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15583727 No.15583727 [Reply] [Original]

I wish time travel to the past was possible.

>> No.15583749

even the man selling bananas on the street is in a suit & tie.

>> No.15583765

there's no reason you couldn't recreate this kind of culture again

>> No.15583795

just try and you'd be called racist for keeping the blacks, hispanics and asians out which is the very reason the culture was desireable in the first place.

>> No.15583800

why would you wanna keep those races out? they could just integrate into this culture

>> No.15583812

>there's no reason you couldn't recreate a 95% white society
lol okay bud

>> No.15583820 [DELETED] 

Inferior races comes with inferior cultures and when they "integrate" into a superior culture they end up with a huge chip on their shoulder to the point they start sabotaging the superior culture to prove that their inferior culture has "merits".
For the blacks, hispanics and asians, they think there is some sort of meta-level argument on the validity of their own cultures that they're having with us. For us, we just want things to just work as they always did.

Our reactions to your inferior cultures is genuine disgust and we hope to avoid you as much as humanely possible; this isn't some political meta-level argument where you feel the need to counter
with whatever bullshit like "they nasty" or "they smell like rotten milk".

>> No.15583823

yeah races other than whites are incapable of wearing a dress or a suit and walk around town

>> No.15583844

Its not that simple, members of minority races inevitably develop resentment, mental illnesses and a desire to destroy the majority population.
as described in >>15536543

>> No.15583848

psychology is not a real science, don't post this shit here

>> No.15583872

> What's real is what confirms my political views

>> No.15583995

White people aren't reproducing.

>> No.15584009

That's just an excuse the elites use to claim that mass migration is necessary. Only urbanites are below replacement fertility, everyone else is doing just fine.

>> No.15584173

The American Amish population is growing rapidly.

>> No.15584180

just get rid of jews then immigrants

>> No.15584181

probably because someone keeps filling our streets with animals who dont know how to behave

>> No.15584266

you don't need white people to have what's in OP

>> No.15584270

(((this post was made by a totally white person)))

>> No.15584273

yes I am white, I am slavic with blue eyes

>> No.15584277

why do you need to be white to be able to put on a dress and walk or drive around the city? that's literally all that's in the video

>> No.15584278

literally only non-white people, and white people who don't understand brown people- think that brown people are capable of society

>> No.15584280

Is there a Stockholm 2023 webm?

>> No.15584283

all humans have a universal computer inside of their heads
there are no real fundamental differences between the races or between the genders, or between humans from the past and present

>> No.15584287

what a fucking joke

>> No.15584289

also this whole thread is basically a lament about the fact that white people aren't like this anymore
nor were white countries always like this, cultures change and Europe used to be extremely violent in the past
your chances of being murdered in 13th century europe were probably higher than or at least similar to what they are in today's poor countries

>> No.15584292

prove me wrong

>> No.15584294
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>they could just integrate into this culture
Shut the fuck up nigger lmao, shitskins will never be human

>> No.15584295

i already wrote I am white

>> No.15584298

it's not in the field of the dissenter to prove a negative- you should show me 3 positive examples of non-white cultures that are fundamentally free- forward thinking- prosperous- and high IQ
(inb4 Japan we fucking nuked and occupied them and they are proto-european)

>> No.15584301

you obviously don't understand epistemology

>> No.15584302

shut the fuck up nigger and prove me wrong

>> No.15584308

that was like 99.9% white

>> No.15584309

i'm not talking to a dumb empiricist

>> No.15584310

Niggerism isn't dependent on your skin colour or race, however if you think that a bunch of retarded savages should be integrated anywhere but a large furnace then you are part of their nigger ideology

>> No.15584311

No you're talking to a white man, you imbecile

>> No.15584319
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>Europe used to be extremely violent in the past
I don't know about the middle ages but I have some data on homicide in 19th century france. It was just about twice the rate we have now.

>> No.15584326

that's after the Enlightenment so i wouldn't expect it to be that high

>> No.15584328

Enlightenment ? That's just a philosophical movement for the elites. It didn't change much to the masses' daily life.
One thing that did change their lives around that time is industrialization and internal migration to dense cities, and that tends to increase crime rates compared to what you have in dispersed agricultural communities.

>> No.15584335

This nigger doesn't fucking know anything- clearly

>> No.15584346

dysgenic selection pressure have made that significantly harder.

>> No.15584376

Looks like a post war economic boom.
I'm from Scandinavia and these people don't have toilets in their homes let alone their buildings. They have to go to outhouses to take a shit.

>> No.15584378

I'm talking to a fucking savage who wouldn't build a society in a billion years. You're nothing but a farmer who was taught racism by his rural retard parents. You've never seen a city in your life.

>> No.15584397


>> No.15584402


>> No.15584411

Wait til their women discover smartphones

>> No.15584413

Some aspects of them can be complimentary, as long as they actually work hard and don't resort to criminality, I agree that the big issue seems to be that they end up with a huge chip on their shoulder which results in enclaves and refusal to integrate on a large scale leading to criminality, it didn't have to be that way, we just gave way too much ground on everything and excused this with pseudoscientific bullshit like 'structural racism'

>> No.15584424

Why not to the future? The current chaos is just turbulence inherent in the process of dialectical synthesis. Society is digesting what was good and what was bad in its old status quo to reach a new and more evolved point of equilibrium, which will eventually go through the same process again. After the storm comes the calm. This is the price of progress.

There's no logic to travel to the past. It's like being in the midst of the apocalypse and choosing to go back to the calm of the past instead of go further to the fullness of Paradise.

>> No.15584446

Could you do me a favour and listen to Langan's arguments here >>15584397

>> No.15584513


>> No.15584566

Pure speculation that contradicts the entire history of mankind and life itself. Chris Langan may be very intelligent, but I doubt he is smarter than natural selection.

Humanity is not as foolish and controllable as it may seem from a specific perspective. We are all susceptible to influence and also have the power to influence others. Society has always lived in a melting pot of ideas and turbulent narratives that eventually converge to a common point of peaceful truth, and tempers calm down for a while until new conflicts brew and everything happens again in the constant journey of evolution. It has always been like this and always will be.

>> No.15584588

>Pure speculation that contradicts the entire history of mankind and life itself
How does it contradict ot? Humanity's history involves multiple complete collapses of society and the replacement of entire populations.

>> No.15584622

In the sense that, despite traumas and apparent occasional setbacks, humanity always moves towards progress. Despite all the problems, the modern era is an evolution of the medieval era, which in turn was an evolution of antiquity, and so on.

Humanity has been evolving politically, economically, and technologically throughout history. These advancements bring new problems, which may seem the worst for the generations experiencing them, but in historical context, they are much better than the ones faced by previous generations.

>> No.15584630

He paints the picture of the intentional decimation of white european peoples and the destruction of their cultures by banker elites.
Do you disagree with this analysis?

>> No.15584646

Because the future is going to be a hellish dystopia.

>> No.15584649

No. I just believe that this is not the end of civilization, but rather a dialectical process that will eventually create a new status quo, a more evolved society than the current one. However, nobody knows exactly how it will be because we are still in the process of synthesizing this new paradigm. The only certainty I have is that this paradigm will not be the dystopia you imagine, as there is a counterforce to it (which includes you, Chris, and several others, including myself) that serves as a dialectical antithesis. This process is chaotic and stressful, but the 'end' will be better for everyone in a general sense.

>> No.15584652
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Culture is downstream from genetics, retard. Fire ants make red ant hills and black ants make black ant hills. (There is wiggle room e.g. kids who grow up with animals in the wild and behave in a way that is otherwise abnormal). The same way Germans make Germany and Japanese make Japan and Ghanians make Ghana.

>> No.15584721

>as long as they work hard
There is so much nuance in our culture, your attempts to copy it in turn creates something grotesque and in fact criminal In terms of human rights.
We dont need lingling teaching our children the great aspects of a collective worker bee mindset with no respect for individualism.
As ive said before, you think there is some meta-level argument and to come out on top "you work harder than whites"
And upon criticism you will just swing the other way, missing my point entirely.

>> No.15584750

True chuds can't accept that most people enjoy the benefits that diversity brings

>> No.15584755

>wants to remove blacks, hispanics, slavs, asians
>ethno states don't reproduce

>> No.15584758

Typical neo marxist history denier. No white person considers a slav white. The brits knew this when they voted for brexit to keep their race pure. Are you an immigrant?

>> No.15584772

>We dont need lingling teaching our children
can she spare time from her 40 hours a day practice?

>> No.15584777

Yes, it's possible, it will take an unbelievable amount of bloodshed to get there again but it's doable.

>> No.15584796

So by your logic eastern europeans shouldn't be imported for cheap blue collar work because they aren't white? Meanwhile some fat british boomer sits on his ass all day clicking some buttons and is worth more because he is born white. Unless you are a self hating immigrant your logic doesn't make sense.

>> No.15584806

Anon, there is so much hate in what you are saying. Are you ashamed of your sexuality or are you ugly and lonely? Real second/third world shit mood.

>> No.15584813

Leave Barry alone, peoples should build and live within their own society and culture.

>> No.15584814

It all started with kissinger and China and that is where it will end.
The real question is what can begin the disconnect.
A complex network of powerful globalists have no interest in disconnecting.
The only solution is War.

>> No.15584823
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Dane here, why wouldn't anyone want to eat pickled herring smørrebrød everyday. Nordic food is kinda grim. Immigrants and their food are great.

>> No.15584848

>It all started with kissinger and China
It's much earlier than that.

>> No.15584919

But it was like that during 1950s with Blacks, I don't get your argument that we had any control of the government or the culture your jew leaders ran with.

>> No.15584925

ironically the civil rights movement left blacks worse off...

>> No.15584928

>inferior cultures
Your homeboy at Berlin said your culture was already half Jude and Negroid and that was 1930, America was already "inferior".

>> No.15584934

True. Is only necessary to exterminate all males with IQ below 100 and remove reproductive rights from females with IQ below 100 so they are only allowed to be impregnated by males with IQ above 150.

>> No.15584942

>Ghanians make Ghana.
You are already a retard, first off Ghana isn't a real country it was artificially created by British, second of all it's made up of varies ethnicity and tribe groups with their own monkey customs and primitive beliefs, some very different from others, probably genetically depending region.

How does one identify a culture from genetics? Can you explain the genetics that make West African "Culture" different from the genetics that make East African "culture" it's funny how much mysticism you racial science right wingers put into genetics as the end all be all as if we're more enslaved by bio determinism how does one bio genetics dictate a Black american to be lyrically gifted or good at sports when for the longest time those same racial scientists believed Black Americans were incapable of being good at Basketball or many sports?

Or how about the fact that despite Asians being higher IQ you some how conviently say how stagnated and "less creative" compare to Whites ergo making the less inventive and adventurous.

It's Whites trying to cope with Asian intelligence.

>> No.15584943

I want to travel to an alternate reality where shitskins don't exist. Possible?

>> No.15584950

That's assuming only IQ matters

>> No.15584960

/sci/ was shilled by CCP midwits with meme charts of China beating the US in AI tech.

Then OpenAI's Chatgpt came out and the rest is history.

Asians can have their 160 IQ. As long as they dont spread their culture and so-called work ethics here, i dont care.

>> No.15584967

Time machine

>> No.15584975
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What I stated was essentially a tautology, but I will entertain you regardless.
>You are already a retard, first off Ghana isn't a real country it was artificially created by British, second of all it's made up of varies ethnicity and tribe groups with their own monkey customs and primitive beliefs, some very different from others, probably genetically depending region.
Besides the point; I never said Ghana was an ethnically homogeneous country.
>How does one identify a culture from genetics? Can you explain the genetics that make West African "Culture" different from the genetics that make East African "culture"
No, I can't. Genetics and behavior is far too complex for a perfect causal explanation, at least for me and for now. It's just an obvious truth. It's like asking someone why a ball moves when hit by a bat. Because the bat hit it silly; one may not know how the EM forces interact in the atoms to cause the interaction, but one knows the interaction happens.
Wolves, coyotes, dogs behave differently, even when left to their own devices. I think this is largely because of genetics, don't you?
>Or how about the fact that despite Asians being higher IQ you some how conviently say how stagnated and "less creative" compare to Whites ergo making the less inventive and adventurous.
I didn't say anything with respect to this. But I will address it anyway. East Asians tend to score a bit higher in IQ tests yes. They have also accomplished almost nothing relative to Europeans across all domains, from math and science, to music and writing. There is more to go through here (dysgenics, testing in West is skewed the Asians are filtered through immigration, or how the measurements are done, e.g. if we strictly test native Germans they score higher on PISA than do the Japanese/Koreans/Chinese (if you didn't know proxy tests such as these are usually what's used to estimate IQ)), but not the subject of the thread.

>> No.15585071

>Besides the point; I never said Ghana was an ethnically homogeneous country.

You said:>Ghanians make Ghana.
That would implied they were otherwise how else would culture stem from genetics?

>It's just an obvious truth.
I don't doubt it. It just doesn't favor White narrative or mine it's objective. See I'm a racist and believe in race but I try to be empirical as possible cause any bias will open me to get attacked. Whites only care about narrative not objectivity.

> even when left to their own devices. I think this is largely because of genetics, don't you?
Explain what made the environment of africa different from any other similar climate in Asia or North America?

>They have also accomplished almost nothing relative to Europeans across all domains, from math and science, to music and writing

Stopped reading there.

>> No.15585158
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>That would implied they were otherwise how else would culture stem from genetics?
Ghana has a genetic make up, regardless of whether it is ethnically homogeneous or not.
>Explain what made the environment of africa different from any other similar climate in Asia or North America?
>Stopped reading there.
It's objectively true. The gap is so immense that by using pantheon.world as a proxy, the city of Paris alone has produced nearly 3x more notable scientific/technological minds than the entirety of China combined. And the country of France is not even the top in Europe (Germany).

>> No.15585175
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It is possible, but it is not an easy journey, you have to be willing and able to fight for it

>> No.15585335

tell me you're a leftist slave without telling me

you can literally observe this right no in our world everywhere retard. You don't see it because you are broken

>> No.15586297


>> No.15586298

You're arguing with a black supremacist namefag. His namefaggotry alone should have made it obvious that he's not going to argue in good faith.

>> No.15586314

>noooooo pattern recognition is racist and therefore pseudoscience

>> No.15586417

>Ghana has a genetic make up, regardless of whether it is ethnically homogeneous or not.
But you stated it determine culture if it's heterogeneous shouldn't the culture be wildly different depending on region or ethnicity?

How does the environment in Africa determine one genetics compare to other with similar climate?

>The gap is so immense that by using pantheon.world as a proxy, the city of Paris alone has produced nearly 3x more notable scientific/technological minds than the entirety of China combined.

That cause you got a jump start from Muslims introducing said tech from China.

I'm not a Black supremacist, show me in the archives where I ever stated the supremacy of Blacks over Whites. I'm Anti White American, I'm anti White supremacy, I hate Africans and condone genocide on them as much as any White supremacist. I'm a separatist and I never doubt race being a thing.

>it obvious that he's not going to argue in good faith.

NO many anons here especially >>15585158
Isn't arguing in good faith I'm willing to be open minded and admit what true and not what I want to be true, the problem is Whites have a habit of only promoting what makes them look good.

>> No.15586855

>I'm anti White supremacy
Not jewish supremacy? white supremacists barely exist but thereare millions of jewish supremacists, their entire religion is about being the "chosen"

>> No.15586856


>> No.15586861

>they could just integrate into this culture

You mean like it has been tried and failed for two decades now?

>> No.15586865

Jewish elites see regular jews as the same as the other goyim. That's the system they have.
regular jews are conditioned to defend them.

>> No.15586870

FBI will entrap you then kill your kids if you try.

>> No.15586877

cucked beyond saving

>> No.15586893

Why do you want to genocide an entire race of humans? Surely even you yourselves see how fucked up that is.

>> No.15586894

If only it were possible to import recipes instead of people. Just imagine if there were, for instance, an internet site where you could just read recipes, and natives in all countries could then make all sorts of exotic foods. Oh well. It's a pipe dream. We need to fill Denmark with Africans so that the people can have their sushi and kebab.

>> No.15586897

Anyone got that stages of genocide chart?

>> No.15586898

Do you mean this one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide

>> No.15586899

Yes there is, he's black.

>> No.15586902

but in a handy jpg format for an imageboard

>> No.15586926

>Not jewish supremacy?
Again Jews wouldn't be a thing if not for their White pets, who let them in their nations despite kicking them out time and time again?

Who let them in the media and control the media for short term gains? Who allow them in education and government?

Who save them from extinction at deteriment of all life?

Who then gave them their own land?

Who consistently hates Black Americans yet dick rides them, give them aid, make laws protecting them and even have to cuck so much to say their country isn't racist?

Who choose let rapist migrants in for sake of profits?

Who silences Black people for speaking out against said Jew?

At some point the White is just as bad if not worse than Jews cause he allows them to live.

>> No.15586934

>We dont need lingling teaching our children the great aspects of a collective worker bee mindset with no respect for individualism.
We don't need N'Guygu Bix-Nood teaching our children it's okay to behead people and live like a homeless crackhead, you can go be a filthy nigger in your own country

>> No.15586953

Ah, I see you're kind of retarded.

>> No.15586977

and by food you mean cock

>> No.15586993
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>> No.15587010

>Afro Saxon
Blacks always want a piece of white culture because they know just how dogshit their dindu African heritage is

>> No.15587035

>Why do you want to genocide an entire race of humans? Surely even you yourselves see how fucked up that is.
where did I say I want to do this?

>> No.15587147

Well, he's an enthusiastic noodle slurper.

>> No.15587237

HAHAHAHAHAHA, you realize theres reason these subhuman races could not create this culture in their own country and whites could?

>> No.15587306

Good thing I'm not African

>> No.15587339

Okay sure nigger

>> No.15587349

You’re not Saxon either

>> No.15587453
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Better than an African.

>Doesn't get it

>> No.15587654

>breeding for one specific feature
allways works out great

>> No.15587664

The real problem is that the alternatives are so shit.
I'm fine with not living in 1950s Sweden or 1950s America, that decade is highly overrated anyways, but why can't we have Renaissance Italy, Vienna 1900, 1980s Japan or 90s America again?
Why do I have yo live in an objectively shitty era

>> No.15588343

causal clothing as you know it was only just being invented in the 50s. one reason was because a lot of countries were still experiencing post-war scarcity and rationing. so they just started using less material.

>> No.15588499
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do I have yo live in an objectively shitty era
endgame of the protocols of the elders of zion

>> No.15588518

The woman eating ice cream is stunning. Look at that body, no flabby fat, natural hair, talks to a child in a polite manner.

She's looks like Taylor Swift.

>> No.15588606
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It is possible.
The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
We describe the Biblical work of ages as a time travel program for saving humanity from extinction. God's existence is proven as a consequence of the existence of time travel, which is supposed. We present the case that Abraham's grandson Jacob, also called Israel, is Satan. We make the case that the Israelites are described as God's chosen people in the Bible despite their identity as the children of Satan because God's Messiah is descended from Abraham through Satan. They are chosen as the ancestors of the Messiah rather than as Satan's children. We propose an interpretation in which God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prevent Isaac from becoming the father of Satan. We suggest that God stayed Abraham's hand above Isaac because preventing the existence of Satan would also prevent the existence of Satan's descendant the Messiah. The history of the Israelites is summarized through Jesus and Paul. This book is written so that the number of believers in the world will increase.

>> No.15588674

You've tried this for over half a century.

>> No.15588677

I miss Europe

>> No.15589063

i haven't even been alive that long

>> No.15589416

That used to just be the average for women

>> No.15589444
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lel very good bait

>> No.15590143

Yes and it has nothing to do with race. When civilized middle easterners began their migrations out of the overpopulated fertile crescent, they had 2 main choices.

They could head south west into an overpopulated Egypt and NOTHING ELSE BUT THE SAHARA DESERT beyond that country. Or they could move into the underpopulated fertile plains of Europe. If you were a yeoman farmer, where would you go? Fucking retard. MUH ANCESTORSSS

>> No.15590177

>Jews wouldn't be a thing if not for Whites
And neither would you. People taking advantage of our superior empathy (which is a genetic trait that we can only refrain) are still to blame for it.

>> No.15590183

You seem to be backing up his point here

>> No.15590190

Please we suffer 500 years, you couldn't get rid of us at your most racist and hostile, you won't get rid of all of us now.

>> No.15590195

It's strange that you seem to worship jews?

>> No.15590200

>the underpopulated fertile plains of Europe.
They were not underpopulated, as shown by the fact that they wiped out the european hunter gatherers that lived there, instead of cohabitating

Also they did migrate into africa, that's why east africans are different from negroids..

So yeah it has evrything to do with race.

>> No.15590202

>you couldn't get rid of us at your most racist and hostile,
We didn't need to at the time.

>> No.15590535

I would give an arm to be able to live in a white ethnosate. Imagine living your whole life without having to interact with a single nigger, chink or brown

We are truly in hell

>> No.15590556

>I would give an arm to be able to live in a white ethnosate.
In eastern europe they're still pretty close. The plane ticket is cheaper than an arm.

>> No.15590591

you will never be white, pablo

>> No.15591162
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you lost

>> No.15591199

Civilization lost.

>> No.15591207
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>I wish time travel to the past was possible.
also, past does not exist. Time isnt linear lmao and time doesnt work like that, past simply gone so that "future" may exist. Therefore both past and future ar made up.

>> No.15591241

Yes they are. The problem is that they aren't reproducing exponentially, and perpetual, exponential population growth is the basis that modern economic systems are built upon. It's not even an economic argument, it's purely a mathematical stance that modern economic structures rely on this. Infinite exponential was slowing down, you can argue whatever biological or cultural reasons you want for that, largely irrelevant. But mass migration was a "solution" for this "problem"

>> No.15591274
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here on /sci/ we believe in data, sorry nigcel. Keep looking at those videos and imagining that's you, though. It's funny

>> No.15591283

>hitler speech on youtube
how is it still up??

>> No.15591436

2.1 children isn't exponential

>> No.15591450
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Metaphysical time travel is possible and probably even easy for someone who has practiced enough, same with deep space travel, especially now that we have the assistance of AI. This one is another job for /x/ I think