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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15571383 No.15571383 [Reply] [Original]

Electron Recovery - edition

previous >>15567911

>> No.15571386

so its a boy sky

>> No.15571399
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>> No.15571442
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for the anon who wanted to live on an eyeball planet

>> No.15571451


>> No.15571460

In Musk we thrust.

>> No.15571474
File: 183 KB, 643x403, Screenshot_2023-07-18_17-59-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

martian crustal thickness paper.
I've been interested in this stuff for a long time (welldweller) and with the depths available (martian crust is the thickest we know of) you could have any pressure/temperature you want just naturally.

>> No.15571483

I'd rather move a few kilometers each year than experience seasons or eve nights

>> No.15571496
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>> No.15571499
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>> No.15571501

Have you considered going to florida/arizona every winter? It’s much less of a commute than whatever eyeball planet you had in mind.

>> No.15571502

How deep could we dig on Mars? I've always liked the mohole concept from KSR's Martian trilogy, but I doubt they're particularly realistic

>> No.15571503
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>> No.15571504
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>> No.15571514
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>> No.15571515
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Some people on Twitter are speculating that Blue Origin might sue Stoke because of their Aerospike engine

There is no fucking way, would they?

>> No.15571516

no dont fucking come here

>> No.15571525

BO isnt stupid enough to actually try that garbage.

>> No.15571531

of course they would, BO sues everyone and everything
sued nasa for giving HLS to spacex
sued spacex for landing boosters on a droneship
I don't know much about amazon, but don't they sue for this and that as well?

>> No.15571548

Why are we talking about model rockets again?

>> No.15571554

They might to stop Stoke. They did with SpaceX. They sued NASA to give them contract without competition after they lost

>> No.15571558
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on average? 50 km
which is a lot thicker than both the earth and the moon (earth is on ave 24km thick, moon is around 38). The thing about martian crust though is that the conditions get more habitable as you dig deeper, and there may even be reserves of liquid water down there which mars has essentially soaked up. On top of that, the martian crust is very rich in thorium and uranium.
in tharsis (picrel) the crust extends 90km deep.

>> No.15571564
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>> No.15571568

>there may even be reserves of liquid water down there which mars has essentially soaked up
cool, do you have any studies on this i'd be interesting in reading them

>> No.15571569
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Are Tethered Rings good for space-launch infrastructure?



>> No.15571575

>a thick martian crust requires about
50-70% of the heat-producing elements such as thorium, uranium, and potassium to be
concentrated in the crust in order to explain local regions in the Martian mantle that
can still undergo melting at present day.
Mars will use nuclear power.

>> No.15571597
File: 776 KB, 1x1, science.abc7717.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have another one from a while ago here.

>> No.15571611

>twitter trannies say controversial thing for engagement

>> No.15571613

Remember when SpaceX said a "ULA sniper" shot its Falcon 9?

>> No.15571621

no i dont

>> No.15571626
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>> No.15571636

I hope they do sue—and lose

>> No.15571643

Yeah, as an obvious joke

>> No.15571646
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What the fuck are they thinking


>> No.15571650 [DELETED] 

at mean at that point wouldn't it be better to just use a small scale nuclear weapon?

>> No.15571651

This is just Rogozin trying to get back into the game. It won't lead to anything.

>> No.15571660
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Why rhymes with Blue?

>> No.15571662


>> No.15571663


>> No.15571666
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Anyone else hate these third worlders?

It’s not like there’s half a dozen or so American methalox rockets going into service within the next 2 years or anything

>> No.15571668
File: 31 KB, 760x848, 1675391986833552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the US considered it back in the 90s/00s with the x-37b. also technically again in the 00s with prompt global strike.

>> No.15571671

They're thinking "REEEEEE F-16 EATS OUR BOMBERS" and that yeeting vaguely guided missiles from Tu-95s over the Caspian Sea will stop working once more Patriots arrive in Ukraine.

>> No.15571672

SCMP is literal propaganda lol

source besides this literally who?

>> No.15571674

bezos is known for being sue happy. its the old adage of "if you cant innovate, litigate".

>> No.15571676

that literally reads like a sfg bait post

>> No.15571677

>implying that China doesn't have dozens of corporate spies in every company developing these engines
Why is it that China hasn't developed them until after other countries/companies have? Same with everything they do.

>> No.15571678

>SCMP is literal propaganda lol
It's also correct. They beat SpaceX.
>with a similar engine
that's a stretch.

>> No.15571683

Well, there's no reason why you can't use a Soyuz as a jumbo-sized V2. You wouldn't even need to include the Block-I upper stage. The ability to Amazon prime 10 tons of bomb from Plesetsk straight to Keiv is an interesting one.

>> No.15571692

lol, has space been weaponized like this before directly in a conflict? Starlink and spysats notwithstanding obviously
ballistic missiles are a thing, but have they actually been used in war?

>> No.15571693

That's called an ICBM launch and would result in the US nuking Russia.

>> No.15571695

>no krystal
/sfg/ has fallen...

>> No.15571707

wow 9 minutes of fluff before they actually tried to answer the question. but in the end they ultimately never answered the question at all.

>> No.15571709

lmao bye bye ukraine

>> No.15571719

I guarantee you there are too many problem within pockocmoc/the MoD that know it’s a fucking bad idea. And even if it somehow still gets greenlit it will be a 20 year era of R&D while all of putin’s friends line his pockets and no process actually gets made lol
So I’m not worried. Modern russiaspace is a shell of its former self by a long shot

>> No.15571722

*too many people within roscosmos/ministry of defense

>> No.15571724

Better question is, how do we blame this on SpaceX and Elon?

>> No.15571729
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>world's first methane-powered rocket launch
Technically incorrect, it was the first methane-powered orbital insertion.

>> No.15571731

wait so the first stage isnt methane??

>> No.15571733

SpaceX had already been launching rockets with methane. Some of them even landed on methane.

>> No.15571736

For what reason, why not regular rockets

>> No.15571738

Terran 1 1st stage performed nominally.

>> No.15571754

ignore the twitter trannies. we can let china have one win

>> No.15571757
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When the fuck did this happen


These fuckers are still alive? Lol

>> No.15571766

That looks like trash lmao

>> No.15571777

This rocket is retarded on the ‘Falcon 1’ scale, but actually pretty cool on the ‘amateur hobby rocket’ scale

>> No.15571795

Reminder that China is launching another methalox rocket at the start of next month and space still can't get off the ground.

>> No.15571809

Space starts at 100km though

>> No.15571812
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>> No.15571814

so you admit there's a dome

>> No.15571818

Yes, there is a dome of atmosphere. But I wish there weren’t.

>> No.15571830

Almost Atlas-Abel proportions.

>> No.15571835

Saturn-Agena needledick rocket

>> No.15571838
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>> No.15571863
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molerats are cool and industrious (although the eating poop thing is not cool, they should use pheromones)
I sometimes think humans would be better suited to eusociality, societies and countries would be a lot simpler to set up that way, you probably wouldn't even need taxes or a police force. societies would be ethnically homogenous, and very few would fear death.

>> No.15571872

>I sometimes think humans would be better suited to eusociality, societies and countries would be a lot simpler to set up that way, you probably wouldn't even need taxes or a police force. societies would be ethnically homogenous, and very few would fear death.
Actual insect posting in /sfg/

>> No.15571906
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Biologically this isn't really feasible for large animals, so usually they go for nuclear families, where the non-reproducing children serve monogamous parents for a time until they leave to form their own families. (see wolf packs, and normal, non urbanized non chimp humans). which is basically as close as you can get to eusociality without being eusocial.
I think it's obvious that eusociality would be more effective, much like dragonfly wings are objectively better than bird wings.

>> No.15571912
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>> No.15571917

Not yet for sale

>> No.15571923
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>humans would be better suited to eusociality
You want an ugly planet, a bug planet?

>> No.15571927
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>> No.15571938
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>> No.15571957
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Would adding reduction gearing to turbopump driveshafts make them more efficient?

Newer jet engines use reduction gearing between the turbine and the fan disc.

>> No.15571967
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>nobody talking about the shower test

>> No.15571970
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what's wrong with bugs? They're cool: ants and wasps are some of the most successful organisms on the planet, they're essentially a supersized and xenophobic family group. If you could see it action I think it would be extremely formidable.
It's hard to argue that the more rural specialized nuclear family is better adapted to the cramped conditions of a space colony or even just a modern city than a racially homogeneous eusocial group.

>> No.15571975

>reduction gearing to turbopump
>reduction gearing between the turbine and the fan disc
those are sort of different situations.
we'll get another one shortly

>> No.15571985

Based EO Wilson.
Lewotin and Gould put him through shit over nothing.

>> No.15571996

how long until we see the islamic terrorists make use of it like the ukrainians?

>> No.15572002

how will starship take off on mars without the deluge? I guess it's less engines. Maybe we'll see a mars surface simulator environment for tests in a few years

>> No.15572006

They can use Jeff Bezos’ lunar simulation grounds or whatever at his Texas ranch

>> No.15572007

Starship didn't need a deluge for launch from Earth for the hop tests.

>> No.15572009

the test was freaking huge. i loved it

>> No.15572011

earth is the only rocky world which requires the deluge

>> No.15572015

creepy insect legs typed this post

>> No.15572017

They’re just going to build a deluge on mars. What’s not to get?

>> No.15572018

you guys are idiots

>> No.15572026

>almost anywhere
Felon Mollusk strikes again

>> No.15572027
File: 447 KB, 1170x796, 7B3D87F6-6314-4EC6-A3C7-223B784DA516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS-Havoc Venus exploration mission

>> No.15572030
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>you are le molerat!
>you are le bugman!
do you have anything else?

>> No.15572032


>> No.15572035

>solar powered
Imagine a “Nuclear HAVOC” kek

>> No.15572037

The redplanet pill is that starship is for launching proliferated LEO constellations on the cheap, not for space exploration.

>> No.15572051

spacecraft are just dirigibles basically

>> No.15572064

a flame trench should be relatively easy to dig if its necessary

>> No.15572073

Starship launches from, almost quite literally, a beach

>> No.15572079

I'm talking about mars

>> No.15572096

Ah shit nevermind

>> No.15572124
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NTA but you're getting butt-hurt over nothing. "a bug typed this" is just a goofy meme.

>> No.15572146
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what is the point

>> No.15572149
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It's salty mud people countersignaling the Artemis Accords, like what CSTO is to NATO.

>> No.15572155
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> TAMPA, Fla. — Telesat is preparing to resume demonstrations for its delayed low Earth orbit broadband constellation after Rocket Lab successfully launched the Canadian operator’s latest prototype satellite.

> LEO 1, the previous demonstrator for Telesat’s proposed Lightspeed network, launched in 2018 but recently ran out of fuel as negotiations to fully fund nearly 200 commercial satellites drag on.

> LEO 2 never made it to orbit. Built by SFL in partnership with Maxar Technologies, LEO 2 was one of 19 satellites lost in a 2017 Russian Soyuz launch failure.

>> No.15572159
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pretty insane how USSF can track tiny objects like that

>> No.15572172

not butt-hurt, legitimate question.
Out of:
most have been low effort 'you are a bug' posts. I'm legitimately asking if (You) have any actual points.

>> No.15572178

>what is the point

China is trying to build credibility for its Moon plans.

>> No.15572185

thank you oort cloud poster nigger faggot fucker

>> No.15572187
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>> No.15572190
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>> No.15572191

What's that biconic rocket near the shuttle?

>> No.15572198
File: 63 KB, 1150x787, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 cycler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars lander

>> No.15572209

Arguably more about Brazil than China

Brazil has a pretty good relationship with NASA so it might be a rivalry thing

>> No.15572222

It's about Venezuela being ruled by an authoritarian leftie.

>> No.15572224

What do these words mean

>> No.15572232

what if psyche is just a perfect homogenous sphere of iron?

>> No.15572236
File: 14 KB, 500x500, Psyche_VLT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't

>> No.15572237

then we go bowling with it

>> No.15572251
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>> No.15572257

since when did Neptune have another moon

>> No.15572270
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Since 1949

>> No.15572286

whatever you say, Jahweh

>> No.15572295

ok, honestly the idea of a swarm intelligence is fascinating to me, ever since reading about the intelligent ant colony in Godel Escher Bach. And the pack animals in Vinge's "A Fire upon the Deep"
Your idea in >>15571970 makes a lot of sense, especially since off-planet colonies will be built like submarines for robust protection against harsh environments. Maybe look to submariners for the social engineering.

>> No.15572296

Is the heating from tidal forces effectively unexhaustible energy?

>> No.15572297

venezuela will do whatever it can to stick it to america after the US tried to coup the government there 3 times

>> No.15572298

How dare anyone oppose Jew golem.

>> No.15572314

>My Jew golem is more redpilled than your Jew golem

>> No.15572315

why am i here

>> No.15572316

to ensure the light of consciousness doesnt go out

>> No.15572317

If it was, we could land a nuclear plant on it and run some furnaces and build absolutely massive ships and spinhabs. Would be the greatest gift ever!

>> No.15572327

I ask myself the same question every day.
I guess the answer is that if I wasn't, then my mom would be sad.

>> No.15572329

God made you

>> No.15572341

no you dip IT'S ALIENS

>> No.15572373
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>In the far future long after star formation has ceased the universe will be populated by sparse degenerate remnants, mostly white dwarfs, though their ultimate fate is an open question. These white dwarfs will cool and freeze solid into black dwarfs while pycnonuclear fusion will slowly process their composition to iron-56. However, due to the declining electron fraction the Chandrasekhar limit of these stars will be decreasing and will eventually be below that of the most massive black dwarfs. As such, isolated dwarf stars with masses greater than ∼1.2M⊙ will collapse in the far future due to the slow accumulation of iron-56 in their cores. If proton decay does not occur then this is the ultimate fate of about 10^21 stars, approximately one percent of all stars in the observable universe. We present calculations of the internal structure of black dwarfs with iron cores as a model for progenitors. From pycnonuclear fusion rates we estimate their lifetime and thus delay time to be 10^1100 years. We speculate that high mass black dwarf supernovae resemble accretion induced collapse of O/Ne/Mg white dwarfs while later low mass transients will be similar to stripped-envelope core-collapse supernova, and may be the last interesting astrophysical transients to occur prior to heat death.

>> No.15572383
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Got an update on my Starship torch, looks sick.

>> No.15572390

>intelligent ant colony in Godel Escher Bach
Sci-fi slop
>pack animals in Vinge's "A Fire upon the Deep"
More sci-fi slop
Try reading about actual real life and understanding human beings as they actually are, rather than filling your head with escapist stories.

>> No.15572396

You are a bug.

>> No.15572398

V2s left the atmosphere

>> No.15572416

I love that book.

>> No.15572432

I got that too, I forgot that I ordered it. Also forgot how much it cost.

>> No.15572477
File: 186 KB, 588x863, IMG_2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set ya back $200, I remember that one. Its the $175 in picrel plus tax etc.

>> No.15572489

Nice. I vaguely remember claiming that I'll post it on my Krystal pillow so it looks like she's licking it.

>> No.15572497
File: 126 KB, 1343x1151, TtpCjsuTtDgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumor is that he is considering buying Fox News now that it's a distressed property. Their ratings tanked after Tucker Carlson was fired and now they can't sell advertising. So if Musk buys it he can bring Carlson back and Fox will go back to being first in ratings and ad sales and he will then be able to get more advertising on Twitter too.
All of that only matters because if Musk buys Fox, SpaceX would have better TV coverage than NASA or any other space program public or private. NASA would be relegated to sideshow status, which is what it already is anyway.

>> No.15572499

lmao russia truly is desperate

>> No.15572503

no way disney would sell. fox is too valuable to control opposition and is worth running at a loss

>> No.15572504

The entity who said that was a fucking parody account. Greg Kelly is a gullible fucking retard.

>> No.15572514

mars has less gravity so you can left with less thrust, you're also just lifting the starship and not the full stack

But the real answer is just blow a hole in the ground

>> No.15572529
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I ate lunch with Tory Bruno ama

>> No.15572532

Does he talk like a normal person IRL or does he talk like an “engineer”
If you get what I’m asking

>> No.15572540

what did he eat, what did you eat, who else was there and what did they eat?

>> No.15572550

Did you ask him about ULA sale?

>> No.15572554

Did you have fun?

>> No.15572556

what should I ask you

>> No.15572569

ive always hated the way he talks. it's so patronizing

>> No.15572570

what was his aroma if you get what im asking

>> No.15572571
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Too much stuff in the atmosphere on Earth, on the moon or Mars sci-fi shit like this would be great because it's a blank slate to experiment with

>> No.15572573
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With how much ZeroHedge he tweets, he might as well buy Fox holy shit. Do it.

>> No.15572578

>Too much stuff in the atmosphere on Earth
There is nothing in the atmosphere.

>> No.15572579
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>no way disney would sell

>> No.15572584

who will be the next country to join china's moon program? cuba? laos? pakistan?

>> No.15572594

I don't understand how black holes bend electromagnetic radiation such as light since it doesn't have mass and black holes attract stuff using gravity and as far as I know, gravity only works on stuff with mass

>> No.15572597

gravity bends the space which light travels through

>> No.15572605

black holes do have mass tho

>> No.15572611

Any non-ULA space talk? Did you even talk about rockets?

>> No.15572660

starlink live
#10 for the booster

>> No.15572661

stream start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I07R5Dn810k
Starlink Mission Control Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n55dgz8SQmc

>> No.15572666
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, Starlink Mission - YouTube - 0-4-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-4 mins
SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, July 18 at 10:25 p.m. PT (05:25 UTC on July 19) for a Falcon 9 launch of 15 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, backup opportunities are available on Wednesday, July 19 at 9:09 p.m. PT (04:09 UTC on July 20) and 10:00 p.m. PT (05:00 UTC on July 20).

This is the 10th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched NROL-87, NROL-85, SARah-1, SWOT, Transporter-8, and four Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

>> No.15572668

has it ever not been foggy at vandy

>> No.15572672
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>> No.15572673

>15 Starlink satellites
where are the other 35 or so

>> No.15572674
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, Starlink Mission - YouTube - 0-8-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15572676

It's over

>> No.15572679

what an unreliable rocket baka

>> No.15572682

aborted for weather?

>> No.15572684
File: 116 KB, 480x276, 1476134547365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greetings Earthlings

>> No.15572687

>sold out
Is this a limited-time thing like the Boring Co flamethrower? Or will it come back in stock

>> No.15572774
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Sorry if I'm Oort Cloud posting

>> No.15572784

They're going to put an escape tower on Starship

>> No.15572786

based retard

>> No.15572789


>> No.15572799

You need to put it on piece of paper that a K-On girl holds for us to reply

>> No.15572806
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Really makes you think.

>> No.15572834

i wish redditgpt wasnt so wordy

>> No.15572860
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> One of those companies is Astrobotic, which NASA selected in 2020 to deliver VIPER to a landing site near Nobile crater, a 45-mile-wide (73-kilometer) impact basin at the Moon’s south pole. The roughly $200 million commercial delivery arrangement allows Astrobotic to design and build the lander to carry VIPER to the Moon, a system that NASA would have developed—at greater cost—for the original Resource Prospector mission.

> The entire mission is projected to cost about $500 million, including the rover, its science payloads, and Astrobotic's contract, which covers the cost of the Falcon Heavy launch.

10 billion divided by 500 million is 20
copypasting some probe architecture and sending one with identical instruments etc to different places would also bring the cost down, I don't think getting the average price below 500 mil per mission is impossible?
especially with cheaper launch + copypasting
just do a new copypasted generation of something every once in a while

>> No.15572912

Shoulda bought when I told you to faggot :).

>> No.15572967
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It's the SSTO you guys

>> No.15572985

Is Vatican city part of any space agreements?

>> No.15572990
File: 189 KB, 604x301, marshab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone remember the mars colony prize?
It was pretty cool, but first place choice was retarded

>> No.15573005

They launched a payload on Transporter-8.

>> No.15573024

I remember the challenge and they were all trash tier. We are never going to leave this rock if that is the standard of intelligence.

>> No.15573026
File: 26 KB, 474x284, NASAcolonycomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably thinking of the much worse NASA competition (pic rel). mars soc one was pretty good.

>> No.15573027

No, the Mars society one was garbage too.

>> No.15573031

Imagine how many giga cubes of space you could get by throwing pressurised tubes of steel/aluminium in a trench and burying for the same effort as this monstrosity.

>> No.15573033
File: 34 KB, 222x334, marssoctwardowskipower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your problem with it? I was impressed by this one for example.

>> No.15573037

>scattered kilopower energy grid

LOL, further inquiry not needed, you have to go back.

>> No.15573052
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What are the spaceflightical explanation for northern sea ice extent being well in line while southern sea ice is receding not normally?

>> No.15573061

Hello friend! It would appear you have posted your offtopic political bait post into the wrong general in the science board! Would you like further guidance as to where you should be posting your bait in the future?

>> No.15573065

I'd like to see you put together a better presentation, because I suspect you're just pontificating out of your ass.

>> No.15573069

>post garbage
>heh I'd like to see you do better

Wow I'd love to get paid by some university to do this, unfortunately I have a real job.

>> No.15573088
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They sorta already do. Anyone more autistic than me can figure out what engine actually does it?

>> No.15573094

looks like you missed out on $10000 anon. If only you had submitted your proposal.

>> No.15573119
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hypersonic airship fly back boosters

>> No.15573141

You're a 1

>> No.15573148

Tucker is a Russian asset, if Elon brings him back we know where his loyalties lie

>> No.15573177
File: 771 KB, 933x721, MuskisaCuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today you will remind them

......I'll be back when your cult leader blows up his next rocket....no worries I've been hard at work in the background doing Boffin things.

>> No.15573190

I almost missed you, space hook schizo. Almost.

>> No.15573214

It'd probably be more efficient to use those in the place of your usual HTHL scramjet first stage than as a more conventional booster. Probably.

>> No.15573247

don't reply

>> No.15573250
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>> No.15573257

I don't get it
aren't insurance companies supposed to... insure stuff? why the sky-is-falling attitude when they have to do their fucking job

>> No.15573264


>> No.15573266

reminds me, whatever happened with the AMOS-6 insurance when the insurance company said 'uhhhhh well it exploded on the GROUND so our rocket launch mishap insurance doesn't' apply' or am I misremembering

>> No.15573271

It’s a similar situation, Amos technically went through a manufacturer’s insurance instead of the operator’s insurance because it was a pre-flight failure
Although you’re probably thinking of the last (second to last?) Vega failure. ESA did not offer an insurance option whatsoever so the payload destruction was a complete loss

>> No.15573274

Got mine. I will resist every urge to heat quartz bangers with it. Going to a pipe shop today to get a ridiculous amount of butane for it.

>> No.15573279

Oh yeah kek that Spanish payload. Valued at $400 million. Ariane installed a flight control cable upside down. I’m not sure if they were ever compensated with a free flight or something

>> No.15573282


>> No.15573285
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>> No.15573292


>> No.15573297
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>> No.15573298
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>> No.15573300

learn 2 latex

>> No.15573301

I'm not into that kind of stuff, but you do you.

>> No.15573303

>windows with compressed water
nigger what?

>> No.15573307


>> No.15573309

Are you telling me 4chan's mathjs implementation doesn't filter emojis? [math][/math]

Goodmook ought to fix that

>> No.15573311

they did fix the red text one so we can't make fake USER WAS BANNED posts any more :(

>> No.15573315

No, but there's a latex command to insert arbitrary unicode

>> No.15573321
File: 8 KB, 160x160, 😭.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm telling you emoji codepoints should be filtered in the js library responsible for 4chan's math support.
But then again, isn't emoji also allowed in filenames? [math]\unicode{x1F914}[/math]

>> No.15573324

how else will we discuss https://www.emojicode.org

>> No.15573325
File: 76 KB, 1004x564, IMG_6811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will ILRS be a thing?

>> No.15573328

This isn't /g/. Code blocks might support emoji as well.

>> No.15573329

no lol
China's demographic collapse and Russia's breakup mean no serious space efforts from either

>> No.15573330

Yeeeeeah boy, and I hope China cucks Russia out of sending astronauts at the last second lol

>> No.15573332

dumbass tourists will build cairns on mars
and I will kick them over

>> No.15573336

u could kill them with no consequence

>> No.15573337

>China's demographic collapse
It's gonna be like 2 more decades before that manifests.
Besides, they're still going to have larger working age population than just about any other country that can into space.
And being bugmen, they will probably just eat the elderly or something if they become too expensive to maintain.

Honestly chink space program is the only one outside US that could get shit done in the coming decades.

>> No.15573341

If India decides to throw a LOT more money at their space flight sector they too could be a big player. But as of right now ISRO is running on scraps and just barely getting a capsule/next gen rockets online
China is already a very strong player especially now that ESA, Russia, and JAXA are all in limbo. China could use more money directed toward long lehao but they’re doing great with what they have been given so far

>> No.15573371
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> Launch, rinse, repeat

>Electron is another step closer to becoming the first reusable small rocket.

>> No.15573374

emojis are based, there should be native support

>> No.15573378

“one of the first reusable rockets” sounds so much cooler than “the first reusable small rocket!”

>> No.15573382

Lol. Lmao even

>> No.15573388

>welcome to the club :))))

>> No.15573391

Is this going to make them require more cameras on shit so they can see what went wrong? Because I don't have a problem with more cameras in space.
Also fuck NOAA.

>> No.15573392

Thorium is popsoi but you can pretty easily transmutate thorium into fissile uranium on the lunar surface

>> No.15573393
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launch video if someone missed it

>> No.15573395
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>> No.15573406
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> A recent paper explores methods of landing a spacecraft in the incredibly weak gravitational fields of asteroids. These methods include various anchoring systems that use drills, spikes, barbed spears, lassoes, nets, quick-acting adhesives, and/or magnets… time to rustle ourselves up an asteroid.

4chan thinks the link to the paper pdf is spam and the site (nature) won't allow you to download it right away but there is a link here about halfway through (either click on "recent paper" or the picture)


>> No.15573408

magnet one is interesting, also for sample collection I'd imagine

>> No.15573409

At some point you have too many qualifiers. “First reusable kerolox powered orbital class small lift rocket first stage booster” is lame but at the same time so is “second reusable rocket”

>> No.15573410
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What is this, science for ants?

>> No.15573413

In no particular order
>New Shepard
>Gemini B
>Falcon 9
It’s arguably 8th, and I’m still missing others such as Orion, Dragon, X-37, china and india’s space plane, etc.

>> No.15573415

Gemini was reused??

>> No.15573417
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>> No.15573434

I wouldn’t count any of those except shuttle and falcon for the same reason I don’t count starhopper or estes kits.

>> No.15573435
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>> No.15573445

Hmm then just say “the world’s second reusable orbital booster”
Like yeah you aren’t first but that still sounds good

>> No.15573448

According to google, there are ~300 cruise linerships in the US. That would mean good chunk of the cruise liners atleast in the west have switched over to Starlink.

>> No.15573454

Copy past is good. To really bring the cost down the as many of the rovers as possible should fit in one launch.
Some way of cheaply landing multiple rovers on said moon.
Wonder if rovers could be left in orbit while a lander travels back and forth placing them?

>> No.15573459

If I ran a space tug startup I'd be pitching a repair mission right now

>> No.15573463
File: 37 KB, 534x237, space sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, with all the progress these space companies are doing it seems like we need to take about space sex.

>> No.15573469

>6 tons to orbit disposable was developed using stolen tech faster than 200 tons to orbit fully reusable
woah... the chinese centuly is trury here... I kneer
(starship prototypes have been launching and landing on methane for longer lol lmao

>> No.15573470

I can't wait for sat to phone with starlink. No more paying for an expensive PLB when I go camping

>> No.15573472

Space Shuttle Arbiter

>> No.15573474

I’m sure conception/delivery is not really a problem. It’s the gestation period that needs to be studied. And space tourism is still measured in hours/days, not weeks/months

>> No.15573476

>chinksects are better than jewparasites!
both fall under the "pests" umbrella

>> No.15573477

It doesn't need to be discussed and researched; that would be pointless.
>um sweetie the science says you must practice abstinence in space
Telling people to be abstinent doesn't work, remember?

>> No.15573480

hot staging. starship IS the escape tower

>> No.15573481
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We're not even sure how hard it is for humans to "get it up", Then you also have to have opposing forces to "put it in", so you'll need walls or something to push against, you can't dock without thrusters. Newton is a bitch.
>when a "strap on" means the rocket that the guy straps on so he can thrust into the woman

>> No.15573483

>Then you also have to have opposing forces to "put it in", so you'll need walls or something to push against,
This is silly, just grab the bitch.

>> No.15573484

The best part is that's exactly what it's for, areas with low enough cell phone density that it's not worth building a tower.

>> No.15573486

What better way to put skyhooks into space than a reusable starship?

>> No.15573488

just go try it in Kerbal, bro

>> No.15573490

These are similar problems with the same solution. You’re simply rendezvousing and docking

>> No.15573493

they don't want to give money back
because they're slimy jews hoping to keep it

>> No.15573501
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All those escape tower faggots don't seem to understand that coming down is the hard part. No escape tower is going to save you from a failed Starship landing.

>> No.15573508
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>sex isn't possible in space because microgravity blood penis blah blah blah

>> No.15573509
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>drills, spikes, barbed spears, lassoes, nets

>> No.15573511

It needs to be illegal. Humans cant safely be trusted to do this

>> No.15573512

Isn't that with v2 that are supposed to launch with Starship

>> No.15573515


>> No.15573520

it isnt possible because star trek incels said

>> No.15573522

the shuttle astronauts survived all the way until hitting the water. we just need to get them parachutes

>> No.15573523

yeah but they've tested it already with existing sats

>> No.15573524

same goes for a failed plane landing. SpaceX's philosophy of "just launch it and learn from what happens" is the reason falcon 9 is the success it is today and the reason starship will be unreasonably useful in the future

>> No.15573525

which was this again, SN8?

>> No.15573529

parachutes large enough to bring the whole cabin down safely are extremely dubious, and they quite possibly would have sank anyway (the cabin was depressurized, e.g. the hull was compromised and it may not have floated.

>> No.15573531

no, that's a baka

>> No.15573532

This physics complicating sex thing is a bullshit meme. Put me up there with a flesh light and 140 lbs mass simulator on it and I will fuck it and nut.

>> No.15573534

i mean individual human size chutes

>> No.15573562

they had no ejection seats
(the first few shuttle launches had ejection seats fir the pilot and copilot, but those were removed when they started flying with more crew.)

>> No.15573564

The truth is astronauts are all horndogs having orgies in space and NASA covers it up because they fear the funding implications.

>> No.15573565

Insurance is basically gambling
you bet something bad will happen, the company bets everything will be ok
you obviously don't want bad things to happen to you, insured or not, so you try you best to make sure everything will be ok
in other words, the game is rigged in favour of the casino

you aren't supposed to actually cock up big time, just like you aren't supposed to break the bank in roulette

>> No.15573567

>they had no ejection seats
>(the first few shuttle launches had ejection seats fir the pilot and copilot, but those were removed when they started flying with more crew.)
you're a newfag. the shuttle had a bailout abort mode and so could starship.

>> No.15573578

partially technically somewhat "reusable" (the correct phrase is 'partially refurbished', and 80% of what got it into orbit was not reused)
>New Shepard
>Gemini B
reusable part is a capsule
>muh small rocket thrusters
by the same broad definition Operation Credible Sport could be a reusable rocket

>Falcon 9
first orbital class partly reusable rocket - without any air quotes around "reusable"

The correct position on this issue is until starships start getting reflown on reused boosters, there is no such thing as a true reusable rocket. everything else has some dumb caveat, even f9.

>> No.15573580

>just throw a net at it
That doesn't seem like it would work very well.
Is that 300 registered in the US? Because I though a lot of these ships were registered in weird places to avoid tax or regulations.

>> No.15573593

The point isn't sex, but rather what comes after. Basically dealing with pregnancy and such.

If scientists/gov abdicate their responsibility, then private citizens will do it in thrill and find out whether or not babies will be deformed or not and whether or not pregnancy causes harm to the mother. Instead of finding out in a safe and controlled manner as a responsible scientists/gov, the gov is acting callous by not doing research. Possibly malicious because hatred of "evil rich" being in space may also play a factor in there to cause harm to the future people in space.

>> No.15573596
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>> No.15573601

shuttle didn't have a bailout mode for challenger, that pole was added after Columbia. It was the Challenger astronauts who died on impact, not Columbia. Also it's extremely doubtful that the Challenger astronauts could have bailed out, given the dubious integrity of the crew cabin after the rest of the orbiter broke apart.

>> No.15573604
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>> No.15573665

I think I may have actually been the first to put that forward as a semi-joke based on timing of certain noises in the video of the incident, and it got picked up from there.

>> No.15573718
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> PlanetiQ’s satellites are equipped with receivers to pick up signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System, Russia’s Glonass, Europe’s Galileo and China’s Beidou global navigation satellite systems. Atmospheric density, which bends the angle of the GNSS signals, can reveal temperature, pressure, humidity and electron density in the signal’s path.

I read some speculation sometime that maybe Starlink could be used for the same too? knowing the location of the dish and satellite, you get some info about the medium between the two from the signal speed
but maybe not enough to be useful without more specialized instruments

>> No.15573749
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> Last October a deputy director in Russia's foreign ministry, Konstantin Vorontsov, said the use of Western commercial satellites by Ukraine established "an extremely dangerous trend." While Vorontsov did not specifically name any satellites, he almost certainly was referring to SpaceX's Starlink satellite constellation, which has been used by Ukrainian soldiers for communications and for tracking Russian troop and tank movements.

>> No.15573752

They have openly complained about starlink before, calling it out by name

>> No.15573763

This anon is either lying or is making these.

>> No.15573778

>Rumor is that he is considering buying Fox News
Murdock isn't going to sell, he has been pushing neoliberalism in the west for decades and won't trade that influence for a little coin.

>> No.15573793

tl:dr Russia is helpless against Starlink

>> No.15573794

The russians have yeah

>> No.15573795

Murdoch is dying and his shithead kids are running Fox into the ground.

>> No.15573799


>> No.15573819

new BO video

>> No.15573830

looks and sounds like a female to male tranny

>> No.15573833

wow that was boring. why’d you link me to that video?

>> No.15573843
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>> No.15573848
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>> No.15573853
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> We knew SpaceX's solution to the Flight Termination System issue on the first flight was "just add more explosives" but, after looking at Booster 9, I gotta say I didn't expect so many more charges to be added to it

>> No.15573856
File: 660 KB, 2048x1536, F1ahYYsaMAEMcMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(CEO of Relativity Space)

> While Terran 1 could fit a single satellite of this size, Terran R can fit 16

>> No.15573861
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how many months until astra dies? any guesses?

>> No.15573865
File: 231 KB, 1781x1064, FrenshipLeaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, there's only 3 spots left on my ship and I'll cut you a deal for the low low price of $5k to be a mission specialist but you have to accept this week. I'm sick of this shit. I posted here two days ago and only 1 of you took me up on the offer. Perfectly good way to get to space and you poor mother fuckers pass it up.

>> No.15573868
File: 151 KB, 1163x800, Hermes mockup p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15573872


>> No.15573875
File: 107 KB, 780x557, 230629-F-CN383-1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three Vandenberg Space Force Base service members jumped into action to aid a man attempting to take his own life in Santa Maria, Calif.
>The man repeatedly expressed his feelings of hopelessness, believing his life to be over. He kept saying he was a failure, stating that he just wanted to die,”

So which one of you was this? Space "force" members are so pathetic.

>> No.15573880

I give it until January or February. They were really counting on Rocket 4 flying payloads by Q4 2023.

>> No.15573945

based ultralight enjoyer

>> No.15573998

Nuclear FTS to save on mass.

>> No.15574005

expendable Mexicans

>> No.15574042

Huh, they must have beat the CYGNSS crew to the punch because they used those signals too

>> No.15574077

Based. I was the one who shot it.

>> No.15574081

>nooooooo Starlink ruins our disinfo and psyops campaigns noooooo
Cry more

>> No.15574138

spaceflight related post

>> No.15574140

Ah yes, surely the drivetrain on the Mars rover in 20 years will be Tesla based.

>> No.15574144

Why exactly do you think Cybertruck exists?

>> No.15574200

nothing space related yet. Optimus will be quite useful on mars though it seems. Tesla is on a solid path to ~10x value, so musk will have plenty of mars money

>> No.15574263

The filtering required for thorium would be more of a pain in the ass on the moon. Unless it's a fast spectrum reactor then thorium could work, but you need high enriched uranium or plutonium to start it

>> No.15574270

>wanting to be connected while camping

>> No.15574278

it's for safety dude. Always have a PLB on hand. I camp alone in dispersed camping areas. Of course I tell someone my itinerary, but that only helps so much.
Starlink to phone won't have the bandwidth for like porn viewing, it's for SOS or quick texts

>> No.15574281

I think there were a couple posts in various about the possibility of the rocket having been shot, but I think the meme really took off when SpaceX requested access to the roof of a ULA building close by as part of the failure investigation.

>> No.15574287

they actually did test F9 articles by shooting them

>> No.15574315
File: 37 KB, 666x607, 13f24a350f951286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for what purpose?

>> No.15574321

to see if shooting it would cause the sort of failure they saw

>> No.15574333

it would be pretty based for starship to stage off a failing SuperHeavy and return precious satellites to a safe landing pad

>> No.15574341

This could work only in very specific circumstances

>> No.15574351


>> No.15574377

Holy shit it could probably FTS to orbit it it wanted to

>> No.15574429

The failure must be such that Super Heavy doesn't explode and can cut thrust because Starship almost certainly can't move away from an explosion quickly enough if it can even ignite its engines in time and it can't overpower Super Heavy's thrust. If it somehow manages to escape the booster, it now needs a safe landing location in range and then it also needs to manage its propellant in a way to actually get light enough to be able to land and support the loads of any weird manoeuvres this may entail. It also needs landing legs because otherwise you're probably looking at an SN10 landing every time.

>> No.15574434

>The failure must be such that Super Heavy doesn't explode
why? ship 24 did fine
>It also needs landing legs
it's designed to land on the chopsticks

>> No.15574465

Starship is fucked if anything drastic happens to the ship or booster so yeah the second you see a sign of trouble just consider all fags aboard dead, there’s no escaping that fate

>> No.15574478

>The number of countries that can contribute in a significant way to the Chinese base is very small .
why do they hate? the same applies to artemis. most countries dont have alot of space capabilities. wtf is rwanda supposed to do for the artemis program?

>> No.15574479

>ship 24 did fine
How do you know that? And did it do fine enough for the Raptors to be ignitable?
>it's designed to land on the chopsticks
I'll give that I forgot about that lol, but that requires a chopsticks-equipped site to be in range and ready to receive, which restricts your options yet again.

Yes, I think Starship in-booster-flight abort is about as realistic as that one wacky Shuttle abort mode.

>> No.15574480

>pretending the stringer reinforcements are explosive charges

>> No.15574486

Anyone could theoretically build human flight space hardware. With Artemis at least, the gimmick is “build an airlock or arm or module or something and we will give you a free ride on our lunar-capable rocket and lander, aka the two hardest things only a select amount of countries really have”

>> No.15574488

remember when 7 raptors and the hydraulics were fucked and starship still had plenty of time to escape

>> No.15574490

>that requires a chopsticks-equipped site to be in range and ready to receive, which restricts your options yet again.
not really. a fully fueled starship can make it back to the landing site at any point in booster flight.

>> No.15574491

not sure that superheavy takes starship out of return to launch site range at any point in time whatsoever since most of the first stage is "up" not "across" and a returning rocket only needs to fight gravity briefly

>> No.15574496

No I don’t remember that, we don’t share dreams

>> No.15574500

now you're just disingenuous. the ship could have staged off and made it back safely especially with hot staging as soon as the abort triggered.
not even a question about that.

>> No.15574504

you are beyond retarded

>> No.15574511

argue why this isn't true or piss off faggot

>> No.15574512

Yeah I’m thinking 2 more weeks.

>> No.15574533
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>> No.15574537

isn't there a Starlink launch happening soon? (third attempt)

>> No.15574542

holy seethe. the moment of abort there was no such thing happening with the booster.

>> No.15574546

>third attempt
isn't it the second?

>> No.15574549

Listening to the Payload Pathfinder podcast with Phantom Space CEO Jim Cantrell, he mentions they are in talks with the Bahamas to open a launch facility there


How are the supply chains there? Can they support launch?

>> No.15574551

Why do they have a fake satellite on display?
Also they revamped their website into mobile-first, hamburger menu shit

>> No.15574553

Notice how there is no argument.
Starship has real abort capability and due to its ruggedness can survive a variety of booster anomalies.

>> No.15574552

I just wanted an excuse to be creative kek, but really I cannot imagine the upper stage having the TWR to boogie out in time if SH is exploding under it. I certainly think this abort mode should be programmed into starship though anyways. Like shit if you’re gonna die you should at least ATTEMPT to survive. I also hold this view with Dragon—D2 has never ever had backup programming to try and land on superdracos in the event there is a severe parachute failure. That should be added even if aerospace parachutes are like 99.99% effective these days. Always nice to have options right?

>> No.15574554

That's good at least, but it still constrains you to a select few places and the other points still remain. Landing location is probably the least concern of this.

Considering the booster didn't cut thrust when abort was triggered and the rocket was already tumbling at that point, I very much doubt that. Starship with six engines has absolutely minuscule TWR so even with a quarter of the engines on the booster missing I don't think it could get away and if it managed to in non-flight direction the question becomes if it could survive the forces of that and/or right itself quickly enough and without colliding with the booster to even theoretically attempt RTLS and obviously the chopsticks can't catch yet.
CRS-7 was at least plausible if they'd had the code, this much less so.

A bit under three bongs, yes, but isn't it the second attempt for this one?

>> No.15574556

Listened to it a couple weeks ago, phantom is so full of shit lmao
If you want a better podcast, go listen to the newest MECO with berger again

>> No.15574560
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>Phantom Space CEO Jim Cantrell

>> No.15574564

Yeah… they said they want to do 300 (small) launches a year
>Laguna will be operation in 2029


>> No.15574568

Plus the fully reusable variant of Laguna (forgot its name), which is still a smallsat launcher but with a spaceplane on top

>> No.15574572

That secondary host on MECO makes me want to vomit, but the ones with just the main guy and Berger are so kino. Lmao eric always spills so much tea. I’m pretty sure Berger ALWAYS has a few juicy news stories that he keeps on the backburner for future articles/books—but every time he’s on MECO he gets too excited and spills all the news hahah

>> No.15574573
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Laguna btw

Is there demand for a reusable small rocket?

>> No.15574578

>Considering the booster didn't cut thrust when abort was triggered
this was probably a mistake. if the engines lose communication they can't know whether an abort was triggered so they should just shut down right away.
>absolutely minuscule TWR
it's not that bad with three more vacuum engines. around 1.5 - 1.6

>> No.15574580

This is quite literally the first I have ever heard of this rocket

>> No.15574589

>Is there demand for a reusable small rocket?
>Is there demand for a small rocket?
also no

>> No.15574594

If I may add salt to the wound: most payloads sent to space really only need a smallsat launcher. Yet there is still not any demand for small launchers. This is how shitty the so-called “commercial market” really is (it doesn’t exist)

>> No.15574609

You can't make small rockets of any design viable without some kind of side-gig. Rocketlab works because they can provide everything except the mission specific parts. Stoke could work because they can provide mass return from LEO in addition to small launch. Someone whose plan is just "we're going to build rockets and they're not going to be very big" isn't going to find much success.

>> No.15574612

I think Phantom does satellite stuff on the side

>> No.15574614

>this was probably a mistake
Depending on what their documentation with the FAA said for this case, potentially a sizeable mistake, yes.
>it's not that bad with three more vacuum engines. around 1.5 - 1.6
That was however not the case for IFT, where it was more like <1.1. And that's likely still not enough for an abort without engines cut since Super Heavy has about the same TWR, same with Raptor 3 whether 250 or 270 tons-force. Also it's possibly still not enough in case of explosion even if thrust was cut and ignition somehow hypergol-like near-instantaneous, reminder that Dragon 2 has a TWR of about 4.
People need to accept that Starship abort from booster is extremely unlikely due to several factors, that's why they always talk about the hundreds of flights to prove reliability.

>> No.15574615

electron with two Shuttle SRBs on the side (it doesn’t even fire its booster engines until well up in the atmosphere)

>> No.15574621

>Is there demand for a reusable small rocket?
If they can get the launch cheap enough, then yes.

>> No.15574623

3d printed burger website pls understand

>> No.15574636

There are only so many imaging and comm sats you need. Space economics will be a bad joke until it involves space as a new occupied territory with its own trade flows between LEO, the moon, Mars, spinhabs, etc.

>> No.15574647

holy shit anon BTFO

>> No.15574651

Not sure how spinhabs fit into this but hah yeah I agree

>> No.15574652
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They could maybe rig up the Emergency Deorbit button to manually start the Dracos if there was a chute failure. Then there wouldn't be "what if it activates by accident" problems.

>> No.15574655

>”what if it activates by accident" problems
Nice I actually thought of that right before posting and it began to worry me.

>> No.15574658

i'm not sure dragon is capable of shutting down prematurely right now because they ripped out everything related to landing and also deleted valves after the explosion.
timing a suicide burn by hand at 2-4 TWR is hard.
and its impossible of course if you can't shut off because delta-v is higher than terminal velocity.

>> No.15574660

It's designed to handle a launch abort, and we know it doesn't dump fuel because they have to sniff for orange smoke bad before opening the hatch. As long as it doesn't run the engines too early, I don't see why it couldn't work.

>> No.15574665

Launch abort runs the tanks dry.
What I'm saying is if you can't shut them off early then there's no way to land with them because the dragon terminal velocity without chutes is lower than the escape system delta-v

>> No.15574668

It just needs to kill its velocity as it approaches pretty much exactly “0” in altitude (mean sea level). It doesn’t need landing hardware; if the parachutes on dragon failed then it’s guaranteed to be over the ocean

>> No.15574674

All i remember hearing is that dragon cannot land since they removed some valves for burst disks after the explosion.
I don't know how true that is because surely they still throttle to keep attitude but there's a good chance this would need a hardware change and recertification.

>> No.15574676

Ahh I get you, and I read your post directed to the other anon. Makes sense.

>> No.15574685

Spinhabs can have larger permanent/longterm populations which implies more volume of cargo in and out than one capsule every three months.

>> No.15574695

We need to find a way to make deep space as profitable as LEO and make human spaceflight proffitable. Spinhabs are a chicken and egg problem.

>> No.15574700

>Spinhabs are a chicken and egg problem.
it's called bootstrapping and it can be done

>> No.15574704

I get gaslit with too many shitty ideas in this general

>> No.15574720


>> No.15574728

i just fuxking destroyed my diaper

>> No.15574734

Get off the rum, Mr. Aldrin

>> No.15574742

>really I cannot imagine
Argumentum ad incredulorum

>> No.15574743

That's Doctor Aldrin to you, whipdick

>> No.15574757

more watches than u

>> No.15574793

least scatological spaceflight fan

>> No.15574795

he fkn enjoy

>> No.15574799

here, this should clean you up

>> No.15574805
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They were nightmare days

>> No.15574807


Starlink live!!!

>> No.15574809


>> No.15574810
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>> No.15574813

>even foggier than yesterday

>> No.15574814


>> No.15574819


>> No.15574820

what a unenthusiastic series of GOs

>> No.15574822

ars and spacenews are boring me with their coverage. we need better site for space news.

>> No.15574823
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Incredible, webm it plox

>> No.15574824


>> No.15574828


>> No.15574830

looks like it popped up just high enough to catch another sunset!

>> No.15574832
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Flat earthers absolutely btfo

>> No.15574834

you know it's fake because it looks so real

>> No.15574836

208th landing in the books

>> No.15574838
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Quite the turn

>> No.15574839

Based. God created the universe flat earthers bring shame to his name.

>> No.15574857
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If a single starship launch costs 60 million then it will cost 420 million to launch the Vast stick station

>> No.15574861
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, starlink mission.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15574884

>zero g no spin junk

Dead on arrival

>> No.15574885

there are three generations of f9 mechanics all working on the same booster... what a touching story. 60 years ago one mechanic started, now his grandson is wrenching on the same first stage. just incredible.

>> No.15574888

I won $8 from tonight's Powerball. $8 closer to Mars.

We are all going to make it.

>> No.15574889

Trips of truth. Invest that money into skills useful for the colony or shipping business

>> No.15574904

Pretty sure it’s supposed to spin.

>> No.15574916
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They're prepping the normies for /sci/zo science disclosure
Anti gravity soon

>> No.15574925

And liftoff, go Dragon go Falcon




>> No.15575002

that's not necessarily true, they could use RCS to swing the capsule and burn the dracos in an arc, initially using some d-V to accelerate sideways, before sweeping through retrograde to brake the descent, and then continuing the swing until opposing the initial acceleration to cancel the horizontal momentum. Now, with only a 4 second burn time and depending how MUCH d-V they're tring to waste, they might have to spin dragon up to at like 10 RPM and the RCS probably couldn't despin that if it could even initiate it to begin with

if the dracos are on separate firing circuits they could stagger the activation: use RCS to come in at an angle and fire one side of the capsule first to orient them vertically and then start the opposite bank to reduce the spin

it would definitely never work in reality, but technically there are ways to suicide burn with more dV than you have relative surface velocity. the most definitive proof it's a terrible idea? "It works in KSP"

>> No.15575007

1) japan
2) india
3) ????
seriously who the fuck else was doing orbital launches in the late 2000's-early 2010's? they couldn't find space for 2 more countries on that graph?

>> No.15575231

>How are the supply chains
Let's put it this way, if Puerto Rico can't get anything in a reasonable amount of time the Bahamas are worse

You better hope that thing fits in a cargo plane