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15544433 No.15544433 [Reply] [Original]

How effective is Dr. Nicolosi's technique for preventing homosexuality? Is it the best method or does science have superior homosexuality prevention techniques to offer?
Could homosexuality be eliminated entirely if these techniques were universally applied?

>> No.15544485

I haven't read that memebook, but homosexuality is genetic and/or a result of fetal environment (which masculinizes/feminizes the brain)

Homosexuality could only be fully eliminated through genetic engineering and controlling the fetal environment.

There's an increasing amount of evidence that chemicals/micro plastics have an effect on the fetal environment. It's been proven that certain chemicals can shorten penis length and anogenital distance. Now, I think I'm not too crazy for assuming that this pollution can affect brain development and thus sexual orientation

>> No.15544488

we had a time in history where we tried gay conversion therapies, it did fucking nothing
quit being a retard

>> No.15544490

>but homosexuality is genetic and/or a result of fetal environment (which masculinizes/feminizes the brain)
I thought that study only accounted for 10% or so of gays?

>> No.15544491

homosexuality can't be genetic cuz then it would have eliminated itself from the genepool
but agree on the rest

>> No.15544492

California banned conversion therapy because it was too effective.

>> No.15544516

I need to buy this for my brother. It is his birthday today.

>> No.15544543

Adding this:
So yeah, it's definitely not some paranoid conspiracy. It's even been proven that girls exposed to a certain chemical have a higher degree of homo/bisexuality


I think you're referring to this
>Two studies have estimated between 15% and 29% of gay men owe their sexual orientation to this effect

But that's just one of the many factors that could alter fetal environment.

Nature is more complicated than that

>> No.15544545

You think that if this was effective, all the other countries against lgbtq garbage wouldn't have adopted it and eliminated homosexuality using these methods?

Again, the solution is controlling fetal environment and genetics

>> No.15544554

Those other countries use less humane methods because they don't care about the human rights of homosexuality sufferers. Californians are more enlightened and prefer to rehabilitate the mentally ill.

>> No.15545320

i like the necklacing technique the africans prefer, its more effective, they have native wisdom and i respect their diversity.

>> No.15545420

i believe all these sexual deviations have multiple different causes, and are in fact multiple different things that simply express themselves with the same behavior.
it is true that childhood abuse, trauma, emotional neglect, or inappropriate attachments can all cause this.
t. sexual deviation

>> No.15546259

>homosexuality can't be genetic cuz then it would have eliminated itself from the genepool

>> No.15546333

It's easy. If you see your child looking at gay porn, you make him suck your dick, and he'll never want to do it again.

>> No.15547308

>we had a time in history where we tried gay conversion therapies
we're currently in that period of time, afghanistan is currently leading the world in developing and mastering successful gay conversion therapy methods. turns out the best thing to convert faggots to is a rotting corpse

>> No.15548422


>> No.15548428

Every homosexual will burn in hell forever.

>> No.15548589

>Best way to preventing faggotry
Increase test and dht while decreasing estrogen.
Early exposure to heterosexual porn(i.e. positive sex abuse)

>> No.15548607
File: 1.01 MB, 988x1044, Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 23.29.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry boy,

Your sexual organ hacking surgeries, hormone therapies are conversion therapies themselves, and they are being done in the wrong direction.

You know this is the wrong direction by the fact that few transexuals complete them, there is a high suicide rate in completed transitions, and the fact that the underpinning science behind the cause of said gender identities is a non-proven pseudo-scientific belief system. You cant even prove what causes and stops feelings of gender-hopping.

You are instead endorsing peoples mental illnesses instread of fixing them.

The proof for this is that many who have transitioned claim that they want to transition back and that this was a horrible mistake forced upon them by a political ideology.

There are many gays who turn straight later.

pic related,

>> No.15548724


>> No.15548733

Your post hasn't anything to do with the fact that gay conversion therapy doesn't work, or as it seems any method.

>> No.15548740

Actually it proves that it doesnt work and isnt necessary.

>> No.15548742

So you're okay with faggots being faggots then?

>> No.15548768

>everyone knows people are born that way
>no, there is no gay gene, why would you ask that?
How do we know people are born that way?

>> No.15549042

I look forward to applying these findings to fascists

>> No.15549229

you forgot the emasculating mother, the absent or abusive father and the first sexual experience being molested as a child.

>> No.15549233

you can't prevent homosexuality. maybe try not obsessing over something that will never affect your life. faggot.

>> No.15549269

The only effective way to eliminate homosexuality is by eliminating homosexuals.

>> No.15549271

>Living in a society polluted with child-raping perverts doesn't affect you personally.
It does if you have children.

>> No.15549272

One problem with this book (which I agree is snake oil) is that it sold to boomers who had already caught their kids wanking off to hunky men in swimsuits.
So by the time the parents were buying this shit, it was already too late... their kid was on his way to becoming OP.

>> No.15549346

got a pdf?

>> No.15549348

you won't do shit

>> No.15550437
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>> No.15551419

Thank god, the promise of eternal life in heaven wouldn't be nearly as attractive if there was the prospect of faggots being there

>> No.15552443
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>> No.15552452

if you try and protect your kids from getting sexually abused, that’ll help greatly. 20-30% of gay men reported being sexually abused as children.

>> No.15553114

Wrong. Among social insects only very few individuals can reproduce, the rest are support to take care of eggs and feed juveniles. Among apes very few fertile males are necessary to impregnate all the females, the rest of males just pay child support.

>> No.15553254

Spoted the pedotranny


>> No.15553289 [DELETED] 
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>Closet homos
Just let people live their life in peace, chuddy.

>> No.15554540

Why are Africans so much more based than American blacks? Did the highest IQ Africans use slavery as a means of exporting their lowest IQ Africans to the Americas?

>> No.15554704

You have to be over the age 18 years to post here

>> No.15554711

I don’t believe that.
>man has 20% gay gene
>woman is 20% gay
>they have baby it is 40% gay
>The son has kid with another high %
>child is gay. Dies with no kids but other straights with some % gay have kids. Or he has surggate mother.
Huhhhhhh! You believe what I say?

>> No.15554720

the best way to prevent homosexuality is to make sure your son doesn't get molested and that your daughter knows you love her

>> No.15554739

>How effective is Dr. Nicolosi's technique for preventing homosexuality?
Not very, apparently. You can't deal with interpersonal (like sexual) problems on an individual level anyway, you need society-wide technologies for it to work.

>> No.15556188

It works

>> No.15556309

I'm sure selection had a bit to do with it.

>> No.15557206

Thats where Dougas Adams got the idea for Golafrincharian ark fleet ship B

>> No.15557251

>chapter 1: don't molest your kids
>end book

>> No.15557269

Known a cousin that ended up a faggot. Wasn't abused as a child, but didn't have a father around. Not sure how that turns into sexual attraction towards men, but the lack of a father figure certainly seems to have had an impact here.

I found out way before everyone else did when I discovered links to gayporn in my computer browser history.

>> No.15557600

>we had a time in history where we tried gay conversion therapies, it did fucking nothing
>we had a time in history where we tried to cure cancer, it did nothing so we stopped tryi-ACK!!
Just because faggot fixing therapies didn't fully work at a time when most of psychology was pseudoscience quackery does not mean it's not possible for those therapies to work.

>> No.15557608

you're pretty stupid huh?

>> No.15557914


>> No.15557930

Sadly. Not even genetic engineering is perfect. You'd have to make sure the body could remain stable throughout the lifetime. This would mean constant rejuvenation to remain at or above the bar for being gay.

>> No.15558716

Dr. Nicolosi was a great man. He helped so many people.

>> No.15558933

The best way to prevent homosexuality is to have a good relationship with your kids and not let anyone molest them.

>> No.15558942

>father abandons son
>son sees other boys who are close with their fathers
>covets that type of closeness with a father figure
>uses homosexual relationships to fill the void
I think those are the basics.

>> No.15559413

They literally already took the entire west "won't do shit" doesn't apply when you already lost and your country is occupied.

>> No.15559423

>They literally already
You won't do shit.

>> No.15559447

It's because without a father (a real one, not just a provider) you are less likely to take life seriously. Homo sexing is the ultimate manifestation of an antiserious attitude to life. If there's no one there to kick your ass and tell you that you have to take a wife and inseminate her in order to propagate the family, be it a father, some other man, or just the general messaging of SOCIETAY.

Also if you have an overbearing mother, then you have less of a father because a cunty wife who does nothing but nag and goes so far as to call the cops on her husband because he told her to stop fucking drinking will just reduce a father's effective presence. fuck off, mom, you stupid dead bitch

>> No.15560504

homosexuality isn't genetic

>> No.15561103

child molestation by a man results in a young boy eventually turning gay, read the statistics on this, it's true, we should just kill all the homosexuals, women and men, that way they won't rape kids who turn into them and repeat the same process infinitly

>> No.15561108

Doesn't it seem weird that women have large sacs protruding from their chest?

It's not only unaesthetic, it is not practical.

>> No.15561113

No, it seems hot and sexy.

>> No.15561157


>> No.15561282

Well what if there was a way to cause a neurological reset. The second blood is spilled by good hands those hands no longer are doing good work. Back to the origional point, hypnosis, if done through private common seeing as it is a faster and has more efective actions and out comes in a more efecient manner than government* (which is allready riddled with sodomy to begin with). This condition is one of the mind, the mind being a stomach which eats what it can, if all knowledge of these dark things is smashed of the table then the jaws of the eyes will only send down what is good. For this reason it is imperative to destroy and suppress all homoerotic literature whenever one can. 4 chan is allready stalked with hackers who have brought companies like at&t and mt.dew to retreat in mercy, so certain archives and white arows are not as hard of a problem. If these algorythems can be exployted on mass then the snakes loose the dens with which they may seek refuge. Further more when we gp about looking at the diseased we must not think of them as sub human, for this is consenting to the grip of imorality on our side and sealing the fait of the aflicted to die in that acursed state. Insted we must look at them as slashed and plauged that we may weed out the existance of the pathogin in the patiant's line of thought. Other than that, do you have any feed back?

>> No.15562229


>> No.15562342
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Following the evidence doesn't mean he's stupid. 4chan's spam detection is stupid, though.

>> No.15562349

you're dumb
the very same gene could turn a man in to a sissy who wants to get his ass pounded but also turn any of his female relatives in to constantly horny baby factories

>> No.15563685

American negroes used to hate faggots too, but they were brainwashed out of their beliefs in the last 20 years or so.

>> No.15564774

homosexuality isn't genetic, its a choice

>> No.15564959

Homosexuality can be a choice, but for many it's about as much of a choice as being afflicted with PTSD. So it just depends on whether you think soldiers are traumatized by their genetics or by their circumstances.

>> No.15564962

soldiers are "traumatized" by the availability of gibes for ppl who claim to have ptsd.

>> No.15564975
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>> No.15564987

>There's an increasing amount of evidence that micro plastics have an effect on the fetal environment.
No there isn't


>Homosexualuty is caused by childhood sexual abuse
Freudian psuedoscience driven by a political agenda

>Homosexuality is caused by lack of a father figure
Freudian psuedoscience driven by a political agenda

>> No.15565642

>>Homosexualuty is caused by childhood sexual abuse
>Freudian psuedoscience driven by a political agenda
The only reason you would deny the "unexplained" catastrophic increase in childhood sexual molestation among homosexuals is because of your obvious political agenda.

>> No.15565993

Stop projecting. What is this catastrophic increase, have you considered that it is caused as a product of the increase in homosexuality?

>> No.15566111

>What is this catastrophic increase
so you don't even know what it is yet....
>have you considered that it is caused as a product of the increase in homosexuality?
you preemptively assign a scapegoat to deny it
Could not be more obvious you are arguing from a mindless political agenda that cares nothing about facts
>Stop projecting
The irony of saying this after shilling "the opposite opinion is Freudian!"...kek
That went over your head so:

>> No.15566124

It sure is a shame that you cannot post this catastrophic increase.
>you preemptively assign a scapegoat to deny it
Because it seems irrational and a rational person can speculate before having the full story.

Freudian is relating to or resembling the absurd pseudoscientific ideas of Sigmund Freud. What "Freudian slip" has been committed?

>> No.15566167

>>you preemptively assign a scapegoat to deny it
You actually admit that is what you are doing KEK!!
>it seems irrational
No, not at all, but denying something before you know what it is is irrational no matter what mental gymnastics you come up with.
What is so irrational about homosexual adults being molested at much higher rates when they were children? Your feelings say it's irrational because you don't want it to be true. In other words, you are coping. Nothing further you say will be in good faith. You want the data to be wrong before you even know what it is and will look for any way to dismiss it. You are biased and acting off an agenda.
>Freudian is relating to or resembling the absurd pseudoscientific ideas of Sigmund Freud
See I knew it would go over your head that is why I gave the link.
>What "Freudian slip" has been committed?
Your slip of the tongue about projection, when it couldn't be more obvious you are the one projecting, was a Freudian slip by literal definition.
>It sure is a shame that you cannot post this catastrophic increase.
I was having fun pointing out you're mindlessly politically driven and almost guaranteed to be an LGBT activist with no STEM background trolling /sci/ to push your agenda....here ya go

>> No.15566183

Do you have a link to the full study?
I deduced a logical reason for it in advanced, instead of your explanation.
>No, not at all
Why would being raped as a kid make you a homosexual?

>Your slip of the tongue about projection,
That wasn't a slip, I intentionally wrote that you are projecting and then posted it. You don't even know what that means.

>> No.15566997

>Do you have a link to the full study?
>[non STEM tourist doesn't know how to find a research paper]
Don't need to
It says exactly what I claimed and you thought "irrational" lol
No need to watch you invent more reasons to handwave data, that you think shouldn't even exist, that doesn't fit your narrative, which you activists do 100% of the time
>I deduced a logical reason for it in advanced
No, you didn't. You invented a false premise out of thin air to deny it in advance because your agenda needs to deny it. Then your invention fell flat on its face.
>Why would being raped as a kid make you a homosexual?
Coping mechanism
>That wasn't a slip, I intentionally wrote [an irrational accusation based on absolutely nothing] and then posted it
The slip was blatantly using the wrong word based on no information that justified using it: the word you are guilty of doing yourself.
This is perfectly within the usage of "Freudian slip"
: a faulty act (as a Freudian slip) of purposeful behavior

>> No.15567020

You do need to. You accused me of arguing in bad faith earlier. If you were arguing in good faith you'd have read the entire study, found its methods to be scientific, and would link it or post it in a .pdf. You are refusing to do the latter and I don't think you've actually read it to begin with.

>You invented a false premise out of thin air to deny it in advance because your agenda needs to deny it.
The premise is that thinking that raping a child makes them a homosexual doesn't make any sense. You have failed again to explain why your hypothesis would be true.

>The slip was blatantly using the wrong word
No it was not. If you knew anything about psychology you'd know who Sigmund Freud is, rather than just one of his numerous absurdities that have entered pop psych, and would understand why I'd accused your hypothesis of resembling his work.

>> No.15567088

homos procreate by messing up children's natural brain development through molestation

>> No.15567114

How does that work?

>> No.15567554
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This, PTSD only became commonplace after welfare gibes were made available for the people who claimed to have PTSD. The gibes created and perpetuate the PTSD

>> No.15567578

>child turns out gay
>shoot them
>start over

Why is this hard?

>> No.15567589

>no father figure
for women maybe but for men I don't think this plays a part in homosexuality. I think a weird mother/son relationship or molesting are the main ones you need to look out for.

>> No.15567623


>> No.15567754

If you don't have a masculine role model you'll end up being more effeminate, maybe even gay

>> No.15567763

No retard it's because it was used to abuse children. Wouldn't expect you types to care about that beyond performative paranoia however.

>> No.15567766

I agree, but father/father figure does not = male role model. When I think of guys who grow up without a father I'm thinking more likely to be antisocial/druggie/delinquent I don't think there is anything to prove dudes raised by single moms turn out gay more often.

>> No.15567776

Homosexual boys are molested more because they are more feminine, less likely to resist, etc. You have it backwards.

>> No.15567784

Imagine coming to /sci/ and believing in "Freudian slips". Might as start talking citing mystics.

>> No.15567814


pol is this way

>> No.15567872

>When I think of guys who grow up without a father I'm thinking more likely to be antisocial/druggie/delinquent
over 80% of negroes have no father
didn't used to be that way, but it is now, because of the welfare system

>> No.15567886

WOW, I never thought of this. This makes so much sense. chiildren are not retards, some are, and they are more likely to get molested and not snitch on the pedophile. and gay children will probably look for a pedo to molest them.

>> No.15568307

>Could homosexuality be eliminated entirely
yes, its been done in the past

>> No.15568599

This. It doesn't necessarily need to be a father, just a firm family member to be clear on what's right and what isn't. This is actually required for a lot of people, many people simply have no morals or sense of direction. Thinking not having a father figure would make you be a homosexual is a huge stretch and very unbelievable.

We've yet to be given proof of this fact. I was about to admit that I was wrong but he hasn't linked the actual study, meaning no one can assess how scientific its methods are. He obviously hasn't read it.

>> No.15568912

Curious through are you say 0% are made be molestation or are you saying it's a small percentage

>> No.15569222

I prefer the Sodom & Gomorrah technique

>> No.15569283
File: 11 KB, 280x280, 37192295_2275942982422210_3688677123947495424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overbearing mother and weak father are probably latent homosexuals themselves.

Nature has no teleology... not even survival/reproduction.

>> No.15569365

There are 8,000 mosques in Russia.

>> No.15569369

You assume a gay gene exist, which is a stretch since it is the absolute worst for procreation.
Homosexuality is a kink/fetish, caused by being in contact with homosexuals during childhood.
That you can point at a group of certain character traits like being more feminine does not imply they are homosexuals.

If you take a 12 year old with "homosexual" traits and have him hang around a bunch of homosexuals he will probably turn gay.
If there are no gays around and he has a nice girl living next door who takes an interest in him he will conclude girls are pretty cool.

Some people get excited by rain wear. Would there be a gene for that as well? Or is it a combination of character traits and exposure?

>> No.15569378

What, ESL faggot?

>You assume a gay gene exist
He didn't. Homosexuality is a mental disorder.

>If you take a 12 year old with "homosexual" traits and have him hang around a bunch of homosexuals he will probably turn gay.
Have you performed an experiment to find this to be true?

>> No.15569485

>He didn't. Homosexuality is a mental disorder.
How else would you end up with a presumably homosexual child in absence of child molestation or Netflix?
If there is such a thing as a homosexual child, you need a gay gene. Good luck proving that.
Else it is caused at some point in their life. Calling it a mental disorder is also fine by me.
I call it a fetish due to the sexual nature of it, but illness is better due to the damage and risks involved.

>Have you performed an experiment to find this to be true?
Never ask a homosexual about the age at which he had his first sexual experience and the age of the other involved.

Is there a difference between a porn addict wanking 10 times a day and a homosexual having the same amount of sexual encounters. It's both mental illness.

>> No.15569486

>too effective
too effective at turning them into groomed hyper-sexualized teens, yes
>kid is gay. let's fix him!
>let's.. put him into a camp
>full of other gay boys
>where they all sleep together
>then let's torture and molest them for weeks
>and condition them to obey adults implicitly for all matters of sexuality
>then let them back out
>now they'll be fully ready to please their abuser
it's one of the many disgusting child-to-pedophile pipelines that conservatives have been duped into supporting by pedophilic con artists.

>> No.15569582

>You assume a gay gene exist
When did I say that?
Everything else you said is unscientific unprovable guesswork bullshit so I can dismiss it.

>> No.15569876

>You do need to
Lol, no, no I don't
>You accused me of arguing in bad faith earlier.
You were
>If you were arguing in good faith you'd have read the entire study, found its methods to be scientific, and would link it or post it in a .pdf.
I don't need to do this at all. You are an "armchair expert" at best, in reality you are just a mindless activist, and have no idea how to refute a scientific study. You can't even find a simple study that is 2 decades old. That is how clueless you are. Yet you want to argue the contents. Not happening. The evidence was presented and all you can do is deny it. Simple as.
>The premise is that thinking that raping a child makes them a homosexual doesn't make any sense
To you. You didn't even think the data existed because it would be irrational in your head, and you were just proven wrong. You have no valid understanding of any of this
>You have failed again to explain why your hypothesis would be true
It's a coping mechanism: a perfectly reasonable explanation. Women who are raped sometimes go on to to be hypersexual to try and take control of their victimhood. It's perfectly reasonable to think the same happens to many abused children
>No it was not. If you knew anything about psychology you'd know who Sigmund Freud is, rather than just one of his numerous absurdities that have entered pop psych,
I gave the link which supported my claim you made a Freudian slip. All you can do is deny and lecture me with "trust me bro"
>and would understand why I'd accused your hypothesis of resembling his work
That was someone else you accused
You respond to my posts within 12 minutes. You are a mindless activist who spends all day on the internet being thought police trying to suppress ideas/facts you don't like without a clue as to what you are saying. The data stands. Homosexuals are far far more likely to have been abused and it makes perfect sense that their victimhood is a contributing factor towards becoming homosexuals.

>> No.15569896

You do need to supply a source, this is the nature of science. I cannot refute a scientific study when you refuse to let me read it.
>You were
You said it here >>15566167
>Nothing further you say will be in good faith

>It's a coping mechanism: a perfectly reasonable explanation.
It is not. What neurological changes happen on being raped by a man that causes them to then want it more?

>I gave the link which supported my claim you made a Freudian slip.
I've explained very clearly that I did not slip anything because I intentionally described what you said as Freudian, because it is Freudian.

>> No.15569904

How could netflix make a child homosexual? That's an even weirder and more politically inspired idea the previous arguments.

>If there is such a thing as a homosexual child, you need a gay gene.
>Else it is caused at some point in their life.
These two sentences aren't consistent

>> No.15569905

You don't ever prevent the core 1-2% of becoming homosexual. That is a futile task. Extrapolate from your own thoughts and habits. Could you become an NPC? Is non-NPC-ness not rather quite hardwired into your very phenotype? (I.e. simplified, genetic code)
You can input any variable instead of "NPC". The point is, for these 1-2% gayness is a core of their personality.

You prevent the next, it seems, 20% from becoming fake gay. That is easy. They are NPCs. Just shoot their programmer and and destroy the scripts he wrote.

>> No.15569908

And to further correct you unless masturbating ten times a day and being homosexual are disruptive to one's lifestyle, neither of those things are mental illnesses. You may call it a disorder.

>> No.15569922

>Homosexual boys are molested more because they
The trend holds for girls too (not quite as strong if I remember). Your theory does not fit the data
>they are more feminine
There is no indication that "gay" boys are more feminine. You are making things up to deny data. Please show evidence otherwise.
And why would "femininity" be a trait pedophiles seek? They supposedly have no preferences ie are ambiphilic (attracted to both genders).
>less likely to resist, etc.
"gay" boys are less likely to resist adults having sex with them? What?!?!
What kind of pedo nonsense is that??
That isn't even mathematically feasible. If "gay" boys are 2% of male population yet supposedly are 15x to 30x more likely to be molested by random chance of encountering a pedophile, that would imply 30% to 60% of all boys are victims of attempted assault by a pedophile yet resist/escape. Absurd.
>You have it backwards
Multiple lines of reasoning say you have it backwards.

>> No.15569941

>Your theory does not fit the data
What data? The study you haven't read?

>> No.15569945


>They supposedly have no preferences ie are ambiphilic (attracted to both genders).
Where they fuck did you get this from? Every 4chan pedo always only posts loli or shota, which are usually drawn femininely. You very rarely find masculine drawings.

>"gay" boys are less likely to resist adults having sex with them? What?!?!
Homosexuality usually comes with submissivenes!!! Crazy!!?!?!

>> No.15569962
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HAHAHA!! You responded within 12 minutes yet again. 3rd time in 2 days all random hours of the day. You are 24/7 internet thought police and do nothing but sit. You are in discord right now, I guarantee it. Pathetic.

>You do need to supply a source, this is the nature of science
I supplied a peer reviewed source. You are now outright lying to try and win public opinion. Pathetic.
>I cannot refute a scientific study
You are not qualified to refute a scientific study. You are just a blind and heavily biased activist, so again I have no reason to find a pdf for you.
>when you refuse to let me read it.
If you don't know how to find a 20 year old paper's PDF online for free you are not capable of refuting a scientific paper. That is baseline baby effort and your inability shows you are nothing more than a mindless activist who has no business reading peer review.
Even if you did spend 5 minutes finding it I would not debate you at this point. You are too dishonest.
>what neurological changes happen on being raped by a man that causes them to then want it more?
Probably a similar one that causes hypersexuality in female rape victims like I mentioned. You can't even read my posts yet you demand to read a paper so you can convince yourself it's wrong. Pathetic.
>I've explained very clearly that I did not slip anything because I intentionally
2nd link I gave said the action can be purposeful, which is another way of saying intentional, which is exactly why I gave that link. Again you can't read but you demand me to let you read. Pathetic.

Goodbye activist

>What data? The study you haven't read?
I did read it I even made memes from it. It's either saved on my comp or I had former access credentials at one point. Don't remember, don't care.

Goodby pathetic LGBT activist

>> No.15569973

>I supplied a peer reviewed source.
You have replied with the findings of the study. You have not posted the study. You have not read the study either.

>You are not qualified to refute a scientific study.
So now you're defending the scientific gatekeeping, as a way to stop anyone from scrutinizing your "evidence". Do you know that this is exactly what they scientific community do to defend other dogmas? Do you support that?

>Probably a similar one that causes hypersexuality in female rape victims like I mentioned.
Do you have a study that explains this?

>It's either saved on my comp
Then post it :^)

>> No.15569975

>Where they fuck did you get this from? Every 4chan pedo always only posts loli or shota, which are usually drawn femininely. You very rarely find masculine drawings.
anime fetishes and real life molesting of children/minors are not the same thing
From everything I've read convicted pedos largely claim ambiphilic preferences.
>Homosexuality usually comes with submissivenes!!! Crazy!!?!?!
I have no idea if little boys resist being raped, but I gave the math to justify why it doesn't make sense to me. You seem like a pedo.

>> No.15569977
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>Goodby pathetic LGBT activist
You still can't read huh?

>> No.15569979

Concession accepted.

>> No.15569983
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>> No.15569990

According to your logic race is just melanin because that's the current scientific consensus, and you do not have a relevant degree to be qualified to read any studies on race, therefore you cannot disagree with that. Homosexuality too has been found by modern consensus to be not a mental illness but completely normal and natural.

>> No.15570001

>I want to fuck the little girl on the chinese cartoon but not real ones! I swear!
You seem like a pedo

>> No.15570006

>You seem like a pedo
Says the individual who browses loli anime forums all day

>> No.15570017

Says the person who just tried to say that masturbating to pornographic drawings of little girls doesn't make you a pedophile

>> No.15570025

Wow you resorted to lies quite fast. Are you the LGBT activist above who got BTFO'd?

>> No.15570029

>anime fetishes and real life molesting of children/minors are not the same thing
What else did you mean by this, liar?

>> No.15570034

You conceded the argument though

>> No.15570040

>Goodby pathetic LGBT activist
You still can't read huh?

>> No.15570041

You're literally a pedophile

>> No.15570043
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>> No.15570048

You browse loli cartoon forums all day and say that is the same as being a pedophile. By your own admission you are a pedophile.

>> No.15570053

I don't think I admitted to anything, forget the pilpul. Is /sci/ a loli cartoon board? It isn't. However there's a good reason to assume that a person trying to claim that a person who likes lolicon isn't a pedophile is a pedophile.

>> No.15570082

>However there's a good reason to assume that a person trying to claim that a person who likes lolicon isn't a pedophile is a pedophile
Weak strawman. I said someone who molests children in real life is different than someone with an anime fetish. You have no way to know if these mystery people who post loli on the boards you browse (I never see it I don't know what you are browsing) actually like the pedophile anime they post or if they are trolling. Hell they might even be feds.
Your entire "duuur I only see female anime loli" argument against the overwhelming ambiphilic preferences of convicted pedophiles is one giant question-begging pile of circular nonsense invented in your head.

>> No.15570093

>anime fetishes and real life molesting of children/minors are not the same thing
You labelled these 4chan posters as having "anime fetishes", you are clearly trying to differentiate pedophilia from attraction to lolicon. A lot of /a/ threads are of moe anime, are you suggesting that much of that is orchestrated by alphabet agents?

>the overwhelming ambiphilic preferences
Proper source?

>> No.15570594

anime is for pedophiles.

>> No.15570725

>When did I say that?
It is implied here
>Homosexual boys are molested more because they are more feminine, less likely to resist, etc. You have it backwards.

It is implied that there is such a thing as a homosexual boy. Explain why the boy is homosexual.

>These two sentences aren't consistent
Why not? As far as I know, there are two schools of thought. The born gay camp, and the "environmental" gay camp.
If there is no "gay gene", ergo, nobody is born homosexual, the existence of a homosexual child must be due to the environment.

>> No.15571602

the existence of homosexuals is due to the badly misguided tolerance of homosexuals. people aren't born civilized, they need to be educated to become civilized

>> No.15571605

Seems like you failed at that process as well.

>> No.15572553
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>You labelled these 4chan posters as having "anime fetishes",
And you are begging the question that they are pedos. I said they could just be trolling. People post the most impossibly stupid trolls all the time. It's 4chan. Hence, you made a strawman.

>you are clearly trying to differentiate pedophilia from attraction to lolicon
Nope. I'm differentiating anonymous people who post anime loli (lolicon? never seen that word before) for whatever unknown reason, with people who actually molest in real life. You obviously cannot prove there is overlap. Maybe if you could prove that child molesters frequently get caught with anime loli of primarily girls then you'd have an argument.
>A lot of /a/ threads are of moe anime, are you suggesting that much of that is orchestrated by alphabet agents?
I obviously didn't

>>the overwhelming ambiphilic preferences
>Proper source?
lol ok this was harder than I thought it would be it's been a while since I've been reading up on this but
seems to show what you are asking. But now that I look at it I may have been wrong. The preferences may not be as ambiphilic as I thought. It seems gay pedo men prefer boys more and straight pedo men prefer girls more. I may have mis-remembered and it was conviction rates that show no preference among gay/straight men.

This opens up a new line of questioning though. If gay men prefer boys more then it's highly possible the molestation rates of boys is far higher than it should be unless gay men are more likely to be pedophiles.

>> No.15572558

Don't molest your kids and make sure they don't get molested by creepy men. They'll turn out straight

>> No.15572964

if you're an adult and you jack off to children's cartoons then you're a pedo

>> No.15573842

>anime fetishes and real life molesting of children/minors are not the same thing
yes they are

>> No.15574158

>They just post cunny every day because they're trolling! They don't actually want to fuck little girls! I don't actually post on a website populated by pedophiles!
What a retarded cope, are you a newfaggot?

>> No.15574432

straight here. the more you hate on/pathologise gays, the more I'm inclined to support them and lgbt stuff in general.

>> No.15574446
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>> No.15574452

your reply is the clearest sign that you do, in fact, care. kek

>> No.15574464

>My entire life is dictated around how much internet retards dislike things
Damn, mega owned

>> No.15574468

you're not very good at inference.

>> No.15574474

Damn owned again
All homosexuals should get aids
Did you read that? Now suck some cock boy

>> No.15574711

No. You parrot some random hit pieces. They don't want anyone jumping ship and weakening the political narrative. I used to put the word pimozide on youtube comment sections for videos about trannys to see how fast they word turn off all the comments. Ussually within a few hours. Pimozide is cheap. a lifetime of medical dependancy is not.

>> No.15574714

and let them groom and fuck kids. You all are approaching the day of the roof with the shit you and nambla are pulling right now.

>> No.15574758

>replying to homosexuals

>> No.15575199

it's just GI parasites, retard pseud

>> No.15575360

Homosexuality is biologically caused in the womb, and Nicolosi is a meme. Only retards believe his methods work anymore. He doesn't have any evidence that the mainstream scientific view is wrong. An actually competent sexologist, J. Michael Bailey, has offered Nicolosi collaboration to test his theory, but Nicolosi never took him up on the offer.

>> No.15575367

You can also dumb down someone's senses with antidepressants to make them not feel sad, and thus "cure" their depression. Same with autism.

>> No.15575370

>20-30% of gay men reported being sexually abused as children.
I thought it was obvious that the causality is the reverse of what you're proposing?

>> No.15575374

>If there is such a thing as a homosexual child, you need a gay gene.
No you don't, you absolute retard.

>> No.15575375

See >>15575370

>> No.15575592

>If there is such a thing as a homosexual child, you need a gay gene.
If there is such a thing as a traumatized child, you need a trauma gene.

>> No.15575606

Fuck off dumb tranny

>> No.15575613

You should go back

>> No.15575625


>> No.15575644

>ah yes it's the same thing

>> No.15575713

Can you explain how it's different? As an autistic person even though it has clearly made my life significantly harder the idea of a "cure" for it still disturbs me. I'm not surprised that trannies feel the same way.

>> No.15576053

What drives someone like this >>15564987 to answer in such a dismissive and robotic manner to someone offering very simple, benevolent, and sensible advice such as this? >>15554720

>> No.15576057

They don't want to admit it, but sex while your mother was pregnant...
just like they wont admit what SIDS is...
Think about it. You were basically developing in garage of phallic accommodation. You had a few different penises frequently revving up next door in the garage...
You were born this way. Do the knowledge.... Not every gay person was molested, or social excluded, or an addict. Many are legitimately born HOMOSEXUAL.
Thus, parents should be proactively Preventing HOMOSEXUALITY.

>> No.15576064

You are better than this. This is exactly the type of nonsense that discredits you.
It's like claiming that "ADHD" increased attention for the availability of amphetamines and social support clubs for people who claim to have ADHD.

>> No.15576561

I'm a gay incel, we have different facial morphology and physiognony than normal people.

>> No.15576725

What drives you to post pseudoscience, and then when you get called out for it suggest they were angry at you for telling people not to let their children get sexually abused?