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15569453 No.15569453 [Reply] [Original]

>According to an examination of official U.S. Government statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control, very high rates of adverse reactions and fatalities have frequently been reported in relation to particular Covid-19 vaccine lot numbers.

>As a result, the most lethal Covid-19 vaccination batches have been located, but medicine regulators have refused to stop dispensing them, thus the public is still receiving them.

>The statistics show that only 4 to 5% of the Covid-19 vaccine batches produced by Pfizer and Moderna were responsible for each and every death recorded as an adverse reaction to the injections.

How do I look up which batch numbers are the deadly ones?

>> No.15569455
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>> No.15570083

Got to wonder If it was intentional or poor quality control. Early on there were several whistleblowers alleging terrible quality control issues at J&J plants. They simply didn't have the capacity to produce the ordered amount in the required timeframe. Probably was the same for other pharmaceutical companies.

>> No.15570188

The vaccine is 100% safe and effective, chud.

>> No.15570234

332 million x 70% vaccine rate = 232 Million
232 million Americans x 4 shots avg = 930 Million
930 Million x 4.5% chance of adverse reaction = 42 million American experiencing adverse affect.

If you only want to count the 4.5% of 232 million, thats still 10.44 million Americans experiencing adverse effects.

Whats the percentage of fatalities? 10% of those 4.5%? That give syou 1.4 million deaths in America, atleast due to Covid vaccines.

>> No.15570653

>Whats the percentage of fatalities?
depends on if you count stillbirths as fatalities or not

>> No.15570699

Good intentioned, though misrepresented. Doses compound, are not necessarily the same makeup as the previous, and were not the same in every region. 930m*1% falloff ramp, 9.3 million immediate adverse reactions, around up to 93 million long term hypothetical reactions based on batch quality, tables can be found on relative sources, but a 10% batch ratio isn’t unrealistic. This is assuming v rates are correct and not bullshit.

>> No.15570752

>332 million x 70% vaccine rate = 232 Million
>232 million Americans x 4 shots avg = 930 Million
>930 Million x 4.5% chance of adverse reaction = 42 million American experiencing adverse affect.

>> No.15570755

>leading report
Wow, just by looking at the name I'm sure this article will be perfectly factual and contain 0 misinformation.

>> No.15570766

>232 million Americans x 4 shots avg = 930 Million Americans
it seems like you are deliberately trying to make a certain group of people look like retards.
it's not as effective as it used to be, good luck i guess

>> No.15570875

Sorry, no refunds.

>> No.15570928
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Of all the unhealthy things in this society that could kill you, its extremely ironic that a vaccine, modern medicine, was the substance that killed you. I feel really bad for normies, they really thought that they were protecting themselves and their families, they really believed till the last second that what they did was right. Not only right, but obvious that there was no reason to doubt it. Literally everyone (that they listened to) assured them and jerked them off about how good and intelligent they were for doing this.
Now if they try and reach out for help they are scorned by normies who still dont get it, they are doubted or even silenced by the medical industry, and the ones who didnt take the vaccine have been wishing for their death for 2 years. Where do they have left to turn to? how could any human cope with the idea that society led them off a cliff and then turned its back on them just weeks after praising and doting on them for doing whats right. The vaxxie falls off the cliff, alone, screaming, the world rapidly receding around them, no more voices of affirmation, no more communion, they are literally and metaphorically falling farther and farther away from humanity.

>> No.15571681

>They simply didn't have the capacity to produce the ordered amount in the required timeframe. Probably was the same for other pharmaceutical companies.
its easy to produce a vaccine for a nonexistent viral epidemic in any volume

>> No.15571685
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because YOUR sources are totally unbiased arbiters of pure truth, amiright?

>> No.15571911

Even if it's just saline, producing and distributing that many vials is a big logistics problem, especially when much of the supply chain is disrupted due to stay at home orders.

>> No.15572080

Source: my ass

>> No.15572916

>the most lethal Covid-19 vaccination batches have been located, but medicine regulators have refused to stop dispensing them, thus the public is still receiving them.

>> No.15573881

Yep, this is pretty much proof that the vaccine was intended to kill people &/or sterilize them

>> No.15574041

>As a result, the most lethal Covid-19 vaccination batches have been located
Where are they being sent?

>> No.15575009

hopefully to israel or new york

>> No.15575013

>sterilize them
Daily reminder that schizos have a worse attention span than ChatGPT and didn't bother to understand "sterilizing immunity" when the vaccine was discussed. How the fuck do you still think that "sterilizing" means "can't make babies" in this context instead of "can't infect other people"?

>> No.15576115

your penis no longer works, you will never have children, you are a genetic dead end

>> No.15576135

May I see the report?

>> No.15577106

theres a url in OP picrel

>> No.15577159

>How do I look up which batch numbers are the deadly ones?

Oh no, they can't tell you that!

The government is withholding that information... For your protection, and also to protect the manufacturers from un-due litigation!

You just have to have faith in the process.

Also, those 'adverse reactions' are your fault, because you have shitty genes and your father was Jewish and your mother was promiscuous in college.

>> No.15578148

at the start of the vax campaign they took the cooling seriously, as time went on less so, so maybe the later batches were already degraded

>> No.15578228
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Something strange going on in your neighborhood.

>> No.15578523

>to protect the manufacturers from un-due litigation!
They are exempt from all litigation

>> No.15579412

doesn't make a difference, they have $9 trillion in profits to spend on any legal defense that they might need to deal with.

>> No.15580509

>As a result, the most lethal Covid-19 vaccination batches have been located, but medicine regulators have refused to stop dispensing them
Why not stop giving out the most lethal batches?

>> No.15580622


>> No.15581340
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>> No.15582744
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>The vaccine is 100% safe and effective, chhhhhnnnnngggggggg

>> No.15583193
File: 2.99 MB, 2812x2522, Bad Vax Coverup Propagandas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.4 million deaths in America, at least due to Covid vaccines.

This part of that math checks out according to most data being compiled. More than 100 times as many from the "vaccines" as the virus. Virus mortality rate was around .001% in all ages, and .01% in over 65.

>> No.15583621
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>> No.15583832

Some people got placebos. Do you consider those placebos to be part of the `100% of the vaccines' that were effective?

>> No.15585143

placebos were 30% of all vaccines

>> No.15585156

how many boosters did you get?
how many more do you plan on getting?

>> No.15585178

Yes but were the placebos effective?