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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15590660 No.15590660 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best tips of studying you could ever give to someone?

>> No.15590670

Don't use textbooks, study using nature and sense manipulation until you are imprisoned in a false sense matrix that restrict you and forces you to think in all kinds of ways. In the end you'll become super intelligent. Books are just art. If you wanna study the scientific way, sense restraint is the best option.

>> No.15590682

Take enough breaks. I've spent so many hours trying to force something into my brain which didn't work. The next morning it took me 5 minutes to understand. In addition to sleep, exercise and nutrition have genuinely huge effects on your brain power.

>> No.15590690

you're retarded. you want him to learn math by deriving the entire field himself? learn chemistry by building the machines used to deduce the structure of the atom?

if it's anything vaguely stem related, then literally just sit down and read the textbook. lectures for stem are retarded, so are study groups. all of the material is in the book. if you don't get it, reread it. if you still don't get it, then use the internet or find someone to explain it to you. if you still don't get it, get tested for autism.

>> No.15590707

It's simple. You create the tool of learning and you use it. Textbooks aren't this tool, they're art.

>> No.15590716

>you're retarded. you want him to learn math by deriving the entire field himself? learn chemistry by building the machines used to deduce the structure of the atom?
maybe not entirely true but man does it feel nice when you come up with some shit and you later learn some genius also thought of the very same thing. that feeling gets pretty addictive and yeah, sometimes you are better off working all that shit out for yourself, without reading other people's ideas on the subject. there are chances your knowledge base gets polluted by someone else's ideas, and can lead you to bad results, compared to if you worked it out yourself.
but clearly not a universal model, but it is useful in particular situations. he does have a point, only partially.

>> No.15590719

Got you

>> No.15590722

Create a sense field that evolves infinitely like the universes expansion. Then your mind will think about the structures that appear and cause it to generate new structures until you reach the very last set. Could take 15 years of hard time.

>> No.15590739

There's a way for you to git gud. I accept any pact you want to make. Think deeply. You are more capable than you think. You can use a computer using the NOT-part of it aspect etc. Keep goin

>> No.15590742

Overall health and fitness, ie. starting your day with a run. Caffeine. Use a consistent and professional study environment. 8 hours (with 1 hour worth of breaks as part of those 8 hours) learning new material. 2 hours nap. 4 hours review of the new material. 6 to 8 hours sleep at night. Sleep is fundamental. Then 4 hours review, 4 hours learning new, nap, then 4 hours review. Keep these ratios going and committing 60 to 72 hours a week to study. Use your imagination about what you learn, creating "what ifs?" With your brain in problem solving mode even when you're not actively studying your brain will be trying to solve problems and the brain will be studying even when you're sleeping. If you don't understand something don't waste your time repeating the same approach attempting to learn it, immediately switch your approach to learning it. Do not waste your time. Do not waste your time.

>> No.15590747

Overheat - Calm Phase 15 years later

>> No.15590777

everybody hear me out. I propose everyone with possibility (moneys) maybe consider the strategy where they don't optimize for profit rather for mass adoption of the tech. my argument is that the extra you'd be getting if optimizing for profit instead of mass adoption will not be worth the risk of you missing out on tech like the one that might solve death, as a general example. ergo, I propose all efforts be optimized for mass adoption of this superconductor, to faster spawn next gen tech.

>> No.15590785


>> No.15590803

Good study environment, Sleep and try to fully grasp what the material is. Having a solid understanding on half of the subject is leagues better than memorize parts of the whole. My personal tip is try and find something interesting even in the boring subjects

>> No.15590807
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I will oppose to this. Textbooks are actually useful, you just have to really focus and have opportunity to ask what the formulas actually mean. Thankfully, chatGPT and other internet applications exist.
You have to change your whole brain chemistry, though, that is the hardest part.

>> No.15590994

Studying is like masturbation. It's better with friends.

>> No.15591163

Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and exercise. Meditation is useless.