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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 750x1062, average science enthusiast .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15580721 No.15580721 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ is taking over
MIT & Harvard trained physicist running for US Senate in Virginia.

Science experts are finally starting to use their superior rational and analytical abilities to send the lawyers packing and establish a scientific empire.
There is no way for anyone to stop the bigbrains once they get started, victory is inevitable

>> No.15580732

I like this video and I would (and surprisingly can) vote for this candidate, but his scientific credentials are really not a huge selling point. Angela Merkel actually had a PhD in physical chemistry; this guy got a masters or something at MIT maybe? masters are the degree you pay for and basically anyone willing to pay up can get one (the classes are sort of tough but not too tough too weed out cheaters and dishonest rich people)

then again maybe he does have scientific chops, and that’s great and adds to my liking of him, but to call him a /sci/ candidate is gonna be a stretch, at least until he starts addressing the ABC conjecture issue or the W mass excess from CDF

>> No.15580932

>masters are the degree you pay for
>implying PHD's aren't
If your tuition is waived and even if you're given a stipend you're paying in oppurtunity cost
If you sit in a PHD program long enough they just give you the degree, look at Sam Harris

>> No.15580955

Damn. I want to move to Virginia just to vote for this guy now.

>> No.15581336

Science chad dictatorship is inevitable, the only question is if it happens sooner or later.

>> No.15582518
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Science Revolution!
High IQ Takeover!

>> No.15582525

>you're paying in oppurtunity cost
That doesn't mean you're paying the university.

>> No.15582584
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scientifically speaking, it seems his genes were much stronger than his bombshell wife's

>> No.15582593

>PhD's are the degree you pay for
You are literally paid to do a PhD, you fucking schizo

>> No.15582980

providing free/cheap af labor

>> No.15583014

i can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity. why so upset?

>> No.15583056

>Sam Harris
Didn't he get a degree in cognitive neuroscience? That's practically philosophy but with some neurology-associated jargon. He's half-Jewish, so the philosophical argument-proposing part shouldn't be too difficult for him.

>> No.15583960

>25 years in the military
absolute glownigger 100%

>> No.15585666

If he can harness all the brainpower of all the azns that were rejected by Harvard then his is unstoppable

>> No.15585689

we are clumps of cells on a rock in space but we don't know if "god"-like thing is real or not. I don't mean the schizo-religious babble, I mean we have no clue if an alien techno god-like thing exists, and fucks with us or not.
I mean sure, for some the concept of religious god sounds retarded, but that shouldn't make what I said clearly not possible.
think about it, if it exists, and is fucking with us, he'd drop hints so religions start spouting random shit.
a techno-god can very well psyop us with religion.

>> No.15586181

if we're just clumps of cells then i can kill you and its no big deal, right?

>> No.15586193

if I don't feel anything in the process and everything that is me is preserved and easily created and I lose like 5 minutes in total yeah I might do it as a gag.
also that is your fear and pain, stop projecting that shit on other people and also stop being weird. I am not at fault for your seemingly inevitable old age death (eventually). I may very well be the one who allows you to avoid that. fucking idiot. any one of us. stop acting edgy.

>> No.15586201

Politicians always promise great stuff and never do any of that shit when elected. Either they just lie to get votes, or they do not have the power to do it once in

>> No.15586230
File: 234 KB, 1546x875, 89 iq post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity

>> No.15586232
File: 724 KB, 812x2848, antiftwats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Oz lost in Pennsylvania to literal retard with brain damage

>> No.15586236

He was just an MD, they're low IQ

>> No.15586268

Wisdom of this world is foolishness, so is all flesh that glories in itself.

>> No.15586272

dude you made a fucking photo, for me. you dedicated time, used some retarded website, and made the screenshot. what the fuck. staple emotionally stable.

>> No.15586282

he had a higher IQ than 99% of this board and the literal retard he lost too. retards dont vote for high IQs, they vote for who tells them what they want to hear

>> No.15586310

>retards dont vote for high IQs, they vote for who tells them what they want to hear
yes, and scientists have little sense for human bullshit. I mean depends on IQ of-course, but ability to talk bulshit is a skill in itself, you have to live the bullshit, so you can become the bullshit the humans want to vote. scientists have other preoccupations.
the single act of lying is what mentally affects the way you see the world. scientists are not compatible with this frame of mind which seems like an advantage for the political game.
a scientist trying this would affect his ability to discern objective truth, without him having a choice. the mere fact of continually living in such environment means that you get the bullshit cooties. which affects your ability as a scientist.
it's an either/or thing. I mean sure you can do a mediocre job at both at once, sure, but you won't be excellent at any of them.

>> No.15586363

Don't be so sure. It is mostly unimportant who in the party votes, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is who counts the votes, and how.

>> No.15586385

He didnt actually go to MIT or Harvard:



>> No.15586423

merkel got a physics phd in the gdr despite her problematic family. she also got it for free. my guess is that she is highly intelligent.

>> No.15586456
File: 25 KB, 1428x565, 823884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you made a fucking photo, for me. you dedicated time, used some retarded website, and made the screenshot. what the fuck. staple emotionally stable.
t. not the poster u replied to

>> No.15586563

Well yes comrade Stalin, tks for stating the obvious

>> No.15587535
File: 95 KB, 1100x619, 201105165103-tcf-center-detroit-windows-1104-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNN: Right-wing media portrayed window covering at ballot center as nefarious. Here's what really happened

>> No.15588169

stfu tranny

>> No.15588180

>open video
>muh commie boogeyman
>close video
Why are murilards like this? Ironically China, a communist country, is a technocracy governed by engineers while murica is governed by actors, tv stars and crack-addicted career politicians who have never worked a second in their life.

>> No.15588301

Why is an Ivy league science expert running as a Republican?

>> No.15588697

desperately deflecting from the fact you're retarded

>> No.15590424

because he is a glownigger

>> No.15590435

Spatial IQ above 130 must become mandatory to hold any position of power, and 100 IQ to be able to vote.

>> No.15590440

That is not true. China is massively corrupt so those hold STEM degrees only in name.

>> No.15590455

>she is highly intelligent.
sure. just look at how she ran germany

>> No.15590477

Why does this board constantly slurp ccp cock?

>> No.15590677

because he knows what a woman is

>> No.15590703

It's just some bugmen diaspora and aznidentity incels who, despite shilling for China, would never go live there. They do it on pretty much every board

>> No.15590734
File: 217 KB, 1440x1440, twum's birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, but does he know what a scientist looks like?

>> No.15590770

>we need real fighters not politicians not bureaucrats which is why I am going to fight this Biden bureaucracy using politics
So the new /pol/ meta is retarded half-cocked psyops? Poggers did everyone see his HARD SCIENCE degree?

>> No.15590861

Was not trained by either MIT or Harvard. Probably one of the best political ads I've seen in a while though.

>> No.15590879

Low IQ ape. You cannot defeat generational manipulation by having one smart politician. There is no winning against these people. They have been in control for 5,000 plus years. They will never not be in control. Dumb fuck.

>> No.15590912
File: 40 KB, 500x488, HitlerAndFems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be done

>> No.15590919
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>> No.15590937
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>> No.15590945

>Wisdom is when you are not wise.
Contradiction, explain.

>> No.15591054

imagine worshipping a meth addict lmao

>> No.15591072

your favorite scientist was a substance "addict" too, you just dont know it yet.

>> No.15591094
File: 8 KB, 183x232, 1683077167812085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey hitler!!
>he was a drug addict
>he only had one testicle
>he was gay
>he was a pedo
>he had out of control flatulence
>he was a vegetarian
>he couldn't ride a bicycle
>he peed in his pants
>he wore a toupee
>he had halitosis
>he was only 5' 9"
>he wore a bra

>> No.15591140

You forgot
>he was a jew