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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 800x235, 800px-Bagger-garzweiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1557234 No.1557234 [Reply] [Original]


Fuck yeah.

Won't let me upload full resolution, so here it is:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Bagger-garzweiler.jpg

>> No.1557240
File: 393 KB, 425x348, lhc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1557252

Sometimes I think that human's have evolved to the point where we've stopped everything else from evolving. We'll never let something become sentient because we'll fear it. Evolution was a race as far as I'm concerned, to see who became intelligent first. Everyone else was at the mercy of the winner from that point onward.

>> No.1557263

Yeah. Basically, we got to the top, got edcated, then proceeded to pollute the air, kill trees and destroy mother nature.

>> No.1557266

i dont think you understand evolution.

>> No.1557277

I don't think you understand humanity.

>> No.1557278

oh its the little cunt again.

here is a new concept for you: evolution does not have a direction. therefore there is no top and no bottom.

>> No.1557285


you don't understand evolution. it is happening all the time.

>> No.1557295

inb4 butthurt fatalist emo teenagers who think humanity is cancer and reject scientific solutions to modern world issues

Captcha: fluke geograph


>> No.1557296


I understand that it's constantly happening etc, please be aware that I don't think it's stopped like and on/off switch because human's top the food chain. I'm just saying that because humans have cultivated the earth and are now the top dogs, other lifeforms won't naturally evolve to become sentient. Not while we keep them in zoos and farm them for our own purposes. I'm also not some tree hugger, I don't care that they're kept in zoos, the point is that it prevents other beings from evolving to where we are now.

>> No.1557311

I'm going to post something, and I wonder how many people will know what I'm talking about:

God Machine Valley.

>> No.1557319


If we keep them in zoos and other species can't evolve because we're at the top, there might be a solution:

Provolution, also known as biological uplift. in b4 herpderp furries hurp durp, I mean seriously now, I know the limits of interspecific hybridization and why it wouldn't be easy, and implanting human DNA so they become sentient hybrids wouldn't be easy, either, but still.

>> No.1557326

you are assuming that intelligence is the highest form a species can evolve to.
That is plainly not true. Evolution favors the most adapted, the species that gets more genetic material into the next generation than the others. the peak of evolution is that one species dominates its environment so much that all other species go extinct and only this species survives. then it dies off too being replaced by all that is left, as in bacteria for example, for the circle to begin anew.

>> No.1557327
File: 36 KB, 202x174, 1260154723079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, ok, let's just starve our civilization so some creatures some time millions of years into the future might "evolve" into something similar despite the fact that they are most likely to be wiped out by a planetary cataclysm

>> No.1557338

you are making the same faulty assumption.
If you did this, I would engineer a mindless insect species that are absolute killers. efficient, kill everything, no pain, no emotions, just mindless killing and breeding.
my race would be more evolved than yours.

>> No.1557359


Wouldn't they kill each other to extinction?

>> No.1557365

This was supposed to be a thread about why humanity is awesome.

You turned it into an evolution thread.

Fuck you /sci/.

>> No.1557375
File: 71 KB, 357x290, E82AEE50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> More evolved than yours

>> No.1557378
File: 31 KB, 272x299, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1557396
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>> No.1557445


Only proving that it's the only thing that can defeat it