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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 336 KB, 534x578, Dr.Chud MD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15561149 No.15561149 [Reply] [Original]

Paging Dr. Chud Edition

Last Thread: >>15522067

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

>> No.15561154

graduated with a double major in math and stats (3.369 gpa (I know its not all that good)) and couldn't find any job remotely related to it for 8 months and I've been working in a mail room for the last 4...what do I do to not be failure bros

>> No.15561155
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>here's your first company out of college bro

>> No.15561159

You haven't tried your luck in finance? I did some networking with people from Pitchbook and all you need is to take some investment banking course online to have a good chance to get your foot into the door. You need actual credentials to advance, but it's better than nothing.
That's my alternative in case I still struggle for a job after grad school.

>> No.15561164

You know most Europeans look down or even outright despise America, right? It's a big shocker since most people here don't care for Europe (except Ukraine for now). Try your luck in England if you just want to get into Europe in general, but if you just want to simply study abroad, go for Canada.

>> No.15561174
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I want to do a PhD in nuclear physics. I graduated with 3.55 GPA from the University of Utah for my BS. Where should I apply?

>> No.15561180

Did you check US News? https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-science-schools/nuclear-science-rankings
Don't mind the rankings themselves, they were formed from opinions or groups of opinions. If you want more options, maybe switch to radiochemistry?

>> No.15561183

where is pic from?

>> No.15561186

A boomer hate thread from /pol/

>> No.15561203

Where am I good enough to get into? A lot of places don't actually list what they really want or expect from appplicant, so it's difficult to gauge whether it's worth applying.

>> No.15561218

I gave it a shot, I'm thinking about going to grad school for math and focusing in dynamical systems modeling but idk if that's a meme or if I should just follow what I enjoy and excel at

>> No.15561329

>exit interview can help determine the real causes of employee discontent
sure, but majority of people won't say it was because they're getting a proper raise by jumping ship, they'll say something that won't burn any bridges in the future.

>> No.15561556
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How important would you say adding a cover letter is when they give you a space to upload miscellaneous documents but they aren't necessarily asked for?
I hate writing these things.

>> No.15561578
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Why would an EE student need to know functional analysis?

>> No.15562212

>You know most Europeans look down or even outright despise America, right?
Yeah that's what I like about them.

>> No.15562376

It's pretty big in signal analysis. Just push through it man.

>> No.15562586

I am the ultimate stem careerist.

>> No.15562879
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>Where am I good enough to get into?
I don't know that, I'm no you kek.
> A lot of places don't actually list what they really want or expect from appplicant
In general grad schools want someone with genuine interest in what they are studying, dense research experience, and willing to endure multiple failures in a row. That last part is especially important because you're going to be doing novel experiments with no clear answer.

>> No.15562881

Oh really? Name every STEM career ever.

>> No.15562897

Finances might be a meme, but it's just a good alternative if things don't go the way you want to if
>follow what I enjoy and excel at
doesn't really work out in terms of making a living

>> No.15562901

Why not? Companies can take note of this and offer a pay rise or more benefits to keep a good employee. I don't think the employer is going to take it personally, especially if they are a good one.

>> No.15562923

>"Also make sure the professor has a good track record of having students graduating on time. Some professors, especially on the Continent, see students as cheap labour and intentionally delay their graduation. Avoid these at all cost as this could cost you time and money, and you have little of either at this stage in life."

What is "the contienent"?

>> No.15562948

North America

>> No.15562960

Also, where did you read that from?

>> No.15563002

What about hard measurements like GPA and GRE? What tier represents reach, safety, and "maybe in another life, kid" for someone graduated with a 3.55 and hasn't taken the GRE yet?

>> No.15563015

At least in STEM and in the US, the GRE is required for about 5 total grad programs. You shouldn’t worry about it

>> No.15563051

Western Europe excluding IE, GB, IS, NO, SE and FI.

>> No.15563116

what kinda dynamical system stuff you interested in? check out steve brunton's SINDy, cool shit

>> No.15563319

Bros how do masters work?

Can I do masters in mechanical engineering when I got a bachelors of mechanical?

Or do I have to choose another spec? Like if I done bachelors of mechanical I have to choose something like electrical?

How hard is it to do a masters of electrical from mechanical bachelors?

>> No.15563324

In general, grad schools don't require the GRE anymore, sure, you can hand a score in, but the admissions staff will place it low in their consideration for admitting a student if they even consider it in the first place. A better criteria would be a research statement that shows you are eager to learn, have a solid plan for grad school (knowing what to research), having at least three professors telling you how good you are in their recommendation letters, and having research experience helps a lot.

>> No.15564105

Why that doctor and why do I look exactly like him wtf

>> No.15564106

*Who that doctor

>> No.15564137

*Where that doctor

>> No.15564148

There's some sort of misunderstanding. We don't hate America because of the landscape, we hate it because of Americans.

>> No.15564151

That's what you get for double majoring.
Employers don't care.
Post graduation and med school admissions don't care.
You were being a midwit and wanted to feel Le smart by taking on more courses and work for no reason. Congratulations, you got your double major at the expense of your GPA. Meanwhile High IQs know that undergrad is bullshit and take the easiest courses to get the highest GPA possible.

>> No.15564164

*What that doctor

>> No.15564219
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nvm I found the guy. He's Christopher Madias, MD, a cardiologist from the Tufts medical center

>> No.15564341
File: 114 KB, 1154x719, Watame_dissappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is finance worth it or should I just get into data? I picked a quant master's thinking it will make me big money but so many of my classmates are normies and networking is really big in the industry. I'm worried I'll get thrown out of a bank for being an autist. Non US btw.

>> No.15564407
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>> No.15564493

>trying to finish phd this year
>advisor keeps trying to make me do a start up for this shitty project we did
I have no fucking interest in this project and I don't believe in it. I'm not doing a one-man start up, fuck off man.

>> No.15564507

not exactly the same, but when I left the navy as an officer we were required to right a resignation letter about why we got out to non-specific high up in the navy. Per regulations the letter was not allowed to be negative or disparaging. We were mandated essentially to write something like
>I have enjoyed my time, such wonderful opportunities. I would love to stay in, but I just have different priorities right now...

>> No.15564515
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>> No.15564916

Has anyone here studied mechatronics? How is the pay? Is it easy to find jobs?

>> No.15564957

If I intend to get a PhD and do engineering research is it better to be a physicist or an engineer? Specifically I am torn between aerospace engineering and physics. I really like math and want to get into advanced math classes and learn all the theory that physicists learn but I also don't know if I want to be poor for 8-10yrs.

>> No.15565140

HR is made up of midwits that only know EE, ME, and CS.

>> No.15565242

Are you looking to stay in academia? If so, physics would be your best bet. If not, engineering would be a more optimal path.

>> No.15565257

Honestly, I don't think it matters much. Engineering PhDs are pretty out there to begin with and very math heavy (they're not like masters programs since PhDs have such a strong emphasis on research). I would say to an employer who isn't stupid, they won't see the difference, but to employers that ARE stupid they will see the difference and in that case the engineering PhD is better.

Wait are you asking about undergrad here or not? If this is an undergrad discussion, I'd almost recommend dual majoring, you need the background no matter what at the PhD level. I'd do Aerospace Engineering with a dual major in either applied math (focused into computational methods and PDEs) or physics. That's going to look best at the PhD level. At the very least you should ensure any electives that you do have are focused into math and ideally applied and computational methods. An engineering degree will teach you how to employ say the methods of say finite elements, but the same math course will teach you the fundamental math and rigorous reasoning behind why it works. Knowing both really does put you on a different level.

>> No.15565392


Engineering PhDs, or physics PhDs for that matter, aren't necessarily particularly mathematical. I know many people doing applied physics research (which is broad enough that there's decent overlap with some engineering research) who haven't solved an equation in years.

In general I'd usually recommend doing what you're interested in. So if you want to do engineering research which is heavily mathematical, major in engineering and do as much maths on the side as you can. Despite your perception that physics is like engineering with more emphasis on mathematics that isn't really the case. The things being emphasized are different from both engineering and mathematics.

Don't do a PhD if you don't want to be poor for at least a decade and probably the rest of your existence.

>> No.15565493 [DELETED] 

I am an undergrad, actually I'm a community college student because I'm poor and didn't do so well in highschool. The university I intend to apply to doesn't have an applied math degree. So I guess if I did dual major it would have to be in physics or pure math. Have you ever done a dual major or know anyone who has? What is the course-load like and how long did it take?

>> No.15565534

The way I understand it is that physicists go more indepth into theory and understand why the math works and engineers skip out on theory to focus on application. I would really like a firm theoretical understanding of what I'm am doing though. I think I would overall enjoy making things in the real world but I still want to 'know' rather than plug and chug. And I also want to know enough to read into any field of physics that interests me. Like hypothetically if I wanted to build a fusion rocket or some other wündertech I would probably need to know more than classical mechanics, thermo, and fluid dynamics.
>Don't do a PhD if you don't want to be poor for at least a decade and probably the rest of your existence.

>> No.15565553

>physicists go more indepth into theory and understand why the math works
It's not quite as clear-cut as "theory" vs. "application" with physics and engineering. It's not entirely wrong either. The problem, I guess, is that physics and engineering involve doing somewhat different things. So the "theory" is different. Physics isn't really "theoretical engineering", it's trying to tackle a different set of problems. You can certainly get very mathematical with engineering. Probably you will find more theory-focused people around you in physics though, and more application-focused people in engineering. In a standard engineering or physics curriculum, mathematics is just a tool, learned at the level of mathematical methods for tackling problems. Which bits you learn depend on which problems you're trying to solve. Unless you go out of your way though, you're not going to dive very deep into why the maths works in either.

>And I also want to know enough to read into any field of physics that interests me.
Physics is an absolutely massive field. Even physicists can't just get up and read into any field of physics beyond a certain level.

>hypothetically if I wanted to build a fusion rocket or some other wündertech I would probably need to know more than classical mechanics, thermo, and fluid dynamics
Depends. If you wanted to understand how such a contraption would work, maybe physics is better. If you wanted to actually build some it? You'd be much better off doing engineering. In either case, the general undergrad curriculum is almost certainly going to be insufficient and you'll have to learn the relevant bits on your own.

>> No.15565811

>keep getting asked by trading firms to interview with them
bros should i just give up and do it for a year then get fired and retire?
i'm too low iq to do anything else but this is my chance to give up on life in style

>> No.15565830

kek, i'm >>15565811 and i'm on the verge of just going for it since i somehow made the connections
finance is literally like the "i couldn't make it in anything that mattered so i settled for big money and gave up on life" path for me.
i don't think my head's in the right place when i think about going into it, it just doesn't sit right with me.

>Is finance worth it or should I just get into data?
everyone i've met in finance was deeply unhappy or competitive and viewed everything in life as thing to either win vs lose. idk i think it takes a certain type of person to want to be in such a place
>Non US btw.
can only speak as an american but finance comp is amazing at the top but falls off fast. you probably have a better grasp of how well it pays vs other jobs in your own country than we do

>> No.15565834

My aeronautical engineer friend was jobless for two years (aka worked in supermarket) and decided to do a PhD in ML.
My physicist friend is working at Intel and gets 150K
Me, a physicist, is doing a postdoc because I don't want to be a corposlave

>> No.15565882

Hello from Europe! I'm about to graduate with a PhD in Maths. Previously I did my bachelor's and master's in Physics. I did pretty well during my studies, but I'm fed up with academia. Lately, I've been thinking about going into patent law. Any thoughts?

>> No.15566352

If I am a statistics student and my research is mostly in Ergodic theory and other pure probability stuff, can I get accepted into PhD math programmes. I don't really want to be associated with statistics, I don't care about it, I like probability, and I will in the future like to also research in related pure math stuff.

Finance is very stressful and has long work hours; you also can't bullshit as much.

>> No.15566363

You’re already a corposlave. Unis are corporations. In fact you’re an even bigger corposlave than your Intel friend because he’s at least getting paid decently for it

>> No.15566529

>My physicist friend is working at Intel and gets 150K
does he like it there?
i've heard generally bad things about intel

>> No.15566539

>Me, a physicist, is doing a postdoc because I don't want to be a corposlave
So instead you choose to be a slave to a much smaller number of govbucks? Great job, you're really sticking it to the system.

>> No.15566860

>graduated last spring with aerospace degree
>no jobs lined up
>haven't found work yet
should I just sign up for the air force at this point?

>> No.15566870

Apply to jobs that list mechanical engineering degrees.

>> No.15566872

have you applied for MechEng positions?

>> No.15566878

Different anon but it really depends which department or division. Their management and finance programs are very much grindstones. Research can be much better but you can also end up stuck in a mid-tier industrial research job with nowhere to go or climb to

>> No.15566881

well, time to apply to more shit then.

>> No.15566909

I guess engineering is probably just better and after doing a PhD I should in theory learn on my own topics that seems relevant. I am an undergrad btw. I haven't considered doing a dual degree have you or anyone you know done one. What was it and what was the course load like?

>> No.15566988

Check out NC State

>> No.15567074

I have more freedom in academia. I go to smoke break for half an hour every two hours. I go to uni just two or three days a week. My pi is chill as fuck and he doesn't come to uni often either. My salary is not 100k obviously but is fairly decent. And I enjoy the work I'm doing, although I hate writing papers
My friend at Intel is exhausted. He's not in R&D, he's at quality assurance or some shit. Quite a robotic job, but pays good.

>> No.15567134

Postdoc is just kicking the can down the street though. It isn't something you can do long term, it doesn't really let you build savings or live like an adult and it doesn't really improve your odds of getting a better job afterwards. The reason nobody cares if you slack off is that your work isn't worth that much, which is also reflected in how well it's paid and how much it's respected.

t. postdoc

>> No.15567197

does being a gigantic cock sucker like this bother you

>> No.15567270

Yes and? I've surviving fine and I'll have almost 100K at the end of this year in savings. I'm single and not very outgoing though. I might actually try for a faculty position after this.

>> No.15567287
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>I go to smoke
That's bad for you anon. Think about your long term health.

>> No.15567370

I don't believe you saved that up from your academic working.

>> No.15567449
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>Dr. Chud Edition

>> No.15567662

I refuse to apply if there is no salary listed.

>> No.15567681

>go to grad school, join with professors group
>he brings me on for a project on topic x
>after a year he says, ok, now what I really planned but didnt tell you was to use x for y
>have zero interest in y
>he shoots down any attempt of mine to do more things related to x
>he has limited knowledge of y, can't teach me anything about it
>keeps pushing me to learn more about y, and submit papers on y, do tutorials for y
>i have no interest in y, I don't want to shoe horn myself into this niche area, i want to do x
is this how it normally goes. I'm really disappointed I didn't find a different advisor

>> No.15567692

no, why would I care if the navy refuses to get actual feedback and continues to hemorrhage people from terrible morale. Not my problem anymore

>> No.15567752

It's not unusual. It doesn't have to be that way though, it's down to luck (and planning, but sounds like this came out the blue) how well your interests line up with your advisor. Unfortunately the power dynamic there is heavily against you. You want to keep that relationship on good terms if at all possible. So if bossman wants to do y, you probably need to do some y. You don't really get to decide the topic of your work, it's not your lab.

Normally, though, some room is given for side projects as long as they're relevant. The sensible solution is that you do y (and, importantly, make it look like you're doing a lot of work on y) while working on your own x project on the side (if you spend a lot of time on it, don't let that show to bossman). Having side projects of your own ideation is generally healthy, and by what you're saying it doesn't sound like this x is completely unrelated to y (I know someone in a physics PhD who wanted to direct her attention to fashion and that understandably did not go down too well). It's a bit of a red flag that any such attempts are shot down. I think if this is the case your advisor is the one at fault, but I'm sure it's cold comfort.

I'm a standoffish autist who will burn any and all bridges and openly fight people, including and especially my bosses, when I can only lose. It's not working out too well for me, so try to maintain a more professional and positive relationship especially with your advisor, even if you hate them.

>> No.15567807

Yeah I'm in ECE, and he sold me on some projects about hardware security and digital design, and then he started pushing me to do some unrealistic version of homomorphic encryption. I figured out a solution within the framework we created, but it has serious limitations. Part of the problem is I don't believe in the work I'm doing, I don't think it's better than what is currently out there (or will be out there soon), so it's not very motivating to work on this topic I don't have interest in to make something that is inferior. I do not want to put on my resume that I do homomorphic encryption, because I don't want to be hired to a math analyst or cryptographer's job, I want a hardware security research job. The other problem is that there are clear limitations to the method he wants to go down and when I bring them up he just says he's pretty sure he could figure out a workaround, but never gives any example of how it would work.
I'm putting up with it because he wants to push me out quickly cause he's trying to get promoted to full professor, but it's just disheartening when I go to conferences and think that so many other projects sound so much more interesting and realistic than what I'm doing. I think I'll be ok for work, just get worried sometimes that I'll get passed over for jobs because I got forced to "specialize" in the wrong area

>> No.15567878
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>decide to apply for NSF fellowships
>look at the list of the people accepted from last year
>all Ivy league
>try my luck with some DOD fellowships
>look at the list of the people accepted from last year
>All Ivy league
>Decide to apply to some REUs for next year
>look at the list of the people accepted from last year
>All Ivy league
>Decide to browse some graduate programs for public, non-Ivy schools
>look at the list of grad students
>all Ivy league
This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.15568005

Good thing you went to an Ivy Leauge.

>> No.15568051

You're just mad he's happy with his job.

>> No.15568065

this, nc state has a working campus reactor (one of like two in the nation)

>> No.15568075

>current job is being a tech in aero industry (i have a bs in industrial & mfg engineering)
>work is mostly manual labor now since we're shipping off a project and installing on customer site
>job is slated to be complete in september, basically did nothing technical for that shit
>eventually we'll start another project, possibly from scratch
>afraid as fuck since i have literally zero design experience and that's not what i'm really trained for
>scrambling to remember all the math and theory i forgot in undergrad
>praying to the lord i'm not given some complicated ass bullshit to fail on and lose my job for

what do, anons? How much math and shit am I really supposed to know for an average engineering job? I know I'm a tech but they know I have a degree so I feel it's inevitable they'll ask me to do some more complicated things.

>> No.15568079

Stupid question but can you do an undergrad in Pure Math and then a PhD in Mathematical Physics. Can Mathematical Physics find applications in Government Labs?

>> No.15568611

Yes you absolutely can. It's what my brother did. Pure math bachelor's, mathematical physics masters, and then same for PhD.
As for jobs from that, it depends where you focus with mathphys. A lot of it is particle, cosmo or quantum computing. My brother, for example, has a research institute post looking at quantum neuromorphic ciecuits but I know people who focused on particle physics with it and can only fight for university posts now.

>> No.15568674

The information resource talks a lot about leaving academia for industry, but what about the other way around? Lets say I directly leave for industry after a phd, what are my chances/odds to have my work experience be valorized if I ever go back to academia?

>> No.15568684

Sure it's possible and happens but you compete with people who have teaching experience, a track record of grant applications and all the non-research stuff that universities love. So you really have to sell the research side, your management experience and publication record.

>> No.15568749 [DELETED] 

I have a PhD in chemistry and did computational chem. Learned to program in Python, c++, and fortran. Published twice before I left.

Been unable to find an actual job for the last six months. Only got one offer for some shit quality control chemist position with a shit Indian company that has horrible turnover. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.15568784


>> No.15568819

Good for anon if he's happy. I do think postdocs are a genuinely bad deal in most terms. I say this partly because I'm bitter with my own postdoc and partly so anyone contemplating a postdoc understands what they're getting into.

>> No.15568872

Are there any jobs that I can do as an electrical engineer where I don't have to use a computer? Or at least where I don't have to use it often? If I get an advanced degree I can be a professor/do research and not have to use one often right?
If not what other options do I have? Should I look into physics?

>> No.15568901

Why don't you want to use a computer?????? Do you know what you are doing right now?

>> No.15568927

If I do it all day my eyes, back, and hands get sore. It's not something that I can consistantly do. Recently I haven't been using my computer at all and just phoneposting. I guess I am just disillusioned with it even after spending a lot of time doing programming and OS stuff.

>> No.15568953

Work on your posture, adjust the brightness levels, take regular breaks to look at things at distance, beg your job for a standing desk. Avoiding using computers in tech/research in current year is ludicrous. Everything is computers

>> No.15568985

Do loud noises break your skin?

>> No.15569003

That is disappointing. I always assumed I could do something theoretical - get advanced degrees and do most of my work on physical paper which seems kind of silly now.
Are you just implying that I'm weak/sensitive or exaggerating things?

>> No.15569016

>not using computational methods
Pure math maybe but everything else is computer based, be it simulations or just data analysis

>> No.15569254

Can publications in respectful conferences and journals compensate for my subpar GPA (3.2) and 2 failed subjects for grad school applications?

>> No.15569379

I don't see why they'd care about your GPA if youve good papers. Postdoc here and I would hire you if your work was good enough (compared to other students of that level). Most applicants don't even have papers. So I'd suggest you go for it already. It's a time consuming and exhausting process so be ready for that though.

>> No.15569395

>he thinks he can just waltz into the air force

>> No.15569403

>fill out an application
>get a call like an hour later
it really was that easy. not doing it though

>> No.15569432

So you are just projecting your own failures onto him? Every guy I know who did their research well only had good things to say about their postdoc. They do one or two postdoc and then land an assistant professor role in a top university in less than 5 years after Ph D. One person is now an assistant professor in Harvard only 2 fucking years after Ph D, so that's a 6 figure salary right there. If you are intelligent and do research well, academia is great.

>> No.15569777

>what do, anons?
Hang on in there, anon, you will be surprised how much of your old knowledge comes to the surface once you need it.

How many postdoc contracts have you done? I did two before going to industry. Sure, pay was bad, but I got a lot of interesting experiences and skills out of it.

>> No.15569936

You're really just being disingenuous if you say every postdoc you know becomes an Ivy League assistant professor within five years of graduation. The tenure:PhD ratio is under 1:100, and that's counting all the shit colleges. I'm sure any industry is great if you're in the top 1% performers of the top 1% institutes.

That postdoc work is generally unrewarding, underpaid, life-disrupting and uncertain is certainly not just my opinion. Pretty much any survey of postdocs will reveal as much, Nature writes these articles every once in a while.

>> No.15570304

Why the fuck do you need to prove your english fluency when signing up for every single master's degree in Europe? You would think getting a bachelor's degree in Europe would be enough for that, at least since most of the bibliography is in english anyways. Guess I'll have to do this before I sign up for some master's next year. Which test is the most recommended?

>> No.15570353

I'm trying to get someone with a Space Science Degree a Job in the Florida Space Coast, what would be the best places to recommend Job Openings?

>> No.15570615

The keyword is good research. Most people with PhD don't know what the fuck they are doing. Also assistant professor is not tenured, so I am not even sure why you are talking about that.

>> No.15570617

It's a money making business.

>> No.15570621

Ask ((them))

>> No.15570655

from the air force? I thought you had to take a test cus they don't want dum dums in there lol. You could do civilian work, which is alright I guess.

>> No.15570656

wtf is a space science degree? just apply to any defense contractor, there should be plenty in florida.

>> No.15571085

Are you talking about enlisting? Lol why the fuck would you enlist if you have a bachelor's degree? That's even dumber than just staying unemployed.
I assumed you were talking about OTS.

>> No.15572280

Was referred here by a comment in a thread I made earlier. I'll just copy over my posting rather than rewrite the same thing.

Hello anons, I'm 28 and have been working in industry/government for five years after graduating with a B.S. engineering degree. I am at a crossroads I feel in my life and have toyed with the idea of leaving my job or negotiating with them and committing to doing a PhD. I have seen a lot of how industry/govt works and I want to be able to conduct studies and value the experience I think I will receive from a doctoral program in my field. Another note is my grades from my B.S. degree were barely over a 3.0 by my own fault as I chose to work a job to pay for schooling so I'm worried I wouldn't be accepted into a program anyways. Was the degree worth it for graduates or would you go back with hindsight and skip the PhD?

Original post I made for reference.

>> No.15572509

i got a couple papers from an undergrad coop and my supervisor fucking said i have a shot at Ivy's for phds and now my stress is through the fucking roof. thanks a lot you asshole im not black enough to get in

>> No.15572696

It's easy to find mechatronics-related jobs, but most job postings make no distinction between mechatronics engineers (bachelor's degree holders) and mechatronics technicians (associate's degree holders), so don't expect the salary to be too high.

Most of the mechatronics-related jobs out there are concerned with industrial automation and controls engineering, not so much bionic prosthetics or humanoid robots, despite what anime and video games might lead you to believe.

Finally, even though "mechatronics" is a portmanteau of "mechanics" and "electronics", most mechatronics study programs only go deep into control engineering, giving the rest of mechanics and electronics nothing but a superficial skim.

So yeah, I guess it's fine to study mechatronics if you:
a) wanna spend 4 years learning some engineering stuff but aren't sure if you want to specialize in anything in particular
b) wanna work with industrial robots

>> No.15572721

Do whatever you feel like man you're an adult. Get some letter writers together, apply, see what happens. You really shouldn't be basing life decisions on anything anyone says here. Most anons are miserable bucket crabs. I mean I'm miserable too but I like to think I'm not a bucket crab

>> No.15572884
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So how are you supposed to make money after the 3rd year of Ph D?

>> No.15572898

You don't

>> No.15572946

How is Canada nowadays? I'm considering to take my master's there. keep in mind I'm a third worlder

>> No.15572960

Why answer if you don't want to?

>> No.15572961

How can you get research experience before your PhD if you have already graduated?

>> No.15572978

But that is the answer, you don't make money, you eat into your savings and write and finish as soon as possible. Or you work part time on the side and kill yourself to support that plus a PhD.
The other option is to go to a country where PhDs are salaried thus don't have to worry about income stopping.

>> No.15573063

What countries are they?

>> No.15573085

Germany notably, also Switzerland and Norway though not all PhDs and universities have those posts. Otherwise places like Belgium and the Netherlands tend to fund four years of PhD and often require that you submit your thesis within those four years.

>> No.15573122

>tfw be CSfag
>ivies are just run of the mill T20s, only one that gains any clout is MIT
what field?

>> No.15573124

kek MIT isn't even an ivy but i lump it in with that group of schools

>> No.15573288
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Does it really matter what laptop you get for college? I'll be studying for a diploma in electrical and electronic engineering

>> No.15573293


>> No.15573305
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>finally get my FE results
We did it bros

>> No.15573323

What's a computational method that gets used a lot in the electronics/semiconductor/photonics industry? I have taken a molecular dynamycs simulation / computational nanotechnology course and I'm free to choose an article in the literature to present at the exam. I want to go in one of the above mentioned industries when I finish my master, so I was wondering if there is some specific computational method that it might be useful to know.
I was set on DFT but after a bit of research it doesn't seem like it gets used all that much in applied stuff, it's more of a tool for academia and fundamental research. So I was thinking about Monte Carlo techniques, what do you think?

>> No.15573425

I make 50k a year as a phd student. 2.7k stipend from gra and the rest from GI bill. My wife makes 100k a year. Its nice not being poor

>> No.15573595

How does that answer my question?

>> No.15573727

You want me to solve your problem for you? Then I'm doing your PhD for you. You have to do it on your own, or I should get the credit

>> No.15573924

How much money do I ask for.
I want at least $130k but I'm afraid

>> No.15573939

Just a question.

>> No.15574025

Send it. The worse they can say is no.

>> No.15574048

But I want to send it in a way that forces them to say yes, like magic words or something. I just want to get my way. I believe the will of the universe should coincide with my own at all times.

>> No.15574055
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Chembro here, masters with a focus on inorganic chem. I was here a while back and finally moved states, still in the Southeast USA region. I have an interview for an Air Quality Managing Consultant position and I have no idea what it entails. Does anyone have any experience with this stuff?

>> No.15574094

is optics a dead end if you don't want to live in california

>> No.15574134

I was looking for a job and then I found a job…

>> No.15574269
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based. we're all gonna make it, anon

>> No.15574328
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How would I know if a school is compatible with my skill level? I have no illusions that I can every make it to a top-tier private school or an Ivy League so I have been going for state public schools, but even then, a lot of them are really high up there.

>> No.15574336

do you like that job?

>> No.15574548

Pick one subject that you think you're strong at.
Look up course materials related to that subject left from previous semesters.
If you can open up any assignment or quiz and answer questions in it easily, then it's at your level.
If you struggle to answer questions in assignments even if you have all of the required knowledge to understand them, then it's probably above your level.
If you can answer a few questions easily, but struggle with most, then it might be above your level.

>> No.15574630

The undergrad curriculum for most subjects is pretty much the same everywhere. You should aim for the top and go to the best place you can get into. If you can get in then you're good enough. The people studying at ivies are not geniuses and most of them will be underwhelming.

This is dumb. I would have shit and pissed myself if I had tried to do my university physics exams/coursework as a high schooler. After graduation it all seemed really obvious and easy. That's the whole point of studying at university.

>> No.15575170

if you can make it there to begin with, you'll be fine there.

>> No.15575396

ask your professors this is one of the things they know (they typically know shit about industry careers)
yes pure math undergrad with some physics courses might even be preferable to physics undergrad for mathematical physics phd
it's just box ticking so they can filter out poor third worlders
you want IELTS or TOEFL, I did IELTS and it's easy except for the essay question which has esoteric requirements
ask your university administration if you can do a test through them you can maybe get a discount
finite element method like Ansys Lumerical or Ansys HFSS, DFT too but not as much
going from the structures that DFT gives you to useful stuff like band structure is not easy, also an interesting topic
better start learning german

>> No.15575402

Why did you answer everyone's question but mine?

>> No.15575403

probably I didn't know the answer
what was your question

>> No.15575475
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>ghosted after second interview

>> No.15575528

People working in industry with a PhD, did your exact PhD topic matter? I'm nearing the end of my PhD but I don't really want to do my exact topic forever. Will companies hire me expecting me to continue to do this, or will they just look at a PhD as evidence that I can do related things in general

>> No.15575529

You want me to solve your problem for you? Then I'm doing your PhD for you. You have to do it on your own, or I should get the credit

>> No.15575728

This is far out in the future, but would this advice also apply for grad school?

>> No.15575737
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What STEM degree should I major in if I want to look like picrel in 10 yrs.

>> No.15575741

let's face it stem don't have career if u just bilibili all the test knowledge on medicine physics math pharmacy law acccounting
they just hire dumbass actors acting through Chatgpt ( it's dumb) and fuck u ok?

>> No.15575835

Grad school is a different beast. If you're going for a masters then it'll be similar. PhD is vastly different and you should consider your options for that once you start doing undergraduate research. It isn't necessarily the "logical next step" in your education.
this board doesnt have IDs on it, anon, we have no idea which one was your question
any, if you believe in yourself enough

>> No.15575866

I am planning for a PhD, I kind of need it for my career. How would I know then if a PhD program matches my skill level?

>> No.15575893
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>Be me
>Get told all my life that STEM is a sausagefest and I'll be surrounded 24/7 by lonely guys
>Might even get a straight guy to fool around if he's desperate enough
>Pick biology, bioengineering sounds cool
>Walk into class, 75% women
>Continues to be 75% women all through school, they don't get filtered out
>Make it to the workforce
>90% women
>Every bio business I look at has 400 "hiring managers"/"diversity managers"/"compliance managers"/"ethics managers" that are all 100% of the time women
>Staff page of any company website looks like an insta feed of post-wall milfs
>Can't enjoy any of it

https://labcareer.com/ Here's a totally random page I pulled off indeed. How did I get memed on this unbelievably hard

>> No.15575898

Are joint computer science/engineering degrees a meme? I like the engineering aspect but I want money too

>> No.15576007

you picked the most fembrained stem subject
no they don't get filtered out. Girls in general don't get filtered out imo, if they go into STEM at all. School is all around the domain of women, they get better grades.

>> No.15576043

>fag is retarded
no way. i would have never guessed.

>> No.15576062


>> No.15576240

No, you hate us because you're a pathetic loser who has nothing else going for him. Don't smear the rest of your continent by claiming they're like you.

>> No.15576249

>My physicist friend is working at Intel and gets 150K
My school has a big condensed matter group, and I am envious of their fat stacks. Absolute chads of physics.

I still prefer studying galaxies though.

>> No.15576343

This is just factually incorrect. I know plenty of people on NSF fellowships and people doing REUs at my decidedly not Ivy league state school in the deep south. I did my undergrad at a "public Ivy," but plenty of the other grad students here came from no name schools.

>> No.15576478

I have no degree in my twenties, I'm a neet and time is going on. I was absent for much of high school and didn't achieve the qualifications I would need to get into stem. I recently found an access to stem course in math and physics to become a marine engineer. I'm unsure if it's right for me. I was kind of interested in medicince. I have until late August to decide on which path to choose. It's stressing me out and making me existential.

>> No.15576684

kek, shouldve done engineering or math for the thigh-high femboys
Interested in medicine for what reasons? It's always hard to catch up when you've fallen that far behind, but it's not impossible by any means. Maybe you're like my spouse who thought they wanted to be a doctor but ended up hating everything it took to be one. They switched tracks to be a nuclear med tech and they love it. Turns out they just like helping people in a clinical setting and this allows for a much better work/life balance while still maintaining competitive pay.

>> No.15577114

I didn't do research besides paid work as a lab tech for a little while. I also worked professionally for a nuclear company for 6 months but got fired. How much does that set me back?

My professors generally liked me and I can certainly write an interesting personal statement numerous tribulations I've had to go through in my teens and 20s. I'm pretty sure I know what I want to research; it's probably either nuclear structure or QCD. I can certainly why I want to do it. Is this all going toboist me?

>> No.15577222

you keep painting your experience in a bad light. Frame it like this: you have 6 months experience in a professional work environment and hands-on experience as a lab tech. You have great references (your profs) and you have direction/focus on what you want to do.
I was pretty chummy with some profs who were part of the admissions and they denied a high GPA, high GRE scoring candidate because they didnt do fuck all outside of their classes. You're already more ahead than most.

>> No.15578415


>> No.15578457

Finished a bachelor's in EE and got a job as a test engineer.
I can feel myself losing everything i learned slowly as every day goes by, all I do is unit tests on PCBs or system calibration on optical benches but a fucking monkey could do what i do with the procedure. Only engineering I got to do was automating some tests using python to pilot the lab instruments with SCPI and spitting out the data in the excel template used for the test.

I don't want to feel unemployable if I lose this job nor like I'm a factory worker. I want to keep learning stuff. Can /sci/ recommend some books to get into EE for wireless communication, RF and stuff?

>> No.15578492

Data and Computer Communications William Stallings is what I read during undergrad for my comms class. It does cover wireless and RF but it's a general approach. Something to dip your toes into.

>> No.15578535

Looking to do an ML PhD, specializing in optimization or NLP. I don't want to go to a top tier university as I don't want to deal with the pressure and autism. Any good B tier universities I could check out?

>> No.15578599

I don't know how your career will progress but I liken mine to playing an MMORPG or Destiny, the season resets every 2-3 years and you have to learn new technology/skills. Its fun when you accept it and you will realize everything you learned in college can be built in an excel spreadsheet.

>> No.15578636

If you are not super serious about your university (which I agree with). I would pick a university where you would be comfortable for 4-6 years, has an industrial presence of the topics you are interested, etc.

And sorry if this comes off as too obvious of a statement. There is no such thing as a PhD in ML. I would guess you mean math or computer science and study ML as part of dissertation? Or maybe its PhD in chemistry (as an example) and you want to apply ML to a research problem.

>> No.15578729

Did you try emailing the interviewer on your job application status? If they are going to reject you, at least make them say it to you.

>> No.15578730

Have you thought about studying abroad and not in Israel? They already stole months of your time forcing you into their army, why give them more?

>> No.15578741

Are you civil? How often do you have to renew that cert?
Always seemed like such a hassle, glad I went with ee where it doesn’t really matter too much.

>> No.15578746

Any materials science and engineering people here? How to do I get into QC? I’m specializing in metallurgy, I think… looking for a low impact job with an ok salary… I’m bad at working in social settings.. I’d like to be a lab rat.

>> No.15578753

No, EE. FE Exam is a one time deal and I think EIT is a one time deal as well for your state.

>> No.15578856
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>Any materials science and engineering people here?
Yup, B.S. in Mater Sci, wish I got an M.S. before going to industry or a PhD but I like doing research and nobody respects BS degrees since they are so common.

>How to do I get into QC?
Why do you want to be in QC? Most QC jobs are paper pushers who basically make sure the data complies with standard requirements, methods and procedures are followed, and the company maintains its ISO9001/ISO17025/AS9100 certs. It's a boring and shitty job IMO but you can get a job as a QE anywhere so I guess that's a plus. The only cool part of QC is if you work NDT (RT is most useful, ET and UT are most difficult conceptually), good technical route but in most places it'll be repetitive in most labs. You'll have to maintain NAS410/SNT-TC-1A/ISO9712 certifications too if you go that route.

>I’m specializing in metallurgy, I think… looking for a low impact job with an ok salary… I’m bad at working in social settings.. I’d like to be a lab rat.
Metallurgy is the most universal specialty, decent job prospects. What do you mean by low impact job with ok salary? Also consider a bit where you want to live, industry is segmented by region.
Material Eng positions have a lot of variability to them, so big companies/the govt has materials labs, I'd look for those or PDs that have lots of hardness, tensile, chemistry testing and failure analysis. Some materials engineers will run heat treatment ops, casting houses, plate rolling mills, etc but they're halfway to management with lots of technicians under them. Also if you like travel some go out and audit suppliers in foreign countries and domestic suppliers, that's the opposite of a lab job and requires more social skills but you'll probably be compensated better in those jobs. When you get a job remember to max out the 401k match at a minimum, have a HDHP with an HSA(maxed out too) if you are in good health, and open up and contribute what you can to a Roth IRA.

>> No.15579072

Am I just going for programs that's for Ivy Leaguers then? How would I know one if I find one?

>> No.15579264
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any of them, even CS

>> No.15579872
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I am not Israeli. I am interested in Ergodic theory and Einstein seems to be a good place for it. Also, Jerusalem looks pretty cool.

>> No.15579881

I’m a recent civil engineering graduate with a 3.62/4.00 GPA. I graduated last spring. I’ve been applying to jobs for quite a while now. I think I applied to over 200 jobs. No luck. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m mentally drained, friends. I’m defeated. I’m still going to the gym to have some semblance of personal progress, but other than that it’s just me applying. I did an internship for three months, but I still don’t know why I’m not being accepted to *entry level jobs*!!! I’ve altered my resume format multiple times to get the one that can be best read by ATS. I have a one year job gap on my resume.

Should I just do more internships? I’ve spoken to older friends and they all told me to not do anymore internships as it’s enough to do just one. I intend to pursue a career in project management (client side mostly) as I like meeting new (important) people. I don’t know bros I’ve just been feeling that maybe I should just change careers or something. A fear of mine is that if I do work a job outside of my field of study, and I apply to jobs within my field of study, I just won’t be hired anymore.

>> No.15579892
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Don't apply to Grad school, total waste of time and mental drainage.

Go out in the real world, challenge yourself and make it big. Grad school is for lazy intellectuals

>> No.15579991

Sounds like low iq cope to me.

>> No.15580000

Do you have your FE exam done and are an EIT? That might be why you're getting passed up on.

>> No.15580016

No idea, CivE is one of the highest demand actual engineering (not SoftE, CompE, EE effectively, or Com Sci) degrees at this point. Here is one recommendation if you don't mind doing lots of paperwork, look for Army Corp of Engineers jobs on USAJOBs, they maintain big infrastructure like locks and dams or other big infrastructure. I know my local ACE branch has openings and is desperate for people. The pay will be shit starting out but they move you up the pay scale pretty quickly year after year until you reach "full performance", good job security too unless you take a contractor or term position. Side benefit is they will pay federal loans after some light paperwork which is effectively a pay increase. And no you're not in the military, you're a DoD civilian employee.

>> No.15580026

I’m terribly sorry friends, I forgot to mention that I’m Australian, from Sydney.

>> No.15580034

No clue then, just keep trying and increase your skills on the cad programs you use.

>> No.15580036

Oh sorry about that then friendo, I'm really not sure since the US market differs from DownUnderStan.

>> No.15580105

I appreciate the effort lads.

>> No.15580109

Can you do anything with a BS in math? Is it just a starting point for higher degrees? Is the end goal just research or professing?
Or is it more broad than I imagine? I've heard people with math degrees can find jobs in industry, but I'm not sure if you'd need a higher degree, how common those jobs are, or if you need a background in something else like business, too.

>> No.15580135

Employers use a BS Math like an iq test.

>> No.15580517

What kind of employers? Like what fields for what jobs
And what exactly do you mean? How do they use it like an iq test?

>> No.15580684

>just find the manager and give him a firm handshake and ask for a job

>> No.15580876

Yep aware of that, I'm looking at stats PhDs that specialize in ML. So I've just been sorting on us news for programs ranked somewhere around 50~

>> No.15580941

I have no idea what I'm talking about but what about UW Madison?

>> No.15581228

No they don’t, math degrees aren’t valued in the US. If anything they’re more of a litmus that helps employers avoid autistic candidates with inflated egos.

>> No.15581463

I mean, not seeing a sausage fest during your undergrad should have revealed something to you about which sex goes heavily into bio fields...

>> No.15581512

ever heard of an EE getting work in Materials or a masters in Materials?

>> No.15581635

Finance related companies.

>> No.15582431

Is it advisable to apply for an early career fellowship when I don't have a PhD, but do have a few publications as the primary (sole) author?

>> No.15582703

doesnt it take forever to get one of those jobs unless youre like a veteran or something?

>> No.15582721

Americans are hilarious


>> No.15582733

Yes, there are a lot of jobs in the government that will take BS degrees, especially the DoD. Look up 1500 series jobs at around the GS 9 level (or equivalent). Make sure to exclude the 1550 series (comp sci). Everything else though is fair game. Especially focus on 1515 (Ops Research) and 1520 (Mathematics).

Some jobs will say multidisciplinary as well, look and read the job descriptions for these sometimes their analyst jobs that are broad in category but still very geared towards math.

You're basically guaranteed to get a job as long as you're willing to move anywhere in America.

>> No.15582742

Yes, but not because you're a veteran (it's slow for them too). It's because the bureaucracy is insane around hiring so even after you are chosen, it takes a long time for all the paperwork to go around.

>> No.15582957

The FAQ is lacking in information on science careers in Israel.

>> No.15582996

Why do you want to switch over to materials? In the US it is possible but you will have to take a bunch of undergrad MSE classes first that are not in the EE curriculum.

>> No.15583011

As a current PhD student in medical engineering, I have concluded that the best path for me to achieve happiness in life is to get a somewhat enjoyable, high-paying job and then invest in my own lab/shop. It seems impossible to find an enjoyable research job with fair pay.
Is this the correct philosophy and outlook to have?

>> No.15583181

Doing a job that you like + doing your passion on the side >>>> doing your passion for a job (for 99% of people). Somehow, some way, your passion will get ruined when it becomes your full-time responsibility. Do it on your own time and dime when there's no pressure, and find something you can tolerate doing that pays well and lets you meet interesting coworkers.

>> No.15583189

But how do you find people to collaborate with?

>> No.15583332

Make YouTube videos, or find people who are already making videos and connect with them. If they have a Discord server set up, join that.

>> No.15583760


>> No.15583811

I have a physics PhD and I've been approached a few times on LinkedIn by people telling me to apply for their quant roles.

However I did not do this because if they had actually looked at my profile they'd realize I haven't seen an equation for five years and am in fact a bastardized chemist wannabe.

So, I think having a physics PhD from a target school will make you fairly likely to be given an interview. I don't think it gives any guarantee that you will get the job, and the degree itself doesn't mean you have the skillset required.

>> No.15584033
File: 143 KB, 500x453, GUID-EC38C932-C716-4F2D-ACA4-2F7D659C9950-web[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows anything about the state of the arts concerning jobs related to geostatistics, or more generally math jobs and research around earth science (geoscience, climatology, etc...) ?

>> No.15584193

Seems the chip industry light becoem a viable career choice again:
>Chip Experts See Talent Shortage as Main Growth Hurdle
>Compensation for fab workers has soared, but that’s not helping to increase the supply of qualified workers. As an aging generation of semiconductor engineers prepares to retire, chipmakers are having difficulty finding younger people to replace them.
>In the U.S., where the CHIPS Act has spurred more than $200 billion worth of new fab investments in states like Texas and Arizona, positions for more than 100,000 skilled workers remain unfilled, according to global management consultancy McKinsey.
This looks like a case of paying peanuts and be astonished they get monkeys. This might also mean a few more years af hand wringing before they decide they just have to cough up the moohlas. Also amusing:
>Pay for an engineer with four years’ experience who was making about $100,000 a few years ago has “blown up,” she said. “I’ve spoken to people with three years’ experience, and they’re looking for $150,000.”
The concept of "blown up" needs serious realignment. Meanwhile:
>“We’re graduating engineers at various rates in the U.S.,” iDEAL Semiconductor Chairman Mike Burns told EE Times. “I’ve seen numbers range from 20,000 to 30,000 electrical engineers a year coming out. You have to look at where they go. A lot of fellow electrical engineers who came out [recently] went to Wall Street or consulting.”
Well, imagine that: people going where salaries are good.
>Burns estimates that up to 15% of the job openings at iDEAL may remain empty this year.
Basic financial theory states that there is NEVER a shortage of something, only a shortage at a given price point. Yet they still haven't figured they need to recalibrate the concept of "blowing up".

>> No.15584216

>have a job which requires highly specific skills
>skills are too specialised for university courses
>provide no training courses
>pay peanuts for the job
So many tech industries will be fucked by this, people with the knowledge aging out and not passing it on.
Nobody learning a thing from the nuclear industry these last 50 years

>> No.15584232

I have an offer for a semiconductor company that will pay me max 55k USD to work 12 hour shifts covered in dust. I have a fucking masters. I'm accepting an offer on environmental consulting for 20k more with a normal schedule. Not only that, but the semiconductor place also still hasn't disclosed what I actually fucking do on the job since everything is so secret because of the mass paranoia about patents or something. I was also told they are expanding which means running on a skeleton crew.

>> No.15584330

I would not want to work in a company that despises you so intensely. HR has to be out of whack and with a tenuous grasp on reality. That, or they have a business model that involves terminally stupid people.
Since you have another offer, point them to this article and say you are willing to discuss an offer at 120k. Be polite. Be firm. Give a handshake so firm it is measured on a tectonic scale. Look them into the eyes past what James Webb can ever do. And remain firm.

>> No.15584416


I have been fascinated by derivatives of the complex order, meaning extending fractional derivatives to complex numbers.

Which area of measure theory or analysis would I need for understanding the generalizations of shit beyond the real numbers (I already did Real Anal and Complex Anal in college)

>> No.15584480

The veteran stuff doesn't change the time, it gives you a hiring preference but you still have to meet KSA for the position. If you're a new, low level employee, that might help on entry but after a year or two of work in private, most vets won't be competitive for higher level stuff. Also in skilled professions like engineering, a lot of veterans never become engineers as it's a relatively difficult field to get a degree in, even with the GI bill money but there are some who make it through (which is good, these engineers know the weapons systems pretty well and additionally how soldiers actually behave, most DoD civs generally have no clue). Timeframes kind of depend to, different organizations take differing amounts of time. For first timers, if you require a security clearance, whether that be defense contractor or gov, it will take about 3-4 months for an interim to process so you can start and almost a year for full clearance if you need to work on classified projects. Otherwise yeah, there are mandated times for a position to be open, generally the positions close for the FY and have to be reopened in the new FY redoing the mandatory open period. It is a pretty cool gig IMO but YMMV, well worth the wait for me since I'm not exclusively a paper pusher.

Also the benefits are decent but not as good as everyone larps about, my healthcare is more expensive and I lost some benefits like the ability to earn an M.S. degree at "company expense. There are a lot of rules that differ org to org depending on their mission. Pay is below market IMO but enough for middle class/upper middle class living in small cities, you'll never surpass straight middle class in big metros like NY, DC, SF, Chicago, etc as a GS employee. It is very difficult to fire people which means excellent job stability but you also end up with some people (maybe 1 in 8) that find a concealed corridor to take a nap in on the job, usually people are better than you'd expect though.

>> No.15584856

I can't speak for everyone else's experience, but it seems like a lot of managers straight up do not actually know how to foster and develop actual entry level personnel.

>> No.15584915

Finally got my l3harris offer. The l3 definitely isn’t short for leet. The pay sucks I wanted this job too. They don’t even let you negotiate.

>> No.15584995

I feel like I'm the odd man out, because I actually enjoyed the 3-4 days, 12 hour shifts. I will say, I was incredibly let down when I started a Field Service Engineer position in the past. I felt more like a technician than anything else, thinking I'd get to work on machines and figure shit out rather than just regurgitate the procedure. I'm currently now in a project coordinator position and I think I'll be using it to leapfrog out of the industry.

>> No.15585020

Fuck the semiconductor industry its a slave ship. Low pay and impossible to get out of the fab unless you have a phd

>> No.15585044

>recruiter contacts me to set up interview
>tell him when I am available

>> No.15585052

I am an undergrad bio that learned programming. This year I've been learning a lot about cloud technologies and machine learning and achieving certifications related to those technologies. I'm on my 30s so I am already old as fuck. Should I even bother with a Masters degree? I would like to contribute to science but I don't want to be some professor's bitch working for free at this age.

>> No.15585090

debatable - depends on field/degree/institution.

>med school admissions don't care
this is true though - a 4.0 in a liberal arts degree looks better than a 3.5 in Physics/Math double major

>> No.15585120

Postdoc here. my PhD supervisor wants me to come back in the group. My current postdoc supervisor wants me to stay in his lab. wtf what do I do, whose group do I go to? Or just go somewhere else?

>> No.15585240

A master's in what? CS? No. In bio or bioinformatics? Maybe, but you can also contribute to science as a hobby.

>> No.15585294

I keep trying to job hopping but they all end up being lateral moves. I thought jop hop was supposed to be magic bullet??

>> No.15585372

Maybe could try a master on CS oriented machine learning masters, but focus the research on a bio problem.

>> No.15585423

Can you give us more information on both supervisors and their projects?

>> No.15585589

>postdoc'ing in the same university as your phd, but different lab
Never heard of anyone doing that, interesting situation

>> No.15585595

>at this age
You're like 5 years older than the average phd student you fucking drama queen. Sounds like you'd enjoy industry more anyway, though. Just apply to jobs bro.

>> No.15585936

You do not have to do your masters in the same subject as your bachelors, but you can do, you do not have to choose a different subject either
This doesn't mean you can do any masters course, will need to check the university's programmed and see what the requirements are, often 'a bachelors in {the subject} or a relevant field' and possibly examples, an email to the admissions office can clear this up quickly
As for mechanical -> electrical, no idea sorry, no experience with either

>> No.15585985

You can ask to do electrical masters with a mechanical bachelors but you will be expected to know all the theory and math of the respective master’s program. So say you want to do a masters in power, you will be expected to know three phase power, all the theory and math related to power, etc. In one of my power classes in my undergrad there was a mech e doing it for a masters in power engineering so I know it can be done. It’ll just require a lot of catching up to do on your end.

>> No.15586071

I'm definitely attracted to the allure of that type of shift, mainly because I hate driving, but seems like I'll get stuck at that pay forever doing the same fabrication process forever. The consulting position said I could do 1 day from home out of the week later on so that way I can still keep my weekends.

>> No.15586479

no, it's a different lab, different uni in a different place lol. Their projects are somewhat different too, with maybe 5% overlap. Both of them want me to stay with them for a bit longer although I'm a midwit in all fairness.

>> No.15586726

I'm working at the refinery. Lots of big fat chuds, typical American phenotype. 230 lb white guys with moustaches driving trucks with barely decipherable southern accents. Not those fake southern accents fags on TV put on but the real deal, can hardly even understand what they're saying half the time but they seem to understand each other. Mr. Man attitudes. Despite being redneck retards they're surprisingly witty and like having a good laugh which is intimidating. I feel like a bitch out here. HR lady went on and on about how they are "professional" like she was very self conscious about it. Then proceeded to tell me not to get into any fights or I'll be fired. Is this a good career choice or are the coastal liberals going to fuck up this industry in the near future? The pay is higher than anything I've ever seen for similar experience.

>> No.15586740

Do you expect America (and industrial western society) to completely stop consuming oil for lubricants, gasoline, polymers, petroleum derived precursor chemicals, etc?

>> No.15586743

they sound like good lads. just don't be a fucking autist and keep your mouth shut and/or half-heartedly agree when politics come up because chances are they also have burgerbrain. anything you say to one, they all will know, so don't speak poorly, even in confidence. Pretend they're all Hank Hill and maybe thatll ease you up a bit. She told you not to get into fights because im sure chuds they hired before didn't like getting made fun of during banter.
>t. autist who grew up in deep south and still kinda works in these circles

>> No.15586773

Well the company seems to take it seriously enough to put out a statement urging us as employees to constantly voice our concerns to elected representatives and to publicly announce their attempt to expand into renewables, which as far as I'm aware is an entirely different industry and they seemed to acknowledge as much but wish to undertake it anyways. So apparently they see the regime as a pretty serious threat.
>just don't be a fucking autist
Damn why didn't I think of that, would have changed my entire life.

>> No.15586800

Bros what is the next step after getting a bachelors (Mech Eng) and a dream job?

I wanna keep studying but I am unsure what to pursue next. I am contemplating between Bach/Mast of Physics or Eng. What do I do? I don't want to be in my 30s where I cannot learn anymore

>> No.15586824

Kind of want to work for L3Harris, job seems really cool and interesting, but fuck the salary so low. I thought they were supposed to be big dawgs with that infinite government money

>> No.15586900

Some interesting stuff about what employers think:
>Viewpoint: Connecting with graduate engineers – Tips for employers
>Stewart Edmondson, CEO at UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF), shares his experience of supporting more than 750 undergraduates through the UKESF Scholarship Scheme. He considers how employers can de-risk their graduate recruitment process…

The comments field below the article is also useful.

>> No.15586901

all the jobs are such low pay
what is all this "finance' stuff i'm hearing of where all the EEs go for big pay? is that real or a meme? How do I do it?

>> No.15586906

get a wife.

>> No.15586909

Too difficult. I have had barely any contact

>> No.15586917

You have to have tattoos and broccoli hair and go up and say AYO GIRL U BE BEING FROM TENNESSEE? CUZ U BE DA ONLY TEN I BE SEE
Just pretend like you have an 80 IQ when dealing with women and you will be way more successful.

>> No.15586918
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i'm fucked fellas

scholarship shenanigans fucked me and i had to double my workload this semester. had to take this week off work to catch up on assignments. there's a 60% report i have to do which i'm totally lost on and the lecturer is being a total cunt. we had a class where a slideshow outlined what we had to do, and then when i asked him to share it he said no because it spells the whole thing out (?)
i'm going to have to beg a uni friend for some guidance and it makes me feel like a cock.
i'm only stressing because if i don't maintiain a credit average i lose out on $5k and i don't know if i can pull it off.
usually i'm reaching distinctions and high distinctions but i've been having trouble keeping on top of all the classes and work shit is ramping up hard. took a week off and still have meetings with international suppliers.

i feel like even if i get the credit my gpa will drop hard. i know no one gives a fuck about undergrad gpa, especially if i'm working in a related industry, but it's still a blow to the old ego.

any advice or perspective from people? would appreciate it.

>> No.15587017

At what age is it too late to start a bachelor's degree?

>> No.15587075

>Well the company seems to take it seriously enough to put out a statement urging us as employees to constantly voice our concerns to elected representatives
I am going to reply under the assumption you work for a small shale oil extraction firm since the big fossil fuel energy cooperatives are investing in green energy too and much less likely to be targeted by Congress unless they fuck up. If so, there could be risk, but I honestly doubt it, odds are you're either in the west (SD, TX, WY, MT, UT, etc) or you're in the east PA or WV, if you're in the west I wouldn't be that worried about being shut down by the state. PA is the only state that might fuck you but I sincerely doubt they want to destroy the shale oil extraction of the Marcellus field since that supplies nat gas to the east. Otherwise the federal government regulating shale may drive the least competitive out of business but I doubt that too at this point in anything other than most irrelevant political theatre. We are far too reliant on oil for our economy and we are still draining the strategic reserves. Once they stop selling that, expect crude costs to increase. The only thing that may hit you is if the price of oil drops beneath a profitability threshold, which would be very unexpected, then some shale businesses will close or lower production until prices stabilize but that would be unexpected since Russian oil is in general off the market for most consumers.

>So apparently they see the regime as a pretty serious threat.
they are probably fear mongering for the most part to enact their own political ends. Obviously democrats are optically hostile to big oil but the mainstream politicians are generally behind the curtain accepting of oil, especially shale (since it has helped to reduce CO2 emissions drastically compared to he old coal burning powerplants) and since it is a requisite for industrial societies.

>> No.15587104
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>infinite government money

lmao oh man, you fell for the meme, just because socialists whine about how much money the military spends doesn't mean it actually exists. Most of the military budget is for personnel and maintenance. The musings that we spend so much money on new hardware is laughable, I work in a government funded facility and funding is pretty cut throat here.

>> No.15587133

It's best to get your undergrad degree in your 20s. By your 30s, you want to have considerable experience in the workforce. With the way government has pushed free bachelor's degree college, you'll have to get a masters to get a halfway decent job. So that's another 2 years you'll have to spend getting that.

>> No.15587187

What are my options if I want to do something science related, but haven't finished BSc and won't for quite some time (no money and can't get grants)?
BSc was in Physics and I'm willing and want to learn more, especially on the theoretical side.

Currently I'm trying to just be a tutor for uni students, that would kinda be perfect for me. But some people (NPCs?) say the demand is very little.

What about being some lab worker at a uni?

>> No.15587221

I’m so bored. Being at work is torture.

>> No.15587235

Breed a woman retard

>> No.15587511

Struggling not to fall asleep in the office. I want to sleep so bad

>> No.15587784

you kids need to get this through your THICK fucking skulls. Defense doesn't pay the same as the private sector. You want le big bux you don't work for a contractor or uncle sam.

>> No.15587852

Then what is the fucking point why do redditors talk about those jobs like you are the man and got it made if you get in?

>> No.15587868

Where are the big dawg jobs?? They don’t fucking exist! Engineering is a scam I went to college for years just to have a bunch of tradies nipping at my heels?? All those student loans and years of lost earnings while studying just so I can make $2 an hour more than the guy who did a 3 week cert??

>> No.15587875

Like I realize I technically don’t know how to do anything and am incapable of generating value but as an employer you are paying me for the credential I bring to you. Just like I paid for it

>> No.15587956

Stable middle class job with good benefits and plenty of leave.

>> No.15588016

2nd day at my new job and they are already talking shut about me. Yesterday they told me they expected my initial tasks to take a week, then at the end of today they blindsided my and made a big deal that I wasn’t done yet and I overheard them making fun of me in the next room. I might just ghost idk. I hate when people set an expectation and then just abandon it and act like it’s my fault

>> No.15588193

Doesn't the military spend $100k on a new toilet and $600 per nut and bolt?

>> No.15588194

That sucks man. Yeah ghost and leave a bad review on glassdoor. Employers care about that shit.

>> No.15588204

>easy job to get in
>good job stability because contracts run for years and years and if they don't get renewed its easy to transfer to another contract because manpower is needed almost everywhere
>low chance of getting laid off during economic downturn(except raytheon lmao)
>good work life balance with 40 hours required each work, no more no less
>decent healthcare and retirement contributions as well as education stipend.
I'm gonna be honest here, if you work for a defense contractor in the midwest or a MCOL/LCOL area then its pretty good pay with good benefits. If you live in a HCOL/VHCOL area then its kinda shite. You'll make good money moving up the latter, it just depends where you live how far that money will stretch.

>> No.15588216

i wanna pursue an academic career in computer engineering. problem is i'm a third worldie and my country doesn't have a lot to offer, so i'm not sure yet where i should head to next after i get my BS

>> No.15588228

somewhere where there are lots of computers maybe

>> No.15588233

what about scholarships? i heard a top 1% gre score is a good factor if not the best in securing one

>> No.15588250

also is it possible to apply for a comp eng masters with a comp sci bachelors?

>> No.15588293

The US Air force had a quote price for 10k for a toilet seat back in 2018 but it never actually went through as a purchase, they 3d printed those for a few hundred a pop. Mind you this is in a C-5 galaxy and the production volumes were incredibly small, if you worked in manufacturing and had to deal with US DoD testing, specifications, and production volumes the cost makes sense (injection molding dies for low production parts make the costs per part very expensive) even though it's stupid, the contractor has to comply to the USAF drawings. It's one of the examples where 3d printing makes sense due to the low production numbers.

>> No.15588318

yes because everything has to be made in the USA thus the increase in costs for labor and material. If something is not made in USA it has to go through rigorous vetting that takes time and money to be approved. That's why people complain about all the red tape. You cant just source your parts from amazon if its not made in USA. Everything needs to be accounted for and where it was sourced from. Pain the arse.

>> No.15588396

depends what you want to get into. Some fields only care about experience, some fields REQUIRE a degree or else they wont even spit in your direction. Associates degree in science usually gets your foot in a door to being cucked as a lab wagie, but it's a lot more palatable than churning out 4 years sometimes. Just depends, need some more direction before making a commitment.

>> No.15588402

what kind of certs are we talkin about here, might want a career shift lol

>> No.15588412

What's specialization are you doing? Some EE jobs pay way more than others starting.

>> No.15588496

>Most of the military budget is for personnel and maintenance
t. not in the navy

>> No.15588540

So two years ago I crashed out of my Chemistry major because of depreshion social anxienty which was completed at 60% at that time, now I'm thinking of going back to the same school for a 'Chemistry and Management' course which would be the American equivalent of a Chem major/Business minor degree because I would only have to do business courses except for 2 Chem courses required since all my credits would be transfered to the other program which is basically identical during the first 4 semesters. I don't think I would be able to go all the way to a PhD to work in pure Chem.

It beats not having a degree at all and I should work with what I have, right? Anyone did some kind of Science/Business degree?

The truth is that only a small minority of people works in research anyway for an extended period at least.

>> No.15588682

I'm becoming a doctor, so that I can marry a gold-digging patient and lose all my money.

>> No.15588686

why the fuck am I being required to take chemistry if I am in computer science?

>> No.15588719

To prove you’re not retarded

>> No.15588725
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>> No.15589360

>Just pretend like you have an 80 IQ when dealing with women and you will be way more successful.
Most of the people I knew from the PhD student days never got married in the West. We s\might do a poll here but I think the results would be depressing.

>> No.15589399

dont fall for the thinkpad meme, they are a total pain in the ass to carry round

>> No.15589522

Is it too late to start sending emails to Professors and PhD students to do a research internship starting 1 month from now?

>> No.15589594

yeah it's unlikely they can get funding in such a short timespan

>> No.15589615

What if I don't have undergrad degree? Can I go "look I have research/teaching/industry that's related to this science experience and I have the knowledge of a good BSc student and am willing to do any exam on it to show it"?

>> No.15589677

PhD isn't great if you want marriage or kids. I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence. For one, you're very low income and couldn't support kids. Maybe more importantly, people often do undergrad closer to home and a PhD further away, or at least in a different place. Since work at that level tends to be specialised, you usually also need to move, sometimes countries or continents, for the next step. That's really hard to make work with a spouse, since you're forcing them to mess up their life also.

To condense it, people tend to get married and have kids when they have a bit of stability and security. PhDs are possibly the worst option for these.

More positively, some people also like that a PhD allows you to continue the non-committal student lifestyle. I don't know many people who got married during undergrad either, once they graduated and got real jobs that started happening.

>> No.15589696

It's mostly a voluntary thing. People with PhD are too invested in their own research and generally have a hard time connecting with people outside their field. It doesn't help that most women in academia find academics unmanly.

>> No.15589850

It’s not voluntary. No woman will have me. Plus I’m weird.

>> No.15589855

>tfw my parents want me to go to grad school so I can meet someone

>> No.15589931
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How do I switch from medicine to IT? I'm graduating with a bachelor's in pre-med this December. Should I do a bootcamp or CS master's afterwards?

>> No.15590236

It would suck to have someone like you as a peer in a masters program from CS. Probably wouldn’t learn shit or do anything interesting together because you’d be playing catch-up the whole time.

>> No.15590386

Being at work is very uncomfortable. I really want to go home.

>> No.15590584

Is it possible to do it for free, like a volunteership?

>> No.15590666

No. Worst case scenario, the most computationally expensive thing you can expect to dabble in is Simulink or SPICE. Just pick something that's not going to die on you out of nowhere.

>> No.15591071

What's a better industry to stick with, oil or defense?

>> No.15591077

Depends on what are you planning to d owith this information.

>> No.15591157

Make a decision between multiple job offers.

>> No.15591188

okay between this post and the posts here about how easy it is to get into defense I feel kind of motivated, I will apply even if my resume isn't perfect
main things holding me back
>graduated 2018 with bachelor in me (and minors in renewable and business administration)
>didnt get anything in first 6 months after
>move to my family's little third world country dec 2018 to take care of grandmother who just got surgery for cancer for a month
>ends up being more like a year than a month because the cancer came back
>she passed away like a week before lockdown happened beginning of March 2020
>in July got a job working as procurement at a paint production section of a conglomerate
>there for 4 months till I got a call to work as Mechanical Engineer in the engineering section of the government agriculture division in a kind of training program that's contracted for two years
>ended November 2022
I want to go back to America but I still very feel insecure about my situation hard to believe my resume wont get thrown in the trash for my experience all being in another country, or me currently being in another country, or those original couple years with no work. Or some combination of all three. And then there's my current unemployment. Tbh I could just say I'm still working there anyone I ask to act as reference would probably vouch for me. But being currently unemployed means I can use my US address without having to come up with a reason why I say I'm in the US but I'm actually here.
And that's all without mentioning the actual content of my resume. Man i read so much about people who are better off than me with no issues at all, struggling to find a job, what chance do I have then? actually after writing all of that out I feel unmotivated again
Or what if I do get a job somewhere in some random place, but its horrible and I cant leave or anything? Actually I haven't even thought about the interviewing yet. I dont know

>> No.15591200

is that dr. chud

>> No.15591259

I did my BSc in MecE and my masters in biomedical engineering focussing on MRI physics. Now I’m doing a PhD in medical biophysics. Really the world is your oyster. I know a guy who did his undergrad in geotechnical engineering and then his masters in anatomy and physiology before going on to do a PhD in biomedical engineering. You aren’t that limited as your skills can transfer over to some degree.

>> No.15591269

Yeah. Aim to reach out at least 4 months in advance.

>> No.15591281

what's his PhD thesis on, /scg/

>> No.15591289

anyone from UERJ? is their CS course good

>> No.15591387

Do you want more job security/benefits/vacation time or money? Also oil has more location restrictions than defense industry which is available in most regions of the country.

>> No.15591419

Just as a starter if you want to be in the US Military Industrial Complex. Two questions:
Are you a US citizen? Do you have citizenship in another country too (especially one that's a US adversary)?

If no to the first, you are done, no job in defense industry without citizenship, you will not pass the security clearance process.

If yes first and no to the second, congratulations, you are eligible for a SC and a defense industry job.

If yes to both, you are eligible only if you renounce your foreign citizenship. Are you willing to do that?

>And that's all without mentioning the actual content of my resume. Man i read so much about people who are better off than me with no issues at all, struggling to find a job
Yeah doing well seems to stack IMO, the more you win the better your opportunities. This all said, there are tons of people way better off than I will ever be and if you work in Defense it will likely be the same for you, you'll hit a ceiling somewhere between middle class and upper middle class and will be unlikely to progress further unless you're a real people person, very competent engineer, and a tactical ass kisser.

>Or what if I do get a job somewhere in some random place, but its horrible and I cant leave or anything?
Not an exclusive problem to defense sector. Also in the states, almost always, you can leave a job at your own discretion unless you've signed a contract that says otherwise but that's 99% of the time this is not an issue for guys like us. They may try to make you sign a non-compete (the enforceability of these are sketchy for all but egregious cases) and pretty much guaranteed an NDA. Otherwise, most states are "at-will" employment.

>> No.15591462

I just want to make a huge salary in a low cost of living, sparsely populated area.
The problem is the housing is dog shit and I'll be surrounded by rednecks who think I'm a faggot because I don't weigh 260 pounds and I don't dip.
Conversely, in defense I'll constantly be surrounded by actually faggot patriotards who unironically ask me questions like "Marvel of DC?" (actually happened in the interview.)
And I'll probably have to live in some densely packed metro and pay my entire salary on rent.
Everything these days seems to suck honestly. Maybe I am just a bitter incel.

>> No.15591469

I don't even know why I'm so obsessed with salary to be honest. I think it's because I'm not actually interested in the work and my life is so meaningless that irl min-maxing is the only thing that I find somewhat fun. I think I'm mentally ill.

>> No.15591511

Lovin' these status updates - keep us posted!!

>> No.15591522

If I didn't post this general would be dead.

>> No.15591551

>I just want to make a huge salary in a low cost of living, sparsely populated area.
What do you mean by "huge"? Defense will never give you "huge" salary but there are plenty of military bases in rural areas and small cities all over the country. Oil can give you more money at the cost of more of your time and can be very rural or pretty urban depending on if you are in refining or extraction. Lot of that industry is along the Gulf coast or in TX.

>The problem is the housing is dog shit and I'll be surrounded by rednecks who think I'm a faggot because I don't weigh 260 pounds and I don't dip.
Sounds like you want to live in a utopia, sorry bud, low population density areas will have lots of hardcore Trumpers who are 200lbs overweight and dip. Just the way it is, sounds like you want to live in a yuppie suburb or a city, but guess what, housing is stupid overpriced there. The lefty urban have their own problems that make them a PITA.

>Conversely, in defense I'll constantly be surrounded by actually faggot patriotards who unironically ask me questions like "Marvel of DC?" (actually happened in the interview.)
Less patriotards than you'd think though among educated workers though, govt employees tend to be more liberal. Yes lots of people are just straight up retarded, recognize that and move on.

>And I'll probably have to live in some densely packed metro and pay my entire salary on rent.
Don't work in Defense industry near a big metro, plenty of places are well outside of big metros. Either way take your pick: redneck trash or urbantards, the compromise most popular among the middle class is expensive low density suburbs. Use schools as a metric for where is decent. You speak more about location than the job.

>Everything these days seems to suck honestly. Maybe I am just a bitter incel.
Truth is things have always kind of sucked, people have always been greedy and self centered. Try to be better and find better people, go outside and touch grass.

>> No.15591565
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>It’s not voluntary. No woman will have me. Plus I’m weird.
literally me

>> No.15591575

You may not want to hear this but just keep trying. Work on yourself, lift weights and get muscular, this will help with not only your looks but your self perception. It will grant you confidence, I can guarantee that. I was the same way, moping and feeling sorry for myself for years until I finally found the girl of my dreams at 25 years of age. It just takes a lot of effort and getting your teeth kicked in from rejection over and over. You worked hard for a MechE degree and getting a good job, you can do it.

>> No.15591708

>If yes to both, you are eligible only if you renounce your foreign citizenship. Are you willing to do that?
This one. I don't think its a problem though, I read up on it and they ask if you are okay with renouncing but will never actually make you renounce for foreign citizenship. That said some places like Lockheed or Boeing or one of those places don't take people with dual citizenships PERIOD. I've seen it on some of their listing myself as well. That worries me that other places have the same aversion but just aren't blatant upfront about it.

some guy on /g/ was talking about how he is a defense contractor for the government and they have him living in japan doing IT work. That'd be nice. I don't know enough Japanese to live in japan yet but I might one day.

>> No.15591764

>found the girl of my dreams at 25 years of age.
I'm a 34 year old virgin.

>> No.15591786

You're going to be fighting an uphill battle and it's going to suck a lot.

>> No.15591791

>dude just obtain a model body after you're done with your PhD and you become a superstar professor and get rich and eventually one of the girls that was fucking random dudes constantly while you were doing le epic sigma grindset will throw you a bone

While I agree no one should be satisfied with being slovenly and stupid and we should all strive to improve ourselves, the idea that the reason most young men don't have girlfriends is because they aren't alpha chad enough and not mostly related to factors not immediately under their control like wealth or the organization of the community they live in is ridiculous.

That kind of mindset only boldens roasties to continue being rude cunts to everyone and never develop personalities and seriously damages society. Nobody, male or female, should get "used" to being rejected from anything but jobs. it's a stupid idea that implies the average woman is so unbelievably valuable that we need to train ourselves to even be graced with their presence.

>> No.15591802

The refinery is the highest paid place I've ever worked but the culture is so weird. It's like being at a backyard barbeque at bubba's trailer. Outdoor grills outside the office buildings everywhere and I knew something was really different when the guy who came in to deliver the safety presentation kept casually dropping F-bombs and loudly spit into his dip cup in between every power point slide. Somehow he knew how to spit so hard he could do a styrofoam cup version of the classic metallic "pa-twaaang" cartoon spit noise. It's a redneck art form I suppose.
I was like wow, either these guys are super legit OR they have no idea what they're doing. It's always like that with hillbillies.
I mean it's a fucking refinery, if the place isn't on fire, someone here must know what they are doing.
I did almost shit myself when the guy said this place is over 100 years old and they constantly find ancient jerry-rigged shit that no one knows how it got there or who did it. He said sometimes you'll go to LOTO a piece of machinery only to find that it's still on because someone hooked up an alternate pathway like 60 years ago that isn't documented anywhere.

>> No.15591805

I understand the defeatist attitude, but let me proposition you this. Why would you want to be weak and fat? Earnestly work on yourself and everything else will fall in place. And if it doesn't, well at least you're benching two plates so everyone can fuck off.

>> No.15591806

I've already given up. I've already purchased the shotgun I'll use to blow my head off after my mom passes. Feels surreal that it's already over. It seems like just yesterday I was 18 and had so much hope. The time flew by in an instant. I always thought I had so much time until one day I woke up and I was too old.

>> No.15591818

>defeatist attitude
What part of what I'm saying is defeatist? Is it so wrong to recognize that the USA is decaying socially? I'm not saying that means we can't be happy or find purpose.
>Why would you want to be weak and fat?
I wouldn't and I'm not and I literally fucking said we should all strive to improve ourselves. What bothered me is how the guy you were responding to says he's lonely and your immediate response is to assume everything that's wrong with him. I've known way too many stupid ugly fatasses that absolutely slay pussy to believe in PUA self-improvement neo-feminist bullshit. In all likelihood, the main reason that anon is alone is because he had a shitty or broken family and his community had no social safety nets in place to help him become mentally normal.

>> No.15591842

What do all these rich rednecks do with their money? are they like real life beverely hillbillies or something/

>> No.15591926

>I don't think its a problem though, I read up on it and they ask if you are okay with renouncing but will never actually make you renounce for foreign citizenship.
Yeah I'm not an investigator so I'm not sure what is allowed and not allowed. I imagine if you're a dual citizen of a country like China it will be handled differently than if you're a Canadian during the interview process. I wouldn't bring up anything about dual citizenship if you can avoid it when applying to positions. lmao if I were looking for candidates for a job, I wouldn't even look at your resume if I knew since there is an added risk that isn't present with people that are just US citizens.

As far as working in foreign countries I can't really comment, I know DoD civs/contractors can get positions open for overseas bases in places like Japan, Korea, Germany, etc. You could look at the USG for jobs too, pay is meh but benefits are excellent and leave amounts are best you can find.

>> No.15592037

Haha, you're a hell of a storyteller. Based on this sounds like Texas. It's amazing how much of industry is held together by bubble gum and duck tape.

>casually dropping F-bombs
ah just like the military and defense industry.

>I mean it's a fucking refinery, if the place isn't on fire, someone here must know what they are doing.
I am a materials engineer and we have an expression about magnesium producers that you just reminded me of:
there are two types of magnesium foundries, those that have burned down and those that are going to burn down.

>> No.15592889

I should've been a refinery man...

>> No.15593020

They splurge it on cars, ATVs, motorcycles, etc. Guns and alcohol too.

>> No.15593028

Multiple alimonies.

>> No.15593090
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>we would like to invite you to attend a 1st stage competency interview. This would be roughly 1 hour in length via teams.
This is a desk research job, what the hell are they going to ask me for an hour?

>> No.15593224
File: 1022 KB, 372x242, CatHug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is filtering, to see who will faint at even the prospect of a one hour interview. So they will want the gregarious type and avoid the ASD type, even if the latter is more suited for research than the former.
Don't give in. Remain confident. Stay comfy.

>> No.15593265

agreed. I had to do one for 3 hours. It was to show I could do basic math and units. Yours sounds like they'll ask you what you do to solve a problem or how you look something up. Literally a retard filter, youll be fine.

>> No.15593277

congrats. you've already died. the moment you decided and planned suicide is the moment you died. Literally nothing moving forward can kill you more than you already being dead. Take a trip to Europe, fuck a prostitute. The world is now your oyster. Godspeed anon, I'll see you in the next thread.

>> No.15593297

I just want to go back. I’m going to save up my money and buy the old house where my gf from elementary school lived, I’m going to make her old room resemble what it looked like to the best of my memory and ability to find matching furniture and accessories, and then I’m going to blow my head off in there.

>> No.15593323

no worries, i get it. do a favor for us at the least and post on /b/ or something to immortalize your autism and we can tie it to the following news articles

>> No.15593398

And what about you? How will you die?

>> No.15593428

Not sure yet. I know I'll do assisted suicide if I ever become a vegetable or lose motor function as most of my hobbies require that, but beyond that probably something stupid or on accident like a drunk driver or a texting teen swerving to be honest.

>> No.15593433
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>I'm a 34 year old virgin.
Not a problem. I am not kissless, it is just that all of those girls were massively drunk and the next day they denied everything. And I am still here.
Things are pretty bad on that front, and someone called me the "flower pot anon". Work is nice and these days I am fairlty respected in my line of work.
Stay comfy. WAGMI.

>> No.15593484

I want to wfh so bad. I would take 50% pay cut to be able to wfh