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15571786 No.15571786 [Reply] [Original]


>WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans’ confidence in higher education has fallen to 36%, sharply lower than in two prior readings in 2015 (57%) and 2018 (48%). In addition to the 17% of U.S. adults who have “a great deal” and 19% “quite a lot” of confidence, 40% have “some” and 22% “very little” confidence.

>The latest decline in the public’s trust in higher education is from a June 1-22 Gallup poll that also found confidence in 16 other institutions has been waning in recent years. Many of these entities, which are tracked more often than higher education, are now also at or near their lowest points in confidence. Although diminished, higher education ranks fourth in confidence among the 17 institutions measured, with small business, the military and the police in the top three spots. This was also the case in 2018, the last time higher education was included in the list of institutions.

>All Major Subgroups Have Less Confident in Higher Ed

>In 2015, majorities of Americans in all key subgroups expressed confidence in higher education, with one exception -- independents (48%). By 2018, though, confidence had fallen across all groups, with the largest drop, 17 percentage points, among Republicans. In the latest measure, confidence once again fell across the board, but Republicans’ sank the most -- 20 points to 19%, the lowest of any group. Confidence among adults without a college degree and those aged 55 and older dropped nearly as much as Republicans’ since 2018.

What is the scientific explanation for these new polling numbers?

>> No.15571794

almost like it's one big conspiracy to pay the banks twice over and hand the student debt for expecting a first world education when the bank didn't lost anything in the first place as the money was digitally printed at the fed, trasnferred to a student loan servicing bank straight to the school and the professors salaries, then the professor mindrapes students into believing women are men and even in math 2+2=5
then the student realizes they got fleeced, the debt is meaningless as worthless roasties have 200k in debt for a myriad of things, all of society is an amusement park engineered to make women consume anything especially education because it's "for the children"
burn it all down and start again, and use taxes this time to pay educators who actually show promise in advancing society rather than cons and pedos

>> No.15571817

They were excluded decades ago. Student loans are almost all issued by the federal government now.

>> No.15571819
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>> No.15571837
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Good. All education does is signal to employers that you would make a good wageslave. It doesn't actually increase human capital.


>> No.15571841

there are cryptojews running the handoff though, which is why the whole thing where it will cause economic collapse is a farce because it was already deliberately contained
they just use fear to make boomers think it will affect their beloved common banks

>> No.15571875

The system is falling. I am unsure if there was a similar sentiment at the fall of the last gilded age a little over a century ago, but there probably was.

>> No.15571894

Administrators outnumber professors. At the current rate, within four years, social workers on college payrolls will also outnumber professors. The majority of square footage on campus is now dedicated to uses other than instruction and research. For buildings built over the past decade, that percentage can be as high as 80%.
Universities have morphed into something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike the institutions pre-2000.

>> No.15571926


>> No.15571960

both sides find truth to be inconvenient

>> No.15571963

>Administrators outnumbering non-administrators

Classic sign of impending collapse.

>> No.15571966

They're managed by middle-men who make middle-man profits off of guaranteed government money printing.

>> No.15571976

>Administrators outnumber professors
Retard's take:
>Administrators outnumbering non-administrators
I feel honoured that you think of us as professors, but actually, one secretary per group of one professor, 2 senior scientists, 5 postdocs and 10 PhD students sounds like the absolute minimum. Then add the central administration that's not attached to the groups.

>> No.15572308

gee i wonder why

>> No.15572376
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>both sides!!!
sup reddit

>> No.15572391

midwits overrun the institutions so they went to shit and the public is correctly noticing.

>> No.15572413

All jobs should require an IQ and knowledge test, that's it. Pieces of paper mean nothing. Never did. Never will.

>> No.15572446

>IQ and knowledge test
Twice as many as you need desu. Especially when the average job lasts for increasingly less time.

>> No.15572462

IQ tests for employment were outlawed by the Supreme Court in the case Duke Power v Griggs because blacks did poorly on the test, which means to the court the tests were racist. Shortly after that ruling, companies started using the attainment of a college degree as an IQ proxy, which itself now was been watered down to being a worthless indication of intelligence.

>> No.15572508

>Duke Power v Griggs
They could just ignore that precedent. The current court would strike it down if it was brought before them again. The window of opportunity to do that is shrinking too, from here on out all court appointees are going to be gay, black or jewish women

>> No.15572537

lmfao this cannot be real

>> No.15572614
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There is only one way to fix the commie problem in academia.

>> No.15572619
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Thanks God we can still do whiteboarding to pick developers who can actually code.

>> No.15572954

paying off only the interest and letting inflation destroy the value of the capital is the best way to handle debt in a fiatbux economy

>> No.15573923

Correct, if the men who had enough income to pay down their loans had instead bought gold or any other inflation hedge with their excess income then they would have been better off financially than they are currently.

>> No.15573992
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So why did I go through constant live demonstrations of skill or testing for the interviews I went to?

Several dozen programming and user interface jobs I interviewed for quizzed me on paper in front of people about html, Java and python fundamentals. Along with requiring portfolio of work done.

Several engineering contracting jobs I interviewed for wanted me to build network interfaces in Microsoft cloud service products. In front of said interviewees.

Two government state level jobs affiliated with 911 technical network operations required a scheduled group test with at least 50 other applicants.

Did I get tricked? Because that court ruling and college degree sure didn't stop these companies from testing me and others. Is there some kind of salary threshold issue were after a certain bracket they can test you?

>> No.15575092

If they had bought bitcoin then they'd be super rich. Bitcoin is a better inflation hedge than gold anyway, wall street prints paper gold same as the rothschild banks print paper dollars

>> No.15576186

Its amazing someone can graduate from college and still be ignorant of something that basic

>> No.15577389
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>> No.15578401

bitcoin was $13 each when the men's chart first started cutting into the initial loan

>> No.15579100

>Wow you're really good at this low wage entry level job for college graduates!
>I think I'll keep you here forever and never promote you because then I'd have to go to the trouble of finding a replacement for you
>If I need someone for a good paying, higher level job I can always just hire someone from outside

>> No.15580182

The roasties that were 18 in 2009 just recently started paying off their loans because the are now in their early 30s, chad is not longer interested in them and they are instead finding simps to "settle down" with after two decades of riding the cock carousel

>> No.15580195

>IQ testing for employment was banned
>why did I have to take a bunch of tests that were not the IQ test for employment?

>> No.15581125

college is for brainwashing compliant goyims, not for education

>> No.15581145

>The current court would strike it down if it was brought before them again.
That is literally what needs to happen. The court is primed for it with the repeal of affirmative action. Now we need to leverage that momentum into restoring the value of true aptitude and meritocracy. If we don't, the retarded left is going to turn the ship in the complete opposite direction and make the only criterion "how leftist are you"

>> No.15581147

Lol, you can tell that guy benefited immensely from the ban on IQ tests

>> No.15582448

> and make the only criterion "how leftist are you"
Its not as bad as you think, the USSR was founded and dominated by jews at the start, but eventually it was taken over by higher IQ Russians who were able to out think and out maneuver the jews and eventually the Russians decided to bring it down from the inside and restore Russia fully. Leftism is an alignment of low IQs that is always destined to fail.

>> No.15583472

took 74 years tho

>> No.15583514 [DELETED] 
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>YESSSSS tell the white men that colleges are a scam. Tell them all to dropout and become menial labor under us. The chosen people are the only ones who deserve to be educated from colleges and rule the world. No more Whites in any position above a janitor. Make them work for us like the illiterate slaves they are while we get degrees from Harvard and Yale.

>> No.15583517

How does having a higher IQ help you do your job? Knowledge test I can see though. They do do that for most important professions.

>> No.15583547

oh you poor sheltered child

>> No.15583556
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>Confidence in Higher Education Down Sharply
When universities say they cannot define a woman or a man, well it stands to reason that confidence would plummet to nothing.

>> No.15583559
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>educated from colleges
doesn"t happen

>> No.15585091

so much progress in science education these days

>> No.15586650
File: 148 KB, 1488x1488, school makes you dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15586732

>liberal cosmopolitan elites wage a relentless campaign of "deconstructing" western institutions and promoting a rootless sense of relativity
>confidence in institutions drops to all time lows, people no longer engaging, social deterioration
>shocked pikachu face

>> No.15586739

Btw there is absolute no constitutional reason why a company cannot issue an IQ test before employment.
Here's a great article tracing the historic and legal outline that led to the idea of "civil rights" becoming the ultimate law of the land that displaced the Constitution.

>> No.15587570

>muh constitutional
doesn't exist, means nothing, its just some words that nobody cares able

>> No.15587606

>>liberal cosmopolitan elites wage a relentless campaign of "deconstructing" western institutions and promoting a rootless sense of relativity
>>confidence in institutions drops to all time lows, people no longer engaging, social deterioration
Nicely stated.
All part of the plan of China.

>> No.15589109

>Americans' Confidence in Higher Education Down Sharply
higher education can't even differentiate between male and female, its obviously for idiots

>> No.15589175

>What is the scientific explanation for these new polling numbers?
We let too many people go to college. The standards keep dropping and the ones who should've stayed out are the ones who stay indebted forever. "Going to college" isn't even an accomplishment anymore for anyone.

>> No.15589194
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Ive been around a bunch of academics the past couple days. I am shocked at how singular in scope they are...and this is at a multidisciplinary class! Half of the guest speakers novel discoveries I had made several years ago without a team or funding.

Humans are fucking retarded.

>> No.15590496

>American Higher Education
the holocaust, racism, women's rights and cutting off your dick. nobody in learns anything useful

>> No.15591603

nobody learns about the holocaust in college retard, that's high school shit

>> No.15591617

The problem is that IQ doesn't predict rationality.