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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1558957 No.1558957 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/, it's been a while, but some of you may remember me. I came here and basically called evolution bullshit. After checking some of the sources you gentlemen posted and doing a little bit more personal research, I've come to the realization that my previous disbelief was...misinformed, to say the least. So I would like to apologize for that rather painful thread. Sorry bros.

Anyway, this brings me to my new question. Every transition of evolution makes sense to me except for just two...marine-based life to land-based life and land-based to avians and such. So my question is this: how were these evolutionary blockades overcome?

>> No.1558970

>I came here and basically called evolution bullshit.
>supposedly not a troll



>> No.1558980


Same way all "blockades" were overcome: Slow modifications of existing features. If you like, I could get some more detailed examples of transitions between them, if you like.

>> No.1558982
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>> No.1558992

I understand how similar transitions were made, but how could a creature logically transition from gills to lungs? If you have a concrete example, I would be greatly thankful.

>> No.1559016

Only in america could a majority of the population ignore a simple and completely logical scientific fact and slightly more complex theory.

They seriously need to teach kids evolution. i remember at my school, you literally needed your parents to sign a form for you to be in a class where they covered the evolution chapters.

>> No.1559032


Well, the best example off the top of my head is that animals who lived in shallow, oxygen-starved environments developed a "gulping" mechanism to take gasps of air, allowing them to breathe even in stagnant regions. There are many fish that have this behaviour today, and lungs developed when gills became sealed to prevent them from drying out on extended ventures onto land.

Here's a youtube video on it that explains it succinctly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWGrMxKALzc

>> No.1559033

I was raised in a strictly Christian family and went to a private Christian school, so the fact that I require concrete evidence in order to change my current belief system is not a matter of my being stuborn, but more a matter of my simply having very limited ammounts of supportive information for the theory as well as having heard nearly every defense against such information. So I'm sorry about this, but I need some convincing.

>> No.1559051

I found a scientific paper for you. Enjoy.

>> No.1559053

Some posters above gave very good ways of how the transition from water to land could have happened. Remember being on land gave lots of benefits to those organisms, no predators, ambushing fish in streams, shedding their skin (most had shells). The ones who were better able to breathe on land and more importantly for longer periods of time had an amazing advantage and prospered, up to the point where they can live on land forever however it took awhile for skin that didn't need constant replenishing from water to evolve and that became a deciding factor at one point in time, not if the lungs could handle the air.

>> No.1559069

Based on my assumptions with no research into it:

The marine-based to land probably has something to do with the fact that some marine based life come to the surface to breathe air, and somewhere along the line, new traits appeared that culminated in an animal that was able to walk on land.

Avians would probably have formed from modifications to traits that allowed land based animals to glide, such as seen with animals like the flying squirrel today. There was probably something like this that eventually just developed into actual appendages that could be moved in a way to create lift.

>> No.1559070

>I was raised in a strictly Christian family and went to a private Christian school, so the fact that I require concrete evidence in order to change my current belief system is not a matter of my being stuborn, but more a matter of my simply having very limited ammounts of supportive information for the theory as well as having heard nearly every defense against such information. So I'm sorry about this, but I need some convincing.

Evolution does not disprove god, nor would god disprove evolution. There needn't be any emotional barriers to this shit.

>> No.1559072

Thank you /sci/, you've always been a help. My question has certainly been thoroughly answered, and for that, I thank you. Good day, gentlemen.

>> No.1559080

if your done and gonna leave you could delete the thread :D
gratz on learning

>> No.1559084

it does disprove a Christian God.

>> No.1559095

I'm aware that there should be no emotional blockage, and there is, in fact, none. The problem is that I've been assailed with contrary information for so long that I've become quite well founded in my previous beliefs. However, I've recently come to a sort of enlightening about such matters and am attempting to be more open to things. Just thought I should clarify.

>> No.1559106

Whales evolved from land animals.

>> No.1559116

No, it just disproves Christian belief, and lessens the credibility of the source.

>> No.1559124
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Marine-based to land-based, huh? Pic related.

>> No.1559138

I intended to, but it appears there may be yet another debate to be had. About that debate:

Not entirely, I've thought about this. In the Bible, it is only said that God created animals, it does not say that he created however many species exist today. One theory is that he created a handful of basic creatures, and our modern fauna evolved from them. Another theory is that the whole "God created Earth in 7 days" thing is irrelevant, because there is no specified timescale by which these days are decided. There's a verse in the Bible (I'll look it up if you want) that says that, "1 second is as a thousand years to the lord, and a thousand years is as a second". Therefore, 7 of Gods days could have been billions upon billions of years.


>> No.1559149


There are many ways in which one can unite Christianity (and other religions) with scientific theory (such as evolution). I resent the implication that I can't believe in God and evolution as both being true.

>> No.1559156


Dude. No. I had respect for you. Do not turn this into a Science vs. Religion thread.

>> No.1559187

Alright, alright, deleting the thread momentarily.

>> No.1559193

Why do evolution threads always become Science Vs. Theism threads? They're basically irrelevant to one another, and in no way mutually exclusive (though I am agnostic, btw).

>> No.1559202

There goes the web spinning, it merely says in the bible that it took god 7 days, how do you get so much from such a simple a straight forward statement "he got up, done it in 7 days". Whatever, fine, i can't win every battle have at it with your web spinning but I'm gonna side with>>1559116

Astronomy, Geology, Biology all hit at key points of the Christian god "A god that created everything in 7 days", "A god that created everything as it is now", "A god that made the earth 8,000 (w/e # u take from christian theologists) years ago" all these are obviously false. The more we discover the more you have to spin your webs, however im waiting for the point where all that falls apart and the excuses don't hold up logically with other parts of your arguement. My guess it'll happen when a unified Abiogenesis theory comes about.

>> No.1559239

um i know that before most animals were amphibians so they could breath both air and water and i guess whatever animal made it to land they had no competition for food or predators so they mated like crazy