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File: 269 KB, 2048x1536, taal-volcano-pilot-shot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15511502 No.15511502 [Reply] [Original]

How much greenhouse gases do Volcanic Eruptions really release?
Also I've noticed the weather this year has been more like it was in the 90s than the last decade and wondered if it might be correlated to the Tonga Eruption putting so much sulfur in the upper atmosphere.
I don't believe Bing or Google results for it so i wanted to come here and ask.

>> No.15511576

>I don't believe Bing or Google results
very intelligent
>for it so i wanted to come here and ask.
we have a problem on /sci/ with far far too many people who only want to echo what you'd be seeing from bing, google, reddit or any other mainstream outlet

>> No.15511589

That's unfortunate, I thought maybe somebody here perhaps had a background that would allow them to do estimate calculations themselves.

>> No.15511595

>I don't believe Bing or Google results for it so i wanted to come here and ask.
Then you're just not gonna be happy with the answer you get. People with real scientific backgrounds barely come here anymore. To speak outside of my field and generlise without googling for more info: probably a whole fuckton.

>> No.15511615

A lot, but nothing compared to what humans contribute every single year.

Climate change driven by volcanism is a much longer-scale (geologically speaking) event. GHG from volcanoes in times in Earth history where there is a ton of volcanic activity, for example flood basalts, can release a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere and oceans and warm the planet, in fact that is one of the main theories about how Earth got out of the "snowball Earth" phase hundreds of millions of years ago, before the Cambrian explosion.

But today, volcanism's CO2 emissions are absolutely dwarfed by what humans contribute through changes of land use, fossil fuel emissions, deforestation, etc.

I'm not sure of the exact numbers, I'm too lazy to look it up but volcanism contributes like not even 1-2% of GHG emissions in the current climate. Humans emit billions of metric tons, volcanoes emit hundreds of millions on average.

>> No.15511618

It depends on how many carbon-credits it purchased.

>> No.15512084 [DELETED] 

depends on how you calculate it (you can't do that, you said you'd have to look it up rather than calculate it), especially considering that CO2 is not a meaningful greenhouse gas. water vapor is what keeps earth slightly above thermodynamic equilibrium temperature, CO2 contributes a negligible fraction of percentage of what water vapor does, its virtually a non factor.
ever been in the desert at night? it cools off extremely fast, because there is so little water vapor in the atmosphere in desert climates.
compare that to somewhere humid.
now name a climatological region which cools off unusually rapidly or unusually slows due to a dearth or excess of CO2, can you do that? no, you can't, because CO2 isn't a significant greenhouse gas

>> No.15512089

>ever been in the desert at night? it cools off extremely fast,
I have and i call bullshit on this commom meme, the desert isnt cool at nigh.

>> No.15512090

Anon, it gets close to freezing in most true deserts at night.

>> No.15512092

Bullshit, it got a bit colder like in a city, progressively so until the coldest moment right before sunrise.

>> No.15512094

Where exactly in the middle east? Not every sandy place is a true climatic desert.

>> No.15512095

>Not every sandy place is a true climatic desert.
Here we go with the pilpul, it wasnt a real desert eh?

>> No.15512100

Yeah retard. Because what is and isn't a desert is defined based on real quantifiable measurements. It's a term with a scientific meaning.

>> No.15512108 [DELETED] 

how low was the humidity?
humidity is the factor meteorologists use to forecast how rapidly it cool off at night. they don't take CO2 into account whatsoever

>> No.15512113

And who the fuck are you to decide what is or not a desert?
It doesnt matter where i was because you will say it wasnt a real desert. Fucking marxist piece of shit.
Preemptively name all the sandpits in the middle east where nothing grows and it only rains once a year so we can get that out of the discussion. Im not going to start naming places just so you can go "uhh sweaty.. that wasnt a desert "

>> No.15512121

You're being intentionally combative because you made your story up. It's easy to look up the average humidity and rainfall of a place and confirm whether it's a desert or not based on the basic scientific criteria.

>> No.15512127

No, its because you will just change the definition of what a desert is to "win" like the piece of excrement you are.
Even though the place i was in is called a desert by everyone and is called a desert by desert research institutes you are going to deny its a desert because it doesnt follow your personal rules of what a desert is.

>> No.15512128

>the basic scientific criteria.
Which are exactly what?

>> No.15512132 [DELETED] 

both cities of about the same size.
Medina has average humidity in the range of 10-40%
Da Nang has average humidity in the range of 70-90%
Medina has average night time lows 14ºC below the daytime high
Da Nang has average night time lows 7ºC below the daytime high
the difference is all because of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
find me a location with below average CO2 that cools off quickly, protip: you can't
weather forecasters don't even factor CO2 into the equation when estimating night time cooling rates, water vapor is what they look at

>> No.15512139

Okay. So I have a degree in Earth Science and am employed as an Earth Scientist. Volcanoes emit both gases and ash. Ash reflects sunlight which lowers temperature. Gases, most notably greenhouse gases like CO2, Nitric oxide and Methane raise temperature. So what typically happens after a volcano is you get an immediate lowering of temperature globally followed by a rise in temperature over time. This of course depends on the size of the eruption.

Pretty great post. Flood basalts are enormous events that release absolutely monstrous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. I don't study anything remotely close to flood basalts. Most of my work is in environmental work studying contaminants in soil and water. Last flood basalt event I can think of is the Deccan Traps which was 65 million years ago and one of the contributing factors in the extinction of non avian dinosaurs. I know Iceland gets the closest we have to flood basalts today with fissure eruptions. Really cool to see but we're talking a difference of millions of times greater.

Your post is easily provable. Not only can we measure that humans emit thousands of times more CO2 than volcanoes each year we can follow the source of the CO2 by checking the isotopic ratio of Carbon in the atmosphere. Volcanic carbon has a larger percentage of Carbon-13 to Carbon-12 than carbon from plants because plants prefer C-12 to C-13 a process known as isotopic fractionation. Since C-13 is falling in the atmosphere while carbon is rising it's absolute proof that the source is burning plants and not volcanism.

You can read more here.

>> No.15512141

Post an objetive, scientific definition of what a desert is so we dont get to chase your never ending changing definitions and moving of goalposts.
Lile you fucking did just now. First you say deserts are FUCKING FREEZING AT NIGHT
but now you go "uh they just cool faster"

>> No.15512143

>Last flood basalt event I can think of is the Deccan Traps which was 65 million years ago and one of the contributing factors in the extinction of non avian dinosaurs. I
Unscientific garbage. Uh good morning sir have you ever heard of EXPERIMENTS?

>> No.15512145

Huh? I don't know how to answer that. I don't study flood basalts, can you be more clear on what your complaint is?

>> No.15512147

You are responding to a bot.

>> No.15512149

>can you be more clear on what your complaint is?
Learn to read retard

>> No.15512180

Ahhh. Okay.

>> No.15512225

Im not a bot, cretin. Motherfucking fake scientist hoax peddler. Nothing you babble about is science.

>> No.15512246

>beep boop
>click click click whirrr
>bzzt bzzt bzzt

>> No.15512274

Haha you are answering to a bot. Does it make you feel better?

>> No.15512345

>after a volcano is you get an immediate lowering of temperature
If one follows the logic of the climate faction, it must also be a case of warming, because the mostly black particles warm up and release this energy into the atmosphere. Further it covers the emission in both ways so there must be less irradition at night.

>> No.15513101
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>I'm not sure of the exact numbers, I'm too lazy to look it up but volcanism contributes like not even 1-2% of GHG emissions in the current climate. Humans emit billions of metric tons, volcanoes emit hundreds of millions on average.

>> No.15513138
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>weather this year

>> No.15513150
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Damn if only we had extensive measurements of CO2 isotopic composition to answer this question

>> No.15513425

>how is one gram of pottassium cyanide deadly? One is such a small number

>> No.15514421 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1079x1800, nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never find out the real answer by asking because co2 is a politically controversial topic, so everyone will just feed you lies that justify their political perspective. learn to do the calculations yourself and you'll get a satisfactory answer, thats the only way. science is purely political, always has been

>> No.15514460

x0.01 of what humans emit

>> No.15514464

he's talking to the crowd, retard

>> No.15515531 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 960x720, co2 is good for the environment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to get those man made CO2 numbers up, plants are hungry. More CO2 will make farms and wilderness thrive in ways that have never before been witnessed in human history, we can make this planet over 400% more productive with enough CO2

>> No.15515809 [DELETED] 

>CO2 is cyanide
no it isn't

>> No.15516521

good graphic, really shows how water vapor is the only meaningful greenhouse gas in our atmosphere and what a total lie global warming is

>> No.15517634
File: 22 KB, 300x300, greta likes this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but naturally occurring CO2 is natural so its good, man made CO2 is a different molecule because reasons, its poisonous

>> No.15518355


>> No.15518380

nta I've been trying to follow this conversation but your replies are completely disjointed from the discussion, I'm actually curious what you're talking about, I have no idea and I can't figure out.

>> No.15518651

you're probably too low iq for /sci/

>> No.15518711

Don't care, whether it exists or not only unilateral State intervention can save us.

>> No.15518835

so some portion of the 97% of natural CO2 comes from volcanoes and the rest is from decaying plant matter, wildlife respiration, etc.
the 3% of CO2 thats "man made" also comes from the decay of natural sources in combustion engines, powerplants, etc. none of the CO2 is truly unnatural.

>> No.15519755

>humans aren't animals, humans are an artificial for of life
not according to science

>> No.15520204

when fusion reactors become inexpensive and commonplace and i'm gonna start manufacturing artificial co2 just to piss off greta

>> No.15520966

none, CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas. water vapor is what creates the greenhouse effect on earth.

>> No.15521390

damn howd they go back in time to measure the co2 in the year 1247

>> No.15521693

They use the traditional science logic of "i know for a fact that you don't have a time machine, therefore i can make whatever assertion i want about the past without risk of ever being disproved" same way as the dinosaur faggots and the evolutionists do

>> No.15521755

What gives scientists their tremendous propensity for lying? Is it genetic?

>> No.15521841

imagine believing anything meteorologists say, these fucking faggots can't even predict what is going to happen in 4 hours let alone 4 decades. meteorology is the biggest crock of shit and any other professional would be FIRED after as many repeated incorrect analyses.

>> No.15522570

No, its psychological. Their dishonesty and know-it-allism results from their failure in the physical world. They retreat into a cringey fantasy of being all-knowing geniuses as a way of coping with the fact that they're utter failures in the physical world.
You can't fake being tall or good looking or athletic, but anyone can claim to be high IQ because IQ is intangible and nonphysical.
If it were genetic then it would have long since been bred out of the gene pool

>> No.15522837

anyone who thinks "man made" = bad is a massive misanthrope and should kys.
man made = the best
we are the best species, if you don't like man made stuff then why are you using a man made computer on the man made internet?

>> No.15523733

This is an interesting theory.

>> No.15524421

>meteorology is the biggest crock of shit and any other professional would be FIRED after as many repeated incorrect analyses.
this is why the other branches of science prefer to trade in nondisproavable assertions like dark matter and evolution or global warming. the meteorologists are at least sticking to the scientific method and making predictions which can be disproved.

>> No.15524513

Personally I am bewildred how everyone is negelecting the fucking pipeline that was blown up and all that shit in Russia that is exploding annual supply of methane goes bust and none of the climate cult cares?

>> No.15524518

Because the entire scam is bogus. None of those things are "green house gases," a greenhouse requires a solid barrier to prevent heat transfer.

>> No.15524548

nobody cares because america said they would do it and then the president of america said he would see to it and then it happened.
more to your point however, the russians had already stopped the flow on their end. it is not a huge deal, just a large pipe filled with the stuff. who cares if a small portion of it explodes and the rest vents into the atmosphere?

>> No.15524570

Just by making some back of the envelope calculations, it is obvious that carbon dioxide must form a very tiny fraction of volcano emissions because carbon is a mere 0.025% of the Earth's crust.

>> No.15524573

Krakatoa was enough to cancel summer for the northern hemisphere

>> No.15524658

>CO2 is cyanide
4chan man, you're pathetic

>> No.15525240
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>> No.15525752


I noticed the same thing.
t. german

>> No.15525755

>Also I've noticed the weather this year has been more like it was in the 90s than the last decade and wondered if it might be correlated to the Tonga Eruption putting so much sulfur in the upper atmosphere.
It's because the climate oscillates in roughly 30 year cycles.

>> No.15526314

theres all sorts of cycles that overlap each other, ocean circulation, solar cycles, etc. i doubt theres any once cycle that governs the whole thing

>> No.15526323

The solar cycle.

>> No.15527198 [DELETED] 

the "Pacific decadal oscillation" and it's cousins are just another way of saying "solar cycle"

>> No.15528069

they'd have to get real jobs if they weren't dishonest

>> No.15528316

they know for a fact that nobody has a time machine, so that means they can make up any lie they want to without worrying about being called out for it

>> No.15529296

also orbital cycles of other planets, jupiter at apogee means earth is closer to the sun

>> No.15529519


>> No.15530101

>How much greenhouse gases do Volcanic Eruptions really release?
none, CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas", CO2 does not cause the greenhouse effect on Mars, therefore it cannot cause the greenhouse effect on Earth

>> No.15530284

don't know the exact method in this case but one way to measure the past atmosphere is with gas bubbles trapped in ice from the past.

>> No.15530300

according to "science", the only way we can save ourselves is to eat bugs, sleep on the floor, live in pods, own nothing, and be happy.

>> No.15531048

also you have to cut your dick off and become gay

>> No.15531055

then why are you on the science board on 4chan?

>> No.15532186

why are you?

>> No.15533135

the fake global warming narrative was created and promoted by the UN and other governments for exactly this purpose

>> No.15534272

even if you did all that, they still wouldn't be satisfied. they would just think up new demands

>> No.15535270


>> No.15535286

I have stayed in a desert area. It was interesting how the days were always 100 degrees. But at night it was in the 50s and i needed a jacket. It feels refreshing at first to cool off from the oppressive heat of the day

>> No.15536453

deserts cool off quickly at night because they lack atmospheric water vapor, which is what causes the greenhouse effect. they don't lack atmospheric CO2, yet they still cool off rapidly at night.
explain that in the context of the global warming narrative

>> No.15537594

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15538596
File: 138 KB, 1880x1253, gretah8niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15539538

If volcanoes release so much CO2 then why does the temperature go down when the volcanoes blow up? If CO2 is such a strong greenhouse gas then the temperature should go up

>> No.15539582
File: 10 KB, 500x331, CO2_vs_Volcano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volcanoes emit CO2 both on land and underwater. Underwater volcanoes emit between 66 to 97 million tonnes of CO2 per year. However, this is balanced by the carbon sink provided by newly formed ocean floor lava. Consequently, underwater volcanoes have little effect on atmospheric CO2 levels. The greater contribution comes from subaerial volcanoes (subaerial means "under the air", referring to land volcanoes). Subaerial volcanoes are estimated to emit 242 million tonnes of CO2 per year (Mörner and Etiope (2002)).

In contrast, humans are currently emitting around 29 billion tonnes of CO2 per year (EIA). Human CO2 emissions are over 100 times greater than volcanic CO2 emissions. This is apparent when comparing atmospheric CO2 levels to volcanic activity since 1960. Even strong volcanic eruptions such as Pinatubo, El Chicon and Agung had little discernable impact on CO2 levels. In fact, the rate of change of CO2 levels actually drops slightly after a volcanic eruption, possibly due to the cooling effect of aerosols.

The Mount Pinatubo eruption emitted 42 million tonnes of CO2 (Gerlach et al 1996). Compare this to human emissions in 1991: 23 billion tonnes of CO2 (CDIAC). The strongest eruption over the last half-century amounted to 0.2% of human CO2 emissions in that year.

>> No.15539609

CO2 traps heat, making it the definition of a greenhouse gas

>> No.15540632

Its doesn't trap heat, if it did, Mars would have a greenhouse effect

>> No.15540635

>I don't believe Bing or Google results
Okay sure
>so i wanted to come here and ask
dumbfuck. No specialists browse this board anymore.

>> No.15541532

Calculate the volume of that cone.
Assume it is all gas.
You have an upper bound. Congratulations.
Check if it is a lot.

>> No.15541651

Body hair/fur doesn't trap heat. If it did, I would feel warm naked in winter. After all, I'm covered as much in fur as Mars is covered in an atmosphere.

>> No.15542012

Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does and Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15542030

I have over 2000% more hairs per unit surface area than a bear and I would freeze to death in winter. Fur is not thermal insulation.

>> No.15542161

>I have over 2000% more hairs per unit surface area than a bear
You emphatically do not.

>> No.15542312

It's much less dense, like the atmosphere on mars.
In either case, the chosen metric doesn't determine the effect in question. The greenhouse effect is not independent of the atmosphere density. Pretending it isn't is on the narrow line between complete retardation and disingenuous lying.

>> No.15542317

>The greenhouse effect is not independent of the atmosphere density.
How perspicacious of you. I hope you take this sudden realization to its logical conclusion.

>> No.15542337

Just spit out your next logical fallacy. I'm too tired to anticipate what you're going to say next. Is it
>since the greenhouse effect depends on the density of the atmosphere it cannot depend on anything else?
>See to combat climate change all we have to do is reduce the density of the atmosphere. Let's be more like Mars and less like Venus?

>> No.15543191

CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas on Mars for the same reason it isn't one on Earth: CO2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15543244


>> No.15543249

You're exactly right. That's how climate sois do their math to claim that Earth's "energy balance" requires a "greenhouse effect."

>> No.15543282

Do the calculation without the greenhouse effect then

>> No.15543290

God i love schizoposting

>> No.15543292

So true.

>> No.15544099

the truth hurts

>> No.15545194


>> No.15546139

>subaerial volcanoes
lmao that soience is so gay for schizophasia that it has to come up with fancy exclusive terminology for everything

>> No.15547393

Why can't they just call them "terrestrial"?

>> No.15547434

Because some aren't terrestrial. They're in the water, but not under water.

>> No.15547524

if you're saying they're on an island, that means they're terrestrial

>> No.15547529

If they ARE the island, a tiny speck in the ocean like Hawaii, they're not terrestrial.

>> No.15547551

Hawaii is terrestrial

>> No.15547560

If you want to distinguish Hawaii from Yellowstone, you'll need to find a better word.

>> No.15548797

This, global warming is a false narrative, just like Covid-19 and gender fluidity

>> No.15549123

how is gender fluidity a false narrative?

>> No.15549454

Active volcanoes smell like massive sulfuric farts, really makes you wonder if the hollow Earth theory is legit

>> No.15550165

The same way global warming and Covid are: not.

>> No.15550605
File: 1.38 MB, 860x1043, k32ABrFtXcjM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming is a false narrative, just like Covid-19 and gender fluidity

>> No.15550692

Exactly, they're not happening therefore they're false narratives.

>> No.15550836

>Also I've noticed the weather this year has been more like it was in the 90s than the last decade and wondered if it might be correlated to the Tonga
What the fuck are you talking about. The weather where is similar to the 90’s? How similar is similar to you? Did you compare the compare the weather this year to any points in the 1990’s and see if there’s any substantial differences between 2000-2022 weather and today vs. 1990’s weather? Retard.

>> No.15550850

Are you retarded enough to think that weather stations using different color codes for temperature is evidence that there's a global conspiracy among all the worlds scientists to lie about global warming.

>> No.15550947

Panic sells, even when it's false.

>> No.15551055

So the entire global science is in on a conspiracy to lie about global warming to make news stations some extra ad money?

>> No.15551064

Replace "news stations" with "capitalists" and you're basically spot-on.

>> No.15551071

So according to your conspiracy theory capitalists are paying off all of the worlds climate scientists and researchers because it helps with news ratings, do I have this right? If yes, don’t you think it’s a bit odd that this conspiracy has been going on for decades and there has never been any evidence showing it’s true?

>> No.15551609

Global warming is a lie

>> No.15551677

It's worse. They didn't even change the colour scale, these are two different segments of the weather forecast. The 2017 one has the red one, the 2022 one has the neutral view.

>> No.15551779 [DELETED] 

Except in cases of Flood Vulcanism, volcanoes don't give out that much GHGs compared to Industrial output. And while the later can pump huge ammounts into the atmosphere you're looking at a timescale of thousands of years.

>> No.15551792 [DELETED] 
File: 850 KB, 900x900, 64zgmhmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global warming is a lie
>Panic sells, even when it's false.
>Replace "news stations" with "capitalists" and you're basically spot-on.
>They didn't even change the colour scale

>> No.15551918
File: 683 KB, 1125x996, IMG_8591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you lie on the interwebs?

>> No.15552302 [DELETED] 


>> No.15553111

doomsday prophets and prophecies have been common throughout human history, they always have been and always will be a lie. global warming is just more atheistic eschatology

>> No.15553619

>because it helps with news ratings
the world's richest man got rich selling electric cars to people who fell for the global warming hoax

>> No.15553622 [DELETED] 

>selling cars

>> No.15554949
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheistic eschatology

>> No.15554965

>global warming is just more atheistic eschatology
Yeah and then the omnipotent State will save humanity through regulation and tax policy, leading to a golden age of the one-world government as we join the angelic alien post-scarcity alliance.

>> No.15555026

jewish lies

>> No.15555030

The alarm over some of the science is. Modern russia funds the big green protests in germany to ensure it's reliance on russian gas. Currently western governments are using the climate narritve as a means to terrify and control, like most things the government does.

Originally this climate crap was used by the USSR to destroy western industry, and for the most part that worked excellently, albeit in conjunction with other projects.

>> No.15556238
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>> No.15556252

I'm amazed. I started typing
>that's objectively wrong
but then I realised that is wrong on so many levels. I actually struggle to see anything that's correct. Why did you post this?

>> No.15557170

Y2K was a massive moneymaker, so was covid

>> No.15557172

Seatbelts and airbags are massive grifts.

>> No.15557920
File: 74 KB, 1024x537, 1686122002082336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15559208

If global warming every legitimately starts happening, we can just run a bunch of dehumidifiers outdoors and solve the problem real quick

>> No.15560524
File: 90 KB, 750x500, 1688665196122240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15560644

So, /pol/ is now against Dutch farmers?

>> No.15560647

What has that got to do with anything?

>> No.15561385


>> No.15562258

>when fusion reactors become inexpensive and commonplace and i'm gonna start manufacturing artificial co2 just to piss off greta

>> No.15562962

given that the total greenhouse effect on earth is only about 20ºK worth, how is adding 0.1% to the total amount of greenhouse gasses supposed to make the greenhouse effect increase by more than 0.02ºK?

>> No.15562985

>CO2 lightly increases temperature
>water vapour percentage in air scales with temperature
>water vapour raises temperature
>feedback loop engaged

>> No.15562987

Considering we've been up above 2000ppm CO2 with no feedback loop, I find that somewhat difficult to believe.

>> No.15562994

>Science is hard
We know

>> No.15563776

>water vapour percentage in air scales with temperature
it doesn't

>> No.15563777

It does. That's how evaporation works, retard.

>> No.15563781

Percentage might be a misleading word here. They mean absolute humidity, not relative humidity.

>> No.15563785

>0.1% to the total amount of greenhouse gasses
Where did you get this from? We've already increased the percentage of CO2 by 50%.
Also, it's not 20K (and it's not degrees Kelvin, ever), it's about 33K. Did you just make up every single number in your post and then asked "how can it be?"

>> No.15564881

so what? they're still wrong

>> No.15565698

>We've already increased the percentage of CO2 by 50%.
50% of what original percentage?

>> No.15567376

>it's about 33K.
where did you get that number, did you calculate it or did you read it somewhere?

>> No.15568087

sci can't even calculate how long it takes a bottle of beer to freeze

>> No.15568269

You do know scientists and the scientific community is just another retard like yourself, another human who is just as much of a stupid dumb ass faggot like you are, and is not some god or higher superior being with magical knowledge about the universe because they own a couple of parchments with the words "Degree" on them
You know what else has degrees? Thermometers
and just like those you can stick it up you ass
Scientists are not another species, we are all humans, and humans are fucking petty and fucking morons, with greed, and ego, and narcissim
Do you honestly trust every word a scientist says and believe they have some righteous motivation besides either getting a paycheck or being popular and famous? Naïve faggots like yourself are always so gullible, you probably bend over backwards and gape open you asshole and invite people right in to fuck you huh?

>> No.15569265
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volcanoes don't count because they don't fit into the globohomo soience narrative

>> No.15569278

Of the original value.

>> No.15569282

what does 'original value' mean? the amount of CO2 in the air constantly fluctuates

>> No.15570178

its means an arbitrary cherrypicked number selected to justify the global warming hoax

>> No.15570333


>> No.15570340
File: 133 KB, 1018x500, IMG_0152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the pre industrial CO2 level at the peak of the interglacial period before anthropogenic emissions

>> No.15570342

Why is the modern level recorded on top of a volcano spewing CO2? Why don't you use ice cores for modern data too?

>> No.15570354
File: 60 KB, 750x462, IMG_4891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you’re not arguing in bad faith, it’s a demostrable fact as stated earlier in the thread that those emissions are not from volcanoes because of their isotopic signature

>> No.15570355
File: 260 KB, 685x611, IMG_8978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice cores are also routinely used in paleoclimate studies in addition to a variety of other temperature proxies

>> No.15570356

So why don't you collect them somewhere more neutral, like on an uplifted mountain? And why not show ice core data throughout? What if there's a discrepancy between ice core data and measured data, and that discrepancy appears to be a jump in emissions?

>> No.15570358

That doesn't really answer the question. It seems like a bit of a deflection honestly.

>> No.15570362
File: 109 KB, 641x838, IMG_5396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropogenic emissions are captured by ice cores and they overlap with in situ CO2 measurements of the air salt the site where the ice cores are extracted

>> No.15570364

So why aren't those measurements used? Why rely on measurements taken on the rim of an active volcano spewing CO2? It seems like an unnecessary risk to the validity of the data.

>> No.15570365
File: 162 KB, 1519x1536, IMG_5397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15570367

Because volcanic CO2 demonstrably doesn’t alter the data

>> No.15570369

That simply isn't possible anon. Are you being sincere right now or are you trolling?

>> No.15570372

Which part of the explanation do you not understand? Are you saying industrial emissions are fake or something?

>> No.15570373

You seem to be claiming that the eruption of a CO2 spewing volcano has no effect on measurements taken right on the rim of the CO2 spewing volcano. You can't possibly believe that.

>> No.15570380
File: 17 KB, 720x331, IMG_9759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just demonstrated that’s not the case with isotopic data and measurements from the south pole. What’s the difficulty here?

>> No.15570382

I dunno, that doesn't really pass the smell test.

>> No.15570385

>no I won’t accept basic measurements

>> No.15570387

There's just no way that you could fit the curve of so many measurements that accurately, especially since one of them is subject to massive overexposure to CO2. It's just not plausible.

>> No.15570391

look at the CO2 increasing in the atmosphere by 20% and there was no increase in the average temperate of the planet over the same period.
CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas"
global warming warming is a big lie

>> No.15570394

You can keep repeating the same thing but that’s not reality, simple as. Even with active eruptions at Hawaii the measurements didn’t diverge from other sites

>> No.15570400

Why do you keep lying?

>> No.15570402

>Even with active eruptions at Hawaii the measurements didn’t diverge from other sites
According to you, and yet you use that same data to declare that CO2 spiked dramatically in the same time frame. Nobody would believe something this corny.

>> No.15570404

Oh you’re just a troll got it. No point in arguing with people refusing basic measurements

>> No.15570405
File: 137 KB, 2467x1254, no change in temperature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15570434
File: 383 KB, 1284x716, IMG_9763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting regional temperatures in response to global temperatures? Curious how you fail to post the complete complimentary dataset for the US showing the whole picture.

>> No.15570437

I'm not interested in fraud by omission, so I used only comparable datasets. Thermistor and mercury measurements are incompatible because thermistors always measure hot.

>> No.15570449

>get proven wrong
>the data was fake all along
Why post the CRN data at all then? Yo do know that network was set up to verify the past climate network as shown in the graph right? They overlap perfectly.

>> No.15570451

Did you mean to reply to someone else?

>> No.15570474
File: 492 KB, 1284x737, IMG_9764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the data from the CRN network which is from the contiguous 48 to claim that there’s no warming in response to a global temperature dataset (different regions warm at a different rate). You either are ignorant or willfully misrepresenting the CRN data. The CRN network was set up in rural areas for replication and validation of the previous network in the US and to investigate urbanization heating effect on the older network. Turns out that the old network was reliable.

>> No.15570477

Sorry it's just that you come across as a bit of a schizophrenic, and your posts don't make any sense. I was being charitable and hoping you quoted the wrong post but I was wrong.

>> No.15570480

Answer the question and don’t deflect when proven wrong. Why are you posting the CRN data?

>> No.15570481

Please get help before your delusions worsen. All you've done is post proof that the globe isn't warming, but you think it is because the voices inside the TV set told you.

>> No.15570486

Cool deflection, however it doesn’t change the fact that the CRN data doesn’t say what you think it does.

>> No.15570512

>The greenhouse effect is not independent of the atmosphere density.
You'll already be half excommunicated from the climate cult for posting this.
Do you want to continue? Y/N

>> No.15571488

>i don't understand what mean free path is

>> No.15572671

Belief in global warming turns on ignorance of physics.

>> No.15573708

>CO2 only accounts for less than 1% of the greenhouse effect
>The greenhouse effect is in the range of 10-30 degrees
so its impossible that CO2 can cause global warming of more than 0.3 degrees

>> No.15574863

Global warming is incredibly fake to anyone who borthers to familiarize themselves with the relevant physics, the scam relies on the fact that over 99% of people never will

>> No.15575004
File: 280 KB, 993x837, Tonga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonga put 10% more moisture in the atmosphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4TqpKlLRIo

>> No.15575021

Plain Language Summary:
The violent Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption on 15 January 2022 not only injected ash into the stratosphere but also large amounts of water vapor, breaking all records for direct injection of water vapor, by a volcano or otherwise, in the satellite era. This is not surprising since the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai caldera was formerly situated 150 m below sea level. The massive blast injected water vapor up to altitudes as high as 53 km. Using measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder on NASA's Aura satellite, we estimate that the excess water vapor is equivalent to around 10% of the amount of water vapor typically residing in the stratosphere. Unlike previous strong eruptions, this event may not cool the surface, but rather it could potentially warm the surface due to the excess water vapor.https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2022GL099381

>> No.15575040

Its real guys who posted a a pie chart! Case closed!

>> No.15575057

Water vapor is a stronger greenhouse gas and is much less permanent in the atmosphere die to this thing we call rain. Do you deny that the gas used in greenhouses is a greenhouse gas or something?

>> No.15575065

>Do you deny that the gas used in greenhouses is a greenhouse gas or something?
If "greenhouse gas" means gases that are used inside greenhouses, then I don't think anyone will disagree with that definition. But greenhouses are hot because they're covered with double-paned glass, which is an insulator.

>> No.15575067

Mars does have a greenhouse effect. It just barely has any atmosphere worth a damn so it doesnt do much.

>> No.15575101

>they're covered with double-paned glass, which is an insulator.
I've never seen a greenhouse with double-paned glass. What fancy ass greenhouses do you have?

>> No.15575102

Because an ice core isnt needed to make measurements of how much co2 there is right now. Jesus christ lmao

>> No.15575110

It's unscientific to combine a proxy dataset with a measured dataset under the unfounded assumption that they agree. You have to test that they agree first otherwise you won't know whether the proxy is accurately measuring what you think it measures.

>> No.15575113
File: 424 KB, 1510x1168, IMG_8656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a volcano spewing CO2?
Weird pattern that this volcano is spewing CO2. Why is it so seasonal and constantly increasing? Why did the volcano spew slightly less CO2 after the decay of the eastern block?

>> No.15575116

I dont think even you know what that means. Probably just your equivalent of when flattards go off about the “law of perspective”

>> No.15575117

>on an uplifted mountain?
That's literally what Mauna Loa is.
>why not show ice core data throughout?
What do you think "ice core data" means? I think understanding what you think might help explain this in terms of your specific retardation.

>> No.15575118

>Why did the volcano spew slightly less CO2 after the decay of the eastern block?
Not sure if serious or not but that dip happened during a lull in volcanic activity before a recent ramp-up. The late 80s and early 90s were a historic low point in volcanic activity in Hawaii.

>> No.15575120

>That's literally what Mauna Loa is.
Do you not know what geologic uplift is? The Alps are uplifted. Mauna Loa is a volcano.
>I think understanding what you think might help explain this in terms of your specific retardation.
You're awfully cocky for someone who doesn't know anything about geology.

>> No.15575126

Explain why the volcano spews more CO2 in autumn than in spring (on the northern hemisphere). Every single year.

>> No.15575127

i think its not just about the gasses, but also the pyroclastic big particles (ash and stuff like that) that mostly causes the "green house" effect

>> No.15575131

Anon, do you not know what causes the periodicity of ground-level CO2 measurements? This should be simple for someone of your apparently high intellect.

>> No.15575138

I know what causes it in reality, but I don't know what it causes it in the mind of someone who thinks we're mainly measuring volcanic activity.
You don't ask schizophrenics to draw a clock because you don't know what a clock looks like. You ask them to draw a clock because you're interested in their brain.

>> No.15575141

You know there's a lush tropical forest enjoying that high CO2 volcanic output, right? It even has a lovely hiking trail for all the tourists.

>> No.15575142

>You don't ask schizophrenics to draw a clock because you don't know what a clock looks like. You ask them to draw a clock because you're interested in their brain.
You're the schizophrenic, and I'm asking you to draw a clock. The fact that you don't notice this despite repeated opportunities to peer behind the curtain is part of the fun.

>> No.15575146

Ah, the seasonality of tropical forests.

>> No.15575154

Autumn is the hottest and driest time of year in Hawaii, which causes a major reduction in plant growth. The hottest days of the year are usually in August or September, but the heat can stretch into October in a drought year.

>> No.15575161
File: 501 KB, 1023x448, IMG_8658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty constant to me.

>> No.15575169

The seasonal variation is noticeable when you look at length of heat waves and average lows/highs. You can see the bump in the autumn very clearly even on that somewhat biased chart.

>> No.15575175

You need to get yourself a less identifiable screenshot-naming program. It's getting too easy to notice that you're the only pro-AGW poster on the site.

>> No.15575176

I lost my interest in engaging in your fantasy. I hope you find someone else whose bored enough to larp with you. You should think of a way to deal with the idea that wind is a thing.

>> No.15575349

Thanks for the posts. I'm surprised we still have some smart people here in a sea of retarded global warming deniers. I thought they all left.

>> No.15576231


That chart overstates the importance of CO2 because it equates it with water on an equal mass basis. Water is a far, far stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, CO2 is extremely weak as a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15576245 [DELETED] 

Water is actually a larger driver of climate change than CO2, both in heat retention and heat reflection.

>> No.15577375

I still don't even believe that CO2 is a GHG, there are places on this planet with more or less atmospheric water vapor and the nighttime cooling rates in those places vary in accordance with how much water vapor is there. There is nowhere what has a high or low nighttime cooling rate because the CO2 levels are higher or lower than average, even though there are locations with more or less CO2

>> No.15577380

>There is nowhere what has a high or low nighttime cooling rate because the CO2 levels are higher or lower than average
A claim not supported by data. If you have such data, show it. If you don't, why would you even write this?

>> No.15578398

this, water vapor is the only meaningful greenhouse gas on earth. co2 is a non factor.

>> No.15579102

If CO2 were an even slightly significant factor then weather right now would be dramatically different from what it was in the mid 20th century, but it is not, it is the same now as it was back then

>> No.15580178

On the other hand, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the early 1990s genuinely affected the atmosphere and climate

>> No.15581111

rain contains dissolved atmospheric gasses, including CO2

>> No.15582508

Correct, thats why rainwater's pH is not 7

>> No.15583606

When will governments act to put a halt to volcanism?

>> No.15583777

I always joke with my wife that in my next life I want to be a meteorologist or economist. As long as you master the professional lexicon and salesmanship you can literally make up anything. If you're wrong, you just have to explain why you were wrong -- no punishment, happens to the best of us. If you're correct, you'll be showered with undue praise. If you're right a few more times you're crowned a master of the subject.

>> No.15583780

>If you're wrong, you just have to explain why you were wrong -- no punishment, happens to the best of us
If you explain it, learn from your mistake and never make that mistake again, why should you get punished? If you're constantly wrong and give the same explanation every week, they'll fire you.
You should joke about something more clever with your wife. This makes you sound retarded.

>> No.15583857
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, IMG_0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greenhouse effect is an observed and quantified property of CO2

>> No.15583928

>If you're constantly wrong and give the same explanation every week, they'll fire you.
If you do it enough, you'll become head of research at the IPCC.

>> No.15585356

>Missed the salesmanship part of the argument
>Grunt perspective of information exchange in hierarchies

>> No.15586304


>> No.15587471

CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas
If it were then Mars would have a huge greenhouse effect.
Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect

>> No.15587542
File: 315 KB, 1100x700, seaice_extent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twittards are blaming this for antartica sea ice anamol but i'm not convinced. Why come it doesn't warm up arctica sea ice where its summer?
Does the erupted stratosphere water stay in southern hemisphere and not migrate to all over the planet?

>> No.15587546

Morover why wasn't 2022 hotter than 2023 if it was water wapor from the bolcano?

>> No.15587559

>Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect
Mars has a measured greenhouse effect of 5°C
>Why come it doesn't warm up arctica sea ice where its summer?
Doesn't water have a mean life of about a week in the atmosphere? Or is it different for stratospheric vapour?

>> No.15589074
File: 316 KB, 1170x2010, a3Hh5NCp1D5X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15590518

Volcanoes don't release any CO2 according to (((science))) because volcanoes can't be forced to pay taxes

>> No.15592081
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>> No.15593278

Volcanoes release a fraction of the carbon human emissions release and they're offset by various carbon sinks. You should learn about the carbon cycle, what the word "cycle" means, and review the concept of magnitude.

>> No.15593990

>according to muh soience, the volcano CO2 is absorbed by tree, but the CO2 from chinese powerplants is a different form of CO2 that trees don't like.
>stop driving cars
>gibes me all ur money
>i needs ur money for muh private jet to the next climate conference goy

>> No.15594418

You are profoundly ignorant of the carbon cycle and why fossil fuels are an issue. I bet you think that breathing contributes to atmospheric carbon, too.

>> No.15595474


>> No.15596493
File: 425 KB, 1648x1372, tcw papabetalar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15598246

You are profoundly ignorant of the carbon cycle and why fossil fuels aren't an issue. I bet you think that breathing contributes to atmospheric carbon, too.

>> No.15598357

>imagine thinking that this is expensive furniture

>> No.15598392
File: 72 KB, 850x611, The-mid-IR-spectrum-of-the-Earth-Venus-and-Mars-at-a-low-resolution-spectra-are-derived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect
Factually false

>> No.15599935
File: 704 KB, 886x906, vO90JfTHk3AU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming being faked by the government and it's """scientific""" cohorts again

>> No.15600879

the average surface temperature on mars is less than the planetary equilibrium temperature

>> No.15602550
File: 1.19 MB, 910x900, ie7xxubuvx3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is a fraud

>> No.15603514

>How much greenhouse gases do Volcanic Eruptions really release
far more than any other source

>> No.15603742


>> No.15604408

every space agency that has ever investigated the topic. none of them have ever been able to measure any greenhouse effect on mars

>> No.15605173
File: 76 KB, 941x706, LkI4EBFmF172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the global warming institute
trustworthy & unbiased source of information fo sho

>> No.15605182

>Source: everywhere, yet I fail to name a single one

>> No.15606483

good pic

>> No.15607746


>> No.15608692
File: 42 KB, 578x472, 1690681136213840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 is a refrigerant, it doesn't cause global warming, it instigates cooler temperatures

>> No.15608699

Refrigerants are the most effective ghgs, retard. That's what makes them suitable as refrigerants.

>> No.15608710

That's nice Chuddy, but the adults are talking about global effects. Go back and play with the other/pol/tards.

>> No.15608723


>> No.15608731

NTA, but the skeptics movement is crumbling right now.

>> No.15609600

Did the politics get to them?

>> No.15610868 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1488x1488, electricity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run a bunch of dehumidifiers
>power them by boiling water

>> No.15611884 [DELETED] 

Scientists consider the water vapor significant and the CO2 insignificant because CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas, while water vapor is

>> No.15612547
File: 836 KB, 494x278, ifls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15615135

Its astounding to find out that there is something that can influence the climate other than people with taxable income

>> No.15617258

I've seen the local news reporting temps 10ºF over what my outdoor thermometer was measuring, but not 10ºC over, but I guess thats probably inevitable as the media and the climate scientists get ever more dishonest

>> No.15618164

>A claim not supported by data.
you don't have any data to back that up

>> No.15618181
File: 292 KB, 1125x831, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 08.10.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's proof that this faggot did not back up his claim with data.

>> No.15620347

>my proof
>a 4chan screencap

>> No.15621352

>necrobumping a global warming thread after more than 13 hours

>> No.15623415

>the hockey stick meme
debunked ages ago

>> No.15623429

because, conveniently, their demands wouldn't actually fix anything so it just means we have to do more. their "solutions" don't fail, they can only be failed

>> No.15625413


>> No.15627760

no it isn't

>> No.15629190

t. Jannie from phpBB forums

>> No.15629202

t. Necrobumper who got called out

>> No.15629208

I not him

>> No.15629218

Yet you bumped a dead thread from like page 10.

>> No.15629244


>> No.15629282


>> No.15629381

Don't like phpBB jannies
Not raycis
Just don't like em

>> No.15629399

That's why you bumped this thread instead of using the sage function?

>> No.15629401

Earth knows we're getting close to its most precious material.

>> No.15630375

>Lobby for less university funding
>Offer money to universities
>Get them to "research" whatever you want, for the small price of funding whatever those sackless faggots want.
Btw, if you believe that CO2 has any effect on the temperature of the world, first you have to prove it and second you should be hanged from the highest lamp post, so that people can point and laugh at you, from all over the city.

>> No.15631843

thats a bad idea, because co2 is not a greenhouse gas. they should be hanged for failure to supply proof

>> No.15633147

nice attempt at derailing the thread, but we're still going to discuss the fact that volcanoes release thousand of times more CO2 than humans do and that it doesn't make any difference because CO2 isn't even a greenhouse gas

>> No.15634171

Are we now?

>> No.15634253

It's funny how every atomic piece of information in this comment is untrue.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, the amount of CO2 released by volcanoes is negligible compared to human emissions, and we're not going to discuss it, since you're obviously a paid shill or extremely psychotic. Also, it's not an attempt at detailing the thread, but it's bringing the thread closer to its bump limit.

>> No.15635346

CO2 is a greenhouse gas under venus conditions

>> No.15637239

>CO2 is a greenhouse gas
no it isn't
supercritical CO2 isn't a gas

>> No.15638655
File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is so fake

>> No.15638684

Is this bait? Can you read what is written there?

>> No.15638731

>first you have to prove it
It was shown in 1856. Everything since then has confirmed the findings and improved our understanding.
>second you should be hanged from the highest lamp post, so that people can point and laugh at you, from all over the city.
>g-guys, Mr. Koch will be very upset if your results are bad for business

>> No.15638743

no u

>> No.15640114

they don't even make single pane windows anymore... they are all double pane nowadays

>> No.15640121

What? I don’t get it

>> No.15640840

you have never seen a greenhouse

>> No.15641366

>It was shown in 1856
Is it the one by the woman? It doesn't count because she prezzurised the glass containers.
Not 0.04% at 1atm

>> No.15642021

Buy two balloons and some dry ice and test it yourself. You should be beyond experiments for children by now.

>> No.15642033

Says the guy who believes in fairy tales

>> No.15642153

please explain the logic there

>> No.15642684

>i heated gas in a closed container and the gas got hot
i don't even see how that proves anything, same thing would happen with any gas.

>> No.15642718


>> No.15644359

>the global warming institute
omg this can't be real

>> No.15645695
File: 111 KB, 680x411, DU_-FRaWsAAc2Wx (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMP for Disclosure Now!

>> No.15645702

Meds. NOW!

>> No.15645705

Why not?

>> No.15646285

You can easily test the greenhouse gas effect of regular atmosphere against carbon dioxide by putting some of the dry ice in one balloon and letting it sublimate and filling the other one with regular air. Because balloons are a membrane the pressure inside is nearly equal to the pressure outside which was a concern someone mentioned earlier. All of this is fairly trivial and can be done cheaply in your kitchen.

>> No.15646627
File: 154 KB, 965x1024, glowflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647654

>pressure equalized
But now the concentration is way higher on the dry ice side.