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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 390x219, superconductor_levitation_main_ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15591112 No.15591112 [Reply] [Original]


Looking forward to magnetic drag sails made of room temperature superconducting wire to decelerate nuclear fusion-propelled ark ships taking colonists to Alpha Centauri.

>> No.15591117

fake and gay

>> No.15591119

>whole page repeating the previous articles like a parrot
can someone PLEASE replicate the results?

>> No.15591249

no levitation video = bs

>> No.15591262


>> No.15591270


>> No.15591273


>> No.15591299

I'm going to replicate this. Anyone have ideas on how to increase the max current through this?

>> No.15591311

oh boy the local candlemaker is sure to have his hands full with this one. grandkids will pay more in taxes than i see, you rest yourself assured

>> No.15591319

make the film thinner but spread over a larger area

>> No.15591337

it hit the bump limit

>> No.15591342

maybe dope it? idk

>> No.15591349

Sex androids

>> No.15591351

Dubs and it's real

>> No.15591362


>> No.15591366

Apparently the first author is CEO of some company doing super-conductor shit

>> No.15591367

stick your dick in it

>> No.15591371

everybody keeps saying its so easy to replicate

then replicate it you faggots

the govt probably already has, and its a fake

>> No.15591375

is this good or bad?

>> No.15591379

Two more weeks

>> No.15591400

relatively easy to replicate. still has a couple days worth of time baking things, and it takes time to set everything up right.

>> No.15591439

Did you guys know that SU-CON are doing preliminary testings on these?

>> No.15591448

I'm familiar with deez nuts, I use them all the time.

>> No.15591460

Sounds great. This will make it a lot easier and cheaper to make a time machine.

>> No.15591481

digits and its fake. This will be the seventh time /sci/ has fallen for this ruse cruise, and we've become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.15591497

>can someone PLEASE replicate the results
No. I literally have the lead, copper, acids, vacuum chamber and heating apparatus up to 1800 in my garage.

But I'm not wasting time on Korean 'science' ever again.

>> No.15591499

You don’t have and can’t get the phosphorus. Stop lying to everyone.

>> No.15591504

korea shamefur

>> No.15591508

he's struggling with the mortar and pestle part

>> No.15591510

reason for faking it? they'd come out with a process that would take way longer or be more involved if they need to buy dupe time.
not saying it's surely real, it's just that I can't find anything obvious as it being fake.

>> No.15591521

Your meth lab doesn't count, Cletus.

>> No.15591527

It could be the final stage of some much more elaborate con that wasn't really in public eye until this stage and the authors have already got the money and disappeared, but I have no idea what that could be and it seems like quite a stretch.

>> No.15591529

SU-CON can SUCK-ON muh dick, if you catch my drift

>> No.15591538

then you either hire a mind reader either you are waiting for the replication results.

>> No.15591539

>be retard
>measure something believing it's something else
>repeat measurement 100 times, yep, you're still not understanding what you're measuring
>omg it's a huge discovery, confirmed it!

>> No.15591555

Put a hundrad amp breaker on her, it'll do just fine

>> No.15591566


>> No.15591571

>EM drive
>FtL neutrinos
>Venus atmosphere biosignatures
I sleep

>> No.15591581

>All these retards desperate for it not to be real
4chan has rotten your brain and made you mistake pessimism for skepticism

>> No.15591584

I don't want it to be real because on review of what could be accomplished with actual RMAP superconductors is scary

>> No.15591607

Too late little one

>> No.15591629
File: 58 KB, 234x215, 1688967309393742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain that to me as if I were a girl.

>> No.15591637

Hush, the men are talking.

>> No.15591638
File: 153 KB, 850x1202, sample_b61af162143bd1d7d19ccec9aa18f954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15591639

as real as blue cats

>> No.15591664
File: 52 KB, 750x500, 0F2E506C-0AB6-40CA-A182-2D233C2C2982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15591679


>> No.15591682

fake confirmed.
now gooks are known for 1. bad music 2. fake science

>> No.15591705

everything done or can be done by electromagnets or antenna.
super efficient generators, powerful electric motors, coilguns/railguns, magnetic imaging, etc. Just direct drive electric motors, even. Magnetic levitation- cheap, self-stable, efficient. It could replace ball bearings, and even simple springs, and those advantages would seep into almost everything we do.
And then there's every corner of electrical distribution, transformers, and storage. Massive gains everywhere.

I don't think superconductors on their own would be that pragmatic for computing, but some electronics could be drastically improved, and I don't know anything about quantum computing so I have no idea there. There's a whole world of new electronics that people will be able create with RTAP superconductors, though. It's hard to fully wrap your head around how far you can exploit something that is a zero resistance conductor, just no voltage drop, when it comes to electronics.

>> No.15591707
File: 2.48 MB, 1488x2105, patra jyaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/irgin here
If this is real, does that mean better batteries?
Right now most battery based devices i use suck because of how often they need to be charged

>> No.15591712

we can get IRL wipeout hover racing

>> No.15591713

WTF is that real?

>> No.15591721

crab bucket

>> No.15591724
File: 399 KB, 1600x1600, 1685759598228127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also means that better onaholes can be made
imagine an onahole with a superconductor and electromagnet.
with the electromagnet, you are able to program it to your dick's content. this means that an anime girl's hip movements can be replicated with an onahole - vibrations and all.
the future has came.

/sci/, i need your imagination. what coom tech can be made with superconductors?

>> No.15591726

The benefit of a superconductor battery would be instant charge the moment you plug it in. Also negligible heat generation. I'm not sure about how much charge it could store though.

>> No.15591733

It's suspicious. How much voltage is being carried thru the cooper pair. Where is the proof the material was heated to 127 C

>> No.15591740


>> No.15591747

Why would an electromagnet be needed for that tho
also you can already fuck anime girls in VR if you want.
The only unique coom tech that could be possible with this imo is maybe an electric onahole that lasts longer than 30 minutes
Mine dies very quickly and i can never cum using it
Well, i hope its better than what we have now

>> No.15591750

>super AI will be made running at terahertz and petahertz
>transhumanism will advance from butchery to full control over your appearance
>race and sex will cease to exist, all will be reduced to aesthetics
>between superintelligent AI and alien disclosure, christfags will finally cease to exist
>energy crisis solved
>fusion energy can finally be made, destroying oilfags forever
h+ bros... we're coming home. what augmentations are you going to get? i'm going to become strong

>> No.15591753

Advances in cooming technology will probably come through quantum computing rather than superconductors directly. You could run extremely powerful AIs on your phone and there's no end to the custom tailored fap material you could conjure up. As far as engineering advances in pocket pussy tech? I can't think of anything that superconductors specifically will help out with that. Other than the general boost that all electrical design will get. Maybe you could set an AI to come up with better material, I don't know.

>> No.15591758

>fix my NW2 hairline
>robotic joints so I'm never in pain and can do any physical activity without fear
>supertasting, why the hell not
>perfect pitch

I think that covers it

>> No.15591759

It's not even about quantum computing, it's being able to run shit at 1000 times the speed with NO heat dissipation or heat constraints on IC design. even a classical computer could blow human brains the fuck out by sheer scale and speed. A retard who can think at one trillion times the speed of a human being is the smartest person on earth.

>> No.15591763

i'm going to get whatever upgrades allow me to skateboard forever and never hurt myself from bailing. also new spine

>> No.15591774

I'll take this technology and kill you h+ fags with it before you can deal your damage

>> No.15591781

This is how it will happen: AI will be used to decode genetic sequences and find the genetic causes for intelligence. Then AI will suggest mutations to increase intelligence. We will observe those mutations in the experimental humans, see what worked, then repeat. Essentially artificial selection but for humans. After a few decades, we will be able to consistently create 200 IQ humans without the mental illness side effects. Then these humans will be made to study various fields of science and math until they advance our knowledge even further, especially as it relates to artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, and we will keep playing the artificial selection game. DNA is magical, there is no limit to what it can do. Our ultimate goal as a species is none other than to understand what we are so that we may overcome ourselves.

>> No.15591783

Anything that isn't immortality isn't a real augmentation

>> No.15591788

pretty sure this isn't the case. nothing about superconductors is going to improve clock speeds, and while heat generation does mean energy has to be spent on cooling, it's not like that has stopped us, we just cool it

>> No.15591789

It would allow many battery-dependent tools to perform the same function while using less power.

>> No.15591790

>tfw too intelligent to have sex with the anons who finally became the anime girl (biological)
I want to explore the stars and observe the universe bros, i hope i get to do it. Just sailing out and enjoying our universe for what it is and gaining greater understanding of it

>> No.15591794

If we have supertasting we should also get supershitting, no?
>perfect, dense, no-wipe shits every time.

>> No.15591795

You can change the reality with your subconscious, so Christ's followers are right.

>> No.15591797

> i hope i get to do it
You will. We all will. Physicalism implies open individualism.

>> No.15591801

>I want to explore the stars and observe the universe
It's just rocks and gas

>> No.15591829

>he doesn't want to check out cool rocks and gas

>> No.15591835

We have rocks and gas at home.

>> No.15591838
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1333, b3c40dd03c56dd783b0aeb65dfd710ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocks and gas are pretty cool.

>> No.15591855

Best I can do is a pod and daily ration of bug mac

>> No.15591867

So is the Earth.

>> No.15591869

Striker matchbox pads are red phosphorus + glass shards. Get an aqueous solution to 2 g/cm^3 and you could separate the two by flotation for an impure source

>> No.15591874

The Earth contains Man, which is the only thing of interest in this entire galaxy.

>> No.15591947
File: 396 KB, 1443x2048, Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Aalya-san2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know who i should follow that's currently trying to reproduce the superconductor?
i'm still not seeing tweets from the well-known garage chemistry youtubers (from the top of my head) about this

>> No.15591990
File: 531 KB, 906x2634, 1664510447866127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile a twitter user creates the most convoluted story in their head to justify how sketchy the paper looks

>> No.15592004

Earth has pussy and beverages. and trees. I fucking love trees.
but going to another solar system, terraforming a promising planet and building your own women and beverages is also a very interesting option.
what's the closest planet that requires the minimum amount of terraforming?

>> No.15592005

>room temperature
>literally 2 degrees above absolute zero
>made with materials literally anyone could reasonably have in their garage
stop reposting this garbage, and shill elsewhere.

>> No.15592009


>> No.15592018

Its real

>> No.15592023

Ya I don't think that's how any of that works

>> No.15592026

I desperately want this to be real. If it is Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico could power the entire United States without the need for us to burn another lump of coal ever again.
But I'm very concerned that it hasn't been replicated yet.

>> No.15592028

dumbass lmao

>> No.15592027

Least delusional bloomer on /sci/

>> No.15592032

Because /sci/ discovered you /redditors/ posting screenshots of Princeton students who only have a bachelor's degree in physics and treating these students as experts.

>> No.15592039

Holy headcanon

>> No.15592043

Extremely skeptical that South Korean presidents since the year 1999 were never notified of Lee and Kim's semiconductor.

>> No.15592050
File: 127 KB, 355x563, 1639131752936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips and its the real deal and all jannys kill themselves

>> No.15592054
File: 97 KB, 2000x1123, 550096-youtube_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the sk presidents have been cult puppets and murdered...im not lying anon :(

>> No.15592056

No more fucking around, dubs and this is as real as it gets.

>> No.15592065

Just checked /biz/ archives and turns out iPhone trannies like this poster here are responsible for spamming these semiconductor threads on almost every 4chan board. No wonder why every post related to these Korean semiconductors sounded like they were made by cryptocurrency shills; just /biz/ crossboarders spamming /sci/.

>> No.15592077

discord trannies have been brigading the whole website for years now. they sell perception management for PR companies and fortune 500 companies, eg. trannie jannies in collusion with a core group of nolifers who spam4estrogen polluted most of the blue boards. red boards move too quickly and they get gore spammed out, but more people visit the blue boards over the course of a month so it's smarter advertising anyway.

>> No.15592111

>people are excited and coming to the relevant board about what might or might not be one of the biggest breakthroughs ever

You actually need medication

>> No.15592119


Nice try but these dubs confirm this is fake and gay but alien disclosure tomorrow will give us real room temp superconductors

>> No.15592123

shut the fuck up tranny, go back

>> No.15592131

Never send a boy to do a man's job

>> No.15592135

Korean math and science is very poor.

>As of April 2023, only one Korean has become a Nobel laureate: South Korean President Kim Dae-jung. Kim was awarded the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to push for national reconciliation between the divided Koreas during a summit meeting in Pyongyang.


>> No.15592139

Having trannies on the mind 24/7 is not good for you

>> No.15592144

From everything I've read, it seems like opinions range from "It can't be true" to "It's definitely true" with people who actually know about it saying "We'll have to try to replicate it and see what happens"

>> No.15592148

We could have man in other planets, and eventually we could have derivatives of man, after that we could have those derivatives wage cosmic scale wars with each other

>> No.15592156

but people who "actually know" are saying "It can't be true" while refusing to replicate it

>> No.15592158

Which scientists are you seeing dismiss it outright?

>> No.15592159

My team has been working on this shit for a week just in case, basically everyone is skeptical given the barebones manufacturing protocol. No superconductivity found in any of the test samples, but higher ups want it bulletproof before we start calling bullshit. I mean come on, the paper references the fucking hydrogen sulfide scam as if it were real. No responses from the paper's authors for clarification on methodology.

Give it a month.

>> No.15592161

only a retard would waste time trying to replicate some Charlatan fake paper garbage

>> No.15592167

Bullshit, the paper wasn't even submitted til the 22nd

>> No.15592169

the paper was posted sunday, shut up larper fuck

>> No.15592172

What do you gain by releasing a paper that can be disproven in a week? If it's fake all of them are frauds and their careers are over (hopefully).

>> No.15592177

Could be a legitimate mistake

>> No.15592180


And I'm sure all the Jewish laureates are just proof that they're about twenty standard deviations above the rest of mankind

>> No.15592181

I guess it could be legitimately diamagnetic and they misinterpreted other data. In that case they shouldn't suffer.

>> No.15592183


That would be an absurd mistake, unless they wrote a paper about how to not make a superconductor and asked chatgpt to translate it from moonrunes to human.

>> No.15592185

It's a bit over half a week, you round up. Feels longer when you're working on snake oil bullshit.

If you come out and say "lol bullshit" and then they turn around and go "oh wait we meant X" and it works, you go down as a laughing stock. They're probably trying to pump some kind of scam before the refutations start.

>> No.15592186

ask guys like >>15592159 who posts stuff that can be disproven instantly

>> No.15592188


>> No.15592192

It's over half way to your bed time chop chop

>> No.15592193

>If you come out and say "lol bullshit" and then they turn around and go "It's a bit over half a week, you round up."

>> No.15592196

>That would be an absurd mistake,
Remember in 2011 when CERN said they detected faster than light nutrinos? Mistakes get made.

>> No.15592200

>we followed the instructions and could not replicate your results
oh wait we meant X
>okay, we followed the instructions amended to include X and can now replicate your results, cool
How does that make anyone a laughing stock?

>> No.15592204

>and can now replicate your results
Making a lot of assumption there

>> No.15592206
File: 388 KB, 180x90, 1604344492948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i get no digits its real
no dubs, trips, or anything
if i get any digits not only is this fake and gay but so am i

>> No.15592210
File: 54 KB, 1242x861, zkaufucxr0ab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real yet unreal

>> No.15592212

OK then
>we tried X and still can't replicate
still no problem. You don't directly call bullshit, you just factually state the failure to replicate.
And if their instructions were missing steps/generally shit but it does eventually work after X+Y+Z, great. No-one will blame you for not mindreading.

>> No.15592214

I set a buy order for IONQ in the morning, based on this anon's post >>15591366 and this article https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ionq-and-south-koreas-q-center-announce-three-year-quantum-alliance-301210585.html

>> No.15592225

Since every single claim of a room temperature superconductor previously announced has either been found to be fake, wrong or required extreme high pressure it is perfectly normal to be sceptical. However in this groups favour they have at least provided the instructions to build the material allowing other teams to try and reproduce of their results. Time will tell.

>> No.15592227

need to know.

>> No.15592231

thanks for being liquidity

>> No.15592232

Based exit liquidity provider

>> No.15592234

>2 is over half of 7

>> No.15592238

>not very pedigreed autists
lmao. any /biz/frogs here? what's the playbook?

>> No.15592274

>all is washed away by the equivalent of a cosmic hiccup and you're left there wondering if it was wise to become an evolutionary dead end detached from the surrounding environment out of spite, as the dead, unresponsive upgrades remind you of the void you've tried to fill during your final hours.

>> No.15592298

Just woke up, anything new? Status?

>> No.15592299

2 more weeks

>> No.15592304

The paper is still shit.

>> No.15592306

the hopium is wearing off, and copium is taking over

>> No.15592313

People are realizing there's more ways to make a thing float over a thing that looks like a magnet than inventing an exotic material with an oven an a vacuum pump

>> No.15592318

copper has mooned for no particular reason

>> No.15592319

Skepticism is good but when you're fucking spamming like a attention deprived woman its just annoying.

>> No.15592320

>worth less than it was 10 days ago

>> No.15592335

Please understand they have to validate how heckin smart and educated they are on the social medias

>> No.15592342

>its fake: oh well, kinda odd they did it for something relatively easy to replicate
>its true: Hory shieet

I will just wait and see. I will note that it seems some of these passionate deboonkers (without arguments or evidence) have that classic reddit smarm.

>> No.15592349
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>> No.15592350

Hi /pol/

>> No.15592351

>boring happy ending

>> No.15592359
File: 27 KB, 371x385, 12591695151655126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>felt so called out he replied.
I fucking love science.,,

>> No.15592362

It’s /pol/ nigga, they’re all attention whores

>> No.15592365

there are no technological solutions to societal problems
society is shit now and will still be shit with superconductors, except it will be possible to beam thoughts into NPCs heads and such

>> No.15592366

/pol/ is entirely brown, white supremacist women (male). I believe it.

>> No.15592370

Just because you’re unable to visualize anything but shit doesn’t mean everything is shit you miserable fag

>> No.15592381

>I will just stay here in my head imagining an orderly and benign universe and pretend everything's fine outside
you do you, I guess

>> No.15592386

Based pointless doomer putting words in my mouth I said it’s not all shit not that everything is good and fine, pull your head out of your ass and stop watching the 24/7 news feed for a while

>> No.15592387
File: 55 KB, 660x574, 297E0007-5C55-4BF1-B247-E7FD43BD79D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life is fine and I'm happy

>> No.15592390

of course it's not all shit you moron, stop trying to strawman me
just that the way things are set up, any new tech will be a force multiplier for those who already have force

>> No.15592394

>society is shit now and will still be shit
Forgetful now?

>> No.15592402

have you considered suicide bro lol

>> No.15592406

>he wants it so hard to be fake because he thinks big bad boogeyman
this is so rich I think he would want to eat his palpable schizophrenia

>> No.15592411

Honestly I’m just tired of people here mistaking misanthropy for skepticism

>> No.15592425
File: 241 KB, 1307x1348, 1683534888834432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to know tomorrow if this is real or not.

>> No.15592431

This is the greatest thing I'll be alive to see (next to Bitcoin and ZK computing).

>> No.15592433

Check the Copium from the semiconductor researchers. Despite all your MBE technology, the largest discovery of modern materials science uses a solid state route.

>> No.15592438
File: 155 KB, 610x388, 40EDCB5C-67C4-4432-9EC7-C4FA5239B764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592439
File: 187 KB, 1081x1080, westworld-season-3-1526949994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean humanoid robots are finally feasible?
>tiny electric motors with mind bending efficiency
>no excess heat generated
>no cooling process needed

>> No.15592440

...they already are? This is big for batteries and energy in general

>> No.15592442
File: 111 KB, 1258x936, F2A1nYNWEAEY53e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592443

I meant 1:1 humanoid robots, not teslabot stumbling massive joints nonsense.

>> No.15592444

Thread theme:

>> No.15592447
File: 180 KB, 340x482, 1678673855360060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so the exponential growth begins.

>> No.15592450

If we can scale this shit, then every insane sci-fi concept at least has the power supply covered. Besides FTL I guess.

>> No.15592455


>> No.15592469
File: 68 KB, 632x525, resistivity-vs-temp-kl99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the resistivity with noise signals can be regarded as zero
why can I get four-point-probe resisitivity data of copper in the range of [math]10^{-9}\Omega\mathrm{m} [/math] but here it is only in the range of [math]10^{-4}\Omega\mathrm{m} [/math]. Copper would be also near zero in this graph

>> No.15592480

> mnothing about superconductors is going to improve clock speeds,
It will on mobile devices that have very limited thermal dissipation/cooling and battery life. A nintendo switch chipset could be clocked 10x higher, say.

>> No.15592482

This poster takes estrogen.

>> No.15592486

Why is it always trannies?

>> No.15592489

Not to mention making sure you're following their procedure, documenting it, and even just interpreting the gook engrish.

>> No.15592490

They literally can't stand their own bodies, that's why they have to cope with meme drugs and plastics.

>> No.15592493

So this but you except mentally?

>> No.15592494

The South Koreans already have one pretty brutal scientific fraud incident. Faking superconductors would be a rounding error.

>> No.15592498

It would be suicidally stupid to publish this when there’s already one study that’s being shit all over for being fake and be trying to fake it too

>> No.15592500

>So this but you except mentally?
Extremely spergtastic post.

>> No.15592504

And crying about trannies on /sci/ isnt?

>> No.15592505

>>race and sex will cease to exist, all will be reduced to aesthetics
You and your whole dumbfuck family deserves to get the shit beaten out of them.

>> No.15592507
File: 3.24 MB, 2000x2500, cyberpunk skyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it probably isn't true
I know we probably won't have this technology for another fifty years
But how often do we get to be excited about something?

>> No.15592510

Gonna keep spazing out about dicks?

>> No.15592514

Can we have one single thread without retards sperging that everyone they dont like is a tranny

>> No.15592516

>quacks like a duck
>is a duck
>why are you calling me a duck

>> No.15592517

No unfortunately retards can use the internet now

>> No.15592519

Yes you are retarded, why?

>> No.15592522

$10 says if the results are positive then people are gonna cry “ITS TWITTER” and refuse to accept it

>> No.15592523

I doubt most of you even possess qualia. Your minds are complete FILTH. Not a single inspiring, insightful, or original thing goes through your minds. I'd slaughter most of you without a single shred of remorse. Insipid, uninspired, soulless trash. I'd save a hummingbird's life before your shit children.

>> No.15592528

I love triggered scizos, they just start breaking out Latin and act like they’re 15th century alchemists on the cusp of glory or something and not 30 year olds to lost in delusions of grandeur to realize they’ve failed at life and are screaming about trannies on a Mongolian basket weaving fourm

>> No.15592531

You are an oversocialized cretin that most likely would not have survived without modern medical intervention.
Slit your fucking throat, zoomer shithead.

>> No.15592532

I’ll reconstruct and cybernetically enhance myself until I become some inhuman freak and love every second of it

>> No.15592533
File: 2.32 MB, 3840x2160, Tron.Legacy.2010.Open.Matte.PROPER.HDR-X.DV.HDR10+.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-TEKNO3D.mkv_snapshot_01.30.45.670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone will need to livestream the entire creation process before the skeptics accept anything.

>> No.15592534
File: 71 KB, 510x412, 8BF8B926-B961-42A0-A199-CED13CF88964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single inspiring, insightful, or original thing goes through your minds
>he says as he posts nothing but the most hateful vile shit online about gays Jews and trannies, calling everyone who disagrees with him subhumans worthy of death

>> No.15592536
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>> No.15592541

The inability to self reflect is a serious sign of poor mental health

>> No.15592543

imagine being so unlikable you think it's everyone else's fault

>> No.15592544

Based human optimist

>> No.15592552

I believe in him

>> No.15592556
File: 96 KB, 1320x660, grizwald_family_vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.

Actual conductor here, I can assure you this is absolutely not how the science works out. This is just redd*t shenanigan havers disregarding their typical ethical approach to scientific hoopty with their latest blackout.
I also know plenty of directors and conductors and none of this even makes any sense to them either.
Refer to pic related. That's all LK-99 is, and producing it is the same process that gives us popcorn flavor.

>> No.15592559

>Actual conductor here
Honestly I’d believe the scizo more than you

>> No.15592561

Anon, are you forgetting that the sled actually worked?

>> No.15592563

go back

>> No.15592566
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>> No.15592570

>Only $10
Probably smart, they're betting right now and the odds don't look good.

>> No.15592573

I have never seen a poster say "il bite" and not think they were a fucking redditor, I would like to add this to the record sirs.

>> No.15592574

Would bet $125 that it's not real

>> No.15592576

Hello I live rent free in your head, this place is disgusting

>> No.15592577


>> No.15592581

I love being right, it honestly feel like cheating but it’s just basic pattern recognition

>> No.15592583

Two more weeks.

>> No.15592584

reddit confirmed, not even worth the (you)

>> No.15592585

This is /sci/ you retards the /k/ thread isn’t even up anymore get your script straight

>> No.15592587
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I think the most interesting thing about all of this is how nobody seems to know one way or the other if this is outwardly bullshit.
If this were some flying-in-the-face-of-physics kind of scam, then I would expect to see physicists on Twitter tearing the very premise of such simple construction for a room temperature superconductor.
Instead, if you skip past the pop-sci and doomer accounts, you find very credible people shrugging their shoulders and going
>idk I mean MAYBE it's some other unknown physical phenomenon but it sure does look like superconductivity
>We just have to wait for replication to see
Like if someone came to you and said that they made a fully-functioning internal combustion engine out of macaroni noodles and chewing gum, you'd rightly laugh in their face and dismiss the concept entirely.
But that's not happening here.
There's something real going on, and everyone with a name is too scared to be the first one to break the silence and declare magic.

>> No.15592589

The biggest thing in this stuffs favor is what kind of retard would publish this right after someone else faked it and is being crucified for it?

>> No.15592592

Trannyhumanists aren't capable of self-reflection, they reject the body and worship Geist.

>> No.15592593

either this guy is a bot or he's actually idiotic enough to not know that he's in /sci/ and not /k/

>> No.15592594

Based what now?

>> No.15592595

Based scizo, keep rambling

>> No.15592597

You smell like fear

>> No.15592598

You stupid dysgenic zoomer icchantika trash. Emptiness is form, form is emptiness. Kys and take your Discord circles with you.

>> No.15592600

Honestly this smells of chat gtp scizo posting

>> No.15592601

Not only that, but if you believe this guy
Then they are actively fighting for publication rights because everyone involved vehemently believes that a nobel prize is going to be awarded for this.

>> No.15592604

There's nothing "scizo" about wanting biodiversity and two sexes you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.15592606

>I also know plenty of directors and conductors
I see what you did there

>> No.15592608

I think I should eat you alive in one vore-alicious gulp. I am a dominant life form.

>> No.15592609

Lmao look inward and realize you’re arguing with someone not even remotely taking you seriously, about a subject that has nothing to do with the thread, and realize you’ve become unhealthy obsessed

Or just spew out another one line scizo insult

>> No.15592610
File: 217 KB, 946x2048, F1_wOfmacAAEOqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get back on topic holy fuck


>> No.15592615

Either they’re all absolutely retarded or KNOW it works

>> No.15592618

They claim they knew it works back in 1999.

>> No.15592619

>unqualified people shouldn’t try this
Yeah no shit?

>> No.15592621

So what they were just waiting on material science to catch up with their theory?

>> No.15592623

Nah. The main guy quit because he couldn't make tenure.

>> No.15592625

>lead is like SUPER dangerous and definitely don't look into this any further YAWN is anyone else sleepy right now?

>> No.15592627

>Lmao look inward and realize you’re arguing with someone not even remotely taking you seriously
You have no qualia. You're the most hyper conformist generation of your race yet driven by psychopathic hive-mind tendencies that fuels your narcissism. You're insentient garbage, I would still recommend even now putting the knife to your throat.

>> No.15592629
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>> No.15592631

That guy wrote this email as he was furiously gathering as much red phosphorous as he could.

>> No.15592633

Yeah this is just a bot, he’s repeating himself too much, who the fuck says qualia

>> No.15592635

So what he just tried again later?

>> No.15592637

It is my duty as a white man to fucking vore you! Come here you inferior specimen, scientifically speaking.....

>> No.15592638

Yes, 24 years later.

>> No.15592643
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>could have published this in Nature three years ago
>we could already be three years into the game
I fucking hate academia so much it's unreal.

>> No.15592646

How to make, according to the paper:

> Get PbO, PbSO_{4}, Cu, and P.

> Make Lanarkite Pb{2}(SO{4})O = PbO + Pb(SO_{4}),

> Mix PbO and Pb(SO_{4}) powders in a ceramic crucible at molar ratio 1:1.

> Heat in a furnace at 725°C for 24 hours in the presence of air.

> Make Cu_{3}P crystals.
> Mix Cu and P powders in a crucible at molar ratio 3:1.

> Seal in a crystal tube of 20 cm per gram with a vacuum of 10{-3} torr.

> Heat in a furnace at 550°C for 48 hours.

> Obtain Pb{10-x}Cu{x}(PO{4}){6}O.
> Ground Lanarkite and Cu_{3}P crystals to powder. Mix in a crucible.

> Seal in a crystal tube of a vacuum of 10{-3} torr.

> Heat in a furnace at 925°C for 5-20 hours. The sulfur element present in PbSO_{4} was evaporated during the reaction.

So around 4 days to make samples, confirmations or refutations incoming soon ...

>> No.15592649

>So around 4 days to make samples
In that case we're looking at Saturday for a go/no-go, assuming a best-case scenario where someone got on this immediately on the 25th.

>> No.15592655

>YAWN is anyone else sleepy right now?
Unironically 4:00AM where i live.

>> No.15592660

Same here, but I would rather stay awake a while longer and enjoy the final hours before the world changes.

>> No.15592661

>dont try to replicate it bro it uses LEAD it could be DEADLY bro it might be ILLEGAL bro
Reeks of soi.

>> No.15592664
File: 75 KB, 1716x1186, THE-FINAL-SOLUTION-TO-THE-SKEPTIC-QUESTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is retardly fucking simple and easily scalable
i have an engineering degree.
SEAnigger here, it's afternoon here
i've found a guy who's going all in in reproducing
they're preparing the equipment right now
they've been practicing sealing quartz vacuum tubes

>> No.15592665

$2000 that it's a scam

>> No.15592666

This is truly a terrible paper.

1a/c) shows the critical current of the sample, which does resemble a typical IV curve for a superconductor. The trouble is that the typical critical currents are on the order of 100-1000+ A/cm2, much much higher than here. Next, why only 6 data points?!? Measurement is automated, record the data at equally spaced values in temperature/magnetic field and build a phase diagram. Even a first year university students would take more data point

1b) shows the resistivity at some unknown temperature. They are applying current and measuring no potential drop. Just what? First, state the temperature, next measure it as a function of temperature. At the critical temperature the resistance drops to zero. All they have shown is that the contact inputting the current is probably disconnected

1d) shows the DC magnetisation. In the superconducting state, the sample is diamagnetic and should screen all external magnetic fields. This is a bulk crystalline sample, it should screen all the applied field, so the FC line should be 0. Additionally, the signal is extremely tiny compared to known superconductors, this could lineup with superconductivity being weak i.e. only a tiny part of the sample is superconducting, but it doesn’t really make sense

1e/f) There are standard fits to the critical current, this doesn’t look like it follows in, and even if it doesn’t, an attempt should be made to fit to known theory

2/3) are sample information, I don’t know what EPR is so can’t comment, but given I have not seen this before it’s not really a standard technique to identify/characterise superconductivity.

4) shows the heat capacity of the sample. The interesting thing about superconductors is that when they go into the superconducting state, a gap opens and so there is a jump in the heat capacity. They make no attempt to even measure this, so this figure is pointless.

tldr; I would bet my life savings that this is not a superconductor.

>> No.15592668

It’s really easy to be pessimistic isn’t it?

>> No.15592669

go away satan
post reprods or gtfo

>> No.15592670
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>> No.15592672

>final hours
is something supposed to be happening in the next few hours?

>> No.15592674

>hear about thing
>post on /sci/ about science thing

Guess you need to leave too since you are some brand of /pol/ tourist

>> No.15592675
File: 54 KB, 1024x663, 1684733555327124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affraid Satan?

>> No.15592676

Perhaps I should have said final days.
Either way, we're approaching a point of no return.
It's not often you're forewarned about these kinds of these, they typically just kind of happen.

>> No.15592677

>It will destroy Korean reputations
Koreas reputation is absolute horseshit. They have nothing to lose from endorsement and nobody has the balls to call them out anyway even in 2023.

>> No.15592679

The individuals you retard

>> No.15592682

What would the point be of ruining life long careers with a fake during a period when people are hyper sensitive about super conductor fakes?

>> No.15592683
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>> No.15592686
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>room temperature superconductors that no one can replicate

I hate reruns


Maybe he should try gathering Red Mercury and summoning a jinn because that's probably more likely to produce a legit room temp superconductor

>> No.15592687

Added to grudgepost list

>> No.15592689

You posted this on /k/
Go be an attention whore elsewhere

>> No.15592690

This is the same superconductor GE and probably rest of the auto industry discovered in the 80s and then buried

>> No.15592691

>1b) shows the resistivity at some unknown temperature.

>> No.15592693

>that no one can replicate
There literally has not been enough time to replicate it yet.

>> No.15592694

No one can answer this without insane leaps in logic

>> No.15592696

>violate laws
What laws, nigga, this is grinding lead and copper and heating them up to less than 1000C

>> No.15592697

go back satan

>> No.15592698

As usual, pajeets have set the whole society back by years

>> No.15592700

Fucking kek, goteem

>> No.15592701

Kill all redditors in real life, brutally with medieval methods.

>> No.15592702

They might genuinely believe it's a SC and want confirmation from others either because of self-delusion or a lack of expertise. These guys aren't physicists, they are engineers. Or of course it's just a scam.

>> No.15592703

>doesn't have 500 gallons of aged and distilled piss at the ready
ywn have a Philosopher's stone

>> No.15592704

99% of 4ch use reddit, it's not exactly an insult.

>> No.15592705

About half the people ITT are too young to even realize this shit has happened before. People are not REMOTELY "hyper sensitive" and there won't be a thread in the catalogue next week for the "I believed another fraud paper" crowd either.

>> No.15592706

I'll bet my whole month income that this is wrong, by taking a personal loan.

>> No.15592708

You. Oth certainly seem to WANT it to not be real, why?

>> No.15592710
File: 158 KB, 595x787, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tldr; I would bet my life savings that this is not a superconductor.
Go ahead, you can bet on polymarket. Post a receipt.

>> No.15592712

We know this pretend fellow oldfag, but your 4chan larp post doesn't mean that these guys won't be fucked fucked for life after this if their shit is a fake.

>> No.15592713

it seems that if you're worried about getting scooped then you're confident that there's something there. honestly a waste of time to cook up a theory of room temperature superconductivity if you have a working room temperature superconductor.

>> No.15592714

>Or of course it's just a scam

>> No.15592716

>no one can replicate
Authors literally urge everyone to replicate them, the process is ridiculously simple and some people are already live-tweeting their process

>> No.15592718

okay now I REALLY want it to be true. Team gook over repulsive reptilian kike any day of the week.

>> No.15592719
File: 208 KB, 800x894, Periodic_table_with_superconducting_temperatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in the yellow-highlighted elements in the periodic table

>> No.15592721

The lead author is the CEO of a company working on super conductors.

>> No.15592723

So they’re tank their company by visibly making a fake, telling everyone to follow their recipe, for what reason?

>> No.15592724

I'm not sure who are the people fudding this, I have three categories in mind. Pajeets doing it to support their scammer that got BTFO. Jews because jews(picrel). Or just depressed doomers who only feel pleasure when delivering bad news to other people.

>> No.15592725
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>Or of course it's just a scam.
Let's say it's a scam.
The following things are therefore true.
>They decided to scam with THE material science unicorn
>They ignored the recent retraction / public shaming for a fraudulent paper and did it anyway
>They chose to use a methodology that is simple enough for random people on twitter to reproduce in a matter of days, not obfuscating their scam through impossible methods
What's the benefit for them if this IS a scam?

>> No.15592726

The fuck we do. Feel free to fuck off back there if you love it so mich, though.

>> No.15592728

pump and dump scheme.

>> No.15592729

What is their company, is it even publically traded? Let's see the chart please

>> No.15592731

>destroy an entire company you’ve built
>insanely visibly
>using the unicorn of material science
>destroying a 30 year career
>just to make a few extra bucks
Like I said, only retarded leaps of logic

>> No.15592732

holy jew lol

>> No.15592734

I'd send him a picture of my dick balls deep in cast lead bullets (condom on, of course)

>> No.15592735

Let's see their ticker

>> No.15592737

>ehehehehe you believed in humanity stupid goyim? I'm going to take all your money now heheheheheh


>> No.15592741
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>> No.15592742

Looking forward to seeing more people weigh in on PubPeer. So far, it's getting savaged.

>> No.15592743
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another article

>> No.15592744

>two guys say "this looks unusual"
>one guy shits on their building
I'm comfortable ignoring this and trusting the myriad physicists on Twitter who say there's something here.

>> No.15592745


No one cares, redditors are not scientists. Also I note their lack of trusting the science(tm)? Disturbing. This remains open until genuine replications proves or disproves. Unfortunately redditors will be unable to weigh in since operating a lab is beyond their physical capabilities.

>> No.15592747

>myriad physicists on Twitter
Really? I'm seeing a lot of skepticism from people in the field.

>> No.15592749

>2/3) are sample information, I don’t know what EPR is so can’t comment, but given I have not seen this before it’s not really a standard technique to identify/characterise superconductivity.

you know it's a hack trying to buy in clout when it doesn't understand what or why EPR is included but goes for a takedown anyway

>> No.15592751

See >>15592587
Nobody reputable is trashing this, instead timidly recommending that we just wait a bit longer.

>> No.15592752

> Get PbO, PbSO_{4}, Cu, and P.
What the fuck that's it?!

>> No.15592755

As it should be, especially given all the many examples of fraud or mistaken claims in the past. They also haven't really followed the standard procedures for testing. Unlike other claims though this one should take days not years to debunk or confirm.

>> No.15592758


More cold water
Even of true, the time to commercialize might take decades
YBCO was discovered in 1987, and only recently did relatively cheap commercial tape become available
Just superconductivity at room temperature and pressure does not tell the qhole story, the particular properties matter a lot to the material actually being useful

>> No.15592759

If they were experts in room temperature superconductors they would make one instead of bucket crabbing. Unless there's some glaringly obvious issue, then even "people in the field" are still the peanut gallery until they spend a few days to attempt to replicate it.

>> No.15592760

>Uhhh PubPeer? Sounds like reddit to me!
Anons on PubPeer saying "This looks suss" ended up completely destroying the careers of Lesne and his associates.

>> No.15592762

>experts in room temperature superconductors they would make one instead of bucket crabbing
That's happening right now. Until that is finished, what's bad about pointing out the infeasibility of their results. Their chemistry is fucking atrociously reported in the paper.

>> No.15592764

>critical temperature is not everything

Well, it kind of is actually for a huge amount of sc applications. Energy storage and power transmission don't give a fuck about if it's good at handling high Tesla fields or not.

>> No.15592765

>posts a picture of real superconductor, liquid nitrogen cooled

Stay science believing söyböy. You are being fooled, you will try to hide it after you realise it. Same with mRNA vaccines. You science illiterate fanbois.

>> No.15592768

>muh anecdote

No one cares redditor. Either reproduce it to validate/disprove it or fuck off with your social media good boy points farming.

>> No.15592769

I don't care if they submitted a napkin drawing of a cock and balls tattooed with a swastika if that napkin was used to wrap up a functioning room temperature superconductor. All they'd have to do is give a sample to another lab.

>> No.15592774

Lmao, trust the Gook scientists bro! I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction next month when everybody fails to replicate this.

>> No.15592775

those care about current density and mechanical properties and most of all, actual scaled commercial production of this
but, if this actually turns out to be real, then labs all over the world will try to find similar materials with perhaps better properties etc so it would still be massively important
its just that even if this thing turns out to be true, there is quite a long way from the lab and the other properties matter too

>> No.15592780

Kek all these bucketcrabs nervous at another accomplishment of Korean IQGODS

>> No.15592781

>next month when everybody fails to replicate this.
You mean in 72 hours when we get confirmation the world has changed.

>> No.15592782

I think the nobel comittee is so pozzed these days the msword.exe made paper with mspaint.exe made pictures is enough to give nobel price.

>> No.15592784

>t. Average gook during the Hwang affair.

>> No.15592785

/v/irgin here, how does this affect vidya technology? Will most parts become obsolete once this material hits mass production ten years later?

>> No.15592786

i guess if the hole poking infeasibility is coming from a place of love and kindness then sure.
if these same assclowns are snipping pockets of tunnel-sighted twitter takes and not compiling it into... whatever. may science be free kek

>> No.15592787

Stay nervous, Noblelet.

>> No.15592789

Oh look, it's the Korean who is obsessed with the name "Cletus" again.

>> No.15592790

I don't think there's any doubt that it could be fake. The issue is people lacking the patience to wait a week to see if these guys are globally embarrassed or Nobel winners.

>> No.15592791

>t. Haruko Obokata in 2012

>> No.15592794

No more heat, smaller and faster compute

>> No.15592795

I don't trust the gook scientists, my reaction will be "oh well" if it is disproved. But at least I take comfort in knowing I'm not a cum gargling redditor like you and require actual validation instead of some fart huffing faggots high on their own shit fumes deboooonking words.

>> No.15592796
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>in 2035, your devices will be powered by gems carrying immense amounts of electricity

>> No.15592799

>no more heat
Sounds like bull, I don't believe this part.
>smaller and faster computers
How small?

>> No.15592804

Please leave this board until you have some understanding of basic physics. Fucking tourist animals.

>> No.15592805

Imagine calling yourself a scientist or "science educated" and not earning a place in all engineering, chemistry, and physics textbooks. Couldn't be Lee, Kim, or Kwon!

>> No.15592806

does this affect wireless energy transmission at all?

>> No.15592808


>> No.15592810

No I just forgot that the new material is a potential room temp superconductor. I'll wait and see.

>> No.15592811

I think there's some theoretical minimum amount of heat associated with flipping bits. Afaik just because we have superconducting wires doesn't mean we have perfectly efficient transistors.

>> No.15592818

>I think there's some theoretical minimum amount of heat associated with flipping bits.
when the transistor change states and passses through the linear zone yes, which is almost all the loses it has. Unless we get new semiconductors, superconductivituy wouldn't help here.
It probably help with shit like latency and other crap tho, so pretty big deal anyway

>> No.15592819

You know how resistance creates heat?....

>> No.15592821

This but unironically

>> No.15592822

I'm talking completely out of my ass here, but I would wager the heat generated by 4nm transistors probably accounts for .001% of the heat generated by the larger system.

>> No.15592824
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>How small?

>> No.15592830

looks like a 9gag image
go back

>> No.15592831

Haha you’re stupid and scared

>> No.15592833
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>> No.15592834

What does this mean for electricianfags? We getting easy money replacing every copper wire with superconductive ones? Also time to short copper?

>> No.15592837

If the materials are legit, you'd need to make new machines to produce the material. That's gonna take a few more years before mass production.

>> No.15592839

so most elements are either superconductive by themselves or in a compound with hydrogen
just need low temperatures and/or high pressures

>> No.15592840

> Also time to short copper?
I'm pretty sure copper's used in the material these scientists are proposing here

>> No.15592841
File: 32 KB, 617x469, anonimus b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Koreans figure out room temperature superconductors
'Asians are bugs with no creativity' bros, I'm not feeling too good...

>> No.15592845

That’s the chinese

>> No.15592846

I think the transistors are imperfect enough to represent a good fraction of the power consumption. You're probably right that it isn't most of the heat though.

>> No.15592848

It's certainly not even close to the amount of copper that goes into any normal copper wiring.

>> No.15592849

Found the Korean.

>> No.15592852

Yeah but if they start mass production nigga

>> No.15592854

does this enable irl magic?

>> No.15592855

This just shows how important it is to support curiosity/experimentation instead of "must always succeed first try" mentality. The authors didn't invent a math formula that could predict novel superconductive structures. They mashed shit together and happened upon a new material.

>> No.15592856

yes, wireless charging uses induction which is a magnetic phenomenon and better magnets would probably help
but if you are talking about something like kilometer long energy transmission and not just inductive charging with distances of like less than a meter, then I kind of doubt it

>> No.15592859


>> No.15592861

Truly the most based way to do science. The Jew fears the stochastic researcher.

>> No.15592865

the transistors flipping states is what produces most of the heat. Bc when the transistors are in the linear zone is the only moment in which they have both tension and current going through them
If not power consumption of a cpu wouldn't be correlated at all with the clockspeeds

>> No.15592870
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>> No.15592872

all me btw

>> No.15592881

I want it to be real actually, it's just that "it's happening!!!" type of people kinda piss me off and I want to prove them wrong

>> No.15592890

Do you think a superconductor that contains copper is going to even come close to huge diameter pure copper wiring that consists of all domestic and commercial wiring?

>> No.15592901

I doubt it is real but these Korean researchers should post what computer hardware and software they are using to perform their calculations. Apparently, Windows 7 is still the most popular Windows OS in South Korea.

>> No.15592905


>> No.15592906

>windows 7
Based gooks, XP is nice but I like 7 better

>> No.15592914

gpus will be twice as powerful and five times as big as they are now

>> No.15592916
File: 48 KB, 670x328, Usborne Book of the Future high g exo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if 4channel had existed during the cold fusion craze in 1989. Pons and Fleischmann memes errywhere.

>> No.15592922

> Windows 7
That is in government offices. Not that unusual, a lot of governments have strict regulations about what software is allowed to run on their computers and more often than not it is out of date.

>> No.15592927
File: 37 KB, 602x536, trianglesbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck with trying to explain switching losses to the creatures here

>> No.15592930

Thank you, i couldnt find a fucking graph

>> No.15592938

>If not power consumption of a cpu wouldn't be correlated at all with the clockspeeds
gorilla nigger

>> No.15592940

>Apparently, Windows 7 is still the most popular Windows OS in South Korea

Moving to korea

>> No.15592941

There are ways to capitalize during the hype. When you are eventually loaded, reputation means jack shit and you can chill on a beach in Phuket.

>> No.15592948

We're gonna have to science the heck out of this one y'all folks.

>> No.15592954

Don't worry fellow redditor, our top science expert posters are currently reading and debunking the words

>> No.15592958

...if that becomes the case, I'm going to erect a statue to Hironobu Sakaguchi

>> No.15592961

Yes! It's heckin' based to assume all scientific reports are true. Only stinky redditors point out implausibility, which requires knowledge. Based Chads like us just trust le science

>> No.15592964
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>> No.15592973

>"and this was the last time the engineers were seen alive"

>> No.15592975

It's funny how they brag about shit that is a /diy/ tier hobby lab. Still, respect if they actually drop tools to replicate this.

>> No.15592983

Its a good marketing tool I guess
go viral, get more applicants and perhaps more business in the future etc

>> No.15592985

Their company successfully sent up a capsule to space recently.
They're not /diy/ tier.

>> No.15592990

I mean that's cool. But anyone could send a capsule to space if it's in a fairings with no re entry capabilities. Since I haven't heard of them I assume it's capable of neither re entry or naked maxQ. Aka a pressurised pod I could build in my garage.

>> No.15592992

It's a reentry capsule.
Apparently scheduled to reenter soon.
Hasn't happened yet though.

>> No.15592997
File: 825 KB, 1600x1202, varda-capsule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592998

they are waiting for FAA approval to re-enter
they also just got an award from NASA to develop materials for heat shields for re-entry
the point of the capsule itself is to manufacture drugs in space as microgravity apparently affects the crystallization of the drugs which in this specific case affects the particle sizes of the drug

>> No.15593005

OK cool, thank you anons checking then out. Good that FINALLY someone is taking advantage of zero g for crystal growth. Interesting for the outcome of this alleged superconductor but probably still another scam. I guess we'll see, but like I said glad they dropped tools to work on it.

>> No.15593027

I bet LK99 is kind of shit for actual useful applications but that the principal behind it will be the real gamechanger. Physically compressing the superconductor instead of using an external pressure applicator of some kind is so obvious that I wonder why no one thought of it before.

>> No.15593053

From what I've talked to professors about it seems to boil down to 2 things
>The proposed theory behind it makes no sense
>The methodology however is simple to follow up and re-attempt, which makes this being a fake a very stupid move
Hence why most are just waiting on results, because reproducibility is the first thing that needs to be established before spending serious effort on establishing/changing the background theory.

>> No.15593066

thinking about those roggs

>> No.15593076

Same for the England NHS t.accountant for the service

>> No.15593084

lmao crypto are scams

>> No.15593103

10000 dollars for RTX5060

>> No.15593138

also government tier organisations can get extended support contracts from microsoft.

>> No.15593156

checked also it's thos roggs retard

>> No.15593304

yeah, this seems odd, but I'm no expert and I dunno about the equipment required to measure this stuff. I thought even chink multimeters could read < 1Ω, but I just checked, they actually can't.
still, wouldn't the mA vs mV graph be enough

>> No.15593344

dubs and the gook fluke is real

>> No.15593356
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>> No.15593387

to measure really low resistance, like miliohms, you need 4 wire proves or kelvin probes, basically you are measuring both the voltage and amps in the part at the same, so in that way you can discount the resistance of the probes.

>> No.15593390

i cannot arge with double dubs

>> No.15593418

that's the method they used

>> No.15593526

btw, I said it looks odd because of what >>15592469 said, copper has a low resistance and the measure doesn't even make sense, it should have been a much lower scale

>> No.15593605
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Who is the farthest along the production process. When will they be done. I want updates people.

>> No.15593630

Chinese because of course they are, the west has fallen and can't get up

>> No.15593632


>> No.15593668

>sign in to twitter
no, I refuse.
post screencaps

>> No.15593678

Suck my cock
Have fun missing out on the biggest physics breakthrough since 1945

>> No.15593702

no pls

>> No.15593739

>not having a sock puppet twatter to follow jap artists and schizos with
C'mon man

>> No.15593802

probably for when they need to connect it to pre-existing architecture.

>> No.15593806

>skepticism is the same thing as wishing it wasn't true because you hate asians

>> No.15593815

It's "X"!

>> No.15593862

No one cares, Elon.

>> No.15593935
File: 666 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20230727_132002_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than nothing. But do you have any links to heterosexuals doing the experiment? I don't have high hopes for this guy.

>> No.15593996

He's just a normie with a lab, no big deal.

>> No.15594003
File: 29 KB, 400x400, H8pV-M94_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's just a soiboy like elon orbiters tend to be

>> No.15594079
File: 106 KB, 604x560, 12232432454356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ actually thought some worst korea chemist discovered room temp super conductivity
i hope someone made a collage

>> No.15594096

blah blah blah
reproduce or gtfo

>> No.15594782
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 1614268160444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no digits - its just a mistake
dubs - pump n dump scam
trips - its real but refining it and putting it into production takes a decade
quads - it works perfectly and we all get hoverboards and ai waifus
1488 or any other funny digits - janny kills himself

>> No.15594904

I live to spite you now

>> No.15594909

society is not all there is, though to an oversocialized cunt such as yourself it may seem that way

>> No.15594952

>gradually, I began to hate them

>> No.15594998
File: 37 KB, 720x397, 1641771821523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last try

>> No.15595016

just wanted to call this poster out for posting some actual fucking retardation