy to assert that heat waves have gotten worse and summers will be scorching forevermore when it suits you.

>> No.15582832

the global warming hoaxers are not capable of genuine scientific discussion because they what they are shilling is a lie, there is no legitimate defense of it

>> No.15582836

>Implying CO2 Coalition hasn't been paid to produce propaganda
Wew, lad. You should at least remove the watermark if you want to pass it off as legit research.

>> No.15582842
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>> No.15582850

That has more to do with nitrogen management and crop rotation than it does with carbon dioxide

>> No.15582859
File: 125 KB, 770x1197, survive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming is a scam. CO2 is not increasing the planet temperature. That is why they moved the goalpost to cow farts. Those morons believe cows starting farting only after humans started eating them.

>> No.15582863

>The CO2 Coalition is a nonprofit advocacy organization in the United States founded in 2015.[1] Its claims conflict with the scientific consensus on climate change and it spreads misinformation about climate change.[2]

>William O'Keefe, a chief executive officer of the Marshall Institute and former CEO of the American Petroleum Institute, continued as CEO of the CO2 Coalition.

>In its first four years, the CO2 Coalition received over $1 million in contributions from foundations that support conservative cause and from energy industry officials.[4]

>In 2021 the CO2 Coalition submitted a public comment opposing climate change disclosure rules by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The Coalition asserted "There is no 'climate crisis' and there is no evidence that there will be one," and further "Carbon dioxide, the gas purported to be the cause of catastrophic warming, is not toxic and does no harm."[7] Both assertions are at odds with the scientific consensus on climate change.

>In 2023 a CO2 Coalition booth was ejected from the National Science Teaching Association annual convention. The Coalition distributed a children's comic book teaching about carbon dioxide as an essential part of life. Climate scientist Andrew Dessler said "By focusing 100 percent on this idea that plants need CO2, they’re intentionally misleading people by avoiding the real problems of CO2, which they didn’t talk about at all."[10] The Coalition also distributed a pamphlet challenging what it called "NSTA's embrace of the hypothesis of 'harmful man-made warming' despite its basis in flawed science and government opinions...."[10][11] In the contract for appearing at the convention, the organization had agreed its materials would be consistent with the NSTA position on climate change.[10]

They are shills who are paid to lie and produce propaganda.

>> No.15582870

>wikipedia scholarship
>their political enemies smeared them
wow tell me more, actual shill

>> No.15583008
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>> No.15583052
File: 92 KB, 664x504, co2trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nitrogen only makes otherwise infertile soil fertile, it does not increase the growth rate of plants the way that CO2 does

>> No.15583063

You've never even watered a plant, have you? Near my house is a corn field and it looks like the farmer hadn't some issues in one of the corners. Maybe his fertiliser ran out or he forgot It. However, the corn plants there aren't even half as tall as the rest of the field. Nitrogen has a much stronger effect than CO2 for fertilisation.

>> No.15583066

>their political enemies
Of course, everyone knows that the enemies of free encyclopaedias are the fossil fuel industry.

>> No.15583068

>Near my house is a corn field and it looks like the farmer hadn't some issues in one of the corners. Maybe his fertiliser ran out or he forgot It.
Or the ground there is in a low spot with bad drainage and the soil is waterlogged.

>> No.15583072

Nope. It's actually raised a bit and the corner is right at the edge.

>> No.15583076

your kind made everything political, including wikipedia as everyone here including you knows full well.

>> No.15583077

So it's the opposite. The area is drying out because the water runs into the lower spots in the rest of the field. If he grades the raised part down next season it should be fine.

>> No.15583088
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>> No.15583091 [DELETED] 

There was just a thread about that here with that grimace-faced chick the other day.

>> No.15583100

corners are always a problem in mechanically planted fields because the planters only work perfectly when they're moving in a straight line. when the tractor is turning weight shifts around and the seeds don't fall straight down into their chutes. people who guerilla grow marijuana target the corners of farm field for this reason, they all have open space, but they tend to be watered and fertilized just as well as the rest of the acreage

>> No.15583255 [DELETED] 

.>The jews shit my pants! I swear!

>> No.15583268

>too mad to greentext properly

>> No.15583269

aw foreskins :<

>> No.15583298


>> No.15583301

My man Mozart must've been a huge Jew

>> No.15583313

Cope harder, retard. Growing plants is much more complicated than "CO2 make plant grow good"

>> No.15583321

>Muh wikipedia is bad!
Get over it shills. You've been exposed.

>> No.15583356

If you can act that hyperbolically retarded so can I
look at this retard saying CO2 doesn't help plants grow

>> No.15583365

If you hate shills why do you like wikipedia? It's a website made for shills by shills.

>> No.15583367

>Growing plants is much more complicated than "CO2 make plant grow good"
>t. I have never grown a plant

>> No.15583369

It does in highly controlled conditions, but the vast majority of plants don't grow in highly controlled conditions. Have you ever grown a plant in your life?

>> No.15583375

I grow a portion of my own food and I've been growing plants and studying agriculture, soil science, and waste management for half a decade. Project harder.

>> No.15583379

If you hate shills why do you post their propaganda? Are you just a useful idiot that didn't bother to spend 30 seconds looking up "CO2 Coalition" when you found a graph that agreed with your beliefs?

>> No.15583383

Is truth propagandistic now? Is this one of those "hate facts" scenarios?

>> No.15583385

we don't need to have this exact same discussion again. they don't require highly controlled conditions to benefit from increased CO2. Increased CO2 increases growth speed on its own and increases a plant's tolerance for heat and direct sunlight (if it's a plant that usually wants to be in the shade)
this is not arguable and is an effect that doesn't even require adaptation, more CO2 just does that.

>> No.15583477

CO2 Coalition is not paid to spread the truth. Learn to use google.

>> No.15583480

If they're not paid to spread the truth then why are they doing it? Because what the OP is saying is objectively true.

>> No.15583485

Extra carbon dioxide does nothing in the vast majority of cases where the plant isn't getting enough of a specific nutrient or micronutrient, or not getting enough water, or getting too much water, or suffering heat stress, ect. Your reductionist argument is simply wrong.

>> No.15583486

More CO2 improves the drought-tolerance of plants and reduces heat stress.

>> No.15583491

Lol no. It's highly cherry picked and was created for the express purpose of casting doubt on the certainty of climate science in the minds of the public. Google is free.

>> No.15583492

Casting doubt on a scam is a good thing. You're not bringing up any positive arguments for your case anon.

>> No.15583493

In certain conditions, yes. That doesn't mean anything to the majority of plants.

>> No.15583495

>That doesn't mean anything to the majority of plants.
Because they're still CO2-starved due to our atmosphere being at a dangerous CO2 shortfall.

>> No.15583496

Are you a useful idiot, or are you being paid for your time?

>> No.15583497

You don't sound like you're asking that question in good faith. In fact it's question-begging, since you've already presumed that the scam you believe in must be true regardless of reality.

>> No.15583498

That is not the case.

>> No.15583501

Useful idiot, then. You should spend your energy on something else.

>> No.15583502

Objectively it is the case, because the optimal level of CO2 for most plants is between 1200 and 2000 ppm. Being at 300-400 ppm is dangerously close to a level where plant life couldn't survive.

>> No.15583503

Because we live in a free society you're allowed to believe what you want so long as you don't try and force your delusional worldview on the sane majority. Can you promise that?

>> No.15583576

That is entirely false. Carbon dioxide is not the limiting agent for the majority of plants.

>> No.15583579

Take your meds and develop informational literacy.

>> No.15583581

You may continue your samefagging and seething on a board more suited to your emotionally traumatized mind. >>>/pol/

>> No.15583582


>> No.15584159

>growing plants is hard
the plants do all the work, all you have to do is water them once in a while if it doesn't rain.
plants grow in the wilderness all by themselves with no assistance whatsoever.
growing plants isn't hard. taking credit for it when the plants do all the work is cringe, get a life

>> No.15584191

>Being at 300-400 ppm is dangerously close to a level where plant life couldn't survive.
Remember all plants on the planet being close to extinction prior to the Industrial Revolution? Me neither.

>> No.15584720

You have no idea what samefagging is. Are you a newfag or a glowie?

>> No.15584724

Cope harder, fag.

It must hurt to be this stupid. Why don't you try growing some food and come back when you have more experience on this topic.

>> No.15585211 [DELETED] 

announcing a sage is against board rules

>> No.15585277 [DELETED] 

So is telling people they're violating the rules.

>> No.15585478 [DELETED] 



>> No.15586279 [DELETED] 

no it isn't

>> No.15586333

More corn? We're all fucked!

>> No.15586727

>They are shills who are paid to lie and produce propaganda.
This, but it's just every poster on /sci/ now

>> No.15586729

Both sides point to local effects (weather) constantly.

>> No.15587047


>> No.15587199

On January 26, 2022, Crytek officially announced the start of development of Crysis 4. On May 4 it was announced that Matthias Engström has joined Crytek as Creative Director and will develop Crysis 4.

>> No.15587590

I grow all my own food, its easy. Anyone who thinks growing plants is difficult work is low IQ

>> No.15588209

Are you being obtuse on purpose? See >>15583313 for my actual statement.

>> No.15589091

>hurrrrr durrrr growing plants is hard
>thats why ppl have been doing for 10,000 years
so easy even a caveman can figure it out

>> No.15590441
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The crisis is in the imaginations of mentally ill messiah complex/munchausen by proxy cases

>> No.15591004
File: 1.32 MB, 1x1, Eschenbach-Climate-Models.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is none, global warming is fake

>> No.15591013

i dunno nigga, everything is just a "coincidence"!

>> No.15591048

>Blaming al Gore for rebranding global warming

>> No.15591069
File: 397 KB, 1170x897, march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh political party

>> No.15591096

CO2 is food for more plants. As CO2 increases, the forests grow. this is well indicated. Forest growth is off the charts, outpacing clear cutting around the world. Global temperature is driven by the sun. Humans have very little impact.
>2024 election cycle will have everyone convinced the earth is about to end because droughts and global warming
People have been well-programmed to accept climate change lies for the last couple decades. It's got longer legs than COVID ever did, and the climate change narrative is going to start running soon. I dunno how doomsday everyone is going to get, but I highly doubt the population of the US and thus the rest of the planet will do anything other than believe the narrative that's shoved down their throats to service tyrannical political agendas in direct opposition to the evidence of their own eyes.

>> No.15591144
File: 324 KB, 2324x1018, Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 6.13.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I wonder why they're comparing a regional dataset with a global parameter like CO2.
Let's see what happens when you add global temperature

>> No.15591175

>comparing a regional dataset with a global parameter like CO2.
They tried the same here: >>15574544
Funny thing there: The data they claimed shows no warming actually does show a warming trend. And the grifters quickly abandon the thread if you can show them that their own data doesn't show what they claim.

>> No.15591206

>As CO2 increases, the forests grow.
the faster plants grow, the more rapidly they evaporate moisture and evaporation is an endothermic process, so this higher growth rate of plants due to increased CO2 fraction of the atmosphere results in a cooling effect. it also results in more atmospheric water vapor, which means more clouds

>> No.15591219

That's nice fanfiction. Would be nice if true.

>> No.15591231

These freaks must get paid to do this shit, right? Just make a billion threads about how CO2 is magic plant food and actually we should be thanking oil companies and turd worlders for polluting so much.

>> No.15591243

no no no no no no you don't understand it's not like the earth's biosphere and climate have been walking hand in hand and stabilizing each other for billions of years through events as catastrophic as millennia long supervolcano eruptions and asteroid impacts, doubling CO2 levels from 200 to 400 PARTS PER MILLION is a catastrophic change that will destroy this whole system! NOW BUY MY ELECTRIC CAR AND VOTE FOR AUTHORITARIAN LEGISLATION AND PAY MORE TAXES

>> No.15591251

>everyone disagreeing with me is a shill
the cry of the actual shill

>> No.15591253

Paid Indian trolls. Don't bother.

>> No.15591258

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing. It's about spewing utter nonsense that no person with an IQ above 50 can believe. I am not sure if this even counts as trolling like 0.999... != 1.

>> No.15591266

So basically you have no argument, but everyone who disagrees with you is stupid and/or shilling and/or trolling? wow you're so reasonable

>> No.15591268

>they're cunning paid professional shills
but also
>they're laughably low iq
well which is it? can't be both

>> No.15591271

Yes. If by "disagreeing" you mean crazy shit like that the earth is flat, then you are stupid, shilling or trolling. There's no other possibility.

>> No.15591278

nobody here said the earth is flat, though? Stop having a meltdown because people disagree with you. It's childish.

>> No.15591287
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>It's childish.
all people who believe in global warming are childish

>> No.15591292
File: 700 KB, 240x122, 1599776419718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denier brainlet
>pixelated jpegs taken from Facebook
>is a failenheit mutt

The pottery

>> No.15591304

Right. It's even more absurd than that:
>the faster plants grow, the more rapidly they evaporate moisture and evaporation is an endothermic process, so this higher growth rate of plants due to increased CO2 fraction of the atmosphere results in a cooling effect. it also results in more atmospheric water vapor, which means more clouds
Locally, the earth looks flat. In no way you could look at the earth does it look cooling.

>> No.15591310

everything in that post is factually true, though? You're basically admitting you know nothing about how plantlife works

>> No.15591332
File: 3.34 MB, 5472x3648, YFS2UNC6CJE5RMPEX4JVCHJ3BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming is real
>also some women have penises

>> No.15591377

But the earth isn't cooling. You can collect a bunch of true factoids and still be wrong about the general idea.

>> No.15591421
File: 106 KB, 927x912, 95 degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earth isn't cooling

>> No.15593294

>Imagine being this retarded
So you think CO2 is all plants need to grow and they'll double in size as soon as they get it? Never mind about water, nutrients, micronutrients, soil microbes, ect., you think growing plants is as simple as "CO2 make plant grow good"?

You have never grown a plant in your life.