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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15568693 No.15568693 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an actual climate change thread without /pol/faggot deniers spamming their larp christcuck retardation?
>Global sea surface temperatures (SST) reached a new record anomaly today. The global SST of 20.98°C (69.76°F) is a record 0.638°C hotter than the 1991-2020 mean.
>https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/16/big-oil-climate-pledges-extreme-heat-fossil-fuel - Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble
>https://theconversation.com/climate-change-threatens-to-cause-synchronised-harvest-failures-across-the-globe-with-implications-for-australias-food-security-209250 - Climate change threatens to cause ‘synchronised harvest failures’ across the globe
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/europe-heatwave-weather-2023-latest-news-b2376359.html - land surface temp crosses 60C in Europe, 50C in China and US.

>> No.15568695


>> No.15568696

Good luck with that.

>> No.15568706

Reading this was pretty depressing, it tracks with our worst case scenario modelling, we will likely see complete societal collapse within the next few decades due to systematic crop failures causing massive global famine.
I'm definitely moving into prepper phase at this point, the last few years has taught me how fragile our society is and how retarded our "leadership" and general society is. Even the Pentagon's Minerva modelling from 10 years agoish has society breaking down and imploding with mass death across the planet around 2060 and we're charting temps well above the modelling for that.

>> No.15568709

>evacuating entire populations due to heatwave in Europe
>"Just a normal summer"

Honestly the level of sand in head at this point my god.

>> No.15568716

Climate change is normal and a complete political fudge of a name.
Use anthropogenic global warming as that is what the idea of elevated levels of co2 and related human derived gases causing more retention of solar heat ultimately means.

>> No.15568730

Any comments on this?
Claims that the Atlantic has a 60 year cycle, 30 years of heat going into a depth of 1500m, thus cooling the atmosphere, then 30 years of it burping heat back up into the atmosphere.
Even with all the weather heat records, the sea was been warming since 1999.
The '30s are going to be fun.

>> No.15568733

What line is 2022 biliyat?

>> No.15568737

HARRP is a technology used for weather manipulation.
There is alsop a trade in atmosperic moisyure trading achieved by raising moisture to higher levels in the atmosphere and transported by normal air current movements to places it usially wouldn't reach where it then either naturally deposits as rain or rain is induced via cloud seeding.
One example of this is that during the year when wildfires were rampant in sweden and finland the middle east greened.

>> No.15568745

>Climate change is normal and a complete political fudge of a name.
>Use anthropogenic global warming
You think denialtards can even comprehend such a big word? They're already struggling to wrap their heads around the current terminology. Like, they literally believe "SMOKE = BAD" is this revolutionary new concept that requires a 140+ IQ to understand.

>> No.15568760

>I need attention and external validation but have really low self-esteem so no one can disagree with what I post.
You should buy a parrot.

>> No.15568761

Just ignore him. It's too late for denialtards. Not even worth replying to. Just shoot them once shtf by 2035 or so.

>> No.15568770

anthropogenic just means man made or man human created

This use of climate change or climate disruption is the newer term it is purely political because the entire posotion was hijacked by organistations seeking a cause to justify the expansion of the dictatorial power over the world in the 80s and 90s.
These people have immense power and financial incentive to push nonsensical grifts and scams like carbon taxation to create what they called "the 4th world wilderness project".

Conspiracy theorists rightly point to this hijacking to deny the entire thing or the motivations of organisations such as the UN's IPCC who are directly connected to these dictatorial interests seeking a justification for control.
What they get wrong is to deny that there is any effect from human activities.

If we want to actually discuss this topic we need some way to objectively determine what is actually happening that extricates the poisoning effect of these external interests who want to push their own agendas. but so much is tied up with the IPCC and their funding structures incentivising what they want their message to be.
We need independent data collection and collations.

>> No.15568781

>There are 3 significant greenhouse gasses warming our planet, and several natural cycles that can amplify or moderate temperature swings. The 3 main greenhouse gasses, in order of importance, are CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane) and N2O (nitrous oxide).

>> No.15568865

It's funny how denialists are always these conservative "common sense" types, but when it comes to global warming they do all kinds of olympic-tier mental gymnastics to prove how it's NOT man-made.

Like, I see a sharp rise in global mean temperatures beginning in the 1800s which JUST HAPPENS to coincide with the invention of the steam engine, the industrialization of society and the ever-increasing burning of fossil fuels. I mean, what would "common sense" suggest as a cause here?

Epstein is due to appear in court, but the night before he hangs himself in his high-sec prison cell while the cameras are turned off for like five minutes? Why, OF COURSE that's not what happened. Some old fuck gets vaccinated and has a heart attack a couple weeks later? OBVIOUSLY it's the vax! Earth is beginning to warm up to unprecedented levels right as the entire globe starts digging up dead plant matter and burning it as if there was no tomorrow? NNnnoooo, this can't be it! Maybe it's sun spots or the magnetosphere or tidal forces or bla bla bla.

Here's another funny little coincidence for you: Isn't it convenient that in their opinion the only causes for global warming JUST HAPPEN to be the ones where they don't need to restrict themselves or change their lavish air-conditioned all-inclusive consumerist lifestyles in any way, shape or form whatsoever?

>> No.15568880

>Epstein is due to appear in court, but the night before he hangs himself in his high-sec prison cell while the cameras are turned off for like five minutes?
What? Epstein didn't die, they put the fucker on a plane.

>> No.15568893

Epsteins not dead

>> No.15568897

So if we're functionally doomed and the turning point to actual collapse is coming much more soon than we think, how do I as a individual mitigate these circumstances?
Move to New Zealand? Get a gun and horde ammo and canned food?
My big worry is a collapse of the food security which I do believe is just around the corner. Friend visited Africa recently and apparently their harvest seasons have been functionally halved.

>> No.15568918

same. I have a fiance who has always looked out for me. Even at the expense of myself, if I was willing to work tirelessly for their exoneration from the inevitable downfall, what would I do /sci/?

>> No.15568955

looks intentional, funny it happens right when covid was dying down eh?

>> No.15568977

>Isn't it convenient that in their opinion the only causes for global warming JUST HAPPEN to be the ones where they don't need to restrict themselves or change their lavish air-conditioned all-inclusive consumerist lifestyles in any way, shape or form whatsoever?
You mean like how conveniently the real solutions provided by the experts are all ones where we have to give up rights and pay more taxes and buy a bunch more expensive goods shipped from overseas?

>> No.15568993

You are right, your intellectual prowess is quite clearly presented in your arguments. Now, please produce an example of a successful predictive climate model from the literature. One has never been created. No one is denying that the climate changes over time, for instance we are currently emerging from a glacial period. None of the climate alarmism is based on evidence.

>> No.15568997

Just like how the Pfizer covid shots were US taxpayer funded but Pfizer made $100 billion off of them in 2020 alone. The BioNTech shots were paid for by the German taxpayers.

>> No.15569023


>> No.15569027

>wanna save the world? just buy our product!

>> No.15569034

>wanna drive a uselessly big truck? just buy our totally not harmful product!

>> No.15569041


feds please gtfo

>> No.15569043

There are twice as many people on the planet as there were 50 years ago. They could be

a. deforesting shit
b. just radiating more heat due to their activity
c. putting more water vapor into the air. H2O contributes hundreds of times more to the greenhouse effect than CO2 does

anyway, all perceived increase in temperature is due to the urban heat island effect.

>> No.15569050

>Wanna drive a uselessly short ranged electric smart car that needs a subscription and updates and a constant internet connection for no reason? oh you don't? well too bad we're gonna force you to buy our totally not harmful product! Don't ask about the gigantic lithium batteries that die every few years!

>> No.15569057

>no you can't just point out how everyone involved is infinitely more interested in making money than ever actually doing anything about global warming

>> No.15569059


I just want to discuss science. If it turns out it's at least possible we're going to starve I want to know what I can do to survive the longest just in ase.

>> No.15569063


>> No.15569064

This year in particular is merely anomalous. It is not necessarily the result of climate change. Was it exacerbated by it? Maybe, hard to say.

I would be very careful in drawing any sort of conclusions based on the current year, because it is so far out of even the past 5 years. Climate change is a gradual process, it's not "suddenly really hot year". Other, unrelated factors are at play, otherwise this year would have been predictable based on past data.

>> No.15569066

Is that not obvious? If you want to survive on your own, reduce your dependency on the global economy. Literally go live on a homestead farm in the middle of nowhere

>> No.15569067

But what if it gets attacked like it's Hokuto no Ken or some shit

>> No.15569068

correlation is not causation. you have made a low-intelligence post.

>> No.15569075

If shit hits the fan so hard that mad max gangs are roaming around then whether you're on a farm or in the ruins of a city all I can say is be armed

>> No.15569078

then I hope you practiced your Hokuto Shinken.

>> No.15569079

Any way to have some hidden bunker society and grow stuff underground somehow?

>> No.15569086

>Wanna enjoy your retirement and not feel guilty for the hell on earth your children and grandchildren are gonna have to live through? Well, good news: All you've ever heard about global warming is a lie. That's right! It's a giant hoax and everyone is in on it. Except us who just happen to sell the very product they're trying to phase out. There's totally no conflict of interest going on here. Also please ignore the study we did in the 60s which predicted the rise in temperatures that would happen because of our product and which was eerily close to the real developments and which we withheld from the public for decades for totally non-nefarious purposes, of course

>> No.15569092

/sci/ is filled with retards and people larping as retards.

>> No.15569094

I'm not gonna argue with you and your 'everyone who disagrees with me ever is an oil industry shill shut up just shut up you're an oil industry shill because I said so' autism. I'd say you're an actual shill, but you will literally do this all day if people engage with it so I'm just gonna assume you're a crazy person.

>> No.15569097

Thanks anon, at last I truly see that industrialization didn't cause global warming. It's the other way around. Temperatures rose and this caused people to suddenly build a lot of factories for some reason.

>> No.15569098

well we needed air conditioners to be invented pronto

>> No.15569099

Yeah, bro. Here's your last (You). You're a sorry victim of corporate propaganda and you don't even see it.
Have a fun life, as long as there's still fun to be had.

>> No.15569102

It's an odd experience interacting with them. Some anon on another board mentioned that these people are breaking their brains by repeatedly activating neuronal pathways associated of lies and cognitive dissonance.
he was more eloquent but I hope I can convey the meaning.

>> No.15569103

you can't resist giving me another (you) even if you don't get one of your own. Enjoy feeling like you're smarter than other people for buying products. Electric cars are such a threat to the oil industry, that's why they aren't using their trillions of dollars and government connections to stop them from being built and shipped all over the world (in container ships that use more petroleum fuel to go 100 nautical miles than a thousand combustion engine cars would in their entire operational lifetime)

>> No.15569142

>Canada has reached an unprecedented milestone: 10 million hectares of land has burned by wildfires.
>Previous metrics peg the highest number of hectares burned in 1989 with approximately 7.6 million hectares. This was over the course of the entire year. Canadian officials said earlier this month this year's season was about halfway done.

>> No.15569160

And all former forest that is now a big pile of ash will have cycled through enough seasons of grass and weed growth to turn it in to fertile land just in time for global warming to have made it warm enough for people to start farming there. How convenient!

>> No.15569173
File: 308 KB, 1101x1267, Doom Doom Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know about Climate Change but are you with the new hotness that is "Underground Climate Change"?
Don't get left behind talking last year's topic. Underground Climate Change is the new trend so get onboard now!
t. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/underground-climate-change-is-weakening-buildings-in-slow-motion1/

>> No.15569182
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>can we have a discussion about this?
>No, you're not allowed to disagree, this is Science. You just have to believe

>> No.15569190

Don't worry anon, you were never gonna make it anyway

>> No.15569201

Why isn't shutting the door to millions of illegal immigrants an option to fight global warming?

>> No.15569390

this is antidisestablishmentarianism

>> No.15569394

Why would it be?

>> No.15569398

That makes me hot for words!

>> No.15569404

There are paid fossil fuel shills on /sci/

>> No.15569427
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>> No.15569490
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There’s no point man. /sci/ has become completely swamped by /pol/tards after corona, and for whatever reason, even though they’re all 90 IQ retards without stem degrees, they stuck around here. They are just literal cattle regurgitating their oilkike’s programming

>> No.15569492

You as an individual (or a family unit) can't do anything about this. At all. The only thing you can try to do is get as rich as possible as quickly as possible. The first ones to die will be the poor. The more money you have, the better chance you have of surviving through the shit. Prepping or bunkering will only get you so far.

>> No.15569505

Is this before or after the icebergs melted in the 80s? Or before or after they melted in 2020? Or the inconvenient truth when the US froze over last decade?
I am just trying to determine the alpha of our universe.

>> No.15569506

Denying the reality of climate change is retarded, and there's no arguing with a retard. Even if you can't wrap your head around the science, the effects are becoming more palpable year by year.

>> No.15569507

I've been out of the climate loop for a while now, but have they already made a proper climate model according to sound engineering practices?
The model would take into account the medieval warm period, and the little ice age.

Another requirement would be that a model made with a dataset from, for example 1950-1980 would predict the period 1980-2010.
This is common practice in the field of system identification to prevent all kinds of fitting errors.

>> No.15569508

How would that reduce global carbon emissions?

>> No.15569509

Haven't noticed any. Sea level still the same. Temperature still the same. The only thing changin is my nigga gates putting malaria in mosquitoes my guy.

>> No.15569510
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At no point in human history has the climate changed as drastically as it has been since the 1800s. You don't need a model to see that.

>> No.15569516
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That is just a scam, only ignorant morons believe in such absurd nonsense.

>> No.15569517

Fuck off you and your spam you piece of shit.

>> No.15569520
File: 166 KB, 1280x1097, ClimateDashboard-global-sea-levels-graph-20230329-1400px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>temperature still the same
>sea level still the same

This is what I meant about arguing with retards. Youse simply can't see the forest through the trees.

>> No.15569523
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, you morons don't even know what is a woman, you don't know shit about reality.
Eat the bug and fuck off.

>> No.15569525

You literally believe numbers that you can't back up. The groups who publish them are caught time and time again in controversy and lies. They haven't made any accurate predictions. We are in a CO2 minimum, but don't worry your doomer ass will still believe when they say methane is the next big thing, and then water, and then sunlight.
May as well start preaching the rapture.

>> No.15569527

>your science is wrong because muh /pol/ memes

Of course any change made will have the rich will get richer. That's just a constant of liberal democratic capitalism. Doesn't mean that climate change doesn't real or that fighting it is a pointless.

>> No.15569528
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>> No.15569535
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ω.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NATO's terrorists are the ones responsible for destroying the best lands on the planet and sabotaging US food infrastructure. You are nothing but a stupid ignorant moron who deserves to starve to death.

>> No.15569537

There it is. The final cope. "Climate change isn't real because, in a concerted effort not seen since the fucking Tower of Babel, the entire global scientific community is colluding to fudge the numbers. The handful of mistakes made by certain members of this community are enough to discredit the whole thing. The numbers are wrong and the real numbers actually prove me right. Decades of peer-reviewed research are actually as credible as the ramblings of Harold Camping."

Go back to /pol/, man

>> No.15569544

Fake graph

>> No.15569546

Without a model with predictive value, you cannot have understanding, let alone create effective policy or measures.
And to prevent ending up with a wrong model, is it required to have a separate datasets for input and validation. Else you are just curve fitting or fitting noise, and fooling yourself and everybody else.
In this case, taking the temperature and CO2 data from Year 0-1000, a climate scientist should be able to create a model that will accurately predict the temperate for the years 1000-2000, based on the CO2 levels.

Anything else is just curve fitting and generally bad practice.

>> No.15569549

>l, the entire global scientific community is colluding
Its not, its the media and a few high profile bribed scientists. Normal scientists either have to go with the flow, shut up or act up as dissidents with the associated sacrifices that entails.

>> No.15569550
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>Nooo, not a factual refutation of my incorrect beliefs! Anything but that!

>> No.15569551

>an actual climate change thread
Actual climate change is natural and nothing to care about. If you want to debate the fictional one go to /lit/

>> No.15569552

climate 'change' is real, but not man-made. we've been in a mini warm-up period of an ice age for hundreds of years.

>> No.15569554

It's the fault of africans, the climate is a planetary system composed of currents
They are burning their forests in exchange of coal at an extraordinary pace

>> No.15569559

You got a real one, bub? Hopefully from a peer-reviewed scientific journal? When confronted with disturbing facts about which you can do nothing, it's perfectly reasonable to keep your head in the sand and pretend it's not there. Just, maybe keep out of these discussions then?

>> No.15569565

A climate scientist going against the narrative will have as good as a career as a doctor that prescribed Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and vitamine D against Corona.
It happens in economics, medicine, psychology. Climate science is no exception.

>> No.15569570

They can't even explain the Great Frost of 1709.

>> No.15569571
File: 2.13 MB, 1334x750, D8036B98-B174-4F1F-8AA4-5BC1824BA074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re at the point where you believe that there is a global conspiracy across all researchers, across all countries, then there’s really no point in arguing with you. If such a construct were possible (and they wish that it were), they wouldn’t even need to publish false information in this manner to gently sway the opinion of the masses, because they’d already be in total control. The sad thing is that you don’t realise you’re simply a puppet to your oilkike masters’ wishes, and that the opinions that you think are your own are nothing more than artificial ideas designed for the sole purpose of furthering their goals

>> No.15569578

Spoken like someone who has never worked in a lab, read a journal, or gone outside. If, right now, you could find and record replicable data that conclusively disproves the immediate emergency of Climate Change, you would be a fucking hero. The data would speak for itself. You would get all the Nobel prizes and all the bitches. You would get personally fellated by the CEO ExxonMobil. But you can't. No one can, and plenty of people way smarter than you have tried.

>> No.15569585

If the doctor who prescribed those medications had conclusive, replicable data demonstrating that the treatments worked, they would get the next Nobel Prize for Medicine. Sure, there's some politics, but if you have impactful results, your data speaks for itself and no one can argue with you without explicitly disproving you with their own, conclusive, replicable data. Not everything is a conspiracy and you are NOT, in fact, a special little snowflake who is has figured it all out.

>> No.15569589

coping trannies and feds. Like clockwork

>> No.15569598

>shill resorts to denying reality

>> No.15569601

Anyone who does any true research on the topic has their funding cut and gets kicked out of polite society. If they decide to continue their research independently the only people who will fund them are (naturally) the people harmed by the current zeitgeist. Then everyone calls them "oil shills" for doing their work in the only place that they're still allowed to, all while ignoring their results.

>> No.15569613
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>we can't plausibly demonstrate the existence of climate change without first inventing quantum computing

>> No.15569614

Russian troll farms be damned. They push rightism to weaken west economically, to make it divided and push climate change denialism to ensure melting of north pope which will be VERY beneficial for ruskies

>> No.15569618
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>everyone who disagrees with me must be a shill. This is how I avoid cognitive dissonance

>> No.15569624

le strawman arrives

>> No.15569659

>Another requirement would be that a model made with a dataset from, for example 1950-1980 would predict the period 1980-2010.

>> No.15569660

Your definition of "true research" is marred by the same bias of which you are accusing the entire global scientific community. Any researcher and committee in the world would relish the opportunity to upend society's understanding of a particular topic, climate change included. That means more exposure, more funding, more awards. They just need replicable data that conclusively proves their point. Which does not exist.

>> No.15569665

You are ignorant of the nature of political and sociological systems. It only changes because fuckers die.

>> No.15569675

What is this new fascination with contrails in the sustainable aviation community? I attended a conference where people were spouting off things like
>contrail radiative forcing is 2x worse than gas turbine exhaust in relative emissions
I mean, sure, maybe? But the idea that fucking man made clouds are even a fraction of the effect of *natural* clouds? I mean, we live on a goddamn ball of water.

>> No.15569776
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But it is causation. The properties of CO2 and it’s interactions with IR were discovered long before climate change was measured

>> No.15569828


>> No.15569835

Denier shills are getting desperate now that warming is tangible for everyone to experience

>> No.15569861

>You need to disprove the immediate emergency of climate change!

Anon, great claims require great evidence. If you were actually a scientist you would know this. You need to provide evidence that there is an emergency or no one will believe you. None of the so-called catastrophes predicted by climate alarmists have ever come to pass.

>> No.15569863

i know if i were a billionaire concerned about the climate i'd start a massive tree planting initiative. make america forested again

>> No.15569869

>It's Russia!

Are you actually this retarded?

>> No.15569871

It's called summer, anon.

>> No.15569881
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>> No.15569883

Anon, I know this is a loaded question, but have you gone outside? And have you stopped to consider how this heat might be affecting the rest of the biosphere, which cannot retreat into air-conditioned housing? Have you choked on the smoke-filled air of the Canadian wildfires? I know weather does not equate to climate but it's a nice illustration, especially when it's not happening in just one place.

The point of climate change activism is to prevent an emergency. By the time your basement-dwelling ass actually notices anything, it will be too late.

>> No.15569982

what can that money even do if you have nowhere to buy the crops from?

>> No.15569985

how do you read that graph

>> No.15569999

>Isn't it convenient that in their opinion the only causes for global warming JUST HAPPEN to be the ones where they don't need to restrict themselves or change their lavish air-conditioned all-inclusive consumerist lifestyles in any way, shape or form whatsoever?

You seem to be consuming rural conservatives who live a much more environmentally friendly lifestyle with the billionaires you're championing taking private jets and yachts to 'climate summits'.

>> No.15570022

>Muh global sea surface shows -0.6 temperature amememaly
>that's just weather no big deal
>shows +0.6

>> No.15570038
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bros... When will it happen. 10 years? 50 years?

>> No.15570047

Greta promised the world would end this year due to climate catastrophe. So you might have 2 more weeks.

>> No.15570052

Zoomie, summers have long been a period of hot weather. History didn't start the day you were born and we can remember hot summers year after year all our lives. Sounds like you're the one who spent too much of their life in a basement and now is astonished that during the summer hot weather occurs.

>> No.15570100

Tell me what climate change will do to negatively affect humans.

I do not feel climate change is a problem important enough to face head on, i feel dealing with it’s affects will be easier, and best done using free market capitalism.

>> No.15570127
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>Climate Change
Is a PSYOP by the rich 1% to get more wealth and power from the gullible masses.

>> No.15570141

negative externalities

>> No.15570244


>> No.15570278
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>sponsored by IPCC

>> No.15570311

>i have no argument

>> No.15570315

It doesn't say that all that will happen by 2000.
It says that if the issues aren't dealt with by 2000, the steering wheel will come off, the tipping point will be passed. Looking at the news, sounds about right.

>> No.15570361

You'd simply have more resources to support a decent lifestyle as food, energy and decent (read: safe from wildfires, hurricanes/flooding, looters, etc) shelter becomes more and more expensive. Society will not collapse immediately and not everyone will suffer equally. Ideally you'd make it into the top ~10% percentile of wealth (in the west, not globally; if you live in a shithole you're basically fucked unless you run it).

>> No.15570366

So there's nothing to be done and we don't have to eat the bugs, live in the pods, or lower white birthrates? Sounds good!

>> No.15570375

Rural conservatives may live more environmentally-friendly relative to literally the biggest polluters on the planet, but they do not live as efficiently as lower- and middle-class urban dwellers. Residents of cities live in apartments/townhomes which are easier to heat and cool and do not take up as much space as a ranch with single-panel windows. They travel by public transport, reducing the carbon footprint of their travel. They also travel less, as most amenities and shops are nearer.

This is my personal opinion, but I think that all humans should live in cities. All spaces outside of cities and connective roads/railroads should be preserved as national parks. All waste generated by cities should be processed and recycled onsite. No one should be entitled to more space than they need. Those that enjoy nature and the outdoors would be free to enjoy it as much as they wish in its truest form, without claiming it as their own.

>> No.15570389

The recent spike in the frequency of wildfires and hurricanes are a direct externality of climate change. The free market is unable to deal with a literal disaster; the same way it was unable to deal with the subprime mortgage crisis. In Florida, for example, there is currently a mass exodus of insurance companies, the bulk of their books taken over by the state-funded Citizens Insurance Group. Taxpayer money is directly subsidizing private coastal housing. Which leads me to my final point, we don't have free-market capitalism in the US; we have socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.

>> No.15570392

You're right, but that isn't a critique of climate change advocacy, it is a critique of our broken socio-economic system. The same happens during all crises: the rich got richer in 2008 and then they got even richer in 2020.

>> No.15570397

No, you have to save money for when shit gets worse. Eating bugs, sleeping in pods and not having children would be a good way to do that.

>> No.15570398

Hurricane frequency has dramatically declined from historical maximums. A paper published in Nature shows a 13% decline over the past century alone.

>> No.15570401

That helps the rich save money, but it doesn't help you get a better foothold. Moving into the country, owning land, and having a dozen children is the best way to prepare for a disaster.

>> No.15570403

City dwellers rely heavily on gas-guzzling transportation infrastructure travelling through their heat-sink metropolitan areas in order to get the heavily processed and preserved cereals and substitute protein.

One ruralite shooting an elk during hunting season and hosting a bbq can easily offset any carbon footprint he caused that year.

>> No.15570407

>In each cylinder, she placed two thermometers and then used the pump to evacuate the air from one cylinder and compress it in the other cylinder.
Why need to compress? Curious

>> No.15570408

If that's what it sounds like to you, if you are not aware of the recent, drastic changes in average global temperatures on scales that dwarf any in human history (examples of which are right here ITT!), then there is no hope for you. You are either willfully ignorant, or lamentably retarded.

Climate change is not a political position, it is a scientific fact. You should go back to /pol/. It'll be more fun for you there, they have funnier pictures and hotter, more sarcastic takes.

>> No.15570409

>global warming institute, globohomo university

>> No.15570410

>This is my personal opinion, but I think that all humans should live in cities.

Why are all pro climate niggers unhinged retard moralists that speak down to other people? As well as common narrative niggers in general. I don't think I'm anyone special. I sit here while you stoke your egos replying to generic /pol/tard greentexts with your own while I just want to know what to believe on this, what I can do to prevent it, where it's going to be the worst and if there's a chance it'll occur later.

Why do you have to think you're so special and tell people how to live and that they have to be in some dumb apartment pod? Is this like what /pol/ did to shoot themselves in the foot, playing the nazi villains they were told they were but in reverse? What next, eat the bugs?

>> No.15570411
File: 197 KB, 1198x1092, Percent-Of-Days-Above-90F-Vs-Year-1918-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the recent, drastic changes in average global temperatures on scales that dwarf any in human history

>> No.15570413

So whats the root of climate change? I never hear any logical solutions as to how to fix it

Like do you retards seriously think if we just "clean up trash and recycle and drive electric cars we will save da planet?
Why does no one ever actually attack the root problem which is our technologies and use of electricity and carbon fuels...
The rulers want you faghots to attack each other instead of focus on doing away with tech and living simply...
Food shelter water

Whether its real
Or not im voting against "change" because its only you and I that will get fucked and pay the taxes and limit freedoms

>> No.15570414

>What next, eat the bugs?
He already beat you to it. >>15570397

>> No.15570415

Eh. Assuming a worst-case time line of 10-15 years, your children will be a liability and a constant drain of resources. Your property an attractive target for robbers and thieves. I'd take my chances as a person of means within society than as a person without means outside it.

>> No.15570417

>Why does no one ever actually attack the root problem which is our technologies and use of electricity and carbon fuels...
climate niggers can't do that because they need their KFC, black bux and mediocre japanese videogames. No can do.

>> No.15570418

Your demoralization propaganda has no power here. Begone.

>> No.15570421

Maybe. I forgot to add that he ignored my posts asking honest questions about this shit just to reply to you pol trolls. I don't blame you for doing it, at least the content is funny. I just want to save my long term fiance from a life of suffering after all they've done for me, why the fuck is it too much to ask for solid proof of what to expect and what to do? I don't want anyone's fucking 'opinion'. I'm not living in a nigger shithole, simple as

>> No.15570423

At least this is useful, thanks. None of this cements an understanding of what time frame or scenario is the most likely. 10-15 is worst? What's best? etc. What's LIKELY, etc...

>> No.15570424

The reality is that there is no climate apocalypse coming. However civilization is certainly crumbling under the weight of an ungovernable urban populace and you'll want to be far outside the city when it happens.

>> No.15570425

just another opinion so I can't trust it, but at least you're not talking down to me or telling me all humans have to live in x or y. Thanks, I do hope you're right, but the data is bleak

>> No.15570427

Their argument is that if you fuck with natural forces you do not understand (weather) you may start feedback loops that will run out of control.

Curiously the same people have no issue when it comes to fuck with natural forces of the free market

>> No.15570428

I was just sharing my opinion. I'm aware that it's fringe and unpopular and I did not mean to sound prescriptive.

I also think you misunderstand what I was talking about. In my idealized, pie-in-the-sky scenario, people would lay their heads in small apartments, but they would not "live" there. The majority of life would happen outside the apartments: in nature, in offices, in nightclubs, in gyms, in theaters, in restaurants or in temples. It takes a lot of inspiration from the Culture series, a set of books which describes a fictional post-scarcity society.

>> No.15570429

Regardless of whether you believe in a climate apocalypse or not, living in a rural area with good soil and a tight-knit community is your best option for a good life, if you can find work and a place in the community. Self sufficiency and dependable, trustworthy neighbors are things that are just universally good for a person's life.

>> No.15570430

I get it but I have severe sensory dysfunction and autism and I can't stand noise, so I would hate that. I need to have something like soundproofing or a cottage or I would go freaking insane.

>> No.15570431

Why is it always soience-fiction?

>> No.15570438

I have a problem with that graph. Choosing to display "days over 90°F" is being selective (imperial units aside) with your data. The core issue with climate change is that, due to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, the Earth is retaining more heat than it used to. If you wish to map this phenomenon, then a graph of average global temperatures would be more holistic. And it proves you wrong. This isn't even mentioning the amount of heat being absorbed by our oceans and glaciers, which further obscures the effects of climate change.

>> No.15570441

Constantly being bombarded by (false) propaganda that the Earth is becoming unbearably hot and temperature maximums are happening every day is what the climate circus is all about. My graph instantly deflates their arguments and ends the climate debate entirely.

>> No.15570443

So when will this hit the fan? Is the community divided on when?

>> No.15570446

Notice that I said that each person should get as much space as they "need". You, as a person that suffers from sensory dysfunction, would need more space. Therefore, you should get it.

>> No.15570447

Greta says the world will end due to climate this year.

>> No.15570466

Unless you're a billionaire heir or you wanna blow up an oil rig, you as an individual CANNOT DO ANYTHING. I believe that it is not too late to take action and halt the advance of climate change. But that will require a massive effort by many humans in many walks of life. It will require a radical reorganization of our resources (read: taxing/eating the ultra-rich polluters) and a significant change to everyone's lifestyle. Unfortunately, very few (especially not ITT) seem to want to make those efforts. So all that's left is to the average Joe is to try and amass enough resources to hopefully make it. And maybe dream of a better world from time to time.

>> No.15570468

If you want to live a life of self-inflicted shortage and pain because of your doomer fantasies, just don't force it on the rest of us. That's all we're asking for.

>> No.15570472

> I mean, what would "common sense" suggest as a cause here?
I don't know why retards like you think you can participate in climate discussions if you haven't nailed yet basic highschool science and math proficiency. Are you scared of being cooked alive by the planet dumdum? Good. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.15570482

Well no one knows any of that shit. There's too many variables. We can hypothesize until the cows come home and it will ultimately be pointless.

My plan (and I'm sure I'm not alone) is to play the game, to make as much money as possible and live as efficiently as possible (within reason of course), to maximize my chances of living well long-term in a world that will may or may not collapse. I'm better off either way.

>> No.15570492

The free market is not a natural force, it is a social construct (like gender). No society exists under a true free market, it is always under some kind of constraint (the most basic being taxes).
Yes, but insured losses from hurricanes are on the rise. They are traveling further and causing more damage.

>> No.15570497

>like gender

>> No.15570500

>he can’t tell the difference between global temperatures and regional temperatures

>> No.15570501

>recent spike
Over half those fires are started by people, and most places cut back on forest fire fighters to save money, for example look at Alberta of Canada.
The news outlets are heavily focusing on fires this year to get the morons to think there is a happening going on, like they did with covid. In reality, the amount of fires happening in Canada are on par with any other year.

>> No.15570506

>gas-guzzling transportation infrastructure
As opposed to your fully-renewable diesel pickup truck? A train will get humans from point A to point B far more efficiently per capita than private transport, which is all that is available in rural areas. Many cities are also becoming friendlier to bikes, which are the pinnacle of sustainable travel.

>heavily processed and preserved cereals and substitute protein
Processing and preserving food prevents spoilage, and thus reduces waste and carbon dioxide emissions. I'm all about eating local and reducing the miles your food travels. There are often more options for that in cities than in rural areas. Eating less red meat reduces your carbon footprint as it largely produced in factory farms which generate tons of methane (an even more effective greenhouse gas the CO2).

>One ruralite shooting an elk during hunting season and hosting a bbq can easily offset any carbon footprint he caused that year
How exactly does that offset (read:recapture) carbon?

>> No.15570515

Kill yourself

>> No.15570517

>No society exists under a true free market, it is always under some kind of constraint (the most basic being taxes).
It's a man made market change

>> No.15570518

>My graph instantly deflates their arguments and ends the climate debate entirely.
No one wants to argue with a retard that's missing the point (except me ig). Your graph is not a holistic represantion of what is happening to the Earth as a result of climate change. It's completely arbitrary (why 90°F?). You need to look at average global temperatures, average ocean temperatures, sea levels, glacier mass, etc.

>> No.15570522

I'd be fine with it but I'd be afraid that'd stir social unrest due to the unequal favouring I'd get. Also, what would stop most people from lying they have my issues in order to get more space?

>> No.15570523

His graph demonstrates you can lie by omission
Therefore its valuable in its own right

>> No.15570527

That's the scary part. No one knows for certain. It may be too late to stop climate change, it may not. But I don't think shit will hit the fan. Most likely this will lead to a slow but steady erosion in the quality of life of everyone but the ultra-wealthy. Wildfires will continue to hit the East Coast. Food will become more expensive as crops fail and fish go belly-up. Housing will become more scarce as the sea begins to encroach on the coasts. And all the while oilkikes and their unwitting pawns will continue to insist that nothing out of the ordinary is happening and that it's hot because it's summer.

>> No.15570530

Will we just kill the ultra rich eventually?

>> No.15570531

Lol that guy is literally being as prescriptive as the urbanist, just in another direction

>> No.15570534

will it KEEP going down or eventually be solved?

>> No.15570541

Inshallah, brother.

Realistically though I think the rich have already won. We live in Huxley's Brave New World, where everyone is lost in a sea of problems and distractions and drastic social change is all but impossible. Which leaves the average person no choice but to play the game of capitalism and hope to win themselves.

>> No.15570542
File: 91 KB, 850x521, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food will become more expensive as crops fail
See image and splatter the wall with your brains

>> No.15570544

I never felt like that. Why don't we just get together and start cutting the list down? If people can riot and destroy Portland why can't they do this

>> No.15570549

I'm not that concerned about the frequency of the forest fires. I'm concerned about their severity. And their severity increases precipitously when droughts and heatwaves turn acres of forest into kindling.

>> No.15570552

Their severity increases due to braindead conservationists banning personal firewood collection and municipal deadwood removal. Once heavily maintained forests used for heating homes are now untouched piles of dry lumber.

>> No.15570555

That would be an environmentally-friendly option, yes. If anyone had to die though, I'd rather it be you. You seem to be less eco-conscious than me, so it makes more sense in that regard.

>> No.15570557

Another fake thread. Yessss

>> No.15570560

I'm smarter than you, dear urbanite. Of course you don't have to carry through your suicide.

>> No.15570562

>I'd be afraid that'd stir social unrest due to the unequal favouring I'd get
I mean, I don't get mad that handicapped people get better parking, but that could be because I'm a well-adjusted member of society.
>what would stop most people from lying they have my issues in order to get more space
Impartial diagnoses by trained medical professionals?

Ultimately, all of this is a construct of my own imagination. I highly suggest Banks' Culture series for a more fleshed out version.

>> No.15570564

Did you know that it takes an IQ above 90 to discern fantasy from reality?

>> No.15570566

Maybe living in concrete jungle is not good idea.

>> No.15570571

Slow down there, bucko, you're starting to glow in the dark. Plenty of folks tried this sorta thing, like the Weathermen or the Black Liberation Army. You know what happened to them. Even the Panthers, all they were really doing was free breakfast and cop watching and J Edgar Hoover literally assassinated their leadership. I imagine it's harder than ever now.

>> No.15570577

Flat numbers for food production do not say anything without controlling for population. A metric ton of food may seem like a lot until you remember you have to feed a million people with it.

>> No.15570584

If you follow the thread, it clearly leads back to an explicitly idealized version of what I personally think human presence on Earth should look like. No one is having trouble parsing reality from fiction but you
Sure that is a contributing factor. But do you really think Alberta and all the 12 people that live in it can forage enough firewood to keep a forest the size of Australia free of dead wood? Or that they ever have?

>> No.15570589

See? You know very little about agriculture and understanding graphics. Those are crop yields, a ratio of production per area. Crop failures, if they were a concern, would show up there as a downward trend. What is this thread on /sci/, honestly? Are you paid shills?

>> No.15570597

Alberta has around 4 million people and 7 people per square mile. Is there any other argument or...?

>> No.15570608
File: 42 KB, 450x344, 1687082554239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities are better for the environment than your shitty papier-mache suburban house.

Oh my bad. I didn't fully read your circa-2010 crop-yield graph. Not like it's been 12 of the worst climate years on record since then. A more useful metric for crop failures would be pic related, a graph of crop insurance pay-outs by causes of loss. Speaks for itself

>> No.15570609

not since the kastrupian schizophrenics got BTFO have I seen such a tremendous ass beating as the WEFoids have got in this thread

>> No.15570611

It also used to be heavily logged which kept the forest clean. That now is very highly restricted.

>> No.15570620

Look, I think collecting dead wood is a great idea and we should be doing that. But I also think it is a stop-gap measure that doesn't, by itself, explain the increase in the frequency/severity of large wildfires, not just in Canada but on the West Coast.

>> No.15570622
File: 33 KB, 690x444, images - 2023-07-18T025122.979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shill, if you really wanted to find the truth you would have.
>cities are better for the environment
Euthanasia , now.
No it doesn't speak for itself, federal programs are bound by arbitrary, urbanite, ideologies. And funny enough your graphic is a down trend. Anyway dear Mental Failure, here is another.

>> No.15570627

Wait but that shows a downward trend... And where is the data before 1990?

>> No.15570629

Doesn't matter what you think if you don't really know what you are talking about. No offense

>> No.15570652

And you do? You have as much standing as I do, this is an anonymous forum, cunt. All you've made so far are empty assertions with nothing to back them. You're off your rocker if you think collecting more firewood is all that's necessary lmao.
>federal programs are bound by arbitrary, urbanite, ideologies
This is... crop insurance? It's funded by the govt, yes but it's administered by private insurance companies. And it's insuring rural assets. How is this graph ideological in any way? I think you're doing the thing where you put me in a box as a way to avoid properly interacting with my ideas.
>And funny enough your graphic is a down trend
If you compare the last couple of years to the spike in 2011-2013, you are right. However, when compared to the 90s, the more recent years still appear catastrophic. Real life will rarely has straight lines. I'm sure the worst is still ahead

>> No.15570654

>However, when compared to the 90s, the more recent years still appear catastrophic.
So what did you do with the rest of the years? It sounds like you excluded a bunch of data just to feed your stupid doomer mindset. Bad years happen, and they happen in cycles.

>> No.15570666

That's a fair criticism. Charts for earlier years are not very easy to find online. Ideally, one would overlay global crop yields commodified in real dollars over crop insurance losses in real dollars. But I can't seem to be able to find this data without a journal subscription. Could be a nice Ph. D. topic

>> No.15570675

NTA but
>Enjoy feeling like you're smarter than other people for buying products.
The idea is to NOT buy products. Rampant consoomerism has led us into this very situation. You think the solution is to consoom even more? We won't be able to avert climate change unless the entire globe drastically reduces its consumption of pretty much everything. We're talking "let's go back to the late 19th century" levels of reduction here, while simultaneously planting as many trees as humanly possible within the next couple years.

Electric cars are virtue signalling as well as hopium for well-off millenials. They sell you this idea that we can save the environment while at the same time not having to forgo any of the luxuries of modern life we're used to. Not possible.

>Electric cars are such a threat to the oil industry, that's why they aren't using their trillions of dollars and government connections to stop them from being built and shipped all over the world

Oil and car companies have sabotaged against electric cars for decades. This entire "maybe it's not anthropogenic" thing is literal, actual propaganda by oil companies to induce FUD, deflect blame and prevent investment in alternative transportation. They've only now begun to invest themselves as they've realized they can't keep the lid on top any longer.

>> No.15570679

>This entire "maybe it's not anthropogenic" thing is literal, actual propaganda by governments to induce FUD, deflect blame and prevent people from noticing that the climate is not actually changing at all.

>> No.15570693

+5 пeтpopyб

>> No.15570718

>Why isn't shutting the door to millions of illegal immigrants an option to fight global warming?
Gee, I don't know. It's almost as if the elites didn't care about global warming because they're safe on their heavily-guarded self-sufficient high-tech private islands anyway and actually see the massive depopulation of Earth as the best solution to their problems.

It's almost as if the climate narrative isn't even being pushed by the elites because why would they try and prevent it by informing the public?

I mean this almost sounds like climate change is a real thing and by denying it you're playing into their hands by making your own death increasingly likely.

>> No.15570720

You don't need much land to feed a couple dozen people. Why you think the elites are investing so much in AI and robotics? They'll have their own high-security self-sufficient private island with greenhouses and water filtration and everything, completely solar powered and operated by robots. Maybe they'll keep a few proles in chains for their personal amusement, idk.

>> No.15570735

>all these climate changetard doom prophets
what the fuck happened to this place? we need the math captcha or something

>> No.15570738

How does corporate cock taste like, slave?
You /pol/tards are so massively cucked it's unreal

>> No.15570751

Lmao, We had politicians vehemently proclaiming vitamine D helping against infection to be pseudoscience.
We had those same politicians proclaiming HCQ was some dangerous medicine while it has been used for decades to manage rheumatoid arthritis, in similar doses.
Media was in lockstep with politics. Any opposing information that does not suit them will conveniently be ignored.
When the effects of ignoring it will became undeniable, they will simply claim they didn't know better at the time. And they did the best they could with the information they had.

In a decade or two, when the green hype has fizzled out and the climate is doing whatever it would have been doing anyway you will here the same phrases.

>> No.15570757

>Hurr it snows right now so how come climate change real?
This is your brain on oil

>> No.15570767

Yeah, and what a summer it is! I sure am glad we'll get to see an even better summer next year!

>> No.15570782

Nice strawman. I didn't champion billionaires. They're one of the main culprits of the shit we're in right now, and if I were in charge we'd fucking shoot them on sight and dump them in an unmarked mass grave.
Doesn't change the fact that only billionaires restricting themselves wouldn't be enough. We're in too deep by now.
And the reason for that is because of denialtards who've been sucking up their lies and propaganda like good goyim for over half a century now.

>> No.15570785

Yeah, weather =/= climate. Goes both ways.

But consider this:
What year was the coldest winter we ever had since the beginning of measurements? I'd wager around 1850 or something.
Now, what's the hottest summer we ever had? No, not 1960. 2023. And the second-hottest summer before that? No, not 1960 again. 2022.

You conservatards are so good at recognizing patterns with your "common sense" and all, so why can't you see the pattern here? Is it because you don't like the implications it provides?

>> No.15570788

False argument.

>> No.15570794

>>evacuating entire populations due to heatwave in Europe
that's literally not happening though

>> No.15570795

I live in Central Europe and its literally 23C outside. We had 3 very hot days this year which the left-aligned media used to scream about "OCEANS BOILING (literal phrase used)" and all sorts of assorted dumb climatetard shit. And it's a very mild fucking summer, I remember much MUCH hotter summers twenty or more years ago.

So we have this nice mild weather and I keep reading how its the hottest summer ever and other dumb shit like this and you expect my common sense not to start ringing alarm bells? Like I get your concern, real global warming to the degree its being described would be very bad BUT I WOULD FUCKING NOTICE IT SOMEHOW LIKE MAYBE IT WOULD ACTUALLY GET SOMEWHAT FUCKING WARMER IF THIS WAS HAPPENING

>> No.15570811

In 1995 I remember the tarmac outside my house literally melting.
I don't remember it getting that hot since

>> No.15570816

We had a teenee weenie little flu 3 years ago which sent the entire globe into chaos.

Imagine what will happen to supply chains when climate change causes multiple droughts across all continents, first every couple years, then every year.

Billions will die due to starvation or the geopolitical turmoil it creates.

Fun fact: You're not a billionaire on his private island. You'll be among the masses who have to kill each other over a slice of bread. Have fun, it's the future you chose.jpg

>> No.15570819

>denialfag can't read
Who would have thought? Funny how they don't even realize they're making a fool of themselves in public.

>> No.15570829


>> No.15570852

Oh look, another regional snippet that is limited to a small part of the world's surface.
>"Crime rates are rising throughout the US!"
>"Not true, look at this graph of Bumfuckville, MA (population: 30). It's clearly pointing down!"
Literal oil mindrot

>> No.15570859

Greta is a barely adult brat with no formal education in climate science.
She's good at raising awareness but not good at delivering science.
You'd know that if you were being intellectually honest, but you retards can't even comprehend the fact that science isn't one person. It's a typical /pol/tard black-and-white worldview befit for sub-90-IQ highschool dropouts

>> No.15570861

>just don't force it on the rest of us. That's all we're asking for.

All we're asking for is that you don't force your pollution on us. Stop that and we'll reciprocate.

>> No.15570864

t. Anti-vax "my poor baby got a flu shot and now it's retarded" covidiot


>> No.15570865

Out of 100 people there's 80 whose brains have been fried by capitalist propaganda and who know in their hearts that one day, they too will make it big. Any day now.
Can't have a mass movement if 80 % of the population consists of class traitors.

>> No.15570869

>my poor baby got a flu shot and now it's retarded
This made me actually lol. I'm sure this is the only reason why your baby is retarded, when the parents are antivaxxers.

>> No.15570873

There's only one real solution and that's to reduce the global population.

>> No.15570896

A foot shortage on the horizon, good thing we are not taking measures to worsen possible effects such as
>war in the grain basket of Europe
>bullying farmers into quitting due to nonsensical environmental regulation
>returning prime farmland to "nature"
>adding even more complexity and globalization to the good chain (moving from milk to almond milk or onions milk)
I wonder what would happen in the future...

>capitalist propaganda
like climate change, lgbtqbpn and diversity?

>> No.15570907

Ok cool, I'm on board with global warming being really, really bad. What can we do about it? Is there any way to reverse that trend or is it a given now even if we stopped the CO2 tomorrow?

What about really novel solutions like nuking China and India back into the stone age for instance? Or banning all non-nuclear/ non-renewable power plants around the globe and enforcing that with military action?

>no one should be entitled to more space than they need
>of course the elites will decide how much space we need
>well, yes they need more space than us. Bill Gates can't live in a pod you know.

>> No.15570908

>just model every molecule on Earth bro
There's no pleasing you goalpost pushers, which is why you can safely be discarded.

>> No.15570922

By halting the growth of Western societies that use lots of power and generate lots of carbon, and by allowing third world societies to naturally reach an equilibrium of population that they can support rather than large portions of their populations moving to the already overcrowded west.

The previous poster is thinking way too small, we should be depopulating these countries right now. Instead Africa is predicted to have billions more people within a few decades, and elites are trying as hard as they can to ensure that happens even when nature is trying to self-correct for unsustainable population growth.

>> No.15570937

Guess what, the middle class is evaporating and people are losing their jobs to automation. But I still got my job, so this must mean it's all a giant hoax, right?

>> No.15570944

A) What affects will climate change have?
B) What of those affects will negatively impact humans?
C) What are the magnitude of those impacts?
D) Why can the free market not create solutions to those problems?

>> No.15570947

>capitalist propaganda
>like climate change, lgbtqbpn and diversity?

More like endless economic growth, trickle-down economics and "just a couple more years of slaving away for Mr Shekelstein and one night I'll go to sleep and wake up a millionaire"

>> No.15570954

have you considered that 15-20 years of government education might have more responsibility over the destruction of people's minds? Don't have free market capitalism, especially when the government taxes more than 1/3 of the entire economy. We live under a form of socalism.

>> No.15570966

Reminder that dysgenic selection pressures brought by complex civilization is a far greater threat than climate change.

>> No.15571022

trickle down economics is a falacy pushed by both sides of the debt driven central banker capitalism and communism.
With a central bankster monopoly of officially sanctioned debt insted of money you cannot have actual traditional capitalism because capitalism requires capital

Under a real system the people with wealth invest in new businesses that employ other people

>> No.15571086

People that shit out such documents have absolutely no sense for scale and (pre)history. Earth life has weathered exponentially worse developments than such slight warming.
I am glad he's a genetic dead end.

>> No.15571088

You first

>> No.15571095

I was born in 1986 and I keep hearing this shit all my life. And now its 2023 and nothing happened. So I'm not too concerned sorry.

>> No.15571100
File: 1.46 MB, 1600x1774, 1684390155610729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change alertism is a retarded globalist ploy.

>> No.15571110

The actual common sense explanation is that the factors responsible for modern climate change are the same ones that have been responsible for climate change for all of Earth's history.

I'm not particularly committed to either side but I've never heard a climate alarmist provide a reasonable explanation for how Earth fluctuated between global ice sheets and warm periods prior to industrialization/humanity in general, or how current trends are somehow special compared to past ones which at times were much more extreme in both directions.

>> No.15571113


>> No.15571143

I'm not talking about a communist revolution or niggers, I would probably execute you just for being ok with black people though. I just mean fucking up the rich for ruining our lives, not changing the whole system. I think if rich people just got killed every few years the system would sort itself out, I don't mind a functioning (read: non nigger and commie or tranny) society

>> No.15571144 [DELETED] 

again I don't want a system that 100% of the time ends with an ugly guy ruling everyone and I don't like niggers either so please stop using the fact I think we should hold the ultra elite accountable with endangering people's lives for your bedroom fantasies. Communism will never work ever and it's repulsive anyway

>> No.15571146

It's not that I deny the climate changing, I just feel it's a waste of resources to try and revert or slow the change. We should be trying to develop new infrastructure that better fits that change. It can't be stopped.

>> No.15571148

Are his arguments right?

>> No.15571154

again I don't want a system that 100% of the time ends with an ugly guy ruling everyone and I don't like niggers either so please stop conflating
the fact I think we should hold the ultra elite accountable with endangering people's lives for your bedroom fantasies. Communism will never work ever and it's repulsive anyway

>> No.15571165

What do you suggest as an alternate system? If it's anything socialist it's doomed and I want you to kill yourself

>> No.15571167

>states he is for common sense,
>then shows the common stupidity of those that are using the "common sense" of seeing from the static, not the dynamic.

What is IS unless you get the story wrong. That is what "common sense" is about, because those without it die and are not part of the "common." Yet the dying cannot see they are dying while they are doing it.

One of the tricks we commonly use to make sure we get the story right is to find other stories that also agree. Funny how the science that gives us our tech is the same science that shows us climate change will kill us off. The science is not in disagreement; it just sees from the change, and not from the static.

You have never heard a "climate alarmist" give you a reason for past climate changes, because you are too stupid to listen to what they say. You are too stupid to listen to what they say, because the you that is listening is made by what you already have. You can’t “hear” from the change. Every change in climate in the geological record is supported by the same mechanisms of carbon release and capture. The entire geological record shows that life has always changed its environment, and either changes in response, or dies out, but you can’t see this because you see from the static of what is, and not from the change that can show you what it is going to be.

The bottom line is that it is NOT common sense that good scientists are trained to see, but the Uncommon Sense that everything is in flux. If you can't see from the perspective of the change, then you are seeing nonsense…Just like all the common people who think everything is real and always the same, and therefore they do not have to change their behavior to survive.

>> No.15571174

Well that's not good.

>> No.15571177 [DELETED] 

Sure but if the institutions that are telling us this lie to us and abuse us and instead of fixing the fiat crisis and central banker jew shit, instead propose we try a socialism that can only be lead and regulated by the same powerful old niggers ruling us now, we're going to be skeptical.

You can't abuse and beat us your whole life and expect us to listen. These are men you're talking about. You talk a lot of shit about us not listening but did you ever listen to Andrew Tate before writing him off? He says a lot of shit about how hundreds of years ago when men were allowed to be men you'd get them lining up to die on the titanic because they couldn't handle the contradiction between what they vow to do and failing to uphold it. See the Titanic.

We would actually rather humanity goes extinct than try socialism or do anything that lets these stupid jews keep their power. This a hill to die on YOU chose

Let us consider this guy's idea of a real system, stop suggesting socialism or attacking 'capitalism' when we all know what that really means, stop forcing niggers and trannies down our throat and let us say the N word in public. Then we'll consider it.

If there is nothing for most people to live for anymore because of how shit civilization is now, why would we care? It was great thirty years ago and magnificent further back. I was there to see some of it. Not seen London in the 1970s? No crime or niggers at all, there's a video of it, it was beautiful

We don't give a shit because you made us not give a shit. Now, you get to die at our hands and we probably won't care


>> No.15571178

Sure but if the institutions that are telling us this lie to us and abuse us and instead of fixing the fiat crisis and central banker jew shit, instead propose we try a socialism that can only be lead and regulated by the same powerful old niggers ruling us now, we're going to be skeptical.

You can't abuse and beat us your whole life and expect us to listen. These are men you're talking about. You talk a lot of shit about us not listening but did you ever listen to Andrew Tate before writing him off? He says a lot of shit about how hundreds of years ago when men were allowed to be men you'd get them lining up to die to save others because they couldn't handle the contradiction between what they vow to do and failing to uphold it. See the Titanic.

We would actually rather humanity goes extinct than try socialism or do anything that lets these stupid jews keep their power. This a hill to die on YOU chose

Let us consider this guy's idea of a real system, stop suggesting socialism or attacking 'capitalism' when we all know what that really means, stop forcing niggers and trannies down our throat and let us say the N word in public. Then we'll consider it.

If there is nothing for most people to live for anymore because of how shit civilization is now, why would we care? It was great thirty years ago and magnificent further back. I was there to see some of it. Not seen London in the 1970s? No crime or niggers at all, there's a video of it, it was beautiful

We don't give a shit because you made us not give a shit. Now, you get to die at our hands and we probably won't care


>> No.15571183

what I'm saying is, we'll go without, as soon as every motherfucker with a jewish name is in their climate pod first and the fake rich in your jew banker world take a hit. Stop using surveillance on our every move, stop telling us what to say online, stop sabotaging elections, stop firing us for wrongthink.

You don't ask favours of people you've abused and abused and abused and abused. You must be absolutely RETARDED.

>> No.15571184

>Let us consi~
What? How is this related to my comment? I was tallkning about debt slavery.

>> No.15571185

I mean you're right. We need to solve that for the market to work again, not destroy capitalism.

>> No.15571187

Wow. I actually started to write a response, but you are way to NPC to deserve one...
I take solace in the fact that cliches like you are unimportant, and will affect no change one way or the other.

>> No.15571188
File: 90 KB, 385x274, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw science started out as something good but now it's literally just another doomsday cult

>> No.15571191

And lol, you act like most /pol/acks won't be happier with a slight improvement, when we're the ones the CIA are afraid of. Who are the real revolutionaries, huh? The fucked up thing is we've been nothing but polite. The bulk of us took having kids being mutilated for us to actually get angry, tons of us are nice to gay people or retards (read commies) in personal conversation and just let them get on with it

So you want us to listen to this shit. Fine. Ok. Let's say I take that post at face value, because I think I understand. It's going to be hard to make everyone else listen when big pharma and science and etc lie for money all of the time. Your real challenge is going to be substantiating a model from all of this emergent complexity that can convey it to more people. That's really really hard. I know this sounds ridiculous but if more scientists denounced trannies as insane and not actual women (observable basic fact, not even common sense) I think more people would listen

No, seriously. If you purport pants on head retarded shit like that then try to tell us this massively complicated set of interactions can yield this conclusion based off of YOUR empirical observation, what do you think the chances are of us believing said empirical observation when it's from the same mouth?

I have a family member almost dead due to a type of drug that carries a lot of risk but it's handed out a lot due to being cheaper than the more common alternative. Covid was retarded. Even if we buy everything about covid, the fact is that it came from one of YOUR LABS. YEAH, we're going to be skeptical, do you get it? What matters is this, is the earth and our future important enough to you that you're going to admit you're wrong on this or is it not?

>> No.15571194

and this is how your plight dies in a fire. Because you're too proud to level with me and just admit your industry is money crazed and wrong about a lot of things because of it, and argue for this exception that might save us all.

And how do you even know that? I have money and a lot of friends, some in high places

>> No.15571202

Well, it's probably possible to still have mid to high end computers with that model. Just means a lot of horse carriages and ships to sail people who visit across, lol. I don't mind doing that. But can all the trannies afford not having their HRT pills?

>> No.15571204

This response only affirms what I was getting at.
>"you're too stupid to understand"
>*vandalizes art museum*
>"just let us dismantle society rq"
>*blocks traffic on the interstate*
>"stop using common sense, we definitely know what's best for you"
>*handcuffs self to a fence*
Now that covid hysteria has largely died down, all the neurotic freaks the West has to offer are eagerly redirecting their insanity to the next best cause. The funny thing is, even if you're correct, your "trust the experts" capital has basically all been used up by shouting down normal people who don't want their lives to be ruined by malicious and ideological government officials and corporations. And none of you seem to have any self-awareness of how deranged you come off to anyone who doesn't share whatever sort of mental illness this is.

>> No.15571209

this. You had a chance to get on with us, you blew it. Gamergate wasn't malicious towards normies, it was malicious towards whores. Then 1b people get behind the whores and attack us and this repeats in every field forever.

Your bed, lay in it

>> No.15571211


also, still a furry and still play games, I just don't like niggers or whores. Still got tons of friends, still not fired from my creative work. The right is the most diverse place on earth fyi. And trannies all act exactly the same and will never be women, fuck your religion

>> No.15571215

I found the reddit OP who our OP stole content from u/antihostile and r/collapse and they're all legit doomsday culters with a side of communism
What's funny is the few comments I found where they're bitching about the "neoliberals" in r/climate not beliving them

>> No.15571216

If you're just gonna replace one hierarchy (class) with another (race), you won't solve the core problem of a handful of people using huge amounts of resources and polluting. You'll just replace the people doing it. And if you don't wanna change anything, just execute the Forbes 500, every couple of years, the rich aren't just gonna take this lying down. They will use all of their massive power to isolate themselves even more than they have been, intensifying their emissions. It'll become harder to kill them. The other thing that may happen is that, as you kill the rich, they will absorb each other's assets and become that much more rich. I like the idea though.

>> No.15571242

it'd be a war between millions that wanna grill and a play vidya, and a few hundred old bums. The problem is that everyone is too pussy to do it so I won't, but if we got a real force for it, it'd be BASED

>> No.15571245

Race is not a hierarchy btw, it just exists. Send them back to their home countries imo, I don't plan to treat black people badly and never have. I just want them out of here. But! Forget that. Come on, don't you think it'd be hilarious if all sources of pollution just got whacked every few years, rofl

>> No.15571248

2 more weeks for normies to realize a lot of the 'alt righters' they talk shit about are just a normal historically congruent consequence of lying to and abusing a class of people in political interactions, then maybe they can apologize and try to do better.

>> No.15571251

>This entire "maybe it's not anthropogenic" thing is literal, actual propaganda by oil companies to induce FUD
I'm well aware of that. If you weren't too deranged to actually read my posts, maybe you'd have gotten my point that none of the "solutions" proposed by any moneyed interests are actually solutions, they're just excuses to take more money away from people. Also trading global warming for the inevitable environmental consequences of mass scale toxic heavy metal refining and lithium batteries being abandoned/catching fire would be retarded even if buying these shitty cars and taxing the electric grid would actually work rather than just adding more steps and inefficiency between burning fossil fuels and kinetic energy

>> No.15571255

I think the real next step is to take the woke's weapon and use it against them. They need to be apologizing and shaming themselves before us or else we will never get anything done

>> No.15571268

Why would you ever listen to politicians about scientific topics? You listen to the scientists. And the scientists worth their salt will tell you that Vitamin D and HCQ are bunk, and that the planet is getting warmer.

I wish I could share your optimism about the future. It's probably healthier to think the way you do.

>> No.15571270

Every single scientist?

>> No.15571284

No. You'd need a huge source of power to run glow lights or you'd need an insane amount of plant material to grow mushrooms on. Not to mention all the space that would require.

>> No.15571303
File: 54 KB, 900x900, 1649339632360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the /x/ thread reads exactly the same

>> No.15571305

You are a retard. Accurate predictive models already exist. Learn to use google.

>> No.15571310

>Can we have an actual climate change thread without /pol/faggot deniers spamming their larp christcuck retardation?
>Thread is immediately overrun by shills and useful idiots

>> No.15571318
File: 366 KB, 768x640, Cumulative-CO2-treemap-768x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all the carbon emissions from everyone else don't count because?

>> No.15571324

>You are a retard. Accurate prophesies already exist. Learn to use /x/
le end is nigh! I personally must save the world! (by ordering it according to my exact designs and punishing my enemies who I hold responsible)

>> No.15571346

Of course not. They do the work they're paid for. Deny, deflect, shitpost.

>> No.15571350

Really, think about this: A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth's mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet -- a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now -- and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly -- not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather.

And everybody believes it anyway, to the extent that they are handing the management of the world's economy to elderly megalomaniacs with an agenda based on their own personal power. You're not even allowed to question it -- otherwise sensible people have agreed with the ridiculous premise that CO2 is a deadly poison that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth. Every August, everybody runs around like it's not supposed to be hot. Every time there's a drought, everybody acts like it's the very first time it's been dry too long.

Really, the children are in charge now, seeking validation for "caring about the planet," running around yelling about "carbon" -- the 4th most abundant element in the physical universe --being a deadly poison.

>> No.15571353

/x/ is a better boasrd than /sci/ for all its faults.

>> No.15571367
File: 2.31 MB, 3008x2000, most-beautiful-libraries-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad instead creating better food they just went for higher profits. Maybe is just their incompetence and absolute inferiority compared with the titans of the pasts who created the best food sources.

>> No.15571370

>implying they get paid

>> No.15571469

Don't care. All problems created by human existence can be solved by the free market.

Stop using climate change and pollution to push through your goal of making us slaves to the state.

>> No.15571473

>I'm aware that it's fringe and unpopular
Every government on earth wants this. Most governments are pushing it through under the excuse it will prevent the sky falling on our heads.

Climate crisis = communist plot to destroy the west and enslave the world.

>> No.15571477

The problem we have is testosterone based. Women and low t males want the state to protect them.

>> No.15571478

>but they would not "live" there. The majority of life would happen outside the apartments: in nature, in offices, in nightclubs, in gyms, in theaters, in restaurants or in temples

Ignore that socialist nations have tried this already. How can you go to the nature reserve 100 miles away when you are interned in a mega city?

>> No.15571510

>The fucked up thing is we've been nothing but polite.
LMAO yeah right, /pol/ of all places. You're like the epitome of misanthropy. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER non fucking stop inbetween the gore threads where you chuds laugh at other people's guts being ripped out

>The bulk of us took having kids being mutilated for us to actually get angry
Only cause it was a nice excuse to own dem kikes. If it were Christians doing the mutilating you'd defend it as a holy ritual of muh white race or something

>tons of us are nice to gay people or retards
LMAO even

Get the fuck off this board, loser

>> No.15571517
File: 55 KB, 620x341, inigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communism: a stateless, classless society where everyone is treated equal

>> No.15571556

Bro nobody gives a fuck about your type. You're at the literal bottom of society. Even niggers are respected more than you chud retards. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion. You'll live alone, die alone, and nobody will even know you existed.

Only sad thing is occasionally one of you snaps and shoots up a gas station or something (injuring two LOL)

>> No.15571557

>gore threads


>> No.15571560
File: 455 KB, 469x498, 1688655313538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to kneel and apologize for your violent baboon ass behaviour if you want anything for us. You will fucking bow. We are better people than you and you will learn your place, and make amends for being the REAL misanthropic chimps.

>> No.15571571
File: 1.29 MB, 1050x825, __bulbasaur_snivy_chikorita_turtwig_and_treecko_pokemon_drawn_by_glitchedpuppet__5bf4c0d08c7088af9150e208e4b94e90 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro nobody gives a fuck about your type. You're at the literal bottom of society. Even niggers are respected more than you chud retards. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion. You'll live alone, die alone, and nobody will even know you existed.

I have a fiance I've mentioned several times in this thread. I'm only here so I can save them if shtf. Tons of friends too. You are the ones chimping out and talking about gore and violence and shit because you just don't like the word nigger. I'm chill, you're chimping. And isn't it funny, I get the angriest reaction and the 'LMAOS' when I tell you you'll kneel or die (if this isn't all a humongous hoax). Humble aren't we

You have completed only 1 of your 5 bows to me to this day. You will kiss our goddamn feet when you ask us for something and that's that, and if you don't we will not listen

>> No.15571574

wokeism is just marxist seizing of the means of prodcution applied to culture.
take it back and reaffirm your own culture to defeat it.

>> No.15571578

what do you think of >>15570829

>> No.15571603 [DELETED] 

>You are going to kneel and apologize for your violent baboon ass behaviour if you want anything for us.

LMAO no I won't. You have your guns and rights taken away from you at this very moment and what are you doing? Sitting in your mom's basement fantasizing about muh race war that will never come LOL. How many times have you polished your used AR-15 by now? Must be really shiny, not a scratch in it LOL

>We are better people than you and you will learn your place

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH OH WOW keep going chud, my sides, my fucking sides LMAO
You retards can't even hold a job at target and I'm supposed to be afraid of you LOL

>> No.15571616

go back bunkertranny

>> No.15571631

i accept your consnession

>> No.15571635

>communism: the retarded idea that if you give ideological puritans absolute power, they will use it to create a stateless, classless society where everyone is treated equal

>> No.15571639

when most people talk about communism, they are referring to real world communism. I was referring to real world communism. Really any big government authoritarian shithole will do. Point is, climate crisis activists are sending us there.

>> No.15571642

stop trying so hard, it ruins your attempt to pretend to be trolling by betraying how deeply angry you are

>> No.15571647

We don't want a race war. That's a fantasy of us you have. It's some people on /pol/ who might, among an incredibly diverse audience of people with different views. We want YOU to kneel to US

>> No.15571657

In your next post, can you please replace climate with chudmate please? It would be based and red pilled

>> No.15571661

>We don't want a race war.
There already is a race war, most people just aren't paying attentyion or even realise it is taking place.

>> No.15571679

chudmate change isn’t real
they’re just trying to trick gullible people who want to do good in the world into handing in their rights.

>> No.15571684

Not the point of my post, but in some form yeah.

>> No.15571689

absolutely mindbroken. go buy another tesla, or 5, or however many you can afford with the biggest loan you could possibly get. That'll save the world, right?

>> No.15571690

I don't believe in biological determinism like some of /pol/ do btw. I do think we have souls and can overcome differences through force of will, it's not going to happen while we pretend reality isn't real or do diversity hiring though. Again not a debate that's worthwhile here. Fact is there are as many racists as there are people of all kinds of beliefs on /pol/, that's why they made lefty/pol/ since they were on /pol/ first but couldn't take not being everyone on there.

The left are the most racist group of bigots you'll ever meet, to smoke


that's why these pastas on /mu/ work so well

>> No.15571755 [DELETED] 

Testing 123

>> No.15571764

>I asked my wife to go with me to the Nintendo convention
>said she already went with Tyrone

why do you talk exactly like the cuck in the Tyrone pastas on /mu/?

>> No.15571806
File: 57 KB, 828x530, 1689407875952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The left are the most racist group of bigots you'll ever meet,

>> No.15571834

Lets assume climate change is happening at a significantly higher rate than what believe has happened in the past.
Lets assume climate change is a result of human actions.

Please list the things you believe will happen as a result of climate change. Tell me which ones will impact humans. Tell me which of those negatively impact humans.

What negative things to humans will climate change create that you believe gives justification to use the state and policymakers to change human behavior?

I personally, so far, do not believe the government should be used to force people to change their behavior to alter the course of climate change.

>> No.15571858
File: 33 KB, 310x405, 310px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_141-1880,_Peenemünde,_Start_einer_V2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All climate change predictions will collapse the moment ICBMs will be launched in a global thermonuclear war, which will inevitably happen in the climate change doomsday scenario.

Depleting resources and famine won't happen without at some point America and Russia releasing nukes on each other and bringing nuclear winter around. Any survivalist attempt is futile.

>> No.15571913


>> No.15571921

It might come as a shock to you, but there are people that both are aware that the current economic system is bullshit and also think catastrophic man made climate change is bullshit, and are also concerned about the environment/pollution and are also not mindless consumers.

>> No.15571947

Yes. And that is how we will solve global warming. It is the way we have solved every other problem. The free market provides.

>> No.15572033

chad yes

>> No.15572089

Uhh, high-speed rail? Tops out at 155 mph. Should get ya there in 45 mins.

>> No.15572161

>City dwellers are more environmentally friendly than the amish

Get out of here. Rural dwellers can become more efficient through work from home, growing and composting food, etc. etc.

>> No.15572887
File: 116 KB, 1065x652, Global Average Temperature Adjustments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15573021

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15573117

The infrastructure needed to transport millions of people into the wild would be so much that it would no longer be wild. Stop trying to make a pretty concentration camp.