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15582542 No.15582542 [Reply] [Original]

My little brother (7) got diagnosed this summer with ADHD since his teachers at the end of the year gave him a review that stated he should get tested.
They're going to put him on Dexedrine. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?
You fellas are smart, I'd like to hear your scientific opinion on this.

>> No.15582553

it's probably fine, if he starts to act all cracky then he should lower his dose or something, your bro has to learn how to self moderate.
just don't let them put him on a cocktail of anti depressants and benzos that'll really fuck him up

>> No.15582554

7 is too young for this stuff. I take ADHD meds, but I started at 19, and even then it's not the lerfect. It's going to cause a lot of irreversible damage at that age. You have to let the man go through the bulk of his brain development before he gets on any psych med. Because especially in its developmental phase, you could seriously mess up how his brain is wired.

What exactly prompted the school to do this either ways? What was he doing that was detrimental?

>> No.15582557

One of the things that worries me is that he'll be absolutely hooked to this stuff (be it addiction or out of baseline habit).
I've read countless comments that once people stop taking it (or tapering off) they are really low on energy / motivation.

>> No.15582560

>Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?
What do you see wrong and what do you base this judgement on?

>> No.15582567

>I've read countless comments that once people stop taking it (or tapering off) they are really low on energy / motivation.
You shouldn't get health information from "comments" (Plebbit?). Your parents (not you, you're not your brothers guardian) should discuss this with your brother's doctor. If there's some doubt left, they should get a second or third opinion. Fuck plebbit comments.

>> No.15582573

oh shit my bad I glazed over the age part
I agree with other anon

>> No.15582599

NTA, is there any age where there isn't any issue?

>> No.15582603

>his teachers at the end of the year gave him a review that stated he should get tested.
go with your parents and ask them how they came to this conclusion, if they start to pull off ADHD symptoms and other bullshit ask them if they have any psychiatric qualification that gives them the right to determine this, at this stage they will point to their teaching experience which is irrelevant, humiliate them like that in front of your parents it will encourage them to refuse
>Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?
no its really wrong, they probably don't like your brother and want to give him the quite pill.
amphetamines are not good for kids

>> No.15582607

I'm not an expert, Dexedrine isn't used in my country, but when I got my meds, my doctor showed me studies that my particular meds didn't cause addiction up to a certain dose (much higher than my prescribed dose). So if I had a kid, I'd ask the same.

>> No.15582621

>ask them if they have any psychiatric qualification that gives them the right to determine this, at this stage they will point to their teaching experience which is irrelevant, humiliate them like that in front of your parents it will encourage them to refuse
Le epic pwn. What's the point of this? The teacher had a suspicion, said "maybe an expert should have a look", the expert did and actually confirmed the suspicion. So the teachers clearly stated within their boundaries of being teachers and not psychiatrist, and they ended up being right anyway. The only person humiliated that way would be the brother who is pathologically trying to interfere with his little brother's health decisions.

>no its really wrong
How do you come to that conclusion? Do you have any psychiatric qualification that gives you the right to determine this?

>> No.15582646

not qualified to have any suspicion he has no training in the subject.
>How do you come to that conclusion?
it's not an opinion

>> No.15582655

Why would you take him to a doctor in the first place? At 7? Why, its a small kid, theyre all retarded.

>> No.15582667

Had it when I was a kid for like a year maybe. Don't know if it did anything bad but I didn't like it at the time. I loved being a noisy disruptive little shit with heaps of energy, how dare adults try to take that away from me.

>> No.15582680

>not qualified to have any suspicion he has no training in the subject.
Why aren't you so hostile towards teachers saying "hey have a doctor look at this"? I wish I'd had teachers who took their jobs this seriously. The teacher didn't diagnose anything. They gave a recommendation to see someone with the proper training. The parents could have said "nope, not seeing a shrink." The psychiatrist could have said "no way this kid has ADHD"
You officially have shown that you have less expertise than the teacher.
>Kara Mayer Robinson, Author at WebMDKara Mayer Robinson is a freelance journalist, psychotherapist, wellness consultant, and host and producer of the talk show Really Famous with Kara Mayer Robinson.In addition to WebMD and WebMD Magazine, her work has been showcased in publications including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Emmy Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, and Travel and Leisure. Mayer Robinson has a master's degree from Columbia University in New York City and is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of New York. Kara is an on-set wellness consultant, providing emotional support for cast and creators on TV and film productions.
Why is she writing about medication? She's not a doctor. But okay, let's look what your webmd wellness podcaster even writes
>How ADHD Drugs May Affect Your Child
>ADHD medication can be taken for months, years, or even a lifetime. Research shows that long-term use of ADHD meds is safe.
Mother of all keks
>The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until age 6 to start ADHD medications
OP's brother is seven. What exactly is your problem?

>> No.15582705

>Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?
No, it's a revolting thing to do to a developing child. To put them on SPEED. He will start puberty and be on SPEED. With access to the Skinner box hellscape of social media, porn, etc. His body and mind will be ground to dust and he will no longer be human.
Vivisect psychiatrists.

>> No.15582706
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>> No.15582720

they are not qualified to recommend not qualified to give any suggestions, their behavioral diagnosis is meaningless.
>Why aren't you so hostile towards teachers
because i used to teach computers at summer school and i saw how they treat these kids, i myself heard one teacher say "this child is unbearable, call his parents to bring him the pill",
anyone who encourage this treatment possesses malicious and selfish intent at the expense of children's health
>bla bla your source sucks
i guess you are officially retarded and can't use google, those are known side effects

>> No.15582731

>my doctor showed me studies that my particular meds didn't cause addiction up to a certain dose
Both you and your doctor are idiots. "Addiction" isn't a singular thing. There is biological dependence, aka the cellular system of the body changes to include the drug and then reacts with withdrawal syndrome in the absence of the drug. Then there is psychological addiction, which far worse. The subconscious processes of the mind start associating reward with the drug and prioritize that reward and those processes can take YEARS to overcome after cessation of use. Any part of the brain the trigger reward pathways can eventually lead to psychological addiction. You could get addicted to food, sex, gambling, risky/dangerous behavior, etc.

>> No.15582743

Frankly, the main reason not to bother with ADHD medication at that age is that it doesn't matter. It just doesn't. I presume he learned to read and write and do some basic math already, so that's about all the useful skills he's supposed to get out of elementary. No one but the teacher cares that Bobby is daydreaming or fidgeting during geography class or whatever. He isn't a high performance lawyer or a day trader or a honor student cramming to get into Harvard. His grades in elementary just don't matter, no one is going to look back at them when he's in high school. Maybe he'll be held back a year, probably won't because you have to be a drooling tard to get held back these days. So what are you giving him performance enhancers for? It's like doping him for his sport club practice.
He can catch up to anything important in one summer before middle school once he's on his meds.
So I wouldn't bother at this time unless he's completely unmanageable outside of school.

>> No.15582765

Yes. Unlike the effect of some other drugs, the effects ADHD meds are much more permanent in nature if taken at a young age (Compare in real life to drugs like weed, with which, though it might take a while, you will return to normalcy after quitting. But Cocaine will cause permanent irreversible damage to a much greater degree). Dependance and addiction is a real thing with these drugs, there is a reason they are controlled substances. Your brother will start on a low dose and as he builds tolerance, they will keep upping the dose until they reach the max, much like how a crackhead continously needs more and more crack to feel the same level of excitement.
I would say the most preferred is if you're in your twenties mid twenties even more preferable. But you could do late teens if really needed, say 16-19 even. Thing is by the mid twenties most people don't really need it as much, they really need it during school, so I would say when you start college. Don't rely on drugs to pass hs, you can do it without them, it's easy.

>> No.15582770

This exactly >>15582743

>> No.15582785

unrelated to OP

i'm undiagnosed but most likely ADD
i've been considering getting a perscription. how would i go by doing that?

>> No.15582822

Was he being delinquent in school? Does he still perform well academically? Is his ADHD a serious deteiment to other aspects of his life?

I ask because I had ADHD growing up (got diagnosed in college) and was extremely delinquent in school, bullying even the teachers sometimes. But because that was coupled with Asperger's, I performed well in school academically always, so when the teachers complained about my behaviour, my parents just told me they didn't care since I still got good grades and was performing well in life (They don't know anything about psychiatry, so they expressed the idea that since I was smart either ways, the delinquency just builds character and confidence, and inhibiting it would lead me to a loner/insecure aspie life, which it definitely would have, my autism is much more noticable on the meds now, when it was always masked by other things as a kid). I ended up in a T10 at 16 y/o even with the ADHD, and even though it got harder academically once I got there, I waited until I was 18. That's when I decided to get on the meds (I already knew I had it, just never went to a psych because I didn't want to take drugs.)

Point is, if he's performing well in life, just ignore the teacher's comments on his delinquency. It doesn't matter the least bit right now, just letting him being a little delinquent is better than sedating him and stunting his brain and cognition. If it is really serious issues though, then you may consider alternative options. But it doesn't seem like it is that serious considering nobody in the family thought he had a problem and even the teacher simply suggested seeing a psych. Honestly, at that young an age, never take a kid to a psych unless the problems are really serious. Ffs it's a kid, of course he's gonna not act like an adult. Slight problems don't require major things like meds. Only use them if it becomes extremely really necessary (as it became for me in college, but in grade 2, it just is not needed)

>> No.15582846

Id rather my kid smoke weed than meth.

>> No.15582898

>It's going to cause a lot of irreversible damage at that age.

>> No.15582907 [DELETED] 

>bro just restructure society for the sake of some spergs

>> No.15582912

Eh if he really does have adhd it should be fine to good for him, if not then just stop. It's still better than whatever mind altering substances they could give him, also don't listen to retards thst compare fucking coke and street meth to pharma grade amphetamines and methylphenidate in therapheutic doses (this last part is very important)

>> No.15582918
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>bro just restructure society into an impossible utopia that i imagined which would flatline productivity, and obliteraste the economy/all modern quality of life
>all for the sake of some spergs who struggle to pay attention and see enormous improvement with some mild medicine and therapy

>> No.15582951

>because i used to teach computers at summer school
And that qualifies you to tell OP that his brother is too young for meds? And at the same time you think that a teacher's qualification isn't enough to say "hey maybe you should see an expert with your kid"
>bla bla your source sucks
Well, your source sucks and says the opposite of what you say. So I really think you're a special kind of retard. Also, I know the potential side effects. You don't need to lecture me on meds I take myself. I'm telling you that the 2bpm higher heart rate is worth it.

>> No.15582983

>some teachers i knew were bad
Oh, that accounts for all 2 million of them, I guess. You're like a detective with those critical thinking skills.

>> No.15582994

>the effects ADHD meds are much more permanent in nature if taken at a young age
[citation needed]
>Dependance and addiction is a real thing with these drugs, there is a reason they are controlled substances.
The reason they are controlled is that you can get high and addicted to most of them if you take several times the therapeutic dose. If you physically could only take what the doctor describes, they wouldn't be controlled narcotics. They are, because people are selling them to junkies who take 10 at a time.
>much like how a crackhead continously needs more and more crack to feel the same level of excitement.
Overdramatic much? First of all, I don't know if that's true, I'm still at the same dose as 2 years ago when I started. Second of all, what you describe is true for a lot of everyday stuff. You could say the same about coffee. Or video games. Yet you wouldn't bring up crack cocaine in that context, or argue that kids shouldn't play vidya.
>Don't rely on drugs to pass hs, you can do it without them, it's easy
Passing isn't everything. I passed, undiagnosed because I somehow always managed to be on par with the lower quarter of the class by scribbling stuff last-minute or reading the textbook in recess before the exam I forgot. I was one of these "kids with great potential who should use it more". Yeah, I passd, but if I hadn't been diagnosed as a kid and gotten treatment (not even necessarily meds, also ADHD coaching), I could have used that potential with a fraction of the effort. Nobody ever bothered to sit down with me and talk about organisation and shit. Neurotypicals like you, who have no idea what ADHD is and then give parents shit for enabling their kids to have a normal life, deserve a special place in hell. And if you had the same struggles as me and many others, you're basically the same level as the physical abuse boomers "my parents used to beat me up, so of course I'm beating my child"

>> No.15583003

The first step is a diagnosis. You won't get a prescription if you haven't even started the process, and depending on your country and doctor, before the final diagnosis. The details depend a lot on where you live, so I can't say much more. But a prescription is really just a part. An important one and people who are fundamentally against meds are retards, but a prescription alone won't really help you all that much. From my (EU) experience: your GP, psychotherapist or psychiatrist are good addresses to get the process started. The GP probably can't do the diagnosis, but can refer you to experts. A psychotherapist can't prescribe meds, but can do the diagnosis. A psychiatrist can do both.

>> No.15583019

>unironically quoting the Unabomber
You know that he was a diagnosed schizo, right? If you feel like agreeing a little too much with him, maybe you should get some help. Might save a few people's lives (including your own) along the road.

>> No.15583058
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>> No.15583146

>In Foster's version, Kaczynski's candor reflected "his paranoia about psychiatrists," itself part of his "symptom-based failure to cooperate fully with psychiatric evaluation." Thus, there are no principles in this world, only symptoms; no politics, only pathology. Of course, Foster, like all the others, knew what everyone else knew: that this man was the Unabomber, so he must be crazy. The fix was in from the beginning. Even his defense lawyers were in on the game, ultimately arguing that Kaczynski's disagreement with them about the mental-defect defense was more evidence of his mental defect. No wonder they all chought he was paranoid -- they were out to get him.
He was declared a schizo precisely because he was right about psychiatry. Insofar as psychiatry is concerned, the mere idea of a critical approach to the pseudo-scientific contents of this self-proclaimed field of medicine is a sign that you are mentally ill; the diagnostic criteria themself are so vague that even the normiest of normalfags could be schizophrenic were there sufficient political will for their condemnation at the hands of the psychiatrists.

>> No.15583151

imagine bragging in public about how insightful you think children's authors and homicidal schizos are.

>> No.15583157

Medications have been a disastrous failure. They gave the snakeoil huckster a degree and now his crime is absolved.

>> No.15583225
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He had a tested IQ of 167. The chances of being a schizo at that IQ is basically zero. If you said bipolar or autistic or some other shit, I would believe you. But a Schizo diagnosis for a man of his caliber is clearly malignant.

>> No.15583228

A 7 year old boy just needs more physical activity. Enroll him in some kind of team sport or something, don't give him amphetamines. It will ruin his brain chemistry for life.

>> No.15583239

>It will ruin his brain chemistry for life.
Why do you schizos keep saying this shit and providing no citations?

>> No.15583265

Young boys basically need structured physical activity that develops good mental models like self-discipline which they can then utilize for academics.
It blows my mind education hasn't been based on this when the ancients did it this way forever, usually a traditional form of martial art like wrestling.

>> No.15583270

because it's common sense and any kind of (((social science))) I could site is 90% fraud anyway.

>> No.15583289

>"I made it up"
>[garbled schizo nonsense]
Pretty much what I expected.

>> No.15583317

I wouldn’t worry about addiction as much as I would worry about it frying him out and turning him into an unproductive member of society. This almost happened to me, but fortunately my mom was a hippy and told the teachers to fuck off. I learned my lowercase letters late because I was too busy fucking off as a hyperactive young boy in kindergarten, but my “adhd” didn’t stop me from pursuing engineering and doing well later on in life. I’m a millennial and have seen a lot of my peers absolutely rekt by starting these meds as kids. If these symptoms persist and he’s genuinely held back by them, he could always give them a try later on after his brain is more developed. I’d do everything possible to prevent your kid brother from prescribed amphetamines.

>> No.15583325

>Give me a credible Journal published peer-reviewed citation proving that shooting yourself in the mouth with a desert eagle kills you.

>> No.15583333

I wouldn't give kids drugs ever especially not in a dose where they'd feel more focused from an amphetamine

I bet if anything the kid drinks caffine at home but never before school, thus an apparent cerebral dysfunction manifests

>> No.15583336
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>Everything I make up must be true, and exactly as obvious as I believe it is

>> No.15583340

Do you think your dopamine and norepinephrine levels magically regulate themselves normally again after years of amphetamine use?

>> No.15583343

It doesn't matter what I think, that's why I asked for a citation.

>> No.15583345

they have gym

>> No.15583347

>high processed sugar consumption
Highly underrated as a partial cause to so many modern "mental illnesses".
100 years ago the highest intake of caffeine for most of the civilized western world was from tea leaves.

>> No.15583349

And anyone familiar with tea leaves knows how easy it is to make densely caffeinated beverages with them.

You know you can use as many as you want, right?

>> No.15583392

I see kids with energy drinks and Starbuck monstrosities with >500mg of caffeine compared to the black tea which is usually 20mg and 50mg.
What's the % of kids on anti-anxiety meds nowadays compared to 50 years ago?

>> No.15583399

Gym is shit. Young boys are better off in a team sport and a martial art of some kind, preferably one that doesn't get them hit in the head.
Also no mixed gender sport otherwise they'll have to hold back.

>> No.15583409

Do you think that they're a schedule 1 controlled substance for arbitrary reasons? Doctors even recommend that children be kept away from caffeine due to developmental effects, and that is a much less potent stimulant.

>> No.15583632

>I would say the most preferred is if you're in your twenties mid twenties even more preferable.
Why is it okay in your 20s?

>> No.15583637

I was put on adhd medication as a kid, and now I post on 4chan

>> No.15583678

He'll just ignore the comment.

>> No.15583732

Do you think they will magically regulate themselves without amphetamine salts? Spoiler: they won't. ADHD is a developmental disorder that doesn't magically go away from being abstinent.

>> No.15583736

>it's le common sense

>> No.15583738

Does he have ADHD? If so, yes that's a good thing. Unless you have a critique of compulsory education or something?

>> No.15583758

Why are there so many psychiatrists in this thread and on /sci/ in general? Don't you niggas have lobotomies to perform or something? Stop wasting your time promoting drugs on here, you won't get paid for it unless you're the one prescribing it.

>> No.15583767

Why are there so many people fundamentally rejecting psychiatry in this thread? Don't you have some electrosmog to block? Stop wasting your time fearmongering about ADHD meds in here, you won't sell more herbal tea unless you're the one selling it to the people.

>> No.15584405

It does
t. was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 8 but didn't take meds

>> No.15584567

drugs with fast building tolerances matter less in dosage

really its about timing and kids/people accidentally putting themselves in comedown constantly

also I do think the sugary breakfast meme wrecks some people, the body will dump insulin and that 100% will affect anyones mood and temperament let alone a child

>> No.15584576

>Do you think that they're a schedule 1 controlled substance for arbitrary reasons?
No, it's a schedule 1 substance because you can get high if you take multiples of the theraputic dose. At those doses it can be harmful, yes. No one is ever prescribed those doses. No 7 year old is taking anywhere near those doses.

>> No.15584585

>No 7 year old is taking anywhere near those doses.
I wanna see this guys face when he finds out they give kids up to 5mg of Ritalin daily.

>> No.15584600

The average dose for adults is 20-30mg, so 5mg seems appropriate for kids.

>> No.15584634

>The average dose for adults is 20-30mg
not for adults just starting the medication

this is how it works, they give kids amphetamines at a young age building them up a tolerance which after a decade literally becomes a dependency

if you or I or any sober person takes 5mg of ritalin it will feel like youve had 3 of the best coffees in the world. that shit felt like cheating in college and using it as a theraputic treatment with such strong effects is how you mkultra someone into believing their brain doesnt work when in reality that feeling isnt normal

>> No.15584641

>if you or I or any sober person takes 5mg of ritalin it will feel like youve had 3 of the best coffees in the world.
No, it doesn't feel like that at all. I don't take ritalin normally, but I did take 10mg once before and it felt like nothing.
>that shit felt like cheating in college and using it as a theraputic treatment with such strong effects is how you mkultra someone into believing their brain doesnt work when in reality that feeling isnt normal
You should really think about dropping the Hideo Kojima conspiracy theory talking points. It's not helping anyone take you seriously.

>> No.15585069

I made an appointment with a psychiatric nurse practitioner. They're less busy than a psychiatrist and can also diagnose and prescribe. I started getting medication at 24 years old, and in the past couple of months, I have seen a lot of improvement in getting my tasks done and structuring my life.
I started on 10mg of Ritalin LA and could not discern any psychoactive effects until 20mg. I don't drink caffeine or take any other medications. I'm now on 20mg Adderall XR and it feels like placebo on most days.
Neurotypical people experience stimulants very differently than those with ADHD. While you might experience extreme focus and stimulation, we simply feel more normal. Caffeine does nothing to me until well over 300mg, while a normal person can feel its effects from an 80mg cup of coffee or 20mg cup of tea with no tolerance.

>> No.15585185

>they give kids up to 5mg of Ritalin daily.
Well, I was on 54mg, with a limit of 70mg. Giving someone who surely weighs more than 7% of an adult up to 7% of the dose seems reasonable.

>> No.15585437

Do the doses matter by weight? So If I am a 6'3 220 lb individual (I am) and were to take ADHD meds (I do) would going higher be better? I am on 40 mg Vyvanse rn and it's not really that drastic. But I'm thinking of taking 1.5 capsule tomorrow for 60 mg to see the effect. Is that good?

>> No.15585510
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You should sue the hospital and get the doctors fired for trying to give a 7 year old kid mind altering drugs

>> No.15585565

That's true for pretty much all meds. If you want to change the dose, you should discuss this with your doctor not strangers on a Korean lip syncing forum.
I'm on 50mg at 76kg though and that's what feels right for me. Took a while to figure out the dose though.

>> No.15585685

No, no, FUCKING NO, this is the modern day equivalent to lobotomy which 100 years from now will be looked as the most barbarous act we have done, you CANNOT fucking put 7 year olds onto amphetamine derivatives, it is literally insane.

>b-but he is h-hyperactive
Yeah he is 7. He is supposed to be. Its called being based and having testosterone.

Please OP for the love of god defend your little brother with everything you've got, do not let (((them))) get away with this, this is how our strongest get nerfed.

>> No.15585696
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Scientifically, you should do your brother a real solid and go out and buy him some meth from off the street. Now that shit's *real* ADHD medication.

>> No.15585711

The holy trinity of schizo, incel and antisemitism.

>> No.15586303
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>The holy trinity of schizo, incel and antisemitism.

>> No.15587045

This entire post is sensationalist nonsense, btw.

>> No.15587179

pls dont, i beg you. rather find out, where his teacher live and kill him.

these demonic fags cant handle that child and want to quiet him down with pills, that will completely destroy and prospect of a healthy and productive life.

go and confront that faggot bitch and slap the shit out of him!

>> No.15587429

So at what age does it become okay to take amphetamines?

>> No.15587459

On one hand, it is probably better to take them while young so that they can do the job of requiring your brain to focus better so that you don't need them later in life.
On the other hand, elementary school isn't worth taking any drugs for, and it could very well be a problem that the child ages out of naturally. He's 7, anything but set in stone at that age.

If it were my kid, I wouldn't. Just use behavioral methods and stuff instead. If they still have focusing problems by high school, where their life actually starts to matter, THEN give 'em the pills. This also has the benefit of knowing that you tried behavioral methods for almost a decade without any any results. If you put him on it now, then you'll never know if behavioral methods of changing his focus would have very well worked.
This is the most reasonable take, I believe.

>> No.15587593

Why are you so violent?
Also, do you actually believe in demons?

>> No.15587951

uh oh, I better repent or the dementors will come and take me away to azkaban

>> No.15589203

>You have to let the man go through the bulk of his brain development before he gets on any psych med
Is 19-20 good ? i feel like Ritalin is doing nothing but acting like a less anxiety-prone version of coffee. Can't focus for shit tho

>> No.15589229

>Can't focus for shit tho
Do you have ADHD? Stimulants work differently on NT and ADHD brains. My girlfriend is a psychiatrist, and she told me there are two types of stimulant users that show up in her office. One is the type that takes a line of cocaine and goes to a party or an orgy, while the other kind takes it to focus at work. If it doesn't help you focus, you may be one of the lucky normal people that can use stims to party.

>> No.15589242

Practically never if you intend to take it every day, if you think about it for about 2 seconds you will realize how bizarre that is.
But if you intend to do it, then wait at least until the main bulk of neurodevelopment is done, like 25-26 or so, giving it to a 7 year old is next level fucked up horrorshow.

>> No.15589314

Don't follow anyones advice to be aggressive, it will make the teacher and your parents think you're either crazy about "no medication!!!" or just ignore you
Talk to them about what you're worried about (medication, not the diagnosis itself)
give good reasons as to why see
>elementary school isn't worth taking any drugs for, and it could very well be a problem that the child ages out of naturally. He's 7, anything but set in stone at that age
Secondly if you want to get anywhere, provide a backup to repolace the supposed solution meds would be. BE SCIENTIFIC dont quote facebook articles, it will make you lose any and all credibility you will ever in this discussion.
Here are some credible examples of adhd treatments
Doesn't even mention medication
>this takes a huge investment on the part of parents
not the most credible source, but interesting
Since the teacher just recommended and your parents followed their advice, I'll assume your family can contact them with this. It's good advice in general
Once again, huge list of stuff that doesn't include medication

As for wether or not I think it's a good idea?
>most kids with ADHD also have anxieties
I am not an expert but I think it would always be better if someone young with likely mental troubles is not just left alone with medication.
They`re young and just past the age of the nessecary medical age limit, which is just an average anyways. If They wouldn't have done it however much earlier his last birthday was, why is it suddenly okay now that the numbers match up? I agree with the other anons, six years is very young for drugs like that.
Thank you for reading my blog post

>> No.15589687

the fact that americans don't see this thread as a bunch of schizos drugging children really says something about the state of pharma influence on our culture

>> No.15589856

shut the fuck up you dumb mutt the world does not revolve around you

>> No.15590037

the fact that you thought my statement implied that shows that your brain is beyond repair. thank the pharma industry and keep taking your pills, you defective sack of shit

>> No.15590054

there is no difference between mutts and americanized non-mutts

>> No.15590109
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Oh the drug that contributed to Joe Gideon’s heart failure?

>> No.15590205

I use amphetamine recreationally and I agree with all the people that recommend that your brother should start taking the drug. It's perfectly safe, has no negative sides and will make him an outstanding citizen.

>> No.15590443

In elementary school, I went from having my parents at the school every other week with some stupid shit or another, to that no longer being an issue.
Fast forward a few years where my mom becomes concerned that I'm not growing enough and she's concerned about my personality. I'm taken off the meds and fail no less than 2 classes per year until high school graduation

>> No.15590444

>They wouldn't have done it however much earlier his last birthday was, why is it suddenly okay now that the numbers match up?
I smell a pedo.

>> No.15590639

>drugs bad
>because i say so
are you sure you aren't the schizo?

>> No.15591168

This, unless his autism is crippling, I don't see any reason to start with drugs so early.

>> No.15591230

one of the only useful posts in this thread.

>> No.15592756

our dependency on manmade chemicals is not natural? i don't think so. shut the alien simulator down. everybody go home.

>> No.15592857

I wish I had been diagnosed at an earlier age. I got diagnosed at the repeatedly of 27. Not sure about starting meds quite that young, but it is very important for him to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Like, I was very fidgety as a kid. I learned that I could wiggle my toes in different patterns and it would satisfy my brain. I'd still squirm in my desk/chair, but not nearly as badly. Having a pencil in hand and doing those weird twirl tricks also helps and turns into a fun party trick.

The meds definitely help, but he needs to depend on those coping mechanisms more than the meds. They're there to help control, not fully control, let alone cure. Once he starts, he might be overwhelmed because he's not really used to being able to process thoughts without a lot of baggage and haze.

Finally, don't take any medical advice from the number-obsessive section of a Malaysian spice trading forum. These people are genuinely mentally unwell. Consult the psychiatrist who prescribed the meds.

>> No.15592864

The repeatedly? What the fuck?
* Ripe age of 27.

God I hate phoneposting.

>> No.15592892

Is he smart? I got diagnosed with ADHD about 2 years ago at age 23/24. I always felt that something was off and it shows in my evaluations, even my mom had a suspicion that there is something but she's a woman from Soviet times and shit like that simply doesn't exist to them. I was lucky because I'm generally very smart and cruised through school with good to very good grades without ever doing homework and always being extremely bored, extremely unorganized etc. But because I had parents around me, that was kinda regulated because they just forced me to do certain very critical stuff and then I was kept in check like that. But then it didn't work in adulthood obviously and my life kinda spiraled out of control. Now I'm on meds and feel like I can literally conquer the world in any aspect I want. The boost in focus is insane but just because I know how slobby, unmotivated and dopamine deprived I've been my whole life.
I also did some personal research on this stuff and the data looks really bad for young children on that shit. Your worries of abuse are probably unwarranted but it does stunt growth, it changes the brain, at that age it might even affect personality and other more subtle characteristics. My advice: look into 2 alternatives which can be done at the same time: behavioral therapy (building routines, building healthy habits, make things like homework completely non-negotiable tasks, basically train delayed gratification and try to identify instant gratification behavior quickly and eliminate it, also do exercises with your bro for focus) and the other thing is upping dopamine by cold baths and other natural means. The good thing is, the kid got diagnosed early so his brain is still very flexible. Drill habits into him now that are helpful for kids with ADHD. It probably won't cure it but it will make him functional and the option to go on meds always is there later.

Research: Advisory books for parents of ADHD kids, Dr Huberman's podcast on ADHD

>> No.15592897

teach him attention training. learn the difference between focus, attention and all the details. look into the legit stuff, it works and it will get him through childhood. meds are risky at such a young age

>> No.15592984

>Is he smart?
I think that's an important question. My story is very similar to yours sans the parents. My mom had undiagnosed ADHD herself (she was actually diagnosed before me, but that was years after I moved out) and my dad didn't care.
I don't know the latest research on what's good for different kids with ADHD. I wasn't one of the kids typically associated with ADHD in the 90s (hyperactive, annoying, useless), but my problems were very much internalised. Despite all the problems I managed to function. I suppose if I had been more of a midwit, I would have failed school. I did the homework as the teacher was collecting it when I forgot it. I chose my seat strategically to maximise the time in it to the teachers to get to my desk and I had friends stalling the teacher a bit so that I could manage to produce something passable. Nothing great, far below my potential, but just enough that I didn't get a punishment for not doing my homework.
I cannot say it meds would have helped, I really don't know. But I wish that my struggles would have been noticed and that I would have gotten help with it. Also, I think that I would have liked to know just to accept myself better. That I'm not a failure for not being able to do certain things and that there are people like me. So I'm very happy that OP's parents chose to see a specialist who did the tests and gave a diagnoses. I hope this saves him from a lot of the shit I had to go through.

>> No.15593188
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>our dependency on manmade chemicals is not natural?

>> No.15593220

How did your life changed after getting it? I'm 27 now, never been diagnosed or anything though.

>> No.15593333

NTA. It helped me understand how my brain works. I don't feel as bad anymore when I lose interest in something. I understand that my brain is pretty shitty with dopamine, so I learnt some tricks to increase the dopamine (new, shiny things) while not getting upset if it doesn't work.

>> No.15593412

It did help.

Unfortunately, while my coping mechanisms alone worked for the low mental payload of early life, my field (like I'm sure how most /sci/posters are) requires great attention to detail all the time. I just couldn't do it at the level I needed to do, and figured it was time to bite the bullet and actually start treating it with more than just caffeine and deliberate wriggling.

I regret not doing it earlier. It would have made college way easier. I'm sure it would have made my k-12 years easier too, but I had pretty good teachers who would work with me so long as I tried.

I'm on a pretty low dose of dexmethylphenidate. I don't think my ADHD was as bad as what is stereotypically portrayed in ADHD, but holy fuck. Once I started taking it, my brain felt less jumbled, organized, and clear. I don't skip over reading lines anymore. I can effectively multitask too.

Only thing I have to say is don't get discouraged while figuring out what works for you.

>> No.15593559

Don't be shocked, besides development, the mass stimuli of the modern world may gear the brain towards dopamine chasing. Dopamine is considered a reward chemical but it's more about influencing motivation to seek rewards. That and school is boring and unnatural. A drug is the only "easy" way to moderate it, unless your brother could be forced into a discipline that encourages training focus like martial arts or something, but even then that won't make tasks more interesting.

>> No.15594042

More like the modern world is no good.

>> No.15594732

Doesnt really matter because im sure
Your family is dumb enought to feed
Him junk food and sodas and vaxxed and antibiotics and tablet 24/7
The black kids in public school will pick on him either way
To be so harsh about

>> No.15594750
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schizo post

>> No.15594754

Shouldn't take any until his brain is fully developed. Full stop.

I'm on 36mg concerta xl. My doctor was surprised I didn't want the max dose, but I just constantly felt fucking tweaked out on it. I guess he was surprised because i'm like 90kg.

It does help. I do feel a difference with it, but I also take weekends off. In fact I occasionally take breaks for a week or more, but usually just because of holidays etc. (i don't care about being focused when i'm relaxing and don't trust taking controlled meds into foreign countries even if I have the prescription with me). I'm 33 and was only diagnosed last year; everything suddenly made sense. It just took so long to become a real problem because i'm now relatively senior in a very high performing and fast paced work environment and I was struggling majorly. After getting on medication I was able to secure a promotion within 6 months.

>> No.15594756

>Shouldn't take any until his brain is fully developed. Full stop.

>> No.15595209

Your weak attack against me only further proves the sad state of the majority population that is totally ignorant an

>> No.15596210
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I really have no idea about the effects on a child of that age.
That being said, I was only recently diagnosed with ADHD at 30 and medicated, and I really fucking wish I had gotten medication earlier in life. It's already made a big difference and I only started trials with different drugs a few months ago.
My childhood was spent doing poorly in school and getting screamed at by my parents, who refused to try to get me any treatment and just treated me like I was lazy. Obviously this didn't help at all and I wonder how different my life would be right now if I had medication or psychiatric treatment from a young age.

>> No.15596227
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It's possible to have a society where everyone can do what they want. It just needs a lot of AI and robots.

Robot workers, drivers, caretakers, romantic partners and mothers.

>> No.15597860
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>the majority population that is totally ignorant
>they need to watch more youtube videos with obvious political agendas like me

>> No.15598378

My personal experience with our local dexedrine equivalent is that i have never gotten addicted or anything like that. Works great. I am an adult though. After prolonged daily use it does lose some effectiveness, but other than that i can't recognise any ill long term effects. No problems whenever i stop taking them for like weekends or holidays. Dosage may need to be adjusted due to the person getting used to them. I started with methylphenidates when i was like 13 but that stuff is way worse, which is why i didn't take any ADD meds for many years. Dexamphetamine was not available here back then.
Good product when used correctly and not abused. Just take them orally and don't use them to stay awake for 3 days straight. I am not convinced that giving these to little kids is a good idea though.

>> No.15598500

why methylphenidate bad, but dexedrine good? In my country methylphenidate is prescribed, because of the low addicition risk and it mainly increases dopamine in the prefronta lcortex

>> No.15598569

NTA, but I find ritalin (methylphenidate) gives me way too much anxiety to be useful for focus. Same with adderall. I'm stuck with either dexedrine or vyvanse, they seem to be the smoothest for me, with less agitation.

>> No.15599943

this stuff was never meant to be taken daily anyway. it was intended that kids would take it during school time and not take it on the weekends/during breaks. Probably only take enough to last the school hours really. I guess it differs around the country, but school in my state was ~180 days a year. Youre effectively giving them twice the yearly dose. But that's not even the issues, the issues is their brains don't get a chance to rest.

>> No.15600091

Not just school time, but any activity where focus is a problem. This can mean extracurricular activities, after school hobbies, or even socializing. Kids with ADHD often have trouble with making friends, and medication can actually help with that.

Taking days off is fine, but as long as you are taking a theraputic dose, daily use isn't the biggest deal.

>> No.15600105
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Amphetimenes are good for disobedient childern. Trust the science.

>> No.15600146

im a psychiatrist
7 is really too young for medicine
atomoxetine can work as its not a stimulant however as it is an SNRI he would have to be tapered off if he suddenly started having side effects at a usable dose which is a pain in the ass
This is not medical advice but i recommend
1) cut out sugar and no sugar or candy after 4pm. No sugary drinks, just water or sparkling water.
2) more time outside doing physical activities after school.
3) accommodations at school if necessary, stuff like stationary bikes are used at schools for kids with massive amounts of energy. it goes under their desks and they pedal like a madman but keep their mouths shut and stay in their chair.

if this is ineffective, guanfacine or clonidine because they are sedating and can enhance memory and attention. sadly these need to be tapered too which is also a pain in the ass but they are a last resort in that age group for that reason

>> No.15600172
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>im a psychiatrist
sure you are

>> No.15600175

>have ADHD
>psychiatrists start handing out diagnoses like candy
>now people don’t think it’s real anymore
I hate them so much

>> No.15600539

it will make him short and weak as it stops you eating.

mothers and schools just want boys drugged out.

I have taken it as an adult but only sometimes.

>> No.15601225

like the other anon said, way too many side effects. Anxiety, really "heavy" heart beat etc. Dexamphetamine is superior in every way but the potential for misuse is greater than with methylphenidates so governments prefer methylphenidates. Here you have to try out all the other options before you might get prescribed dexamphetamine.

>> No.15601230

Lisdexamfetamine to the rescue. Low misuse potential and still better than MPH.

>> No.15601253


those teachers know what they are doing. as a former student, who wanted to become a teacher ans had to witness, how despair, anger and resentment manifests itself on them. they know, that they have to spend 7 years in order to teach little shitheads and with every internment you take in school, you just get to see, clear as day, how those bastards get worse by the day.

so naturally the most logical thought is to have your work as easy and smooth as possible and thus using the single most effective tool, drugs.

they know too damn well about the effects of ritalin and completely disregard their health and future in order to have moderate peace for some minutes

and if you couldnt have work this out by yourself, with simple logic, it much too late for yall

>> No.15601309

Is it the dexamphetamine itself that makes the pills have this foul, almost metallic taste? Kind of hard to describe the taste since it is pretty unique. Attentin is the brand i use. Does Dexedrine have that kind of foul taste as well? Or is it just whatever else happens to be in this brand of pills? I would guess that it is the dex since no other medication I've taken has that kind of taste. It isn't really a problem since i can just swallow them, but sometimes if i need to be functional on short notice i bite a pill into pieces and keep them under my tongue. DISGUSTI

>> No.15601364

since this is ADHD meds thread, is it normal that I'm doing methylphenidate for almost a week now and the effects so far are barely noticeable and indistinguishable from placebo? No real side effects too

>> No.15601400

Dosage and body weight?

>> No.15601404

How do I know if I actually have ADHD?

>> No.15601410

And I am taking meds but Idunno if I have ADHD since they just I don't know, make me feel energetic

>> No.15601449

Yeah, they are less hesitant to prescribe lisdexamphetamine. A lot of people here still get stuck on methylphenidates, especially if they are diagnosed as adults, but the situation is getting better. I just wanted more precise control on my dosage throughout the day so i asked for dex.

>> No.15601514

I am a MD and agree with psychfag
also get rid of all tvs, movies, you tube etc.
and I mean ZERO

>> No.15601548

This is a gateway drug. Your brother will wind up dead by his 19th birthday if you put him on this.
This drug is addictive, he will require ever higher doses and have horrible withdrawals that wont go away unless he gets megadoses. Doctors will freak out and cut him off, say its not a good fit, and he will start doctor shopping. To deal with the pain and suffering he will add benzos to stay calm.
Its a known pattern, it ends with your brother at a jail cell having a seizure in the floor while some black cops laugh at him

>> No.15601597

>Your brother will wind up dead by his 19th birthday if you put him on this.
Many such cases.

For real, OP, don't believe a word of this. Research has chosen that medication is one of the best prevention of drug addiction. ADHD on its own is a huge risk factor for addiction, but treatment reduces that.

>> No.15601602

>Research has chosen that medication is one of the best prevention of drug addiction.
>Taking addictive medication wards off drugs addiction

>> No.15601606

Calling it addictive medication doesn't make you sound smarter.

>> No.15601607

first weak 18, this one double that. 75 kg

>> No.15601612

Goes to show how retarded most people are in these fields. It's been SHOWN, conclusively that the sooner you take the meds after the diagnosis the better. There are NO adverse effects, but in fact the sooner you start the more likely it is your brain is actually gonna be fixed (meaning CURED) and you'll be able to get off meds and now be a normal human person.

Do your research before flashing your made up diploma on an anonymous ADHD denying forum.

>> No.15601615

> week

>> No.15601625

18mg isn't a lot. I ended up on 54mg, so be patient.

>> No.15601711

>Calling it addictive medication
I call it addictive because it is addictive, not because i want to sound smart.

>> No.15601740

Psychiatrists have already recognized psychiatry is made up garbage

>> No.15601741

Kill yourself.
Litterally 99% of "mental disorders" are labels for more or less vague sets of human behaviours which are passed off as "symptoms", there is no shown difference in the brain of individuals "affected" by ADHD, bipolar, depression or whatever disorder. Yeah humans are different big news.
We could all theoretically be placed on a bell diagram of "neurotypicality" and a minority of people would in fact be very "neurodivergent", big news.
Fucking cavemen could notice this already probably you don't need Big Pharma to invent complex sounding fake illness names to be convinced of this, you just need basic observance capabilities and intellectual honesty while not automatically assuming everything who acts different from you "has a disease of some sort", UNLESS you have the tools to possibly demonstrate a disease/disorder is present, which psychiastrist really don't.
They just listen to the complaints of parents/teachers/any other stuck up adult who probably needs "mental healthcare" way more than whatever kid is being wrongfully "treated" and "treat" (read: drug up) the kid accordingly while having absolutely no intention of caring or being interested in the kid as a person whatsoever.
Any psychiatrist who gets in the field and doesn't get out soon enough, at least when it comes to the drugging people randomly based on fucking "behavioural symptoms" is just outing himself as a selfish person who gives no shit about other people's well being and any rational human being should know to keep himself and especially his own kid as far away from these dangerous scammers as possible.

>> No.15601773

I was recently prescribed 2mg guanfacine at 30. I’ve never been on any other adhd/anxiety medication before. Am I doing long term damage to myself?

>> No.15601839

>there is no shown difference in the brain of individuals "affected" by ADHD
Yes there is. So shut the fuck up and stop spreading retardacy.

>> No.15601851
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>a 7yold cant sit still like a zombie while being force fed goyslop and propaganda for 6-7 hours daily before coming home and reinforcing the said propaganda with homework made by liberal roastie profesors and niggers about how he should hate himself and how he is responsible for all world problems and niggers and jews are victims for another 3 hours before going to bed and doing it all again, hes must be mentally ill!, here, give him this medication to numb him every day for the rest of his life goy eheheh

>> No.15601910

>Yes there is.

>> No.15601947

this is what I just don't understand about you retards, why do you ACTUALLY resort to STRAIGHT UP LYING and STRAIGHT UP REALITY DENIAL?

>> No.15601959

>Psychiatrists have already recognized psychiatry is made up garbage
You mean an abysmal minority of them who are regularly laughed at by their peers.

>> No.15601963

>This is a gateway drug. Your brother will wind up dead by his 19th birthday if you put him on this.
lol at this alarmist bullshit. you people are scared of your own shadows.

>> No.15601972

You are scared

>> No.15601983
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Ok schizo.

>> No.15602024

This reminds of me of Kremlin shills.
Give me a source for your claims.
Protip: you won't.

And yes, it's on you to prove your ramblings since they go against the overwhelming consensus in psychiatry.

>> No.15602086


>> No.15602708

Why do these threads always get ruined by retarded schizomutts?

>> No.15602743

Conservative media plays into delusional thinking. The enormous rise of cartoonish paranoia in USA is a consequence of that.

>> No.15602751

Yeah, don't trust the people who actually took the meds, trust the pill-pusher who gets paid a commission by a pharma company.

>> No.15602757

The overwhelming majority of people who take the meds at theraputic doses experience clinically positive outcomes. What you're really suggesting is to trust a small minority of users who had experiences that they felt were bad enough to whine about online.

>> No.15602764

>You know that he was a diagnosed schizo, right?
Diagnosis of mental illness is an old tactic to discredit a person to steal their shit or discredit their assertions. I don't think Teddy boy was firing on all cylinders, but schizophrenic he was not. And he has an excellent point that modern society produces "normal" conditions that are not conducive to human mental health.

>> No.15602766

>but schizophrenic he was not.

>> No.15602770

Until the kid himself complains of a dystonic experience, this is nothing but a lazy teacher who bores children and a doctor who wants $$$.

>> No.15602776

>>Until the kid himself complains of a dystonic experience, this is nothing but a lazy teacher who bores children and a doctor who wants $$$.
This is nonsense you pulled entirely out of your ass, btw.

>> No.15602782

Sorry, you have to prove he was schizophrenic, I don't have to prove he wasn't. The dude didn't exhibit symptoms of psychosis. His tested intelligence alone would make him a ludicrously rare outlier for a schizophrenic. It was a politically-motivated diagnosis to discourage copycat bombers. Which is an understandable thing to do, but medically irresponsible.

>> No.15602789

your complaint is pure semantics, a disorder is something wrong. To gay retards, getting pozed with AIDS isn't a disease but a blessing.
All problems in the world are subjective, but we have consensus, not being able to focus and properly function in society is a mostly agreed upon problem, which is why they prescribe solutions for it.
Honestly I'm not even sure what youre trying to say.

>UNLESS you have the tools to possibly demonstrate a disease/disorder is present, which psychiastrist really don't.
how about "behavior related actions that present a problem"
no they dont have a way to do a scan of every neuron in the brain and they don't have a correct brain and they haven't solved consciousness hard problem. I know that is what you're implying needs to be done in order to have validity, but that's literally irrelevant. Behavioral and mental disorders are classified based on, guess what? The behavior of the person. The medication is meant to treat the behavior.

>> No.15602799

He exhibited enough symptoms of schizophrenia to fit the diagnostic criteria. That's enough to meet the burden of proof in court, and in medicine. That's how it works.

If you believe he wasn't schizophrenic, you now have to demonstrate that he didn't exhibit those symptoms, or that the diagnostic criteria itself is flawed.

>> No.15602810

>His tested intelligence alone would make him a ludicrously rare outlier for a schizophrenic
John Nash was schizophrenic and he was a far more accomplished mathematician than ol Teddy could ever hope to be.

>> No.15604558


>> No.15604597

lol he was not schizophrenic at all. Read up more about it, you'll realize that those diagnoses are false. Shit just read his work and try to convince yourself that he was a schizo. He showed absolutely no sign of schizophrenia ever.

>> No.15605791

>lol he was not schizophrenic at all.
He was. Is denying these obvious and famous cases how you cope with your schizophrenia diagnosis?

>> No.15605802

Alarmist bullshit.

>> No.15605813

If people think nicotine causes heart disease then imagine what the god of all stimulants (amphetamines) will do. Better start saving for your heart transplant at 45

>> No.15605830

Post evidence that theraputic amphetamine doses pose a meaningful risk of heart disease.

>> No.15606386

Impacts on the body aside, have you seen the ingredients used in that junk.?
And yes it is poisonous, it is inherently neurotoxic.

>> No.15606393

Which ingredient in what dose specifically?

>> No.15607065

>Nonmedicinal ingredients: cetyl alcohol, D&C Yellow No. 10, dibutyl sebacate, ethylcellulose, FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Red No.

>> No.15607085

money printers for doctors
if you get addicted on this trash you deserve to be eradicated from the gene pool

>> No.15608354

Imagine blaming a 7 year old

>> No.15608560

What about the dosage? There's all sorts of shit in apples, too.

>> No.15609456

And don't say what you're about to say because it's disingenuous.

>> No.15611493

why do you think "normal" is something to aspire to and what do you think that words means

also there are proven negative effects of ritalin in children, they grow less as they eat less

what happened is, female teachers can't cope with boys energy and so get Sheklebergy to drug them out. Endless accademic tests that play to attributes induced by these drugs also encourage thier use.

>> No.15611505

>also there are proven negative effects of ritalin in children, they grow less as they eat less
This is why children's height and diet should be monitored by their doctor and family while they are taking stimulants. It's easily avoided, really.

>> No.15611512

how does monitoring hiegh growth, take the ritalin out of the system

the child will eat less, and burn more fuel.

how foes going to see family doctor help with this?

>> No.15611528

>how does monitoring hiegh growth, take the ritalin out of the system
If their growth seems stunted, you would discontinue the ritalin. Usually kids don't have any trouble eating a healthy amount of food on ritalin, though. This side effect has been largely overblown.

>> No.15611531

the evidence is clear stunts growth.
you would discontinue the ritalin in every case
you can't make up for stunted growth.
that time is gone.

>> No.15611539

>the evidence is clear stunts growth.
No, this isn't the case. It's actually very uncommon.

>> No.15611542


Systematic reviews have provided similar results: methylphenidate slows growth by about 1 to 1.5 cm per year. Catch-up growth usually occurs during a 2-year period after methylphenidate withdrawal. Studies of final adult height have shown no statistically significant difference versus never-treated individuals.

I personally would not take the risk..... and you will be shorter, as you growth plates will close over. So if you start you have to stop, to grwo agian if your have time to.

>> No.15611551

Was diagnosed as a child. I'm almost 34 now and my ADHD is still really bad. I regret not taking meds for it. The one time I took some from my sister I felt really fucking focused. I just don't want to go to a shrink just to get my own prescription for it.

>> No.15611591

I have seen you type this exact comment about muh dementors/azkaban before already. And just like i told you last time its time to go back

>> No.15611606

autism or any other DSM-V or ICD-10 diagnoses(not that the previous version where any different)are not real diseases. All these diagnoses are nothing more than a subsection of symptoms of behavior that are given a name. When a psychiatrist is diagnosing somebody with so called ''disorders'' all they are doing is checking of a list of behaviors. This also makes the whole thing completely subjective and based on opinion in that regard but even if everybody was judged by the same standard than it still doesnt say anything. At most its an unreliable rough form of behavioral classification. I always cringe when people talk about being mis-diagnosed because you cant be diagnosed correctly to begin with. Its not like a real disease like cancer where the source of the symptoms is the cancer itself in these fake mental health disorders the symptoms are the disease. When somebody that is depressed is saying ''i dont have energy because of my depression'' for example he is really is just saying ''i dont have energy because i dont have energy'' since deppression is nothing more than a label for behavior. Im not implying with this btw that psychological problems do not exist they absolutely do and there is great variation in human minds and behavior relatively and some people are indeed very different and insane. However looking up some disorder symptoms and thinking ''yeah that fits'' really doesnt mean anything since these disorders dont mean anything. They have also written down the disorder symptoms in such a way that almost anybody that complains to a psychologist or psychiatrist will get diagnosed especially in the latest dsm edition its the medicalization of normal human behavior and emotion. The real reason our hijacked medical system is like this has more something to do with selling drugs will duming down and poisoning the population for controll purposes and even more monetary gain.

>> No.15611612

Same with muh adhd

>> No.15611622

>The one time I took some meth
>I felt really fucking focused
Yeah no shit
>This proof my kike labeling pharma trick is real!!!!
Drooling nigger cattle

>> No.15611632

If you have a better alternative, I'm all ears.

>> No.15611654

A alternative for what? Adhd isn't real see:>>15611606
Im not a phony psychiatrist and i do not know you so i do not claim to have a sure solution to your problem's. However if you have problem's focusing you probally can come up with the simple advice for increasing focus yourself that i will tell you otherwise. Also many people are poisoned in todays world by many factor's that can be hard to avoid

>> No.15611712

Guilty by association according to you? Very low iq statement

>> No.15612764

How is ADHD not real?

>> No.15612773

She said she is not a psychiatrist, so her opinion is worthless anyway.

>> No.15612812


>> No.15612875

You will never be a real science

>> No.15612935

If you really don’t want him to do it take it for yourself or sell in on the streets.

>> No.15612939

Will I be a fake science?!

>> No.15614214

>How is ADHD not real?
My favorite conservative youtuber told me.

>> No.15614464

>Muh conservative
>Muh left/right cattle nigger politics circus
I do not watch e-celebs now in the same fashion go watch your cnn

>> No.15614548

Yes you're such a unique snowflake that labels don't apply to you. We know.

>> No.15614588

Do you think charlemange thought to himself ''hmmm is this policy i want to implent into my empire le right or le left?'' The only thing that matters is if its righteous and good. Now go cry about about muh conservative like you are supposed to do by the will of your masters you don't know. Left/right politics fascination is a clear sign of cattledom

>> No.15614598
File: 90 KB, 975x1383, 1666426489661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15614615

muttoids are really obnoxious with their conspiracy theories about literally anything

>> No.15614618

Yes i know you are a bunkertranny

>> No.15614619

yeah, these people unironically think they live in a Hideo Kojima game. it's so cartoonish.