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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15582365 No.15582365 [Reply] [Original]

All established scientific "laws" are simply observed regularity.
You could conduct 10,000 experiments with the same result yet not know with absolute certainty the 10,001 will be the same because the real immutable mechanism behind observable phenomena is not known.
Now that is not to say I don't appreciate the hardwork of you good folks and I certaintly won't be walking off a building anytime soon betting gravity will stop working.
But if gravity do decide to sleep for a week, no amount of man-made "laws" are going to stop that.

>> No.15582373

Yes, inductivism as logic gates, knowing its not all thats in play but has coherent vectors.

>> No.15582378

you're technically correct, but practically wrong

throwing a ball into the air ten times and noting that it falls back down each time, then extrapolating from that gravity exists, is different from reading a book and assuming the ball was made by god.

if your point is that for science to work one must have faith in testable experiments and the results observed, then sure, it does.

>> No.15582415

Science must have faith in whatever true causes of observable phenomena is still in play so that the observed regularity thus far will persist.
Now that is not to say this fact validates any religious or esoteric texts. At least science provides a model of the current conditions of the true causes that is verifiable while the other have not.
Nonetheless, faith is required.

>> No.15582426
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>but practically wrong
Tell that to Jesus.

>> No.15582457
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You're a retard who completely failed to understand the problem of induction. And this is why philosotards are unqualified to talk about epistemology. Leave it to the high IQ boys, kiddo.

>> No.15582461
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome.


>> No.15582468

I do not study philosophy and I have no idea what induction is.
I simply know the scientific method sees things as they are.

>> No.15582469

>Earth is flat
That's dumb. You fly over earth and you can see it is round.
But it might get flattened in the future, who knows.

>> No.15582473

Don't reply to the Talmudic cosmology spam bot. He spams this in every thread and never replies back.

>> No.15582478

>Here is my metaphysical model

>> No.15582479

>I have no idea what induction is
Yes, that's obvious, tard.

>> No.15582481
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Do you believe man came from apes or an ape-like creature?

Because that's taken on faith, yet it's taught as Science™ fact in schools despite that we only ever see variations and adaptations, nothing even close to the scale of one life form being the shared common ancestor of all life. Nothing about this is even mathematically possible too, evolution and abiogenesis violate laws of science and are also mathematically impossible even if we create "pockets" of time where laws of science no longer apply.

Yet all of this is still called science. Just look at the big bang as well, they have endless stop-gap explanations for every criticism of their blind faith beliefs they call science and force on kids like "inflation theory". I wonder how long until "simulation theory" or "multiverse theory" or "peepeepoopoo theory" is taught as Science™ fact in schools.

Some of them are even saying maybe ayylmaos seeded life on earth, so some of them ultimately concede that life was created by intelligence, but just not the God of the Bible because the God of the Bible has standards and a moral law he expects people to follow. Faceless ayylmaos that don't even exist beyond sci-fi don't have moral standards. That's what all of it ultimately comes down to and with modern Science™, the ideology drives the data, they ignore all data that proves their timeline faulty like inconsistent radio metric dating or soft tissue in fossils they claim are tens of millions of years old.

But they silence all dissent and criticism like the popes would silence heretics; well, they wish they could go that far, but it's effectively the same when anyone who even asks questions of evolution blind faith religion is treated as an outcast, ostracized, loses friends, loses opportunities, and their career is effectively killed for not having blind faith that some finches making finches in the Galapogos proves man came from apes which came from fish which came from soup which came from a rock.

>> No.15582495
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It's also obvious you have no idea what you are talking about and would rather hide behind jargons and ad hominem
Let me try to see if that makes my post any more convincing.
You are retarded, tard.

>> No.15582496

>Do you believe man came from apes or an ape-like creature?
I do. There are sufficiently many "humans" who are closer to monkeys than to actual conscious and moral beings like myself. I'd say that's convincing evidence.

>> No.15582497
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I don't talk to science golems.

>> No.15582512

>hide behind jargon
No jargon was used. It's a well known and commonly understood word. If you don't know it it'll take less than a minute to read its meaning on the internet unless you're a retarded dumbass.

>> No.15582528
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How exactly does this inductive reasoning disprove anything said in OP post?
You retarded dumbass?

>> No.15582541

Now look up the problem of induction and its solution, cretin. Or let your tard handler explain it to you.

>> No.15582562
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>no inductively arranged set of statements gives any reason for the 'conclusion' being true
The "solution" is basically what I said in OP.
I was joking, but I guess you are actually retarded...

>> No.15582570

Your reading comprehension is poor. Try again, moron.

>> No.15582583


>> No.15582585

Sorry I don't take advices from actual retards just like that Flat Earther spammer back up there.
I'll back later to check out other replies.

>> No.15582586

If you do 10 000 experiments and get result A, then you know for a certainty that the 10 001th experiment would also result in A.

Also many theories in science are entirely constructed without experiment, and then merely experimented because of a technicality. For example, the fact that gases cool when they expand can be proven by words. Experiments aren't actually needed to confirm it. All of it flows completely from the mathematical ways how temperature, kinetic energy, gas, etc are defined.

>> No.15582751

How are you not banned? I thought comparing science with religion is a big NO NO here.

>> No.15582759

We share 50% DNA with a banana. Does that mean we're descended from bananas too?

>> No.15582790

A banana is long and sometimes inserted in a vagina. The similarity to my dick is undeniable. It is only reasonable that humans share a common ancestor with bananas.

>> No.15582801

>Because that's taken on faith, yet it's taught as Science
so is the existence of atoms
you, who cannot discern which end of a wrench is the working one have to take it on the word of scientists that matter behaves in a way consistent with the atomic model. i on the other hand can walk up to the ICP-MS at my job, spike water with a known amount of dissolved iron, and watch as it comes in at the exact mass/charge ratio you would expect an iron atom to appear at. if the atoms were not there, that would be a pretty big deal for every person remotely affiliated with the data collected by MS. a geneticist or paleontologist has the same first hand experience with evolution as i do atoms. i have to take their word that everything we know about gene sequencing and fossils supports the concept of evolution, and they have to take my word that all the experiments in physical chemistry support the existence of atoms.
this is how science works, which is why the retards who shove themselves in a corner, start babbling about kikes on sticks and refuse to reckon with the physical world are completely worthless to a more complete understanding of our reality

>> No.15582966
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And that is why Mathematics is king.
My pure numbers will never fail me.