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File: 18 KB, 2100x1500, 33152854205_87bd351197_o-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15581596 No.15581596 [Reply] [Original]

I am afraid of someone stealing the 23andMe database and harvesting my organs.

In my mind this is a big donor database for the rich.

>> No.15581604

You're safe, no one wants anything to do with your genes.

>> No.15581605

Can the 23andMe data be used for donor compatibility?

>> No.15581631
File: 18 KB, 320x240, cant be too careful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You can tell someone's blood group solely from their DNA but it doesn't help you with crossmatch and HLA typing.

>> No.15581672

Don't do this, your uncle WILL be arrested for that one time he raped someone in the early 90s.

>> No.15581725


>Although DNA from saliva has been used in forensic
medicine [1–3], saliva is not commonly used for ordinary
HLA typing. We provide preliminary data here, showing
that saliva is a simple source for HLA typing.


>> No.15581730
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I used ancestry. Didn't tell me anything I didn't really know, but it's still fun.

>> No.15581731

Read the paper. They required 2 ml of saliva, not a simple swab. And even then such samples need to be prepared so you would do a HLA or DNA but not both.

>> No.15581744


They could just cut the swab in half.

>> No.15581755

100$ and they get ALL of your data. they get everything that you are minus your history.
this shit shouldn't be legal, I mean private companies holding your data on their servers. there should be a serious infrastructure for these types of data, and you shouldn't be able to agree on giving up this information without some sort of serious contract where you get payed. the company only gets access to work with that info and then when contract's up company looses access to that info. if company is caught in possesion of your information there should be serious cost.
imagine in 10 years some headband is scanning your brain, completely, and uploads to corporate server. you agreed bro, you checked the box when you made the account. now they can spawn you in literal hell forever since you checked the box.
leaving this info so easily accessible (they fucking bought it) to companies might be one of the very great filters.

>> No.15581773

Sure, there are huge privacy concerns giving away your genome to a private company but OP worrying about organ harvesting is pure schizo retardation.

>> No.15581789

there's no technical reason why they wouldn't be able to grow exactly OP, provided they also have your current brain info. sounds schizo but technically possible.
there should be an union for human data protection, which should always fight in behalf of all people, with companies, so they have sane requests and you are aware of what is happening and implications. I know companies hate this but the things that will be possible with just data kinda requires changing how we manage it.
you get one fucking paradigm shifting step and you're not prepared and everything can go to shit.
there should be more control over what and how much and for long companies get access to your data. what is happening now with data is a fucking shit show.

>> No.15582339

You have to buy the one with the genetic traits and genetic disease and shit. That's the fun part. 23andme is also more fun because it gives you an estimate of Neanderthal ancestry.